HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 98-20; JAMES CANYON ESTATES; Engineering Application.. , • .: CITY OF CARLSBAD -ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION GRADING PERMIT J~ LANYo/V ~ PERMITNUMBER: _____ ;.....;:........,___;;: _ ____,;:.:....:...:....;;.."-------=-----:.-;_,....;;.____ ...,.W.....1..-.'-'4-:>--'-...JI PROJECT NAME: PROJECT LOCATION: D ,. ----'--------~......,.,_._......__ ________ --'--,..._--___;,.__......__ ___ ---II ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER(S): PROJECT DESCRIPTION: e?::.o/t/2~CJ.A/. ~CAVA-frZ-ofo" --------J--,::..;=:..=~..:;;.;.....;..;;._____,;...;;....,.~--=-'--'---'-----''-----'------,,"'"------11 {"a /<..Sr ~ &-R...A--0 (/VG-. 'Pol<. r B ufC-Dr,,vo-Plt-fJ. r.: OWNER: f/e;;T~ C6/ (~C _, ------i..~;.;:::._ __ ...1.L.,;;:....=:..~a....:..--....;__----:,<----'-------------11 ADDRESS: __ ;___ __ ......__:;_--=---~'--_· _LA-___ v._P:r-C-__ L,_e-__ · _#=-_~_-~~---=D;_,_e_L_/1_MZ ___ ??-o_1_L_11 .PHONE NUMBER: ezcr /a I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE LEGAL OWN~R O~HIS PROPERTY AND I AUTHORIZE THE GRADING ASSOCIATED WITH THIS PER~~~ . . OWNER SIGNATURE: ~ ~ DATE: ____________ 11 CIVIL ENGINEER: e'?' ,,/t?,OA/ . -cf-~50 e _ ADDRESS: --=-------..=..,...;:;,..,;;;... _____ __,;_;,,::_.....:;.;..;..;::;.~~-----.....;;· -=--· _#--_2-r5;..........._o---r--...-....'M<-_;.__V_S'_d._A-/J...;;;..._ __ ~ PHONE NUMBER: SOILS ENGINEER: 5 OU~ C lk-t F, ADDRESS: e, ?-<?-a /<..I V~ D~ ST: PHONE NUMBER; {rt<?) '9._??--o.--lf g~I ,_ GRADING CONTRACTOR: SOVTU W8$n82./4,' G-R,l•,l)t/lG-STATE LICENSE NO.: S .?3 /7 P~ o. g o.x ~, o 7 o · · -"'---'-..a.....;..---'---11 ADDRESS: BL c.A-.:;rnt-1', CA q~:l.1 CITY BUSINESS LICENSE NO: PHONE NUMBER: (6fC/} £['r£-J Cf; Cf_ q BASIS OF PERMiT FEES: 0 6J1 C)C>C) . cy GRADING QUANTITIES: /,J..,, roo cy cut _~_q_, _O_?X) ___ cy fill ________ cy remedial . _ /4000 cyexpo~ . TOTAL PERMIT FEES: $ /, ,35()~ BA~NCE DUE:$ / 135~ VERIFIED BY: . . . . ' ~--"--~ I hereby acknowledge that I have read the application and information provided is correct. I agree to comply with all federal, state, and city laws, ordinances, regulations and policies relating to excavation and grading including, but not limited to, the Federal Endangered Species Act of 1973 and any amendments thereto. OSHA Permit requirements for trenches over five feet deep and the provisions and conditions of any permit issued pursuant to this application. {fr~) .APPLICANT NAME: J:-htc:L WVfi57/l-t,B"'M <'d,, PHONE NUMBER: --ococ 0z<'r oq ADDRESS: [)_ 7 7 S-/// A-!) r:r 4 V-~LR:r ~ 0 El.. /7,,:9-L 'f ;;z.o / <r WORD\DOCSIMISFORMS\GRADING PERMIT APPLICATION I ~ "', .. C~TY I CARL~BAD. E~GIN~ERING D~PA.ENT APPt.lCATJON FOR ENGINEERING PLAN CHECK OR PROCESSING _Compf•· aH IPPPQJd• infor;natian, Write NIA w_hen noi'!RPllcablt. PRo ·1ecr N .. AME:. DATE: I _...,J1,,ga.uirn.1.e~s...1C...ia:u.n~y;.1,,10.u.n------------......... ------1(25/00 PRO~ECT PESCRIPTfON; ....1.1l,M.ot.i..s~li.:s.·6u,...,.,.1..Ut..e· ..... ...ilu.-8i....w.o~f...1M;:1,Saw-»l....,;IL1t-"-2 .,15,IJ2;._t,JR.s;;~.i...co!o:..r1o.1dol.iiie.::.1d~3 ..... L-7 ..... 2..,.9L...i .... n_t~h..,e~C.,.i ... ty~-:. / . of Carl.shad:, County 0£ San· IHego, 's·ia.te o.£ Cali£ornia.. t ., PROJ:ECT.ADD~ESS: . I . . ---------------,,.....,..---------------------- LQT ~O(S).: 16, 17. 18 MAP NO.;_ pi 98-20· ®7-022-54 NO. 9F DWELLING UNITS: __ LFMP .ZONE: APN(S).: #LOTS: #ACRES~ ...... -- Al er_ I Sant;oe APPl,.ICANT: Hall In1restment Company, Inc. MalllngAddress: 2]15 Via De La VaJJ@ 5u1te 20 De1 Mar. CA 92014 Phonef"umber.: (858 ) 259-0606 CIVlt,..J~NGINEER: George L. Benton SOILS ENG·!NEER: Mark Hetberingto:a Firm: :[:, C l-M. · d B . A t 08vY JAs»too ·6,. Moc Firm~ Hetherington Engineering, In • · Mailing ~ddress: 5650 El Camino Real {I 200 Mailing.Address: Z,15 Ave.Dida Enc1Das +'it:e G /. i _Carlsbad, CA 921Ul8. ,~. Cai:lsbad, GA 92008-1917 Phone ~umber: ,l ( 7~0 ). 438-J 210 PhoneNumber: (760··)931.-1917 State R1gistration Number: 14;04 EXP 3/1112001 State Reglstretlon Number: 3'?7-30488 EXP 3-31-00 ADOl~ONAL COMMENTS: ' ., ; IMPROVEMENT VALUATION L • . 1. What water distri9Hs the proposed project located in? (circle one) ]carlsbad Municipal Water District ' Olivenhain Vallecitos. 2. lfin *1e Carlsbad Municipal Water District. What is the total cosfestimate. incluc:Ung the 15% coritijlgeocy fee; for water-and reclaimed water improvements (if applicabl~)?. 3. Whaps the-total c:ost estimate, including the 15% contingen~ fee, for sewer (for Carlsbad Mun~cipal Water District only}, street. public (median) landscape and irrigation, ,md· drai~age improvements {if applicable)? ,· 4. Whai is the tolaI c9st of r~nd'scape and frrig~tion improvements on prjvate, properfy (Jf applicable)? I • ; • • • . • . • i GRADING QUANTITIES: $ I/IA cut I -IC.Ir.a---cy Jill M· cy remedial _· A.,,,.. ~-,___-cy. · import/export ~t1'~•--cy REV.ro~ :r • ••• • t ' , ' · ·FOR CITY USE ONLY : APPLICATION FOR:· · .. ' Plancheck Drawing Deposit/Fees . (./ all t_hat ~pply) ·Nl-'mber Type .Number Proia.ct 1.0. Paid- •' ' ' . O Adjustment Plat ADJP . ' a Certificate of Comoliance . coc ~ation oiEaseme_rQ_)5e-. f el'v\ ,.. 1 {) DOE ~-r 9~---)_J) 3'7tJ .o-o Type: · .. ~ ·. -II . ,, ' 3':) () ,/)lJ Type: ~ ,,..,;;µ . =?7o ,1[1) • ' . O Encroachment Permit ' ENCROACH ; ' 0 Engineering Standards Variance .-i ESV. O .Final Map · FM •. ' O Gradina Plancheck -GRPC · r 0 Gradir:,g GRADING CJ: Improvement Plancheck IPC CJ Parcel Map PM CJ Quitclaim of Easement aurt.c •. Type: Type: ·a Reversion to Acr~aae RTA _, a Street Vacation STY ' '. D Tentative Parcel Mao· MS a Certificate of Correction CCOR a Covenant for Easement COVE ' ' . . a Subst~ntial Conformance Exhibit ., SCE APP~ICATION ACC.EPTED BY: . . ~A . {i/m GI 1:i i -;, .. It qc;-o s -1 ~~ ~ MASTER PROJEC· I : · · ~Cl Q c:::) ~::!! ~ ~ RECEIPT NUMBER: -,i ~ @ ~ PRELIMINARY SIERRA SYSTEM INPUT INITIAL: SIERAA SYSTEM INPUT INITIAL: .. ' R:BASE INPUT JNITIAL: •' '' -MAST"ER FILE NUMBER: F ' . ' ·D OTHER: ., . DATE STAMP APP.LICATION RECEIVED . DOCS/MISFORMSIAPPLICATION ENG PLA.NCHECK OR PROCESSING REV, 10/06/99 -\ -l -; -I/ ,,,v -' _;;4,.-,' ~ 5° · ~~ oF oALSaAo . ENG1tn:ER1No o•ARTMENT . / APPLICATION . ,· .. i · •.. FOR ENGINEERING PI.ANCHECK OR PROCESSING _l!~:3,· _· ~~-...,_..;,,llitlori. MltN/A~na'ipplf.._ '1111!1!1! .. ·"""""!!l!!ll! .......... ~ .. -!111!1 .. ~ ....... ~.,...,,~ ..... llll!lm!!_,. .... ___ ...... ____________________ _ I . . l •' ·, · < ·, '' r ' •· , , I • •"• ,•, PROJECT NAME: . .Jclnies .~anyon . .. . ' . ' . ·-~'!!"!"'"'~-------------~----...,.,,..,_ DATE: 12/7 /99 · . ' - PROJ~Q:r~.l~.AIPTION: _bol;§_l9, _17 &JB_pf t1ap # _21s2_·$ecorded· 3.7.29 in the Qjty of Carlsbad~ County of San Diego, State. of. Cali·fornia. · PR~&~ ~E,~: •... •. ~~?2)&{:Pek ·. &: LOT NO(S):.:· 16, 17, 18 . . ·I.WI NO.: ·. TM 98-20 APN(S).: .... 3_,0...,7-..... 0_2.::;.2--5;..:,4 ______ _ .-~-· ... ··.-t.· ... ·---~-. ... . .... _._,.,.,.- APPLICANT: _Hal,Ir · : _ Inv es tmen t. p,QJilp~ny, Inc. '' • ' ' ,; ' .':(t : .. • -' ' \'. • • ' • ' ~~ .. }'.V5 qu Mat ffeigbrs Ed I t:J.9 · .._,.,Adchll: ??75 Via De La Valle Suite 208 , ·. . .. &C;tn Piego, CA.92130 CML ENGINEER~ Geor~e L. Benton • -·~-<.'-• . .,, • ·-• ,_ .• -. ., . - . C:i;-osby .~ead ·B~ntoµ _ &_ As sot .. _ -,._,. -... , ' ' ' -~ ~,;_ ... ,' .56 50 · El_ .. C~rti;i no_ :,-r,a 1 # 290 . . . . .' -.·· ha:r 1 s·ba4r _GA 9zaaa . -. ·-. -~ .. -.---,-:~·,t": ,-.--_-·-.-_.~. ' ... --.--,--~ ~ . -l.ANO$C~l-~HlllCT:,_ ______ _ Firm; ~~ _·,:------~----~-. .--..... . -' ~ ' ---~~~'""·--------"!------ Del Mar 1 CA 92014 ~ Number: < 619 · ) 2 59-0606 · 1--,., Ml lie agei,t of lie legal owner and M II lnlonMdon on •. .._. II true and ~ ID lie bNe ol "'I knore.tedp. $~. ~~ o .. 12/,/9' _ _ , er,mc.r G-:_l..A-S~ 1 1 . SOfiJi eNGINEER: Mark Hetherington He.th:erington Engineering, Inc, . 2.15 Ayenida Epdnas 5uite G _ Carlsbad, CA 92008-4369 . PhoneNumbr. .< ZfiQ ) 93J-J9J7 .... Aegi1n111on ~397-30488 EXP 3-31-00 ADDITIONAL COMMENTS:. ________ _ ._ --. --. --. . . --~ NO. QF PwaLINO UNIT$: 12 : · ·LFMP'ZONE: _ . NO. OF LOtS: __ . 1.,.z __ , NO. OF ACRES: 4 • 28 IMPROVEMENT VAUJATlON:_NWer. --a reclaimed w•r. ', 1-, ··-i.·lt":t .. ·· •' t .. _.--:: -·1" .t, , ' . ·-------- strNIS and ~ · -. . ••~:-nc.c:1:111e1~~Ml--=•:"'!' ...... ...,. ____ _ GRADiNG ·oUANTmes: : 617 5 CY · -ai 12, 000 cy • -• .•· ' • .,. °'l ~ -----' ---:-• CMWb _____ cy cy {Jilffll'~acport 17,000 ' . P~I QH.JCK Off ~~f?ATION TYPei ON RaVERSE SI_DI! RIV 12/1 IIIS - PROJECT DESCRIPTION/EXPLANATION PROJECT NAME: Carnation Property APPLICANT NAME: Ryland Homes of California Please describe fully the proposed project. Include any details necessary to adequately explain the scope and/or operation .of the proposed project. You may also include any background information and supporting statements regarding· the reasons for, or appropriateness of, the .application. Use an addendum sheet if necessary. Description/Explanation. The proposed Carnation Project is for a Site Development Plan, Coastal Development Permit, and Environmental Impact Assessment for a residential subdivision totaling 10.05 acres in size. The site is located adjacent to Black Rail Road, south of Poinsettia Lane, north of Aviara Parkway and is within the Zone 20 Specific Plan, EIR and Local Facilities Management Zone. The property has received approvals to allow for 32 detached single-family units, consistent with the existing General Plan designation of RLM and zoning classification of Single-Family Residential (R-1-7,500-Q). The 32 detached single-family homes range between approximately 2,800 and 3,400 square feet.