HomeMy WebLinkAboutCUP 78-05; EUREKA PLACE HAUNTED HOUSE; Conditional Use Permit (CUP)Th'ceipt No._____ .• .. ED • . RECEIVED CITY MANAGER APPROVAL FOR CIRCUSES/CARNIVALS (Not to exceed five (5) days) OCT 181978 Title 21, ,Section 21.42.010 2,D • : CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY OF CARLSBAD. P1annIg De p 3 (Please type or print) Date: /O/ 3/7 3 1) REQUEST: Conditional Use Permit to RUA) 4 //,v'-D //tiS& (briefly explain) Ju1qAJId f4gJQ\J 7 & í3 r7u4j / Oc i4/&eJ8i92 Dates of Operation: 007-0 7 J%. 31 Hours of Operation: 7 —/ 2) LOCATION: The subject property is generally located on the side of £UK' PLAC6 between_________________ and /:55)OOb 4V4-tI14 5 3) ASSESSOR'S NUMBER: Book20$ Page 112, Parcel 0 Y' Book 201' Page//2 Parcel 0 (If more, please list on the bottom of this page). PR0PEPY1DWNER)IGNATURE Address City Zip Phone • :1 c 5) Person Responsible for Preparation of P1-an: Name . Address City Zip/Pho ne • p-ra y%ç1' 3 5, &F1&le' '/2 7ç/7/9/ rePP/I?5 ,iic/ 6) Registration or License No.: 7) Applicant's Signature: I hereby declare that all information tai ned within this application is true; and that all standard conditions as indicated on the attachments have been read, understood and agreed to. Nanie Address City • Zip Representing Company or Corporation: Relationship to Property Owner(s): ,JO/ • 8) Gross Acres (or square footage is less than acre) /2OO .5Q • Zone / 7300 10) General Plan Land Use Designation_______ FUR11 11 I .• 11) The Present Use of the Subject Property V/C'9i'j'T 12) By law a Conditional Use Permit may be approved only if certain facts are found to exist. Please read these required facts carefully -and ex- plain how the proposed project meets each of these faCts. Use additional sheets if necessary: a) Explain why the requested use is necessary or desirable for the de- velopment of the community, is essentially in harmony with the various elements and objectives of the General Plan; and is not detrimental to existing uses or to uses specifically permitted in the zone in which the proposed use is to be located: TM-14 V rr'IF oiZ T/f EYo (J TH_0 &T/i' _pt,ily"TV D(JN//\ 7/s (JjLL ,utT/A)LESS1F JLISft to_ Tf/Tz/ 9o/vL#77oIt' b) Explain why the site for the intended use is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the use: ts- (t&_ 94o 5—{/)Th4fFtc _Co'i722/t ri-or i - () 7/ )1o6 O/$/&AJ tLOW5 FZ i H V I _t)-9Q5 1W .to,qt/<(MbT 7tJ?Aj P ly] r Vt! /F - c) Explain why you believe the proposed yards, setbacks, walls, fences, landscaping, etc., will be adequate to adjust the requested use to exist- ing or permitted future uses in the neighborhood: d) Explain why you believe the street system serving the proposed use is adequate to properly handle all traffic generated by the proposed use: As the proposal has been presented to me, I hereby find that the following facts apply to the subject request: 1) That the requested use is necessary or desirable for the development of the community, is essentially in harmony with the various elements and objectives.of the General Plan, and is not detrimental to existing• uses or to uses specifically permitted in the zone in which the proposed use is to be located; 2) That the site for the intended use is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the use; FORM ii. Page 2 XF • 3) That all of the yards, setbacks, walls, fences, landscaping, and other features necessary to adjust the requested use to existing or permitted future uses in the neighborhood. will be provided and maintained; and S . 4) That the street system serving the proposeduse is adequate to properly handle all traffic generaged by the. proposed use. (Ord. 9252, Section 1(part), 1970: Ord. 9060, Section 1401). Date PAUL BUSSEY, NT'? MANAGER CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THIS CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT IS HEREBY APPROVED SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. This CUP is granted for the activity, date and place described in the application only. The CUP will expire at midnight on October 31, 1978. 2. Traffic control shall be provided to the satisfaction of the .Police Department 3. Proof of liability insurance in the amount of $1,000,000, naming the City as an additional insured, shall be presented and approved by the City no later than two days prior to the subject event. 4. All the conditions of CUP-150 (Carlsbad Girls Club) shall be' complied with to the satisfaction of the Planning Department, prior to this approval for an additional use. • 5. Prior to commencement of the use, the applicant shall obtain a Special Events Business License from the City Clerk. 6. All aspects of the event shall be approved by the Police and • Fire Departments to insure public safety. Any requirements of those departments shall be complied with prior to commencement of the use. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant of • - ' the use to secure approvals required herein. - FORM 11 Page - •NSURANCE BINDER I iasta. 7632BAMl$G AL 1026 PHAAMPWA SEET.. cAUFORNIA 9O8 WHO IM CAUP02.NIA [INSURED'S NAME AND MAILING ADDRESS: - . . - 1 This Binder is a temporary Insurance Contract: OCEANSIDE - CARLSBAD JAYCEES CITY to serve as evidence of Insurance pending OF CARLSBAD 0 Issuance and Delivery of Policy, 1200 ELM AYE- 0 Issuance and Delivery of a Renewal Policy': CARLSBAD:. CA.. 92008 0 Issuance and Delivery of Endorsement 0 Negotiation of Rates, Premium or Coverage . THE ALLIJUIZ INSURANCE CO (NAME. OF INSURANCE COMPANY) . is hereby bound to the insured, named above, subject to the conditions set forth below as follows: DESCRIPTION OF VEHICLES, PROPERTY OR OPERATIONS AND LOCATIONS . TYPE OF COVERAGE AND INSURED PERILS AMOUNT OF INSURANCE OR LIMITS OF LIABILITY ACTIVITY OF HAUNTED. HOUSE LIABILITY $1,000000CSL AT 3368 EUREKA CARLSBAD. CL, 92008 MORTGAGEE OR LOSS PAYEE: - FOLLOWING CLAUSES, SPECIAL CONDITIONS OR ENDORSEMENTS SHALL APPLY TO THIS INSURANCE: Binder Sent To: 3 Insured. 0 Mortgagee or LIP 0 Other.4 .. ..... . Effective FROM.. 120T AN. .J0128_ 19 73...__ TO 1201 A.M. It is expressly stipulated that this binder is issued (1) subjectto all the terms and conditions of the policy regularly issued.hy the Company in the state in which the operation or property is located, which policy is hereby made a part hereof to the same extent. .- as if fully set forth herein, (2) and to the payment of premium based on published or manual rules and rates which premium, in thè-, event of loss before expiration of this binder, shall be fixed at the earned premium for the-insurance afforded. . It is a condition of this.binder that whenever the Policy of this Company is issued -in lieu of its undertaking under this binder, -its:--' obligations hereunder shall cease and be void; provided, however, that this binder shall not continue in force beyond the expiratiort: date stated herein. This binder is made and accepted subject to the foregoing stipulations and conditions and shall not be valid unless - countersigned by the duly authorized agent of this Company. . . This Binder Binder may be cancelled at any time by the Insured by its surrender to theCompany or to this agent, or by giving notice to the Company or to this agent when thereafter the cancellation shall be effective. The Binder may be cancelled by the Company,-or by this agent in behalf of the Company, by mailing to the Insured, at the address shown above, written notice stating when not less than• ten (10) days thereafter such cancellation shall be effective. The mailing of notices as aforesaid shall be sufficient notice. The effec- ve date of cancellation stated. in the notice shall become the end of the binder period. Delivery of written notice shall be equivalent mailing.. When more than one Company is named in this binder, the. above stipulations apply separately to each Company. A premium will be charged for this binder. COUNTERSIGNED at' CARLSBAD - - - Dated 0f26/7 -- :- -. BY IIAAACORO COMMITTEE 0I 4 . . Carlsbad Planning Dept. Attention: Dave Abrams Subject: Oceanside/Carlsbad Place: 3368 Eureka Place Date: Oct. 28 thru 31st Time: 7 to 10 pm Donation: $1.50 - families of Jaycees 1978 Haunted House four or more $1.00 each Layout of the insLde of the house is attached. It has been planned to keep the flow of people moving. Rooms 1,2,&3 are for viewing only and people will walk by. Room LF is the maze and will have at least two people in it to keep the traffic going. Room 5 is a tree maze and will have two people in it to scare. Room 6 is still not all the way planned but will contain a number of viewing rooms, Rooms 7 & 8 will have things in the baths. I There are planned to be at least 15 to 20 people at the house each night to help. Last year we had one person to walk thru with each 45 people going thru the house. This will be done again to help move people. Doors to the outside along the way are left accessible so that people can get out if they don't went to go on. About 10 of the 15-20 people will be inside the house the rest will be outside for traffic control. (Most of the people involved are men and this helps keep control.) The location is across from the park. Parking of cars can be along the park side of the street also the vacant lot next door will be used. Last year we had 1200 people in four days. We are hopeing for 1500 people in four days this year. This location has more room for parking than last years location. Last year we had no long lines, there was never that many people at the house at once. Also, we don't allow loitering. The people go thru the house and then leave the area. We hope this provides all the needed information and that the Planning Dept, will come and bring their families. The Jaycees e- oc-ko,-p i -oi I - y4-I z ' 61.4 \\ a+ Hi 71 /l h fl! j Iii + r / 1. , I- :- 1 y sc- Y\ LQç- r / c U