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CUP 00-17; CALAVERA HILLS COMMUNITY PARK; Conditional Use Permit (CUP)
SD 378-01 I CITY OF CARLSBAD LAND USE REVIEW APPLICATION 1) APPLICATIONS APPLIED FOR: (CHECK BOXES) IFOR DEPARTMENT IFOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY! USE ONLY) D Administrative Permit -2nd D Planned Industrial Permit. Dwelling Unit D Administrative Variance D Planning Commission Determination D Coastal Development Permit D Precise Development Plan ~ Conditional Use Permit "'D-I~) D Redevelopment Permit D Condominium Permit D Site Development Plan D Environmental Impact D Special Use Permit Assessment D General Plan Amendment D Specific Plan D Hillside Development Permit D =FeAteti-.:•e PeFeel Mat, Obtain from Engineering Oepanment D Local Coastal Plan Amendment D Tentative Tract Map D Master Plan D Variance D Non-Residential Planned D Zone Change Development D Planned Development Permit D List other applications not snecified 2) ASSESSOR PARCEL NO(S).: 3) PROJECT NAME: 167-Hl1-07 P1k:1i:: IC--13.;:u..-a,011)€"[,;.s~ Sl!!lii2.v\CC;/ Ca 1 avera Hi J J s Cnmmuni ty Park £ SB 176 6 l) 4) BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Proposal to install and maintain a Personal Communications Service (PCS) Wireless communlcation facility. Please see attached projec·t description. 5) OWNER NAME (Print or Type) Doug Duncanson 6) APPLICANT NAME (Print or Type) City of Carlsbad (Parks Department) · Pacific Bell Wireless (Susan Gregg) Par'·-· Suno~inten-'onS MAILING ADDRESS MAILING ADDRESS 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive 6170 Cornerstone Ct., 1/180 CITY AND STATE ZIP TELEPHONE CITY AND STATE ZIP TELEPHONE Carlsbad, CA 92008-1989 (760) 434-2825 San Diego CA 92121 (858) 642-9444 I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE LEGAL OWNER AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE IN:~ION ~RUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY OWNER AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND KN L GE. c2-/21h:J CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. f\..,.,,.,o,,' /4,,.A/'A. .<2-mn ff,~~ 3-/'-/-2(77l SIGNAT' IRE DAfE 7 SIGNATURE --DATE T7 7) BRIEF LEGAL DESCRIPTION A portion of Lot '"J" of Rancho Hedionda, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to May No. 823. NOTE: A PROPOSED PROJECT REQUIRING MULTIPLE APPLICATIONS BE FILED. MUST BE SUBMITTED PRIOR TO 3:30 P.M. A PROPOSED PROJECT REQUIRING ONLY ONE APPLICATION BE ALEO. MUST BE SUBMITTED PRIOR TO 4:00 P.M. ~vCCOL\t) Form 16 PAGE 1 OF 2 C 8) LOCATION OF PROJECT: ""' '-" 2997 Glasgow Drive, Carlsbad, Ca 92008 . ,•; , ·STREET ADDRESS .,_,.,, · .------------. ON THE BETWEEN west (NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST) Carlsbad Village Dr. (NAME OF STREET) SIDE OF AND Glasgow (NAME OF ST, Tamarack -.Ave. (NAME OF STREl 9) LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE 10) PROPOSED NUMBER OF LOTS 13) TYPE OF SUBDIVISION 1 6) PERCENTAGE OF PROPOSED PROJECT IN OPEN SPACE 19) GROSS SITE ACREAGE 22) EXISTING ZONING ~11) EJ12) .. NUMBER OF EXISTING PROPOSED NUMBER OF . RESIDENTIAL UNITS RESIDENTIAL UNITS B14) PROPOSED IND OFFICE/ EJ15) PROPOSED COMM SQUARE FOOTAGE SQUARE FOOTAGE Appr r:;-117) PROPOSED INCREASE IN jnone 118) PROPOSED SEWER L_j ADT USAGE IN EDU □ 20) EXISTING GENERAL PLAN G 23) PROPOSED ZONING D 21) PROPOSED GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION -ff ' ~o 24) IN THE PROCESS OF REVIEWING THIS APPLICATION IT MAY BE NECESSARY FOR MEMBERS OF CITY STAFF, PLANNING COMMISSIONERS, DESIGN REVIEW BOARD MEMEBERS OR CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS TO INSPECT AND ENT R THE PROPERTY THAT IS THE SUBJECT OF THIS APPLICATION. I/WE CONSENT TO El)l:l:B)fFOR IS RPOSE FOR CITY USE ONLY FEE COMPUTATION TOT AL FEE REQUIRED DATE FEE PAID Form 16 I ::::e9;&@,ffi 0?00C!Z ~b MAR 2 8 2000 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPT. DATE STAMP APPLICATION RECEIVED RECEIVED BY: . RECEIPT NO. PAGE 2 OF pf(QJECT DESCRIPTION/EXPLJ(NATION PROJECT NAME: SD 378-01 Calavera Hills Park APPLICANT NAME: Pacific Bell Wireless (PBWl-Contact: Susan Gregg Please describe fully the proposed project. Include any details necessary to adequately explain the scope and/or operation of the proposed project. You may also include any background information and supporting statements regarding the reasons for, or appropriateness of, the application. Use an addendum sheet if necessary. Description/Explanation. Pacific Bell Wireless proposes to locate a Personal Communications Service (PCS) facility at 2997 Glasgow Drive, at the Calavera Hills Park, in the City of Carlsbad. The facility will consist of six panel antennas, to be mounted on an light standard near the baseball field and tennis courts, on the north end of the property. The light standard will be replaced with one of the same size. The existing light standard is 80 feet high, and the antennas are to be placed below the light fixtures, at 70 feet high. Also proposed are two radio equipmentcabinets (BTS), are to be enclosed within a new concrete block room adjacent to the existing park building. The equipment room will be painted to match the existing building and will have a matching roof. The equipment dimensions are as follows: Panel Antennas (6) 56 inches long 8 inches wide 2.75 inches deep BTS Units (2) To be housed inside a new storage room to be located adjacent to the existing parks building. Size of storage room is 21' 4" wide, by 8' deep, and 16' high to top of sloped tile roof. Qne visit per month is necessary to maintain the site. The antennas and BTS Units will be painted to blend with the light pole. Attached is a photo of an existing Pacific Bell Wireless facility in the City of Poway, similar to the one being proposed at this location. No grading, removal of landscaping, or use of the existing parking area is proposed with this project. In addition, the proposed communication facility will not require any sewer, water, or school services. Justification Pacific Bell Wireless is working to expand their PCS digital network into areas where there is not presently service. The addition of this facility will expand PCS coverage in this area. This PCS service will provide added security and safety to businesses and travelers in the area and provide the community with an additional telecommunications choice. lJ. \3-2/-00\Sct)?tl\ i ! i ' . ' ' ' ' ' ~ ' ' a ~ ~ ,q p, ~ s ~ • > § ~ i ~ a 1 0 '; ~ < i ; ' ~ ' ~ z . ~ i" ~ ~ • 0 a ~ C 0 a > ~ C w ' a ~ a ~ -l n ~ _I_. ~ :.... 0 a ~ > ~ " z S03i'Bl.-·.owg_~·. 03(21/100 i -' '§. - ~ ooo I I! I ;n f ii; .I !i q " I ji ·' •! ,, 'i !-!! ,1 11 """'i "~ ~~,!;;ii -.;r.t;~"" .§.;;;·"'~~· :;.§.~~:.~ • U!~:1 'tel ~~ "•''! ~~~-~~ -jt~ -~et~ ,,P ~~i! \ ~\ (})i "1) I I I I I I I r ,, I I I I "' I! I 0 ~ I I I I Cl ii · "' "' () 1· ... 1111 z -; .:~f;:~~81 llii 0 il U) I I I I ji C I I I I ;:: I I I I ' ;:: I I I I a > i ,, ! ~ ij \i -< ~~i:,:11~~ ' ' ' 1••!!,•j• ! I • ' ·11· ' . 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BLDG. 2, 3RO FLOOR PLEASANTON, CALIFORNIA 94588 D \3-27-00\sd378\ Sd37BU2. dwc, .• 0~/27 I 100 tG. 56: lb AGmH\JSLrdtor s s a " lo ~ o! m ¥ ~ ' > 0 s ~ ~ ' s z ' C ~ ~ --~~~ 0 " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '"~~ 0 C M ~ > I ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ; ~ X ~ > F 0 . () ®® HHH !!I! l II II! I~ f ~ i )> 0 •-z )> ;ai~ -j 2S ®® ·lf I i1 ;;1 "' HHH l• ! z )> _, ! i ,;, id r Iii! l!i \Ill f.1or z ®® !UH~ ; i~ ~;~ ~ )> () ~•1{ 9 q ~ 0 ~ ' li'.i:11 )> z ~i~q~ R~i '°r z z ®® ~l! 1 I :ii 0 "' £, _, -l 11 ii! q 11 q q () ~~6 _, () -j ®® 1,I 'I 0 0 ~ K~ · r )> :x, •1• ~ ~~ ~ ' ~ ' I X -j ®® ;:! ,, ' ' ' )> -, r 0 !I! !i ? ? ? ' :x, ! '! () "' ,., ' ' ' )> C ,, i e e e ID "' ' ' ' r ,,, ~ 0 0 z z M 0 ~ 0 :x, U) "' ~ "' ~ '· so () ~ ~~ I ,,, :x, 0 ,,, ~ ~ ~ ! C ;:: r ,,, "' z ~ ~ -j $ $ U) > ~! PACIFIC El IEIEll@ Wireless 4420 ROSEWOOD OR. BLOG. 2, 3RD FLOOR PLEASANTON, CALIFORNIA 94588 66S J,d St""'· Sto.•25 Son r,on,;1eo. CA """1 ?hone (<15) •><-3565 ,,.,,_ (415) 97'-3574 0. \3-2/-00\saJ/8\ SdJ/8a.t1.llW\J 0)/27/100 16 :JJ JO Admin1slralor ~ (]§ -j C r'l "1l r )> z r'l z r )> :D Cl r'l 0 "1l r )> z )> .!.. :... I 0 ► ► ~ ~ ~ z ,, ► z 0 I ;= ' mm V, ~~ 0 ' ' 0 00 ,: ' ' ,: C ~~ z u, ~ ' ' ~ I 00 :! ! 00 ;; ! ,, " ..... 9''1[10 N D E S I G N -~ A R C H I T E C T S -~ San Fcond,oo • Santa Barbara 665 J,a s,,..,, SI0.•25 Son f,onc,,co, CA 97101 PMno ('15) 97<-J065 ~AX (05) gJ•·J51' ' ®000000000 ®@®®©®®®©©© ® ®®@®@ ®@©@ 3 gg 3 3 3 i i i ! ! ! ' ' i ; I ! ' I • § ' ! a i • ' ' ! ' i "', ~ i ! @) ~ i I i i ' ' ; • ~ I I I I I ~ ' ' I I PACIFIC El BELL© Wireless 4420 ROSEWOOD DR. BLOG. 2, 3RD FLOOR PLEASANTON, CALIFORNIA 94588 □-\3-27-00\sd378\ Sd378a21.dwg_ 0_3/27/100 16' 55. 32 )> I "' rn 01 )> r.n --i 01 r 01 < )> --i 0 z ~ p I ,,_,. i: 1·~ rn§ ~',::::====:j1 ~~i 80'-0" 01 ~ ,___________.__aoTl-0 ~ ~ 0 z ~ -'WO N D E S I G N -~ A R C H I T E C T S ■ ~ Son Franeioco , Sonll Barbara 665 ~,~ S\,.ol, Sto.<25 Son F",on,;><<>. CA, 97101 Phon• (415) 914-3565 rAX (415) 974-3574 rn z 0 :n --i :i: 01 r 01 < )> --i 0 z <,J@008 000 880 PACIFIC El BELL® Wireless 4420 ROSEWOOD OR. BLDG. 2, 3RO rLOOR f'LEASANTON, CALIFORNIA 94588 0. \3··27-00\sd378\ ~ ~ -I 4" ~ p'.l () 0 C 0 JO ,o ,z 0 C =a ► I w Sd378a31. dwg 0J/27/100 16 55 10 Adm1n1sLraLor i.!::: t;i": ,. ' ' ' .t'l • ·c.____ • ~ ! s 0 0 0 ~ I :,:1313~"~ j, gi l£ ~ "a ~"a ~~ !" ~r£. ·• j ,.,! /iioQo 0~ ~ ~ g!~ ig ", ~I;; 7; I "a 81; [;: i ~- --0 0 t-•· ; 8 0 ~ j ) 0 0 ,_ i~ 1:0:0:0:0:1=1~ ~~ l i'l!IO N D E S I G N ~ARCHITECTS -~ S•n Fronei,eo • Santa Barbara MO ~•• 5t•HI, SI0.0?.' ~"" t,00,:000. CA, g,,o, p"""" ('I~) g7,-J~-~ '"" <••~) g74-J~,. @ i"" ·" 2~ ,, ;:: "' z -a a, > 0 7< a, 0 ·> ~el :1 s N @ CD -a CJ> ·c "Z b~ m r m ~ 0 z ! ! ! ;;I ' ~ , 5'-6" ~6" r,,,N ~ . -~ ~iii~ -·· ~~s ~Rl ~--, 5]:q ~! ,,, f~ w g , •.·.•· .. •· : ·. PACIFIC El BELL® Wireless 4420 ROSEWOOD DR. BLDG. 2, 3RD fLOOR PLEASANTON, CALlfORNIA 94588 ~~ Zz 0 ,, 0 r "' u. \3-2/-0U\S0j/tJ\ SdJ/8a<:1 .dwg OJ/2//100 lb 'J/ Ji Aum1111~cr'dL01 ~ • C> ''l -:ll •o C z ~ !: ii 0 p z ! C> 0 •• en § I· --< en -< ; '" ;:: ~ 0 o< ;; •-,o p!~ C, 00 :ll ,. > ·• if'!!i ;:: •, _.;,;;::: @, "'aci.'a ., ;;;,i ~· Bii:i s" ' 8~ I • ;~ ~ •• ~ *~ ! ~~ i ~~ §~ ,. !~ • ~• ~; I ~2 E °;o e@ •• , . ~ ~ J; ~n w O ► N u~ 0 ~► 0 oo< 00 )> I s;) S ► I ~ ::: ► ~ ~ 0 N w w ~ Q 0 ~ 0 ' ~ ~- ~ .... ON DES I G N -~ A R C H I T E C T S -~ San Franoloco • Sonla Borbor• 665 J,d s,, .. ,. Sto.415 Son F',.nc;oco. C.,,, 97101 Phone (••5) 974-356~ rA• {4\~) 974-351• )l ID C -. en : al ~► ·:i, () 0 z sZ ~'" () --< ~o f-::0 0 PACIFIC El BELL@ Wireless 4420 ROSEWOOD OR. BLOG. 2, 3RD FLOOR PLEASANTON, CALIFORNIA 94588 o, !I' !Ir 11· !Ir n ;; £ :: ~6 ~ ,, • ;;;;;; " " ,, g,, "' *-!::'. ':;:,!-:!'. ri--5 f r .-; s;o ! , -• " -8 " 0 0 " - Li. \3-2/-00\sUJ/l::l\ ! .,, ,o ,c -z ,-o. 0 :; 0 z ;ii ,. z U) ..!. ~ ,; z ~ ' 0 ~ ~ ~ SU3/Bs.1.awg OJJc//100 lb: ~4: 11 AllITTJllJCliYdLU• + ---_j _____ .:r---- ~n WON O> NOW ur 0 ~ '° t~O N DES I G N N> O>N rn;,; rn o ,~ g_ Q ARCHITECTS ~> . ~ ~ nw -~ San Froneioeo • > O 0 SonUI. Bn~ara ~ ~:i: ~ Q '? 665 J,o st .. ol. Sto.••~ Soo f"'o<O,co, C., 97\07 0 -P"""' (<I~) 9H-J~e~ FA• (41') 974-J~14 □· it; u, ' C 0 -a I ,. ' ~ ~lsr" z ~ 0 ~ ~ ::;;si'!' ,. nee o 0 !ilio i :0 ! 5 ~~~ 0 ' ! ~~ ;!;o:,<11 i u, • p ~"'! -a ' i ~~ ;s;f' :0 i"'' ~"'~ • C a ~':'.g ' () " ,, ,_a I -a ! i s~ !~~ C !! gg~ :0 ~ ci ~~~ ,. r ~ cfil ~H ! 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'· ! @ I, ! ~ ' ' I '· PACIFIC El BElL® liii~ Wireless □□ iiHi Pi 4420 ROSEWOOD DR. BLOG. 2, 3RD fLOOR iuu 9 ~"'" PLEASANTON. CALIFORNIA 94588 uai ' --JI DES I G N ~R.::!.~~~ INl5 ""' Slrwt. st,o,QII Son ,-. CA. i7101 -(4U:1) 174-:,aee rAX (415) 874-:11174 PACFIC ■FFI I• .... --m.U1.1.a FUICII --- ©1996 Thomas Bros. Ma s ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT FORM -PART I (TO BE COMPLETED BY THE APPLICANT) CASE NO. DATE: BACKGROUND 1. CASE NAME: SD 378-01 (ealavera Hills Park) 2. APPLICANT: Pad fi c Bell Wireless IPBWl 3. ADDRESSANDPHONENUMBEROFAPPLICANT: 61ZD Cornerstone Court. sujte J80 Sau Diego, CA 92121 Contact· Susan Gregg 858 642-9444 4. DATE EIA FORM PART I SUBMITTED: ________________ _ 5. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: InstaJJatian of a Personal Comm1mication Services (PCS) wireless communication facility, consisting of six (6) panel antennas, and two (2) radio equipment cabinets. The panel antennas are to be mounted to an existing light pole in the park. They will be painted gray to match the existng pole and light fixtures The Badia Eql)ipment Cabinets will be located inside a masanary enclosure, with tile roof to match the existing building. SUMMARY OF ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS POTENTIALLY AFFECTED: The summary of environmental factors checked below would be potentially affected by this project, involving at least one impact that is a "Potentially Significant Impact", or "Potentially Significant Impact Unless Mitigation Incorporated" as indicated by the checklist on the following pages. Land Use and Planning Population and Housing Geological Problems Water Air Quality Transportation/Circulation Biological Resources Energy and Mineral Resources Hazards Noise Mandatory Findings of Significance 1 Public Services Utilities and Service Systems Aesthetics Cultural Resources Recreation Rev. 3/28/95 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS STATE CEQA GUIDELINES, Chapter 3, Article 5, Section 15063 requires that the City conduct an Environmental Impact Assessment to determine if a project may have a significant effect on the environment. The Environmental Impact Assessment appears in the following pages in the form of a checklist. This checklist identifies any physical, biological and human factors that might be impacted by the proposed project and provides the City with information to use as the basis for deciding whether to prepare an Environmental Impact Report (EIR), Negative Declaration, or to rely on a previously approved EIR or Negative Declaration. • • • • • • • A brief explanation is required for all answers except "No Impact" answers that are adequately supported by an information source cited in the parentheses following each question. A "No Impact" answer is adequately supported if the referenced information sources show that the impact simply does not apply to projects like the one involved. A "No Impact" answer should be explained when there is no source document to refer to, or it is based on project-specific factors as well as general standards. "Less Than Significant Impact" applies where there is supporting evidence that the potential impact is not adversely significant, and the impact does not exceed adopted general standards and policies. "Potentially Significant Unless Mitigation Incorporated" applies where the incorporation of mitigation measures has reduced an effect from "Potentially Significant Impact" to a "Less Than Significant Impact." The developer must agree to the mitigation, and the City must describe the mitigation measures, and briefly explain how they reduce the effect to a less than significant level. "Potentially Significant Impact" is appropriate if there is substantial evidence that an effect is significant. Based on an "EIA-Part II", if a proposed project could have a potentially significant effect on the environment, but all potentially significant effects (a) have been analyzed adequately in an earlier EIR or Mitigated Negative Declaration pursuant to applicable standards and (b) have been avoided or mitigated pursuant to that earlier EIR or Mitigated Negative Declaration, including revisions or mitigation measures that are imposed upon the proposed project, and none of the circumstances requiring a supplement to or supplemental EIR are present and all the mitigation measures required by the prior environmental document have been incorporated into this project, then no additional environmental document is required (Prior Compliance). When "Potentially Significant Impact" is checked the project is not necessarily required to prepare an EIR if the significant effect has been analyzed adequately in an earlier EIR pursuant to applicable standards and the effect will be mitigated, or a "Statement of Overriding Considerations" has been made pursuant to that earlier EIR. A Negative Declaration may be prepared if the City perceives no substantial evidence that the project or any of its aspects may cause a significant effect on the environment. 2 Rev. 3/28/95 • If there are one or more potentially significant effects, the City may avoid preparing an EIR if there are mitigation measures to clearly reduce impacts to less than significant, and those mitigation measures are agreed to by the developer prior to public review. In this case, the appropriate "Potentially Significant Impact Unless Mitigation Incorporated" may be checked and a Mitigated Negative Declaration may be prepared. • An EIR must be prepared if "Potentially Significant Impact" is checked, and including but not limited to the following circumstances: (1) the potentially significant effect has not been discussed or mitigated in an Earlier EIR pursuant to applicable standards, and the developer does not agree to mitigation measures that reduce the impact to less than significant; (2) a "Statement of Overriding Considerations" for the significant impact has not been made pursuant to an earlier EIR; (3) proposed mitigation measures do not reduce the impact to less than significant, or; (4) through the EIA-Part II analysis it is not possible to determine the level of significance for a potentially adverse effect, or determine the effectiveness of a mitigation measure in reducing a potentially significant effect to below a level of significance. A discussion of potential impacts and the proposed mitigation measures appears at the end of the form under DISCUSSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION. Particular attention should be given to discussing mitigation for impacts which would otherwise be determined significant. 3 Rev. 3/28/95 Issues (and Supporting Information Sources): I. LAND USE AND PLANNING. Would the proposal: a) Conflict with general plan designation or zoning? (Source #(s): ) b) Conflict with applicable environmental plans or policies adopted by agencies with jurisdiction over the project? () c) Be incompatible with existing land use in the vicinity? () d) Affect agricultural resources or operations ( e.g. impacts to soils or farmlands, or impacts from incompatible land uses)? () e) Disrupt or divide the physical arrangement of an established community (including a low- income or minority community)? () II. POPULATION AND HOUSING. Would the proposal: a) Cumulatively exceed official regional or local population projections? () b) Induce substantial growth in an area either directly or indirectly ( e.g. through projects in an undeveloped area or extension of major infrastructure)? () c) Displace existing housing, especially affordable housing? () · III. GEOLOGIC PROBLEMS. Would the proposal result in or expose people to potential impacts involving: a) Fault rupture? () b) Seismic ground shaking? () c) Seismic ground failure, including liquefaction? () 4 Potentially Significant Impact Potentially Significant Unless Less Than Mitigation Significant No Incorporated Impact Impact .JL Rev. 3/28/95 Issues (and Supporting Information Sources): d) Seiche, tsunami, or volcanic hazard? () e) Landslides or mudflows? () t) Erosion, changes in topography or unstable soil c:onditions from excavation, grading, or fill? () g) Subsidence of the land? () h) Expansive soils? () i) Unique geologic or physical features? () IV. WATER. Would the proposal result in: a) Changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, or the rate and amount of surface runoff? () b) Exposure of people or property to water related hazards such as flooding? () c) Discharge into surface waters or other alteration of surface water quality (e.g. temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity)? () d) Changes in the amount of surface water in any water body? () e) Changes in currents, or the course or direction of water movements? () t) Change in the quantity of ground waters, either through direct additions or withdrawals, or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations or through substantial loss of groundwater recharge capability? () g) Altered direction or rate of flow of groundwater? () h) Impacts to groundwater quality? () 5 Potentially Significant Impact Potentially Significant Unless Less Than Mitigation Significant Incorporated Impact No Impact X Rev. 3/28/95 Issues (and Supporting Information Sources): i) Substantial reduction m the amount of groundwater otherwise available for public water supplies? () V. AIR QUALITY. Would the proposal: a) Violate any air quality standard or contribute to an existing or projected air quality violation? () b) Expose sensitive receptors to pollutants? () c) Alter air movement, moisture, or temperature, or cause any change in climate? () d) Create objectionable odors? () VI. TRANSPORTATION/CIRCULATION. Would the proposal result in: a) Increased vehicle trips or traffic congestion? () b) Hazards to safety from design features (e.g. sharp curves or dangerous intersections) or incompatible uses (e.g. farm equipment)? () c) Inadequate emergency access or access to nearby uses? () d) Insufficient parking capacity on-site or off-site? () e) Hazards or barriers for pedestrians or bicyclists? () f) Conflicts with adopted policies supporting alternative transportation ( e.g. bus turnouts, bicycle racks)?() g) Rail, waterborne or air traffic impacts? () 6 Potentially Significant Impact Potentially Significant Unless Less Than Mitigation Significant Incorporated Impact No Impact X L Rev. 3/28/95 Issues (and Supporting Infonnation Sources): VII. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES. Would the proposal result in impacts to: a) Endangered, threatened or rare species or their habitats (including but not limited to plants, fish, insects, animals, and birds? () b) Locally designated species (e.g. heritage trees)? () c) Locally designated natural commurnt1es (e.g. oak forest, coastal habitat, etc.)? () d) Wetland habitat (e.g. marsh, riparian and vernal pool)? () e) Wildlife dispersal or migration corridors? () VIII. ENERGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES. Would the proposal: a) Conflict with adopted energy conservation plans? () b) Use non-renewable resources in a wasteful and inefficient manner? () c) Result in the loss of availability of a known mineral resource that would be of future value to the region and the residents of the State? () IX. HAZARDS. Would the proposal involve: a) A risk of accidental explosion or release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to: oil, pesticides, chemicals or radiation? () b) Possible interference with an emergency response plan or emergency evacuation plan? () c) The creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard? () 7 Potentially Significant Impact Potentially Significant Unless Less Than Mitigation Significant No Incorporated Impact Impact Rev. 3/28/95 X ')( Issues (and Supporting Information Sources): d) Exposure of people to existing sources of potential health hazards? () e) Increase fire hazard in areas with flammable brush, grass, or trees? () X. NOISE. Would the proposal result in: a) Increases in existing noise levels? () b) Exposure of people to severe noise levels? () XI. PUBLIC SERVICES. Would the proposal have an effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered government services in any of the following areas: a) Fire protection? () b) Police protection? () c) Schools? () d) Maintenance of public facilities, including roads? () e) Other governmental services? () XII. UTILITIES AND SERVICES SYSTEMS. Would the proposal result in a need for new systems or supplies, or substantial alterations to the following utilities: a) Power or natural gas? () b) Communications systems? () c) Local or regional water treatment or distribution facilities? () d) Sewer or septic tanks? () e) Storm water drainage? () 8 Potentially Significant Impact Potentially Significant Unless Less Than Mitigation Significant Incorporated Impact No Impact _x_ j_ .L .i... .L ..lL Rev. 3(28/95 Issues (and Supporting Information Sources): t) Solid waste disposal? () g) Local or regional water supplies? () XIII. AESTHETICS. Would the proposal: a) Affect a scenic vista or scenic highway? () b) Have a demonstrable negative aesthetic effect? () c) Create light or glare? () XIV. CULTURAL RESOURCES. Would the proposal: a) Disturb paleontological resources? () b) Disturb archaeological resources? () c) Affect historical resources? () d) Have the potential to cause a physical change which would affect unique ethnic cultural values? () e) Restrict existing religious or sacred uses within the potential impact area? () XV. RECREATION. Would the proposal: a) Increase the demand for neighborhood or regional parks or other recreational facilities? () b) Affect existing recreational opportunities? () 9 Potentially Significant Impact Potentially Significant Unless Less Than Mitigation Significant Incorporated Impact No Impact Rev. 3/28/95 Issues (and Supporting Information Sources): XVI. MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE. a) Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wild life species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self. sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? b) Does the project have impacts that are individually limited, but cumulatively considerable? ("Cumulatively considerable" means that the incremental effects of a project are considerable when viewed in connection with the effects of past projects, the effects of other current projects, and the effects of probable future projects) c) Does the project have environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? XVII. EARLIER ANALYSES. Potentially Significant Impact Potentially Significant Unless Less Than Mitigation Significant Incorporated Impact No Impact X Earlier analyses may be used where, pursuant to the tiering, program EIR, or other CEQA process, one or more effects have been adequately analyzed in an earlier EIR or negative declaration. Section 15063(c)(3)(D). In this case a discussion should identify the following on attached sheets: a) Earlier analyses used. Identify earlier analyses and state where they are available for review. b) Impacts adequately addressed. Identify which effects from the above checklist were within the scope of and adequately analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to applicable legal standards, and state whether such effects were addressed by mitigation measures based on the earlier analysis. · · c) Mitigation measures. For effects that are "Less than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated," describe the mitigation measures which were incorporated or refined from the earlier document and the extent to which they address site-specific conditions for the project. 10 Rev. 3/28/95 DISCUSSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION AIR QUALITY: The implementation of subsequent projects that are consistent with and included in the updated 1994 General Plan will result in increased gas and electric power consumption and vehicle miles traveled. These subsequently result in increases in the emission of carbon monoxide, reactive organic gases, oxides of nitrogen and sulfur, and suspended particulates. These aerosols are the major contributors to air pollution in the City as well as in the San Diego Air Basin. Since the San Diego Air Basin is a "non-attainment basin", any additional air emissions are considered cumulatively significant: therefore, continued development to buildout as proposed in the updated General Plan will have cumulative significant impacts on the air quality of the region. To lessen or minimize the impact on air quality associated with General Plan buildout, a variety of mitigation measures are recommended in the Final Master EIR. These include: 1) provisions for roadway and intersection improvements prior to or concurrent with development; 2) measures to reduce vehicle trips through the implementation of Congestion and Transportation Demand Management; 3) provisions to encourage alternative modes of transportation including mass transit services; 4) conditions to promote energy efficient building and site design; and 5) participation in regional growth management strategies when adopted. The applicable and appropriate General Plan air quality mitigation measures have either been incorporated into the design of the project or are included as conditions of project approval. Operation-related emissions are considered cumulatively significant because the project is located within a "non-attainment basin", therefore, the "Initial Study" checklist is marked "Potentially Significant Impact". This project is consistent with the General Plan, therefore, the preparation of an EIR is not required because the certification of Final Master EIR 93-01, by City Council Resolution No. 94-246, included a "Statement Of Overriding Considerations" for air quality impacts. This "Statement Of Overriding Considerations" applies to all subsequent projects covered by the General Plan's Final Master EIR, including this project, therefore, no further environmental review of air quality impacts is required. This document is available at the Planning Department. CIRCULATION: The implementation of subsequent projects that are consistent with and included in the updated 1994 General Plan will result in increased traffic volumes. Roadway segments will be adequate to accommodate buildout traffic; however, 12 full and 2 partial intersections will be severely impacted by regional through-traffic over which the City has no jurisdictional control. These generally include all freeway interchange areas and major intersections along Carlsbad Boulevard. Even with the implementation of roadway improvements, a number of intersections are projected to fail the City's adopted Growth Management performance standards at buildout. To lessen or minimize the impact on circulation associated with General Plan buildoilt, numerous mitigation measures have been recommended in the Final Master EIR. These include measures to ensure the provision of circulation facilities concurrent with need; 2) provisions to develop alternative modes of transportation such as trails, bicycle routes, additional sidewalks, pedestrian linkages, and commuter rail systems; and 3) participation in regional circulation strategies when adopted. The 11 Rev. 3/28/95 diversion of regional through-traffic from a failing Interstate or State Highway onto City streets creates impacts that are not within the jurisdiction of the City to control. The applicable and appropriate General Plan circulation mitigation measures have either been incorporated into the design of the project or are included as conditions of project approval. Regional related circulation impacts are considered cumulatively significant because of the failure of intersections at buildout of the General Plan due to regional through-traffic, therefore, the "Initial Study" checklist is marked "Potentially Significant Impact". This project is consistent with the General Plan, therefore, the preparation of an EIR is not required because the recent certification of Final Master EIR 93-01, by City Council Resolution No. 94-246, included a "Statement Of Overriding Considerations" for circulation impacts. This "Statement Of Overriding Considerations" applies to all subsequent projects covered by the General Plan's Master EIR, including this project, therefore, no further environmental review of circulation impacts is required. 12 Rev. 3/28/95 i I LIST MITIGATING MEASURES (IF APPLICABLE) Y\ / fr ATTACH MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM (IF APPLICABLE) I'\/ A 13 Rev. 3/28/95 -Fidelity National Title Company PRELIMINARY REPORT In response to the application for a policy of title insurance referenced herein, Fidelity National Title Company hereby reports that it is prepared to issue, or cause to be issued, as of the date hereof, a Policy or Policies of Title Insurance describing the land and the estate or interest therein hereinafter set forth, insuring against loss which may be sustained by reason of any defect, lien or encumbrance not shown or referred to as an Exception below or not excluded from coverage pursuant to the printed Schedules, Conditions and Stipulations of said Policy forms. The printed Exceptions and Exclusions from the coverage of said Policy or Policies are set forth in Exhibit A attached. Copies of the Policy forms should be read. They are available from the office which issued this report. This report {and any supplements or amendments hereto/ is issued solely for the purpose of facilitating the issuance of a policy of title insurance and no liability is assumed hereby. If it is desired that liability be assumed prior to the issuance of a policy of title insurance, a Binder or Commitment should be requested. The Policy{s} of title insurance to be issued hereunder will be policy(s} of Fidelity National Title Insurance Company, a California corporation. Please read the exceptions shown or referred to below and the exceptions and exclusions set forth in Exhibit A of this report carefully. The exceptions and exclusions are meant to provide you with notice of matters which are not covered under the terms of the title insurance policy and should be carefully considered. It is important to note that this preliminary report is not a written representation as to the condition of title and may not list all liens, defects and encumbrances affecting title to the land. Fidelity National Title Company ATTEST Y\'\'fXu.. 0,~~QJ{\L)"'""" Ill Fidelity National Title Company 2763 Camino Del Rio South• San Diego, CA 92108 16191 295-7332 • FAX (619) 297-2213 PRELIMINARY REPORT TITLE OFFICER: Dave Simon/ (619-725-2120) TO: SCI 9865 Mesa Rim Road, Suite 201 San Diego, CA 92121 ATTN: Tim Parker YOUR REFERENCE.: SD-378-01 PROPERTY ADDRESS: 2997 Glasgow Drive, Carlsbad, California EFFECTIVE DATE: February 11, 2000, 07:30 A.M, ORDER NO.: 00-118797 SHORT TERM RATE: No The form of Policy or Policies of title insurance contemplated by this report is: California Land Title Association Standard Coverage Policy -1990 1. THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED OR REFERRED TO COVERED BY THIS REPORT IS: A Fee 2. TITLE TO SAID ESTATE OR INTEREST AT THE DATE HEREOF IS VESTED IN: The City of Carlsbad, a Municipal Corporation 3. THE LAND REFERRED TO IN THIS REPORT IS SITUATED IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, IN THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: SEE EXHIBIT "ONE" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF CY\VB 02/23/2000 Order No. 00-118797 EXHIBIT "ONE" Parcel A: That portion of Lot "J" of Rancho Agua Hedionda, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to Map thereof No. 823, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, November 16, 1896, being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the most Northeasterly corner of Carlsbad Tract No. 81-47 in said City and State, according to Map thereof No. 10565, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County on January 17, 1983; thence South 69°28'42" West. 754.99 feet (Record 754.89 feet per Map No. 10565), along the Northerly boundary of said Tract No. 81-4 7, to the most Northwesterly corner of said Tract 81-4 7, said point being on the centerline of Glasgow Drive as dedicated to the public per Map No. 10565; thence continuing South 69°28'42" West, 30.02 feet to the Westerly line of Glasgow Drive and the True Point of Beginning; thence continuing South 69°28'42" West, 623.26 feet to a point on the Easterly line of an easement for public purposes per Document No. 85-263533, recorded July 24, 1985, said point being on a curve concave Westerly and having a radius of 1042.00feet, a radial line to said point bears South 85°33'46" East; thence Northwesterly along said Easterly line of Tamarack Avenue, along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 23°03'26", 419.33 feet; thence North 18°37'12" West, 197.62 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave Southeasterly and having a radius of 25.00 feet; thence Northwesterly, Northerly and Northeasterly along the arc of said curve, through a central angle of 90°00'00", 39.27 feet; thence along the Southerly line of an easement for public roadway purposes per Document No. 86-075424, recorded February 26, 1986, North 71 °22'48" East, 384.68 feet; thence leaving said Southerly line South 18°37'12" East, 150.00 feet; thence North 71 °22'48" East, 130.00 feet to the Westerly line of an easement for public roadway purposes per Document No. 86-075424, recorded February 26, 1986; thence along said Westerly line South 18°37'12" East, 460.04 feet to the True Point of Beginning. Parcel B: That portion of Lot "J" of Rancho Agua Hedionda, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to Map thereof No. 823, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County on November 16, 1896, being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the most Northeasterly corner of Carlsbad Tract No. 81-4 7 in said City and State, according to Map thereof No. 10565 filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, on January 17, 1983; thence South 69°28'42" West, 754.99 feet (Record 754.89 feet per Map No. 10565), along the Northerly subdivision boundary of said Tract No. 81-47, to the most Northwesterly corner of said Tract No. 81-47, said point being on the center line of Glasgow Drive as dedicated to the public per said Map No. 10565; thence continuing South 69°28'42"West, 30.02 feet to the Westerly line of Glasgow Drive; thence along the Westerly line of an easement for public roadway purposes per Document No. 86-075424, recorded February 26. 1986, North 18°37'12" West, 460.04 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence leaving said Westerly line, South 71 °22'48" West. 130.00 feet; thence North 18°37'12" West. 150.00 feet to the Southerly line of said easement for public roadway purposes per Document No. 86-075424, recorded February 26, 1986; thence along said Southerly line North 2 Order No. 00-118797 71 ° 22' 48" East, 1 05.00 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave Southwesterly and having a radius of 25.00 feet; thence Northeasterly, Easterly and Southeasterly along the arc of said curve, through a central angle of 90°00'00", 39.27 feet; thence along the Westerly line of said easement for public roadway purposes per Document No. 86-075424, re-recorded February 26, 1986, South 18°37' 12" East, 125.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning. Assessor's Parcel No: 1 67-1 01-34 & 167-1 01-35 3 Order No. 00-118797 AT THE DATE HEREOF, ITEMS TO BE CONSIDERED AND EXCEPTIONS TO COVERAGE IN ADDITION TO THE PRINTED EXCEPTIONS AND EXCLUSIONS IN SAID POLICY FORM WOULD BE AS FOLLOWS: , . 2. 3. 4. 5. Covenants, conditions and restrictions (deleting therefrom any restrictions indicating any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin) as set forth in the document Recorded: April 1, 1958, Book 7016, Page 536, of Official Records Said covenants, conditions and restrictions provide that a violation thereof shall not defeat the lien of any mortgage or deed of trust made in good faith and for value. Covenants, conditions and restrictions (deleting therefrom any restrictions indicating any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin) as set forth in the document Recorded: January 5, 1959, Book 7427, Page 358, of Official Records Said covenants, conditions and restrictions provide that a violation thereof shall not defeat the lien of any mortgage or deed of trust made in good faith and for value. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document; Granted to: Purpose: Recorded: Affects: Carlsbad Municipal Water District The right to spill water in presently existing natural drainage channels January 9, 1967, Instrument No. 2638, of Official Records As shown in said document. The exact location and extent of said easement is not disclosed of record. Reference is made to said document for full particulars. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document; Granted to: Purpose: Recorded: Affects: Carlsbad Municipal Water District A pipeline or pipelines January 9, 1967, Instrument No. 2641, of Official Records As shown in said document. Reference is made to said document for full particulars. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document; Granted to: Purpose: Recorded: Affects: Carlsbad Municipal Water District A pipeline or pipelines January 9, 1967, Instrument No. 2643, of Official Records As shown in said document. Reference is made to said document for full particulars. 4 ITEMS: (Continued) Order No. 00-118797 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document; Granted to: Purpose: Recorded: Affects: Carlsbad Municipal Water District A pipeline or pipelines January 9, 1967, Instrument No. 2644, of Official Records As shown in said document. Reference is made to said document for full particulars. Easementls) for the purposels) shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document; Granted to: Purpose: Recorded: Affects: Carlsbad Municipal Water District Pipelines January 9, 1967, Instrument No. 2646, of Official Records As shown in said document. Reference is made to said document for full particulars. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document; Granted to: Purpose: Recorded: Affects: San Diego Gas and Electric Company Public utilities October 8, 1981, Instrument No. 81-32041 0, of Official Records As shown in said document. -Reference is made to said document for full particulars. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document; Granted to: Purpose: Recorded: Affects: Costa Real Municipal Water District A pipeline or pipelines November 23, 1982, Instrument No. 82-362089, of Official Records As shown in said document. Reference is made to said document for full particulars. Easementls) for the purposels) shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document; Granted to: Purpose: Recorded: Affects: Costa Real Municipal Water District, a Municipal Water District A pipeline or pipelines April 25, 1983, Instrument No. 83-131591, of Official Records As shown in said document. Reference is made to said document for full particulars. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document; Granted to: Purpose: Recorded: Affects: The City of Carlsbad, a Municipal Corporation Public street February 13, 1984, Instrument No. 84-053117, of Official Records As shown in said document. 5 ITEMS: !Continued) Order No. 00-118797 12. Note 1. Note 2. Note 3. Reference is made to said document for full particulars. Said instrument additionally grants the right to excavate and to extend drainage structures and embankment slopes beyond the limits of the above described right of way, where required for the construction and maintenance thereof. Easement(sl for the purposelsl shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document; Granted to: Purpose: Recorded: Affects: The City of Carlsbad, a Municipal Corporation Excavation and embankment slopes to facilitate drainage control and roadway construction February 26, 1986, Instrument No. 86-075425, of Official Records As shown in said document. Reference is made to said document for full particulars. END OF ITEMS Section 12413.1, California Insurance Code became effective January 1, 1990. This legislation deals with the disbursement of funds deposited with any title entity acting in an escrow or subescrow capacity. The law requires that all funds be deposited and collected by the title entity's escrow and/or subescrow account prior to disbursement of any funds. Some methods of funding may subject funds to a holding period which must expire before any funds may be disbursed. In order to avoid any such delays, all fundings should be done through wire transfer, certified check or checks drawn on California financial institutions. The charge where an order is cancelled after the issuance of the report of title, will be that amount which in the opinion of the Company is proper compensation for the services rendered or the purpose for which the report is used, but in no event shall said charge be less than the minimum amount required under Section 12404. 1 of the Insurance Code of the State of California. If the report cannot be cancelled "no fee" pursuant to the provisions of said Insurance Code, then the minimum cancellation fee shall be that permitted by law. California Revenue and Taxation Code Section 18668, effective January 1, 1991, requires that the buyer in all sales of California Real Estate, wherein the Seller shows an out of State Address, withhold 3-1 /3% of the total sales price as California State Income Tax, subject to the various provisions of the law as therein contained. 6 NOTICE IF YOU BOUGHT, SOLD OR REFINANCED A HOME (RESIDENTIAL REAL PROPERTY) IN CALIFORNIA BETWEEN JULY 1, 1989 AND FEBRUARY 28, 1997, PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING: Pursuant to a Settlement Agreement in a class action lawsuit filed in the Superior Court for Los Angeles County, a settlement agreement has been entered into that provides persons who bought, sold or refinanced residential real property in the State of California between July 1, 1 989 and February 28, 1 997, with certain rights. If you are such a person and you are now engaged in an escrow transaction with Chicago Title Company, Gateway Title Company, Benefit Land Title Company or Fidelity National Title Insurance Company, you have the following rights: If one of these companies previously handled a residential escrow transaction for you that involved residential real property in which a mortgage, promissory note, or similar debt instrument, repayment of which was secured by a duly recorded deed of trust, was fully paid, satisfied or discharged and a reconveyance of that deed of trust was executed and was delivered to one of those title companies for recording but was inadvertently not recorded, you have the right to request that a release of obligation or reconveyance be recorded in accordance with the terms of the Settlement Agreement. To obtain this right you must: ( 1) Establish to the satisfaction of the title company that you actually closed an escrow between July 1, 1989 and February 27, 1997, which was handled by one of the above listed title insurance companies, in which a mortgage, promissory note, or similar debt instrument secured by a duly recorded deed of trust was fully paid, satisfied or discharged and a reconveyance of that deed of trust was executed and was delivered for recordation to the title company that handled the prior transaction. Proof of said transaction shall be made by presenting a closing statement, preliminary title report, title insurance policy or a paid escrow invoice which identifies you and the prior deed of trust; and (2) Request in writing the recording of a reconveyance or release or obligation in the event that one inadvertently had not been previously recorded in the escrow transaction previously handled by one of the above-named title companies. If you believe that you are entitled to benefits as a class member, please send your written requests or any questions concerning the foregoing to Janet Barack, Legal Department, Fidelity National Title Insurance Company, 17911 Von Karman Avenue, Suite 300, Irvine, California 92614. EXHIBIT A AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION RESIDENTIAL TITLE INSURANCE POLICY 16-1-87) EXCLUSIONS In add,uon to ,i,., E.-cept,on~ "' Schf<d"I" B, you •• nol .,,.u,.,d ;i,q,11~1 lo .. , COl<I•. al'!OIMys' 1-. arid e.p.,n.-.. .-'"'•'~""fl l1om: 1 Go,,,rnm1m1.-. pohr:A pow,~, and It,., .,.,.-1a,oce Of ,,ol.:mo" cit ,my law Of go,'1fnmo,nl rt,gulahOn, Tt•~ 1nr.JudH bt,dd,nq nnd zo•"'•I o,du,af\t.fO~ end alw law• ind r>ogulauona c11nc..,,.ng· • land u-• ,mp,o,.,m.,n" on tho, l,,,,d • land divi,c,on • .,n,ironm1m1al p,01.,ruo11 Tto• .. .-clwwon d1>1>• nol :,pply 10 ,,ul.11,m,c o, The ""'"'"""'•nl of the•• mam~• which epp,,;w in the pobhc rnco,d~ at pohcy dJlh Tto~ o.-cJu,uon do"• no1 hru,1 the lOf'fflQ co•• .-J" dasct1bffd m Item.-12 Pld 1 3 ol Cov..-fld T,th, R,sks. Th" nriht !o uko !h<o la,>d by condftmnong 11, uriH■: • • no111;:10 ol """'Cl"'"ll th<> r,pht appa.a,a ,n tho> publ,c rec01d• on ,i-. Pol,cy OJIR • thfl t.1kmg happ,mfl<I prio, 10 1tw, Policy O:r1a •nd" bmdmg on you 1I yOIJ bough! !he land wittoout •no'Mltdge ot 1hA uk,ng J.T,tl<1 Ris~s • m.u ,.,. r.r11.1tltd, ;allow...:I. QI' aqr~ to by you • that WI> known lo yO<J, bul r,ol lo u", ou If.., Puh< y 0Jh• "'"""" tt ... y 11pp .. ;,11,J '" tr 111<:0fd• • lhdl ,,..ull on no loss lo YOOJ • th.re ,,.., altor.1 youf 1111 .. alu.r 1he Pol,cy cj{.. TN• do .. ~ 1>01 ht11tl tt ... IJboo Jlld '11J!< co~w :iga "' r1em 8 ol Cov .. w T,11• FL,ks 4 F,111.,,11 to pay v ;alu" IOf yoor blle. 5. Lack ol a 11gh1: • to any land ootsod" lt"I a,,,3 1poahc.:itly d1t11cr1bo,d :Mid 11,1,.r,,d 10 m It""' 3 ol Sd,i,d.,j,. • in ,1r-tt, aU .. ys. Of wat..,ways thal touch youf l.111d This 11xclusion doe• no! limit llw acc1t111 cov"'.19" in 1,.,,,. 5 ol Co11H1..J T,11 .. i:i.~~s SCHEDULE B EXCEPTIONS In addil1on to !he Exdurwonoi, you aro no1 lnll'IJr..d .gamsl lou, <:0511, st!ornav•· h,.,., aud ll,e toxp .. nflofl ,.,.,il!mg lrom; I. Any 11gh11, int,,.AAII, or ct,xms of plll't•o• ,n po111t111<ion ol the land no! 1lo0w11 by !he pubhc roootds. 2. Any >1HAm11nl~ QI' hmlll not ahown by 1118 public 111<:orda This do ... not hm,t ti"' li•m covw ,:,g<1 m llom B ol Cov"'lld T,tl., Ri~h. J. Any la<:1>1 aboul ltv.land wt,ch 8<:0l!BCI survo,y would diAdooif! aod which are nol 1hownby H 111<:ords. Ttxs do,os not Nm,1 lho lorelfd remov.;,1 cov• "'J" m tl<>m 12 of Cov..,..,J T,11., Ri•h 4 Any wnt"' 1ighls 0/ claun• QI' lith, to WIil"' ,nor undtfl 1M b"d, wt"'{t,.., Of nol >1how11 by H ra<:ord,. CALIFORNIA LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION STANDARD COVERAGE POLICY· 1990 EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE Th .. following manor~ /11'<1 HPl'"'"'Y <1xdud"d lrom rhfl ,:ov..,i,oo ol thi■ policy ..-id it"' Company will no! p.,y Ion or dam.1gi,, co1t1, at10tnayoi· ,...,,. or e■pens.,. which s11e by reason ol: 1 1.1) Any law. Ofdinm1t;a or gov,,rnmnnt.111agub11on !including bul nol ~mitttd to b<1ild1ng and zonrng law,;, ordman<:01, or rn9ul3tioofl) r1t11lror.11ng, tegulalmg, proliibiung Of rel11,rig Iii ,t,.. occupancy, u, ... or nnjoym<>nl ol thn l.1nd; Ci,) H"' ch•8C""• d1me"""'o"" Of l0<:~ion ol any i1nprov""'"°' now c,r ho11•"''•- "'""tnd on !h" lar,d. (iiil 11 ""p,,rat,on m OWIIHfSt'op CII a <:h3f>Q8i11 !hot dim81WI01111 01 llffla of tl1tt land 01 mw p,,rr.,~ ol wt.r.h II"' lm1d ifl Of w"" a pe11; QI' hvl Hnvifonmeut.11 prolo,,:f1on, QI' !ho elfu<:t ol any vml.11,on ol lh""" laws, ord111anr.,111 ix gov..,!lmen1.;,I r..gulat,ons, 111•<:"Pt 10 tt,.. .,,,,111,,t thal a nohc8 ot 11,., n,1f01r.<tm11nt lhAtool o, .1110111:tt ot a dot""t, ~ .. n OI ,,.K:umblanc,., 1<1u,lt111,Q hom a vtolauon or nll..gad vtul"lion 11U,..:11nq It"' l,u•J ha.~ bo,,11 ,,.,,ord<>d m It,.. publi<: 111<:<>fd• st Oat" of Polu:y. lb) Auy 9ovn,1>mA.,"1I pol1r.u pow"' not "•clud<>d by !al abovfl, aar.<>pl to tt"l m(I""' tha! a not,c" ol !he A••-CI"" lh<ol1>0t o, a noti<:u ol a d.,f,K:t, 1,.,n Of """'llnbrancA """"lt""il lfo,n a violation Of ,1H01J>ld v,ol.1lmn altfl<:ti"9 U,e land ha.~ b,..11, 1,,cordltd m lhfl pubhr. ftK:Ofdl M Oa!e of Polir.y. 2 R1Qht~ ol <>mmflnf dom:1m 111,I""" nnl,r.A ol th<t "",."'"" thAtaot h.1• bnon 10<:mdod ,n rhA public <<tCOfd~ al 0.110 of Policy, b<JI not exdud1nq horn cov,w3ge any taku>Q wt.ch ha11 ocC\Jrr<ld p"or 10 Cata of Polir.y wt•r.h wo11ld bo bmdinq 011 tl,o r,9t,1~ of II pur<:ha."' !Of vlllu~ without kno'M>1dgo. D<!lor.t~, 1,.,,. .. , Anr.umbt11""""· 11,IY"'~" r.launs, Of othflt mal!flll" ta) wh"tho,r Of ,,01 ,...,0<dud in lhfl p11blir. '"""'J"' at O,1111 ol Po~cv. bur ,:r .. a10J, "'•ll••lfd, ""~ "ll•lfffd lo by tha lll"'-lfAd claun:Mll; !bl 11of \1,own lo lt,o Comp,,ny, not n,corded m th" p,1bl1c 1ttr.ord• at CJ\11 ot Pulu:r, b,,i \no-., m~u,ud <:l:,,111Q11t and not d1o<r.fo•ud ill wfllm(I to tt,., Cu111pm,y by tht0 i,...,,....J d,.m..,,I PfiOf I<> thu i11,;urt>d clai,n,1111 buco,nfl 11<1 i,..,u,11d und,,r Uoifl pol11:y; le) ,..,.,,11111\1 ,n no luu Of d;1"'"1l" 10 tt ... ,""'-'"'d d.iimao,t; ldl auact•119 or ""''"""d "'Jb~"'l""'" tu Oa1t1 ot Po~ey; or IA) ,.,,..,lt,ng in lOMOI QI' d,,"'/1!1" .... ,.,,,, WUt~d '"'' havu bn,u, MU"lf;,iw,d ,t ""' i11><111<..J rJ1111na,,1 I val"" 10< tt~, inMutod mO<l\1.1'.I" ur tor thn ., .. ,,,tu Of'"""'""! ,n,.,1111d by ti•~ polu:y. 4 U11ftolor<:oab1L1ty ol ""' ~"" ul II"' "'"""'d mOfl!l•~I" bo,;;111o<o ol u,., u,.,t,,hly or l,M~'"' ul ti~•" 0;11., ol Pohr.y, Of th<r 1u:ib1l1ty Of 1,.1,110 ol 3!1Y o<11b .. ,,q11u1>t ownofl ol ll.., ind,.b!<KI,,., .... , lo""'" o ... :ippl,cabl11 dom,.1 bu"'IMlo<M 1., ..... ol tho, "1.110 on wl•ch 11, .. ,J,'\d ,. IU!ll;\fnd. Loiv.~1d1ly Of """'1I01<:11.1b,l,1y ol 1lw1 1,.,,, ot It"' ""'""t<f '""''11'1!.I", 0< rJa,m tho•"°'• which Ill'•"' thn tr;1r,,.oc.1ion ov,d"nc:ud by !h<> lfl"lll...J m01tg;,g .. alld i"I basfld upon ""'-''Y Of m,y r.on""'" p!Ol<>CIIOO <X ttulh in '"''ld"'!l l11w. At1y d1x1n, wt•ch i.-1•<>~ out ol lhti 1,m.,.JCho11 Vt1sl11~1 i11 tho, i1\llu1ttd u, .. .,,11atu ol ,,.,,.,.,~, "'' u •• pohcy QI' thA ,, .. ,,,.ac,,on <:IA;\llng th<t lntftffl'<I ol lhH 11\lfUrnd 1 .. nd,,r. by'"·'-""" of 1ho, "P" fod"'al bankruptcy. ""'"'' •n•ol~11nr.y Of ,.,,011111' r.rttd,10,,.· r111hts law• SCHEDULE B, PART I EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE Tl•s pulu:y d<>A• no!""'"'" A!I•"""' lo•• Of d~magA l•nd 1t,<1 Comp.1ny will not pay cogts, a110<nflya" ,...,. or 11xp,.,,.._f wl•ch "''•" by """'0'• ol 1 T ·'-""' ur ·"'""""""'nt~ wt.d, 111'<1 nor ~t,ow,, as .. x,s1,n9 ,,.,,,,. by tt,a rncord• ot a, ,y 1ax,ng "''1homy 11,at 1.,v, .. s 1., ... s 0< 3~~ .. s~m.,.,, .. o" ,.,.,r prop,,rfy or bv ttt<, publ,c 11>emd•. P,0.,.,,.,1,nq~ by a p.,bl,r. "ll""r.y ,,.1,r:1, m,w 11,s,.n "1 1.11,.,s 01 a~•o,sm,,.,1s. Of nol1<:HS of ,,uch pror..,.,dmg~. who,11..., or''°' 5/,ow11 by It,., ""'"'d~ ot .,,.,t, /1!l"'~'Y "' by !111, pt1bli<= 10,,:ord~ A"y 1,1<'1•. ,Of!lot~, 1111,.,,,~I• o, <-l.•'"" wt•r.h .Wfl not •IK1wo, by tl,h pt1bl1c rm:ofd~ b<1t whr.l, r.01,ld bfl .,,, "!!·•••••d by"" ,nsp.,<:1,on of ttof, l.,,.,J 01 wl•ch m~y b" :iuot11&d bv P"'"°''" '" po•s<>~s,01, 11 .. ~,,ul PART 1 Eas.,mrn,ts. 1,.,1,s or <Ho<:innbr.111c•"• or r.l.•ms 1htof1,<1!. wt.d, /ll'A not ,i.own by thu p,1bl1c "~ 4 o""'"P·"''"""· co,,ll!<.tS ,n bolll,d.'l!y 1 .. , .... JhOll:l<l" "' ill'""· All<~u.,d.,nm,, •. or "''Y mhtfl t:,, .1 corrncl !lllfV"Y would d,M.losH. mod wt,d, ,Yo,..,, stiow1< by 11,H p,,blu, ,..,:ords 1.,1 u,,p.llhlafl•d "'""'!I ,:l.xms. (bl , .. ~ .. rvJl10,, .• (II ""'-"Pllf)l,t< '" p.,1 .. ,,,. or,,, A,, .. gu(t..,., , ...... ,,CH t!, ... tK>t; !<:I W.llf,, ui11it,., d •• ,,,. o, ,,u .. to w.11,~ .... 1,.,11, ... Of ,,u, ,1,., m,111, .. ~ ... ,, .. pl 1.11, (bf. u, (<'I "" ~how11 by ,1,.. Jl"blu, ,.,ro,ds EXHIBIT A (CONTINUED) AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION LOAN POLICY 110-17-92) WITH A.L.T.A. ENDORSEMENT-FORM 1 COVERAGE AND AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION LEASEHOLD LOAN POLICY 110-17-921 WITH A.L.T.A. ENDORSEMENT-FORM 1 COVERAGE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE Tl,., tollo,•,mq "'"""'• a,,. o,•prnuly ... d,,d,.d !torn the co,..,age of 1h11 policy ar,d n.., Camp....,y ..,u not p:,y lo~• o, d.>m;>q.,, <;0>11s, a!lo,,....y~· 1,,.,., o, o,xpen,,.,, wt,c:h ari•11 by ,,.ason ol 1 (.1) Any law, o,dmance or 9ov .. nm.,n1al 1f19ulauon hnclud,ng but nol bm.to,d to bu,ldu"J and zon,"',I law•, o,dinar,c<>'I, o, '"\1"1,11,on~) ,..,.n,u,ng, •ft!1uln1,ng, p,ct.b,ung o, rhlJUOQ lo (IJ tt,tt occt1p.1ncy, use, o, ""l"YmHnl ol !hN land; (i,l th" ch;J13C!"', d11n1tn111ona o, loc31,on ot any m,p,ov,,omo,\I now OI "-•¥1.., ••••l'!"d ou tt ... I.Jnd, li,il a 1M0;lf a!1011 '" ow,,a,shp o, I ct,30g11 ,n !hft dtm1tn..,01,>1 or a,Ha ol !he la"d o, ••"Y p,•r.o<i of w,-.ct, tt ... lnrod ,1 o, Wil>I a part; 01 hvl env11onm1m1.1I p,01..-::1,on, o, lhfl .. trect ol any ••ol.:mon ot It"'~" law•, ordma1>(:"• 01 11ov1,11wnttn\JI ti,gulat,01"', t1xcep1 !o It,.."•''"'' tt,al a ool,c• ol tt•" "nlo,c""'""' lti..901 Of• room ... ol a d.,fftl:I, lu,o, Of .,..,,u,r,bfanc11te•sull1111J 1,o,n a v1olanon Of al..gi,d v,olauor, allf,chng Iha land h.1>1 b-n '""°'d"d ill th<I put,t,c fo,c<>1d11 ■I Oare ol Pol,.,y (bl A11y Q0"'~""""''/11 pol11" powHf r,011<•ch1dtld by !al abov<,, "•co,pf lo lh<I "xfo,nf tt,;11 a no1,ca ol !he .,.,.,,.,,., 1hw .. of Of • no1,cH ot a dlfttH·t. '"'" Of e•l(.-umbfance 11<,...llu,g hom a v1olat,on o, al..y..d v,olaoon atf.,r:m-..g Iha lar.d t,.,.. b-r, ''"'°'d"d Ill tt ... put.he lltCOfd■ at Dale ol Pol•r.y. Ri!ll•I" ot .,.,,,.,.,., dom111n •Jl,l<,n notir." ol the exwci,., tt...,ltOI ha■ bHn tfK:Ord11d ,n tl'wo pub~c IIN:Ofd" a'I O:n" ol Pol1Ly, but nor ,011<.iudm11 ho,n cov,.ag• ,ny t;iokmg which ha,i o,::cvu"d pno, 10 Oau, ol Pobcy whir.h would bH bondm11 OU tho, nght,. ol a pu1ct,,..,_ lo, v.Jl<Je 1Mlho\Jr knowtHCIIJ"· o .. r,.r.ts, ~-. encu,nboaric-. .iv"'•" d:.m■• o, 01h• m,11,.,: C<1I creatAd, eutl•Ad, as,..,.nHCI Of ;i,iir.....J to by the .,,.u,i,d clainim,t; (bl not known IO Iha Company, not 1o,c01dl0d in !he public IIICOfdH at 0<1111 ot Policy, bu! known lo,,.., "'"'"',d clam3<lr aud no! d,,.rJos<td •n \M•tmg to tho. Company by thtt n1■11r!td cf.-.,n~t P"°' 10 ,t.., dal" tt,.. 11•~11,otd cla1111<1nl b,o,c,.,,.., an 11wlfHd ,u>d• it .. pohcy; (c:) , ..... ,1111,g Ill llO loH Of d:imltllll IO !he in~u,otd daimanl; (di 1111:1d•ng Of C11<8111d ,;11b>1ffQU<Mll !O C,1111 ol Pol•cy '""CIIPI to lhoo ""'"Ill 1h31 It•~ pol,c:y 1nS\JfH !he p110f•1Y ol lhll 111111 of !hot •n>1url0d •n0fl9"'1" ovw any ■UIIUIOfy hAn IOf 1,wvic1011, labOf Of mal91ial o, lo ttwo 11•11101 iflllwan<::" ii all0tdAd t-1o1n a,i to IJIIIA111m10nt~ !Of 1U11t1I ,mprowamf<llll und...-con,111ue1,on 01 r:0111pl.,!ad at Oa!e of Polu,yt; Of !o) 111~"l11ng in IOflfl Of dmn,1!J11 wt-.d• would nol hJYf< b .... 11 S1J~l,l11"'d ii thlO i11M11"'d damanl had pllid vJlu" 101 the ;,,..,,oo "'°''1.l\l"- 4 U,....nl0tc1t.1bd,1y ol ,r-.e ko,n or ,t.., insurotd m0tt'}.><J" t,.,c..,,,. of rt ... ,u,1t,l,1y o, 1..1.,,,, ot n ... ,-- O,11., ol Pol,cy, Of 11'>8 ,nabthty Of t .. 1u,., or a11y sub•o,q,,.,,.1 ow,..., ol 11.., 11.J.,t,1...i, ..... ~. lo ~0.,,~ apphc11bhr dou",I t,,,,..,,.,.,. l.1w1 ol !hot s1,11., 111 vvt•c:11 lhe 1.tnd ,■ "'"',11,.J 5. lnv;11hd1!y DI UOttnlOfcHabtluy ol 11 ... '""' ot '"" H"ll<Ufl>d fflOflQ-1\JM, Of <1.s•n ,, ......... , ..... , .. ,,, ........ !he 11-3':llon ev,d•mcood by lhe 1n,n,ri,Mj 1non,pq• and 11 ba,i...J u~n "-Y u, any"""~""·,. p1otect•on DI tll;lh n, l"r,du,q lJW. e. Any 11.llU!OfY ~ .... '°' ...... ,c ... , IJbOf Of m.11 .. ,..i. hx ch .. clJtm o/ P,IOfl!y ot ""Y ~,.111110, i I •"'••c.,., lllba< Of 1na1ttf,'11'1-ov"' ,t,..111,n ol 11 ... 11Nlt.lled m0tlg"1111) •"""9 lrom .,, uuprovtt•n .. ,.,, ,..,.1,otd 10 lt1tt la,>d whoct, i■ contrJCl<,d lo, o,od comm..,ocad 1ubt<>tQu .. n1 to 0111 .. ot Poh"y _..,_ l1nJncltd m wl,olo, Of m p,.-1 by p,ocu,od1 ol It,., mdoblood,.,.._,. ,...,:,11Hd by It"' ""'"'•,J mo,t,p•l" al Cal" ol Pol11:y 11.., m11u1..J t•a adva•oc«d Of ,1 oblog31Hd 10 .a,Jv<11'1C10 7. Aoy d.:am, whrch a,,., ... out of the U;Jllol:ICl•on a■,111r".) 11,.. ,n1..,_, ot !I"' ,:,10<111.~1-;.,,..,.....i pol,cy, by 111a,,o,1 ot ,t.., opftfal•or, ol h,d,.'11 b<1n~rup1cy, 1J1at11 ""'olv•tr.cy, Of mm,L;W cro,Jl!oo• ,,....,,, 1t,,11 •• barsad on: h) thAtra, .. act,on a11a1mg 1h11 "'' .. "'' ol Iha lllllUl8d mollgagfNI bt,,•,g d-,,,fN:1 I r,.-..,dt.rlolll COI\Y Of haudt.rlem t1an,dto1; Of M !h<I ..,_.t,o,dina110n ol lhft lf•h"••I ol 1h11 ;..,.,.ad m0tlg"IJtr• as • ,-.,11 of ti"' uppl1e.11,on doctnno, ol eq1111.rbl11 subOldin.111011; Of !111) !he l13flll,1CUOn a11.mn9 !M intftfffl ot lhtt ,n,;urltd lntllllla\J"" bo•nQ d-111.,.J :I ~11tnu,11hJI 1 1,xr:opl ""'""" ,1,.. pu,1..,.,111,.JI u.a,.,,lur ,-..111 t,o,n Iha 1.-lu•u (31 lo l11m~y tltCOfd the •ll>IUum11nl ol t1.-1,d<11; Of (bl ol suc:h tltCOl'd.Jl•on I0 ""P"'' nouco 10 1 purch-,.;.,, IOf v.-.lu" o, a ,udgtt1n,mt Of ~,,,. cr....i AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION OWNER'S POLICY 110-17-921 AND AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION LEASEHOLD OWNER'S POLICY 110-17-921 EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE Th11 followinq ma!lo1~ MK 11xpr,.s..ty ""dt1d10d horn !h" cov11rlt<J" ol !lo~ policy .ind H,u Comp;iony wtU not P•W 1011• Of d.imlllJ"• co~IS, auornny~• I,~,• Of ""P""""~ wt•,;h ,..j5,, by 111":in ol: 1 (al A11y l.1w. 0tdinmocfl Of 11<>v•"""'""• .~ "'!l"lat,on (u,d11do•g b .. 1 no! hmt!nd to b, uld11>9 ;11,d zoning law~. Ofd .. ,a.~:M, Of r"'(l•ll3!ion~I lh~lrn;tmq, f11q,,latr1,q. p,ohbt!ll\fl Of fl~a!in<J to h) It, .. om,o,p.oo,cy, ,., .... Of ,,n~>ym,,•~ ol rt"' Lancl; lu) ,t,., r:t..-. """", dnn.,,,,.,o,., Of Location ol •••Y improv11•n11n1 now Of tMV11afl,w •~<ir.tn<:1 011 th" l:111d; !ii,l "<"IJ;Y,1!111n i11 owrn.rd•p Of "cl•:i"'J& in tho dtmflll.<aons 01 ,v11;J ot 11111 l:ind Of any p.,rc1~ ol wl•i:h 11,., l,u•d •M Of w.1~ I p;lf{; Of h•I 11nvlfonm11"1'11 pro!0<:ho11, Of lh" c,IIOK:I ot any v•ol.1t1on ol It•"~" l,1Wij, ordma,w.u~ Of 11ov,..,,m,.nr,~ '"!l"lat,ona, e•r.11pt to fhu a><tf<nl lh:i! .a ll<lb<:IO of 11,., •••of<>1c"m"n1 lh,~oot n, 3 •ool•r." ol lldPIIICI, ~"" Of 11nct1111bf3ocf0 rftllUl!!fllJ ltmn 3 v10l:it•o" Of all"!]ood wml.11u,11 ;iltar.Utl{I th11 ln"d h:111 b""n rflr.0tdud •n 1/.., p11bhc rec0tds 81 C:il" 111 Pohr.y lbl A"y •Jc,v,,,mnPnt,11 pol,r." l)OWH roof o,,tdOJded by (al ;Jbavt1, excapt IO 11111 o,•1<11<t !Ii.II a nohr.A ol ltoA "••~•""" tt.,.. .. ol or a not"'" ol I d.,f..,:t, b,on Of 11nr,umb1.1ocn 1ns1~tm9 hom a v,111.,1,on Of .:ill"\lad ... u1.,1,o .. Jftf<r.!Ul(I lh11 la11d t .. , .. b110,n , .. r.o,dftd "' 11~, p11bl1c /f>COrd11 31 oa1 .. or Pol,t:y. Ri:1t,M 111 """''"nl dom'"" •11lou not,r.o ol 11,1111xwe1~11 tt.,,rnol h.111 t,., .. ,n rncOfd"d m 11,., p,ubl1c r..c01ds "' O.,!u ot Poh"Y, bu! not ,.,,.J,,dm11 ho,nco•"'"II" 30,y t3ki"(I whet• h.1>1occvu..J pr10t 10 0:11" ol Poht:y wl•d• would b" b111di11g °'' u ... r,qt,,~ of 3 l)tllChJSHf tor •alUIO wnl,out k11ow1, .. JQtt 0.,1,., ts, h11<,s, 1111cumb, m,u,o, ,...i,,,..~,. d,11u,o, Of ott"~ m.111<1111· l.,J t~IO:itlld, s.,/1..,,.d, a.•~um"d o, •"l',...d to by tt"' m~uf<td cia11T1J11!; !bf not k"ow1110 It,., Compa11y, nol rocord,td on tt111 public 1m::0td~ al 0.11., ol Pol1t;y, boll k11Q.-.• ,....,_Jrnd d.Mn1anl nnd not d•sc:lo~"d in w,itif'!l 10 IM Comp,my by th" 11U11J1nd ci;iun.,nt p1iol lo II ti"' m~u"'J d;•rn.1111 bor.mn., an 111!<1.Uad u•od,,. 1tn pol,r.y; (<-) ,.,,...1,11~1 '" ,,u los• Of d"'"-1!1" ,., !hu ill!UJr.td d,•m~ut; !di :1U;1t:l•o11 Of (:rnat"J ~11b11uq11H"I to Dot" of Policy, Of (IO) fll~11lhrnl 111 Ill~" Of dmt\,11Jn wl~dl WO\~d 1101 havn bm,n "'llll'11r~,J ,I tl"t .,.,..,,.,,1 d:•"'•"'' t, vahm lo, 11 .. , .. ~,;,In Of ll>lnfMS{ in~u,nd by II•• pohcy. 4 A11y d.•m, wt.io:t, ,.-,,..,,. o"I ol o.,, uan,o:,t:l•on vuMIH'{I in H111 ;.,,.,.,.,du,.. .. -.1.110 n, i11I•"""' ,..,., th• pohr.y, by rn:osou ut 1t~, opm:il•on ol t,,d,.,/11 bank1uptr.y, ~!al" ,,.,.c,1.,,.,.r;y, o, "'md;.-•~• "\It,,~ l~w,., 1t1311,; b.1-c<td 011: hl !h« tr.n•!lil<:t,011 (·u,;1111,11 H"• ,.,.,,,111 01 i1110,.,,.1 '""'"Hd by II•• P<>l""Y b<••~l J .. ,un,,d" ltJ conv11ym>r.A Of lf1111dulAnl tran!lt"': Of lo•I thn tr:11111.1c:l1011 rJoa1mg tho""""'" Of'"''"""' •n.;urod by ti.is pohcy b"'"ll d.,.,.,,.,d G P,••I, tiao~h,r "•c:Apl wt«.ro 11,., Pf"l"'"n!,.ll l13ush,r 10s111!s llom 11 .. , 1.-1,.,,. (al 10 !111\o~y , .. r:ord 11,., 11,s1runu,111 ol nm15ln,; Of (bl or sw;h tnr.ord.11111<1 to 1111p,,rt •10'""' to ., pn,c.h35<tt !Of v,:,i,10 or a ~Jd•.J""""" "' 111>1• a...:i, n,.. :ibov11 Al TA policy t0tm!I m.,y b« ;,.,.,.H<J 10 a!t0td ..,,h.,, St:md"'d Co•"'"!l" o, E•t.,,idod Cov"''"l"· ln .-.dd11,on to th" -'b<,v" f,rdu&iolll 1,o,n Cov,ttmlto, lh., Exc .. pho,.,, horn Cov•lf"!J.,,n a SI .11«!.-.d Cov•~ ••!I" pol1<:y w,II ,_~o 111c:lud" lh" lollow,,,g G,m"' al E><copnons: EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE Tt,ts polu y dOA~ "0! '"""'" •"l••"st lo~,. 01 d,1111:~J" lnr.d !t,H Comp.11•y wdl not p.1y r.o~!s. auornn~,;• ,..., .. Of 11><pffnSAII wt,~t, r,osn by ""'~o" ol 1 T '"'"" Of ·"'5""••n«m~ wt.d, ·•" no! s/,ow,,"" .. ••••"•<l 1,,., •s by 1t,,. ,.,r:ord" ot ·" ,y '·'""'\I ,,..tt>Of•IY 1t..11 1.,,,,,,. '-'""' Of :is•,.~~n,""" o" ,~.ll orop•ttly Of by tho, P"bhr. rnr.01d" Proc..,.,di<•q~ by a p,,bl,c atjf'ncy wt,d, m.,y ,.,s,il! •n ta•"" 01 :i•~••~~""'"•~. "' noto<.••~ ot sud, p1or.11,,du~1•. wt,.,,r.,,. Of r.ot stoown by ""' '"""'"" ot •11r.h 119.,n<:y Of by U.r• p"bhr. 11,cord, ""Y t."',~-uqM~. '"''""~IS or ci .• m,r wl ... h ;vA no! st.own by lloR l>'•bl,r. r,,r.md< bH! wt.c.h could be :1~1:•.r!.'11r.«d by an 111sp,.r:!1m, ol ,t,..1.11,d u, by <n3k11•J 11>qu11y ol p,,r50"~ ,n PO'""~'""' It•"'""'- E.,s""'""•'• h""" of .,.o1.•unbr.11,r1<~. o, d.•u•• H~••,ul. wt•c:h '"" ,.,,1 •t.ow1o by 11,., p,1bltr. ,,., . .> • C,sc110p.11•·'"'· ,:,,.,!h, !S 11, b11'11«J . ..-y 111,0<. sl,Nt.>(\" 11, '""•'• .,,..-·,0.1< 1 ......... ,. u, .,i,y oil"" l.w 1• ,l r.o"""' .,,,~"Y WIIHl<l d•«:losn, :1nd .,...l,d, ,VII f,01 d10w11 by lho p,,bl,r. tH<:urd,. (.,) U,,p,l!H••T"d •••""'"' d.•m~: lbl '"~"'•n\loc,~ Of R•r:ttp!,on11 •" p.11 .. r.11 Of ,n A,·t• ;11,1tv:.<•r '"""·"'c" 0 .. .,,.,.1. !cl w,,,,~ 11qt,!s, d.•m• Of h!!o 10 "'·"'"• wh"U"" Of,..,, H"' mall••~ ., • ., .. p•~ j.1). lb) o, (<=J ;y,. ,l,ow" by 11.,, pubhr. 1«c01d• EXHIBIT A !CONTINUED) CLTA HOMEOWNER'S POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE 16-2-981 ALTA HOMEOWNER'S POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE 110-17-981 EXCLUSIONS h, ,'ldd,1,on lo th,, EKcepliorvi '" Sct.mflllA B. You•• no1 lrw,.,..ct a,yain~l lou, co~rs, ano,ney•' lee•. and &Kpen..,. 11111ulting ltom: 1. Govltl'nm .. nlal polic• pow•, 1nd !hot Ax1•lenca Of ,,,ol.n,on of any law or gov1•11m11nt rllg!Jlauon. Th11 ,nc:lud-o,dinenc,.., lawa ar,d ragula110"'1 concerning· a. building b lOl'Mr,g Land UH d. ,mprov .. m11m• on Land Land division .,,w,1orwrum1.il protocuon Tin Exdullion dOIM not apply 10 v1ol;Koo,,. or the antorcamomr of 1"-• matu,ra ii notice of Iha violat,on o, e,nf<:>1cAment appeal in ttwo Public R...:o,da al !hot Policy O.ita. Thia ExchJllion do.,. no1 l,m,1 11.., COYfll"\lfl d1111cribod in Covered Roak 14, 15, HS, 17 Of 24. 2. Th<, 1/0ilura ot Your exi,tinQ 111uc111,,.s, or any P•I ol lhflm, lo bf! conslfuctftd in accordaoc11 ...ith appl,cabl<t b<Jddn'II codn. Tt-..i Exolu1'1on do-not apply lo violatiorw. of building codAa ii not,ce ol lhe violat,on DPP"IW" m th,. Pubbc R-.ords 81 the Policy Date. 3. Th11 fight to 1,1k,. !he Land by cond11m.-.ng 11, unleu: a. notu::" of u"'cilliog tt ... nght app""'" m the Public Ro,cords at the Poli,:y D,1111; o, b tho, t11kmg haop,tned bfflo,a tha Polley Cale 1nd is bindin.g on You if You boo!Jhl lhtt land wirhoul Kuowing ol lhe 1aki119. 4. Risks: e. that are a•ated, ,.owed, 01 1911.,,d 10 by You, wt""I,.. Of not tl>toy app .. .w in the F\ibloi: R,., b. that are Known to You ill the Policy Data, bul not to Us, uni-• thHy appwa m lh<, Publoc A" 11 the Poltcy Oaie; c. that ,...,1, m no 1o.s to You; o, d. lhat first occur alt• lhu Pol,cy Datw · O·•s do-rw;,t l11ni1 tl>to cov .. agH d1111cr1b<od in Cov,,.,,. 7, 8.d, 22, 23, 24 Of 25. 5. Fat.ire 10 pay w:ilue IOI YOUf Titl11 • 5. leek of • right; 1. to any land outsid11 the ••a 1pttcil1cally d,011c-.r,bed ... w:1, .. 1..,,...t tom pa:,yr.aph 3 of Scl,oK/, ""' b. in !Jllet1ts, 9'1tys, Of Wal•ways that IOtJr.h tt ... lltf"IOJ. Tto11 E.:dusion does no1 ~,nit Iha cow Mag" d_a,blld in Covff"d Risk 11 or 18 RESIDENTIAL TITLE INSURANCE POLICY ONE-TO-FOUR FAMILY RESIDENCE ENHANCED VERSION 119971 EXCLUSIONS h, .-..Jd.r,on 10th,, Eu:+,ptrOrl'< i11 Sd<11dtrln 8, you a,,. nQI .,..._,rHd agai11"! 10~1, co"l", 111torN1y1" f...,11, a1\d wllptt1..,,1 111....,lt11,g hem: G.,v,<1nm111,1,il pol,.,,. pow,~, a,,d 11.., ''"'"'"""" Of violatron ol any Jaw or gov0111m11nt ragulatoon. Tt,ia m<:h1du" buoldn"IQ and lOIO"!I 01d,r,ar"'"~ .11>d 111 .. 0 laws aud r"1)ulauonH cooc111ni09 a. la"d usn. b. unprovnmtt111,. on tt~, 1.,,.d; <.:. l;;ind divi,.jon,,; 01 d. ""v11onm,mt.il p,01,,q,.m. Ttn 11xr.hmo11 dnM no! apply To v1ol,11,01>H 01 the 1u,l01com .. nt ol lhesu man,.,. wt.r.h :,ppA;Jr in thto publir: r<•r.<><o:ls .11 Pul,r:y ca1 ... Th.s nx,:J,,,..011 do"" oat l1m1! rl.,, coVlll3ftA dfl,ii:r,bfld in llfl1n 12r: arw:I d, 13 1,w:I 1 !I of Cov1Wfld T,tlo R1sls. 2. Tio" ll!jhl 10 1,1kR lhR land by r.ondflmning 11, unh,r,is: a ,,.,t,r.M of a•Afr:r"'nq tt,n "!Jht <1pp,u,r• m !he pubhc rBC01d,. on the Pol11,y Dalfl; 01 H,<1 takm11 happened p,,or to lhR Policy Data 111,d 111 bonding on yo" if you bo,,gt,r 1h11 land ""'rt'°''' kno...,ng ol thR taku'!J 3. Totlfl A,~ks: I. Iha! ;101 r:rHalf>d. allowad, Of aqrooood to by yo"; b. !h;,1 <l'A kuown 10 ymo. 1,,., not lo us, on lhR Pot.r.y Datu . "'~""" lhfly app,.,-ud in II~• I rt1Cord•; c. th.11 res,il1 in no loH lo you; 01 d. Iha! hrsl allBCI yo.,, 1111" alt• ,t,.. Policy Cat" tt.s do,,~ not lim,t thfl r:ov,.-1~10 d,nw:r,bnd "' lb, 8, 17 ar,d 19 ol Cov.-..,.d T,tlu R,sks. 4 Fal11,a lo p;;,y valuo 10< your IIIIH. 5 Lar:k ol a noht; [:,) 10 any l;;ind o .. rsidu tho :vu~ sp,.,.,hctllly do,,·r,bud nod r111,.,.w:1 lo"' 11""' Sd1HdtdR A. 01 lb) iu sl/11.,111. nll,.ys, 01 w.11urw.1y~ lh.>t !011<,h V""' l.11,d Ths Hr.lus,on do"" not hm,1 ,1,., r.ov.., •"J" d""""b"d "' Ir mus 5 a,K/ 1 2., ut tho Cov••r,d T,rln Risk• I ;<::_.' _.: .. ~-• . _, ..... i ·; .:', 1/i;? : . ·• -~. . ' . . ·,:-.. L ,-. <D !·' ~, ' 61T•t . , ~ ~ ~Sl,!?£ ~ ~~~~~~ .... ... 0 ;;; ,! :;:i;~~1J2 I f • I t Ji) I .:caca:a:Za: <(cll}O.J..._i,; 1' • I .-:t:· . l . f-1 --•. f • ' \ I I MAR-07-00 12:53 TP-· -418585457801 03107100 12:10 FU .. ~. :. .. 87 71 U05 ., PCOIM.U IIQaUl.KD .B't: lltDII 1IJU: IICIIIIWiCE l:IJRPAl'I OF CMJfllldlll I.ND --Dcoaa&O kll:J. ft)J QJ:l"I or i:AIILIIIWl llQQ IIUI AIIUOII eAALIMD, ca. ■acoa ""-139 l',.,1•:i.:1.-11m~ I .1.-1-·="' ,._-~•-,.., .. I• •..• ,, 'l·i .. • l .• · .. : ·. :·.-. --...,..pu.ted. an [Ull v11luc Qt Pl'DParl:.Y c;qwayld, or ( I -COIi. on Ml value leae v~lllo oC i.-,,. ang. encllllbtanc.• r••ini119 •* tiflle o~ ll!!IQle. ( ) un1ncorpora.ted aD1i1u (X) c1ty of C~UBllO, ana 10» A Y~ C0a5XDQ.AT10tt, Neeipt of wtaii;t, i.• heratiy -~lliKhjlad I YKIOiOII SAVJ:IIQli .IUilU lOAN IUSSOC?UIOII', PM, a fllMlerally ••YLnga ~ loflln asaociatim,, 11Aaaix:i•t.iot1•· l\U'll!by WWfflS 10 'l'RE CITY Of CAllLl,IIA,O, A KWi1lCl.l'AL C!0llPO'IIU'E0~ t.ba · f'olllll'lmJ htkai.b.-d. .-..,;i prope:rt.:r ln th• (:l'J"J ut CAIU,:ntAU, county 0£ ~ DIIGQ, litilCO of ca.li.t:omiau -Zldlil>it "A" ot-h:reto wblch bt tbiB :ruf'arBnC4!!11 1• incorp0r,1t:ec:1 a.a tbaWilh, ■et forth in full • . ul W.1l'H.U6 WIIEKWl', Mid. A&■Cloia'C.ian bu C.0.1.lliled it.11 na ... and 1ta•l tn H illff'b:ell bcn.to al'ld t.bi11 inatria.n~ ta be auwc:ut.ud. by tha tederal Aaas't Uiapo■it.lon baocia.t:Lon, ■ fede1;&l. aavin,aa aria l!Mn .-aOC!J.1-ticm orgtanhed ('tln~n~ ~ :;egt,lgn "°' 'iilf t2w Jfa~:l.anal llQ1.1d119 Acc. u awendc:d, Ja u.s.c. 8aat1ca l7l7 (118:1), aot.lng "" the M•ooia'U.an • • Attorney-1n-ract., ~r•w,,to au1y ~iathor1""'1, 'J, Do.too, '-fr 7 I 'VbURIII' BAV.l»G$ UD LOAN ABBQIZX~Tmll, P.11. >yr ""'•"'l --~ D1•p<1dtian Aa.iicid.■t.lon, it. Attomey--ln-raot ~{~, ~ix::;;; Olfier:cy D&SCflpt/On: 1987.714906 Page 1 of 5 comme,rt: la! ooz I·· MAR-07-00 12:53 03/07/00 1%:10 FAX ,.,,,. .. -. .:-... . ' STA'IIE or 'IUAI CDCQlfV 01' n.LI.U ••\n:llc\O&UC-00 OnJer;cy Deaaiplion; 1987.714905 T~418585467801 P:03 lilJ003 1,0 0 ; -2- Page2 of5 Comment: I· I' MAR-07-00 12:53 03/07/00 lZ:10 Fil EXHIBIT 'A• •• U1 ..-U Fliil: ITAfHllf. SITE II YII..U8il [of CILAVERA HI Ll.5 8[11G A PGH,tlOH Of LOT .,. 111 """°'" I\GUA tlEDIOIIIA, IN Mi cm Of i:ML5""'>, COl/l<1Y or SAH DlfllO, STATE OF CALI-IA, Ai:=»1111.0 Ill JIAP THERl;O, Nl. U~! Fll,[l) IN THI 01',icx 111 1ltl! IDJMIY llfl:ORll6II or 5AH DIEOO QlUIITY Cli ""'lilllllill 16, I& .. , 1&11<11 MOIi£ PMIIICULMl.f 0£SCll16!0 w, ,ouows, el:GIIOIIN. AT THI H0$1 -THiASWll.1 ~ OF CAAL5eAO ll!M:T 14>, fl-47 IN SAID CITY IWl 5TATI!, ACC':HIU•G TO MAI' 00. 10ll\5 fll.£0 I" lkE QF,1ct o, 'lh( CQt,ttn AECCADeR OF $A.ID COJNT'T Of4 ..-~v 11, l!Nl3; f)if,Cf.' sourn 6!1•2a10• iatST, 15',W -~T (RECORD 15il .. lli1 "" PU ~ WCI, IQ~:iil I M.CNI, 'IHE toi,T~LI' SIS)IY iSION .a»oMY 1)11' SAID lJUICT NO. 11 .... 1 1 TO THE IIO:rT NCRnftf?STERU COIIMER OP ~ID lRACT NO. 8t-47, MID f'OIHT a£1Na lit 'r'NE CENtlRi.lMC 0, GLA!GOW OM•W~ ,._s, 0£01CA'ltll TO. THE Pl.l&,IC PER Mli' HO. 11:U(i5J '1HEHCI CQNTlttUfNJ SOUTH H~•42• W(ST, 30.Cll FEET TO lliE IIUflill~Y LIii£ aF O_., """"' THEIU ALOiG 1lil'. iliSTEIILY ~INE 111 .. i.s(HiNT All< ""81.IC llll/lllllAT ,.....$ti 1'£11 D0Clll4DI!' ID-86-aJs.2 .. , &lCOllED rbaUM'I' 2,, ,,.,, filCl1H te•31• 12• e,t, H0.1),1 FUT ro TNI TRUE POufT' ~ HGINftlili; TNertei LfAYINJ $11.10 .af- EJII.Y LIii!, SQll)I 1T'ft'•"ii"'iidl', ilb.od fE(T; THEJU NORlll 18'~1• 1i• 11t!T, 1S>.oo ,ar TOM S011lN:1tL.1 1.1N~ aF SA,o CAS!HftilT l'CIA. fi'utf,l.1t K<l""IIIIY l'tJRf'OSU I'll! IIQCIKN'I NO. llli-1l714Z4, Ali-FUAIMRY 26, 1986i 1HENCE. ~ $410 !iOlffi,ISIU..'V LIME 1 NM.nl 7192214111 EAST. IDJ~OO F~ TII THE ll&lllllilNli OF • T-o,IWE CDNCA,t IGUTloOIISTERLY Ale W.YOill ,. RAOIUI .. zs.~ FIii.fr; T)1(HE IUIITHEMTflU, l!MTERLY ~ SOU"'Htl\STll!LY. Al.IHI 1l1t Mit /I s.110 Cl.RYE, ,,_.,. A 1$TIIM. ANGLE (If '90•00100 .. , 311.27 FE~, WQ' I.LQNQ 1.._; Wi$1iRt,.'I' LIN£ Of s.uo EASEM9II' FOR PUILIC ROAOIM'f FUIPOSD l"ER g()C:\Ml'.HT .->. 66--075"2"', Rl!- CCRDfD l"f.BflU.Nlf •• 1,eo, ~ ,r,1•1211 Ua$T., :z,.ao ,m tt1 Tn£ ~ !!!l!!!! 91' PPl'lfi\!11,• TE~.c.(l 18585467801 ttie.-rf.£ .. t-- RmlSJMT IQfil '117 IKU 9/:IQ/O Ordtlr: cy Dffc;riptiQ(I: 19B7. 714905 Page Jof/J comment: P:04 MAR-07-00 12:53 TEL,i..:l18585467801 03107/oo 12:lo FAX • .rr-·-·--·--:-r ,, .. ______ .,.......,. ______ _ <~ ~ 'f(l ' • .., ' I , .~ I ,, '1 If) , ~ 'I ' • ! I ;; i ' ,, 1(2 EXHIBIT "s• . ~Oafli'l~~'i !.@·ir J r'1U\P t!O. i :!'31 I I I I I -~ .... • ::v I "">· ., oA, ! ... 0 ~ ·~ .a~ ffl 'f/i' ~ . ... ..,, • fii) g~ 11\ .... ~ «'C . , ..... · ·-~- CIIARLf:8 W •. CH~ST!,NSEN & A850CIAlllS ~{1 ~\ Mr· ~44 Ill. "C ~·••et, Sulla 400 Iii v Ito 1155 \ '-· ~, San Dl•srn, CA 7-21!1'1 . · un11• ~~ _ Qrdsr: cy DIIBCl1ption: 1~7. 714905 P"{Je 4 or 5 Commeot I/ f·'~ P:05 fi!IOOG I , MAR-07-00 12:53 - 03/07/0D 12:11 PA.1 t I lfJ Tb.la l• to ON"t.i.b that t:ha 1nt■.rast in hill ~ey ooaveyed by tDe deed. or 'Fm.\t-a.tad Mf'l"l n. 1!111 traa lle.,_u ~ ...& Lu.a MNCMlt:l-ao.1 PA t:o the Cit)' ot c.r1eDad, Oa11f0fll.iiil., a 111.1ni~lpAl oo:rpor.at=i.cm, is t.e.nby arx:eptacl by the C1 t:y Coanc.il of tllA C:tty o:r car111be.d 1 Calitorm:.il pursuant to :reaoluti,m Nu, ,z·.u. - Ol'flar. cy Description: 19B7. 71490ti Comment: TE'f 418585467801 P:06 liiJOOd .,.. I . . MAR-07-00 12:53 TEi-·,a 18585467801 --~0?/07/00 12:U F.U '· .... -. ,;• .. ,: ·. . • .J • 1-14 87 71~906 IJIOllllP.-.i --BYI TIC!III TIil£ IIISUC.\l!Cl: cour.1111 01 CAllfQRNIA MID IIIIBII IIICOlll:IIP IW:L 'l'CI I \JI ore 30 I'll :i, s2 -~F ___ -1 AP. . .--,r. Q:ml' .,., """"'""" 1200 BLII Avtlftll C»tLIIVIID, ct. 12001 HAilt TAX UT&TQ(&M'l'li NI ,''I· ,~~ I\ , 1 -ftf, 161· ,.,1,1., "TJ#"I. On:Jer. cy COfflJIWSW e,w·r RPiP ( ) eaaputa4 QC Ml \'al.DI at: prowi .. rcr conveyed' DI' ( 1 ~u."d C!l1' t'QU Val\lt lN• valu o:f' liana a.nd eBCll'llbE'atlQaa '.l"llllwaJ..lli.hg •t ttaa ei 141•. [ ) OnincO,par•-u-•: (111 Clty of CA><i:.Gllt,D, """' P'0R A 'V,IIIWll,i: (:CtilS'lDISIAflmt, reoeipt gf ,mil;h i.. ltu-tlby ac:knowl.ed914, VD»Otl SAVlltGS N1D I.QMI' ~c1•-rIOt11 F&A, a. !rnlc::.1.·oi11.lly cttart.iar.r'lt4 11Ntual ••v~ a'Q4 J l6an H11oc;ii.a.Uon, ('Ch• •ASGOCb.tion•) btK'UOf j CRAl'lS ¼o\J'l'IJI CITY OP CMU.SMD, A 141,lNlCll'AL O/lBl'OMUml\j'e ro<I.Olfil,g 4 .. erll>ed real P=P'"i:1:Y in t.b• CITJ 0P ~IIAl.l, OUllntf Of 81..H" DiliG01 St...atu gf Ca.lifo.rn.1.as -hllib1t ·A· u.taohed. b.ir&CD Yb1c)l by ~his nai111nu.1ce J.11 Ja::Drpora.t..a Alli tti.OU9b Ht rart:h. 10 ruu. llil wffitas IDDIICIOF, liiil1d Alllaoc;;lat.ion h.tu1 w~ itli: naa• 6.1W .. .,1 m b4! ariC.bal b.a:ato ana 't.bia inRrmnent to ~ ~cout.-4 by t.b.e ·•dan.l .ftlil,&e.t D1npositiGII Alli.Ociatlon, a fad■ra.J. Bil'/ J.nga •rad loan .-acacJ.acj..on org.u1t.•ed l'IIPi\Mlint 'tO :,eet,icm t lll;i ot t.tui wa-Cional Hausing .l.C't, •• a-....a.ea., U u.e.c. Sect.ton 1721 (198l) J aictihg' •• trLCI ~i&t.1ort1• t.ttorney•in-l"aat, 'Cher&UD'-O d\lly authariztd:/ k,. »at.e: -~ DfisctJption: 1987. 714906 Wtullal GA\l'tlfG:s UD J.OAII "5SOCDHOII, FG/\ lly: hdar•1 AsHt; DU-Uion .Mao-=:Lation, tte Attanwr•ln-Pact:. 11r: f,i~f<,41 l,h Itll: _,£4i.t f«c 1, Pape 1 or 5 eommenr: " P:07 lil!007 ,. 1·· _MAR-07-00 12:53 03/0TIOO li:11 PAl. ... . -. , .. . _ ~ ITA'fS or - r!IIOM'1'I' or lllol.Ull 1111:. .. 1,& on 2/ 6f.J"fC /?'f? be<an •• tu DMDr•J.qne4, • lfoM:IY PU.llliic ~ and far .. I.i lit.At.•, ,-:r.w11:~ •PP•at'll.d' t:ne l'IIIVN .u--. J)iapq,,ai~lon ~1a~1c:m C-'TAta•), Q _J=At ,rau,l,/1, ...,;y. ft,,~ Ple"itrr ~, rA0A, ""._.i Y • .. to be 'Che ll&tSl:ln \lhose na1M1 1& &'lb&:c.:r;i.hf!cl tn thb ;l.natru-.aant on beb.11.f or the FAD.A ilS ttw "-t:tom11.v-iir-Waot of vernon w.v1nqe a,,,CI L<>an A»ltOOl.at!OII, VSA oni -1-•"4 ta ,._ Ulll'C Ile illlb&er .I.bed thtil .Nile of ~ >.&•001&t.lla'I t:Nln:to a. pt:i.ncipal 1 4n4 his own nae on bebalt vf PADA ... &.tt6rnay-in-:raot. Wl'mi<Wa r,y 1Mu14 and aU1oi•L •~ ~ 8~GMIOIIII . f ~..,.e e: \l\jk\Ull>lC-00 Pago: 2 of5 Comment: TEl,-;;\18585457801 P:08 faloua MAR-07-00 12:53 - 03/07100 ·-~. - • ft .. I-. Order: cy 12:11 FAI EXHIBIT "A• ,-slD PNfll IIYl 1• YILJ..IIU( [ .. .z COI.AWIMltlLLI l(IICI A ilQIITll»I 1/1 I.OT 'J' 0, ......., .... HelHINIA, IN IHI Clll Ill CMI.IIAD, COUlll'Y 0:: $Ml OtB». STATI 0, CIL lftVIHA. M:allat• 19 -, ---,, a2J ,,w, IN Tlli Ol'FIS'li .. THI! GOllffi' lll!QIIIIII aF $,w OUM CCUffl' 1;JI, --~ 1t, IM, BE.INIJI ,_.. l'lf(JIQII.Nil.J Dli.ml:IIM:D .. ,_, 08.,INIIHtW AT THt MO»T Mlffltl~Y allfiN (If' Dll.$N lUCl' te> • • , .. n IN SAID Cln AN) ITATE, IICIMOltfl JU.,,, IJICl.. •• ,., l'ILEU IH Thi! (/l•tct Vt1' ttlt '-'MfT1' IIIIICllll)III VI MID rAatn llN .INIWIQ' 11, lllllt flttNCI IIIUTN A1•21t42" ~, 7,t.9' l"UT C~ 1511~8'9 f[il PSI Ni1tP NO.. toS5J• ~ 'JHl ~f ar.iAl'l1$1QIII' ....,..., rY ,SAIO 1MX'1' ..0. et-47, 10 THE: IOST IU.'nllUTERL.Y "8aiR UF '6.ID DW:r NO. 11-41, IAID t'OINI" llli:IJG GI ff CENfEN.INE ~ 8LAilUOv mtl'lt Al IIDtt.Mm TO 'TH ftlBL.IC PlR NN' NO. 10!6Si: 1~ CO.,fllllll'O iOIJDI arza•q, WE~"T, )O.Qt ,en Ta TltE Wli:liTULY I.UC Cl'.~ llltlfl 'NI na ,_ l'DINT .2!:_ UfBINN;;J 1Jiil,a'" QCNYlltUINJ 50lllH •rn•42• '1ST, UJ.R"'l\ii to' A ..,., THE ,AlnALY LINI of AH f:A'Elar AR PlalC ....,, P'\.ft- PO$D PM lklCut(N1 rel, l>n)JU. ~ JuLT' z,, •• ,, SAID routr 8!1t0 dN A QRYf CDCAWt IQYEN,Y MIi hl\WUG A IUOIUI f1E HM2.0U fl:fft ' RAOIAL LhE TO ~•u l"OINT 81:NCi :DffN e,•»•'6• wr, ,aec,: NOIITIMST!RLY I ALIIII SAID 1!1\SlR,I' LINC '6 IAMAIMCK A~, AUIG 1Ht: .MC "' SA•D """'• lHIWlSI , C&111W. MGll o, u-o,•u•. urAJ;S ,uri 'TH6fC8 NORTN 11•n1t2• ..a-r. 1,, .. az ,ar 10 M we;,,,.,."'" A. T.-. CIDII' CIIIYE. CON:Avr: SOUTI£\5TUU.'t ANO ~••IWlr A NM>UIS OP Z'-00 l'EtT; '"~ _,.;nflfEnBT. NlMltliRLT .ltNIJ NDIUNUJ'lllli.1, ~ " MC o, :SAID ctHYE. ~ A c:amw. MrM.E 01 trtl010D•• :,,.ZJ f'EET; DtEICE MAIG 'lhf: iGln"Hfll.l..y L ltil£ t:11 AN l!A:IIIWJIT NI ,,_ ,c fllirl:IIMY P~ PIA OOCUNOff NO. ll>-07,.241 RiC1K11iD fl8AUAR'r %61 11111 ldlTN 71~•-■ FAST, lit.el FUT; lft&C( UAVIMD SAID ICIUINEII.J Lllrll:1 SOlll'ff '8 .. lt1 1z• WT, !~MIO FE:1£1', bEa NORTH 11•31•41• EIIS'ft 1::0,GO nET TII ntl 1£ST81Lr LINC Of .. Ill -fCJI l'l&IC """'IIIY f'URIIOSf5 fttJt ~ IG1 '6-0l,-.241 ltlCIIIID!O ........ 26, 1986i THEICe ALmG ~D lll!StUII..I LUC, $OUJH 11•JJll2• fA!iT1 460.1)11',EJ m THE -~ a, -r IOllld. ~10 IIESCRIIIQI LNIJ catlTAIN$ 1.,11 fDlfS• MUtli GK U,U • ~3of5 TEL,·418585467801 P:09 lillOOO r 't tt t AAA 0.92 CHASE FIELD, CARLSBAD CA 1 0.78 Poie kication dimensions are relative to 0.0 reference point 0. 1.63 1.04 /0.86 B2 1.12 1.65 .6 /12Z ,1.6D 1.59 BI EQUIPMENT LISTING Pv Cox" Po kc he4 B. F A, . 1 1 Al O 4 6A 2 4243 OY JW 0 a I A4 4 &4 1 01 7O O 7 112 2 ?fl' 14 1 04 1 1O 1 7[ CY J 7 22A J 1 112 4. /4.16 VE 2.18 84 1.20 . . Fixture Type: TLC MZITLC MZ Lamp Type: 1500W MZ11500W MZ Lumens: 155000 File # / Date: 1024091 21-Jul-2003 Prepared By: MBELLOMA C~= muscD. QUARANTEED PERFORMANCE INITIAL SPILL LIGHT MAXIMUM FOOTCANDLES Target Points; 58 Average: 4.13 Maximum: 12.28 Minimum: 0.64 Avg/PAin: 6.477 Max/Mm: 19244 Number of Luminaires: 66 * KW Consumption: 105.64 Average Tilt Factor: 0.945 'ReccverabIe Light Loss Factors; x 1Q1 Total Ligt,t Loss FaCLOr(LLF) 0.945 Refer to amperage draw for electrical sizing. ,** Additional non-reccverable Light Loss Factors are design constants equal to 1.0 at maintained illumination levels. *** Includes Luminaire Dirt Depedatkin and Lamp Lumen Depreciation - per IESNA Lighting Handbook 9th Edition. page 9-17. NOTE: Light level averages and unifornes are guaranteed by MUSCO. However, individual location measurements may vary from computer predictions INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS: Results assume f-3% nominal voltage at load side of ballast box and poles located within 3 feet of design locations. COPYRIGHT (C) 1987.2003 MUSCO SPORTS LIGHTING - Not to be reproduced In whole or part without the writ- ten consent of Musco Sports Lighting. + =Pole Location SCALE IN FEET 0 60 120