HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 98-19; Roesch Property Residential Subdivision; Tentative Map (CT) (55)OUDIK & ASSOCIATES, INC. Engineering, Planning, Corporate Office: Environmental Sciences and 605 Third Street 760.942.5147 professional Teams for Complex Projects Management Sc/v/ces Encinitas, California 92024 Fax 760.632.0164 August 20, 2001 3115-01 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Attn: Christine Moen 2730 Loker Avenue West Carlsbad, CA 92008 RE: CALIFORNIA GNATCATCHER SURVEY FOR THE ROESCH PROPERTY, CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Dear Ms. Moen: A coastal Calif orniagnatcatcher (Polioftila californica californica) presence/absence survey was conducted for the approximately 27-acre Roesch property within the City of Carlsbad, California (Figure 1). The property is located west of El Camino Real, east of Aviara Parkway, and south of Poinsettia Lane. The property is situated in the northern portion of the USGS 7.5 minute Encinitas quadrangle, T12S, R4W; Section 22 (Figure 2). The California gnatcatcher is a federally-listed threatened species and a California Department of Fish and Game species of special concern. It is closely associated with coastal sage scrub habitat, particularly that dominated by California sagebrush (Artemisia californica) and California buckwheat (Eriogonum fasciculatum). It typically occurs below 950 feet elevation and on slopes less than 40%. The species is threatened primarily by loss, degradation, and fragmentation of coastal sage scrub habitat and is also impacted by brown- headed cowbird parasitism. PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Land use within the 27.6-acre Roesch property is currently undeveloped land dominated by native vegetation communities. The topography onsite consists of flat terrain in the southeastern portion that slopes relatively steeply into a major north-south trending canyon in the western portion of the property Elevations range from approximately 200 feet above mean sea level (AMSL) to approximately 300 feet AMSL. The property is surrounded by developed land in all directions. Ms. Christine Moen Re: California Gnatcatcher Survey for the Roesch Property, Carlsbad, California VEGETATION COMMUNITIES Based on species composition and general physiognomy, eleven plant communities (or habitat types) were identified within the Roesch property (Natural Resource Consultants, December 8, 1998): southern maritime chaparral, coastal sage scrub including all subtypes such as coyotebrush scrub, southern willow scrub, mulef at scrub, freshwater seep, eucalyptus woodland, annual grassland, native grassland, ruderal, agriculture, and graded/developed (Table -/). The existing plant communities are described briefly below and their distribution onsite is presented on the 1" = 200' topographic site map. All vegetation mapping was prepared by Natural Resource Consultants (December 8,1998), Biological Resources Assessment of the Roesch Site Located in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, California, and the mapping that was prepared for that study is presented here (Figure 3). ."' t<4^>X,"--)»;,.',5^'x '•- , > '•„ , ;,,.;; , ;; ;•" , ^J^?s^4^ "H^'-^'/^'^y^-'-TMttt • ' " ' xt"•--.\V^^i^ ->-^-.v- , *.-.*uV.--'sv »-»s.v^>s)¥V>-llT*.r ~ -- ~,i!&M^$i^ ^ Vx; -f ""SVr!!-: • ,-. ;? ••:- '-, - ixfs|p0tPMirtKCopniiinit!|f Acreages , . -.- *ii\iff , '-$*£ > ,^-j\ - :• • ', .-~/^..l-.«v ..7'; • -, ' fr," ^ 'V > '** ' * ~,,t^ X J ' N^\NN.^ ^V%^%W"V- ^'si^MX-xt^i,! ,-;:---'-," " •' '•••?, ' ^\-S-Wp<~:}$'>*~ ,"•'-- Southern Maritime Chaparral (SMaC) Coastal Sage Scrub (CSS-A, CSS-S, CSS-R, CSS-M, CSS-D, CBS) Southern Willow Scrub (SWS) Mulefat Scrub (MFS) Freshwater Seep (FWS) Native Grassland (NGL) Annual Grassland (AGL) Eucalyptus Woodland (EW) Ruderal (RUD) Agricultural (AGR) Graded/Developed (GR or DEV) "*"' / -' * '' " ""'.k-^ 'VV' fedsHng Acreage 4.16 10.99 0.45 0.5 0.15 0.45 4.26 0.01 0.9 5.02 0.73 p^s^^fi^itP'y^v •' Y^'^^wl''^ iZfa&fl"*"- **'"^V"'--^>*'^ils^:v & ASSOCIATES, INC. Pro/ewionol Teams for Complex Projects August 20, 2001 3115-01 Ms. Christine Moen Re: California. Gnatcatcher Survey for the Roesch Property, Carlsbad, California Southern Maritime Chaparral The maritime chaparral onsite appears to be recovering from a fire that occurred sometime in the past. The vegetation is relatively sparse but is dominated by typical southern maritime chaparral plant species. The vegetation type occurs in the eastern half of the site, on the upper part of the slopes leading down from the level agricultural area. Coastal Sage Scrub and Subtypes The coastal sage scrub (CSS) onsite occurs in different dominance types including lemonadeberry (Rhus integrifolia)-dommated, black sage (Salvia mellifera}-dommated, California sagebrush (Artemisia californica)-dommated, disturbed, and mixed dominance. The lemonadeberry-dominated CSS is completely dominated by lemonadeberry with lesser amounts of other large woody shrub species also present. This subtype is confined to the steep slopes in the west and north portions of the site. The black-sage dominated CSS is strongly dominated by black sage although it includes other typical sage scrub species such as California sagebrush. This subtype occurs on the hill slopes adjacent to the southern maritime chaparral. California sagebrush-dominated CSS is the typical form of sage scrub. Within this subtype, California sagebrush is a large component, however there is a relatively large diversity of other species as well. Onsite, this subtype occurs in a number of patches mainly on south- and west-facing slopes in the western and southern half of the area. The mixed dominance-CSS consists of two or three co-dominant species including California sagebrush, black sage, flat-top buckwheat, and lemonadeberry. There is a patch of this subtype in the northeastern part of the site. Disturbed CSS is defined when only some of the 50 to 75% of ground cover comprises coastal sage scrub shrubs and subshrubs. There is a patch of disturbed CSS in the northeast portion of the site. Coyotebush scrub is heavily dominated by coyotebush (Baccharis pilularis] and is typically found along valley bottoms where the water table is relatively high. Native Grassland Native grassland is grassland where at least 10% of the cover is made up of purple needlegrass (Nassella sp.). It also includes a rich non-grass flora of wildflowers. Onsite, this vegetation community is confined to small openings on north-facing slopes. 3115-01 & ASSOCIATES, INC. Pro/ruional Team* for Complex Projects August 20,2001 Ms. Christine Moen Re-. California. Gnatcatcher Survey for the Roesch Property, Carlsbad, California Wetland Vegetation Communities Southern willow scrub, dominated by arroyo willow (Salix lasiolepis} occurs along much of the drainage that runs northwards through the western part of the site. Mulefat scrub, composed almost entirely of mule fat (Baccharis salicifolia] alternates with and surrounds the southern willow scrub along the north/south drainage in the western portion of the site. It also occurs locally in the smaller tributary east/west valley. The freshwater seep area is composed of mostly perennial herbs, especially sedges and grasses. This vegetation type occurs in two locations within the east/west tributary drainage. Non-Native Vegetation Communities Several non-native vegetation communities are present onsite including eucalyptus woodland, ruderal habitat, annual grassland, agriculture, and graded/developed areas. Ruderal habitat is dominated by broad-leaved species. Annual grassland occurs adjacent to patches of coastal sage scrub onsite. The agriculture area is located as a large block of habitat within the southeastern portion of the site. Graded/developed areas are areas that have extended from adjacent development areas. METHODS The focused survey for the California gnatcatcher was conducted for the project site on August 3, 10, and 17, 2001 by DUDEK biologist Dr. Anita M. Hayworth (AMH) (Table 2). Dr. Hayworth holds a federal permit (TE-781084) to conduct surveys for the gnatcatcher. The survey was conducted following the currently accepted protocol of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Coastal California Gnatcatcher (Polioptila californica californica) Presence/Absence Survey Protocol (July 28, 1997) - The survey included the typical three visit survey to the site at approximately weekly intervals. All areas of native vegetation, including those vegetation communities not typically used by the gnatcatcher were visited during each survey. The approximately 16-acre area of native habitat was covered in an approximately 2-hour survey period providing a coverage of approximately 8 acres per hour. The route used to survey the habitat varied somewhat during each visit and was arranged to ensure complete coverage of the habitat. Binoculars (10 x 50) were used to aid in detecting and identifying bird species. The weather conditions were generally pleasant and mild as shown in the table below. A 3115-01 & ASSOCIATES, INC. Professional Teams for Complex Project*August 20, 2001 Ms. Christine Moen Re: California Cnatcatcher Survey for the Roesch Property, Carlsbad, California tape of recorded vocalizations was used frequently in order to elicit responses from the species, if present. The tape was played approximately every 100 feet and if a gnatcatcher was detected, the playing of the tape ceased in order to avoid harassment. Table 2. Survey Dates and Conditions 8/3/01 AMH 66-70°F 0-1 MPH overcast 0810-1000 8/10/01 AMH 64-67°F 0-1 MPH overcast 0720-0910 8/17/01 AMH 72-80°F 0-1 MPH overcast to sunny 0700-0900 RESULTS One California gnatcatcher pair was observed during the survey of the Roesch property. Both individuals were adults; no young of the year were observed. Due to the time of year of the survey, it is likely that young of the year have now dispersed. No nesting activity of the pair was observed, and because the breeding season generally ends towards the end of August, it is likely that the pair is not currently breeding. Additional evidence for this is that the male of the pair no longer has the dark black cap but is molting into the non-breeding plumage. The pair was observed in the central portion of the tributary canyon that is located in the northern portion of the property and they were observed using most of the vegetation onsite. The biology study conducted by Natural Resource Consultants (December 8,1998) indicated two pairs of gnatcatchers were observed in March and April 1998. It is possible that two pairs use the native vegetation onsite during parts of the year. Additional gnatcatcher pairs have been documented within the major north/south canyon that bisects the western portion of the property. The coastal sage scrub onsite is dominated by California sagebrush, black sage, or lemonadeberry with approximately 70% shrub cover. Other plant species comprising a significant amount of the composition include laurel sumac (Malosma laurina), yerba santa (Eriodictyon crassifolium), and bush monkeyflower (Mimulus aurantiacus). The & ASSOCIATES, INC. 3115-01 Pro/e«knuxl Tetuiu /or Complex Projects August 20, 2001 Ms. Christine Moen Re: California Gnatcatcher Survey far the Roesch Property, Carlsbad, California total shrub cover is approximately 60% within the patches of coastal sage scrub located in the main canyon. Some areas in the more western portion of the property are located on steeper east-facing slope and are dominated by the more woody and tall coastal sage scrub species. Wildlife species observed during the survey are listed in Appendix A of this report. Please feel free to contact me at (760) 942-5147 with questions or if you require additional information. Very truly yours, DUDEK & ASSOCIATES, INC. Anita M. Hayworth, Ph. Biologist Permit Number TE-781084 attachments: Figures 1 through 3 CC: jack Henthorn, Jack Henthorn & Associates & ASSOCIATES, INC. Professional Teams for Complex Projects 3115-01 APPENDIX A FAUNAL COMPENDIUM IGUANIDAE - IGUANID LIZARDS Uta stansburiana. elegans - side-blotched lizard Sceloporus occidentalis longipes - Great Basin fence lizard BIRDS ACCIPITRIDAE - HAWKS Elanus caemleus - white-tailed kite PHASIANIDAE - PHEASANTS & QUAILS Callipepla californica - California quail COLUMBIDAE - PIGEONS & DOVES Zenaida macroura - mourning dove TROCHILIDAE - HUMMINGBIRDS Calypte anna - Anna's hummingbird TYRANNIDAE - TYRANT FLYCATCHERS Sayornis nigricans - black phoebe Tyrannus verticalis - western kingbird CORVIDAE - JAYS & CROWS Aphelocoma coerulescens - scrub jay Corvus corax - common raven Corvus brachyrhynchos - American crow MIMIDAE - THRASHERS Mimus folyglottos - northern mockingbird Toxostoma redivivum - California thrasher AEGITHALIDAE - BUSHTITS Psaltriparus minimus - bushtit 3115-01 & ASSOCIATES, INC. Pro/eHionol Teams for Complex Projects August 20,2001 APPENDIX A (Continued) FAUNAL COMPENDIUM TROGLODYTIDAE - WRENS Thryomams bewickii - Bewick's wren MUSCICAPIDAE - KINGLETS, GNATCATCHERS, THRUSHES & BABBLERS Polioytila californica - California gnatcatcher Chamaea fasciata - wrentit STURNIDAE - STARLINGS * Sturnus vulgaris - European starling EMBERIZIDAE - WOOD WARBLERS, TANAGERS, BUNTINGS & BLACKBIRDS Pipilo crissalis - California towhee Geothlypis trichas - common yellowthroat Melospiza melodia - song sparrow Pipilo maculatus - spotted towhee Sturnella neglecta - western meadowlark FRINGILLIDAE - FINCHES Carpodacus mexicanus - house finch Carduelis psaltria - lesser goldfinch MAMMALS SCIURIDAE - SQUIRRELS Spermophilus beecheyi - California ground squirrel LEPORIDAE - HARES & RABBITS Sylvilagus audubonii - desert cottontail GEOMYIDAE - POCKET GOPHERS Thomomys bottae - Botta's pocket gopher & ASSOCIATES, INC. August20|2Q01 3115-01 Professional Teams for Complex Projects Orange County Imperial Beach 1" = 8 Miles Tijuana Mexico Roesch Property - California Gnatcatcher Survey Regional Map California Gnatcatcher Location BASE MAP SOURCE: USGS 7.5 Minute Series, Encinitas Quadrangle T-2000' Roesch Property - California Gnatcatcher Survey Vicinity Map With California Gnatcatcher Location DEV LEGEND Vegetation Communities Chaparral SMaC = Southern maririme chaparral Coasta! Sage Scrub CSS-R - Coastal sage scrub—lemonadeberry (Kfius integrifolia) CSS-S = Coasta! sage scrub—black sage (Saivia mellifera) CSS-A = Coastal sage scrub—Caiifornia sagebrush (Artemisia californica) CSS-M = Coasta! sage scrub—mixed dominance CSS-D = Coasta! sage scrub—disturbed CSS/AOL = Mixed coastal sage scrub—annual grassland Other Scrub Vegetation CBS = Coyote brush (Bacckaris pilutaris) scrub Riparian Scrub SWS — Southern willow scrub MFS = Muiefat scrub • •• Survey Route Woodland OW = Coast live oak woodland EW = Eucalyptus woodland Grasslands AGL = Annual grassland NGL = Native grassland FWS = Freshwater seep Wetlands DW = Disturbed wetland Other Vegetation RUD = Rudera! = AgriculturaiAGR GR DEV Graded Developed 200 400 600 Feet BASE MAP SOURCE: Natural Resource Consultants, December 1998 Roesch Property - California Gnatcatcher Survey Survey Route on Biological Resources Map