HomeMy WebLinkAboutEA 13-05; Tri-Agencies Water Pipelines Reach 2 Phase I; Administrative Permits (ADMIN)Memorandum January 23, 2014 To: -From: Via Re: David Ahles, Senior Engineer n-1.) _,. Barbara Kennedy, Associate Planne'r~­ Dave de Cordova, Principal PlannerO' EA 13-05-TRI-AGENCIES WATER TRANSMISSION PIPELINE REACH 2-PHASE 1 Thank you for submitting an Early Assessment for the replacement of approximately 1,850 lineal feet of eroded 21" concrete water pipeline with new 18" diameter steel pipeline and replacement of the existing pressure sustaining facility located along Pirigos Way in the City of Oceanside. The water pipeline replacement project would be constructed along the entire length of the roadway and would also extend to the west, slightly across the border of Carlsbad, and east across Cannon Road, entirely within the CMWD easement areas. In response to your application, the Planning Division has prepared this comment letter. Please note that the purpose of an Early Assessment is to provide you with direction and comments on the overall concept of your project. This Early Assessment does not represent an in-depth analysis of your project. It is intended to give you feedback on critical issues based upon the information provided in your submittal. This review is based upon the plans. policies. and standards in effect as of the date of this review. Please be aware that at the time of a formal application submittal. new plans. policies. and standards may be in effect and additional issues of concern may be raised through a more specific and detailed review. Planning: General 1. Please show the border between Carlsbad and Oceanside on the plans and on the title sheet location map. 2. Please contact the City of Oceanside to determine if permits are required for the water pipeline replacement project. 3. The title page of the final plans should be revised to show the name of the current or acting Executive (City) Manager. 4. Please contact the Lake Calavera Preserve Manager prior to the commencement of any construction activities in or adjacent to the preserve area. Include the following contact information on the plans: Center for Natural Lands Management Markus Spiegelberg Community & Economic Development l635 Faraday Ave. I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-602-2710 I 760-602-8560 fax -r:A 13-05-TRI-AGENCIES WATER TRANSMISSION PIPELINE REACH 2-PHASE 1 January 23, 2014 Pa e 2 619-295-4953 mspiegelberg@cnlm.org Environmental 1. The project is Phase 1 of the Water Supply and Transmission Project No. 48 for the replacement or rehabilitation of the Tri-Agencies Water Pipeline (TAP). The potential environmental impacts of this project were analyzed under EIR 12-01-City of Carlsbad Sewer Master Plan Master Plan and CMWD Water and Recycled Water Master Plan Updates Final Program EIR. Although this phase of the project occurs entirely within roadways and disturbed easement areas, the west end of the project occurs within an easement along the east side of the lake Calavera Preserve. The easement is immediately adjacent to sensitive habitat areas and/or habitat potentially suitable for special status species. The east end of the project appears to end near an open space area in Oceanside. If this area contains native plants, a biologist must be retained to survey the area. 2. The EIR identified that, within certain portions of the project, construction activities and/or construction noise could result in potential indirect impacts to special status species or sensitive habitat areas. Therefore, the project is required to implement the following Mitigation Measures: Bio-lE Pre-Construction Biological Resource Surveys. Prior to construction of CIP projects or portions of projects that will occur within disturbed or developed land, but will be sited immediately adjacent to an undeveloped open space area (i.e., an area supporting naturalized habitat, sensitive habitat; and/or habitat potentially suitable for special status species), the City and CMWD shall retain a qualified biologist to perform a pre-construction survey to verify existing biological resources adjacent to the project construction areas. The City and CMWD shall provide the biologist with a copy of the CIP project plans that clearly depict the construction work limits, including construction staging and storage areas, in order to determine which specific portion(s) of the project will require inspection of adjacent open space areas during the pre-construction survey. At minimum, the biologist shall perform a visual inspection of the adjacent open space area in order to characterize the existing habitat types and determine the likelihood .for special status species to occur, including the coastal California gnatcatcher, migratory songbirds, and other bird species with the potential to breed in the area. The pre-construction survey results shall be submitted to the City and CMWD prior to construction in order to verify the need for the additional construction measures proposed within Bio-1F through Bio-11 below. Bio-lF Orange Construction Fencing. If it is confirmed through the implementation of mitigation measure Bio-1E that the CIP project would occur immediately adjacent to sensitive habitat areas and/or habitat potentially suitable for special status species, the City and CMWD shall retain a qualified biologist to supervise the installation of temporary orange construction fencing, which clearly delineates the edge of the approved limits of grading and clearing, and the edges of environmentally sensitive areas that occur beyond the approved limits. This fencing EA 13-05-TRI-AGENCIES WATER TRANSMISSION PIPELINE REACH 2-PHASE 1 January 23, 2014 Pa e 3 shall be installed prior to construction, and maintained for the duration of construction activity. Fencing shall be installed in a manner that does not impact habitats to be avoided. If work occurs beyond the fenced or demarcated limits of impact, all work shall cease until the problem has been remedied and mitigation identified. Temporary orange fencing shall be removed upon completion of construction of the project. Implementation of this measure shall be verified by the City prior to and concurrent with construction. Bio-lG Construction-Related Noise. Construction noise created during the general· breeding season (January 15 to September 15) that could affect the breeding of the coastal California gnatcatcher, migratory songbirds, and other bird species associated with adjacent undeveloped areas shall be avoided. No loud construction noise (exceeding 60 dBA hourly average, adjusted for ambient noise levels, at the nesting site) may take place within 500 feet of active nesting sites during the general breeding season (January 15 through September 15). If it is confirmed through the implementation of mitigation measure Bio-1E that the CIP project could result in construction-related noise impacts to breeding birds during the general breeding season, the City and CMWD shall retain a qualified biologist to monitor the construction operations. The biological monitor shall be present to monitor construction activities that occur adjacent to the undeveloped open space area potentially supporting breeding birds. The monitor shall verify that construction noise levels do not exceed 60 dBA hourly average and shall have the ability to halt construction work, if necessary, and confer with the City, USFWS, and CDFG to ensure the proper implementation of additional protection measures during construction. The biologist shall report any violation to the USFWS and/or CDFG within 24 hours of its occurrence. Bio-lH Construction Staging Areas. If it is confirmed through the implementation of mitigation measure Bio-1E that the CIP project would occur immediately adjacent to sensitive habitat areas and/or habitat potentially suitable for special status species, the City and CMWD shall design final CIP project construction staging areas such that no staging areas shall be located )Nithin sensitive habitat areas. The construction contractor shall receive approval by the City Planning & Engineering Divisions prior to mobilizations and staging of equipment outside of the project boundaries. Bio-11 Contractor Training. If it is confirmed through the implementation of mitigation measure Bio-1E that the CIP project would occur immediately adjacent to sensitive habitat areas and/or habitat potentially suitable for special status species, the City and CMWD shall retain a qualified biologist to attend pre-construction meetings to inform construction crews of the sensitive resources and associated avoidance and/or minimization requirements. 3. The EIR 12-01 Project Design Features should be included in the contract documents. Please contact me if you need a copy of this document. Land Development Engineering: No Comments. EA 13-05-TRI-AGENCIES WATER TRANSMISSION PIPELINE REACH 2-PHASE 1 January 23, 2014 Pa e 4 All necessary application forms and submittal requirements are available. at the Planning counter located in the Faraday Building at 1635 Faraday Avenue or online at www.carlsbadca.gov. You may also ' access the General Plan Land Use Element and the Zoning Ordinance online at the website address shown; select Department Listing; select Planning Home Page. Please review all information carefully before submitting. If you would like to schedule a meeting to discuss this letter with the commenting departments, please contact Barbara Kennedy at the number below. You may also contact each department individually as follows: • Planning Division comments: Barbara Kennedy, Associate Planner, at {760) 602-4626. • Land Development Engineering comments: Jason Geldert, Senior Engineer, at {760) 602-2758 DD:BK:sm c: Don Neu, City Planner Dave de Cordova, Team Leader Jason Geldert, Project Engineer Greg Ryan, Fire Prevention Patrick Vaughn-PW Engineering File Copy Da\a Entry ..