HomeMy WebLinkAboutCUP 38; Plaza Camino Real; Conditional Use Permit (CUP) (2)Date : November 29, 1968
Type of Application:
Name of Applicant:
Resolution No.
Conditional Use Permit for Signs
Plaza .Camino Real
Report of findings to the Commission
Notice of the time and place of the hearing on the abokre application was given as required by the Zoning Ordinance, and a hearing on said application was scheduled for December 10, 1968, by the Commission.
Facts resulting from the staff investigation are:
Subject signs would be constructed within "Plaza Camino Real" a major regional shopping center.
Total sign area for the complex would be 4,731 square feet.
Total building frontage for the complex will be 3,491 linear feet.
3,491 x 1.5 square feet of sign area per linear foot of building
frontage would equal 5,237 square feet m€ sign area permitted.
The proposed sign ordinance's description of building frontage
is "the total width of the elevation of a structure in which the main enterance exists." It is obvious, after study of the total complex, that no less,thLn four'vain entrances exist, and that all four sides of the structure should figure in the
computation of building frontage and sign area, This is fur- ther accentuated by the fact that the complex faces upon two streets, a major highway, and a freeway, not to mention the vastness of the adjacent parking facilities which creates a great setback from surrounding streets.
For the Penney Auto Center and prpposed theatre, only one frontage was used for the sign area computation.
The free standing sign "Plaza Camino Real" will be located
on El Camino Real near the main enterance off of El Carnino Real into the parking facSlity. The second free standing sign "Plaza Camino Theatre" will be located on El Camino
Real at Marron Road and the third free standing sign,
"Pennys" will be laaated approximately 1200 feet further west on Marron Road.
Other than the free standinq siqns, all other siqns shall be
-. wall signs and constructed as follows: -
All signs shall be nen-animated.
The tops of all free standing signs will not be more than 26 feet high, except for the standard which will
be 38 feet high and architecturally compatible with the shopping facility.
The signs shall be generally constructed as shown on exhibi?%ls submitted with subject application.
Though the proposed sign ordilnance has been used as a criteria for approval of prior sign Conditional Use Permits, it must be remembered that the proposed ordinance did not attempt to establish a set of standards that would suit a major regional shbpping center. Because of their vastness and particular problems, they should be considered on
their own merits.
The signs submitted by Plaza Camino Real are within the pro-
posed sign ordinance with respect to sign area and so near with respect to height and location that this department recommends approval of subject application.