HomeMy WebLinkAboutEA 12-04; Santa Fe II Reservoir Improvements; Administrative Permits (ADMIN)PLANNING DEPARTMENT W W
Please type your responses in the boxes provided beiow. The form may be expanded to accommodate as much
information as you choose to provide.
PROJECT NAME/TITLE: Santa Fe II Reservoir Improvements
Have you submitted any previous early assessment applications for this project with Planning staff? If so, please attach a
copy of the original request and the Planning Department's response.No
Is the project part of an approved CIP budget or a future CIP budget? If so, please provide the CIP Project #.
Yes, 5031
List any previous and/or anticipated future Planning Commission or City Council actions (e.g., permit approvals, activity
authorizations, etc.) related to this project.
Authorization to advertise for bids. Award of construction contract
List any previously certified environmental documents (e.g., EIRs, Negative Declarations).
List any technical studies that have been prepared or that you anticipate will be prepared (e.g., biology, archeology, traffic,
noise, etc.).Geotechnical
Is the project on City property? If not, has property owner authorization or an easement been secured?
Early Assessment For City Projects - Revised 1/3/11
APR 2 0 2012
j^mtic parcel numbers if possible. Identify the project location. Include sponiic parcel numbers if possible.
The Santa Fe II tank is located in the City of San Marcos. Access to the site is obtained by proceeding south along White
Sands Drive from San Marcos Boulevard to Coast Avenue. To reach the tank site from Coast Avenue vehicles proceed
north along an unpaved road.
Identify the project schedule. List critical and desired milestones including dates in the development review and
construction process (e.g., public hearing dates, grant application submittal deadlines, public workshops, construction
phasing, etc.).
Final Design complete June. 2012, Construction October 2012 - January 2013.
DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL - Describe the project in as much detail as possible. Use as much space as needed.
Attach additional sheets (drawings, etc.) if necessary. Be sure to identify, if applicable, estimated quantities of grading
(including import/export), construction staging areas on and offsite, areas of sensitive vegetation, unique construction
technologies, proposed facility technologies and byproducts, and any public art component. If preliminary or conceptual
plans or exhibits are available, please include two sets with this transmittal.
The Santa Fe II Tank is a circular pre-stressed concrete tank constructed by CMWD in 1986. The tank is 220' diameter,
32' tall and has a storage capacity of 9.0 million gallons. The east side of the tank is buried to the roof line. On the
northwest face, the tank is placed behind two levels of concrete crib wall with the upper 15-feet of the tank wall exposed.
The existing drainage system has failed and has allowed water to flow over the face of the existing crib walls, which now
has extensive erosion. This project will remove the upper crib wall, repair the lower crib wall, and reconstruct the
drainage system around the tank.
In addition the security fence needs to be replaced, proposed using miniature mesh "Secure Guard" for replacement to
prevent climbing and reduce potential for cutting the fence material. These smaller openings minimize the possibility of
climbing, prevent objects from being passed through, and make it more difficult to manually cut.
See attached drawings.
Early Assessment For City Projects - Revised 1/3/11 Page 3 of 3
Development Services
Land Development Engineering
1635 Faraday Avenue
To address post-development pollutants that may be generated from development projects, the City requires that new
development and significant redevelopment priority projects incorporate Permanent Storm Water Best Management
Practices (BMP's) into the project design per the City's Standard Urban Stormwater Management Plan (SUSMP). To
view the SUSMP, refer to the Engineering Standards (Volume 4, Chapter 2) at www.carlsbadca.qov/standards.
Initially this questionnaire must be completed by the applicant in advance of submitting for a development application
(subdivision, discretionary permits and/or construction permits). The results ofthe questionnaire determine the level of
storm water standards that must be applied to a proposed development or redevelopment project. Depending on the
outcome, your project will either be subject to 'Standard Stormwater Requirements' or be subject to additional criteria
called 'Priority Development Project Requirements'. Many aspects of project site design are dependent upon the
storm water standards applied to a project.
Your responses to the questionnaire represent an initial assessment of the proposed project conditions and impacts.
City staff has responsibility for making the final assessment after submission of the development application. If staff
determines that the questionnaire was incorrectly filled out and is subject to more stringent storm water standards than
initially assessed by you, this will result in the return of the development application as incomplete. In this case, please
make the changes to the questionnaire and resubmit to the City.
If you are unsure about the meaning of a question or need help in determining how to respond to one or more of the
questions, please seek assistance from Land Development Engineering staff.
A separate completed and signed questionnaire must be submitted for each new development application submission.
Only one completed and signed questionnaire is required when multiple development applications for the same project
are submitted concurrently. In addition to this questionnaire, you must also complete, sign and submit a Project Threat
Assessment Form with construction permits for the project.
Please start by completing Section 1 and follow the instructions. When completed, sign the form at the end and submit
this with your application to the city.
Does your project meet one or more of the following criteria: YES NO
1. Housina subdivisions of 10 or more dwellina units.
condominium and apartments
Examples: single family homes, multi-family homes,
Commercial - areater than 1-acre. Anv development other than heavy industry or residential. Examples: hospitals;
laboratories and other medical facilities; educational Institutions; recreational facilities; municipal facilities; commercial
nurseries; multi-apartment buildings; car wash facilities; mini-malls and other business complexes; shopping malls;
hotels; office buildings; public warehouses; automotive dealerships; airfields; and other light industrial facilities.
3. Heavv Industrial I Industry areater than 1 acre. Examples: manufacturing plants, food processing plants, metal
working facilities, printing plants, and fleet storage areas (bus, truck, etc.).
Automotive repair shoo. A facility categorized in any one of Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes 5013,
5014, 5541, 7532-7534, and 7536-7539
Restaurants. Any facility that sells prepared foods and drinks for consumption, including stationary lunch counters
and refreshment stands selling prepared foods and drinks for immediate consumption (SIC code 5812), where the
land area for development is greater than 5,000 square feet. Restaurants where land development is less than 5,000
square feet shall meet all SUSMP requirements except for structural treatment BMP and numeric sizing criteria
requirements and hydromodification requirements.
E-34 Page 1 of 3 REV 1/14/11
Development Services
Land Development Engineering
1635 Faraday Avenue
INSTRUCTIONS: Complete tfie questions below regarding your project YES NO
1. Project results in the disturbance of 1-acre or more of land and is considered a Pollutant-generating Development
Project *?
INSTRUCTIONS: If you answered NO, please proceed to question 2.
If you answered YES, then you ARE a significant redevelopment and you ARE subject to PRIORITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT
requirements. Please check the "meets PRIORITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT requirements" box in Section 3 below. /
2. Is the project redeveloping an existing priority project type? (Priority projects are defined in Section 1)
INSTRUCTIONS: If you answered YES, please proceed to question 3.
If you answered NO, then you ARE NOT a significant redevelopment and your project is subject to STANDARD STORMWATER
REQUIREMENTS. Please check the "does not meet PDP requirements" box in Section 3 below.
3. Is the work limited to trenching and resurfacing associated with utility work; resurfacing and reconfiguring surface
parking lots and existing roadways; new sidewalk; bike lane on existing road and/or routine maintenance of damaged
pavement such as pothole repair? Resurfacing/reconfiguring parking lots is where the work does not expose underlying soil
during construction.
INSTRUCTIONS: If you answered NO, then proceed to question 4.
If you answered YES, then you ARE NOT a significant redevelopment and your project is subject to STANDARD STORMWATER
REQUIREMENTS. Please check the "does not meet PDP requirements" box in Section 3 below.
4. Will your redevelopment project create, replace, or add at least 5,000 square feet of impervious surfaces on existing
developed property or will your project be located within 200 feet of the Pacific Ocean and (1) create 2500 square feet or
more of impervious surface or (2) increases impervious surface on the property by more than 10%? Replacement of
existing impen/ious surfaces includes any activity that is not part of routine maintenance where impervious material(s) are
removed, exposing underlying soil dunng construction.
INSTRUCTIONS: If you answered YES, you ARE a significant redevelopment, and you ARE subject to PRIORITY DEVELOPMENT
PROJECT requirements. Please check the "meets PRIORITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT requirements" box in Section 3 below. Review
SUSMP to find out if SUSMP requirements apply to your project envelope or the entire project site.
If you answered NO, then you ARE NOT a significant redevelopment and your project is subject to STANDARD STORMWATER
REQUIREMENTS. Please check the "does not meet PDP requirements" box in Section 3 below.
•for definition see Footnote 4 on page 2
My project meets PRIORITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (PDP) requirements and must comply with additional stormwater criteria
per the SUSMP and I understand I must prepare a Storm Water Management Plan for submittal at time of application. I understand
flow control (hydromodification) requirements may apply to my project. Refer to SUSMP for details.
My project does not meet PDP requirements and must only comply with STANDARD STORMWATER REQUIREMENTS per the
SUSMP. As part of these requirements, I will incorporate low impact development strategies throughout my project.
Applicant Information and Signature Box This Box for City Use Only
Address; Assessor's Parcel Number(s):
Applicant Name: '
2><.-;o/ m
Applicant Title:
Date: /
City Concurrence: YES NO
Project ID:
E-34 Page 3 of 3 REV 1/14/11
Development Services
Land Development Engineering
1635 Faraday Avenue
6. Hillside development. Any development that creates more than 5,000 square feet of impen/ious surface and is
located in an area with known erosive soil conditions, where the development will grade on any natural slope that is
twenty-five percent (25%) or greater.
7. Environmentallv Sensitive Area (ESA)\ All develooment located within or directiv adiacent^ to or discharoinq
directly' to an ESA (where discharges from the development or redevelopment will enter receiving waters within the
ESA), which either creates 2,500 square feet or more of impen/ious surface on a proposed project site or increases
the area of imperviousness of a proposed project site 10% or more of its naturally occurring condition.
8. Parkina lot. Area of 5.000 sauare feet or more, or with 15 or more parkinq spaces, and potentlallv exposed to urban
runoff >/
9. Streets, roads, hiahwavs. and freewavs. Anv oaved surface that is 5.000 square feet or areater used for the
transportation of automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, and other vehicles
10. Retail Gasoline Outlets. Sen/ina more than 100 vehicles oer dav and greater than 5,000 sauare feet
11. Coastal Develooment Zone. Anv oroiect located within 200 feet of the Pacific Ocean and (1) creates more than
2500 square feet of impervious surface or (2) increases impervious surface on property by more than 10%.
12. More than 1-acre of disturbance. Proiect results in the disturbance of 1-acre or more of land and is considered a
Pollutant-generating Development Project".
1 Environmentally Sensitive Areas include but are not limited to all Clean Water Act Section 303(d) impaired water bodies; areas designated as Areas of Special
Biological Significance by the State Water Resources Control Board (Water Quality Control Plan for the San Diego Basin (1994) and amendments); w/ater bodies
designated with the RARE beneficial use by the State Water Resources Control Board (Water Quality Control Plan for the San Diego Basin (1994) and amendments):
areas designated as preserves or their equivalent under the Multi Species Conservation Program within the Cities and County of San Diego; and any other equivalent
environmentally sensitive areas which have been identified by the Copermittees.
2 "Directly adjacent" means situated vwthin 200 feet of the Environmentally Sensitive Area.
3 "Discharging directly to" means outflow from a drainage conveyance system that is composed entirely of flows from the subject development or redevelopment site, and
not commingled with flow from adjacent lands.
4 Pollutant-generating Development Projects are those projects that generate pollutants at levels greater than bacl<ground levels. In general, these Include all projects
that contribute to an exceedance to an Impaired water body or which create new Impervious surfaces greater than 5000 square feet and/or Introduce new landscaping
areas that require routine use of fertilizers and pesticides. In most cases linear pathway projects that are for infrequent vehicle use, such as emergency or maintenance
access, or for pedestrian or bicycle use, are not considered Pollutant-generating Development Projects if they are built with pervious surfaces or if they sheet flow to
sun'ounding pervious surfaces.
Section 1 Results:
If you answered YES to ANY of the questions above, your project is subject to Priority Development Project requirements. Skip Section 2 and
please proceed to Section 3. Checl< the "meets PRIORITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT requirements" box in Section 3. Additional storm water
requirements will apply per the SUSMP.
If you answered NO to ALL ofthe questions above, then please proceed to Section 2 and follow the instructions.
E-34 Page 2 of 3 REV 1/14/11
^ a FILE
To: SD County Clerk .
Attn: Jennifer Samuela
Mail Stop A-33
1600 Pacific Highway
San Diego, CA 92101
Planning Division
1635 Faraday Avenue
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Subject: Filing of this Notice of Exemption is in compliance with Section 21152b of the Public
Resources Code (Califomia Environmentar Quality Act).
Project Number and Title: EA 12-04 - Santa Fe II Reservoir Improvements
Project Location - Specific: Island Drive (APN: 222-690-06)
Project Location - City: San Marcos Project Location - County: San Diego
Description of Project: To make repairs to the existing drainage svstem which caused erosion
around the Santa Fe II water tank and to the existing crib wall on the north and northwest sides of
Name of Public Agency Approving Project: Citv of Carlsbad
Name of Person or Agency Carrying Out Project: Citv of Carlsbad
Name of Applicant: Dave Ahles. Senior Engineer
Applicant's Address: 1635 Faradav Avenue. Carlsbad. CA 92008-7314
Applicant's Telephone Number: 760-602-2748
Exempt Status: (CiteclcOne)
• Ministerial (Section 21080(b)(1); 15268);
• Declared Emergency (Section 21080(b)(3); 15269(a));
• Emergency Project (Section 21080(b)(4); 15269 (b)(c));
^ Categorical Exemption - State type and section nimiber: 15301(b) - Repair and maintenance
of existing facilities.
• Statutory Exemptions - State code number:
• General rule (Section 15061 (b)(3))
Reasons why project is exempt: Rehabilitation of existing facilities.
Lead Agency Contact Person: Pam Drew, Associate Planner Telephone: (760) 602-4644
DON NEU, City Planner
Date received for filing at OPR:
Revised 04/12
<Ac,.c. ^ ^ RLE COPY
June 18, 2012
To: Dave Ahles, Senior Engineer
From: Pam Drew, Associate Planner
Via \p^MDave De Cordova, Principal Planner
Thank you for submitting an Early Assessment for repairs to the existing drainage system which caused
erosion around the tank and to the existing crib wall on the north and northwest sides of the Santa Fe II
water tank located on Island Drive within the City of San Marcos.
The repairs to the 220-foot diameter, 32-foot high water storage tank include: 1) removing the upper
crib wall; 2) removing 2,000 cubic yards (CY) of soil and filling 500 CY of soil; 3) repairing the lower crib
wall; 4) reconstructing the drainage system around the tank, including repaving the area; and 5) hydro-
seeding disturbed areas. In addition to the repair work the existing perimeter chain link security fence
and gates are proposed to be replaced with fencing and gates that are constructed with miniature mesh
"Secure Guard" material. The mesh material has smaller openings which minimize the possibility of
climbing, prevents objects from being passed through the openings and makes it more difficult to
manually cut.
In response to your application, the Planning Division has prepared this comment letter. Please note
that the purpose of an Early Assessment is to provide you with direction and comments on the overall
concept of your project. This Earlv Assessment does not represent an in-depth analvsis of vour
proiect. It is intended to give vou feedback on critical issues based upon the information provided in
vour submittal. This review is based upon the plans, policies, and standards in effect as of the date of
this review. Please be aware that at the time of a formal application submittal, new plans, policies,
and standards mav be in effect and additional issues of concern mav be raised through a more specific
and detailed review.
1. The project will not need any permits from the City of Carlsbad. Please contact the City of San
Marcos for any necessary permit application forms and processing information at (760) 744-
1050 ext. 3233.
2. The project is exempt from environmental review per CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(b),
concerning repair and maintenance of existing facilities. If requested by you, the Planning
Division will record a Notice of Exemption with the County of San Diego for this project. To do
so, your staff planner will need a check for $50 made payable to the San Diego County Clerk for
the hiing fee with the County.
Community & Economic Development
1635 Faraday Ave. I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-602-2710 I 760-602-8560 fax
June 18, 2012
Page 2
Land Development Engineering:
3. The project must comply with the City of San Marcos' storm water pollution regulations and
permits. Please contact the City of San Marcos for any necessary permit application forms and
processing information.
4. See redlined comments on attached plan.
If you would like to schedule a meeting to discuss this letter with your staff planner, please contact Pam
Drew, Associate Planner at ext. 4644, or your staff engineer, David Rick, Associate Engineer at ext. 2781.
c: Don Neu, City Planner
Bill Plummer, Deputy City Engineer
Scott Donnell, Senior Planner
David Rick, Associate Engineer
File Copy
Data Entry
<£wb- CITY OF
May 2, 2012
To: Pam Drew, Project Planner
From: , David Rick, Project Engineer
Via; /M>Glen Van Peski, Engineering Manager
Land Development Engineering has completed a review ofthe above-referenced project for
completeness and engineering issues of concern. All items needed for engineering review are
provided for determining the application as complete. Engineering issues which need to be
considered or resolved:
1. Since the property is located within the city of San Marcos, the city of San Marcos has
jurisdiction over storm water pollution regulations and permits. Therefore, have the
applicant contact the city of San Marcos for any necessary permit application forms and
processing information.
2. See minor redlined comments on attached plan.
If you or the applicant has any questions, please either see or contact me at 602-2781.
Associate Engineer
Land Development Engineering
Attachment: redlined plans
Community & Economic Development
1635 Faraday Ave. I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-602-2710 I 760-602-8560 fax I www.carlsbadca.gov
June 5, 2012
Mr. David Ahles
Engineering/Public Works Department
1635 Faraday Ave.
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Dear Mr. Ahles:
At your request, Planning Systems' biologists have conducted a field survey of the property
around the existing Santa Fe Water Tank II, located on a hilltop approximately 400-feet north of
Coast Avenue, within the city boundary of the City of San Marcos, Califomia, in an area adjacent
to the city of Carlsbad. A Vicinity Map is shown on the attached exhibit. This property, including
the water tank reservoir is owned by the City of Carlsbad. The area surveyed surrounds the water
tank varying in width from only 10-feet in width from the water tank at its narrowest point on the
southeast, to its widest point on the northwest side at approximately 40-feet in width. Much of
the water tank is sunken below the surface of the immediately-surrounding soil. Only about 20-
vertical feet of the top portion of the tank is visible from the surface. The purpose of this report is
to observe the vegetation growing within the study area (shown on attached exhibit) and to
determine whether sensitive vegetation habitats or sensitive plants occur within this area.
Study Area. The subject study area is relatively flat on the south and east sides, and slopes
mildly to steeply along the north and west sides. In these locations, two crib-type retaining walls
serve to hold soil against the lower sections of the water tank, presumably to minimize the
visibility of the tank from these steeper sides. Portions of these crib walls appear to be in a state
of disrepair and contain visibly unstable soil. The proposed project involves the removal, repair
and/or replacement of these crib walls, and other localized improvements.
Vicinity. The project vicinity is dominated by urban residential development, with adjacent
overhead electrical transmission towers and lines along the south and west side of the water tank
site. The site is a portion of an island of open space surrounded by single family homes. Small
patches of native vegetation, including coastal sage scrub and disturbed chaparral and chamise
habitats are present in the steeply sloping areas to the north of the site. The study area is located
within the hydrologic unit of the Encina Creek Watershed, approximately four (4) miles upstream
from the Pacific Ocean. Regionally, the Encina Creek and its tributaries drain about 9 square
miles from the foothills of San Marcos, into and through the central portion of Carlsbad, where it
ultimately discharges into the Pacific Ocean at Carlsbad State Beach.
1530 FARADAY AVENUE • SUITE 100 • CARLSBAD, CA 92008 • (760) 931-0780 • FAX (760) 931-5744 • info@planningsystems.net
Mr. David Ahles
June 5, 2012
Page 2
Survev Methods. The biological investigation perfonned for this project included a general
biological survey of the study area for plants only. Fieldwork was conducted on May 24, 2012
using a 2010 aerial photograph of the area. The entire project area was fraversed on foot. Off-
site areas were also visually inspected from the property. Identified vegetation resources were
surveyed visually and documented. The vegetation types were classified according to the
Holland (1986) and Oberbauer (2005) classification systems, in accordance with the requirements
of the Guidelines for Biological Studies categories. City of Carlsbad Planning Department,
9/30/08. A list of detectable flora species was recorded in a field notebook. Plant identifications
were determined through direct observation.
Vegetation Communities
The subject property presently contains two primary vegetation communities; Disturbed Lands
and Annual (non-native) Grasslands.
Disturbed Lands. Vegetation communities within the study area are Disturbed Lands on the
north and west, and Annual (non-native) Grasslands on the south and east. Plant species observed
within the Disturbed Lands are Bull thistle {Cirsium vulgare). Castor bean (Ricinus communis).
Black mustard (Brassica nigra), Ausfralian Saltbush (Atriplex semibaccata R.), White-stem
Filaree (Erodium moschatum), Tree tobacco (Nicotiana glauca). Yellow Wood-sorrel (Oxalis
corniculata), Califomia juniper (Juniperus californica). Telegraph weed (Heterotlieca
grandiflora). Common groundsel (Senecio vulgaris L.) and Dwarf nettle (Urtica dioica). Also
identified in the Disturbed Lands were a number of domestic urban plantings, including
Eucalyptus gum (Eucalyptus species). Avocado (Persea americana). Boxwood (Buxt4X
sempirvirens), Brazilian pepper tree (Scfiinus terebintiiifolius) and Wattle (Acacia species). The
only native plants identified within the subject area were a number [approximately 15]
individuals of Coyote Brush (Bacciiaris salicifolia) and several [six observed] individuals of
Coastal Deerweed (Lotus scoparius). These isolated individual native plants were not considered
to constitute a native or sensitive community.
Annual (non-native) Grasslands. Annual (non-native) Grasslands identified within the study
area included; Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon), Ripgut grass (Bromus diandrus), Tumbleweed
(Amarantiius albus L.), Australian brass-buttons (Dienandra fasciculata). Short-pod mustard
(Lepidium nitidum), Cheeseweed (Malva parviflora), and Slender wild oat (Avena barbata).
None of these plants are considered native or sensitive.
This field Biological Survey concludes that; (a) no native habitats occur within the study area,
and (b) no sensitive plants occur within the study area. Further, this survey concludes that no
wetlands or riparian habitat or area otherwise jurisdictional delineation to the U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers, Califomia Department of Fish and Game, and Califomia Coastal Commission occurs
within or near the study area.
5onta Fe Water Tank II
Biological Field Survey Page 2
Mr. David Ahles
June 5, 2012
Page 3
It is the conclusion of Planning Systems' biologists that the work proposed within the study area
will not result in any significant biological impacts to vegetation.
Please let me know if you need any additional information on the above survey results.
Paul J. Klukas
Director of Planning
Supporting Documentation
Beauchamp, R. M. 1986. A Flora of San Diego Countv. Califomia. Sweetwater Press, National
City, Califomia.
City of Carlsbad Planning Department, Guidelines for Biological Studies. 9/30/08.
Hickman, J. C. 1993. The Jepson Manual. Higher Plants of Califomia. University of Califomia
Press, Berkeley, Califomia.
Holland, Robert F. 1986. "Preliminary Vegetative Plant Communities of Califomia."
Department of Fish and Game, Natural Heritage Section.
Santa Fe Water Tank II
Biological Field Survey Page 3
VICINITY MAP - Notto Scale
June 4, 2012
Santa Fe Water Tank II
City of Carlsbad
NORTH SCALE: 1"= 160'