HomeMy WebLinkAboutCUP 04-08; Alga Norte Community Park; Conditional Use Permit (CUP) (6)A MASTER PLAN PRESENTED BY: V\IMM!R \!\M!\1)<\ "-"ll ( !\l (,Hf\ November 6, 2002 I I • I I I I • • I I I • I I I II I I I • Landscape Architecture Environmental Planning V\/iMMER YAMADA AND CAUGHEY November 6, 2002 Mr. John Cahill Municipal Projects Manager City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 PROJECT: Alga Norte Community Park RE: Submission of Master Plan Dear John: It has been our pleasure over the last eleven months to work with you, City staff, and the residents of Carlsbad to evolve the enclosed design for Alga Norte Community Park. We feel that the master plan you see in this report represents the best combination of facilities and amenities for this site to meet the need for an active use park in the Southeastern quadrant of the City. As the process continues through the requisite Commission and Council meetings, and indeed on into the documents and creation of the first phases, Wimmer Yamada and Caughey will continue to strive to provide you the highest quality of design and client service and to work with you to realize this cornerstone project in your City park system. File:02-oD2,mpsub, 11-06-02,1et,JC,pc joseph Y. Yamada, FASLA Patrick W. Caughey, ASLA Principals 3067 Fifth Avenue San Diego, CA 921 03 • 5840 619·232·4004 Fax 619·232·0640 CA Reg II 528,2895 AZ Reg # 22729 NV Reg# 280 ·=------~~Atu..Ll..GuA'LJ:N!IJOLLilRuiuE'-l..< ...J.(J..) fi<Mul\ul.l.l JJI t-.:::..· .LILI .J..) -.Jit.' A.l. .. .hKAK I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I• EXECUTIVE SUMMARY EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This master plan represents the culmination of eleven months of design and coordination between the consulting team, key City personnel, and Carlsbad citizens who took part in the public workshops. It is prepared to provide a summary of the site conditions, the design process through which the plan was created, the master plan itself, and to enable the City staff to present the project to the Parks and Recreation Commission and City Council. The City of Carlsbad's General Plan contains a Parks and Recreation Element that identifies four quadrants within the City. Alga Norte Community Park will be an active use park, sited on thirty- three acres in the Southeastern quadrant of the City. The park will be bounded on two sides by preserved habitat and wi II serve the community's growing need for active outdoor recreation amenities. Lighted ball fields, courts, and a skatepark, as well as an aquatics facility will be balanced by expanses of green and places for quiet play and picnicking. With the development ofThe Villages of La Costa, the park will be a central amenity for the residents of the La Costa Greens neighborhood and will provide a social and cultural hub for adult and youth activities for the area. WIMMlR \ A M A 0 A A "-IJ l A U (, H l \ CITY OF CARlSBAD w w w. a I g an-or tepa r k. com I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I· AlGA NORTE LOMM!JI\11\ PAHb ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Wimmer Yamada and Caughey wishes to express their thanks to john Cahill (Municipal Projects Manager), Scott Bradstreet (Park Planner) and Mark Steyaert (Park Development Manager) for their help and support in this master planning effort. We would also like to thank the adults and children who participated in the workshops and responded to our questionnaires in an effort to develop the most appropriate park. We look forward to our continued relationship with the City of Carlsbad. THE CONSULTING TEAM Wimmer Yamada and Caughey, Landscape Architecture/Environmental Planning • Pat Caughey, President and Principal-in-Review • Stephanie Hatton, Senior Associate • Monica Mroz, Associate Tucker Sadler Noble Castro, Architects • Roger Hill, Project Architect REB Engineering, Civil Engineering • Rick Berg, President and Principal Aquatic Design Group, Aquatics Consultant • Randy Mendioroz, Principal Paul Hobson, Artist Ninyo & Moore, Geotechnical Engineering • Mike Bemis, Principal • Frank Moreland, Senior Project Geologist • Erik Olsen, Chief Geotechnical Engineer LSW Engineers, Electrical Engineering • john Lamb, Sr., Principal Campbell Anderson & Associates, Construction Cost Management • Graham Anderson, Principal WIMM£R \ A M A U A A ,1\ U L A U CITY OF CARLSBAD www.alganorlepark.com I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I · PROJECT BACKGROUND Alga Norte Community Park will be located at the northwestern intersection of Poinsettia Lane and Alicante Road. Improvement plans for both new streets are currently in vari ous review processes. The site is approximately thirty-three acres and is part of a north-south trending va lley that was previously used for agri culture. The site is bounded to the north and west by preserved habitat, to the south by Poinsettia Lane and to the east by Alica nte Road. Generally th e site project site, th e elevation is approximately 175 feet above Mean Sea Level and drops to approximately 105 feet M SL at th e southeastern corner. An earl y field slopes down from north to south and is vegetated by a mix of native and non-native materi al. Along th e northwestern side of the investi gati on of th e site, as well as a review of releva nt planning documents was conducted to review existing conditions. The following summari zes the findings: Soils A preliminary geotechnical report was prepared by the consulting team and indicates that the site is predominantl y alluvium ranging in depth over the site . W t M I H l .. C I TY OF C AR L SBAD -www .a l gano r tepark .c om I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' ' ,. Q'C· ; . I~: I GRADES AND DRAINAGE th e development of the park as it is designed. There is currently a finger of 100- year flood line that w ill be removed w ith th e grading of the roadways and subsequent onsite grading for the park. The geologic borings taken onsite encountered ground- water in two instances at seventeen feet and should not pose a major constraint to the site development. Vegetation The existing vegetation on the project property is a mix of native and non-native species in areas of grassland and floodplain scrub. While th e areas of preserved habitat to the west have in the past shown indicator species for Coasta l Sage Scrub and Maritime Chapparal, there has not been shown to be any species within th e boundari es of th e \-\ I M The deepest areas are those found at the southeastern portion of the site due to the natural drainage course across the project property and some historic filling activi ties. It is anticipated that w ith the development of the park, the north- western portion of the site will be cut areas suitable fo r large building development, while the southeastern portion w ill be fill area more suited to th e siting of sports fields and ancillary uses. There are no major fault lines present that should limit GEOLOGY AND SOILS H E \' C IT Y OF CARLSBAD . www .a l ganorlepark .com I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VEGETATION (CONT.) UTILITIES proposed park that w ill adversely affect the project. Indeed it is the intent of the master plan to capture opportunities for inte rpretive signage along the project perimeter to point out areas of interest in the surrounding habitat. Utilities There are seve ral utilities that transect the existing site. There is an abandoned Pacific Be ll telephone line th at runs from the north- west corner of the site to the southeast that will be removed with the construction of th e park. The remainder of the utility concerns are at the southernmost portion of the project. Both th e City of Carlsbad and the Vallecitos Water INFRASTRUCTURE District have VEGETATION utility lines that run through the project from west to east. There are seve ral easements whic h shall be ma intained with the construction of the park. The development of Poinsettia Lane will see th e vacation of several easement areas as the new utilities are moved into th e street. Similarl y, any water th at has traditionally flowed onto the site from the north and down to th e southeastern corner wi II be captured immediately north of th e project site and diverted to the proposed storm main that is slated for constructi on in Alicante Road. Precedent Research and Programming In advance of designing th e mas ter plan for Alga Norte Community Park, members of th e consulting team visited several surrounding examples both within th e City of Ca rlsbad and w ithout. Informal conversations with use rs and in one instance with an incumbent maintenance supervisor formed the basis for our --... explorati on of sample parks. In M arch of 2002, Wimmer Yamada and Caughey visited and photographed Stagecoach Park and Poinsettia Park in Carl sbad, and Ca rm el Va lley Community Park in San C ITY OF CARLSBAD -www .a l gano rl epa rk .com ' H l: \' I I I I I I I I PRECEDENT RESEARCH (CONT.) I I I I I I I I I I I· AlGA NORTE !OMMl.t->lll I'Akb Diego. Later in the process, tours were also conducted of the Ecke YMCA in Encinitas and the joan Kroc Salvation Army faci I ity in East San Diego. Each of these facilities had one or more of the constituent components being considered for inclusion in the Alga Norte master plan. A series of programming meetings with City staff ran concurrently with the above noted collection of background and precedent information. The result was the development of three options for master plan layout that were presented to both City staff and to the general public at the first of two workshops. Overall the general program and layout for these three options remained essentially the same. The site topography and geology has dictated from the outset that the major building/aquatics facility be located in the northwestern corner of the park, with ball fields and parking and ancillary amenities located over the remainder of the site. Several assumptions and program elements have been considered common through all options and indeed are present in the master plan itself. Common Programming Elements The aquatics facility currently planned for inclusion at Alga Norte Community Park includes a competition swimming pool and provision for supporting facilities. As Wimmer Yamada and Caughey and the design team developed the options for consideration, the plans included provision of adequate space for future expansion. While not currently budgeted for inclusion, the City staff and the design team felt it appropriate to respond to strong community concern that provision be made for future options. Working with Aquatic Design Group, the pool consultant on the team, the decision was made to include 3.3 acres of space in each proposed op.tion to address this need. As such the current master plan also makes provision for this amount of area. Parking was another item of great concern for the design team. The City indicated that ample on-site parking be included in the master plan program. As such, the team worked with City staff to establish a pro-forma for parking stall requirements per activity venue and then to include this amount in the layout of the park. The number of parking spaces has thus fluctuated little and has seen provision for 490- 520 spaces depending upon layout and amenities included. \VIMMlR \ A M A 0 A A f\ U (, H l \ CITY OF CARLSBAD www.alganortepar".com I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Three Optiom for the park included three baseball fields-two 275 foot practice fi elds and one 300 foot full size aduiVyouth field. It also included an infield practice area and support areas for storage and warm-up and spectator viewing. The 3.3 acre aquatics complex included a 50 meter swimming pool and ample space for supporting facilities. This option included a half-acre area at the southern corn er of the site for an off-leash dog park, a central, quarter-acre area for a centrally located skatepark, three possib le entry points along Alicante Road, and numerous scattered picnic and tot-lot areas. Parking for 519 cars was provided in a serpentine shaped lot along the east- ern project boundary. A pedestrian and maintenance circulation trail system ,...,,., PRELA4iNARY LAYOUT· OPllON A ---- .._/:::.-- -- ..,.t .... -- --·· ..... .. ··-·-··-· ... ................ -... • .,.,.-.,. -· • or .._ .. _. .._ .. _,.... .. . ...... _ ............. . ..... ~ .. , .. _ ... ... -~-~·'-·-· . looped around th e entire project site con-ALGA NORTE coMMUNITY PARK necting the va ri ous venues as well as providing walking/jogging opportunities. \-\ __, __ _j :::.-•==-........ --•= ~:-- -----... --· ... . .. .. _.. -..__, ..., I • ··-... corn er of the site and decreased to one third of an acre in size. The central quarter-acre skatepark remained in essentially the same location, as did the three entries and the aquatics faci lity. Larger picnic areas were introduced as was a larger bioswale along the project's southern property line. Again, the circulation system was designed to loop around the park and link proposed amenities. This option provided parking stalls for 520 cars with increased picnic area size and maintai ning the four half- court basketball courts in the middle (() section of the site. H f \' C IT Y OF CA RLSBAD . www .alganorlepark.com I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I THREE OPTIONS (CONT.) PUBLIC WORKSHOPS Th e thi rd option, , returned to the three ball field arrangement but in lieu of a fourth practice in-field area,this option introduced more support and passive areas in the southern half of the project site. The aquatics complex remained consistent at 3.3 acres and 519 parking sta lls were provided. O nce again a half-acre off-leash dog area was located in the southeastern corner of the site and three potential entries were identified along Alicante Road. Public Workshops These three options along w ith boards of supporting materi al (site inventory/analy- sis, photos and aquatics components dis- play boards) were presented to the gener- al public at the first project workshop on June 12, 2002. Parti cipants were invited -a---·· -·-:i=-~· *'== .. ·~ ~--~==- -- • e me to e to attend the workshop, review the background .Afti.NorteComnuurttyhrk~p information to familiarize themselves with the • ;; 1iil · project and proposed location, and then to L.ti!!~!!!!L-ll!i•llii!l!!llllllil!!!!!-' .. examine each of the three options. Both the consultants and members of the City staff were available to discuss th e project and answer questions and receive feedback from the citizens. In addition, the participants were asked to complete a short w ritten survey to respond to general questi ons w hich were used to help guide the tea m as the project moved forward. There were fifty respondents that answered su rveys. A sa mple of the questionnai re as well as a WI M complete tabulation of results can be found in the back of this report under the Supplementary Information tab. In gener- al, the team did not find that any of the trends in responses were surprising. There was a strong element of support for not just providing the aquatics complex, but to consider moving it ahead in the schedule and to expand it to include rec reation pools as soon as possible. [ I H E \' C ITY OF C ARLSBAD -www .a l g anort t>park .com I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I· AlGA NORTE! OMMiii\IILP!\RI\ Many of the respondents were ambivalent about the rest of the park design -few offered unexpected suggestions and responses were fairly evenly split as to the preference for one option over another, a potential name for the park, and any other amenities that ought to be included. Following this first workshop, the team refined the proposed concepts into one draft master plan. Again, the site and amenities planned dictated that only minor changes be included. It was decided by City staff that the opportunity for a maintenance access from Poinsettia Road was not easily achieved and while it may be considered in the future, the plan should reflect access only from Alicante Road at this time. Discussions with the project civil engineer and the preliminary grading concept resulted in the design team relocating the proposed skatepark to the northeastern corner of the site. This will allow the opportunity for this very "urban" sport venue to take on a character consistent with the headwall and utility tie-in that is necessary in that area of the site and capitalize on what otherwise might prove an area of the site needing visual mitigation from the remainder of the park. The second public workshop was conducted on October 12, 2002 at Poinsettia Park in Carlsbad. This workshop was held primarily to encourage public input into possible themes and character ideas that might define the park character. Artist Paul Hobson worked with other members of the consulting team to generate three possible options for themes. Water, Culture and Sport were the three that evolved. At this second work- shop, Paul displayed boards with thematic ideas and discussed options with participants. Children were encouraged to write and draw their ideas for the park on flipcharts as well as provide input through model-building for their desired skatepark elements and arrangement. Organized as a "fair", the design team facilitated a series of event venues corresponding to planned park amenities (skatepark, off-leash dog park, pool). At each venue tent, participants could learn about the plans for the park and were asked to fill out questionnaires corresponding to that venue. Approximately 200 M l R \ A M A U A L A U CITY OF CARLSBAD www.alganortepark.com I I I • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I •• ALGA NORTE! OMMIINII\ Pi\HK people attended the workshop and a total of 326 questionnaires were completed in exchange for tickets to participate in a climbing wall, enjoy a hotdog and lemonade, or play in a jumper. A copy of each questionnaire as well as a complete tabulation are provided in the back of this report under the Supplemental Information tab. In general the comments of the respondents were consistent with the understanding of the design team. As you might expect, the vast majority of the respondents identified Poinsettia Park as the park they currently visit most often -which is in keeping with it being chosen as the venue for our workshop, and they typically visit once or twice per week. Of the fifty-eight respondents who included demographic information in their comments, fifty-two were Carlsbad residents. Most are fine with the placeholder name "Alga Norte Park", the majority of the responses which indicated otherwise were from children (WYAC particularly favors "Bust-the-Move Skatepark" as the future name!). Most of the respondents did indicate that they would use Alga Norte Park once it is constructed and would do so once or twice per week. Swings and slides (both play and water) were the top amenities identified in several questions concerning suggested or most important amenities. The majority of respondents thought that the Sports theme (closely followed by Water) would be most appropriate. Dog owners were split as to whether the area should be entirely off-leash with the majority opting in favor, and with an even number liking the idea of an entirely grass area and those liking a potential combination of grass and wood chips. In general we have found most people would be willing to pay a fee for the aquatics and skateboarding venues provided it does not exceed $5.00-and most indicated it would be preferable to do so in terms of an annual fee ($50 tyP.ically). Following this second public workshop, the consultants once again made final adjustments to the draft master plan and on October 24th, 2002 summarized and presented it to the Parks and Recreation staff. Following this meeting, the consultants have completed the enclosed master plan for Alga Norte Community Park. WIMMER ) A M A U A A :-.. U C A lJ L. H l \ CITY Of CARLSBAD· www.algatt.ortepar.k.<:om I I THE MASTER PLAN FOCAl POINT LIGHTED ...,..,,..., SKATLBOAROPARK _,_ I ···. .. I I II I I I I I I I I I 1 - TERRACED TOT LOT • AREA .... 1'000. '*" AC»Jo\TlC$ -* ~~, IDCU'H ......... eutt:-, AII.OCI"XD tiii'.IC"\1£01~ a_ooW'IN~ ~ ... M/l>TJOtifu:11rf ~~sr~ - I t t t I . SL~ED TERRACEJI<EMOVABLE ~ ,' FENCING TO FORM 'AMPITHEATERFOR ".IAZZIN ~ THE PARK. ANO EV£NlS ' !.IGHTED BASEBAll FIElDS PRACTICE SUPPORT .. .,.....,. ......... "'"fiGCAt:#S NOVEMBER 18, 2002 MASTER PLAN FOR . ' PICNIC I CANOPY TREE SCREENING I BUFFER If I I PARI<fNO LOT TREE ' LIGHTED PARKING ... POOL AREA PALM TREE BOUNaAAv!TAANSIT~ PARK ENTRY AIJCANTE STREETSCAPE • POINSETTIA STREETSCAPE PA RKING PRO-FORMA .' USE SWl~l COMPLEX BASEBALL Foet.OS BASKETBALL PICNIC AREAS \ ' TOTLOT ,,, SKA~PARK OFF~~ DOG PARK MAIN'(ENANCE FACILITY ' . \ ' ,'PARK ENTRY ¥'l .. 10trt0f,.TIIt'1"ff.K BIKE ROUTE LIGHTED OFF·lEASH DOG p.p£11. j'OINSETTIA STREETSCAPE ---01-lt~Wn 'flit("' wrw ~, ... ,.._.... ~~t~ SIZE OTY PARKING 33AC 1 319 3 69 ~ FCT 8 S.l AC 33 1AC 40 25AC 20 SAC 14 8,000 Sf 1 TOTAL 504 ' '• ,, '• lJOHP'O tiGHMi£ NCO ~lOI.CN"'('n«.A1J.!OiT C(lN1tltft:'fl wrfl-llA ()[Jfl,.~ '-:.· ..•. ALGA NORTE COMMUNITY PARK M H E. \ C I TY O f CA RLSBAD w w w . a I g a n o r I e 1> d r k . c o m I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 - IN GENERAL CIRCULATION In General As is evident in the proposed master plan, the layout of the future Alga Norte Community Park is a blend of all of the Options and evolutions that the plan has gone through over the course of the design process as well as an attempt on the part of the des igners to take advantage of th e natural grade of the site and views it provides. O verall the site is designed as a series of terraces-each of which has a parti cular fun ction. Not only does this approach reduce the need fo r considerable and costly grading operations, but allows for view corridors from north to south and takes advantage of opportunities to utilize some of the topography in the site design of specific elements. While there is still substanti al schematic design to be done, th e master plan level work is sufficient to allow discussion and conceptual approva l. Overall, th e site is oriented in a linea r manner, w ith the aquatics facility and associated parking on the northern half and the ball fields and associated parking on the southern half. The parking lot is designed to provide ample planting and buffering areas and curving drive aisles to al leviate the visual impact of large expanses of asphalt. The proposed arc hitectural character of the park wi ll be consistent with the th emes established by The Villages of La Costa. PRELIMINARY RESTROOM CONCEPT Circulation PRELIMINARY CONCESSION CONCEPT A complete c irculation system of accessible walks and paths w ill access the various site venues and a complete perimeter path will provide walking and j ogging opportunities while allowing necessary maintenance access. Two entrances are planned to the park -both from Alicante Road. Each will have lighted entry signage to ease wayfinding. There are three main trail connections to Alga Norte Community Park. The northeastern corner of th e pa rk wi ll provide a link to the local trial system as identified in the City's Trails Planning Map. The southeastern and southwestern corners of the project will link to the city wide trail system. It is th e intent of the design to provide passers by, both pedestrian and vehicular, the opportunity to experience part of the park and to hopefully be drawn into the park to enjoy its amenities. Along Poinsettia Lane, the street improvements provide for a ten-foot w ide meandering pathway that will become more of a park experience along the southern property line than a street experience. Similarl y the team will be reviewing similar opportunities to engage users of the pedestrian way along Alica nte Roads as improvement plans are developed. VIFWINF'>T H f \ C IT Y OF C ARLSBAD • www .al g anortcpark .co m I I ACCENTS I I I AQUATICS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I· AI GA NORTE!! l\1~\ld\!ll Y I' A Ilk. Accents Two focal points will join the northern and southern ends of the site. Artful works such as earth sculptures that can serve as passive play areas are being considered. Between these two will flow the main circulation axis for the entire park. Such items will be further refined during the schematic design process. The site will have a combination of vegetation types. Aquatics ~.J.-.~ The primary feature will be the development of a 50-meter competition swimming pool and aquatics building. Programming for this building was not part of the scope of work of this master planning effort, but there is provision for adequate space to encompass all expected uses · from locker, restroom, and shower facilities, to meeting rooms and staff offices, to strength training facilities, etcetera. A large expanse of turf sunning area will be provided and would also serve as future expansion area should it ever be required. The aquatics complex will have a separate mechanical equipment and storage building as well as provision for a gas chlorination facility. The pool will have both one and three meter diving boards. The orientation and location of the pool are designed so as to be able to capitalize on the natural slope on the west side of the project site. Spectator seating in the form of a terraced amphitheater will use the natural slope to provide viewing of events. Additionally, bleacher seating can be provided along the southern end of the pool under a shade trellis. Trellis structures will serve double duty around the aquatics complex with the addition of solar panels heating the pool water. A separate, large vehicle entry will be designed to allow for maintenance and equipment access/egress. A total of 319 parking spaces are planned to serve the aquatics complex ·this represents the long term potential for expansion. The main entry of the aquatics complex provides for drop-off and pick-up prior to parking or for an event. W I M M ~ R Y A M A D A.. A t--. ll L A U t. H t \ CITY OF CARLSBAD-www.algaJtortepar1.com I I BASEBALL I I I I BASKETBALL I I SKATEPARK I I I DOG PARK I I I I I I· AlGA NORTE t OMMliNII) !'ARb. Baseball Three adult/youth baseball and softball fields are proposed in the master plan. Two of the fields will be 275 feet and one will be 300 feet. Given the increasing demand for field time in the City, no formal overlay fields will be designed. A central restroom and concession area will designed in the core area and ample space has been earmarked for practice and support areas for batting cages, bullpens, storage buildings, and bleacher and grass area seating. Both the site's natural grade and lack of immediate neighbors will enable the fields to be lighted into the evening hours without the typically associated disturbance to abutting property owners. A drop-off area immediately accessible upon entering the site will enable the loading/unloading of passengers and equipment prior to parking. A total of 69 parking stalls are allocated for ball field support. Basketball Four lighted half-court basketball courts are to be included in the master plan with eight dedicated parking spaces. The courts will be located south of the swim complex away from the immediate parking area. A central restroom facility adja- cent will serve both the courts area as well as the large open turf area in the cen- ter of the park. The pedestrian path system will serve to facilitate use of the courts. Skatepark A lighted skateboard park will be located in the northeastern corner of Alga Norte Community Park. The area wi II be at least one-quarter acre in actual size with twenty dedicated parking spaces. Visually integrated with the industrial waterway requirements at the edge, the site will serve a growing segment of the youth population by providing a dedicated and safe environment in which to skate and skateboard. Off-leash Dog Park A large, expansive, lighted area along the southern property line of the site will serve as a fenced area in which dog owners may bring their pets for exercise and fun. Taking advantage of the topography of the overall site, this area will provide amenities such as waste receptacles, "pooper-scooper" stations with plastic refuse bag dispensers, and some agility course elements from such manufacturers as Bark Park. Consideration for possibly providing separate areas for large and small dogs will be determined during the schematic design programming phase of the project. Currently fourteen parking spaces are dedicated to the off-leash dog park amenity. \\IMMER t A M A 0 A A r.. U t_ A lJ L H E t CITY OF CARLSBAD www.a:lganortepark.com I I I I I I I I I I I I I· TOT-LOTS PICNICS AND PASSIVE RECREATION SIGNAGE AI GA NORTE< OMI\lld\Jil Y PARI\ Tot-lots In addition to the open, passive turf areas, three dedicated tot-lot areas are designed in the northwestern areas of the park. One large tot area will serve children ages two through five. A second area will provide play opportunities for children ages five through ten. Each tot-lot will be separated by a small turf terrace and the most upper terrace will be dedicated to adventure and creative play with such proposed elements as a climbing wall. Well buffered from, and yet still proximate to the parking area, this portion of the park will also have a readily accessible restroom facility. Picnics and Passive Recreation Despite its mandate to be an active use park facility, Alga Norte Community Park is designed in such a manner as to maintain the character seemingly lacking in so many modern park facilities. Ample vegetated buffering from area to area, coupled with a large one to two acre common area in the center of the park will provide users with suitable and safe areas for picnics and sunning and enjoying the beautiful Carlsbad weather. Additional dedicated parking is provided for those users just visiting the park to enjoy more passive use. A restroom facility in this core common area will serve both users of the basketball courts and the open area. Special events such as "Jazz in the Park" will be able to take advantage of the open space and coupled with the slope and removable outfield fencing of one ball field, will create an amphitheater setting. Numerous additional, smaller picnicking areas are located throughout the master plan. Maintenance Facility The master plan for the park makes provision for the inclusion of an 8,000 square foot maintenance building as well as a large parking and storage yard. Located at the southern end of the site, the maintenance facility will have circulation access on the perimeter path of the site and has a dedicated staff parking stall as well in the main parking lot. Sign age The primary project identification will be on the northwestern corner of the Poinsettia Lane/Aiicante Road intersection. In keeping with the landscape and sign age treatment of the La Costa Greens master plan, the signage both on the corner and at each park entry will be lighted and attractively landscaped. Within the project site, consistent and artful wayfinding signage shall help orient visitors to the park as to the location of the various amenities. W I M M l R Y A M A U A 1.. ;\ u G H l r CITY OF CARLSBAD w w w . a I '8 a n o r t e p a r k . c o m I I CONCLUSION I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I· AlGA NORTE I OMMliNIJ)' PARI-, In Conclusion The master plan for Alga Norte Community Park fulfills the design team's goal to examine the proposed site, to solicit input from City staff and understand the City's goals, to include the ultimate users of the park-the community residents-in the design process and translate that information into a plan to meet these needs. The master plan will provide the launching point for schematic design to actually realize this wonderful active amenity space for Carlsbad residents of all ages to come and play! W I M M E R \ A M A 0 A A "-0 (_ A U L. H l \ C I T Y 0 F C A R l S 8 A 0 -w w w . a t·g a -A o r t e p a r II; • co m • • I • I • I I I ·• ALGA NORTE COMMUNITY PARK CITIZEN PARTICIPATION OPEN HOUSE JUNE 12, 2002 JOIN YOUR COMMUNITY IN CREATING THE VISION www.alganortepark.com THE PLANNING OF A PARK In December of 2001, the City of Carlsbad retained the landscape architectural firm of Wimmer Yamada and Caughey and their multidisciplinary team of consultants to help the City develop a master plan for a new park. The team was tasked with creating a master plan report for an active use park to compliment the City's myriad of other recreational facilities. The team began with an examination of the site. The thirty-two acres designated for Alga Norte Park is a beautiful parcel of land located east of El Camino Real and north of the proposed extension of Poinsettia Lane. It is a drainage valley surrounded by preserved habitat on the north and west sides, and by the top of La Costa golf course which lies immediately south of Poinsettia. Conceptual design, based upon preliminary programming direction by the City, has resulted in three initial concepts. It is our intention today to solicit your feedback and input on these options and to allow you an opportunity to shape your newest park! Please take your time in reviewing the options, talk to staff, and fill out the questionnaire. Your comments are your chance to guide the City and their consultants in developing a park that will most meet your needs! We thank you for taking the time to help us! A NOTE ON THE POOL COMPONENT Alga Norte Park will eventually be home to a City aquatics complex. While we are only in the very early stages of programming for this facility, we have included a supplementary questionnaire to help us with the long-term requirements for the site with respect to aquatic needs. Please include your responses for this important future component! I I I I I I I I ·~ I. I I I I I II CITIZEN QUESTIONNAIRE Please carefully answer the following questions -your input is valuable to the park development team. 1. What activity/facility do you feel should be the primary emphasis of this park? 2. Which concept option would be your first choice and why? 3. Which concept option would be your second choice and why? 4. If this park were to have a DESIGN THEME (such as 'baseball/softball emphasis', 'underwater life', 'dinosaurs', 'airplanes', 'golf emphasis', 'historical Carlsbad', 'floral ranch', etc) what would you recommend and why? 5. Would you favour any portion of the park (such as the ball field portion) being self-sufficient-operated, funded and maintained as a private sports facility? Why or why not? 6. The name "Alga Norte Community Park" is only a temporary name. What would you suggest as a permanent name and why? 7. There are a number of facilities and amenities being considered for incorporation into the park's ultimate design. What do you feel are the most critical/appropriate features at this particular park location? Please rate the following amenities according to the scale from 1 =low priority, 2=1ow to medium priority, 3=medium priority, 4=medium to high priority, and 5=high priority. ----'An interpretive nature walk __ Baseball/softball fields __ Picnic shelters __ An off-leash dog area __ A skateboard area __ An aquatics complex __ Tennis courts __ Basketball courts __ Multiple age tot-lots __ Soccer fields __ Other (specify)-------------- 8. Please provide any addition comments you feel relevant for the park's development. I I I I II SUPPLEMENTARY AQUATICS COMPLEX QUESTIONS 1. Do you anticipate that you or a member of your family will use the aquatics facility once developed? If so, how frequently? 2. What types of aquatics amenities do you feel would be appropriate to accommodate citizen's needs? 3. What types of programs and uses do you feel would be I appropriate for a facility of this nature? I 4. There are a number of facilities and amenities being I considered for incorporation into the park's ultimate design. What do you feel are the most critical/appropriate aquatic features at I this particular park location? Please rate the following amenities according to the scale from 1 =low priority, 2=1ow to medium priority, 3=medium priority, 4=medium to high priority, and 5=high I priority. 1 __ An aquatic pro shop A weight/fitness room __ A recreational pool I __ A zero-entry play pool __ Diving board(s) __ A competitive pool __ A water slide __ A therapeutic spa __ Other (specify)-------------- PRELIMINARY OPTIONS A, 8 AND C • • .._,.,,,, .. ,. .... $ • .... i;rt'r;;:;::::-.;; ... ._ ....... • I I I I -c WHO YOU ARE! The following information is optional, but it would help us better understand the demographics of the citizens who will be using the park. The information provided will be treated confidentially and will be used only for the purpose of park planning this site. Name:, ___________________ _ Address.:_--------------------- Telephone: __________________ _ Email:, ___________________ _ Homeowner/Organization: _____________ _ Age: ___________________ _ Occupation:. ___________________ _ Number/Ages of Children:, ____________ _ Total Number in Household:. ______________ _ I Pets:. _________________ _ 1 Favourite Activities/Sports: _____________ _ How did you hear about this open house/workshop? THANK YOU! A JOINT MASTER PLANNING EFFORT • • • • I I • I I • I I I I I I I I I ALGA NORTE COMMUNITY PARK QUESTIONNAIRE SUMMARY CITIZEN PARTICIPATION OPEN HOUSE-JUNE 12, 2002 ,--'<'·' ~-:f/ ~ ~..r .. ~ x=:-'~~~ :i--. -d-r~ .... J • ' J' . I L --1. = Prepared by Wimmer Yamada and Caughey for the City of Carlsbad Total number of completed questionnaires received: 50 1. What activity/facility do you feel should be the primary emphasis of this park? (several respondents had multiple primary emphasis listed) Number of Responses 41 5 3 3 6 2 2 3 Activity Aquatic Complex/swimming pool Picnicking/open grass areas/picnic shelters Soccer Fields Nature walk Activities that bring in revenue and encourage tourism Youth recreation Tennis Courts Sports (Baseball, Skate park, etc.) 2. Which concept option would be your first choice and why? Number of Responses 10 6 12 22 Option A B c no preference Reason Best use of land; Location of dog park, picnic areas, fields more important than practice; Small skate park; Better parking for sports field; more green areas/less parking. Has more picnic areas; Larger infield/baseball area; Dog Park is away from street; Smaller dog park. Larger dog park and Skate Park; Better infield (practice & T -ball); Larger parking. 3. Which concept option would be your second choice and why? Number of Responses 5 7 1 37 Option A B Reason Doesn't increase size of Skate Park; Best mixture of amenities; Bathroom near tot-lot; Larger Dog Park. C Parking to one side; better location of Dog Park. no preference Page 1 of4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4. If this park were to have a DESIGN THEME (such as 'baseball/softball emphasis', 'underwater life', 'dinosaurs', 'airplanes', 'golf emphasis', 'historical Carlsbad', 'floral ranch', etc) what would you recommend and why? Number of Responses 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 7 9 11 13 Theme Dinosaurs Garden Reflect surrounding community Ecology/plant friendly No theme; added expense without function Work hard; play hard Floral ranch Historical Carlsbad Aquatics Underwater life No response 5. Would you favor any portion of the park (such as the ball field portion) being self-sufficient-operated, funded and maintained as a private sports facility? Why or why not? Number of Responses 1 2 3 10 11 23 Theme No, too many private clubs already operating. Yes, cost efficiency. Yes, ball fields only. Yes, aquatics only. No, keep it a public park; open access. No response 6. The name "Alga Norte Community Park" is only a temporary name. What would you suggest as a permanent name and why? Number of Responses 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Name Villages or La Costa Villages Park La Costa Park La Costa Valley Park La Costa Sports Facility North Coast Community Park The Bismarck Aquatic Facility Via Dona Valley Park The North Coast Aquatics Pool Swimming World Swimmer's World Alga Sur Park Alga Valley Park Alga Norte Community Park Alga Hill Park Rancho Vista Park Aviara Park Lewis, Nuygaard, Kulchin, Hall International Aquaplex Page 2 of 4 I I I I I• I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3 3 1 3 1 21 Carlsbad International Aquatic Complex Carlsbad Sports Complex Carlsbad Community Park Carlsbad in the name Historical Carlsbad Park No response 7. There are a number of facilities and amenities being considered for incorporation into the park's ultimate design. What do you feel are the most critical/appropriate features at this particular park location? Please rate the following amenities according to the scale from 1 =low priority, 2=1ow to medium priority, 3=medium priority, 4=medium to high priority, and 5=high priority. Priority Rating I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I Number of Responses 11 10 8 8 9 1 4 15 1411 10 12 13 8 0 15 7 11 7 6 5 9 11 10 8 Amenity An interpretive nature walk Picnic shelters A skateboard area Tennis courts Multiple age tot-lots Priority Rating 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 Number of Responses Amenity 4 7 9 10 3 Baseball/softball fields 8 5 6 9 6 An off-leash dog area 0 1 1 1 30 An aquatics complex 5 7 9 12 1 Basketball courts 10 3 6 5 6 Soccer fields Other suggestions: Bike paths for all ages, mountain biking, BMX/Mini bikes, and open space. 8. Please provide any addition comments you feel relevant for the park's development. Number of Responses 19 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Comments Build aquatics in first phase World-class aquatics will draw tourism Dogs limited to dog park only No dog park at busy intersections and make dog parks bigger Hiking trail connection Option B-move restroom closer to tot lot Lots of trees, flowers and beautiful landscaping Large off-leash dog area Large/small dog division (within dog area) Nature trails are not used Do not like three little league fields No dog park or skate park City of Carlsbad must have private complex so citizens are not doubled taxed Is County funding available? Page 3 of 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SUPPLEMENTARY AQUATICS COMPLEX QUESTIONS 1. Do you anticipate that you or a member of your family will use the aquatics facility once developed? If so. how frequently? Yes No 45 2 No response 3 Daily-29 Weekly -12 2. What types of aquatics amenities do you feel would be appropriate to accommodate citizen's needs? Olympic-sized pool -27 Sport/rec pool/area -23 Diving-17 Tot area -12 Water park - 7 Lap pool/lanes - 5 Concessions - 5 Fitness room - 5 25 yd. pool - 4 Spa -4 Locker rooms - 4 Zero entry - 2 Heated towel racks - 1 Sauna/steam - 1 Meeting Facility - 1 3. What types of programs and uses do you feel would be appropriate for a facility of this nature? Competitive swimming -20 Swimming lessons-20 Water polo -19 Masters swim/club -12 Open swim -11 Scuba lessons -10 Swim practice - 9 Disability/rehab. - 7 Aquatic exercise - 5 Water safety training - 2 Lifeguard training - 2 Synchronized swim - 1 4. There are a number of facilities and amenities being considered for incorporation into the park's ultimate design. What do you feel are the most critical/appropriate aquatic features at this particular park location? Please rate the following amenities according to the scale from 1 =low priority, 2=1ow to medium priority, 3=medium priority, 4=medium to high priority, and 5=high priority. Priority Rating Priority Rating [1[2[3[4[5[ [1[2[3[4[5[ Number of Number of Responses Amenity Responses Amenity 1 1 7 6 3 An aquatic pro shop 8 5 10 12 7 A weight/fitness room 2 3 5 9 27 A recreational pool 0 0 2 1 43 A competitive pool 3 7 7 11 12 A zero-entry play pool 11 7 12 8 8 A water slide 2 3 8 13 20 Diving board(s) 9 6 6 11 12 A therapeutic spa Other suggestions: (3) Aquatic exercise pool area; (1) wheel chair access; (1) separate ding well; (1) aquatics built sooner; (1) water polo; (1) professional massage. Page 4 of 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I THE CITY OF CARLSBAD RECREATION DEPARTMENT INVITES YOU TO JOIN THE COMMUNITY IN CREATING THE VISION FOR: ALGA NORTE COMMUNITY PARK BY PARTICIPATING IN THE PARK MASTER PLAN SECOND WORKSHOP FOCUS WILL BE ON CHILDREN'S PARTICIPATION WITH FUN AND FOOD FOR EVERYONE (ACTIVITIES INCLUDE: ROCK CLIMBING WALL, JUMPER, SKATEBOARD EXHIBIT) LOCATION: DATE: TIME: POINSETTIA PARK SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12,2002 ANYTIME BETWEEN 11:00 A.M. TO 3:00P.M. The workshop will allow the community the opportunity to shape the future of the park. This workshop will feature activities for children in the community, with each activity relating to amenities planned for the park. Attendees will be asked to complete questionnaires as they interact with each activity. Picnic food will be served to guests. City staff and consultants will be available at the workshop to answer any questions. For further information, please contact: John Cahill, Municipal Projects Manager at (760) 602-2726 or Scott Bradstreet, Park Planner at (760) 434-2856. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I THEMES ALGA NORTE COMMUNITY PARK OPEN HOUSE AND WORKSHOP # 2 THEMES QUESTIONNAIRE October 12, 2002 1. Is this the first time you have seen plans/heard about the proposed Alga Norte Park? If not, have you ever visited the project web site at www.alganortepark.com? 2. Do you or any members of your family visit local parks? If so, how often and which ones? 3. How important do you feel it is to have a ''theme" for this park? Do you feel it would contribute to a sense of identity? 4. Would you/your children be more interested in a park that had a specific theme? If so, why do you think so? 5. Is there one of the three themes being considered that you think is more appropriate than the others? If so, why? 6. Which is your favorite theme? Why? 7. If, for some reason, you don't feel any of the three themes is appropriate, what would you recommend as a theme and why? 8. The name "Alga Norte Park" is a temporary name. What would you suggest as a permanent name for the entire park and why? 9. Do you have any additional comments or suggestions? (OVER) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MASTER PLAN ALGA NORTE COMMUNITY PARK OPEN HOUSE AND WORKSHOP # 2 MASTER PLAN QUESTIONNAIRE October 12, 2002 1. Is this the first time you have seen plans/heard about the proposed Alga Norte Park? If not, have you ever visited the project web site at www.alganortepark.com? 2. Do you anticipate that you or a member of your family will use one or more of the facilities at Alga Norte Park? 3. What element of the proposed master plan is most important to you and your family? 4. How often would you or a member of your family use this facility? 5. What do you like most about the Draft Master Plan and why? 6. What do you like least and why? 7. What is your favorite Carlsbad park and why? 8. What suggestions do you have to make Carlsbad parks even more enjoyable? 9. The name "Alga Norte Park" is a temporary name. What would you suggest as a permanent name and why? 10. Do you have any additional comments? (OVER) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I AQUATICS ALGA NORTE COMMUNITY PARK OPEN HOUSE AND WORKSHOP # 2 AQUATICS QUESTIONNAIRE October 12, 2002 1. Is this the first time you have seen plans/heard about the proposed Alga Norte Park? If not, have you ever visited the project web site at www.alganortepark.com? 2. How many people in your family swim and how old are they? 3. Where do you currently go to swim? How often? 4. Have you used the existing Carlsbad pool complex? How often? 5. Do you anticipate that your or your family will use the aquatics facility once developed? If so, how often? 6. Would you be willing to pay a fee to use aquatics facilities at Alga Norte? If so, how much would you be willing to pay for admission? 7. What types of programs do you feel would be appropriate to accommodate the citizen's needs? 8. There are a number of facilities and amenities being considered for incorporation into the park's ultimate design. What do you feel are the most critical/appropriate aquatic features at this particular park location? Please rate the following amenities according to the scale from 1 =low priority, 2=1ow to medium priority, 3=medium priority, 4=medium to high priority, and 5=high priority. __ An aquatic pro shop __ A recreational pool __ A zero-entry play pool __ Diving board(s) __ A weight/fitness room __ A competitive pool __ A water slide __ A therapeutic spa __ Other (specify) ____________ _ 9. The name "Alga Norte Park" is a temporary name. What would you suggest as a permanent name for the entire park and why? 10. Do you have any additional comments or suggestions? (OVER) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SKATEBOARDING ALGA NORTE COMMUNITY PARK OPEN HOUSE AND WORKSHOP # 2 SKATEBOARDING QUESTIONNAIRE October 12, 2002 1. Is this the first time you have seen plans/heard about the proposed Alga Norte Park? If not, have you ever visited the project web site at www.alganortepark.com? 2. How many people in your family skateboard and how old are they? 3. Where do you currently go to skateboard? How often? 4. Have you used the existing Carlsbad Skate Park? How often? 5. Would you skateboard at a dedicated park at Alga Norte? If so, how often? 6. Would you be willing to pay a fee to use a skatepark at Alga Norte? If so, how much would you be willing to pay for admission? 7. What three components do you feel would be most fun? 8. Do you own your own helmeVpads? Would you be willing to help enforce helmet laws? 9. Do you feel this park should be exclusively skateboards or should it allow skates? 10. The name "Alga Norte Park" is a temporary name. What would you suggest as a permanent name for the entire park and why? 11. Do you have any additional comments or suggestions? (OVER) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PLAY ALGA NORTE COMMUNITY PARK OPEN HOUSE AND WORKSHOP # 2 PLAY QUESTIONNAIRE October 12, 2002 1. Is this the first time you have seen plans/heard about the proposed Alga Norte Park? If not, have you ever visited the project web site at www.alganortepark.com? 2. Do you or any members of your family visit local parks? If so, how often and which ones? 3. Which Carlsbad or local park has your favorite playground? Why? 4. Do you have children/siblings? If so, how many and what are their ages? 5. What kind of amenities would you like to see at Alga Norte Park (ie: slides, swings, walls)? 6. Would you allow your children to use a climbing wall? 7. Are there other large elements you would like to see considered for this park? 8. The City considers rubberized surfacing for playgrounds the best for safety and maintenance. Would your child enjoy playing in a dedicated sand area? 9. Would you like to see the park theme reflected in some kind of art element in the playground? 10. The name "Alga Norte Park" is a temporary name. What would you suggest as a permanent name for the entire park and why? 11. Do you have any additional comments or suggestions? (OVER) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DOG PARK ALGA NORTE COMMUNITY PARK OPEN HOUSE AND WORKSHOP # 2 DOG PARK QUESTIONNAIRE October 12, 2002 1. Is this the first time you have seen plans/heard about the proposed Alga Norte Park? If not, have you ever visited the project web site at www.alganortepark.com? 2. Are you currently a dog owner? If so, how many dogs do you have? 3. Where do you currently walk/exercise your dog? (ie: neighborhood, beach, dog parks) 4. Have you used the existing Carlsbad dog park? How often? 5. Would you bring your dog(s) to a dedicated area at Alga Norte Park? If so, how often? How would you get to the park (walk? drive?) 6. Do you feel such an area should be entirely "off-leash"? 7. If "dog play" components such as manufactured by Bark Park were provided would you use them to exercise your dog? 8. What three components do you feel would be most useful? Why? 9. Would you prefer the dog park to have woodchip or grass surfacing, or a combination of both? 10. The name "Alga Norte Park" is a temporary name. What would you suggest as a permanent name for the entire park and why? 11. Do you have any additional comments or suggestions? (OVER) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I THE PLANNING OF A PARK In December of 2001, the City of Carlsbad retained the landscape architectural firm of Wimmer Yamada and Caughey and their multidisciplinary team of consultants to help the City develop a master plan for a new park. The team was tasked with creating a master plan report for an active use park to compliment the City's myriad of other recreational facilities. The team began with an examination of the site. The thirty-two acres designated for Alga Norte Park is a beautiful parcel of land located east of El Camino Real and north of the proposed extension of Poinsettia Lane. It is a drainage valley surrounded by preserved habitat on the north and west sides, and by the top of La Costa golf course which lies immediately south of Poinsettia. On June 11th, 2002 we held our first planning open house and invited the community to give us input on some general park planning ideas. We have assimilated that input and incorporated it into our preliminary design programming. We are now looking in more detail at different activities within the park and would like your input on those areas in which you have a specific interest. We continue our effort to allow you an opportunity to shape your newest park! Please take your time in reviewing the options, talk to staff, and fill out the questionnaires for the various activities. Your comments are your chance to guide the City and their consultants in developing a park that will most meet your needs! We thank you again for taking the time to help us! WHOYOUARE! The following information is optional, but it would help us better understand the demographics of the citizens who will be using the park. The information provided will be treated confidentially and will be used only for the purpose of park planning this site. Name:. ____________________________________________________________________ __ Address: ______________________________________________________________ _ Telephone:, ____________________________________________________________ _ Email: ____________________________________________________________________ __ Homeowner/Organization:. ______________________________________________________ _ Age:: ______________________________________________________________ __ Occupation:. ________________________________________________________________ _ Number/Ages of Children: __________________________________________________ _ Total Number in Household:, ____________________________________________________ _ Favorite Activities/Sports:: ______________________________________________________ _ How did you hear about this planning event? THANK YOU! I I II Alga Norte Community Park Workshop #2 Questionnaire Summary I Total number of surveys collected-all venues 326 Number of Master Plan surveys 86 I Number of Theme surveys 40 Number of Play surveys 51 Number of Dog Park surveys 53 I Number of Skatepark surveys 40 Number of Aquatics surveys 56 I General Information Summary Respondents indicating Carlsbad residency 52 I Respondents indicating Encinitas residency 1 Respondents indicating Oceanside residency 3 Respondents indicating San Diego residency 1 I Respondents indicating San Bernadino residency 1 Potential Park Names I Like/are fine with current name 39 Finley Park 6 I Aviara Park 5 Carlsbad Family (Fun) Park 5 Park of Tomorrow 4 I Norte Park 4 Flower Hills 4 I Carlsbad City Park 3 Surfside/Seaside 3 Carlsbad Sport/Aquatic Park 3 I Agua Park 3 Carlsbad Community Fitness Complex 2 Pacific View 2 I Alga Park 2 Greenville Park 2 I Carlsbad Aquatic Park 2 Skatezone 1 Carlsbad Winds Park 1 I Dogville Park 1 Liberty Park 1 Rancho Carrillo Community Park 1 I Alga Sports Mecca 1 Seabreezes Park 1 I Pacific Rim Park 1 Luiseno Park 1 La Costa Hills 1 I Bust-the-Move Skatepark 1 I Page 1 of 10 I I • I • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Heard about Alga Norte Park previously? In general, the majority of respondents had not previously heard about the park and had not visited the web site. Of the few who knew about it, they heard about it from their children's school and, in one instance, the newspaper . Page 2 of 10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Heard about Alga Norte Park previously? In general, the majority of respondents had not previously heard about the park and had not visited the web site. Of the few who knew about it, they heard about it from their children's school and, in one instance, the newspaper. Page 2 of 10 I I Suggested Amenities? I swings bike trails I community center gym stuff for older kids I bbq/picnic areas sand boxes streams • baby swings bocci ball courts I fountains tennis volleyball I safety lighting • I I I I I I I I I I I I Page 4 of 10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Suggested Amenities? swings bike trails community center gym stuff for older kids bbq/picnic areas sand boxes streams baby swings bocci ball courts fountains tennis volleyball safety lighting Page 4 of 10 I I DOG PARK VENUE INFORMATION • Are you a dog owner? Currently 37 I Intend to get a dog in near future 3 No 3 I Where do you take/exercise your dog? Neighborhood/streets 32 I Beach 11 Yard 5 I Existing Dog Park 2 Will you use Alga? I Yes 37 No 3 More than once per week 24 I Number of respondents who will drive to use 23 • Should it be entirely off-leash? Yes 28 No/Combo 12 I Surface preference? Grass 22 I Wood chip 1 Combination 19 I Suggestions? Open space I Jumps Crawls I benches poop/scoop station shower/wash area I large dog/small dog distinction in areas fire hydrant fountain rocks instead of structures to climb I I I I I Page 6 of 10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • I I I SKATEBOARDING VENUE INFORMATION What ages in your family skate? Less than 10 years old 1 0 -20 years old Older than 20 Where do you currently skate? Street Carlsbad Skate Park YMCA Vans Poinsettia Park Would you skate at Alga Norte? Yes No Would you pay a fee? Yes No How much? Less than $5 More than $5 Do you have your own helmet/pads? Yes No Should skating be allowed as well as skateboards? Yes No 26 27 5 11 10 11 2 1 35 0 29 3 22 5 31 3 28 6 Page 7 of 10 I I AQUATICS VENUE INFORMATION I What is the age demographic of your family? I Number under 10 years old 66 Number 10-20 years old 46 Number 20-40 years old 35 I Number 40 or older 62 Where do you swim currently? I Carlsbad Swim Complex 22 Carlsbad High 6 I Neighborhood pool 9 JCC 4 Boys/Girls Club 4 I Ocean 6 La Costa 1 Woodland Pool 1 I Ecke YMCA 3 UCSD 1 I Home 9 Oceanside Y 1 I How often? Less than one time per week 11 1 to 2 times per week 15 I More than twice per week 24 I How much would you be willing to pay to swim? Less than $5 30 More than $5 2 I What types of facilities would you use? I Swim lessons 25 Water aerobics 3 Water polo 10 I Competition/Swim team 30 Senior swim 1 Recreational/lap swim 40 I Water slide 35 Diving boards 32 I Zero entry pool 17 Master swim 17 Weight and fitness 17 I Other amenities? 11 Life guard training, night hours I Page 8 of 10 I I PLAY VENUE INFORMATION I How often do you visit parks? Never 2 I Daily 1 Weekly 29 • Which parks do you visit? Poinsettia 29 I Stagecoach 15 Cal avera 10 I Holiday 3 La Costa 1 Harding 1 I Del Mar 1 Encinitas 2 I What is your favorite playground? Stagecoach 2 I Calavera 1 What amenities would you like to see? I Swings 23 Climbing walls 39 Slides 16 I Open space 2 Trees to climb 2 I Older kid stuff 3 Would you use a sand area? I Yes 35 No 8 I Would a theme add to the interest? Yes 30 I No 8 Other amenities/suggestions? I Disabled access Jungle theme I Benches Beach theme Jogging trails I Croquet Volleyball courts Roller rink I I Page 9 of 10 ~- • • Amphitheatre 'I Gym Monkey bars Tennis I Community center Obstacle course I Tire swings Magnetic sand Family restrooms • I • I • • ,. I I I I I I I I I • I Page 10 of 10