HomeMy WebLinkAboutCUP 42F; Carlsbad Raceway; Conditional Use Permit (CUP) (14)R AC KG ROUND I N FO RM AT I ON
Describe the activity area, incluti-ing d’stinguishing tiatural and manmade characteristics; also provtdc precise slope analysis when appropriate.
L- Dcscri be energy conservation measures incorporated ititD --L the design and/or operation of the project.
. ..
11. Environinental' I-_- Impact - Analysis
Answer the fsllowing questions by placing a check in the appropriate space,
No I Yes
Couid ?-he project significantly change present land uses in the \ric.in-ity of the activity?
Could the activity aCfect the use of a recreational area, or area of important aesthetic value? -- -- -_
Could the xtivity affect the functioning of an establ isiied community or neighbwhood?
Could the act.ivity result in the displacement of community residents?
Are any of the natural or man-made features in the activity area unique, that is, not found in other parts of the County, State, or nation?
Could the activity significantly affect a historical or archaelogical site or itp setting?
Could the activity significant-iy affect the poteiltial use, extractjon, or conservation of a scarce natural res- ource?
Does the activity area serve as a habitat, food source nesting place, source uf water, etc. for.rare or endangered wildlife or. fish species?
Could the activity plant life?
Are there any rare activity .area?
Could the activit-y
- _I_-
/ or endangered plant species in the
' change existing features of any. of the city's lagoo%, bays, or tidelands?
Could the art5vity change existing .features of any cif the Cif:*'s beaches?
5uld the activity result in the erosion or elimination of .agricultural 1 ands?
Could the activity serve to encourage developnicrit of .presently undeveloped areas or intensify developmeht of already developed areas? Q
NO -- Yes -
I/ 15.. \till the activity require a variance from established environmental
standards (air, watc-r, mise, etc)? -- -
16. Will the activity require certification, authorization or issuance .L/ of a permit by any. local, State or Federal environmental control agency?
"lil *Lh*.- activity require issuance of a variance or conditional use permit by the City?
-- t
I/* 17.
i/# potentially hazardous materials? ---
18. Will the activity invc?w the application, use, or disposal of
19. Will the activity involve construction of' facilities in a flood q~l ai n?
_. l/ 20. Will the activity jnvolve construction of facilities on a slope of
25 percent or greater? I--
1/ 27. Vi11 the activity involve construction of facilities in the area of an active fault?
. 25.
Could the activity result iii the generation of significant amounts of noise?
Could the activity rex1 t ii the generation of significant
Will :!le activity involve the burning of brush, t:-ees, or othw mterial s? .
amounts of dust? --
Could the activity result in a significant change in the quality of any portion of the region's air or' water resources? (Should note surface, groutid water, off-shore).
!til1 there be 'a" significant change to existing land form? -.-- '
(3) indicate estimated grading to be done in cubic yards. 30
(b) percr:?.hge of alteration to the present land form. /$
(c) maximum height of cut or fill slopes.
27. Will the activity result in substantial increases in the use of utilities,
sewers, drains or streets? -- 1//
111. State of No Significant Environmental Effects
If you have answered yes to one or more of the questions in SectSon I1 but you
think the activity will have no significant environmental effects, indicate your
IV; Comments or Elaborations to Any of the Questions in Scctihn 11.
(If additional space is needed for answering any questions, attach additional sheets as may be needed.)
-. -’ . .-- . Si ana tuw -. , eting report)
, Date Signed: c
Conclusions - (To be completed by the Planning Director).
in the appropriate box.’ Place a check
( ) Further information is required.
( ) It has been determined that the project will not have significant environmental effects. ( ) You. must submit a preljininary environmental
should make an appointment with the Planning Director to discuss further processing of your project, in accordance with Chapter 19.04 of the Municipal Code.
impact statement by the following date . ( ) You
Revised 7./3/74