HomeMy WebLinkAboutCUP 11-05; BRESSI RANCH LOT 10; Conditional Use Permit (CUP)(A\ LAND USE REVIEW 4111)Development Services•-;1/4:z. 1111 C TY OF Planning DivisionIAPPLICATION1635 Faraday AvenueCARLSBADP-1 (760)602-4610 www.carlsbadca.gov APPLICATIONS APPLIED FOR:(CHECK BOXES) Development Permits (FOR DEPT. USE ONLY)Legislative Permits (FOR DEPT USE ONLY) Administrative Permit General Plan Amendment O Coastal Development Permit (*)0 Minor 0 Local Coastal Program Amendment (') LE1 Conditional Use Permit (*) 0 minor cifEjExtension 11 -0 C 0 Master Plan 0 Amendment O Environmental Impact Assessment Specific Plan Amendment O Habitat Management Permit E Minor E Zone Change (1 E Hillside Development Permit n Zone Code Amendment 0 Planned Development Permit EI Residential 0 Non-Residential ®Planned Industrial Permit PTP ti r List other applications not specified [1]Planning Commission Determination 0 O Site Development Plan O Special Use Permit Tentative Tract Map (1 =eligible for 25%discount 0 Variance E Administrative NOTE: A PROPOSED PROJECT REQUIRING MULTIPLE APPLICATIONS MUST BE SUBMITTED PRIOR TO 3:30 P.M.A PROPOSED PROJECT REQUIRING ONLY ONE APPLICATION MUST BE SUBMITTED PRIOR TO 4:00 P.M. ASSESSOR PARCEL NO(S).:2.t3 -sa.3 -2 4.2C,269 PROJECT NAME:9-•01.t)chi DU FAc-I . I -tMZECS I PA3J CA-Lot- I 0 BRIEF DESCRIPTION oF pRoJECT:lupus (31.111.-C>1)4.Pop-USE f%'A PP-ODUCtiO)J PA el t-1 ty v.)AR OUS t 4 TA-1 -1146 P-0OMT.Fo 12-&Ut-V-13E1E42-gRE &p•No Pouts/Cse MAIJ UFAC-- 1.1/&F0 11-•PIZZA Pont P-ist -AU RA titsp•P roret-13taewiLq.ezmppiwy BRIEF LEGAL. DESCRIPTION:L.0 t so or.ces,,2 D -f-p_A c-i-ct 0 5 -0 ci 13 1Z-1E95 1 RAPC44( AC ce) r2-10.4 11)MAP 19 fl21 f2ecoIzI>eD I /8 /2008 • LOCATION OF PROJECT:0-1 0 0 SLO C tAtekiAy f24 STREET ADDRESS ON THE:SIDE OF tail3AY (2-C7 (NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST)(NAME OF STREET) BETWEEN EG NE.f2-71 --E.et-AND PALOMAa Rb(NAME OF STREET)(NAME OF STREET) rev 11 -6 33 Page 1 of 5 Revised 07/10 CUP 11-05 / PIP 11 -01 Production Facility -Bressi Ranch Lot 10 October 3, 2011 Page 2 -Continued- PROJECT DESCRIPTION / EXPLANATION (Revised) [CUP 11 -05 / PIP 11-01 ] PROJECT NAME: Production Facility -Bressi Ranch Lot 10 OWNER NAME: Mersa°lia Properties, LLC APPLICANT NAME: Marsaqka Properties. LLC The project is a 37,050 square foot industrial building on Bressi Ranch Lot 10 that will function as a production and distribution facility for the Pizza Port restaurant chain and Pizza Port Brewing Company.As an accessory use. Pizza Port proposes to operate a restaurant that will serve food and beer produced on the premises. The project includes surface parking, landscaping and outdoor eating patios.The building consists of a 32,050 square foot ground floor and a 5,000 square foot second floor.Pizza Port will initially occupy the entire second floor and 18,573 square feet on the ground floor.The remaining 13,477 square feet on the ground floor will be leased as spec until Pizza Port expands its operations into these adjoining spaces. Lot 10 was mass-graded on approved Bressi Ranch Final Map CT 02-15 and is located south of Palomar Airport Road, north of Gateway Road and east El Fuerte Street in the Bressi Ranch Master Plan Planning Area 5. The current lot configuration and number is based on CT 05-09 / final map 15669.The proposed site layout, building design, floor areas and manufacturing, storage and support office uses are in conformance with the Bressi Ranch Master Plan MP 178.The project requires a Planned Industrial Permit (PIP); and the tasting room component is considered to be a restaurant which requires a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to operate in the P-M zone. Environmental compliance is established by way of EIR 98-04, which is on file in the City of Carlsbad Planning Department. Design Issues Narrative 1.Site Layout & Design The site plan has been designed to implement the design guidelines of the Bressi Ranch Master Plan (MP-178). The site plan orients the building close to Gateway Road and allows the building to become the dominant visual element of the site, while the parking areas are moved to the sides and rear of the building where their visual impacts are mitigated.It accommodates pedestrian circulation from Gateway Road and across the site. and creates a plaza area for outdoor dining. 2.Architecture The Pizza Port production facility utilizes a composition of contrasting paint colors, offset wall planes with angular shapes for visual interest, painted steel canopies at building entries, and grey tinted glazing in white window frames. representing a nautical image befitting the company name. The building design meets the BRMP requirement to highlight primary building entries through massing.A cornice detail and 8 foot deep cantilevered shade canopy reinforce the importance of the primary entry. At two places, accent wall panels with a cast-in grid pattern create additional interest via texture, color and vertical emphasis.Colored perspective drawings are provided for staff to better understand the building design. 411 411 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad CA 92008 MIIIIIMM11110 Applicant:SMITH CONSULTING ARCHITECTS Set Id:5000003268 /Tmp set/Initialized Projects Description Amount CUP11005 3,440.78 PIP11001 4,315.00 Total:7,755.78 Receipt Number:R0085865 Transaction ID:T000106435 Transaction Date:08/15/2011 Pay Type Method Description Amount Payment Check 28546 3,121.50 Payment Check 28545 4,315.00 Payment Check 28547 319.28 Transaction Amount:7,755.78