HomeMy WebLinkAboutDC 88-02; CAHILL, DEBORAH; Day Care (DC)' ... ; , -------------------------------" -":::-=-- , ".- ,-A,·-·' " ,., ~ . . -". ~- '. " . .' ~.' ~. .' • '. >. • -~-.' "l" ..•... ~ ,. . ~ '~,,,,,, . ...:.,.' .-...,..,....:..:-.....;,..,..~.........,;.--+--~~ [, ; . ,I 2.\5' . 5'Q~' 0 \' , ' I,T . . 'J-;: ' •. , tl ' ld t , I . ' b,~ . .' '., I!· " , . . t -. .: \ 8, . ~ "2..6 r z...-I . .' - If . '.. f)" ".. 'II . . 'I" , " . . t,· '. j', 'o', .. '".: ' , ' ,> " j'.' . ! ;'Z{ 9· : ~t .z.. -. "" . .-..:... '1..-0 . !. . . '.' " ';) . 1 I .~ r ~', . " , : ,J " . -'''- . " '" _ ....... , .' , -... ,--.. .. ~, .. ", . .' ~.'.' .~~ . -, ~ < -:, • -III, " '.::.. . '.' 'or.,·" :D ". 7,' ~ ~r . . :P~ :~, r \~, ·1 r . lr .. /1 -\" 11 .' . ,. , u .' \ .. \ ' ' .. ~ " ' City t9f Ca,~lsbad e _. 2075, Las Palmas D~ive ~ Carlsbad, CA .92009 (619) 438-1161 No Fee PLANNING DEPARTMENT DAY CARE PERMIT Location (Address) q;)oO Zone General Plan I CERTI FY THAT I AM THE LEGAL OWNER' AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. SIGNATURE ~, ApplicatIon Rec'd :A/r 7Y . Date Application Rec'd Staff Assigned Specific Requirements Assessors Parcel Number Existing Land Use I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE OWNER'S, REPRESENTATIVE AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. SIGNATURE Receipt No. .-Er' Case Number r r. Two (2) copies of a site plan showing drC?P-off and pick-up locations. if .1\2. 'Two (2) cOPie~ of a map showing the location(s) of any large family (7-12 J children) day care centers closer than 1,200 lineal felt on the sarne street. If ] there are no large family day care centers within 1,200 lineal feet on the same street, a written statement must be submitted in lieu of a map. .I J' ' ... e'l Ne; ghbors" .. ':' --.---~-:.' lam start; ng a progrQfn at my ,hQJlse called The 'Mother "Chjld DevelopmentGerJter. There 'Wi.ll be' betw,e-en 8 to" ,'ltt IIiQthets .wi ththeir <;hil dren'{ a,ges 0 to 3 y.E\n}':'$): on " Mond,aYs' and Wednesdays from 9:'30 a:,m., to 11: 30 a;m. , The p,rogram wil'l'consi st of structured ,pl ay and di sc:u§sl on groups. Pl ease si gn Your name and address:, th,a,t you are aware of. the program starting in October. If you have any questions, please feel free to, Gall me, P~bbie Cahill at 438-0938. ' Address, .,. . :- 1. 2(/!P Y/Ilimos.a;,' 10 4. ~'~' - --. . 5. 6. 7.&~WfJ0Mk , . J 8. 9. 10. , ' . , . , ',I , I -, ".":~ --.,.-- " ' .. ;. ,_ 'O- j -) - CANNAS g SHT 2 .------------:----------------~-.- ~ . I ·1 2 :3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Q < IZI 8 13 en .oJ .a: N a:< aI "'u < 14 oU.w -QO~~ z~wo o > u. Qi_<C_ u~.oJ u:-ul~ I-> 8 . 1 ZW Q WZN< Ua:-IZI zO en 17 -~ .oJ :> a: < < > U I-18 13 19 I 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ~. \ ee ORDINANCE NO. 9731 ------ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 2-1, CHAPTERS 21.04, 21.10 AND 21.12 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE, BY THE ADDITION OF SECTIONS 21.04.086, 21.04.146, 21.04.147, 21.10.010(11) AND 21.10.010(12) AND THE DELETION OF SECTION 21.12.010(4) TO PROVIDE FOR FAMILY DAY CARE HOMES. APPLICANT: CITY OF CARLSBAD CASE NO: ZCA-171 SECTION 1: That Title 21, Chapter 21.04, of the Carlsbad Municipa'l Code is amended by the addition of Sect~ons 21.04.086, 21.04.106 and 21.04.107 to read as follows: 21.04.086 Child Day Care Center. Any facility, of any capacity, other than a family day care home as defined herein in which less than 24 hour per day non-med-ical care and supervision is provided for children in a group setting. Child DayCa·re Center includes nursery schools but dpes not include elementary schools • 21.04.146 . Family Day Care Home, Large. A home which· 'provides care, protection and supervision of seven to twe.lve children, inclusive, including children who restde at the home, in the caregiver's own home, for periods of less than 24 hours per day, while the parents or guardians are away. 21.04.147 Family Day Care Home, Small. A home which p ovides care, protection and supervision of' six or fewer ch"ldren, including children who reside at the home, in the care iver's own home, for periods of less than 24 hours per day, while che parents or guardians are away. SECTION 2: That.Title 21, Chapte'r 21.10 of the carlsbad Municipal -Code is amended by the addition of Sections' 21.10.010(11) and (12) to read as follows: "( 11) Small family day care homes pr'ovid ing care for 6 or fewer children." " ( 12 ) (a) Large family day care homes providing care for to 12 children if a permit for operation is first approved by the Land Use Planning Manager. The Land Use Planning Manager shall issue a permit for operation if the Manager finds: ( 1 ) Adequate ingress and egress to the property' is. or will be provided to ensure the safe dropping off and picking up of children1 or-. , , ./ ' l' .:.: . "'--.-, Q :L 2 ;5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 '11 12 .! ~ 13 a:< 0) '">CJ o u. UJ ~ 14 QO~~ z>wo 9 I-> u. 15 =-<-CJ~~ u; . ...1< >wCJ ~ w 80 16 w ZN < ,~~-~ >~ Ii 17 < < > CJ 5 18 19 20 21 22 . 23 24 25 26 27 28 ee (2) The lot is not located closer than 1200 lineal· feet from another large family day care cent~r on the same street:. (3) The lot is situated and the playa·rea design.ed· to minimize any adverse noise impacts to adjacent properties. . The Land Use Planning Manager may require noise attenu'ation measures (e.g. block wall) if he determines tha;t the use could create such impacts to adjacent properties. (4) That the applicant has or will obtain all licenses and permits required by state law for operation of the facility. The applicant shall keep all state licenees or permits valid and current. . (5) The facility meets all applicable building standards and will not have a significant adverse affect on the environment which cannot be mitigated or for which 'a finding -of overriding consideration cannot be made. (6) The facility meets all zoning standards otherwise applicable to other single family residences. "(b) The owner of the subject property shall make written application to the Land Use Planning Manager. Such application shall include all materials deemed necessa,ry by the Land Use Planning Manager to show th~t the requirements of subsection (a) are met. The applicant shall pay a fee set by City Council resolution" 7 "(c) All property owners within 300 feet of the subject property shall be notified in writing of said requested use at least 10 days prior to the decision of the Land Use Planning Manager. No hearing shall be held unless requested by the applican't or an affected person. The decision of the Land Use Planning Manager may be appealed to the PI~nning Commission within 15 calendar days of the written decision of the Land Use Planning Manager. The appellant shall pay the cost of the appeal." SECTION 3: That Title 21, Chapter 21.12 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by the deletion of Section ·21~12.010(4). EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective tt,lirty days after its adoption, and the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordinance and cause it 'to be published. at least once in the Carlsbad Journal within fifteen days after its adoption. • •• • • • • • • • • • ., t. t t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Q c( CD ~ 13 en ...I .a: a:c( en ""u 14 d'u.w~ QQ~~ z>wo 21->11. 15 CD-<-u~...1 u.: ..... c( >wu 16 ~w8Q WZNc( Ua:-CD Z 0 -en 17 -I-...I >1-a: c( c( > U I-18 C3 19 I 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ......... •• INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 18th, day of SeptsrCer 1984, and the~eafter PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular' meeting of said City Council held on the 25th day of SeptE!nber , 1984 by.the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council M:lti:Jers casler, Ie.ris, Kulchin and Chick NOES: None ABSENT: Council M:!Irber Presoott ASLER, Mayor ATTEST: rk (Seal) , .. . . ee N' .( • ~~~/7~. -I?t:::::::::~ ~~- CHIlDCARE REGUlATIONS FOUND IN ZONING ORDINANCE I. R-1 Zone A. Small family daycare 1. Six or fewer children 2. Permitted by right, no City permit required B. Large family daycare 1. Seven to twelve children 2. City permit from Planning Director required 3. Permit requirements include: a. Adequate ingress and egress to ensure safe dropping off and picking up of 'children b. Lot is not located clo~er than 1,200 lineal feet from another large family day~ar&center on the same street c. The lot is si tuated and the" play area 1s designed to minimize adverse noise imp~cts on surrounding properties d. The applicant has or will obtain all necessary permits and licenses and keep them up-to-date e. The applicant meets all zoning requirements applicable to R-1 z~ne f. All property owners with 300' are notifi·ed II. Multi-family Zones A. R-3 1. By right 2. Childcare nurseries when there is provided on the the lot, or adjacent to the premises, a single play lot not less than six hundred square feet in area plus an additional seventy-five squ.are fe'et of area for each child in excess of nine. Such play lot shall not be located in an required front or side yard. B. RD-M 1. By conditional use permit 2. Childcare nurseries, if a single play lot not le~s than six hundr~d square feet in area, plus ari . additional seventy-five square feet of area for each child In excess of nine is provided on the lot or adjacent to the premises. Such play lot shall not be located in any required front or side yard. ( @: III. All Zones Including Residential A. Public and private schools with a CUP B. Requirements to be met: 1. That the requested use is necessary or desirable for the development of the community, ia - essentially in harmony with the various elements and objectives of the General Plan, and is not detrimental to existing uses or to uses specifically permitted in the zone in which the proposed use is to be located. _ 2. That the si te for the intended_ use is ad-e-q.uate in size and shape to accommodate the use. 3. That all of the yards, setbacks, wails, fences, landscaping, and other features necessary to adjust the requested use to existing or permitted future uses in the neighborhood will be provlded and maintained. 4. That the street system serving t~e proposed. use is adequate to properly handle a"I1 traffic ge'nerated by the proposed use. · ,,' . . :"' t' :.:; ." r' I~ 2- " '. \ . , - '. -------------------------------------, • • •••• I . :,' " ;;~ " " ..... " " .' .. " . " ~ /'"'. .' .. . - ,I, .. .' . :. , . . :/ @116 @117 @1I8 @ CANNAS g SHT2 • • ~ J 27 .;?6 34 35 , -' @ 1.33322 82.42 AC. /J.22.~2 0) 18.73 AC. R..~.5. ~~~ N9'J:2J:JO"h(' /J/~ . .2t1 .A/~~23·1V Z~~.7"fT , i SHT 1081.50 ~. SHT I Q SHT.J ® .. .. 12 SHT 1 ,,~~ ~.: ~(;O C.OUNTY ASSESSOR' ~ MAP dK 21S PG Q? ~ SHl ~ Qr 5 MP.PPf () fOR ASSESSMENT PIJRPOS[S ONl'f . .... . . " ..