HomeMy WebLinkAboutCUP 178A; Bank of America Branch Office; Conditional Use Permit (CUP) (2)lo. 1 L7 OX 7 n -. 'a APPLICATION NO. USE PERMIT - f78A 1) REQUEST: Conditionai Usc Yernrit to COO STEULT -1 ci~ies (briefly explain) mL&D OPmZ CSlC b %PA ucd OFF IC€ af %hW QF hl612 I GA &-arnpQ ~~ETPQRT BU SJN~SS Paeg PrJ A %BTIO@ OF bT*I CT79-1 I NJ& PJn * IC3 2) LOCATION: The subject property is generally located on the Am slde of & ,bo VIp LSCE between- MW0 h L aiidu ~A.LM~LS 3) ASSFSSOR'S NUMBER: Book 213 Page-oQso Parcel bZ& Book Page Parcel (If more, plea'se list on bottom of thlr page). .. 4) PROPERTY OiJlIER'S SIGMTURE Address city Zip Phone le&&. t-T\ 5) Person /Rerponr&r for Preparation oi Plan: Name Address c1 ty Z~P Phone 6) ' Raglrtratton or Llcrnrr Not E 18673 ' 7) Appllcantc Slgnature: I hereby daclrre that all information contained wlthln this application Is true; and that all standard conditions as fndicated on the attachment have been read, understood and agred to. Name Address citv ZIP Phone 7-Y cr -2 C*D. 92lll / * Rewesentinp (Company or Corporation) ~~~W A&se-e. Relationship to Property Owner(s) €Ma Ale - &FN7 fhr City of Carlsbad Plannlng Department would appreciate the opportunity to work wlth the rppllcrnt throughout the Planning Stages of the pro- posed development. In an effort to aid the applicant, the Planning Department requests that It be given an opportunlty to evaluate arid discuss the application snd plans pi-tu.. to submittal. This request 1s not a requlrenent; howcver, It may avoid major redrafting or revlrlon of the plrn which only serves to lengthen the processing tI8O. AT f AC H w E WT s : Supplemental Information Form - Planning 22 Standard Condltlon-Plannlnq 27 Preparation Check List - Planning 32 Procedures - Planning 36 Form: Planning 4 -Date of Plannlnq Coiuinission Approval 0 _- -- . .. .- -. _- SUPPLEMENTAL INFORYATION FORM CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Gross Acres (or square footage if less than acre) 2.48 k. Zone Pm General Plan Land Use Designation PMb LAtduED I NDVS 7W AC The Present Use of the Subject Property- VACAh)7 By law a Conditional Use Permit may be approved only if certain facts are found to exist. Please read these required facts carefully and explain how the proposed pro.ject meets each of these facts. Use additional sheets if necessary: a) Explain why the requested use is necessary or desirable for the development of the community, is essentially in harmony with the various elements and objectives of the General Plan, and is not detrimental to existing uses or to uses specifically permitted in the zone in which the proposed use is to'be located: e Plbpa SED OS& 1s p €TZWITTE D tN 7HE €ut ST IN^ ZQ&L L WD LoI,~~S Tc3 TH 6 PUEJ OEJECT~VESO Wp016b b) Explain why the site for the intended use is adequate in SIZE AuD SPAP c mwoep we c) Explain why you believe the proposed yards, setbacks, walls, fences, landscapinq, etc.,* will be adequate to adjust the requested use to existing or permitted future uses in the neighborhood:as, e 5-q , *PS- H~ me jrnp~wc'wm~s E- ra 0FQ)yLpP~try~~ QP 7*p z8ALJ= -p PFSzML-m Fb'fuPFi , I bun AF b- WE &49 FUWF hQJUS-TS* d) Explai'n why you believe the street system serving the proposed use is adequate to properly handle all traffic gener- rUE 6%-6 hr&@=rc S1ac-F TUP SITE A- AND PAW0 BFhi . A h9u)rAJaD Am 0 CrRFPT 'by- ** If you need more space to answer the above, please use I reverse side of this form or separate sheets and attach I to this form. FORM Planninq 22 Date of Planning Coiiimission Approval- I - -__ 0 - ._I__ 1 , rh -*. If aftcar Lhe that further information inf orout ion you have sutnittccl has becn &a roquirod, you will be uo 0 rcvAcared, advised. 1 I I I I I i 1 I 1 1 ! t j i 1 ! i I ! I I I I I ! I i ! t 1 1 1 I 1 I I I ! ,. I APPWCANTI BANK OF AMERICA N.T. & S.A. NJU (indiuiduaA, partnership, joint venture, corporation, OyndiCbtAOn) 1130 South Flgueroa Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90015 BU.&M88 -0.8 . t 683-3238 TaleyhoM YIuhr Thomas Blaskiewicz lyEnt . 1130 South Figueroa Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90015 ,# Rurinemr kddroee 683-3238 Tolephono Nurber MEW I blrw (individual, partner, joint vanturo, corporation, oyndication) N/A 4 t . .- . * * . .. '. r *' . , ,. . r :;, .". . .. . f/Y. dmokto undar lplnlty of perjury tht the inforution cont.in8d in thb di8- rrlosura i. trua +nb oortoct and that it will remain true 4nb COII~C~ a136 wy b +elid vpoa 8s king tnu ud corroct until amended. CITY OF CARLSBAD REQUEST FOR REFUND I Dept. Justification: Rec: Oatn 43ko Approve 0 Disapprove 1 I I Vendor No. Amount No. 001-810-0000-8812 Amount of Refund $375000 Fee Paid For: CUP-178 (Extension) Date Fee Paid: 11, l9go Fee Paid B~: Bank Of America Facts Supporting Request: The previous amendment (CUP-l78(A) was not conditioned to expire, and, therefore, this application does not need an extension. Name of Applicant: BANK OF AMERICA - CORPORATE REAL ESTATE Address: 555 S. Flower Street, Los Angeles, California 90071 State Zip Telephone Signature of Applicant: Date I - - -- Finance Investigation: I Ret: 0 Approve 0 Disapprove Dept. Head Signature -I Date I I City Manager‘s Action: City Manager Signature Date 0 Approve 0 Disapprove I- -. ClfY OF CARLSBAD 1200 ELM A. LNUE CARLSBAD, CALIFOL,~ 92008 4384821 REC’D FROM - ACCOUNT NO. RECEIPT NO. 97384 DATE 5-H- 90 U%L&5L 3d 9Y 8 76 I DESCRIPTION I AMOUNT I I I I I I . . . , .e I _., .... L1 I__ , I I c- /h CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 ELM h.cNUE CARLSBAD, CAL1FOh. .A 92008 438.5621 5-/- 90 REC'D FROM cu tr ~ DATE ACCOUNT NO. DESC RI PTlON AMOUNT I I I I I I I I I I I; I I I I I I I I I I I I I, \ 1 RECEIPT NO. 97384 TOTAL I f 926359-3 D-2 88/25 170-10803-5 I ORDER TI= mzn OPlXcER 92035943 Pinkboncr PARCEL 4 GUARANTEE .'r DATED PARCEL MAP .h 1980 . 3 &, 4';;~ t I I ?Ea $80.00 NATIONAL AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCX COMPANY, 4.($(r - v6d a corporation GUARANTEES The County of San Diego, and any City within which said subdivision I8 located, in a sum not exceeding $1,000.00 That, according to those public records which, under the recording laws, impart constructive notice of matters affecting the title to the land included vithin the exterior boundary shown on the map of the above referenced subdivision, the only parties having any record title interest in said land whose signatures are necessary, under the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act, on the certificates consenting to the recordation of said map and offering for dedication any streets, roads, avenues and other easements i I* t ...... .... ....... '. . ~ .. , . : -. i ! ... :. I .. .... .. In . , .,. , .. ... ....... .......... .. 1 j .. ...... ,. .. - . ,- : . offered- for dedication by said map are: .. : I . ' ..r, ...... ;I . _. ' RPORF ,OFFICBPARIC LTD.,' ii .limited partneistiip,: &'record. .. . oFer- ,, f.. . , : :' ,I ,. .- .. <, .. I. ' :i LEGAL DeSCRIPTION Cot 1 of CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 79-1, in the City of Carlsbad', County of San Diego, State OF California, according to Map thereof No. 9389, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County, September 26, 1979. NATIONAL AMERICAN TITLB 1NSURANCE COMPANY .,.:. i .. .. ,.- 1. .. . PALOMAR AIRPORT BUSINESS PARK UNIT NO. I CARLSWD TRACT NO. 73-49 MAP NO. 8054 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO.. BANK OF AMERICA * PALOMAR AIRPORT BRANCH, ' . . * CITY OF CARLSBAD CARLSBAO TRACT NO. 791 MAP NO. 9389 1. .. . .. :. . '. ,; . . ..*' .. ,' .r. : '." t .. : r .. -r A .. SITE PL AN I .. LOCAT ION MAP +- +- - +- EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS