HomeMy WebLinkAboutCUP 42D; Carlsbad Raceway; Conditional Use Permit (CUP) (34)-- A: '1 25, 1972 MEMORANDUM TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: CARLSBAD RACEWAY CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT .............................................................. Enclosed is a map indicating locations of existing and new land uses on the Raceway property. Additionally, enclosed is a verbal description of proposed improvements and a chronological sequence of their construction. D *P@,J) A. AGATEP \' Associate Planner sll . c4 CITY OF CART3 BAD April 23, 1972 Gentlemen : Per your request for a time echedule of planned improvements, we submit the following mininums,(indicated in red on map) to be commenced by 1, June 1972 and completed by 1, June 1373; I. FBECING. a. Replace and/or remir entire perimeter fencing. b. Replace and/or repair all nit area and swctator protective fencing relative to Dras Racing per National Hot Rod As.;oci- ation Xnsurance Standards. C. ?econdary, or double fencing on both Notocross courses In spectator areas. d. Fencin,q of Notocross pit areas to more securely separate snectators from participants. e. Connle%e fencing of riders patn on both Xotocross COUFB~B. f. Replace darnaged guard rail sections along Drag Strip.(this for appearance only- guard rails are safe as is). 2. TLAKTING of approximately 253 Monterey Pine trees 3 tb 4 feet tall around Motocross areas for beautification and sound abate- ment . 3. WATER 3YST33 I?ItJROVE!IDTTS . a. Sprinkline: syytenns for pine trees. b. Addition of 25 water outlets at each Motocross courm for participant? uee. c. Additional high pregwre fast saturation watering on both Xotocross courses. Annroxmstelg 4000 ft. of pipe and 40 rain-birds . 4. PAINTIRO. a. Paint all grandstands (aprox. 4000 seats) b. Paint guardrail (ap:wox. 9000 ft. total) 0. Snsck bars (4) d. New si,Tns painted for all snack bars. e. Painting of highway siws on Palonar Airport Road and many directional signs on premises. -1- (con't) 5. CONSTRUCTIOX. a. bo C. d. e. f. 6. h. i. j. Build to,city arid county stmdardo two more permanent reatrooms. Build to Sail Diogo County Health "pecifications two more per- manent anack bar3. Construct small flat oval track for Mini-bikes and speedway motorcycles. Construct firit phase of cycle park for week-day youth riding. Construction of control tower, office and press room. To com- plete thiti in tna first year, financial assistmce wlll be necessary from a manufacturer. STP, Champion, and Goodyear all have been receptive to our proposal at last contact, if we had more time to operate. If all have had a change of' feelings this item would most likely be extended until 1, June 1974. It in- volves moving of existing timing equipment and re-wiring. These costs, plus tnat of the building, would be prohibitive In the first year. Oilin5 o? entrance road and parking lots, entrance road from Melrose, will be gaped as Boon as tnc County decides where and when the Ivlelroae connectfon,fron Falonar Airport Road to Sycamore, is going. !'Jelrose connection is promised thio year and would cone sonewhers across the west end of the raceway pronerty. Tho pavinp: costs from Melrone would be apnroxlnstely oneafifth that of the exiFting road from Palomar. existing road. "ealing of entire asphalt mrfaces, (except traction areas) with equlsion, and repaving of areas beginning to deteriqpte. Additional lighting for nicht Motocrosa. Two major litter pens for storage of re-cyclablo materials. Flu8 50 more trash barrels. Water control arid diversion to minimize erosion. This road, or an However in t?e interin oil will be anplied to The following iaprovenents are to be incorporated into a aecon? phase, to be completed by 1, June 1974. on map, as it might confuse the picture of our definfte immediate im- provements by 1-6-73 and intended Inprovanants by 1-6-74. These Items are not indicated 1 HOTORCYGT2 PLFK EXF'AE~TON a. Bxnansion of size and operation, based on needs of paat year. b. Poasiblo rental service for youth and adult riders. -2- (con't) c *- c. Full time dealership and repair service to conduct noma1 Bales and service and handle rentals mentioned in b. 2 :. XINI-BIKT;: TRACK EXPANSION. a. Addition of grandotnnds and pard rail for spectators potection. b. Sprinkler oystea to keep correct noisturo content in surface and Note: The above inyovwents wfll be necessary if Xini-bike competi- tion, 'and/or speedway i-fotorcyclc racin? attains public interest as it has in other So. California areas:. elirninate dust. .I 3. WATT2 DlV;XST(>iJ AlfD '?EO?IOX CCNTRGS. a, Protection of above improveFonts by controlled drains out of iqproved areas to natural run offs. 4. CCNTROL TOWER. If not built by June 1973, as outlined in the first phase of develop- -mentis it woad be completed by June 1974, by capital from profits. The followint.: is explained because I feel it is necessary for this I would appreciate it, if it is kept proposal to make financial sense. in confidence by the conmissioners. years have been zero. How then can we afford thew repairs and inprove- ments, is a reasonable question for you to ask. answer. texm, Firot trust deed and second trust deed payments, just been mid off. The second will be retired within the next two yearn. If we are fortunate enough to enjoy to population growth in the No. County, plus tho funds that have been going to the 1st and 2nd trust deed payments, our anticipated financial needs for the repairs and inmovements outlined,will be attained. Profits paid to investors by Carlsbad Raceway over the past seven I have a reasonsble It has taken the entire profit from this operation to pay pronerty The first has increase in gross income, relative Our ulans for future development (after 6-74) of our facility into a general recreation center,are-not .elaborated and in our opinion are most logical. custoaero md inore need for this type operation. for future develo?ments will come from incretised businem. June 1974 will no doubt adjust with the demands and current popularitiea of the public. To be specific at this tine, night risk exaggeration, or at least inaccuracy. As population increases in No. County there will be more The capital necessary Our plans after So wehprefor,to leave development after June 1974 -3- (conW as that of general youth orient@& recreat,onal needs. I am open for contact of any questions. (744-1700) Sincerely,