HomeMy WebLinkAboutCUP 42D; Carlsbad Raceway; Conditional Use Permit (CUP) (2)RECEIVED P.O. BOX 26, CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 PHONE (714) 722-3650 JAN 04 1972 January 3, 1972 CITY of CARLSBAD Planning Department I Page two , -. I* li January 3, 1972 g) Concentrated groumi cover to control erosion. a) Soise. 1. Trees being planted for sound dissolution. 2. ail motorcycles will be required to have silencers as of January I, 1972. 3. If necessary major Orag races (Those where corn- Detitors use fLiel burning blowL engines.) which I are the only real noise makers, could be limited to once a month. 3. PUBLIC BENEFITS. Zarlsbad Haceway has been used for many public activities which are beneficial to the residents and . youth of the surroun3ing areas. These include: a) A place for Bob Glomb and his Cycle linights to have a monthly event. b) Driver's education classes. ' c) Sigh school band practice (San I4arcos Hidh School). d) Eodel air plane competition. e> Eicycle marathons. f) Soap Box Derby type cars for kids through 6th grade. (In fact, this January 22nd and 29th a derby event is scheduled for kids with the mayor of San harcos End mayor of Escondido as judges). g) Campouts for i3oy ijcouts, Girl $touts, C.A.F., etc., To go into the weekly uses by our surroundixg communities would be too time consminc, but the above are a few. Page three January 3, 1972 4. FUTUBE USES. Future expectations include the following: a) Overnight canpix facilities for participants an& spectators. We at present turn away fifty to one hundred ovemiter-s at 3. day events and many'more Ett 2 day events. b) Thb possibility of a cjTcle park is being worked on as a daily or at least week-end place for youth to Vree ride" motor cycles. contests, games, movies, etc. is being made. c) ,4 current study for Q youth center, including music In summation let me make clear that all the foregoing plans with the exception of trees,aCe predicated on the assurance of being able to continue past the present use permit expiration date. ile will hopefully be at a break even point relative to our initial capital investment when this permit expires. To make the desired additions of improvements outlined, an additional ten years would be required to recapture the necessary invest- ment and realize a reasonable profit. Respectfully, Larry'Grismer President and General Hanager Carlsbad Baceway Corp. Track Operator Police - Fire Sponsoring Unit t OPERATIOI\!Y - I Crowd Control Starter E! F1 acme nl I +IRST AID ST:..TION( I and Anr'ouncer I Thirty days before an activity that is anticipated to draw a larger than normal audience the Track Operator and the Sponsoring Unit shall meet with representatives of the Carlsbad's Fire, Police, and lublic Works De3Ertrient. Track Cperator shall submit 2lans showing details how the following items wL11 be handled: Traffic and Crowd Control within the Eecewag and enterin? and exiting; Facilities for Public Convenience, including but not limited to; Yestrooms, Food & Water, Telephone, and Trasl- 3ece?tzcles; Security and Du'olic Safety in the Pit Area and the Track Proper; First Aid Station fncludinz Arntulance(s) and Attendants; Sufficient number of' Police or Trivate Patrolmen to maintain the peace; Command Post and Comiunicatinns Center from +There the above activities can be directed and coordinated. -- Provision for i ire Prevention and Firef ighting;