HomeMy WebLinkAboutCUP 81; Church of the Nazarene; Conditional Use Permit (CUP) (3)c
In additian, the original approval did allow the use of an exisiir.3 2028 sg. ft. rrsidencc as T; r-;crship strf.ictcrrc for a one year period. ihe applicant r,o~ indic+tr-'s that the strcciurc remain in residence and RG~ to be utilizer?' ts i?
. -_-- STAFF --_-- R~COr.1i.:E'(DATIOi~: Thai it be nGved that the Planning Conmissjcn grant tiiF app~icznt's request ty apjiroving an anertdncfit of P.C. Resclutiort iio. 883 its follows:
1. Delete conditions 4 and 11
2. Add new conditions to read:
Unless the constructicn of the facility is conmenced not later thafi Apr?! 23, 1975
Jiid dit igtntly pursued thereafter, the approval will autonatica1:y become null and void.
3. Modify condition I;o. 8 to read:
Adequate off-parking shall be provided to conforn to the rt- quircments of Chapter 21.44 of
the Hunicipal Code.
A. .-- Locatior,: Prsperty fronts on Highland Drive to the cast
2nd LOS Flsrrz Drive Ori the South.
8. --I size: 72,662 sq. ft.
C. __-- Zoning: 2-1-75
D. Pro~~oscd -f I---- Devrlopnent _cI - _-- - I: sanctuary with a capzciiy of 330 persons, a parking lot for 66 autocobiics, and an existing residence to be used as a parsonage.
1. Letter hurih of The Mszarene G'dted April 11, '1974.
3. Rcsoluti~r: KO. 3123
2. Resclut . 884