HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 99-04; Villages of La Costa Oaks & Ridge; Tentative Map (CT) (5)VALLECITOS WATER DISTRICT
201 Vallecitos de Oro ° San Marcos, California ° 92069-1453 Telep
May 15, 2001
Mr. Don Neu
City of Carlsbad Planning Department
1635 Faraday Avenue
Carlsbad, CA 92008
CT 99-04/HDP 99-02/SUP 01-003
Upon review of the above referenced property, the following information is provided:
Portions of the project is within the boundaries of the Vallecitos Water District and Sewer Improvement
District's 1, 2, & 6. Water and sewer will only be provided under the rules and regulations of the District
under normal operating conditions and after all required fees have been paid and all conditions of the District
have been satisfied.
It appears that a majority of the Ridge Village Development plan is within the boundaries of the District.
Those portions within the.Ridge Village, Development plan that are outside the District will require
annexation pripr.to service-being available. This approval will include the detachment of the property from
the adjacent agency and approval by the Local Agency ,Fomation Commission,(LAF.Cp),. .Portions of the
project requiring gravity sewer will require detachment from the District and annexation into the Leucadia
County Water District for sewer service. The use of lift stations are strongly discouraged if other means of
providing service are available. , . -. .. ,; •• • •. • . ,
The District maintains existing water distribution facilities in Rancho Santa Fe Road, Alga Road, Melrose,
and El Fuerte surrounding this project. As a condition of approval, Master plan facilities for the area may
be required. This could include but is not limited to upgrades to the local water distribution system, and the
construction of an additional reservoir (Meadowlark Reservoir No. 3) as indicated in the 1997 Master Plan
of approximately 4.8 million gallons.
The appropriate Fire Department should be contacted to verify fire flow requirements and any fire protection
facilities needed. Once fire flow requirements are obtained, a hydraulic analysis will be required to
determine the availability of domestic service and fire protection to the area, and the sizing of on-site and
off-site facilities. The developer of the project shall be responsible for all costs associated with the
installation of new water facilities and the relocation or upgrading of existing water facilities impacted by
the project.
The District also maintains sewer facilities adjacent to the Ridge Village Development area. At the time
improvement plans are submitted for review, any upgrades or Master Plan sewer facilities needed to serve
the project-will be determined.-;-. ..-,,.• '•.:..:•.....-<;>•-;; i;:.,.•.:•-'• '••;;.:••.:••
Recent discussions indicated that'-'a portion of the project can not grayity;sewer ,tp the" District nor the
Leucadia County-Water District and a sewer pump.station for approximately 50 to 100 homes may be
required. This will need to be reviewed to determine if there are any other alternatives. The use of lift
stations are strongly discouraged if other means of providing service are available. •
FAX numbers by Department: Administration (760) 744-2738; Engineering (760) 744-3507; Finance (760) 744-5989;
Meadowlark Water Reclamation Facility (760) 744-2435; Operations/Maintenance (760) 744-5246
e-mail vwd@cts.com http://www.vwd.org
Mr. Don Neu
Water and Sewer Availability Villages of La Costa
May 15,2001
Page 2
The majority of the Oaks Village Development plan and the Greens Village Development plan appear to be
outside the boundaries of the Vallecitos Water District. For any portions of the project that are within the
boundaries of the Vallecitos Water District, detachment of the property from the District may be required.
As previously indicated annexation/detachment proceedings will require approval from each agency involved
in addition to LAFCO.
The District maintains easements and rights-of-way within the Oaks and Greens Village Development plans.
Within these easements, a major outfall sewer line and failsafe/reclamation outfall line transport sewage
to the Encina Wastewater Authority. These facilities must be protected in place and no grading or
construction over these facilities will be allowed without the written consent of the Vallecitos Water District.
Portions of these facilities may require replacement or realignment during the development of the property.
Portions of the proposed development surround the existing Meadowlark Wastewater Reclamation Facility,
and the Mahr Reservoir. It is important to note that these facilities process raw sewage, generate and store
reclaimed water for the District and the City of Carlsbad. The Meadowlark Wastewater Reclamation Facility
currently treats approximately 2.25 million gallons of raw sewage per day and may be upgraded in the future
to treat 5 million gallons of raw sewage per day. The Mahr Reservoir is an open reservoir storing
approximately 54 million gallons of reclaimed water. Proper disclosures to new property owners regarding
the proximity of these facilities to any new homes will be required. This will include disclosures on the map
and in the escrow instructions. An inundation study was prepared for the Mahr Reservoir Dam in July of
1992, by Camp Dresser & McKee, Inc. This study outlines the drainage/spillway flow for the reservoir.
Proposed grading and portions of the development appear to be within this drainage area requiring
mitigation. The preparation of a new study and review by the Vallecitos Water District will be required.
Any costs incurred shall be borne by the owner of the project.
The City of Carlsbad is currently coordinating the upgrades and realignment of Rancho Santa Fe Road. The
plans include water and sewer stub-outs for the proposed development of this project. As these are developer
contributed facilities, they will not be funded by the District. It is recommended that the developer contact
the City of Carlsbad and coordinate any reimbursements for these facilities.
Any water facilities not with the public right-of-way will require a minimum 20-foot easement granted to the
District. In addition, the District may require easements through the property for future extensions. The
owner of the project is responsible for obtaining any easements and expenses incurred.
This letter is issued for planning purposes only, and is not a representation, expressed or implied, that the
district will provide service at a future date. The Vallecitos Water District relies one hundred percent on
imported water supplies, and although the District may have available capacity at this time, due to the
uncertainty of water supplies, water may not be available at the time this project is built. Commitments to
provide service are made by the District's Board of Directors and are subject to compliance with District
fees, charges, rules, and regulations.
If there are any additional questions please give me a call.
Cheryl Bramdstrom
Engineering Supervisor
cc: Dennis Lamb, Director of Engineering and Operations
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City of Carlsbad
Planning Department
May 13, 1999
Fred Arbuckle
Morrow Development
P.O. Box 9000-685
Carlsbad, CA 92018-9000
The above referenced applications were deemed incomplete in a letter dated March 8, 1999.
The incomplete application determination was based on the status of the Villages of La Costa
Master Plan as not approved. In that letter it was stated that a detailed listing of additional
incomplete items and issues of concern with the applications and materials that were
submitted would be provided. The purpose of this letter is to provide this detailed information
for the applications.
Attached are two lists. The first list is information which must be submitted to complete your
application. This list of items must be submitted directly to your staff planner by appointment.
All list items must be submitted simultaneously and a copy of this list must be included with
your submittals. No processing of your application can occur until the application is determined
to be complete. The second list is issues of concern to staff. When all required materials are
submitted the City has 30 days to make a determination of completeness. If the application is
determined to be complete, processing for a decision on the application will be initiated. In
addition, please note that you have six months from the date the application was initially filed,
February 3, 1999, to either resubmit the application or submit the required information. Failure
to resubmit the application or to submit the materials necessary to determine your application
complete shall be deemed to constitute withdrawal of the application. If an application is
withdrawn or deemed withdrawn, a new application must be submitted.
Please contact your staff planner, Don Neu, at (760) 438-1161, extension 4446, if you have
any questions or wish to set up a meeting to discuss the application.
Planning Director
Gary Wayne
Adrienne Landers
Clyde Wickham
Bobbie Hoder
File Copy
Data Entry
Planning Aide
Jack Henthorn
Jack Henthorn & Associates
5375 Avenida Encinas, Suite D
Carlsbad, CA 92008
David A. Hammar
Hunsaker & Associates
10179 Huennekens Street, #200
San Diego, CA 92121
2075 La Palmas Dr. • Carlsbad, CA 92009-1576 • (76O) 438-1161 • FAX (760) 438-O894
* Final action on the Villages of La Costa Master Plan (MP 98-01), the amendment to
the La Costa Master Plan (MP 149{Q)}, a General Plan Amendment (GPA 98-01),
Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 11, and Certification of an Environmental
Impact Report (EIR 98-07) for the project are required prior to the proposed master
tentative map and related applications being deemed complete. This is necessary so
as to establish the standards by which the Master Tentative Map and related
applications are to be reviewed.
Provide the address of the property owner on sheet 1 of the master tentative tract
3. Include on the master tentative tract map a table indicating the lot number, lot area,
and proposed use for each lot. Refer to the master tentative map for The Greens.
4. Revise the notes on sheet 1 in regard to the proposed use of the lots, and the
correct water agencies, sewer agencies, and school districts providing service to
the project.
Include the application numbers in the upper right hand corner of the first sheet of
all plan sets.
Include on the title sheet the Average Daily Traffic generated by the project, broken
down by separate uses.
Correct the existing and proposed zoning and General Plan designations for the
project as noted on sheet 1.
The site acreage listed is different than the site acreage listed in the draft master
plan. Please resolve this inconsistency.
9. Provide the name of existing adjacent streets shown on the project plans.
( 10.) Provide typical street sections for all adjacent streets such as El Fuerte, Alga, and La
— Costa Avenue.
"/11. On the key map provide the distance between all intersections. Also include the lot
number for all proposed lots.
</ 12. Show access points to adjacent lands particularly the fire station site, existing water
tanks, the existing reservoir, and impacts on access to the sewer treatment plant.
13. Show all existing and proposed street lights and utilities (sewer, water, major gas
and fuel lines, major electric and telephone facilities) within and adjacent to the
Show the location of all fire hydrants within 300 feet of the site.
Clearly show the location and width of San Marcos Creek within and adjacent to the
proposed subdivision.
\^B. Clearly show and label the 100 year flood line for the before and after development
condition for the FEMA floodplain.
A Floodplain Special Use Permit is required pursuant to Sections 21.110.060 and
21.110.130 of the Municipal Code. All information required by the ordinance and
the Floodplain Special Use Permit application must be submitted along with an
application and the required fee.
Provide a landscape plan addressing the items listed on the application checklist.
Slopes which will not be regraded should be planted with permanent landscape
materials selected from the planting palette contained in the draft master plan.
Temporary slopes must have erosion control landscaping.
On the constraints map please include major ridge lines, distant views, internal
views, intermittent drainage courses (label San Marcos Creek where it occurs),
major rock outcroppings, floodplains, archaeological sites, permanent bodies of
water, and the acreage of land subject to major power transmission easements.
-A Corporate Resolution is still required to process a public facilities fee agreement
for the project. Please provide this document to allow the necessary agreement to
be processed and recorded.
Provide proof of availability of sewer from the Vallecitos Water District and the
Leucadia County Water District.
A circulation impact analysis is required for the project. The analysis must also
evaluate the potential impacts of the project on the regional transportation system,
including the costs of mitigating the associated impacts, as required by the
SANDAG Congestion Management Program (CMP). Please refer to the application
checklist for the minimum information required for the study.
A Noise Study consistent with the City of Carlsbad Noise Guidelines Manual must
be submitted and accepted.
Two copies of a preliminary soils/geologic report are required. The reports
submitted have a date of January 1990 and December 1991 and are based on a
different plan. The report states it should not be relied upon after 3 years.
Assurance of slope analysis and slope profile accuracy. Both the slope analysis and
slope profiles shall be stamped and signed by a registered civil engineer indicating
the datum, source and scale of topographic data used in the slope analysis and
slope profiles, and attesting to the fact that the slope analysis and slope profiles
have been accurately calculated and identified.
The plan must include contour grading as required by Zoning Ordinance Section
21.95.120(F) and as illustrated in the Hillside Development and Design Guidelines.
Area or extent of grading. To define the area or extent of grading, the area in acres
of both cut excavation and fill areas shall be calculated. This calculation shall be
noted on the particular cut or fill area on the project plans.
Development of natural slopes of over forty percent gradient, a grading volume in
the potentially acceptable range, and slope heights greater than forty feet in height
are proposed which is not in compliance with the limitations of the Hillside
Development Ordinance. In order for the application to be complete and for staff to
consider this further please provide the written findings and plans required by
Sections 21.95.130 and 21.95.140 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code.
Engineering Department staff has completed a review of the above-referenced project. As
we have discussed in our bi-weekly meetings with the applicant this project cannot be
considered "complete" because of concurrent processing of the master plan. The project
does however have major and minor issues that must be resolved. To continue this process
and to expedite resolution of issues we have moved forward with review and will continue
to process the tentative map while the over-all and master plan & EIR issues are being
During our review we have struggled to visualize the proposed master plan and constantly
flip for exhibits or plans to show what is proposed. A large map - one for each area ( The
Ridge/The Oaks and The Greens) would be helpful.
Trails depicted in the master plan must be incorporated into the master tentative
map and constructed with the master tentative map improvements and grading.
Section 21.95.120(F) of the Hillside Development Regulations requires that all
manufactured slopes which are greater than twenty feet in height and two hundred
feet in length and which are located adjacent to or are substantially visible from a
circulation element road, collector street or useable public open space area shall be
contour graded. Please revise the plan to comply with this requirement.
The master tentative map does not indicate that multiple final maps or phasing is
proposed. If multiple final maps are desired please include the necessary notes and
indicate the boundaries for each map phase on a separate composite map sheet.
Please provide a separate composite exhibit showing the adjustments to boundaries
of the preserve areas of the Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) and indicate the
section of the HCP which provides the authority for the adjustments. Also provide
any correspondence and exhibits from the wildlife agencies authorizing the
adjustments should such documents exist.
Indicate the right-of-way to be vacated on the applicable map sheets and note that
pavement will be removed.
Show how access will be provided to proposed Lot 37 the community facilities lot
identified in the draft master plan.
On the key map for the Hillside Development Permit/Constraints Map please plot the
location of the cross sections for the slope profiles as well as the lot numbers.
Also on the Hillside Development Permit/Constraints Map provide a table listing the
gross area per lot, the area within each of the individual constrained land categories
(provide the area by each constraint) and the net acreage. The proposed General
Plan Land Use Designation must be provided for each lot. The allowable density for
each must be consistent with the draft master plan. Keeping proposed lots
consistent with the neighborhood boundaries identified in the draft master plan will
facilitate easy comparison for density calculations and total dwelling units for each
The master tentative map proposes numerous separate contiguous open space lots.
In many cases it appears that these lots could be consolidated. In addition, the lot
boundaries do not follow the limits of grading in these areas. Please refer to the
comments on the redlined checkprint and revise the plan to address these issues.
The master tentative map also proposes separate lots beyond the neighborhoods
proposed in the draft master plan. Please revise the lot design to coincide with the
aster plan neighborhoods being proposed.
Enclosed is a redlined checkprint of the Master Tentative Map, Hillside Development
Permit Exhibits, and Constraints Map containing additional plancheck comments.
Please revise the plans to address all the comments noted on the checkprints.
Please return the redlined checkprints with 3 complete sets of revised plans to
assist city staff in the review of the project.
Fire Station:
1. The Fire Station (NAP) on Rancho Santa Fe Road is a part and must be included with
the design of this subdivision. Additional discussion should occur on this issue and a
meeting is advised with Brian Watson of the City's Fire Department. The LFMP and
the previous subdivision may have additional information on this issue. Access,
Intersection spacing, habitat mitigation, and utilities are all a concern
Traffic & Circulation:
1. An alignment plan is recommended to layout and show overall circulation, access and
specific issues associated with this master subdivision. The plan would work well to
show lane configuration, alignment, points of access, future signals and a majority of
traffic related issues. Collectors, neighborhood links, and arterials should be shown.
2. Melrose Drive is considered a Major Arterial. As stated in the City's Circulation Element
of the General Plan, this roadway may be built to secondary or modified standards
without modification to the element, but sufficient right of way should be preserved to
construct a full width major arterial. Intersection spacing and design parameters are
critical in this regard. If appears that the plan submitted has graded full (major arterial)
width and has maintained City design standards of this arterial, we support this effort.
3. The base street and collector plan should be provided and access points should be
identified to set-up future development. The village lots as future subdivisions create
the need for second and larger roadway links up front. Refer to the City's design
standards, cul de sac policy and subdivision ordinance for guidelines.
4. The cross sections on sheet 2 are incomplete. Add those cross sections for La Costa
Ave., Corintia, Cazadero, and other links or collector streets.
5. Access from Rancho Santa Fe Road will be waived and should be shown as such on the
tentative map.
6. The disposition of La Costa Ave. and for Rancho Santa Fe Road should be shown. Lot 3
on sheet 3 has a stub of what appears to be Rancho Santa Fe bypass road that should
be either quitclaimed or vacated depending on type of easement.
7. Traffic signals will be required. Locations of proposed signals should be shown. Phasing
of construction for these signals should also be noted. "Signals will be designed
concurrent with neighborhood development. Installation will occur when warrants are
met and as directed by the City Engineer." A master plan connection on this issue with
the proposed subdivision would be appropriate.
Grading & Drainage:
1. The grading amount per "cut" acre shown on sheet 1 is misleading and considered
excessive. The portions of grading required for Rancho Santa Fe Road and for La Costa
Ave. as well as other arterials should be separated to give the most advantage to allow
for the exemption of arterial grading. The adjusted amount will probably be within an
acceptable range. Drop the term "cut" acre.
2. The proposed grading or mass grading of rough pads should be clarified on sheet 1
under quantities. An explanation or note that graded swales have a min. of 2% flowline
grade and that setbacks from slopes will be increased to provide for safe drainage.
3. The access points to each neighborhood should be graded (and possibly improved) up
front. Access from adjacent streets should also be graded up front to be consistent
with development approvals. Future points as 2nd or 3rd points of access that exceed
the city's requirement could be shown.
4. The 100 year flood condition, detention basins, flooding, and master storm drainage
system should be reviewed. A SUP application is required for development proposed in
the San Marcos Creek area. The before & after changes with development and the
realignment of Rancho Santa Fe Road needs to be addressed.
5. The drainage outlets that are inaccessible should be designed to use D-41 outlet
dissipaters instead of rip rap fields. Public systems as well as private drainage systems
should be identified. Down stream erosion is also a concern. Each outlet should identify
ultimate and temporary flows. Offsite erosion control, energy dissipation and additional
improvements should be provided.
6. The Soils report submitted from Ninyo & Moore is 8 years old and is an update of a
1988 report. Conditions have changed, the proposed subdivision has changed, The area
covered by the report is approximately 500 acres, the tentative map, CT 98-04 is 1 200
acres. The supplemental report by Geocon Inc. is directed for Rancho Santa Fe Road
and is acceptable from a preliminary review standpoint for Rancho Santa Fe Road. As
for the project a new report is required.
Subdivision Design:
1. The proposed lots are complicated and could be simplified for future development. The
subdivision design must comply with City Standards regarding boundary, top of slope
and setbacks. This issue is subjective and additional discussion should follow this
review. Comments noted on sheet 3 are typical of concerns thru-out this subdivision./
2. Relinquishment of access will be required and should be shown on the map and
addressed up front.
3. Easement widths are generally 20' wide. Access to drainage facilities, for temporary
slope, and necessary construction easements should be shown. Letters of support from
affected property owners should be submitted.
4. Future easements or points of access should be shown. Shared intersections or points
of access should be shown (La Costa Ave. & MAG Properties). All of these issues could
be worked out on a traffic & circulation plan.