HomeMy WebLinkAboutCUP 172; Palomar Airport; Conditional Use Permit (CUP) (13)I’: .+ . c. GAN IZATION Suite 524, Security Pacific Plaza 1200 Third Avenue San Diego, California 92101 (7 14) 236-5300 Ms. Annette M. Sanchez Larry Seeman Associates, Inc. 500 Newport Center Drive, Suite 525 Newport Beach, CA 92660 . _A c d August 1, 1980 Dear Ms. Sanchez: As the Airport Land Use Commission (ALLJC) for the San Diego Region, CPO is responsible for the development of compatible land uses within the Airport Influence Area. posed for the City of Carlsbad would be significantly impacted by aircraft operations of Palomar Airport. The Rancho Carrillo development which is pro- The environmental report you are preparing should thoroughly address the issue of aircraft related noise from the airport. describe the various mitigation measures which will be implemented to mini- mize the adverse impacts. As you know, the existing Palomar Comprehensive Land Use Plan is scheduled to be updated in early 1981. noise contours, an enlarged airport influence area, and a list of recmen- ded actions for the City, County and 80 to implement to ensure compatible land uses near the airport. CPO staff slrpports the concern expressed to you by Mr. Phil Safford in his letter dated July 22,1980 regarding this issue. If you have any questions regarding these matters, please feel free to contact Jack Koerper at The report should also The updated report will have more recent 236- 5372. Sincerely, JOAN K. MARTIN Director, Areawide Clearinghouse cc: Phil Safford Bill Hoffman/’ SAN DlEGO REGION’S COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS Member Agencies Citiesof Carlsbad. Chula Vista. Coronado, Dei Mar, El Cajon, imperial Beach, La Mesa, Lemon Grove, National City. Oceanside, San Diego San Marcos. Vista. and County of San Diego/Ex officio Member California Department of Transponation/Honorary Member Tijuana, 6 CFA R J Massmarh COUN'TY OF'SAN DI LLO -.- Dtraclor Bid~ 2 5555 Overlsnj Ava SanDtego. Caliiornsa 92123 DEPARTMENT OF THANSPOHTAT'ION Olficar 01 Counly engineer 6 Road Commissioner County Surveyor County Airports July 22, 1980 Annette M. Sanchez Associate Project Manager 500 Newport Center Drive Suite 525 Newport Beach, CA. 92660 Dear Ms. Sanchez: Telephone: (714) 565-5177 This is in reply to your request of July 8, 1980, for comment relative to the proposed Rancho Carrillo development in the vicinity of Palomar Airport. Palomar Airport is a County owned and operated general aviation facility located within the City of Carlsbad. In 1979 a total of 268,000 take-offs and landings were completed, making Palomar one of the busiest single runway airports in the nation. The adopted Master Plan forecasts an increase to 400,000 movements by 1990. The Master Plan is scheduled for review and update in early 1981. The airport is open 24 hours a day. In recent years as a result of residential growth in the vicinity of the airport, the County and City have received an increasing number of complaints over aircraft noise. These complaints generally come from residents two to five miles from the airport. is in this area. The proposed Rancho Carrillo development A number of actions have already been taken to reduce the impact of airport noise in nearby communities. procedures, as well as restructures on use of the airport. While noise abatement flight procedures can mitigate the noise problem, it is unrealistic to assume that such actions can the problem. Additional study to identify other possible noise abatement actions is to be undertaken in the near future under an FAA funded Airport Noise and Land Use Compatibility study (ANCLUC). A new set of noise contours for Palomar will be prepared during the ANCLUC studh and should be available in early 1981. existing noise contours cannot be considered as applicable for the Rancho Carrillo development pending the ANCLUC study which is expected to enlarge the airport influence area and significantly modify the concept of impact zones. These include in-flight noise abatement The Annette M. Sanchez -2- July 22, 1980 Rancho Carrillo lies within the Palomar Airport three-mile Air Traffic Control Zone. by aircraft and helicopters making both visual and instrument approaches to Runway 24. can be avoided in the future. The area is now subject to frequent low level overflight There is no practicable means by which such overflights Based upon recent noise complaint experience at Palomar, the Rancho Carrillo location is clearly a noise sensitive area. Thcre is no doubt that the residents will encounter problems of compatibility with respect to the airport environment. Requirements for residential sound proofing in the project area can reduce interior noise levels and be of some benefit, but not a solution. If this development is undertaken it will be of utmost importance for the impact of airport operations to be clearly identified to and acknowledged, in writing, by each prospective purchaser prior to the close of escrow. To this objective, airport management will recommend to the City of Carlsbad that the developers be required to grant an avigation easement over the property as a condition for approval of the project. Palomar Mrport Maxager PRS : 1 t cc: CPO (J. Koerper) City of Carlsbad (J. Hagaman) FAA (H.C. Bliss) Dept. of Transportation (R.J. Massman) PAAC 0 500 newport center drive, suite 525 newport beach, California 92660 phone (714) 640-6363 0 2927 newbury street, suite c berkeley, California 94703 phone (415) 841-6840 LARRY SEEMAN ASSOCIATES, INC. July 8, 1980 Mr. Philip R. Safford Pal omar Ai rport 2386 Palomar Airport Road Carlsbad, CA 92008 SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR RANCHO CARRILLO PLANNED COMMUNITY, CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO - REQUEST FOR COMMENT Dear Mr. Safford: Our firm has been retained by the City of Carlsbad to prepare an Environ- mental Impact Report (EIR) for the proposed Rancho Carri 110 P1 anned Comnunity. To properly identify and evaluate the impacts of this project we will require input from Palomar Airport. The proposed project is approximately 847 acres and is 5.5 miles inland from the Pacific Ocean. Palomar Airport Road in incorporated City of Carlsbad. It is bounded on the north by the Carlsbad Raceway, on the east by the City of San Marcos, on the south by the comnunity of La Costa and on the west by an unincorporated San Diego County island (Figures 1 and 2). The project site is located to the north and south of The proposed planned comnunity will primarily include residential land uses, to the south of existing Palomar Airport Road with approximately 690 acres designated to include a maximum of 2,998 dwelling units ranging from a gross density of 2.55 du/acre to 9.85 du/acre. port Road wi 11 a1 so incl ude comnerci a1 recreation, nei ghborhood comerci a1 , open space, and park land uses. residential uses, such as travel service comnercial, comnercial recreation and industrial. The area south of Palomar Air- The 71 acres north of existing Palomar Airport Road will incl ude non- The project is found on the San Marcos, Rancho Santa Fe, San Luis Rey, and We would appreciate your comments and concerns regarding the project, and Encinitas Quadrangles. the potential for negative or beneficial impacts related to Palomar Airport. Mr. Philip R. Safford July 8, 1980 Page 2 If possible, please include the following information in your response: 1) whether or not project site is within noise sensitive area, 2) location of site in terms of noise contours, if known, 3) hours of airport operations, and 4) potential safety problems. It is our intention to reproduce your response in an Appendix to the EIR Consequently, we would and to use it in our analysis of the project impacts. appreciate a reply at your earliest convenience, preferably before July 23, 1980. If you have any questions regarding the project, please call me at (714) 640-6363. Sincerely, LARRY SEEMAN ASSOCIATES, INC. Annette M. Sanchez Associate Project Manager AMS : sal Enclosures