HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 99-13; Steiner Property; Tentative Map (CT) (33)Henthorn & AssociaQ?
5375 Avenida Encinas, Suite D
Carlsbad, California 92008
(760) 438-4090
Fax (760) 438-0981
October 27, 1999
Van Lynch
Associate Planner
City of Carlsbad
2075 Las Palmas Drive
Carlsbad, CA 92009
Subject: Steiner Property, Western Pacific Housing - Ct 99-13, 3rd Submittal
Dear Van:
Enclosed is the resubmittal package addressing the issues identified in the City's letter dated Oct. 7, 1999.
The numbering of the responses corresponds directly to that of the City letter.
1. The sound wall symbol was included in the legends on the TM & SDP.
2. The sound wall wrapping around the west side of lot 9 was removed per your direction. The Steiner
wall will connect directly to the wall on Lot 67 of the Lohf project, CT 97-15.
3. The reference to R-1-7.500-Q was added to Note #6 on the TM & SDP cover sheets.
4. Revised architectural elevations are submitted with the proposed floor plans. Additional facade
treatments were added to the side and rear elevations and a pop-out in the rear to create additional
building planes in response to Planning Commissioner comments on the Lohf project.
5. The noise wall detail was added to the landscape plans.
6. The lot numbering was not changed pursuant to direction received in a meeting with Hunsaker
engineer Ray Martin and City engineer Jeremy Riddle on 10/20/99. Rather than including the two
offsite lots (Lots 67 & 68 of the Lohf map) as part of this subdivision or leaving them remainder parcels,
they decided to add the condition that a lot line adjustment be recorded prior to the Steiner Final Map.
1. See #6 above. The lot line adjustment and certificate of compliance process is the preferred option.
2. The legal description on the TM was not revised. It already references Lot 74 & por's. of Lots 67 & 68
of Map #13839. A recent title report from the Lohf property was included FYI that references the lots.
3. A letter from Pacific Soils is included with this submittal for the drainage swales to be located a
minimum o f 3-feet from the structure footings.
4. The improvements in Skimmer Court and related drawing #377-6 reference were added to the TM.
5. The sewer lateral to serve the Saska parcel was shown on the tentative map.
6. The reference to the adjacent Lohf (Viadona) map no. 13839 was added.
7. The Poinsettia Lane Improvements drawing reference number was added to the TM.
The redline comments on the City's check print set were addressed as shown on the revised tentative map.
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Western Pacific Housing anticipates constructing these units in conjunction with the last phases of the
Lohf (Viadona) project in order to minimize disturbances to the existing offsite and new onsite (Lohf)
adjacent homeowners. We anticipate that the environmental mitigated negative declaration is going out
for review early next week. Any assistance you can provide in taking this project forward to the Planning
Commission as soon as possible would be greatly appreciated. We hope to be scheduled for a hearing date
no later than the first hearing in January if possible.
Melissa K. Allen
Associate Planner
cc: File
Darren Warren, Western Pacific Housing
John Klein & Ray Martin, Hunsaker & Associates
D:\Steiner\Submittal l\Submtl 3 Ltr.doc