HomeMy WebLinkAboutCUP 172; Palomar Airport; Conditional Use Permit (CUP) (17)Nancy Sterling COUNTY OF SAN DlEGO NOISE CONTROL HEARING BOARD SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92101 (6'19) 236- 4717 CLERK June 5, 1984 Tom Hamilton, Chainnan San Diego County Board of Supervisors Mail Station A-500 RE: McClellan-Palomar Airport During the past year, your Noise Control Hearing Board has noted growing con- cerns expressed by community and other intereht groups concerning noise prob- lems at McCellan-Palomar Airport. These concerns include: 1. Potential noise impact from aircraft on new residential development within the City of Carlsbad. 2. Increased noise due to additional commercial commuter aircraft activities at the facility. This increased commercial activity could also impact private aircraft use negatively. Your Board's action to re-form the McClellan-Palomar Airport Advisory Committee and to authorize a noise study to update the Airport Master Plan are positive steps which will assist in long range planning for use of the airport and sub- sequent development near the facility. As proprietor, the County is responsible, under State law, for aircraft noise impact upon surrounding residential property. The criterion is a noise level of 65 decibels CNEL. limit the proprietor's liability. considerable citizen complaints can be expected as evidenced by community action concerning Montgomery Field. However, campliance to this level dms not necessarily At noise levels between 60 and 65 decibels, On the basis of citizen complaints, your Board recently designated Montgomery Field a noisy airport and in violation of State law. This was done even though noise Bevels were found to be well below the 65 decibel CNEL criterion. The potential for similar noise levels impacting residential development near McClellan-Palomar Airport definitely exists. HoQever, your Board has a real opportunity to address these issues now in order to prevent future impact. This can be accomplished through the development of a Master Plan for Airport Use which would allow the City,of Carlsbad and the surrounding north county cities to develop compatible land use. I Tom Hamilton, Chairman -2- June 5, 1984 We express these concerns to you as we have in the past and assure you that members of this Board are available, collectively and individually, to assist you in maintaining a community airport which will sene the needs of the north county and at the same time, be acceptable to its neighbors. Sincerely, PETER P44?Fd/!5 R. FRANK, Ph.D., Chainuan Noise Control Hearing Board PRP : ns cc: Paul Fordem, Supervisor, Second District ' Patrick Boarman, Supervisor, Third District Leon Williams, Supervisor, Fourth District Paul Eckert, Supervisor, Fifth District City of Carlsbad, City Council City of San Marcos, city Council city of vista, city Council City of Oceanside, City Council SANDAG Palomar Pilot's Association Alta Mira Homeowners Donald G. mas, M.D., Depbty Director, Public Health Services Al Waldman, Director, Airports Division Members, Noise Control Hearing Board