HomeMy WebLinkAboutEA 12-05; Sewer Manhole Maintenance Program; Early Assessment (EA)Application Form For EARLY ASSESSMENT BY THE SPECIAL PROJECTS TEAM THIS SECTION FOR PLANNING DIVISION USE ONLY PROJECT (EA)#: l€A / c::1-0 S I DATE SUBMITTED: I&/:)./ I:,.,._ I PLANNER: I PROJECT NAME/TITLE: Sewer Easement Maintenance Permit PROJECT PROPONENT/DEPT. CONTACT SIGNATURE: AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: City of Carlsbad Utilities Department I Don Wasko Wastewater Division Please type your responses in the boxes provided below. The form may be expanded to accommodate as much information as you choose to provide. Have you submitted any previous early assessment applications for this project with Planning staff? If so, please attach a copy of the original request and the Planning Division's response. No. Is the project part of an approved CIP budget or a future CIP budget? If so, please provide the CIP Project#. A CIP is anticipated to be appropriated for the project in the next fiscal year. List any previous and/or anticipated future Planning Commission or City Council actions (e.g., permit approvals, activity authorizations, etc.) related to this project. There are no previous actions. Future actions include a potential Coastal Development Permit and/or a Streambed Alteration Agreement. List any previously certified environmental documents (e.g., EIRs, Negative Declarations). A Certified EIR for the Master Plan is pending adoption by City Council in approximately October 2012. List any technical studies that have been prepared or that you anticipate will be prepared (e.g., biology, archeology, traffic, noise, etc.). Biology. Is the project on City property? If not, has property owner authorization or an easement been secured? Project is within City property or City easements. P-15 Page 2 of 3 Revised 09/11 Identify the project location. Include specific parcel numbers if possible. See exhibit and spreadsheet for location of wastewater utilities. This EA covers three projects. Each project proposes similar tasks as described in this EA, but have different locations/ownership. The first project includes the wastewater utilities in the Coastal Zone. The second project includes the utilities outside the Coastal Zone, but within the California Department of Fish & Game jurisdiction. The third project includes the utilities outside the Coastal Zone and outside CDFG jurisdiction. These three areas are identified by the attached exhibit and spreadsheet. Only utilities in habitat areas are part of the project. Identify the project schedule. List critical and desired milestones including dates in the development review and construction process (e.g., public hearing dates, grant application submittal deadlines, public workshops, construction phasing, etc.). The attached spreadsheet contains the proposed maintenance schedule for each wastewater system. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL -Describe the project in as much detail as possible. Use as much space as needed. Attach additional sheets (drawings, etc.) if necessary. Be sure to identify, if applicable, estimated quantities of grading (including import/export), construction staging areas on and offsite, areas of sensitive vegetation, unique construction technologies, proposed facility technologies and byproducts, and any public art component. If preliminary or conceptual plans or exhibits are available, please include two sets with this transmittal. The primary objective of the Wastewater Division is to perform.regular maintenance to the wastewater conveyance system, commonly referred to as the sewer system. This work will include an assortment of tasks that not only clears the vegetation from the easement to enable the crew to access the infrastructure to the actual cleaning and inspecting of sewer system. There are several different approaches involved with the regular maintenance of the sewer system. The Wastewater Division has assessed each easement and determined which of the following tactics will be used. Cleaning from outside of the easement, the crew stations the cleaning truck outside of the easement and cleans from there. This allows for the cleaning to take place without driving onto/into the easement. Minor vegetation removal is required to access each sewer manhole. The other approach is to drive into/onto the easement and clean while inside the easement. On longer easements that possibly have other sewer mains flowing into the basin, it is required that the cleaning truck be driven into/onto the easement. With this approach, vegetation is removed with either hand or power tools. Every attempt is made to conduct this work outside of the bird breeding season. The maintenance crew have been trained in habitat identification. This training should prevent the crews from damaging any plant or wildlife that might be present. The cleaning of the sewer system is usually performed with a combinationjetter/vacuum truck. The truck is stationed at the downstream manhole and the jetter hose is inserted. The jetter hose is sent upstream and the debris is flushed with the pressure from the jetter. The debris, if any, is collected and removed from the sewer system. Other than cleaning the sewer system, there is a program in place that the crews perform a visual inspection of each sewer manhole. This is more like a "spot check" of the sewer system. If any problems arise, the cleaning crews are sent in for a thorough cleaning P-15 Page 3 of 3 Revised 09/11