HomeMy WebLinkAboutCUP 185; McRoskey Temporary Bank; Conditional Use Permit (CUP) (14)I .. .. 1. 2 0 -. 3 . 4. 6. 7, --. Nainil and address of developer or project sponsor: .. John I--+ W. McRoskey ' yc_ - . .. .~ ----- . - *- '. ' .. ACI6reSE Of project: I Palomar Airwrt . Yma Asr,essor ' s Elock and Lot Number: .- 213 - '05 - 01 .. c Nme a6dressI ar,d te.tephonc nunber of person to be contacted &>>ccrnincj this project: John S. Ru-le, Archi tect-Planner ------ 2160 "A" Avenida' de la Playa, La J011 a, .CA 92037- (714) 459:3.;141 -.- c--._I_u(-13_u_ I:nc?i.ca.te ncmLc?,~ of t.he permit application for the. project *to which . thi?. form pertains: List arid dcsciibe any other related pe'rmits and ocher puhlic approva:is rec;ci.x-ed for this piroj cct , including thase rcqulrcd , by cci'ty, regional, state and federni agmcies:. Ci t.y of -- Carlsbad 'Conditional use permit. (Bank) a. -1_- .. ... I--..--- ---I-- .' f. 3. I .' i' '3 .. . . .. . ?$, .:. .. . ,- .I . 'L .. 'I 4' '. 2. Describe 'ihc activity gux:a , incl-udincj distiguishing natural and rannrnadc charactcri.stics; also prolridc precise s.lope analysis whcn approp:-ia'ie. r .. ~ #: c . . '. . The. s'ite consi.st?i,nd,.of 5.41: acres is is. already graded to near level and all appropriate public improvements are..in .. and completed . %-4, -. . . . .. I. .. e- 3, Describe energy conservation measures incorporated into the design and/or operation of the project. (For a more ' specific discussion of energy conservat i-on reqllirernents see . . of the City's EIR guidelines) .. , ' * '. .. *. _.. .. .. .. L. L .- Not Applicab1.e . .. -. . - -_ e. . -- .. _. ;;- .._ 5. If comiiercialI 'indicate the type, whether neighbor: ood, city or regionally oriented, square footage oE sales area, and loading facilities. &s Not Applicable' - >. - (. 6. If industrial, indicate type, estimated ernp1op"nt per shift, and loadillg facilities. . .. 4 150,000 square feet of office-business and reskarch in four buildhis. ' The type of occupancy would be'on a basis of a single shift,workday, fi've'days -. , - per week. I 5 .. .. .. 7. If institutional, indicate the major function, estimated cmploymcni; per shi€t., cstimatcd OCCII]>~TICY, loading faciliti cs I and conuilunithr benefits to be derived from thc projcct. I Not Applicable .. '. i *. - .. .. *. 9. .. . I #- I. ' t: * I .' ENVIRONMENTAL IMPF-CT ANALYSZS . - .. a. .Answer the following questions by pl.acing a check in the. ..appropriate space. (Discuss all items checked yes. Attach .-he. additional sheets as necessary). . .. .. Yes ' . . NO . . : - .. *.. .. * '. - *.. .. ax X 1. 2. Could the activity affect the use of a recrea- . 3, ,Could the activity affect the functioning.of an Could the project significantly' change present . land uses in the vicinity of the activity? 7.7 .. . tional a.rea, or area of important aesthetic value? - - established cormunity or neighborhood? - x '-.' L a. . '. c .4. ' Could the -activity result in the'-.disp.lacement of '5. ' Could. the activity inbrease the number"of low and .. .. *. -. comnipi ty residents? .. X. X - .. '. .. .. modest cost housing units in the city. Could the activity decrease the number of low and ... modest cost housing units in the city. - - '6, - *. 7. Are any of the natural or man-made fc,,tures ir, the activity area uhique, that is, not found in other' :x -I- . *. . pgrts of ghc County, State, or Natioc? ' ' -- * . 8. Could the activity significantly affect a histor- X ical or archaelogical .. site or .. its settings? - - potential use;extraction, or conservation of a 9. Could the activity significantly affect the X ... - 7 .- . scarce natural resource? .. -. 2 10. Does the activity area serve ab a habitat, food * source nesting place, saurce of water, etc. for X rare or endangered wildlife on fish species? - - wildlife or plant life? ., 11. Could the activity significantly affect fish, .x - 7 12. Are there any rare or cndjngered plant species in the activity area? - .. Y , 13. 14. 15. Could the activity change existing features of Could the activity change' existing features of any of the City's bcachcs? Could the act.ivity rcsult in the erosion or L any of the city's lagoons ,- bays, or .tidelands? - L 1. - X .. -- .- I 'I . ' elimination of agricultural lands? --+-.- I' .. i * . .. ; *'I ,. . . Yes .. - 17, Will the activity require a variance from . .. estahlis6cd environmefkal standards. (air, water, noise, etc)?. - ,. b4,. i8 , Will the activity require certification, .. authorization or issuance of a permit by any . .. *. _. .. No -#- A .. .. ldcal, State or Federal enviro&ntal c&-itrol .. _. .. X - .. agency? 33. Will the 'activity require issuance of 'a variance 20;. Will the activity involve the application, use, ..' 21, Will the- activity involve construction of - or conditional use permit by the City? or disposal of, potentially hazardous materials? L' I- .* -. X X -x X - . facilities' in a flood plain? - - -22,: Will the activity involve construction of facilities on a Slope of 25 percent or greater? 23.. tqi.11 the aciivity involve construction ,of _I -- .- - facilities in the area of an active fault? 24, Couid the of signifi 25, Could the. X activity result in the generation cant amounts of noise? activity result in the geno,ration of : Y .- - 25. 27. 2'. . . 20: . : - 23. 30. .. .' 3;*. ~;~nificant anounts of dust? , : n -I - .. X Will tbe actiirity involve the burning of brush, Could the activi.ty result in a significant change in the' quality of any portion of the region's air or water resources? (ShouId note, Will the project substantially increase fuel consumption (electricity, oil, natural wili there be a significant change-'to existing land form? trees, or other materials? -. - X surface, ground water, off -shore) . cI_ I_ gas, ctc.)? ,. X. - - : , x . -. 7 (a) indi.cate estimated grading to be don; in *. cubic yards. percentage of alteration to the present 'land. f om. . (b) (c) maxiin.um height of cut or fill slopes. Wiil thc activity msult in substant.ia1 increases in the use of utilitics, sewers. drains or. streets? Io the a.ctiv5.ty carriccl out as part of a .* x .. - - 20 largcr project or' &cries of prpjccts? _II L' .. I AD ** ' : . .- _. *. *& e. __.- STATE OF NO SIGNIFICANT E~VIRONMCNTAL EFFECTS . ' If you have answered yes to one or more of. the questions in ' Section I but you think the activity will have no significant .environmental effects, indicate ypur reasons below: ' The planning and'constructi,on qf office-busin.ess actjvi ty of' the Palomar Airport plan of the sur.rmndi.ng neighbodfood and th.e' City. of Carlsbad. Use Permit prooess -'. .. .' .. Business Park..i,s tn strict accordance with the.long range development . '- . Control over . the development of the Site is..r@gulated by the City' of Carlsbad Conditional' .- .-. * -... . .. * ,. I -* .. -r. . _* .. GOm*.IENTS OR ELASORATIONS TO ANY OF'THE QUESTIONS IN SECTION I . . (ig additional space is needed for ans1qerir.g any questions', attach additional sheets c as may be needed,) - .* .. .. : *- .. . .. .. .John S. Rule. .' '_ . Signature . '.-. . " .- -.- -. (Person completing .. report) - .. c . .. . -. . . :.- ... . -- - '. .. - -- ....is, .. . 'October 23, 1980 .. .. .- . .. -- . -. .. .Dat'e Signed: .. .. I Conclusions (To be completed by the Planning Director) e Place a check in the appropriate box. .. i t : (. ) Further information is required, 6 Xt has been determined that the project will not have significant environmental effects. ( ) You must subnit following date. .* ( ) You' should makp an appointiticnt with the Ylaiiiiing Dircctor to discuSs. further processing of your project , in accordance with Chapter 19.04 of the Municipal Code. w a preliminary cnvironmcntal impact statement by the * Planning Dircctor, ' . . :I e- . I ..*.. %. -I .. f" .. 3 XI. . '0 Srl'li'l'l: 01" NO :;' C;NII?lPCAF'I' ~I1lVXI?Q~JMT:I\1'I'A'I., EJ?I"l :C?l'S .--.-_-.-...-_ I ~.,.-._--_-- .---, ----_-_--I-.- --..- - . -- . . ~f yo~l liavc answered ycs to one or iiios-c: CJ~ t.I\c? clw:;t.j 011s in Sect i Cjil I but you thi.111: i.llc: activity wi.3 1 I~.IVI.> 110 :i.igni.Eicaiit cl3viroxlntcntnl ctfccts, indicntc your rea::c)i):; bi-1 ow: The plannhcj and'construction qf office-busin.ess activity of the Palmar Airport Business Park, i,s In strict accordance with the long range development plan of the surrounding neighborhood and th.e City of Carlsbad. Control over the development of t.he site is.regulated by the City of Carlsbad Conditional' Use Permit prowss ' . .. a* * .I . .- - .* Con(:l ur;j.ons (To bc completed by tlio PI iii,ni i1(1 l>j I-cctoi-) . Ialncc ( ) Furtlicr information is required. ( ) It has hen dctcrniined that tho pr.-o:jc.c:l- wi 11. not have c___-.-- a check in the appropriate f~rx. t siqiiij':i.cant cnvironmcntal cffccts. ( ) You must sub~tit . . -- . '* ,* ' , (To Be Completed The PLANNING DEPARPEM') * I. BACKGROUND .. .. .._._....... AdI&l5Lt5=5 (h ... '3. DATE CHGCKLIST mYITrED: (36T. 7,3, \q431111111111111111iiiii( . 11. ENVIR0"TAL IMPACTS -IONS OF ALL AFFIRMATIVE ANSWERS ARE TO BE WRITTEN UNDER Section I11 - DISCUSSION OF EMrIROlu~ EVALUATION) 'Maybe :. No -. 'Yes - 1. - Earth Will the proposal have signi- fiat results in: 4 / ./ a. Unstable earth conditions or in changes in geologic substructures? --- . paction or overcovering of the soil? --- @-6 b. Disruytions, displacements, com- -/ c. surface relief features? Change in topography or ground --- d. The destruction, covering or modification of any unique geologic or physical features? ' e. erosion of soils, either on or off the site? Any increase in wind or water f. Changes in deposition or ero- sion of beach sands, or changes in siltation, deposition or erosion which may modify the elmme1 of a river or strecam or the bed of the occan or any bay, inlet or lake? ' :L ... ..... -- .. . .. -- .. . ..... __I_- ' ' ./ 2. Air: - Will the proposal have si@- results in: a. Air emissions or deterioration of ambient air quality? b. The creation of objectionable odors? c. Alteration of air movement, mositure or temperature, or any * change in climate, either locally or regionally? ficant results in: 3. Water: Will the proposal have sigi- a. Changes in currents, or the course or direction of water move- ments, in either marine or fresh waters? - b. Changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, or the rate and mount of surface water runoff? c. Alterations to the course or flow of flood waters? d. Change in the amount of sur- face water in any water body? e. Discharge into Surface waters, or in any alteration of surface water quality, including but not limited to temperature, dissolved f. Alteration of the direction or rate of flow of ground waters? . e- . oxygen or turbidity? g. Change in the quantity of ground waters ? either through direct additions or withdrawals, or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavatlons? h, water otherwise available for pub1 ic water supplies? Reduction in the amount of ' , -2- t - Yes Maybe No - . . . ./ .. . -- .- .. .. .... ..../ -I__- . '@ __c . ., . . .... .I ..'. -. . . . . ... . .- . . . 'Yes - 4. 6, 7. 8. i Plant Life. Will the proposal have signi- Zicant results in: a. Change in' the diversity of species, or numbers of any species of plants (including trees, shrubs, grass, crops, microflora and aquatic plants)? b. Reduction of the numbers of any uniqye, rare or endangered species of plants? c. Introduction of new species of plants into an area, or in a barrier to the normal replenish- ment of existing species? d. , Reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? .~nima~ Life. Will-the proposal have Ticant results in: a, Changes in the diversity of species, or numbers of any species of an%nals Cbirds, land aninmls including reptiles, fish and shell- fish, benthic organisms, insects or microfauna) ? signi- bybe .- . .. .. b, Reduction of the numbers .of any unique, rare or endangered specges of animals? c. Introduction of new specles of animals into an area, or result in a barrier to the migration or movement of animals? . .. .. d. Deterioration to existing fish or wildlife habitat? .Noise, Will the proposal signi- Z%'tly increase existing noise levels? 'Light and Glare. Will the pro- posal significantly produce new light or glare? Land Use. -ant results in the alteration of the present or planned laid use of an area? Will the proposal have - . - 3- .. ..... No - L 'L '/ / 9. 10 0 11 0 c 12. 13. +.-- ' Natural Resources. Will the pro- posal have significant results in: a. of any natural resources? b. Depletion of any nonrenewable natural resource? Increase in the rate of use Risk of Upset. Does the proposal %mvolve a significant risk of an explosion or the release of haz- ardous substances (including, but not limited to, oil, pesticides, chemicals or radiation) in the event of an accident or upset conditions? Po lation. Will the proposal btly alter the location, distribution, density, or growth rate of the human population of ap area? Housina Will the proposal signi- ficantly affect existing housing, or create a demand for additional housing? Transportation/Circulation. Will the proposal have significant re- sults in: a. Generation of additional vehicular movement? b, Effects on existing parkhg facilities, or demand for new parking? c. hpact upon existing trans- portation systems? d, Alterations to present patterns of circulation or move- ment of people and/or goods? e, Alterations to waterborne, rail or air traffic? f, Increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles, bicyclists or pedestrians? --- ... ... ---/ -__I- .... ..... - - ./ ..... -L .. ,-- . *L .._. - .... ..... ---/ --- ... ..... -- ~ -L .. ..... .. ./ - -- - si .. I . 14. 15. 16. 17. Yes Blaybe No - I hblic Services. Will the pro- wsal haw a significant effect bpn, or have significant results in the need for new or altered governmental services in any of the following areas : a. Fire protection? -- L b. Police protection? c. Schools? - L d, Parks or other recreational facilities? -- L e. Maintenance of public facili- ties, including roads? -- f. Other governmental services?. -- L . Will the'proposal have Use of substantial mounts of =?i signi icant results in: a. -L fuel or energy? - -.." b. Demand upon existing sources of energy, or require the develop- ment of new sources of energy? 'Jtilities. Will the proposal have' significant results in the need for new systems, or alterations to the fallowing utilities: a. Power or natural gas? b, Communications systems? -L *./ .. -- . .. --- cI Water? -- ~ LL d. Sewer or septic tanks? e, Stonn water drainage? ... -- f. Solid waste and disposal? . .L .... . ... . . -- l-hnnnn llcalth. Will the proposal have signigicant results in the creation of any health hazard or mental Ileal th) 1 .L potential health hazard (excluding . .. -c__ - 5- . .. P ' : ... USES FOR SITE; e) DEVELOFME" AT SOME FIPNIE TIME RATE'ER THAN NOW; f) ALERNATE SITES FOR THE PROPOSED USE; g) PROJECT ALTEMTTVE. l!C I ! I. i ~ I i 18, Aesthetics. Will the proposal. have significant results in the obstruc- tion of any scenic vista or view . open to the public, or will the pro- posal result in the creation of an aesthetically offensive site open to public view? '19. Recreation. Will.the proposal have significant results in the impact up& the quality or quantity bf . existing recreational opportunities? 20. Archeological/Historical . Will the proposal have significant results in the alteration of a significant archeological or historical site, structure, object or building? Yes Maybe No - - , -. -6- ,- 1 Yes Maybe No - - 5. 22. MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE. e-' 111: EISCUSSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUTION DOES THE PROJECT HAVE THE POTEN- TIAL To DEGRADE THE QUALITY OF THE ENVIRO"T, OR CURTAIL THE DIVERSITY IN THE ENVIRONMENT? DOES THE PROJECT "Ji THE POTEN- TIAL To ACHIEVE SHORT-TERM, M THE DISADVANTAGE OF LONG-TERM, ENVIRONMENTAL GOALS? (A SHORT- TERM IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT IS ONE WHICH OCCURS IN A RE- LATIVELY BRIEF, DEFINITIVE PERIOD OF TIME WHILE LONG-TERM IMPACTS WILL ENDURE IELL INTO - THE FuluRE.) DOES "E PROJECT HAVE IMPACTS WHICH ARE INDIVIDUALLY LIMITED, BUT CUMULATWY CONSIDERABLE? (A PROJECT MAY IMPACT ON TWO ORMORE SEPARATE RESOURCES WHERE THE IMPACT ON EACH RE- SOURCE IS RELATIVELY WALL, BUT WHERE THE EFFECT OF TKE TOTAL OF THOSE IMPACTS ON THE ENVIR0IQ.E" IS SIGNIFICANT.) DOES THE PROJECT HAVE WIRON- MENTAL EFFECTS WHICH WILL CAUSE SUSSTAWIAL AWERSE EFFECTS ON HUMAN BEINGS, EITHER DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY? 'L .. p- 9 .. -7- DISCUSSION OF WIR0"TAL EVALUATION (Continued) 3 .' . -8- . .'. T P t- .a 7. .e IV. DETERMINATION. (n, BE CcpYIpLETED BY THE PLANNING DEPAR"T) On the basis of this initial evaluation: /I;/find the proposed project COULD hroT have a significant effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will . be prepared. - I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described on an attached sheet have been added to the project. A conditional negative declaration will - I find the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVIR0"TAL IMPACT REPORT is required. ' Will be prepared. . - . V. MITIGATING MEASURES (IF APPLICABLE} . .* -9- i "... .. -* j ? . f- ,. MITIGATING MEASURES (Continued) .+ yI APPLICANT CONCURRENCE WITH MITIGATING MEASURES THIS IS TO CERTIFY "AT I SURES AW CONCUR KITH THE HA= REVIEWED THE ABOVE MITIGATIO" MEA- ADDITION OF "ESE MEASURES To THE PROJECT. .$ . Date: Signature of Applicant . -10- f