HomeMy WebLinkAboutCUP 85; Pilgrim Congregational Church; Conditional Use Permit (CUP)I -.\ STAFF REPORT PILGRLM CONGRBC~ATICNAL CHURCH - CcruxrromL USE PERMIT Subject Prop-: a. 18 opproxdmataly I 1/2 acres with a single faimtp residence in an R-1-7.5 zone. b. Fronts on Chestnut Avenae and side upon Monroe Street. c. fs affected by: I, A residcntlal development fronttng and opan onto Chcstaat Am., with three lots on a cul-de-sac having WT back yard draining onto subject property. 2. Being directly acrosa Monroe Street from the Carlsbad High School. No 8idawalks. curbs and gutters on hfoaroe or Chestnut Am.. -Aith subject property having a gradual slope which drains upon Monroe Street. 3. Applicant has indicated a desire to remaidel ths existing residence md use the stru&u.ca €OR I; temporary Church, with the underrrtandiag of haring an architect design a new church on aobjcct property. staff coaamcpts: A degree of compatibflitp b the &Sting neighborbod for the use of the existing structures inaat first be established; bowever. tho placement of &e Church and the of€-strcbt parking tat needs Enrtber review. The condLtiona1 asc permit for the Qmporary use of the txiatiag bdldlng eMd be tempotar)- and should be discontinued at the time of compbtioa of fha new church; such time limtt should be no less thaa cnae year and PO greater tban 1 1/2 yearm. Tbe I 1 f 2 acres la a parcel oi fand omitted from that grcder portioa of tap$ snbdirided int~ Village Hornas No. 2, thtrafore , curbs and .fdaadka ahail meet the City .Ttlginsering Dspaartmant otaaclard6 and sobfeet to thab