HomeMy WebLinkAboutCUP 42D; Carlsbad Raceway; Conditional Use Permit (CUP) (15)2 Feb 1972 ijenr Sirs ; Please adti my name to the nine letters csking you to grant the conditional use permit l‘or tne C:-irlsbad daceway. If you would only po out to tVle activities triere, you could not consider any other choice. The oiie ho2e ;)axaeiit:? have of keeping our children frorr, dope, crime kind. trouble in ,FC :.lera.l, is to kcep them busy. There axe 1r:a.njj vwre to do this, lx-t evt:ry.~ody c7,oes not like to do the zzme thiniT., ~2nd v:e need ;is rn.an$ activiticz ava.ilai71e 8s ve can. One triu to the ra.ces vrill si>.w gcu tjie jrreat riiimbtir of young people that this 3a.~:elxay keeps hisy. Vote 2OR this conditional use permit when the 90 riaye are up.