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EIA 865; WARD KAO; Environmental Impact Report (EIR)
a. :.. CASE NO.: —jr:"i lq - DATE RECEIVED: APPLICANT: bJ ,? Pet>_k',o . . REQUEST: (?rnd ped_Qôc-_lefl-I-ir- (\rCPj._ 33I( Vetic&So_&fre ENVIRONMENTAL EXEMPT OR EXCEPTE2; Posted: Prior Compliance: Published:________ Filed: Filed: NEGATIVE DEC RA::Lc Posted:-17-g3 Published: 3323 Notice of Determination:________ ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT:__________________ Notice of Notice of Notice of Preparation: Determination:___________ PLANNINGCOMISSIOi 1. Date of Hearing: 2. Publication: 3. Notice to Property Owners: 4. Resolution No. Date: . ACTION:__________ . - (Continued to., 5. Appeal: CITYCOUNCIL 1. Date of Hearing: 2. Notices to City Clerk 3. Agenda Bill: 4. Resolution No Date: ACTION: ___________ 5. Ordinance No; Date' : ..... Staff Report to piicant_ Resolution to Applicant: . . ' CITY OF CARL AD 1200 ELM AVENUE • CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92OO8 (714) 438-5551 RECEIVED FROM - _L\c DATE - AflflOttC - - - A/C. NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT - 102728 PAID UF ov frj et zt TOTAL