HomeMy WebLinkAboutCUP 42D; Carlsbad Raceway; Conditional Use Permit (CUP) (10)RECEIVED 3815 Tomahawk Lane San Diego, California 92117 January 7, 1972 JAN IO 1372 CITY OF, CARLSBAD Planning Department The Chairman Planning Commission City of Carlsbad Carlsbad, California 92008 To WHO IT MAY CONCERN AND OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES; I am writing this letter as a long time interested and concerned resident of San Diego County, in this particular instance the proposed request of Mr. Larry Grismer to extend for a period of ten years his land use permit of the Carlsbad Raceway area, I have been involved and concemd with activities regarding all age groups for the past thirty OBd years; i,e., YMCA Indian Guides, Boy Scouts, Little -ague Baseball, etc., while in the Navy and after my retirement in 1954 because of polio after 18 years continuous active duty in the submarine service, involved with training and helping the seriously handicapped. Not that any of the above is any criterion, but I am interested in any type of activity concerning the betterment of the extra- curricular desires of any age group. Drag Racing, viewing and participating primarily involves an average age group of racing only between 25-35; however there are others at both ends of the spectm. Club fall into the 50-60 age group, Myself and a dozen or so members of our Drew Ford Drag The youth of today, as pu know, as well as some of us so-called stable-citizens needs a reliable source to vent-off some of the energy accummulated in our present 54ay maddening-rate-of-liv- ing, Where the automobile is concerned this is emphasized by so called street-racbng which is an increasing nemesis of every law enforcement body, An activity such as the Carlsbaa Raceway is the catalyst for de- verting such actions that lead to street racing, accidents and great bodily injury. A case in point was the recent construction of the Champion 1/8 mile Raceway in the Hunter's Point area in San Francisco. Street racing, etc,, in the San Francisco-oakland area was increasing at an alarming rate, but after the Champion Raceway had been open for four months there was a marked decrease of 30% in street racing citations in the area, I know in our own Drew Ford Drag Club, sponsored by and also another concerned long ti= resident and prominent businessman of San Diego County, Mr, Joseph Drew mer of Drew Motor Company, La Mesa, CA., Deals with auto safety and strict adherance to traffic laws among the 100 or so members of the Club. Since our formation over two ..- Planning Commission 2 January 7, 1972 years ago, I know that we have contributed noticeably to lower- ing traffic violations just from the individuals who have joined our organization, Of course there are bad-apples in every barrel, as you know, in any organization or endeavor, but any decrease in traffic or accident causing problems regardless of how small is the beginning of a snow-ball that has the possibility of reach- ing a much larger goal, As you who are retired military know, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with but one step", Gentlemen, I believe in this particular instance the first step would be the granting of the ten year land use permit requested by Mr. Qrisrner for the Carlsbad Raceway. in the County that is idealy su$ked for such activity and with the improvements that Mr. Qrismer has for the area, if the ex- tension is approved, will make the carlsbad Raceway another valu- able asset for the tourist and visitor to our area attending the Major and amateur racing programs, let alone the untold value for amteur speed enthusiasts as well as the professionals to test their cars under properly supervised conditions 1y)c where safety for both car and driver is the prime factors. Performance parts and associated businesses in the County alone runs into the million dollar ## a year bracket. This is the only place The High The motorcycle motocross area at Carlsbad Raceway alone is one of the best in the country as evidenced by the attendance and parti- cipation in the events of a national and international scope, even to the coverage of an international event just recently by the "Wide World Of Sports" segment# of the Werican Broadcasting Company, Ancerely yours, dopy to! Mr, Larry Grismerin, P, 0, Box 26, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Mr, Joseph Drew, 0 P.0, Box 181, La Mesa, CA 92041 File C ARLS BA I) Ri? C%?.t’AY FUNCTTOYS OF VAEIOUS UKITS COTQIAND POST - Should be located in B readily accessible location. Inside there should be; The Trac’: Oserator, Sponsor, HFads of the Fire and Pollce L’nits, or their representatives. Preferably locatec! in negr vicinity of the Corrrmand F’ost. Conf,act should be made to all other units or sub-units ir! orGer or’ preference: Tele?hone, radio, nessengers. The Public .Address S:;ster: and the Announcer VJOII~~ cone under this section. T5e:: be!-ns ressonsible for settin: up the necessary equipment. Lost and Found would also be handled here FIRST AI3 ST’).TION - Set ur, fzcllities to render first aid botk to the participants and the audience. Location should be fluid. 1-a:~ he necessary to relocate qv icklg. Ambulances and attendants subsection. FIRE - PIT - P3OTZCTION Should ke sufficient numker of rserson?el and eqr.i?nent to handle any xinor c-rms, kru-sh, vehicle or track accidents. Inspect pit area and refreakqent stands to wevent fires, supervise the handlinz of f‘lmrnable liquids and gases. c 0 0 3iD I 17-A TO R A”si2ns pit areas to contestants, keeps public out, maintains access for authorized personnel and emersency vehicles. Prohi;7its any unsafe activities in pit area. POLICE ~‘E03LCTI31T Prefcrably located in central area. Assist in anyway needed to maintain the peace and safety of audience. men, 3eputg Sheriffs, btate Xi@--way i)atrolmen or City Tolicemen. May be private patrol- TU3LIC C ON?%NIEYCES Restrooms, (including portable toilets) to ‘ce located and of sufficFent num‘cer to conveniently serve the z.l;dience and the ?artici?ants. Im-edietel;: if need occ-ms. Catering stands should be located for the convenience of the pu’clic. Trzsh 3ece3tacles should be liherally placed in all meas to encourage their use. Provisians should ke made to obtain more units -2- - 4. s l? 0 xs 0 i7 I NG Unit or individual promoting the event. Lf under the American n6rrAa1ly will 2rovide or a>?rovc the fudges and Track Lt.;trard.s. JzdSes and Track Stewarh s’r_ould work closely witk the Track Coordinetor to see that the events are carried out as safely as possible for the z7ectatoz-s and the ?articipants. :,;otorc>-cle A\ssocirtion, TTatLZnal Hot Sod Association, G+c., T- thezr Com3inates the events. Starter and Flqmen under his supervisiDn. Should have corqlete control of all zvents. Should n-ut tzllow any e7ent to start unti7- it is sRfe to do s.03. fi av e the au. t ho r it y to stoq an;r ev2nt in the ‘nterest of ?u”lic or contestant zzfety, The Official 5tar.ter and the Flagmen are under his control. -- Extremely iz7ortant units. 3es?onslkle to sse th.t automobiles are parked in proper locations. All designated rozds or lanes kept clew and traffic movinE. lv-ust keep emergency lanes open. -r Crowd control must be meintaLned for their safety. Kept behind barricades, i.e,, o-t of the pit area off the track, and other locations that may be dangerous because of track activit7 or fire (on side of hill covered with t h’ck brush). Not ?emitted to conZreEate zn5. block access roads, entrznce to pit area, track, etc.