HomeMy WebLinkAboutCUP 106; Lusk Mobile Home Park; Conditional Use Permit (CUP) (14).- .. .. .. . .. .. . .. i\&i. ;i' I/ Dear :4r. ?.qcteF:. . . . This ctfficc hzs rc<ici.terl thc suhjcct rrcject and hzs the fcllowin-g ' ' .. . c~r;li?e,nt.~ (7p.e rccc?xicndaiicns: .. .. .. F:(\ I I. IiJj , - 1, 'T+is ?rnj?ct is vitbin tile r.ctail: s,crvice arci of 'the Carlsbad : I!unici?,al i.!;!tcbr Siqtrict, 2. This DroJoct will :-e rcqiiirbd tc cr:c?l._v with all the rules .' , and rcculations. of the Carlsbad 'I'ucici3al ,t:a%cr Distrjct with respect to uatcr service. Thp dev9103er .wijl. !)e renuired ti conply, witii-thc 'mastcr .?Ian . of watl?r systtew for this srca. Tlizre is a protiosed 1il"'w.ater pain in Avcnicfcr F.ncir,as and in Poinsettia Road. ,111 addition,. ..the dcvcloper ivay be reouircc! to construct off sit? water lines ' .or other faciqities. T!iis will be dctcrnined at thc! tine the devclnpcr submits a-detailed rritt~lr analysis for this Drojcct. .. .. .. - .. .. .. .. .. *. .. .. . I--: '. . .. t7 . \'I. !I 1_1 j$ \ji i' 3. .! If you have any .qucs ti'ons or rcqui re addi tion'al i cfornction please contact this office. .. , . Very truly yours ,. '. Jack Y. KuSota, District Encincer '. . Cnrlsbad .~~ur?lcipal !s!cltnr Ijistrict .. .. .. I. ! '. .. .\ __I I_--.-- BY ' John !I. PEc, Project Engineer cc: C?rlsbad '!uriicipal Water i)fs'trict John 3. Lust; 3 Son ,. ,irtn/~p 75-201