HomeMy WebLinkAboutCUP 158; Municipal Swim Complex; Conditional Use Permit (CUP)* __ / .- . --.----^I----- Recei No. * cue [TY APPLICATION NO. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ----*-- CITY OF CARLSBAD (Please Type OF Print) Date: - +/3//&' 1) REQUEST: Conditional Use Permit to coNE~@Lacr I -@Fiefly explain I403 ic r\Pk SWLU LWpck~- 2) LOCATION: The subject property is generdlly located on the WEST side of dhJ3oe Ads between Ct-bssiadT I --- and %- sweoa %.IN- - 3) ASSESSOR'S NUMBER: Book 266 Page lye Parcel =4' Book Page Parcel (If more, please list on bottom of this page). Zip Phone --I- ___- Address - City 4) PROPERTY OU4ER'S SIGNATURE -I- \zoo GL M Aw* kS64O 729 -it?/ 5) Person Responsible for Preparation of Plan: 6) Registration or License No: --- 7) Applicants Signature: /Gu& I hereby declare that all informatior? contained within this application is true; and that all standard cond-it'ions as indicated on the attachment have been read, undepstood and agreed to. --- Address ---- City Zip Phone .-- Name Representing (Company or Corporation) cik, a C&lecSBM Relationship to Property Owner(s) wLoy-L.----- The City of Carl sbad Planning Department would appreciate the opporCIinity to work with the applicant throughout the P1annir;g Stages of the pro-- posed development. In an effort to aid the applicant,, the Plannicg Department requests that it be given an opportunity to evaluate and discuss the application and plans prior to submittal. This request is not a requirement; however, it, may avoid major redrafting or revision of the plan which only serves to lengthen the procescing time. ATTACHMENTS: Supplemental Information Form - Plantling 22 Preparation Check List - Planning 32 Prot:ud~i~~s - Plannir?g 36 t I *A:, . Standard Condition-Pldnriing 27 -. i'T',F LJ! I -'t" " .- SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION FORM CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 1) Gross Acres (or square footage if less than acre) * 2) Zone 0prEOJ SPACE 3) General Plan Land Use Designation f-ciktd zc~o-~ 4) The Present Use of the Subject Property Ta~k:/lq LoT, 5) By law a Conditional Use Permit may be approved only if certain facts are found to exist. Please read these required facts carefully and explain how the proposed project meets each of these facts. Use additional sheets if necessary: a) Explain why the requested use is necessary or desirable for the development of the community, is essentially in harmony with the various elements and objectives of the General Plan, and is not detrimental to existing uses or to uses specifically permitted in the zone in which the proposed use is to be located: PtWkL> P*L4. - UlLC P&d:Dc? Tkrhfa, AGiJ b,i-I;Ts TO c-l 7% ho S CNeoC ?', ; TTrGCrT iL)A Mhh)bJ M GteAhmAT -nC rci. TLfikl. b) Explain why the site for the intended use is adequate in size and s modate the u c) Explain why you believe the proposed ,yards, setbacks, walls, fences, landscaping, etc., will be adequate to adjust the d) Explain why you believe the street system serving the propo.sed use is adequate t Y ** If you need more sDace to answer the above, please use reverse side of this form or separate sheets and attach to this form. SPEC I FI c PLANICOND IT I ~UAL US E PERMI TI V A R I AM C E/ P L ANN ED U N I T D E V E L 0 P M E NT/ SITE DEVELOPMENT PLANISPECIAL USE PERMIT Development shall meet all requirements of the subdivision, zoning and building codes, laws, ordinances or regulations of the City of Carlsbad, and other governmental agencies. Some of the more pertinent requirements and procedures of the City are listed below for your in- formation and concurrence. Please read this list carefully and feel free to ask for further information or exp.lanation. 1) All conditions for Conditional Use Permit, Variance, Planned Unit Development and Special Use Permit shall be completed and the project commenced within 18 months from final City action, unless otherwise stated as part of the approval. There is no time limitations for Specific Plans unless required as part of the approval. 2) Development shall substantially conform to the approved plan. 3) All public improvements shall be made in conformity with City Standards, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, without cost to the City of Carlsbad and free of all liens and encumbrances. 4) Prior to any construction, the applicant shall submit plans to the appropriate entity providing domestic water to the proposed development, for its approval of the location, type and adequacy of water lines. 5) Prior to any construction, the applicant shall obtain approval from the City Fire Department of the location and size of fire hydrants. 6) The applicant shall install all required fire hydrants and dry-stand pipes prfor to framing construction, and said fire appurtenances shall be functional prior to commencing such work. 7) Street trees, as required by the City, shall be installed by the applicant at applicant's expense. Trees shall be of a type . approved by the Parks Department and shall be installed to their specifications. If removal of any existing trees is required by the City, said removal shall 'be at the applicant's expense. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to make all arrangements with the Parks Department concerning the require- ments of this condition. 8) A detailed grading plan which includes proposed drainage and erosion control landscaping or other measures such as desilting basins shall be approved by the City Engineer. 9) Immediately after grading, erosion control landscaping and/or other measures such as desilting basins shall be installed. This control may be the final landscaping if so approved. for Planning Director's approval for all graded slopes 5' or greater in height and any other areas required by law. ing and irrigation systems shall be installed or adequate bonding accepted. Said landscaping shall be maintained in a manner acceptable to the Planning Director. 10) A detailed landscape and sprinkler plan shall be submitted 11) Prior to final building inspection clearance, all landscap- - 12) No signs or advertising of any type whatsoever shall be erected or installed until plans thereof have been approved by the City of Carlsbad. As part of the approval process, the City may modify these conditions or add others, especially those of a more specific nature. The applicant wi71 be notified of these modifications or additions by Resolution. Form Planning 27 /Date of Planning Commission Approval PREPARATION- CHECK LIST Documents 'Required for Submittal: 1) Application with supplemental information sheet completed. 2) Standard condition list. 3) Photostatic copy of deed with complete legal description of subject propwty.or o.ther form of description acceptable to the Planning Director. * 4) Fifteen ozalid prints of the plan for all applications except a P.U.D. which requires 20 prints. 5) Environmental Impact Statement or Report with Fees (if required). 6) Fee: Conditional Use Permit, Variance and Special Use Permit - $50,00 within area being amended Planned Unit Development - $50.00 plus $1.00 per unit Amendments for P.U.D.'s - $50.00 plus $1.00 per unit Site Development Plan - $25.00 7) 300-Foot Radius Map - (not needed for Site Development Plan and Special Use Permit) A map to scale not less than 1" = 200' . -showing each lot within 300 feet of the exterior boundaries of the subject property. Each of these lots shall be consecutively numbered and correspond with the property owner's list. The scale of the map may be reduced to a scale acceptable to the Planning Director if the required scale is impractical. 8) Property 0wner.s' List - (Not needed for Site Development Plan . ana' Special Use Permit) A typewritten list of the name and address of a17 property owners within 300' as noted on the property owners' Wp. This list must be accurate and taken from the latest equalized assessment roll on file in the Office of the Assessor of San Diego County, 1600 Pacific Highway, Room 103, Sari Diego, 236-3771. I. Drafting of Plan: 1) Sheets to be 24" x 36" with 1" border (Standard I'D" size). 2) Scale to indicated: 1" = 10' is generally sufficient, however, the scale is to be appropriate for sheet size. -. 3) North arrow oriented to top or left side of sheet. 4) Lettering must be legible. by mechanical means, in ink, and heavy upper case. 5) , Location map showing the distance to the center line of the nearest intbrsection. 6) Title block with name and address of applicant and drafter, a-cld pertinent information such as uses, total acreage and date prepared. It is preferred that it be drawn 2. Information on Plan 1) Proposed and existing structures: Proposed use of all structurcs (in gcncral land use terms). Bb] Building dimensions, setbacks and distances bctwccn buildings. C d e Type of construction proposed. Identification of fire rated walls and fire sprinkler systcms. Height and nunher of stories, Gross floor area per structure. Proposed changes and additions to existing buildings, 2) Existing and proposed rights-of-way, public and/or private:, a) b) Widths of right-of-way. c) Location of existing and proposed sidewalks and curbcuts. Distance from property line to center line of rights-of-way . ' d) Easements -type and location. 3) Parking: a) Location, size and numbered consecutively. b) Identification of loading zones. c) Dimensions of driveways. 4) Landscaping: a) Existing and proposed trees in the public right-of-way. b) A schedule showing types, size and location of all plant materials proposed on site. c) Indicate a permanent watering system for a71 landscaping areas by showing the location of water lines. . 5) Refuse pickup areas (not required for detached housing projects) .6) Signs: Size, location and height of existing and proposed signs. 7) Lot lines and dimensions. 8) Location of watercourse or areas subject to flood. 9) Location of proposed storm drains or other means of drainage (grade an,d size). 10) Topographic contours at two-feet intervals, with indication of manufactured slope. 11) Cross section 'of proposed grading. Existing contours and proposed graded contours for all grades of 4:l or greater shall be shown. 12) Del ineation of development phasing. Miscellaneous Information for Planned Unit Development Application - 1) Document explaining who shall be responsible for maintaining open common areas and how maintenance is to be perfornlcd. 2) Document explaining special development standards requested. . . For custom home Planned Unit Dcvclopiiit?nt, a11 development stand- ards listed i.n Section 21.45.120 shall be included. 3) Elevation of proposed buildings (not required for custom horiie - P.U.D. Is). PROCEDURES 1) Application to Planning Commission: In an effort to aid the 'applicant, the Planning Department requests that it be given an opportunity to evaluate and discuss the application in its various stages of development prior to submittal. It is more effective if applicant meets directly with staff; however, written or telephone communication is 'ac.ceptab1e. It is the responsibility of the applicant to make the initial contact for such meeting. 2) Submittal: Application will be accepted only if the applica- tion, plans and other pertinent materials are complete. Generally, the date application will be heard will be deter- mined 6y the submittal date as indicated within the approved Planning Commission calendar. - .- - 3) Planning Commission Calendar: The Planning Commission adopts an annual calendar that indicates application closing dates, staff review dates, staff report completion dates, and Plan- ning Commission hearing dates. You may acquire this calendar at the Planning Department. 4) Staff Review: On the date as indicated on the Planning Cornmission Calendar, City Staff conducts a review meeting on all items on the Planning Commission agenda. The applicant is invited to attend and to explain the project and respond to staff preliminary recommendations. Upon completion of this review., Staff will pre- pare final staff recommendations to be submitted to the Planning , Commission. The final report with recommendations will be available at the Planning Department five days prior to the Planning Commission hearing (Friday afternoon prior to the Planning Commission meeting date). - Hearing: Wednesda'y of the month at 7:30 p.m. or as indicated on the Planning Commission calendar. cation, the Planning Commission will either make a finding and forward to City Council or make final action. 5) The Planning Commission meets every 2nd and 4th Depending on the type of appli- 6) Appeals: Final action by Planning Commission may be appealed to the City Council, provided such appeal is filed within ten (10) days after the Planning Commission action. The applicant should review with staff the procedure on the various types of applications. 7) Final Decision: The City will notify the applicant and property Qwner of the final decision. APPLICANT DISCLOSURE FORM Xn order to assist the members of the Planning Commission and City Council to avoid pcssible conflicts of interest, all applicants are required to complete this disclosure form at the time of.submitting their application. When this form has been completed and signed, the information will be relied upon by them in determining if a conflict may exist, so please ensure that all of the information is completed and accurate. If at anytime before a final action on your application has been rendered, any of the information required by this disclosure changes, an amendment reflecting this change must be filed. If the applicant is an individual, or a partnership (either general or limited) or a joint venture, please state the full name, address and phone nunber of each person or individual (including trusts) who own any beneficial interest in the property which is the subject of this application. Should one or more parties to the application be a partnership or joint venture, then please state the full legal name of the partnership or joint venture, its legal address and the name and address of each individual person who is a general and/or limited partner or member of the joint venture. \ Should one or more of the parties be a privately held corporation (10 share- holders or less) or a real estate syndication, then please state the state of incorporation or syndication, corporate number, date of incorporation or syndication, corporate or syndicate address, and the full names and addresses of each individual shareholder or syndicate member. Should the corporation be a publically held corporation, then state the full name and address of the corporation, the place of its incorporation, number of shareholders, and the name and address of the officers of the corporation. Should you feel that additional information needs to be provided in order to provide a full disclosure, please include it. , ,i ! . . - .' ., * If after the information you have submitted has been reviewed, it is determined that further information is required, you will be so advised. APPLICANT: Name (individual, partnership, joint venture, corporation, syndication) ' AGENT : Business Address .. Te,lephone Number Name Business Address i Telephone Number MEMBERS : Name (individual, partner, joint Home Address venture, corporation, syndication) Business Address Telephone Number Telephone Number Name Home Address Business Address Telephone Number Telephone Number (Attach more sheets if necessary) I/We declare under penalty of perjury that the information cont.ained in this dis- closure is true and correct and that it will remain true and correct and may be relied upon as being true and correct until amended. # \ - Appl ic a n t Agent, Owner, Partner .L E GAL DES C R I PT ION SWIMMING POOL SITE x' That portion df Tract 248 and Tract 249, Thum Lands,.in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to Map thereof No. 1681, filed in the Office of the Recorder of San Diego County, December 9, 1915, described as follows: Beginning at the Northeasterly corner of said Tract 248; thence South 28"39' East along the northeasterly line thereof, a distance of 442.29 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continuing along the northeasterly line of said Tract 248 and Tract 249, South 28'39' East 692.39 feet; thence South 61'21' West 170.65 feet; thence North 28"39' West 54.00 feet; thence South 61O21' West 97.00 feet; thence North 28'39' West 555.00 feet; thence South 61O21' West 26.35 feet; thence North 28"39' West 347.04 feet to a point on the northwesterly line of said Tract 248; thence North 30"04' East along said northwesterly line a distance of 88.56 feet; thence South 28'39'East 309.64 feet; thence North 61'21' East 218.32 feet to the TRUE PQI'NT OF BEGINNING. e 2 0 .. . -1 N 28'39.W 54.00' '. I---- F 4 I f .. ..'. 7 . i f :r - - -- . . .-1 I. CUP- I58 MUNlCl PAL SWIM COM PLEy \\ m CASE NO.CL)?- 158 Date Rec'd 9/zol'/~ DCC Date:Ja/31/78 PC Date //,/8/7Fj 1. Description of Request: CUP C0NSrRUC.T A MUNl CIPAL SWIM COMFZE% Coast Permit Area: ~0 C4RLSBAD SCHOOL