HomeMy WebLinkAboutCUP 64; Eugene Chappee; Conditional Use Permit (CUP) (27)City of Carlsbad,
Feb, 3, 1975.
I200 w1m st ,
Carlsbed, Ca1. 82008.
Conditional Use Permit Amendment of Peb. 11, I975 (Chappee)
Office of the City Iblmager, Paul Busseg.
Dear Sir ,
this hepring, I wish to state that I am in opposiQ%bpnto
granting any additional use of the conditional use permit on
Ehagene Chappee's junk(wreckw) yar&.
Since everyone in the mea is aware that the presht con-
ditional use permit conditions have not been complied with*
why are we giving more latitude to such a ,deplorable element?
if any, whc7t about the road improvements that were Dromised?
What about the parking of the wrecked cars, and assorted junk
in ,the public easement, as well 8s in the Gaycrest kennel
up, clnd to landscape it. I myself gave him a tree, which he
never bothered to plant, but jud let die.
here in Ponto. Lets now take zt stand and get rid of this
problem once and for all.'
I will ppprecipte your assisstance in this matter.
Since I am not gohg to be in the city during the time of
What about the hieght limit (20 ft.)?, the fire regulation@,
Mr, Chappee at &he very beginning promised ,to clean the place
It seems as if the city &as done very littae mdth our problem
7250 Ponto Drive,
Carlsbsd, Cal. 92008:
. .~
.-I - -.
AUG 22 E??>
The undersigned have no objection to th8'~f@i!~%!l?lent
Mr. and Mrs. Chappee's application for Conditional Use Permit to
w~dwt an autQ wrecking yard business.
Name Address Date
Page 2
Name Address Date
AUG 22 1912
February 28, 1975
City Council
City of Carlabad
1200 Elm Avenue Carlabad, California 92008
Subject: Public Hearing March 4, 1975
Amendment to Coditionen1 Use Parnit Auto Wracking Yard, Ponto Area
This latter is in response to a rssolutioa of the Board of Directora of the Lakeshore Gardens Chapter of the Golden
State Mobilehome Owners bagus, raprsernting approximately 400 reaidents, to onpoas tf-ie granting of the amendment to
existing Conditional Use Permit for the following reat~eas:
The content6 of the subject property is extremely
combustible with tha potaitial of explosion from
the accumulated galsoleme fmes.Upholstary psdjing
and fabrics, when burning, frequently travel great
distances through the air. The Santa Fe right-of-way which separates this property from LakeBhore Gardens usually contains
a large quantity of cornbuetabla. tumbleweeds creating
an adled possibility of 6preading fire from this araa. Prevailing winds are from a Westerly direction that could carry burning mat rials into the Mobilhome Park and create a wajo?$onfligration. Should such a condition develop, it would require approximately
5 miles of trawl to move the fire fighting equip-
ment from the Ponto area to the Mobilehome Park,
approximately 200 yards distance as the fire flie6. The close proximity of the auto wrecking yard to a commrcial tstorge unit creates an additional hazard. The amount of hose required to roach to this area from the nearest fire hydraat would reader effectual fire fighting practhally nil. Inasmuch a8 the fnstllation of a fire hydrant wa6 a condition of the granting a Conditional Uea Permit,
and agreed to by Mr. Chapnw, it fa only fair and eaqultablcs to residents and businesses in the area
that Mr. Chappgb be required to install this facility
in accordance with the specifications and requ'llrementlr of the Firad Department.
7201 Avanida Encinas, Carlsbad , Calif ormila
City Council City of Carlsbad
1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008
Subject: Public Hearing March 4, 1975
Anendnent to Coditional Use Permit
Auto Wrecking Yard, Ponto Area
This letter is in response to a resolution of the Board of
Directors of the Lakeshore Gardens Chapter of the Golden State Mobilehone Owners League, representing approximately
400 residents, to onpose tfie $ranting of the mendment to
existing Conditional Use Permit for the following reasans:
The contenter of the aubject proDerty is extre:nely
combustible with the potential of explosion from the accumulated gasolene fumes.Uqholstery Dadling and fabrics, when burning, frequently travel great distances through the air. The Santa Fe rizht-of-way which generates this property from Lakeshore Gardens umally contains a large quantity oE cornbuntable tuzbleweeds creating an adied possibility of spreadin% fire froQ this area. Prevailing winds are fros a Westerly direction that could carry burning naterialrt into the Mobilhons Park and create a majo#onfligration. Should such a condition develop, it would require approximately
5 miles of travel to move the fire fighting equip- ment fron the Ponto area to the Nobilehome Park, approximately 200 yards distance as the fire flies. The close proximity of the auto wrecking yard to a comercia1 storge unit creates on additional hazard. The mount of hose required to reach to this area
from the nearest fire hydrant would render effectual fire fighting practically nil.
Inasmuch as the instllation of a fire hydrant wa5 a condition of the panting a Conditional UES Permit,
and agreed to by Plr. Chapn-, it in only fair and equitable to residents and businesses in the area that Mr. ChappeB be required to inetall this facility in accordance with the specifications and requirements of the Fired Department.
ChaiMan, League, 7201 Avenidn Ehcinad, Carlebad, California