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GPA 11-09; Quarry Creek Project File Part 2 of 4; General Plan Amendment (GPA)
1927 Fifth Avenue San Diego, CA 92101 p 619.308.9333 2033 East Grant Road Tucson, AZ 85719 p 520.325.9977 F 619.308.9334 F 520.293.3051 www.reconenvironmental.com RECON A Company of Specialists December 29, 2011 Mr. Van Lynch Senior Planner City of Carlsbad Community & Economic Development 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 -.., 1504 West Fifth Street Austin, TX 78703 p 512.478.0858 F 512.474.1849 2027 Preisker Lane, Unit G Santa Maria, CA 93454 p 619.308.9333 F 619.308.9334 Reference: Proposal for EIR 11-02 for the Quarry Creek Master Plan Project and Related Applications (MP10-01) (RECON Number P6545) Dear Mr. Lynch: Thank you for providing RECON Environmental, Inc. (RECON) with a Request for Proposal for the Quarry Creek Master Plan project. After thorough consideration, we will not be submitting a proposal for this project. We greatly appreciate your continued consideration of RECON for future environmental consulting services. Sincerely, Lisa Lind Principal CITY December 21, 2011 Van Lynch, Senior Planner City of Carlsbad, Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 OF OCEANSIDE ENGINEERING RE: Quarry Creek Master Plan Draft Traffic Analysis Report Review and Comments Dear Van, The City of Oceanside Transportation Section review and comments are outlined below: 1. Page 1-1, 2"d paragraph: It should be stated that Haymar Rd. will also provide access to the project. 2. Page 1-3, last paragraph: It is stated that " ... the project proposes a park and ride lot on the north side of Haymar Drive just west of College Boulevard." Please clarify this statement as a park and ride currently exists at this location. It should be stated that a new park and ride facility will be constructed by the project in addition to the facility that currently exists. Additionally, the preferred project network alternative should be clearly identified in this section of the report narrative. 3. Pages 2-1 and 2-2: It should be understood that the City of Oceanside's Draft Circulation Element update LOS capacities has not yet been approved by the City Council. 4. Page 2-5, #2: It should be stated that if a facility is operating at LOS E or F with and without the project, even if affected facility is not significantly impacted by project traffic, then a peak hour segment analysis must be completed under project conditions. Regardless of peak hour LOS, and if there is no significant project impact, then the project will be required to contribute its fair share for improvements aimed at enhancing peak hour segment capacity and/or intersection operations. Project fair share is calculated based on the project traffic proportion of projected growth on the impacted facility. This must be completed for all scenarios. The City of Oceanside has planned improvements on College Blvd. at Plaza Dr. and on College Blvd. at Vista Way. 5. Page 3-5, Figure 3-2 & Table 3-1: The segment ADT for Lake Blvd west of Thunder in Figure 3-2 is shown as 13.8, but the segment ADT in Table 3-1 is shown as 14.8. Please revise. 1 300 NORTH COAST HIGHWAY • OCEANSIDE, CA 92054-2885 · TELEPHONE 760-435-4373 6. Page 3-6, Table 3-1: Approximately 849 project trips are anticipated to be on College Blvd. between Vista Way and Waring Road. The segment of College Blvd. between Vista Way and Waring Road must be included in the segment analysis. Please include this segment in all analysis scenarios. 7. Page 3-10, Figure 3-4: a. #1. The north leg of the intersection of El Camino Real at Vista Way should have three thru lanes with one thru lane being shared with the SB to WB right turn. b. #2. The east leg of the WB off-ramp on El Camino Real at SR78 should show shared left/right turn in middle lane. c. #3. The west leg of the EB off-ramp on El Camino Real at SR78 should be labeled "Free Right" for right turn lane. d. #11. The intersection geometry for College Blvd. at Vista Way will be modified by the Tri-City Hospital Medical Office Bldg. development project within the next 2 years. Modify geometry on south leg to include dual left turns and dual right turns. Modify geometry on east leg to include dual left turns, one thru lane and an exclusive right turn lane with overlapping phase. e. #14. The SB to WB right turn lane on north leg of College at Marron should be labeled "Free Right". f. #19. The north leg of Thunder at Lake should show only one thru lane. g. Modify the figures and related intersection analyses in all scenarios accordingly. 8. Page 3-16, Table 3-3: a. Intersection analyses should be revised based upon comments 7a. through f. listed above. b. The intersection of College Blvd. at Waring Road must be included in the intersection analyses since 849 project trips per day are expected to use this stretch of College Blvd per day. Please include this intersection in all analysis scenarios. 9. Page4-1: a. The project description states that a day-care facility "might" be included in the project. It is recommended that the specific land use for the community facilities component of the project be determined since it is factored into the overall project trip generation. b. The acres for the park and ride lot described on page 4-1 do not match the amount of acres shown in the Trip Generation table on page 4-3. c. It is understood that no reductions to project trips are assumed. This is supported by the City of Oceanside because by definition, the project cannot be considered a mixed- use since it is entirely a residential project. The project is generally described as mixed- use but there is no retail or office proposed to be integrated into the project. The project's proximity to existing retail does not make the project mixed-use. There is no transit station proposed as well and therefore no reduction in project trips should apply 2 anyway. It is requested that the references to the project as a mixed-use be removed from the study narrative. 10. Page 4-4: a. I disagree with the statement that the project is located in close proximity to employment centers other than retail. And if project access is only provided to the east from College Blvd., then residents will use their vehicles to travel to work given the proximity of existing job centers to the project. b. The proposed park and ride facility is projected to generate 520 trips per day. It is not clear in the study how much this would reduce project traffic or even if it's a viable trip reduction measure. The statement about park and ride facilities as well as transit facilities is purely qualitative and speculative within the context of this project. 11. Page 5-2, Figure 5-1: I disagree with the trip distribution percentages shown on Exhibit 5-1. The trip distribution is shown with 61% exiting/entering the project site from Haymar Drive and only 31% exiting/entering from Marron Road. The SANDAG model assumes most project traffic would access the freeways. This is counter to the concept of Smart Growth and the assertion that this project is oriented closely to employment centers. This distribution should be more evenly split with approximately 55% and 45% respectively. Moreover, I don't believe 2% of total project traffic will disappear in the existing auto dealership as depicted on Exhibit 5-l. It is highly recommended that the project trip distribution proportions be adjusted in cooperation with City of Oceanside staff. 12. Page 5-3, Figure 5-2: a. A quick check of the project ADTs revealed that some are not consistent with the project trip proportions shown on Figure 5-2. Please double check the calculations. b. The project ADTs shown on Vista Way east of College Blvd. should be approximately 2,396 ADT since there is no freeway access to westbound SR78 from northbound College Blvd. The only freeway access westbound is from Vista Way, which means all project traffic accessing SR78 must turn right from College Blvd. to Vista Way. This would also result in more project ADTs east of the westbound on-ramp on Vista Way. This appears to be the case in all project scenarios. 13. Page 5-10, Table 5-1, The following segments ADT, Existing+ Project, are incorrect per Figure 5- .f.: a. College btn. Vista Way and Plaza -only 2,941 project ADT is added. Should be 3,519 project ADT b. College btn. Plaza and Marron -only 1,000 project ADT is added. Should be 1972 project ADT c. Haymar btn. College and SR78 EB ramps-only 728 project ADT is added. Should be 744 project ADT 3 d. Haymar btn. SR78 EB ramps and Thunder -only 182 project ADT is added. Should be 212 project ADT e. Please revise Table 5-1 per comments 12a. through d. above. 14. Page 5-11. Mitigation Recommendation: a. College Blvd between Vista Way and Plaza Drive is not planned to become a prime arterial. While the City of Oceanside is recommending overriding considerations be adopted for this segment of College Blvd in the City's Circulation Element update, improvements must still be made by the project to enhance peak hour capacity along the affected segment. Please propose measures to enhance peak hour capacity as part of this traffic study. b. Lake Blvd between Thunder Drive and Sundown Lane is a significant project impact because the level of service degrades from E to F under project conditions. The City of Oceanside is recommending that overriding consideration be adopted for this segment as part of the Circulation Element update. The project must propose measures to enhance this segment of roadway in all project scenarios where project impacts occur. 15. Page 5-14, Table 5-3, the following intersections delay values differ from those listed in Table 3- 3: a. El Camino Real at Vista Way, PM b. College Blvd. at Vista Way, PM c. College Blvd. at Plaza Dr., AM & PM d. College Blvd. at Marron Rd., AM e. Please double check data input and make sure the Existing Without Project intersection delay values in Table 5-3 are consistent with those listed in Table 3-3. f. Adjust the change in delay column in Table 5-3 per comments above. 16. Page 6-1: a. The Tri-City Medical Office Building is 60,000 S.F. and will generate 3,000 ADT. The statement on page 6-1 is incorrect. This project's trip generation table is found in Appendix B. b. The trip generation table for the Robertson's Ranch project could not be found in Appendix B. 17. Page 6-2: The report states that information on cumulative projects can be found in Appendix C. This information is found in Appendix B. Please revise statement accordingly. 18. Page 6-4, Figure 6-2: Please double check cumulative ADT calculations along Vista Way and College Blvd. as they appear to be under estimated. For example, Vista Way east of the westbound SR78 on-ramp should include 2,610 ADT from Tri-City and 1672 from Robertson's Ranch for a total cumulative only ADT of 4,282. There is one exception, the cumulative only ADT on College Blvd south of Plaza Dr. appears to be over estimated. It appears that Robertson's 4 Ranch (1,672 ADT) and Tri-City (300 ADT) add a total of 1,972 cumulative only ADT on this segment of College Blvd. Also, cumulative ADT on Vista Way west of College Blvd., east of RDO is not shown on the figure. 19. Page 6-5, Figure 6-3: The Near-Term ADT on College Blvd between the Plaza Dr. and Vista Way is over estimated (using the data provided in figures 3-5 and 6-2). Using the numbers in the figures, the ADT should be 47.1k. Please double check all calculations. 20. Page 6-6, Table 6-1: a. Please revise the ADTs in Table 6-1 as necessary per comments 18 and 19 above. b. The LOS E capacity assumed for Vista Way between SR78 westbound on-/off-ramps and Thunder Drive is incorrect. Vista Way is a four-lane secondary with 30,000 LOS E capacity, not a two-lane secondary with 15,000 LOSE capacity. c. The ADT shown in Table 6-1 for Lake Blvd. between Thunder Dr. and Sundown is not consistent with the ADTs shown in Figure 6-3. d. The ADT shown in Table 6-1 for Plaza Dr. between the eastbound on-/off-ramps and Thunder Dr. is not consistent with the ADTs shown in Figure 6-3. 21. Pages 6-7 thru 6-8 and 6-12 thru 6-i4, Figure 6-4 and 6-5: Please double check cumulative peak hour turn movements. Given the errors described above, the intersection turn volumes cannot be totally correct. 22. Page 7-1, Street Segments within Oceanside: The report states that El Camino Real between Vista Way and SR78 westbound on-/off-ramps is significantly impacted by the project due to an increase in v/c of .002 .. 002 is NOT a significant impact. Revise statement. 23. Page 7-2: a. Per comment 14a. and 14b. above, College Blvd. is not planned to become a Prime Arterial in the City's Circulation Element. Revise statement under Mitigation Recommendations. b. The segment of Vista Way between SR78 westbound ramps and Thunder Dr. is not significantly impacted by the project if the change in v/c is only .013. Revise statement if necessary. c. Lake Blvd. between Thunder and Sundown is failing and should be mentioned in this section to make four segments failing as stated on page 7-1. 24. Page 7-3, Figure 7-1: a. Double check near-term +project ADT calculations per comments 12, 18 and 19 above. b. Using the project only volumes shown Figure 5-2 and near-term without project volumes in Figure 6-3, the following segment ADTs in Figure 7-1 are incorrect: i. College Blvd. north of Vista Way should be 40.1 ii. SR78 west of College should be 139.4. 5 iii. College Blvd. btn. Vista Way and Plaza should be 51.7. iv. Haymar west of College should be 4.2. 25. Page 7-7, Table 7-1: a. Adjust ADT calculations per comments above. b. Adjust change in v/c for College between Vista Way and Plaza per comment 19 above and revise Table 6-1 accordingly. This will affect the change in v/c in Table 7-1. c. Vista Way between SR78 westbound ramps and Thunder Dr. is a four-lane secondary arterial per comment 20b above. Revise table accordingly. d. Revise ADT for Plaza Dr. in Table 6-1 per comment 20d. above and adjust change in v/c in Table 7-1 accordingly. 26. Page 7-11, Table 7-3: Given some of the errors I found in the ADTs, I'm concerned that some of the intersection turn movement volumes and LOS results may be misrepresented. Please review the turn movement volumes for accuracy based upon the comments on ADTs described above. 27. Page 8-2, Figure 8-1: The project percentage distribution appears to be consistent with the SANDAG select zone plot for Alternative 1. However, I'm concerned the project isn't more oriented toward the only major transit transfer facility located at the Westfield Mall. Figure 8-1 and the SANDAG Select Zone plot only distribute 6% of the project traffic toward El Camino Real, where the transit facility in the area is located. Only 3% of the project traffic is shown at the Westfield Mall location while 11% of project traffic is absorbed within the Quarry Creek/project area. Only 24% of total project traffic is shown to travel south into the City of Carlsbad. I recommend working with me and SANDAG to manually adjust the project trip distribution for Alternative 1. 28. Page 8-3, Figure 8-2: A quick check of the Project Only volumes do not match the proportions shown in Figure 8-1. For example, it seems that 25% of 5,878 project ADT shown on ROO should equal 1,470 project ADT and not 1,517 ADT as shown on Figure 8-2. None of the project ADTs match the proportion of distributed project trips shown in Figure 8-1. Please double check the calculations. 29. Page 8-4, Figure 8-3: Most of the buildout volumes shown in Figure 8-3 do not match the SANDAG volumes in model plot. In some cases, the volumes shown in Figure 8-3 are almost double those shown in the model plot. There is no explanation in the study narrative of why this is the case. Please revise the buildout volumes on Figure 8-3 to match those shown in the SANDAG model plot. If in your opinion manual adjustment is necessary, then I would like to work with you on making those adjustments. 6 30. Page 8-5, Figure 8-4: The Buildout + Project volumes appear to be correct assuming the information shown on figures 8-2 and 8-3 are correct. However, please revise this figure per comments 27, 28 and 29 above. 31. Page 8-6: College Blvd. is not planned to become a six-lane prime arterial. While the City intends to adopt overrides for portions of College Blvd., the project shall be required to contribute its fair share toward planned improvements as described in comment 4 above. Please address all segment deficiencies as described in comment 4. 32. Page 8-7, Table 8-1: a. Please revise No Project and Project volumes per comments 27, 28, and 29 above. b. Vista Way between SR78 westbound ramps and Thunder Dr. is a four-lane secondary arterial. Please revise table accordingly. c. Plaza Dr. between SR78 eastbound ramps and Thunder Dr. will be a four-lane secondary arterial by year 2030. Please revise table accordingly. 33. Page 8-8: This section of the report should include figure/s that illustrates intersection geometry to be in place by year 2030. This must include the following: a. College Blvd. at Vista Way-the east leg will have a left turn pocket, with two through lanes and a dedicated right turn lane. b. Haymar Dr. at College Blvd.-illustrate what the proposed geometry will be under With and Without project on the west leg of this intersection. 34. Pages 8-10 and 8-12, Figure 8-5 and Table 8-3: Given some of the errors I found in the ADTs, I'm concerned that some of the intersection turn movement volumes and LOS results may be misrepresented. Please review the turn movement volumes for accuracy based upon the comments on ADTs described above. 35. Page 9-2, Figure 9-1: a. The figure shows 32% of project traffic on College Blvd. between Plaza and Marron. cannot verify if the SANDAG select link plot actually assigned this proportion of trips to this segment. The select link plot does not show a proportion on this segment. b. The figure shows 19.5% of project trips on the freeway, but it appears the select link plot only assigned 10.3%. There is no explanation in the report why this was done. c. The figure does not show a proportion of project trips on Plaza just east of College Blvd. The select link plot shows 14.4% of project trips will use this segment. d. I believe more project trips should go to the transit center at the Westfield Mall. Only 3% of project trips are assigned there. Particularly when you consider 7% of the project trips are assigned to the Walmart in Oceanside and 2% assigned to the Nissan dealership, which doesn't seem logical. 7 36. Page 9-3, Figure 9-2: The Project Only trip assignments do not correlate with the percentages shown on Figure 9-1. Please double check the calculations and revise the figure and segment analyses as necessary. 37. Page 9-4, Figure 9-3: The Buildout volumes shown on Figure 9-3 are lower than the volumes shown in the SANDAG model plot. Adjust the volumes on Figure 9-3 and revise the segment analyses as necessary. Any deviation from the SANDAG model plots must at a minimum be explained and justified in the report narrative. Moreover, any deviation from the SANAG model plot must be reviewed and approved by the City of Oceanside. 38. Page 9-5, Figure 9-4: Adjust the Buildout + Project volumes on Figure 9-4 per comments 36, 37 and 38 above. 39. Page 9-6: College Blvd. is not planned to become a six-lane prime arterial. While the City intends to adopt overrides for portions of College Blvd., the project shall be required to contribute its fair share toward planned improvements as described in comment 4 above. Please address all segment deficiencies as described in comment 4. 40. Page 9-7, Table 9-1: a. Please revise No Project and Project volumes per comments 35, 36, 37 and 38 above. b. Vista Way between SR78 westbound ramps and Thunder Dr. is a four-lane secondary arterial. Please revise table accordingly. c. Plaza Dr. between SR78 eastbound ramps and Thunder Dr. will be a four-lane secondary arterial by year 2030. Please revise table accordingly. d. The highest ADT projection for Vista Way from ROO to College Blvd. must be used in the analysis. The volume used should be 11.2 ADT and 11.4 ADT for without and with project conditions. 41. Pages 9-10 and 9-12, Figure 9-5 and Table 9-3: Given some of the errors I found in the ADTs, I'm concerned that some of the intersection turn movement volumes and LOS results may be misrepresented. Please review the turn movement volumes for accuracy based upon the comments on ADTs described above. 42. Page 10-2, Figure 10-1: a. The figure shows 23% of project traffic on College Blvd. between Plaza and Marron. cannot verify if the SANDAG select link plot actually assigned this proportion of trips to this segment. The select link plot does not show a proportion on this segment. b. The figure shows 10.5% of project trips on the freeway, but it is not clear on the SANDAG select link plot is the model actually assigned 10.5% of the project trips to this segment of SR78. c. The figure does not show a proportion of project trips on Plaza just east of College Blvd. The select link plot shows 15.8% of project trips will use this segment. 8 d. I believe more project trips should go to the transit center at the Westfield Mall. Only 13.5% of project trips are assigned to Marron Road just east of El Camino Real. It seems that the model should have assigned more project trips to the west. Particularly when you consider 6% of the project trips are assigned to the Walmart in Oceanside and 1.5% assigned to the Nissan dealership, which doesn't seem logical. 43. Page 10-3, Figure 10-2: The Project Only trip assignments do not correlate with the percentages shown on Figure 10-1. Please double check the calculations and revise the figure and segment analyses as necessary. 44. Page 10-4, Figure 10-3: The Buildout volumes shown on Figure 10-3 are lower than the volumes shown in the SANDAG model plot. Adjust the volumes on Figure 10-3 and revise the segment analyses as necessary. Any deviation from the SANDAG model plots must at a minimum be explained and justified in the report narrative. Moreover, any deviation from the SANAG model plot must be reviewed and approved by the City of Oceanside. 45. Page 10-5, Figure 10-4: Adjust the Buildout + Project volumes on Figure 10-4 per comments 42, 43 and 44 above. ADT on Plaza Dr. east of the SR78 eastbound on-/off-ramp is missing. 46. Pages 10-6 and 10-8: a. College Blvd. is not planned to become a six-lane prime arterial. While the City intends to adopt overrides for portions of College Blvd., the project shall be required to contribute its fair share toward planned improvements as described in comment 4 above. Please address all segment deficiencies as described in comment 4. b. I disagree with the statement that the project impact on Plaza Drive is "minimal". This is a significant impact to be mitigated by the project. The intersection of College at Plaza is projected to fail and is significantly impacted by the project. Revise the statement and develop an appropriate mitigation measure. This will require coordination with City staff. 47. Page 10-7, Table 10-1: a. Please revise No Project and Project volumes per comments 42, 43, 44 and 45 above. b. College Blvd between Bernard and Vista Way and Vista Way and Plaza show LOS C with ADTs over 50,000. This is incorrect. Please double check all calculations in the table. c. Vista Way between SR78 westbound ramps and Thunder Dr. is a four-lane secondary arterial. Please revise table accordingly. d. Plaza Dr. between SR78 eastbound ramps and Thunder Dr. will be a four-lane secondary arterial by year 2030. Please revise table accordingly. e. The no project ADT on Plaza between SR78 ramps and Thunder is shown to be 16.1 on Figure 10-3 but is shown as 16.7 in Table 10-1. Adjust the with project ADT for the same segment as necessary. 9 48. Pages 10-10, 10-11, 10-12, 10-13 and 10-21. Figure 10-5 and Table 10-3: a. Given some of the errors I found in the ADTs, I'm concerned that some of the intersection turn movement volumes and LOS results may be misrepresented. Please review the turn movement volumes for accuracy based upon the comments on ADTs described above. b. I'm not sure I totally agree with the recommended mitigation measure on Haymar Drive as the impact is mostly on College Blvd. Intersection improvements must include College Blvd. c. A fair share contribution toward the significant project impact to College at Plaza Dr. should be shown in the report. However, due to this intersection being one of the major access points for the project and because it is significantly impacted by the project, the project should therefore be responsible for the entire improvement. d. There's a statement that College at Vista Way is LOS E in the p.m. peak hour, but Table 10-3 show LOS "D". Additional improvements to the intersection of College Blvd. at Vista Way are planned beyond what is described in the traffic report. The project shall contribute its fair share toward the planned improvements which will include a separate westbound to northbound right turn pocket. 49. Page 11-2, Figure 11-1: a. The figure shows 32.5% of project traffic on College Blvd. between Plaza and Marron. cannot verify if the SANDAG select link plot actually assigned this proportion of trips to this segment. The select link plot does not show a proportion on this segment. b. The figure shows 19.5% of project trips on the freeway, but it appears the select link plot only assigned 9%. There is no explanation in the report why this was done. c. The figure does not show a proportion of project trips on Plaza just east of College Blvd. The select link plot shows 17.8% of project trips will use this segment. On Plaza east of the SR78 ramps, the project trip proportion should be 4.7% and not 3%. d. I believe more project trips should go to the transit center at the Westfield Mall. Only 4% of project trips are assigned there. Particularly when you consider 7% of the project trips are assigned to the Walmart in Oceanside and 2% assigned to the Nissan dealership, which doesn't seem logical. 50. Page 11-3, Figure 11-2: The Project Only trip assignments do not correlate with the percentages shown on Figure 11-1. Please double check the calculations and revise the figure and segment analyses as necessary. 51. Page 11-4, Figure 11-3: The Buildout volumes shown on Figure 11-3 are lower than the volumes shown in the SANDAG model plot. Adjust the volumes on Figure 11-3 and revise the segment analyses as necessary. Any deviation from the SANDAG model plots must at a minimum be explained and justified in the report narrative. Moreover, any deviation from the SANAG model plot must be reviewed and approved by the City of Oceanside. 10 - 52. Page 11-5, Figure 11-4: Adjust the Buildout + Project volumes on Figure 11-4 per comments 49, 50 and 51 above. 53. Page 11-6 and 11-8: a. College Blvd. is not planned to become a six-lane prime arterial. While the City intends to adopt overrides for portions of College Blvd., the project shall be required to contribute its fair share toward planned improvements as described in comment 4 above. Please address all segment deficiencies as described in comment 4. b. I disagree with the statement that the project impact on Plaza Drive is "minimal". This is a significant impact to be mitigated by the project. Revise the statement and develop an appropriate mitigation measure. This will require coordination with City staff. c. I disagree with the statement that the project impact on Plaza Drive is minor. This is a significant impact to be mitigated by the project. The intersection of College at Plaza is projected to fail and is significantly impacted by the project. Revise the statement and develop an appropriate mitigation measure. This will require coordination with City staff. 54. Page 11-7, Table 11-1: a. Please revise No Project and Project volumes per comments 49, 50, 51 and 52 above. b. Vista Way between SR78 westbound ramps and Thunder Dr. is a four-lane secondary arterial. Please revise table accordingly. c. Plaza Dr. between SR78 eastbound ramps and Thunder Dr. will be a four-lane secondary arterial by year 2030. Please revise table accordingly. 55. Pages 11-10, 11-11. 11-12, Figure 11-5 and Table 11-3: Given some of the errors I found in the ADTs, I'm concerned that some of the intersection turn movement volumes and LOS results may be misrepresented. Please review the turn movement volumes for accuracy based upon the comments on ADTs described above. 56. Conclusions section starting on Page 12-1: a. The conclusions section must be revised per the comments above. Revisions to segment and intersection analyses must be completed, which could change the outcome of the conclusions and recommendations. b. Mitigation measures/fair share contributions must be developed and approved by City of Oceanside staff for all affected street segments and intersections. The agreed upon mitigation measures/fair share contributions can then be stated in the traffic report. c. Any fair share contributions toward planned improvements must be developed and shown in the traffic report. These figures must then be reviewed and approved by City of Oceanside staff. 11 - 57. Circulation Network Alternatives Comparison starting on Page 12-10: a. The City of Oceanside's Circulation Element network currently includes the ROO interchange and Marron Road extension. If the updated Circulation Element's Alternative 1 is approved by the City Council (by summer 2012), then the ROO interchange shall remain, but with no extension south into Carlsbad. b. The City of Oceanside recommends that Marron Road is extended to provide some traffic relief to College Blvd. and Vista Way within the City of Oceanside. c. The preferred network alternatives should be clearly stated at the beginning of the report. 58. Page 12-11. Table 12-1: a. I recommend working with City of Oceanside staff to refine the Mitigation Summary table to include approved mitigation measures and fair share contributions. b. The recommendation for mitigations or fair share contributions toward project impacts may change after revising the traffic report per the comments listed above. c. The City shall provide the cost of planned improvements for those impacts that the project contributes a fair share. d. Fair share contribution proportions should be listed in the table also. In summary, I'm concerned about the level of quality control in this traffic report. I cannot support the findings and recommendations in the traffic analysis as it currently stands. I would like to work with you and the traffic consultant to refine the project trip distribution and assignment, segment and intersection analyses, and provide general oversight regarding quality control. Moreover, the City of Oceanside needs to have better coordination with the traffic consultant regarding project impacts and associated mitigation measures/fair share contributions. The recommendations for mitigation measures in the traffic report should be reviewed and approved by the City of Oceanside prior to project approval. The Quarry Creek II Traffic Study Scope of Work dated November 16, 2010 states the following, " ... coordination and meetings with both jurisdictions will be required throughout the preparation of the study." This did not occur as I had expected. In prior coordination meetings held in 2010, the City of Carlsbad and the traffic consultant agreed to include an analysis alternative that consolidated the existing traffic signal on College Boulevard at the SR78 eastbound off-ramp with the traffic signal on College Boulevard at Haymar Drive. This alternative was meant to increase segment capacity along College Boulevard to further minimize anticipated project impacts. The revised traffic analysis report should include this alternative which is to be coordinated with the City of Oceanside and Caltrans. It should be clearly understood that while the City of Oceanside intends to adopt overriding considerations for portions of College Blvd, this does not negate the need for the proposed project to improve their impacts to Oceanside roadways and intersections. It should also be understood that a significant impact occurs when a facility goes from acceptable to unacceptable level of service {LOS) under With Project conditions. 12 -- The traffic analysis report must also include a buildout analysis that compares the current General Plan and Zoning to the proposed project. I would be happy to meet with you and the traffic consultant to discuss my comments. Please feel free to contact me direct at 760-435-5091 or you may send e-mail to Jamberson@ci.oceanside.ca.us. John Amberson Transportation Planner cc: George Buell, Development Services Director Scott Smith, City Engineer Jerry Hittleman, City Planner David Dipierro, City Traffic Engineer 13 ' . LAND USE/COASTAL PLANNING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE • LA3900 POLICY AND PROCESSING ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATION RECEIVED PLANNING I SYSTEMS -DEC 2 2 2011 December 21,2011 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DIVISION Mr. Van Lynch CITY OF CARLSBAD Planning Department 1635 Faraday Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008 SUBJECT: Dear Mr. Lynch: RESPONSE TO 2nd REVIEW GPA 11-09/ZC 11-04/MP 10-01/CT 11-04/HMP 11-05/HMP 11-07/HDP 11-04 QUARRY CREEK Per your letter dated November 28, 2011, identifying Staff items and issues with the submittal package of the above-referenced application package and plans, McMillin Companies has commissioned modifications to the documents and plans as requested. To this end, attached with this cover letter please find the following: • Five (5) copies of the revised Master Plan (Strike-out version) • Seven (7) copies of the revised Master Vesting Tentative Map+ Landscape Plans • Two (2) copies of the revised Drainage Study • Two (2) copies of the revised Preliminary SWMP • One (1) copy ofthe Bridge Scour Analysis • Two (2) copies of the revised Sewer Study • Two (2) copies of the Water Study • One (1) copy of the Hydromodification Screening Tool (SCCWRP report) • One (1) copy Intersection Spacing on Street 'B' Report • One (I) copy of the Request for Waiver-Intersection Spacing • One (1) copy Letter report from GeoCon regarding Lot 12 Bench Slope • Redlined plans (return) Below are responses and methods that we are addressing the City comments, in the order of comments listed in the November 28 letter. ITEMS NEEDED TO COMPLETE THE APPLICATION Planning 1. Please submit the application and submittal requirements for the Local Facilities Management Plan. Response: An LFMP document (5 copies) and application fee was submitted on 12119111. 2. An EIR will be required for the CEQA review of the project. A letter under separate cover has requested the filing of an EIR. Response: This information is acknowledged by the applicant. 3. The Vesting Tentative Map identifies the project as a 656 unit condominium project. Please submit an application for a Planned Development Permit to accompany the Tentative Tract Map. 1 1530 FARADAY AVENUE • SUITE 100 • CARLSBAD, CA 92008 • (760) 931-0780 • FAX (760) 931-5744 • info@planningsystems.net Additional Tentative Tract Map fees will also be applicable based on unit count. If the Planned Unit Development Permit is to be processed with the subsequent subdivision of the property, please remove this note from the plans. Response: The referenced note has been removed from the plan. 4. Additional technical studies will be required for the project. These include; Noise Analysis, Air Quality, C02 hotspot analysis, and a Water Supply Analysis. Staff understands that the EIR consultant selected will prepare these studies. Additional technical studies may be needed and they will be determined upon further review of the project and during the EIR process. Response: The applicant has not authorized preparation of these documents and anticipates that the EIR consultant or his sub-consultants will prepare these documents as part of the EIR analysis. Engineering A) Master Plan: I. As previously requested, submit for city approval a Local Facilities Management Plan (LFMP) for local facilities management zone 25 as required by CMC 21.90.03(a). Response: The Draft Zone 25 LFMP was submitted on 12119111. 2. As previously requested, submit a preliminary potable water study that identifies the peak demands of the project (includingjirejlow demands). The study shall identifY velocity in the main lines; invert elevations, required pipe sizes and pressure zones. The Quarry Creek development is in the 330 pressure zone. There are two connection points two the existing water mains in the 446 pressure zone from the acijacent Cal avera Hills development. The water study must evaluate the need for pressure reducing stations at two connection points along Street A as shown in the redlined plans. Show proposed locations of the pressure reducing stations on the revised water master plan. Response: Two copies of a water study are provided with this resubmittal package, as requested. B) Tentative Map: 1. Please submit a preliminary potable water study that identifies the peak demands of the project (includingjireflow demands). The study shall identifY velocity in the main lines; invert elevations, required pipe sizes and pressure zones. The pressure zone for Quarry Creek development is 330 and it connects to two existing water mains at 446 pressure zone. The water study must evaluate the need for pressure reducing stations at two connection points along street A as shown in the red-lined plans. Show proposed locations of the proposed pressure reducing stations on the revised site plan. Response: Two copies of a Water Study are included with this resubmittal. 2. Please submit a Hydromodification Screening using SCCWRP screening tool to justifY the use of 05Q2 flow threshold for hydromodification continuous simulation analysis. Response: One (I) copy of the Hydromodification Screening using SCCWRP screening tool is included with this resubmittal. ISSUES OF CONCERN Planning 11~1 0 - 1. The Biotechnical report is currently being reviewed by staff. Comments will be provided when review is completed. Response: This statement is acknowledged by the applicant. 2. Comments on the Master Plan have been provided via a marked up copy of the plan. Following are some specific comments regarding the Master Plan. a. The requested setback reduction to five feet from public and private streets for R-1 and R-2 will not result in a substantial benefit to the project because of the slopes shown on the plans. The slopes in essence will prevent buildings from being place closer than the typical 10 loot minimum setback required for non-circulation element public streets, Staff does not support the reduction of the setbacks without a justification for the benefits of the requested reduction. The project shall provide the justification to show that the requested reduction is needed to provide for the development of the site per the Master Plan. This may entail more site design and layout work to justifY said request. The project may also request a reduction of development standards for the provision of inclusionary units. This comment also holds true for Planning Area R-3 where a reduced setback is requested from the proposed collector street (Marron Road). Response: The reduced setbacks are included to provide for urban design only, on internal local streets. This information is referenced in the revised Master Plan. b. Figure 5 (General Plan Map per Housing Element Apprqval) is not a correct exhibit. The Housing Element did not designate property to a specific land use and only allocated units at specific densities. The exhibit also shows open space per the conservation easement which has not been changed in the Land Use Element. The remainder of the open space reflects the HMP boundary (although incorrectly) and is also not an approved Open Space Land Use. This exhibit _ shall be removed from the Master Plan as it does not provide a true and accurate representation. Response: The reference General Plan Map per Housing Element Approval map has been revised. c. Section 1.6, Please review the 2008 Farmland mapping (ftp://fip.consrv.ca.gov/ pub/dlrp/FMMP!pd(!2008/sdg08 west.pdO which identifies the site as farmland of local importance. This will also be analyzed in the EIR. Response: This statement is acknowledged by the applicant. d. Section 2.3, Add a Section 2.2.3, Open Space and Conservation Element. Response: A Section 2.2.3, Open Space and Conservation Element has been added to the Master Plan, as requested. e. All setbacks shall be landscaped. Permitted intrusions into required setbacks are per Chapter 21.46.120 (Yards Section). The "Structural Setbacks" should be defined as to prohibit structures, parking spaces parking lots driveways, drive aisles or private streets except as to allow access to the project. Response: 'Fhis wording regarding structural setbacks has been added to the Master Plan. f Street "A" is shown to encroach into the "Planning Buffer" near its intersection with Street "B ". Please move Street "A" 30 feet southerly to remove it from the planning buffer. The project is already required to process a standards deviation for the reduced intersection spacing. Response: A traffic analysis of the consequences of moving Street 'A' southerly is included with this resubmittal package. I PLANNING I ••I SYSTEMS g. The transfer of dwelling units between Planning Area shall include a statement that the growth control point densities shall be achieved and the densities shall not exceed the upper range of the General Plan designation unless a density bonus is requested. Response: This statement has been added to the Master Plan, as requested. 3. Comments have been provided on the Vesting Tentative Map via redline markup. Response: This statement is acknowledged by the applicant. The Redlined plans are included with this resubmittal. Additional responses to the redline comments have been added to the marked-up VTM. Please see the resubmitted redlines. 4. The project shall provide a trail connection from Street "A" to Simsbury Ct. by way of a long traverse up the 2:1 slope (in both east and west directions). Response: A trail has been shown on the Master Plan (Figures 19 and 25) in the location requested. Also, a conceptual trail alignment is shown on Sheet 6 of the MTM. Per our discussion at the City meeting on 12/14111, the trail will not be required to meet ADA standards and therefore stairs will be allowed. We will continue to work with the Planning Department and the Calavera Hills community. with design alternatives for the exact location of the proposed trail. Engineering Comments A) Master Plan 1. There are 101 proposed dwelling units in Lot 1 and 72 dwelling units on Lot 3, both exceeding the maximum of 24 units allowed for single entry development per Chapter 3, section 3C of City of Carlsbad Engineering Standards. Please provide additional access points for Lot 1 and Lot 3 to comply with engineering standard and fire department requirements. Revise Figures 16 and 18 accordingly. Response: An additional access point has been added to the Master Plan, on Figures 16 and 43. 2. On page IV-2 of the master plan, it is indicated that a secondary access for planning area R-1 will be provided through planning area R-2. Please show its location the Figure 16. This proposed secondary access through R-2 does not appear to provide an additional access point from R-1 to Street C. All 101 units from R-1 will still have one access point to Street C. Provide additional access point for planning area R-1 and revise Figure 43 accordingly. Response: The access points have been revised on Figures 16 and 43. 3. On page Vll-3, Figure 43, shows intersection spacing at two locations that does not meet engineering standards. Intersection spacing variance must be approved by the city engineer prior to approval of the vehicular circulation plan. Submit a waiver request letters with justifications for city engineer for consideration. Response: Intersection spacing waiver requests will be requested, and justification provided, as necessary. 4. Show existing Marron Road to the west and indicate that a cul-de-sac improvement will be provided at the easterly terminus of Marron Road by this development. Response: A note has been added to Figure 43 indicating that cul-de-sac improvements will be provided at the easterly terminus of Marron Road. 5. On figure 45, add an additional sewer main to serve planning area R-1, fr l PLANNING I •• , I ~~SY~S~T~E~M~S~~~~~~~~ - along the southerly boundary of R-2. Show the existing sewer interceptor line along Haymar Drive and the existing sewer mains from the Simsbury lift station and the private lift station in the Quarry Creek commercial center. Response: The sewer line graphics have been modified as per the comment above. This is shown on revised Figure 45. 6. On Figure 46, extend potable to Street Cfrom Haymar Drive to serve planning area R-1. Response: A potable water line has been extended to Street 'C' from Haymar Drive to serve PA R-1, on Figure 46, as requested. 7. On Figure 46, recycled water to Haymar Drive and to Street C to serve planning area R-1 and extend recycled water along Street A to the east to serve P-2. Response: This modification has been made on Figure 46. 8. On Figure 46, show recycled waterline connection point at Tamarack Avenue. Response: The recycled water line connection in Tamarack A venue is shown graphically on revised Figure 46. 9. On page IV-5, it is stated that a vehicular access drive to the adjacent open space parcel within the City of Oceanside shall be provided through planning area R-1. Please indicate/show location of such vehicular access. Provide proof that this proposed access has been coordinated with and approved by the City of Oceanside. Response: Figure 16 shows the conceptual alignment of vehicular and pedestrian access to the Oceanside parcel. We have provided the graphic to the City of Oceanside for their review and comment. 10. On Figure 43, show vehicular access to planning area P-5. Response: Conceptual vehicular access routing has been shown to PA P-5, on Figure 43. 11. On page V-6, under section 5.14, 1, in the last paragraph, state that the Master HOA is responsible for the maintenance of the existing levee and existing storm drain pipes and outlet structures within Buena Vista Creek. Response: These additional responsibilities for the Master HOA have been added to the Master Plan on p. V -6, as requested. 12. Previous comment not addressed: The proposed Quarry Creek vehicle circulation plan should show adjacent existing developments and existing streets beyond the project boundary lines. Show how the proposed on-site circulation system ties into the existing circulation system. Response: Surrounding access roadways beyond the project are shown on revised Figure 3, the Surrounding Land Uses Map. 13. Previous comment not addressed: The proposed Quarry Creek sewer master plan should show existing developments and existing sewer main beyond the project boundary lines. Show how the proposed on-site sewer main ties into the off-site sewer main. Show the invert elevations. Response: The Master Plan sewer figure has been revised on Figure 31. Also, a sewer report is provided with this resubmittal package. We have never seen sewer main invert elevations shown on a Land Use- oriented Master Plan. I PLANNING I •• , SYSTEMS 14. Previous comments not addressed: The proposed Quarry Creek water master plan should show existing developments and existing water main beyond the project boundary lines. Show how the proposed on-site water main ties into the existing off-site water main. Response: The Master Plan water figure has been revised on Figure 32. Also, a water report is provided with this resubmittal package. 15. Previous comments not addressed: The proposed Quarry Creek drainage master plan should show adjacent, existing developments and the existing drainage system beyond the project boundary. Response: The Master Plan drainage figure has been revised on Figure 31. B) Tentative Map 1) On the site plari, show all access points to all planning areas. It appears that Lot I and Lot 3 have only one access point as shown on the proposed master plan. There are 101 proposed dwelling units in Lot 1 and 72 dwelling units on Lot 3, both exceeded the maximum of 24 units allowed for single entry development per Chapter 3, section 3C of City of Carlsbad Engineering Standards. Please provide additional access points to comply with engineering standard and fire department requirements. Response: A new sheet has been added to the VTM (Sheet 13) that shows the proposed secondary access points into all proposed lots. 2) Provide and show on the site plan a gravity sewer main to serve Lot 1. Provide a minimum of 20 foot wide sewer easement for the proposed sewer main. Response: A gravity sewer main to serve Lot 1 has been provided. Please see Sheet 3 of the VTM. 3) Show water main to serve Lot 1. The current site plan does not show water main along Street C. If street C is private, indicate the required general utility easement on the plan. Response: A water main has been added in Street C to serve Lot 1. Please see Sheet 3 of the VTM. 4) Provide proof that the proposed water connection to the existing waterline at Haymar Drive has been coordinated with and approved by the City of Oceanside, Response: The plan has been revised to eliminate the water connection in Haymar Drive. Please see Sheet 3 ofthe VTM. As a result, coordination with the City of Oceanside is no longer needed, as the water service is from the City of Carlsbad. 5) ClarifY point of termination of the proposed waterline at Street A. Show that it terminates at the last fire hydrant that serves Lot 7. Please coordinate with the fire department for the locations of the required fire hydrants to serve this development. Response: The plan has been revised to eliminate the water main connection in Street A. A proposed fire hydrant is located in Street at Station 4+80 to serve Lot 7. We will coordinate with the Fire Department for approval of proposed fire hydrant locations shown on the VTM. 6) Extend proposed recycled water main to Haymar Drive to serve Lot 1. Response: The plan has been revised to extend the recycled water main in Haymar Drive to serve Lot 1. Please see Sheet 3 ofVTM 7) Extend propD'ed recycled water main along Street A to the east to "rve Lo1~r=P~sL~YANN~S~T~E~~~s~G~·~~~~-~~~~ Response: The plan has been revised to extend the recycled water main in Street A to serve Lot 7. Please see Sheet 4 ofVTM. 8) Clearly delineate lot boundaries. Make lot lines heavier to differentiate them from contours and other lines. Response: Lot line boundaries have been revised with differing line weights to make them clearer to distinguish. Please see the revised VTM. 9) Coordinate and obtain approval from City of Vista for proposed sewer connection at Haymar Drive. Response: The applicant will continue working with the City's Sewer Department to obtain approval for the proposed sewer connection in Haymar Drive. It is our understanding that the City will take the lead on coordinating and obtaining sewer capacity rights for the proposed sewer main connection into the VC-l sewer segment, as shown in VTM and Quarry Creek Sewer Report dated December 21,2011. 1 0) Provide proof that the sewer connection to the adjacent property has been coordinated with adjacent property owner and City of Oceanside. Response: The adjacent property will be part of the overall land transfer from Hanson Aggregates to Quarry Creek Investors (McMillin). We will coordinate with the City of Oceanside on access to utilities· for this parcel. · 11) ClarifY symbols for sewer lines, water lines and recycled water lines. The "S", "W" and "RW" are illegible. Use a minimum lettering size of 11101h of an inch. Response: Symbols for all proposed wet utilities have been revised. Please see the revised VTM. 12) Provide terrace drains between top and bottom of slopes at every 25 feet in height for cut slopes greater than 40 feet and fill slopes greater than 30 feet per standard drawing GS-14. Response: Brow ditches have been added to the top of cut slopes. Please see the revised VTM. Brow ditches are not being proposed in the 2:1 slopes. A waiver of GS-14, along with accompanying supporting exhibits and recommendations, is being submitted for your consideration and approval. 13) Label (indicate size and type of storm drain) all existing storm drains as shown in the reclamation plan. Reference the drawing number and sheet of the approved drawing. Indicate clearly which portions of the existing pipes are to be removed and or replaced Response: The resubmitted VTM has been revised to call out the size and type of all storm drains, both existing and proposed. Please see the revised VTM. 14) The existing storm drain and outlet structures within Buena Vista Creek conservation easement have been sized based on discharges (Qs) and velocities (Vs) from the hydrology report by Chang Consultants for the Quarry Creek reclamation plan. On the site plan, show the existing and post development Qs and Vs comparisons for the 100 year storm event at the five existing discharge points into Buena Vista Creek. Show that the proposed Qs and Vs do not exceed the design Qs and Vs as shown in the approved reclamation grading plan DWG 470-5A. Response: The resubmitted VTM has been revised to show the ultimate Q'sN's and post project Q'sN's. Please see the revised VTM. 15) Provide storm drain cleanout structures at public right-of-way lines to provide separation b,tw,,n th' pd,ate and public "o'm drain Jocilitie> "' 'hown in the "<1-lhflr;ei~fNG II ll SYSTEMS I ' •.. Response: Based on our meeting with City representatives on 12114, the delineation between private versus public storm drains needs to be reviewed by Glen Van Peski and the Land Use Engineering Staff. For discussion sake, we have provided an exhibit showing the applicant's proposed distribution of public vs. private storm drains, per our interpretation. At the time that we receive direction from the City, the VTM will be revised accordingly. 16) Add separation dimensions between proposed utilities within proposed and existing streets. Response: Dimensions have been added to the revised VTM, as requested. 17) The site plan indicates proposed 25 feet storm drain easements for storm drain pipes and outlet structures· at jive discharge points into Buena Vista Creek. Per the approved reclamation plan, these storm drains and outlet structures are private and will remain privately maintained by the master homeowners association of Quarry Creek development. This project will be conditioned to enter into an agreement with the city for the perpetual maintenance all storm drains and outlet structures within the Buena Vista Creek conservation easement. Please label all storm drains system within the Buena Vista Creek as private. Response: VTM has been updated to indicate the 25-foot storm drains as private easements, as well as providing labels for the private storm drain outlets. Please see the revised VTM. 18) The site plan shows a proposed FEMA easement for the existing levee. Per the approved reclamation plan, the levee is privately maintained and will remain privately maintained by the future homeowner's association for this development. This project will be conditioned to enter into an agreement with the city for the perpetual maintenance of the levee. Please coordinate with FEMA and verify FEMA 's levee requirements on the levee. Response: The VTM has been revised to revise note for the levee. Please see Sheets 3 and 4 of the revised VTM. 19) The site plan indicates that the two existing bioswales, treatment BMPs for off-site flows, are being replaced with water polishers. Indicate the manufacturer on the plan. Show that the treatment capacity of the replacement BMP is equivalent to the existing bioswale BMP. Show proposed locations of the proposed water polishers on the site plan. Response: Please see the Preliminary Storm Water Management Plan for Quarry Creek, included with this resubmittal for the information requested above. 20) Show how Lot 8 drainage is controlled and where it discharges. Show an inlet structure as shown on the hydrology map. Response: The VTM has been revised to show the proposed inlet (located within the proposed storm drain easement) that will serve for Lot 8's drainage. Please see Sheet 4 of the revised VTM. 21) Show and label a proposed general utility easement for waterline and other utilities within the proposed private Street C. Response: The VTM has been revised to call out a proposed general utility easement over private Street C. Please see Sheet 3 of the VTM. 22) The site plan shows Lot 1 grading extending beyond the property lines into the adjacent parcel in Oceanside. Indicate on the site plan that the proposed grading in Oceanside is "NOT A PART" of this development approval. A separate permit application must be processed with the City of Oceanside by the developer for any proposed grading within the City of Oceanside. llr I ~PSL~:s~~~EM~N;~.--,==·::::=1111 Response: The applicant is aware of the requirement to process grading plans and pull a permit through the City of Oceanside for grading ofthe section outside ofthe Carlsbad city limits. 23) Please revise the proposed locations of potable waterline and recycled waterline along the proposed bridge as shown in the red-lined plans. They must be located along the edge of the bridge under the sidewalk for ease of access during maintenance and repair. Response: The VTM has been revised to relocate the water and recycled mains along the proposed bridge, as requested. Please see Sheets 4 and 12 of the revised VTM. 24) On sheet 6 of the site plan, switch utility locations from north side to south side of street or vice- versa at the knuckle location with 90 degrees bends to avoid multiple angle bends along Street A. Response: Utilities have been modified to avoid multiple angle bends in Street A. Please see Sheet 6 of the revised VTM. 25) Obtain an additional I 5 feet wide easement from the adjacent Calavera Hills development to cover both the proposed reclaimed water main and the existing I 4" water main from Tamarack Avenue. Response: The VTM has been revised to provide an additional 15-foot wide easement for the proposed water and recycled mains within the Calavera Hills development. Please see Sheets 6 and 8 of the VTM. In the event that acquisition of these mains is not feasible, the City has indicated that they would achieve acquisition through eminent domain. 26) Provide a minimum of 30 foot wide easement to cover both the proposed 6" reclaimed water main and I 2" potable water main across Lot I 4. Provide a minimum of I 0 feet separation between the two waterlines. Response: The VTM has been revised to provide a 30-foot water and recycled main easement in Lot 14. Please see Sheets 6 and 8 of the VTM. 27) Show a vehicular access to Lot 10. Response: A conceptual vehicular access alignment has been provided to serve Lot 10. Please see Sheets 7 and 13 ofthe VTM. 28) On sheet 8, provide a minimum of IO feet separation between the proposed recycled water and existing potable waterline along Tamarack Avenue. Obtain approval from utilities director for any standards waiver regarding potable and recycled waterline. Response: The VTM has been revised to provide the 1Oft separation between water and recycled mains in Tamarack Avenue. Per our meeting with City Staff on 12114, consideration is being given to modifying the alignment of the proposed recycled main as it crosses the intersection of Tamarack A venue and Milford Place. This modification may be necessary due to existing utilities at the Milford Place (two existing water mains and sewer). If it is determined that modification is necessary, the proposed recycled main would need to be realigned as shown on Sheet 8 ofVTM. 29) Sheet I I cross-sections must include profiles of the existing ground. Response: The VTM has been revised to call out the existing ground in the cross sections. Please see Sheet 11 ofthe revised VTM. 30) With the proposed elimination of the westerly extension of Marron Road from the project site, the pmject mu,, P'"''d' cu/-de-,ac imprm>emeni, "' the exi,ing eastedy /err~:, ""~ •II located west of the project site. Show proposed improvements on the site plan. Response: Per our meeting with City Staff on 12114, the project will be conditioned to provide a termination at the westerly end of Marron Road. Final design of the termination will be worked out with Staff via separate exhibits. The Master Plan has been revised to add a note to Figure 43 (Vehicular Circulation Plan) which states that "Marron Road connection to El Camino Real to be eliminated. Cul-de- sac improvements to be provided at easterly terminus." 31) Coordinate and obtain approval from NCTD for the design of the proposed Park and Ride facility on Lot 6. Response: The applicant acknowledges that we will need approval from NCTD before the Park and Ride facility can be constructed. 32) Two access points to Lot 8 and Lot 5 as shown on the master plan does not meet intersection spacing requirement for street intersections. Submit a waiver request letter with justifications for city review in the next review submittal, Response: Two access points have been added to Lot 5. Please see Sheets 5 and 13 of VTM. The proposed intersection spacing for Lot 5 is 150ft, which meets City standards forT-intersection spacing for local road standards. Per the Master Plan, Lot 8 is a 1.0 acre Community Recreation Area. This facility is for the benefit of the residents of Quarry Creek, and thus it is only expected to contain one small parking lot. Only one access point is necessary for this lot. 33) Comply with all other comments shown on red-lined plans. Response: The VTM has been revised to address the redline comments provided on 11/30/11. All comments have been addressed and/or responses provided for each comment. C) Hydrology Report 34) The Hydrology prepared by Project Design Consultants for Quarry Creek development did not provide analysis of existing storm drain pipe and outlet structures at five discharge points into Buena Vista Creek, Please provide hydraulic analysis and calculations showing that the post development discharges (Qs) and velocities (Vs) for 100 year storm event at all discharge points do not exceed the design Os and Vs from hydrology report by Chang Consultants for Quarry Creek reclamation plan as shown in the approved DWG 470-5A. Add pre and post development comparisons of Q and Vat five outfal/s on the drainage map. Response: A revised Hydrology Report is being provided with this resubmittal package. D) SWMP Report 35) The pre-project condition for this development must be based on the topography shown on the approved reclamation grading plan DWG 470-SA. Please revise the statement on Page 2 of the SWMP report, stating that the pre-project condition is based on the site topography created from aerial photography dated 2006 by Project Design Consultants. Response: Pursuant to our meeting with City Staff on 12114, it was determined that specific to this project, the Hanson Reclamation graded condition is a manufactured condition, and not representative of the watershed runoff historically discharged to the downstream channels. Therefore, in this instance, the pre-project condition is more appropriate to be based on the site topography dated 2006. The Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) has been updated to include discussion as to the reason it is appropriate to use the hi•torical topogrnphy fo' the P'e-projeot hydromodifioation analy•i• ., oppo•rr ~.t!!' rd] •II (reclamation) condition topography. 36) The discharge point of the Lot 9 bio-retention basin (treatment BMP for portions of Lot 4) appears to be downstream of POC2 (point of compliance 2) as shown on the SWMP exhibits. Please revise location of point of compliance to include all runoffs from the eastern portion of Lot 4. Response: The revised SWMP analysis and report have been revised to include an additional POC at the location of the discharge point from the Lot 9 bio-retention basin, labeled EDB 2-4 on the SWMP exhibit. 37) On page 10, under identification of receiving waters, it is indicated that an exhibit titled "Hydrologic Unit for Quarry Creek" has been provided in Appendix B. However, Appendix B contains only the HMP applicability determination matrix. Response: The revised SWMP has been revised to include the exhibit titled "Hydrologic Unit for Quarry Creek" in Appendix B. 38) On page 18, the table showing treatment BMP sizing shows impervious areas for each drainage management area (DMA). Please provide impervious area calculations, The impervious area calculations must be based on the ultimate land use of each DMA. Response: Please refer to Appendix D of the SWMP for impervious area calculations. The impervious area calculations are shown in the table titled "Land Use Combination Parameters -Post- project" and are based on the ultimate land use of each DMA. 39) The project uses a 0.5Q2 threshold for SDHM analysis to comply with hydromodification requirements. Page 22 of the SWMP report indicates that a SCCWRP report has been prepared by Chang Consultants to justifY the use of the lower flow threshold in the continuous simulation analysis. The City did not receive the SCCWRP report during this submittal. Please include in the next review submittal package. Response: The SCCWRP is being submitted as part of this resubmittal package. 40) The water quality drawdown time calculations were not provided in the SWMP report. Please add draw down time calculations for each proposed bio-retentions basins in the revised SWMP report. Response: The SWMP has been revised to include drawdown time calculations for each proposed bioretention extended detention facility. These calculations are included in Appendix C of the revised report. 41) Please complete the applicant information and signature block on page 3 of the Storm Water Standard Questionnaire (Form E-34). Response: The SWMP has been revised to include a completed signature block on page 3 of the Storm Water Standard Questionnaire (Form E-34), as requested. E) Sewer Study 42) Revise the sewer study to include a sewer main to serve Lot 1. Response: The sewer study has been revised per this comment. This sewer study is included with this resubmittal package. 43) Comply with other comments shown in red in the sewer study. Response: The revised sewer study addresses the redline comments. F) Traffic Report 44) The traffic report is currently being reviewed by a third party consultant. Comments will be provided when review is completed Response: This information is acknowledged. G) Resubmittal 45) Please submit the following documents in the next review submittal: a) 7 copies of revised preliminary site plan b) One copy each of the revised SWMP, hydrology report, bridge scour analysis and sewer study c) Two copies of water study d) One copy of Hydromodification Screening Tool (SCCWRP report) e) Two copies of Local Facilities Management Plan (LFMP) f) 1st review redlined plans and red-lined reports Response: The above information is being provided with this resubmittal package. Landscaping Comments REPEAT COMMENTS 1. Completed The project slopes will provide adequate landscape buffers from Haymar Rd and SR 78. Response: Completed. 2-3. Completed 4. Please show the 1 0' landscape buffer along the Buena Vista Creek (per paragraph 8 on page IV- 19) on Figure 19. 2" Review: The applicant has responded: "This landscape buffer along the Buena Vista Creek has been eliminated inasmuch as the City of Oceanside has required a 50-foot planning buffer in this location in their approval of the Reclamation program. This planning buffer is shown in the Master plan. " Please show the planning buffer in Figure 19 and describe it in the text. Response: The Buena Vista Creek wetlands are of sufficient distance away that the planning buffer does not affect PA R-4. So no change has been made to Figure 19 in this regard. 5-9. Completed 10. 6.4.1 -Entry Treatments and Signage, Page Vl-6: Please provide conceptual sketches of the Community Entry Monumentation with landscaping to clarifY scale, materials and design. 2nd Review: Figure 37: Please provide additional detailing in the "Entry A" and "Entry B" conceptual layouts showing the approximate proposed size of the area and conceptual layout of the planting areas. More information is needed in order to establish direction and desires. Response: Inasmuch as the entry monumentation design is very important to the project applicant, it will take a little longer to provide this information. We are hopeful that the design of the entry treatments will not hold up the processing of the Master Plan. 11-17. Completed -- 18. 6.4.3 -Landscaping Plant Palette, Page Vl-9, paragraph 1: The Master Plan references a Design Guidelines Manual. When will this Manual be provided for City review? 2nd Review: The applicant has responded: "Reference to the Design Guidelines Manual has been eliminated, and landscape criteria has been added to the Master Plan (Chapter 6), as requested by the Planning Department. " Please delete invasive species from the plant lists (i.e. Schinus molle, Echium, etc.). Check all plants against the California Invasive Plant Inventory as published by the California Invasive Plant Council. Response: These invasive species have been eliminated from the plant lists on pp VI-27, 28 and 29. 19-22. Completed 23. Fuel Modification Zone, Page Vl-11, paragraph 1: The Master Plan references "single loaded streets". Please clarify what a single loaded street is and clarify that a minimum 60' structural setback will always be required/provided 2nd Review: The applicant has responded: "For these purposes, a single loaded street is defined as a public street with housing on one side only. This, since the public street right-of-way totals 60-feet in width, the single loaded street will accommodate at least a 60-foot setback. " Page Vl-21, Figure 32: Please note that trees are not allowed within fire suppression zones 1 and 2. Please clarify where the 60 'fire suppression zone is located in all scenarios on Figure 32 insuring that there are no trees within zones 1 and 2. Response: Wording has been added to the Master Plan (p. VI-19) to clarify that trees are not allowed within fire suppression zones 1 and 2. 24-27 Completed 28. Fencing, Page Vl-17: Please provide conceptual sketches of the production fencing to clarify scale, materials and design. Clarify where non-combustible fencing will be required when located adjacent to fire suppression zones. ~Review: The applicant has responded: "The revised Master Plan stipulates that wood fencing shall not be used within fire suppression zones on p. Vl-37. No conceptual sketches of the wood fencing have been provided in the Master Plan." Please provide a conceptual sketch of the wood fencing. Response: The applicant believes that it is not necessary or productive to include sketches of wood fencing to be installed between the residential lots in a master plan. No determination on the details of the wood fencing has been made at this time. 29-31 Completed. NEW COMMENTS JA. Page /V-16, PLANNING BUFFER: Please revise the first sentence to read: "A planning buffer shall be provided on the north side. Revise "south" to "north". Response: This change has been made on p. IV-16. 2A. Page IV-17, Special Design Criteria: Please specify the width of the Street B landscape buffer. Response: This buffer width has been added on p. IV -17. I PLANNING I ••I SYSTEMS 3A. Page IV-25, Special Design Criteria: Please specifY the width of the Street A landscape buffer. Response: A 10-foot setback is provided at the public street frontage for PA R-5 as indicated in the table on p. IV-25. 4A. Page IV-40, Figure 41: Please provide a wall cap with a minimum 1" overhang on each side of the Community Theme wall. Response: A wall cap with a minimum 1" overhang has been provided on Figure 41. 5A. Page Vl-3, Special Design Criteria, paragraph 3: Please revise "Figure 43" to "Figure 42 ". Response: This change has been made on p. VI-3, as requested. 6A. Figure 42: Please delete invasive species from the plant legend (i.e. Echium). Check all plants against the California Invasive Plant Inventory as published by the California Invasive Plant Council. Response: Invasive plants have been deleted from the plant lists. 7 A, Figure 33: The Master Plan proposes a 5' parkway for Streets A and B. When the curb width is subtracted there is a width of 4.5' of planting area. Large trees (i.e. Platanus racemosa and Quercus agrifolia, etc.) are listed as proposed street trees in these parkways. These large trees will ultimately create problems for the adjacent curb and walks. The parkway width needs to be increased or the tree species revised to coordinate. Please resolve insuring plant species selections are appropriate for the landscape widths provided Check all plant lists to insure coordination. Response: Large trees have been eliminated from the plant list for the collector roads Streets 'A' and 'B'. Large trees remain on the plant list for Marron and Haymar, since the plantable area for those streets is larger. 8A. Page Vl-27, paragraph 1: Please revise "Figure 26" to "Figure 43". Response: This change has been made. 9A. Page Vl-31: The Master Plan proposes a non-irrigated hydroseed mix for re-vegetation, Plantings are required to be irrigated per the Landscape Manual. Please delete the words "non-irrigated". Response: The wording has been changed on p. VI-31 to "Non-irrigated (with temporary irrigation"). lOA. Page Vl-33 paragraph 1: Please revise "Figure 32" to "Figure 38". Response: This change has been made. 1 JA. Page Vl-34 paragraph 1: Please revise "Figure 38" to "Figure 39". Response: This change has been made. 12A. Page Vl-38 paragraph 1: Please revise "Figure 39" to "Figure 40". Response: This change has been made. /3A. Figure 40: It is not clear why a view fence is proposed along the north side of R-1 and R-2. There will b' tmffic noi>e from highway 78 and view' may not b, de>irab/e, w~~=,ei~l·il .· Please clarify where tubular steel view fencing versus sound/view wall and solid block walls are to be used. Response: Solid view fencing will be used only to attenuate noise if the EIR determines that noise wall mitigation is required. The EIR analysis will begin in January. We have estimated the locations of the fencing at this preliminary stage. We will finalize the location of solid view fencing after the EIR analysis has been conducted. · 14A. Figure 40: Fencing along Streets B and C may need to be reviewed with the submittal of the conceptual landscape plans of the appropriate tentative map submittal. Please review/address. Response: We anticipate that fencing and other design aspects within neighborhoods will be addressed with site plan review of those development plans. It is not feasible at this early stage to de~ign and provide materials for all of the planning areas. This will be accomplished with the "B-Maps". 15A. Figure 40: The fence and wall plan does not appear to show all walls as described in 6. 6.1 and 6.6 2. Please coordinate. Response: The Sound/View Wall has been included in the Master Plan in the event that the EIR noise analysis determines that sound attenuation is necessary in areas where a view is desired. In the absence of this determination, we do not anticipate that Sound/View Walls will be provided on the plan. 16A Page Vl-41, 6.6,5: Please revise "Figure 41" to "Figure 42". Response: This change has been made. Please make the following revisions to the Tentative Map Conceptual Landscape plans so that it will meet the requirements of the City of Carlsbad's Landscape Manual. Numbers below are referenced on the red line plans where appropriate for ease in locating the area of the comment concern. 1. Please note that the Quarry Creek Master Plan is currently under review by city staff and is not yet approved. Final comments are reserved pending completion and approval of the Quarry Creek Master Plan. Response: This comment is acknowledged. 2. Please clearly label the Carlsbad/Oceanside city limit lines, property lines ~nd easements on all appropriate sheets. Insure no trees are located within easements. Response: The city limit lines, property lines and easements have been provided on the revised landscape plans. 3. Please address landscaping of all slopes. Check all sheets and all areas. Response: This has been accomplished on the revised plans. 4. Please coordinate landscape plans with civil plans. Civil plans do not show a wall. Check all sheets and all areas. Response: The engineering and landscape plans have been coordinated. The wall has been removed, consistent with the engineering drawings. 5. Please select street trees from the tree selection list provided in the City of Carlsbad Community Forest Management Plan. Insure appropriate species as determined by therrr:L~~s II __ SYSTEMS I I' •.. .· Response: Tree selection has been made from the City of Carlsbad Community Forest Management Plan for most Theme and Support Street Trees. Species shown for Haymar Drive and Marron Road are appropriate for 6.5' -7.5' parkway widths. Trees shown for Collector Streets are appropriate for 4.5' widths. Several small accent and theme trees for each street grouping vary from the Forest Mgt. plan, and we request that these trees be included, as the list is very limited in some areas. The trees shown which are not on the list are Cercis occidentalis and Tabebuia ipe. These trees are small non-invasive flowering trees suited to the parkway widths and the climate, disease and pest free, with an attractive habit and form. The only small flowering trees on the list other than Lagerstroemia are Cassia leptophylla, which is very maintenance (pruning) intensive and Prunus cerasifera, which is on the California Invasive Plant Inventory list. 6. 50% of the shrubs (except on slopes 3: I or steeper) shall be a minimum 5 gallon size. Please address. Response: The plans have been revised as follows; shrubs in non-slope passive open spaces and. at entries have been revised to read 50% 5-gallon size. Parkway plantings have been more accurately labeled as groundcover plantings, rather than shrub masses, and remain 1 gallon size. 7. Generally identifY all existing woo~ plant material to be removed or retained, Trees over I2" in caliper diameter shall be identified on the plan individually as to caliper size and type and labeled to be retained or removed Response: The Tree Survey has been added on Sheet 14. 8. Please indicate the percent of the total site used for landscaping. Response: The proposed map is a master tentative map, and no development is proposed. Thus, it is our opinion that percentage of landscape is not an applicable analysis/standard to assess at this time. No effort at determining the percent of the total site used for landscaping has been made at this time. This information will be included at the time that site development plans are designed and processed for approval. 9. Please obtain review and approval for all trails from Liz Ketabian in Recreation Administration. Response: We are hopeful that one of the 7 sets of submitted plans would be routed to Ms. Ketabian for her comments. I 0. Spacing of plants shall allow for their size at maturity. Please indicate the proposed spacing of each shrub. Response: The spacing of shrubs is shown on the plant legends, on Sheet 12 of the revised landscape plans. II. Landscape elements over 30" in height (including planting measured at maturity) are not allowed at street corners within a triangular zone drawn from two points, 2 5' outward from the beginning of curves and end of curves, (See Appendix C.4). In addition to the requirement above, on collector streets and greater, Cal Trans Sight Distance Standards shall apply to the height restriction stated Please clearly label25' vehicular sight triangles and show and label all Cal Trans sight lines and address plantings within these areas. Response: Sight distance lines have been added at all comers. Notes have been added that all shrubs in these areas shall be no higher than 30-inches in height. .· 12. Please fill in missing information. Response: The missing information has been completed. 13. Please provide substitutes for all invasive species. Review all plantings against the California Invasive Plant Inventory as published by the California Invasive Plant Council. Response: This task has been accomplished and several species have been eliminated or replaced. 14. Please explain why the entire Lot 8 park area is proposed for potable water use. Response: The plans have been revised so that potable water is now specified only inside the fenced pool area. 15. The recycled water use plan ha$ been forwarded to CMWD for review. Any comments will be returned to the applicant once received by the Planning Department. Response: This item is acknowledged by the applicant. 16. As required by the State of California, the City of Carlsbad has adopted a water efficient ordinance. All requirements of this ordinance are to be met. Concept plans shall include calculations which document the maximum allowed annual water use for the landscaped area or maximum applied water allowance (MA WA) and estimated total water use (ETWU). A landscape project shall not exceed the MAWA. The MAWA for a landscape project shall be determined by the following calculation as defined in the City ordinance: MAWA = (ET0)(0.62)[(0. 7 x LA) + (0.3 x SLA)]. The ETWU shall be determined by the following calculation as defined in the City ordinance: ETWU = (ETo)(0.62) (fFxHA + SLA) IE In addition to the calculations, include a statement on the plans signed under penalty of perjury by the person who prepared the plan that provides: "I am familiar with the requirements for landscape and irrigation plans contained in the City of Carlsbad's Water Efficient Landscape Regulations. I understand that construction drawings are to be prepared in compliance with those regulations and the Landscape Manual. I certifY that the plans will be prepared implementing those regulations to provide efficient use of water." Please insure that all requirements of the water use ordinance are met. The ordinance may be found at the following web site: http://library.municode.com/index.aspx?clientld=l6245& stateid=5&stateName=Cali(ornia under Title 18. Response: Please see Sheet 10 for the MA WA and ETWU calculations. See Sheet 1 for the perjury certification statement. 17. Please add the following slope re-vegetation notes to the plans: Slopes 6:1 or steeper requiring erosion control measures as specified herein shall be treated with one or more of the following planting standards: a. Standard 1-Cover Crop/Reinforced Straw Matting: Cover crop shall be a seed mix typically made up of quick germinating and fast covering grasses, clovers, and/or wild flowers. Submit the specific seed mix for City approval prior to application. The cover crop shall be applied at a rate and manner sufficient to provide 90% coverage within thirty (30) days. Type of reinforced straw matting shall be as approved by the city and staked to the slope as "commwded by the manufactum. II PLANNING II SYSTEMS I ,. I Reinforced straw matting shall be required when planting occurs between August 15 and April 15. The cover crop and/or reinforced straw mat shall be used the remainder of the year. b. Standard #2-Ground Cover One hundred (100%) percent of the area shall be planted with a ground cover known to have excellent soil binding characteristics (planted from a minimum size of flatted material and spaced to provide full coverage within one year). c. Standard #3-Low Shrubs Low spreading woody shrubs (planted from a mtmmum of 2-3/4 inch liners) shall cover a minimum of seventy (70%) percent of the slope face (at mature size). d Standard #4-Trees and/or Large Shrub Trees and/or large shrubs shall be (planted from a minimum of 1 gallon containers) at a minimum rate of one (1) per two hundred (200) square feet. Slopes-6: 1 or steeper and: a. 3' or less in vertical height and are atljacent to public walks or streets require at minimum Standard #1. b. 3' to 8' in vertical height require Standards #1, #2 and #3. c. In excess of 8' in vertical height require Standards # 1, #2, #3, and #4. Areas graded flatter than 6:1 require Standard # 1 (cover crop) with temporary irrigation when they have one or more of the following conditions: a. Sheet graded pads not scheduled for improvements within 6 months of completion of rough grading. b. A potential erosion problem as determined by the City. c. Identified by the City as highly visible areas to the public or have special conditions that warrant immediate treatment. Please address temporary landscaping of the pad areas where not to be improved within 6 months of completion of grading. Response: The referenced notes have been added. Please see Sheet 10 of the revised set of landscape plans. 18. Temporary irrigation needs to be provided as needed to insure establishment of the seed mixes. Please address. Response: Temporary irrigation has been provided, as indicated in the notes added on Sheet l 0. 19. Please show required landscaping of fire protection zones A and B. Response: Fire protection zones A and B information has been.added on Sheet 3. 20. Maintenance of fire protection zones does not appear to be defined on the plans. Please address. Response: This information has been added to Sheet 3. 21. Please modifY the fire protection notes as follows: CONDITION-A Manufactured Slope Fire Protection (see Appendix F.2) Pertains to man-made slopes abutting high risk fire areas as described under Section II C. I. . SYSTEMS I &cOon A-1~ Measu"d ho,;zontolly 20' outwa,dfrom the outly;ng edge o1r..:=G I. Planted with ground cover or low growing shrub species (less than 3' in height) known to have fire retardant qualities. 2. No trees or shrubs allowed. 3. Irrigated. Section A-2-Measured horizontally 20' outward from the outlying edge of Section A-i. I. Planted with' low water use naturalizing plant species known to have low fuel characteristics. 2. No trees allowed. 3. Irrigated. Section A-3-Measured outward from the outlying edge of A-2 to include the remainder of the area between Section A-2 and high risk fire areas as described under Section II C. Horizontal distance from the structure(s) to untreated high risk areas shall not be less than 60'. I. Planted with low water use naturalizing plant species known to have low fuel characteristics. 2. Trees are allowed but shall not be planted closer than 20' apart. 3. Irrigated. CONDITION B-Native Slopes Wild-land Fire Suppression (See Appendix F.2) Pertains to areas where removal of environmentally sensitive native vegetation is restricted within the fire sections. Section B-I -Measured 20' horizontally from the outlying edge of the structure(s) toward the environmentally restricted area as defined by the city. I. Removal of" high fuel and moderate hazard species" as listed in Appendix F. I. 2. Planting with ground cover or low growing shrub species (less than 3' in height) known to have fire retardant qualities or as otherwise required by the City. 3. No trees or shrubs allowed. 4. Irrigated. Section 8-2-Measured horizontally 20' outward from the outlying edge of B-I. I. Removal of "high fuel species" as listed inAppendix F. I. 2. Removal by selective pruning of up to 60% of the volume of the "moderate fuel species" as listed in Appendix F. I. 3. Replanting with naturalizing low fuel species. 4. Trees and large tree form shrubs (e.g. Oaks, Sumac, Toyon) which are being retained shall be pruned to provide clearance equal to three times the height of the surrounding under-story plant material or 6 ', whichever is higher. Dead and excessively twiggy growth shall also be removed. 5. Irrigated. Section 8-3 -Measured horizontally 20' outward from the outlying edge of Section 8-2. The outer edge of B-3 shall extend horizontally to a point at least 60 'from structures. I. Removal of "high fuel species" as listed in Appendix F. I. 2. Removal by selective pruning of up to 40% of the volume of the "moderate fuel species" as listed in Appendix F. I. 3. Trees and larger tree form shrubs (e.g. Oaks, sumac, Toyon) which are being retained shall be pruned to provide clearance equal to three times the height of the surrounding under-story plant material or 6 ', whichever is higher. Dead and excessively twiggy growth shall also be removed, 4. Non-irrigated. Response: This has been accomplished. Please see Sheet 12 of the revised plan set. 22. Please graphically show and label maintenance access routes to all fire protection zones. Response: This has been accomplished on the revised plan set. 23. Please provide typical details of the view and other fencing, pedestrian trail, sidewalk overlook, trail overlook, bench seating area and shade trellis. Response: Please see Sheets I 0 and II for the requested enlargements, details and elevations. 24. Please list the amenities and provide conceptual detailing of the passive recreation areas. Response: Please see Sheet II for the Conceptual Layout of Passive Recreation Areas. Please bear in mind that none of these recreation areas are needed until the development plans for the residential planning areas are designed and processed for approval. It is our opinion that much of the information being requested at this MTM stage is premature and unnecessary at this early pre-EIR, conceptual mass-grading stage. 25. RETURN REDLINES and provide 2 copies of all plans (concept, water conservation, fire protection, and water use plan) for the next submittal. Response: The redline plans are being returned with this resubmittal package. Please let us know if you wish to meet to discuss any of the items in this resubmittal package. V~v\~ Paul J. Klukas Director of Planning cc: Todd Galarneau Don Mitchell Enclosures URBAN SYSTEMS ~SOCIATES, INC. '~:-MEMO RECEIVED PLANNING & TRAFFIC ENGINEERING, MARKETING & PROJECT SUPPORT ATTN: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CONSULTANTS TO INDUSTRY AND GOVERNMENT DEC 2 2 2!.JH Todd Galarneau -McMillin Land Development CITY OF CARLSBAD E-Mail: T PLANNING DJV'JSIOH tgalarneau@Jncmillin.com ~y . ~~ Sam P. Kab, II l~:~ December 20,2011 TIME: PM TOTAL PAGES (Including 3+Attachments Cover): 1:48:39 JOB NUMBER: 001307 Intersection Spacing on Street B, Quarry Creek Master Plan Confidential Communications This transmittal is intended for the recipient named above. Unless otherwise expressly indicated, this entire communication is confidential and privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, do not disclose, copy, distribute or use this information. If you received this transmission in error, please notify us immediately by telephone, at our expense and destroy the information. As you requested, Urban Systems has evaluated the proposed intersection spacing on Street B between Marron Road and Street A within the Quarry Creek Master Plan. Urban Systems prepared average daily traffic and peak hour turning volumes for the Quarry Creek Master Plan roadways and intersections to use in this evaluation. Attachment 1 shows a diagram of only the closely spaced intersections, the average daily traffic volumes and peak hour volumes on Street B between the closely spaced intersections. The average daily traffic volume on Street B between Marron Road and Street A is expected to be 1, 7 62 ADT which would operate acceptably at level of service A, as a two-lane residential Collector street, with minimal congestion. The highest peak hour volume in the southbound direction approaching Marron Road would be in the AM peak hour and would be approximately nine right turns and 73 left turns, totaling 82 vehicles per hour. 1 001307-122011-Ememo-ToddGa/arneau-spk-L 4540 Kearny Villa Road, Suite 106 • San Diego, CA 92123 • (858) 560-4911 • Fax (858) 560-9734 c Todd Galarneau © Urban Systems Associates, Inc. McMillin Land Development December 20, 20I I The "tee" intersection at Marron Road and Street B is recommended to be controlled with stop signs at all approaches. A separate left tum lane will not be needed since the left and right turns can be made from a single lane. The vehicle storage distance between Marron Road and Street A, measured from the curb line, would be approximately 200 feet, as shown. This distance would provide storage for approximately eight passenger vehicles (25 feet per vehicle). The arrival rate of 82 vehicles per hour would mean 1.4 vehicles per minute approaching the Marron Road intersection, on average. If random arrivals occur at an arrival rate of two times the average, then vehicle storage for three vehicles would be needed, or 75 feet, well within the 200 feet spacing that will be provided. If arrivals are concentrated within a 15 minute period within the peak hour, then storage for six vehicles, 150 feet, would be needed. To account for occasional larger vehicles, a spacing providing vehicle storage of not less than 200 feet should be adequate and is recommended for this site plan. The northbound peak flow is highest during the PM peak hour, and includes 21 left turns, 56 through movements, and 14 right turns at the Street A intersection. However, no stop sign control is recommended for the northbound and southbound traffic movements, so that northbound queuing would be minimal, since traffic in the northbound direction would be free-flowing. The Highway Capacity Manual software intersection analysis was used to estimate north -south queues at these locations and the results indicate less than one vehicle queues in the north -south directions. Therefore, it can be concluded that the planned 200 feet curb- line to curb-line intersection spacing would be more than adequate to accommodate expected queues. Provided below are descriptions of the remaining attachments. Attachment 2 shows the average daily traffic from each planning area and the total ADT volume on each roadway. The vehicle trips were distributed to Haymar Drive and Marron Road in the same percentages used in the Quarry Creek traffic report, dated November 20, 2011, for Alternatives 2 and 4 (no Marron Road extension through the open space). 2 001307-I220I I-Ememo-ToddGalarneau-spk-L 4540 Kearny Villa Road, Suite I06 • San Diego, CA 92I23 • (858) 560-49I I • Fax (858) 560-9734 Todd Galarneau © Urban Systems Associates, Inc. McMillin Land Development December 20, 2011 Attachment 3 shows how the AM and PM peak hour volumes were distributed from each planning area and at the intersections that were evaluated. Attachment 4 includes Highway Capacity Manual intersection analysis software worksheets that calculate expected queues at stop sign controlled intersections. Northbound and southbound queues are expected to be minimal and can be accommodated within the 200 feet to be provided. Cc: Don Mitchell Paul Klukas 3 001307-122011-Ememo-ToddGalarneau-spk-L 4540 Kearny Villa Road, Suite 106 • San Diego, CA 92123 • (858) 560-4911 • Fax (858) 560-9734 Todd Galarneau © Urban Systems Associates, Inc. McMillin Land Development December 20, 2011 Attachment 1 Vehicle Storage Between Street A and Marron Road _j 2,407 ADT STREET A R-3 1,198 ADT ~tr 576 ADT ~"' .... N<n~ ..................... "'""' .... 20' 200' 1,762 ADT 20' f-~ 0"' ........... ....... ., en ,.._ 1,066 ADT )\.. 1,742 ADT I / MARRON RD. LEGEND XX!YY =AM Peak I PM Peak 1,690 ADT = Buildout Average Daily Traffic Volume 4 001307-122011-Ememo-ToddGalarneau-spk-L 4540 Kearny Villa Road, Suite 106 • San Diego, CA 92123 • (858) 560-4911 • Fax (858) 560-9734 Todd Galarneau McMillin Land Development NOTE. Unlts e:an be frilrl$fem!d &ubjed to total proJect und ma.omum Quarry Creek © Urban Systems Associates, Inc. December 20, 2011 Attachment 2 Buildout Average Daily Traffic Volumes MASTeR LAND US& PLAN PAGE.XX.XX ·····----······· 5 0013 0 7-1220 11-Ememo-ToddGalarneau-spk-L 4540 Kearny Villa Road, Suite 106 • San Diego, CA 92123 • (858) 560-4911 • Fax (858) 560-9734 Todd Galarneau McMillin Land Development ~ ~"""fdtll'-'ft.--..1,11"1'Dbn1., m \li\Vi¥J~JI't·H·"""'**- NOTE. Unft can be lranafe!rPd ~b,«t to kllal f'Ofactul'lllmallimUI'!l LEGEND XX/YY =AM Peak I PM Peak © Urban Systems Associates, Inc. December 20, 2011 Attachment 3 Buildout AM I PM Peak Hour ... ., '-24/11 ''"'"" ,, .... "O'-~ """ )l" r13/6 59/27...,1 "\tt 19/9, -"' ... ""'-,,, U":t-.,.1"} ... 6 r12/50 7 /26""\ "\ t \ \ r7/25 ' ~ -u•: .I ~J:I!!ll. _,____,1!1: 1 · ~10\...~( 12 '-18/7< -8/34 I 001307-122011-Ememo-ToddGalarneau-spk-L 4540 Kearny Villa Road, Suite 106 • San Diego, CA 92123 • (858) 560-4911 • Fax (858) 560-9734 c Todd Galarneau © Urban Systems Associates, Inc. McMillin Land Development December 20, 2011 Page 1 of5 Attachment 4 Peak Hour Intersection Queue Worksheets 7 001307-122011-Ememo-ToddGalarneau-spk-L 4540 Kearny Villa Road, Suite 106 • San Diego, CA 92123 • (858) 560-4911 • Fax (858) 560-9734 ~-~-~-·-------------- 0 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL suOv [~<, :;,;.' General Information Site Information 5 MARRON RD.! STREET !Analyst USA/ Intersection !AQency/Co. USA/ B Jurisdiction CARLSBAD Date Performed 1211912011 nalysis Year BUILDOUT !Analysis Time Period lAM PEAK HOUR Project Description QUARRY CREEK East/West Street: MARRON RD. North/South Street: STREETB Intersection Orientation: East-West Study Period (hrs): 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street Eastbound Westbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R Volume (veh/h) 37 33 0 0 8 18 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 Hourly Flow Rate 38 34 0 0 8 18 veh/h) Proportion of heavy 0 10 vehicles, PHv ------ Median type Undivided RT Channelized? 0 0 Lanes 0 1 0 1 1 0 Configuration LT L TR Upstream Signal 0 0 Minor Street Northbound Southbound Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R !Volume (veh/h) 0 0 0 73 0 9 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 Hourly Flow Rate 0 0 0 76 0 9 (veh/h) Proportion of heavy 0 0 0 0 0 0 vehicles, PHv Percent grade {%) 0 0 Flared approach N N Storage 0 0 RT Channelized? 0 0 Lanes 0 0 0 0 1 0 Configuration LTR Control Delav. Queue Length, Level of Service jApproach EB WB Northbound Southbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration LT L LTR !volume, v (vph) 38 0 85 Capacity, em (vph) 1601 1527 870 y.te-r9tie--,..-----...-.. 0.02 0.00 _,)).-40._ /Queue length (9'5%) . ) 0.00 r.--0.32 \ lJ 0.07 . .., '-b:-:1 /.' \, 7.3 i /\ Vo'--"/ " Co ntf-el--oeicw-fsf..,eil) 7.4 9.6 LOS -\ A A I/ A ~ !Approach delay l.i ----( 9.6 s/veh) ' ; jApproach LOS ----i A ,,,..,...,,",.,TM Version 4.1f c TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMNt'JY General Information Site Information-- MARRON RD.! STREET Analyst USA/ Intersection ~gency/Co. USA/ a urisdiction CARLSBAD Date Performed 1211912011 nalysis Year BUILDOUT Anajysis Time Period PM PEAK HOUR Project Description QUARRY CREEK East/West Street: MARRON RD. North/South Street: STREETB Intersection Orientation: East-West Study Period (hrs : 0.25 !Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street Eastbound Westbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R !Volume (veh/h) 17 15 0 0 34 74 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 Hourly Flow Rate veh/h) 17 15 0 0 35 77 Proportion of heavy 0 10 vehicles, PHv ----- Median type Undivided RT Channelized? 0 0 Lanes 0 1 0 1 1 0 Configuration LT L TR Upstream Signal 0 0 Minor Street Northbound Southbound Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R Volume (veh/h) 0 0 0 31 0 40 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 Hourly Flow Rate 0 0 0 32 0 42 veh/h) Proportion of heavy 0 0 0 0 0 0 vehicles, PHv Percent grade(%) 0 0 Flared approach N N Storage 0 0 RT Channelized? 0 0 Lanes 0 0 0 0 1 0 Configuration LTR Control Delay, Queue Length, Level of Service ~pproach EB WB Northbound Southbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration LT L LTR Volume, v (vph) 17 0 74 Capacity, em (vph) 1490 1552 934 v{c.r-atLo--~..--..--. 0.01 0.00 _Jl~QB (Queue length (95%) \ 0.03 0.00 I .,.----0.26 ~~ ( earitrol-Be1~~. 7.4 7.3 I I ~ V':-::' i ll 9.2 LOS 1\ A A J A !Approach delay \ ----) 9.2 s/veh) f>.pproach LOS \----// A HCS20oo™ Version 4.1 f Two-Way Stop Control ,!""' -'-" ,...,. TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY ® General Information Site Information Analyst USA/ Intersection STREET AI STREET B Agency/Co. USA/ Jurisdiction CARLSBAD Date Performed 1211912011 ~nalysis Year BU/LDOUT Analysis Time Period AM PEAK HOUR Project Description QUARRY CREEK BUILDOUT East/West Street: STREET A !North/South Street: STREETB Intersection Orientation: North-South !Study Period (hrs): 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street Northbound Southbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R Wolume 5 47 3 6 50 14 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 5 49 3 6 52 14 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 ---0 --- Median Type Undivided RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 Configuration LTR LTR Upstream Signal 0 0 Minor Street Westbound Eastbound Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R Wolume 13 24 59 0 19 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 13 25 62 0 20 Percent Heavy Vehicles 10 0 10 0 0 0 Percent Grade(%) 0 0 Flared Approach N N Storage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 Configuration LTR LTR Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Approach NB SB Westbound Eastbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration L TR L TR LTR LTR v (vph) 5 6 38 82 C (m) (vph) 1549 1567 ~5% queue length ~i 0.01 0.01 """ LOS A A Approach Delay \ Approach LOS "\ Rights Reserved HCS2000™ Version 4.1f Version 4.lf Two-Way Stop Control TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY General Information Site Information Analyst USAf Intersection STREET A/ STREET B Agency/Co. USAf Jurisdiction CARLSBAD Date Performed 1211912011 !Analysis Year BUILDOUT Analysis Time Period PM PEAK HOUR Project Description QUARRY CREEK BUILDOUT East/West Street: STREET A !North/South Street: STREETB Intersection Orientation: North-South !Study Period (hrs): 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street Northbound Southbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R Volume 21 56 14 21 56 64 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 22 58 14 22 58 67 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 - -0 --- Median Type Undivided RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 Configuration LTR LTR Upstream Signal 0 0 Minor Street Westbound Eastbound Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R Volume 6 11 27 0 9 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 6 11 28 0 9 Percent Heavy Vehicles 10 0 10 0 0 0 Percent Grade(%) 0 0 Flared Approach N N Storage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 Configuration LTR LTR Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Approach NB SB Westbound Eastbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration LTR LTR LTR LTR v (vph) 22 22 17 37 C (m) (vph) 1474 1541 VIC~'·~,...-.._ _.O .. 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If Rights Reserved HCS2000™ c HELIX Environmental Planning, Inc. 7578 El Cajon Boulevard Suite 200 La Mesa, CA 91942 619.462.1515tel 619.462.0552 fax www.helixepi.com December 15, 2011 Mr. Van Lynch, Senior Planner City of Carlsbad, Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 0 HELIX Environmental Planning ...------"-... _, lcnv c,~ ,,f'"\I.L\:.~~..)J.,D DEC 2 0 2011 PLMlN!NG DEPARTMENT Subject: Request for Qualifications and Proposals for the Preparation of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR 11-02) for the Quarry Creek Master Plan Project and Related Applications (MP 10-01) Located in Local Facilities Management Zone 25 Dear Mr. Lynch: Thank you for sending HELIX Environmental Planning, Inc. (HELIX) the Request for Qualifications and Proposals (RFQ/P) to prepare an EIR for the Quarry Creek Master Plan Project for the City of Carlsbad (City). We very much appreciated the opportunity to review the RFQ/P for this important project. Based on our telephone conversation on December 12, 2011, we are unable to provide the City with a proposal at this time due to our on-going work with Hansen Aggregates Pacific Southwest/Quarry Creek Investors LLC. We wish you good luck with your consultant selection process for this project. If you have any further questions, please contact me at 619.462.1515, ext. 260 or via e-mail at JulieM@helixepi.com. Sincerely, ~~~ ~McCall Senior Project Manager cc: Michele Masterson, Senior Management Analyst, Community & Economic Development Department d~A_ CITY OF VcARLSBAD 0 0 Mcutd .1if l'~·1 ]11 FlLE COPY Planning Division www.carlsbadca.gov December 6, 2011 SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS AND PROPOSALS FOR THE PREPARATION OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (EIR 11-02) FOR THE QUARRY CREEK MASTER PLAN PROJECT AND RELATED APPLICATIONS (MP 10-01) LOCATED IN LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE 25. I. REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS AND PROPOSALS The City of Carlsbad is soliciting Statements of Qualifications and Proposals for the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report for the Quarry Creek Master Plan project comprised of 656 residential units on 156 acres located southerly of Highway 78 and westerly of College Boulevard in the north east quadrant of Carlsbad, in Local Facilities Management Zone 25. Supplemental Information including: a detailed Project Description, Scope of Work, Contents of Proposal, Background and Available Information, is attached for your use. The request for qualifications and proposals shall include the following: A. PERSONNEL, QUALIFICATIONS AND REFERENCES Please submit with your proposal, a complete description of your firm's qualifications. This should include a list of names, specific qualifications, and level of effort of each individual who will be assigned to the project. Include a detailed description of the role of any sub-consultants to be employed on this project. In addition, please reference the person who will be primarily responsible for contact with the City, as well as the person who will be responsible for Planning Commission and City Council presentations. B. SCHEDULE OF COMPLETION A time line of the schedule of completion shall be included with the proposal. The time line illustrating the schedule of completion should reflect the Scope of Consultant Services with the work program as addressed above, including initial research, draft EIR, staff review, preparation of final draft EIR, environmental processing, Planning Commission Hearing and City Council hearing. The schedule of completion should be consistent with the timelines established by CEQA. Staff is targeting February 2013 completion date to coincide with the City's Housing· Element requirements. C. CONTRACT PRICE AND ALLOWABLE COST In addition to specifying the total cost figure, the consultant should also provide a breakdown of the estimated hours spent per personnel for each service as outlined in this Request for Proposal, as well as the hourly billing rate for each, and the rates for attendance at meetings/public hearings. If all the meetings included in this Request for Proposals are not needed, the consultant will not be paid for meetings which are not held. At the time of contract negotiation, a payment schedule will be agreed upon between the City of Carlsbad and the consultant. A copy of the standard EIR consultant contract is attached. Agreement to the 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 T 760-602-4600 F 760-602-8559 QUARRY CREEK MASTER PLAQ December 6, 2011 0 Page 2 Citv's standard contract terms and conditions should be included as part of the submittal. Please do not respond to the proposal if you cannot agree to all terms of the City's agreement. The City will not change or modify the hold harmless liability clause included in the agreement. D. EVALUATION CRITERIA Proposals will be reviewed and ranked by a selection committee composed of City staff members. The recommended proposal will be determined on a "Best Value" evaluation method, as mandated by Carlsbad Municipal Code section 3.28.050 for goods, services and equipment. Selection will be based on the factors listed below: • Relevant experience and qualifications of firm. • Ability to provide a timely submittal. • Thoroughness in responding to RFO/RFP. • Unspecified value added offering by the consultant. E. CONTRACT DATE It is anticipated that a selection will be made and a contract prepared approximately six weeks following receipt of the proposals. F. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Relationship with applicants: The City considers it inappropriate to award an EIR contract to a firm already holding, or expecting to hold, a contract with the property owners (Hansen Aggregates Pacific Southwest Inc./Quarry Creek Investors LLC) affected by the proposed project. Responses to this Request for Proposals should accordingly contain a statement as to what contractual agreement, if any, exists or is expected to exist in the future between the responding firm (or its holdings) and affected prop~rty owners. This Request for Proposals does not commit the City to award a contract for any costs incurred in the preparation of the proposal. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals received as a result of this request, to negotiate with a qualified source, or cancel in part, or its entirety, this Request for Proposals if it is in the best interest of the City to do so. G. SUBMITIAL Should your firm wish to submit a proposal, please indicate your intention to do so in written or oral form by December 15, 2011. Submit four (4) original copies of your proposal and qualifications and one (1) copy of the proposal fee in a sealed envelope no later than 5:00pm on December 30, 2011, addressed to: COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MICHELE MASTERSON, SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1635 FARADAY AVENUE CARLSBAD,CA 92008 QUARRY CREEK MASTER PLA9R December 6, 2011 Page 3 0 Please address any questions concerning this RFP, the project, the selection process, or other issues to Van Lynch, Senior Planner, at the City of Carlsbad Planning Division at {760) 602-4613 or van.lynch@carlsbadca.gov. Thank you for your interest and we look forward to hearing from you. CITY OF CARLSBAD DON NEU, AICP City Planner DN: VL:bd ATIACHMENTS: 1. Scope of Work 2. Aerial Location Map 3. Reduced Site Plan 4. Standard City Contract c BACKGROUND QUARRY CREEK MASTER PLAN SCOPE OF WORK ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT EIR 11-02 0 The City of Carlsbad has a population of approximately 104,000. The City is located along the northern coast of San Diego County thirty miles north of downtown San Diego. It is bordered to the north by the City of Oceanside, to the south by the City of Encinitas and to the east by the cities of Vista and San Marcos and the County of San Diego. Carlsbad has a combination of industrial, commercial and residential development, including a large regional shopping center, an auto-retail center, a large industrial park area, the LEGOLAND California Educational/Recreational Park, and a regional airport. The City contains three lagoons, limited agricultural areas and large tracts of preserved open space. The total area of the City of Carlsbad is approximately 40 square miles. PROJECT LOCATION & DESCRIPTION The project site is located within the northeast quadrant of the City of Carlsbad, northerly of the Calavera Hills Master Plan community, southerly of Highway 78, and easterly of the Quarry Creek shopping center in Oceanside. The project site consists of two parcels. The easterly 100 acre parcel is bisected by the Buena Vista Creek and was formerly a rock quarry. The property is presently undergoing reclamation pursuant to the South Coast Quarry Reclamation Plan and EIR prepared by the City of Oceanside. The westerly of the two parcels is 56 acres in size located on the southerly side (non- adjacent) of Buena Vista Creek and is mostly undisturbed. The entire project site is within the limits of Local Facilities Management Zone 25, which does not have an adopted Local Facilities Management Plan. The culturally significant El Saito Falls is located on the easterly border of the project site. The Quarry Creek Master Plan project consists of a 656 unit residential development, a 2.5 acre nature/education center, a 1.5 acre community facilities site (daycare), a 1.3 acre park and ride site, and 72 acres of open space. High density residential (20 units per acre minimum) is proposed on the northerly side of the creek and residential medium high density (12 units per acre minimum) is proposed on the southerly side of the creek. The Community Facility site is located on the south side of the future extension of Marron Road and along the easterly border of the project site. The park and ride is located on the northerly side of the project and north of Haymar Road. The nature/education center is located at the westerly end of the project, on the south side of the creek. A four acre parcel of land in the city of Oceanside abuts the project site on the north side of the creek. This parcel is General Plan Land Use designated and Zoned Light Industrial (L-1) with a peripheral band designated Open Space. The project will provide access to this parcel and proposes off-site grading of the site; however the applicant is not seeking entitlements for this site and it is not part of the master plan proposal. The project proposes a roadway to cross the creek at the westerly end on the new creek channel created by the reclamation grading. The crossing will be a free span structure with no supports in the bottom of the creek channel. Bridge supports will be on the sides of the channel and the bridge will support public utilities. EIR 11-02-QUARRY CREEK MgER PLAN December 6, 2011 Page 2 The project proposes the elimination of the Marron Road Circulation Element roadway through the project site. The potential for Marron Road to be continued westerly to the existing easterly terminus and Rancho Del Oro to be extended to the north is questionable as the roadways would traverse through the California Department of Fish and Game Buena Vista Creek Ecological Preserve (aka Sherman Property) which is adjacent to the project site to the north and west. The project also entails the construction of off-site improvements such as water, sewer and reclaimed water lines. A cul-de-sac may also be constructed at the existing western terminus of Marron Road. The City proposes to eliminate a sewer lift station by the addition of a new sewer line provided by the project. COVERAGE OF THE EIR The EIR will cover/analyze all of the associated legislative and discretionary actions which will be under consideration by the Planning Commission and City Council. The following actions are required: Legislative Actions: 1. General Plan Land Use Element amendments (GPA 11-09)(Residential Low-Medium to Residential Medium High and Residential High Density and Open Space) 2. General Plan Open Space and Conservation Element amendments (open space changes) 3. General Plan Circulation Element (elimination of the Marron Road Circulation Element Roadway segment) 4. Zone Change (ZC 11-04)(From R-1-10,000 and Manufacturing to Planned Community) 5. Quarry Creek Master Plan (MP 10-01) 6. Local Facilities Management Plan Zone 25 (LFMP 87-25) 7. Environmental Impact Report (EIR 11-02) Discretionary Actions: 8. Vesting Tentative Tract Map (CT 11-04) 9. Hillside Development Permit (HDP 11-04) 10. Special Use Permit Floodplain (SUP 11-04) 11. Habitat Management Plan Permit (HMP 11-07) Additional Actions/Permits: 12. State and Federal Permits. As a part of the proposed project, various state and federal permits/approvals will be required to implement the Project. These permits/approvals include, but are not limited to, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, California Department of Fish and Game, and the Regional Water Quality Control Board. TOPICS OF DISCUSSION IN THE EIR WILL INCLUDE: Aesthetics/Grading Agriculture Air Quality Biological Resources Cultural /Paleontological Resources Geology /Soils EIR 11-02-QUARRY CREEK M~ER PLAN December 6, 2011 Page 3 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Hazards/Hazardous Materials Hydrology/Water Quality Land Use Planning Noise Population and Housing Public Services Transportation/Circulation Utilities and Service Systems Mandatory Findings of Significance AVAILABLE INFORMATION 0 The following studies and pertinent information are available for review and use in the preparation of this Environmental Impact Report. Site-Specific Reports/Letters/Exhibits 1. Quarry Creek Master Plan, Draft, prepared by Planning Systems dated October 20, 2011. 2. Quarry Creek Master Plan Biological Technical Report, October 20, 2011, Prepared by Helix Environmental Planning, Inc., Prepared for Todd Galarneau, McMillin Land Development 3. Preliminary Storm Water Management Plan for Quarry Creek, Prepared by Rick Engineering (Job No. 16483), dated October 19, 2011. 4. Preliminary Sewer Report Quarry Creek Lot 1-16, prepared by Project Design Consultants, dated October 2011. 5. Hydraulic and Scour Analyses for the Quarry Creek Bridge, prepared by Chang Consultants, dated October 18, 2011. 6. EIR-Level Soil and Geologic Reconnaissance, Quarry Creek II, Carlsbad/Oceanside, California prepared by GeoCon Incorporated (Project No. 07135-42-01B), dated October 20, 2011. 7. Preliminary Drainage Report, Quarry Creek, prepared by Project Design Consultants, dated October 2011. 8. Drainage Report for South Coast Materials Quarry (SUP 07-03, SWMP 11-03, DWG 470-5A), prepared by Chang Consultants, dated May 26, 2011. 9. A Cultural and Historical Resources Survey and Evaluation for the Quarry Creek Project EIR, City of Carlsbad, California, prepared by ASM Affiliates (PN 18340.00), dated October 2011. 10. Traffic Impact Analysis, Quarry Creek Traffic Study, prepared by Urban Systems Associates, Inc. dated October 20, 2011 11. EIR level Soils and Geotechnical Reconnaissance prepared by Geocon, Inc. dated 10-20-11 (a supplemental report to evaluate soil stability and landslide potential, prepared by Geocon, will also be provided by the applicant) 12. Local Facilities Management Plan Zone 25, Draft. 13. Vesting Tentative Map CT 11-09 EIR 11-02-QUARRY CREEK MQER PLAN December 6, 2011 Page 4 14. Landscape Concept Plan, Water Conservation Plan, Fire Protection Plan, prepared by Howard and Associates, dated October 21, 2011 15. Title report for each parcel General studies/reports: 1. City of Carlsbad General Plan, adopted by Carlsbad City Council September 6, 1994, and General Plan Land Use Map. 2. City of Carlsbad Zoning Ordinance, (Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code) and Zoning Map. 3. City of Carlsbad Environmental Protection Procedures, (Title 19 of Carlsbad Municipal Code). 4. City of Carlsbad Landscape Manual, adopted by City Council on November 13, 1990. 5. City of Carlsbad Environmental Protection Procedures, (Title 19 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code). 9. Citywide Trails Program Report City of Carlsbad, June 2001. 10. City of Carlsbad Cultural Resource Guidelines, prepared by RECON, dated December 1990. 11. 2007 Traffic Monitoring Program, prepared by Rick Engineering, dated November 26, 2007. 12. Habitat Management Plan for Natural Communities in the City of Carlsbad, dated November 2004. 13. Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan, City of Carlsbad, dated June 1992. 14. City of Carlsbad Noise Guidelines Manual, dated September 1995. 15. San Diego County Important Farmland 2000, California Department of Conservation, dated September 2002. 16. McClellan-Palomar Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan, prepared by San Diego Regional Airport Authority, adopted March 4, 2010. 17. Amended Reclamation Plan for Former South Coast Materials Quarry, State Mine ID# 91-37- 0016, Hanson Aggregates Pacific Southwest Inc. July 26, 2010 18. Former South Coast Quarry Amended Reclamation Plan Final Subsequent EIR, prepared by Helix Environmental Inc. adopted July 26, 2010 (SCH 2005111124) 19. El Saito Falls Management Plan, June 1, 2010 EIR 11-02-QUARRY CREEK M~ER PLAN ,0 December 6, 2011 Page 5 SCOPE OF CONSULTANT SERVICES The consultant shall prepare an Environmental Impact Report for the Quarry Creek Master Plan and related applications which are acceptable to the City. The EIR shall be prepared pursuant to all applicable State laws and shall conform to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and State EIR guidelines. The consultant shall be responsible for the accuracy and completeness of all information contained in the Final Draft EIR. If the Consultant does not wish to accept responsibility for the information contained in the technical studies, the Consultant shall provide to the City statements signed by the appropriate technical consultant accepting responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of any studies/reports prepared by that technical consultant. These signed statements of responsibility shall be made a part of the appendices of the EIR. The Consultant shall: 1. Obtain all reference material and conduct all research and field data collection necessary to prepare the EIR. 2. Identify, discuss and develop appropriate mitigation monitoring programs for any impacts which may be associated with the short-term and/or long-term development of the site. 3. Provide ten (10) 1st screen check hard copies and ten (10) digital copies on CD of the Draft EIR documents for city staff review that will be consistent with CEQA and the Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance (Title 19 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code) within twelve (12) weeks from entering into agreement with the City. 4. Provide ten (10) 2nd screen check hard copies and ten (10) digital copies on CD of the revised Draft EIR documents including appendices and exhibits, which incorporate staffs written recommendations and revisions to the 1st screen check Draft EIR, and a first draft of a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program and Candidate Findings of Fact within four (4) weeks from receiving 1st screen check comments from the City. 5. Provide twenty (20) spiral-bound copies and twenty-five (25) digital copies on CD of the City- approved Draft EIR, twenty-five (25) digital copies on CD of the technical appendices, and one digital copy on CD of all documents in a format that can be easily posted (i.e. broken down into chapters) to the City's website. 6. Respond to all comments made during the Draft EIR public review period. Consultant shall provide five (5) 1st screen check copies of the responses to comments, Final EIR documents, and any necessary amendments to the technical appendices within four (4) weeks after the close of the public review period. 7. Provide five (5) 2nd screen check copies of the responses to comments, Final EIR documents, and any necessary amendments to the technical appendices within four (4) weeks of receiving the written comments from City Staff on the 1st screen check copies of the responses to comments and the Final EIR. EIR 11-02-QUARRY CREEK MQER PLAN December 6, 2011 Page 6 8. Provide twenty-five (25) spiral-bound copies, twenty-five (25) digital copies on CD, and one (1) un-bound reproducible copy of the Final Draft EIR, one {1) hard copy and twenty-five (25) digital copies on CD of any amended technical appendices, one (1) digital copy of the Findings of Fact, one (1) digital copy of the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, and one digital copy on CD of all documents in a format that can be easily posted (i.e. broken down into chapters) to the City's website. 9. Provide ten (10} spiral bound copies of the Certified Final EIR (incorporating any changes and in a clean format without underline, strikeouts, or comments) with technical appendices, exhibits, Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, Findings of Fact, and Statement of Overriding Considerations (if needed and directed by the City) including one (1) Master CD from which copies can be made which incorporate any changes (clean copy without underline, strikeouts, or comments) made to the Final Draft EIR documents during the public hearing and certification process. 10. Attend up to twelve (12) meetings, including but not limited to: • One (1) kick-off meeting with City Staff. • One (1) public scoping meeting. • Two (2) meetings with staff to discuss issues regarding the preparation of the screen check draft. • Two (2) meetings with staff to review comments on the screen check draft. • Two (2) meetings with staff to review responses to public comments and the final draft. • Up to three (3) public hearings with presentations as necessary as determined by City staff. • One (1) additional meeting as necessary. 11. The EIR shall meet all of the requirements set forth in the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code 21000 et seq.) and the State CEQA guidelines (California Code of Regulations, section 15000 et seq.). In addition, as part of the proposal, provide a detailed Work Program to comprehensively address and analyze the scope of issues identified and described below or in the attached Initial Study. Other issues to make the EIR a complete document in compliance with CEQA and the State CEQA Guidelines should also be addressed. 12. Consultant shall also manage the project in accordance with the project schedule and meet all deadlines as identified. INTRODUCTION AND EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The introductory chapter and executive summary is a required section under CEQA. This section should provide sufficient detail to evaluate and review the environmental impacts of the project, but not excessive detail. It may be used as a "stand alone" document. 1. The consultant shall prepare an introductory chapter and executive summary pursuant to all applicable CEQA requirements. This section should identify the project location and boundaries on detailed regional maps. It should include a general description of the project's technical, EIR 11-02-QUARRY CREEK M~ER PLAN December 6, 2011 Page 7 economic, and environmental characteristics. It should include a statement briefly describing the intended uses of the EIR. It should also list the agencies which are expected to use the EIR in their decision-making and the approvals for which the EIR will be used. This section must itemize and discuss briefly each significant effect of the project, as well as proposed mitigation measures required and alternatives which would reduce or avoid that impact. It should identify areas of controversy and issues raised by agencies or the public. Issues which would remain to be resolved should be called out, including the choices among alternatives and whether or how to mitigate the significant impacts. The EIR shall comprehensively address and analyze the scope of issues identified and described below or in the attached Initial Study. Other issues to make the EIR a complete document in compliance with CEQA and the State CEQA Guidelines should also be addressed. AESTHETICS/GRADING The site is located in the Buena Vista Creek valley and bisected by the Buena Vista Creek. The Quarry Creek reclamation plan has reclaimed the previous 100 acre quarry parcel to accommodate future uses. The proposed project will do additional grading on the northern pad to increase the size of the pad area. Grading on the southern pad will be sheet graded to remove interim slopes and to develop roadway grades to accommodate development. Adjacent and easterly of the southern pad are retaining wall structures for the Quarry Creek shopping center. The project proposes to fill against the retaining wall structures with a 2:1 fill slope to the greatest extent practicable and plant the slope. The intent is to reduce the negative aesthetics of the retaining walls as much as possible. The western 56 acre parcel is proposed to be graded to accommodate residential development. An east/west trending ridgeline will be graded down to create a flat development pad. To the north of the site is the Marron Adobe Historic District. The developme11t will be seen from the Marron site and view shed impacts of grading and future residential development will need to be analyzed. The Marron site also is reported to have distant views of the El Saito Falls. Review of the applicant's technical study and analysis of this resource shall also be included. Potential visual impacts associated with cut and fill slopes due to the construction of the building pads and the future proposed buildings, have the possibility of creating significant grading/landform aesthetic impacts. 1. The consultant shall perform a review of the visual simulations (locations selected by City and EIR preparer) prepared by Helix (not available at time of release of subject RFP). The consultant shall evaluate the simulations for accuracy to ensure that the analyses are of a scale and level of effort appropriate to the requirements of the project. The visual simulations should include 1) existing conditions, 2) the proposed graded pads, and 3) the graded pads with the proposed maximum building heights and mass depicted. The consultant shall identify any flaws in the methodologies and/or conclusions and, if no flaws are found, shall incorporate the findings of the review, including the mitigation measures, into the text of the EIR. If inconsistencies/flaws are identified, the EIR consultant shall work with the consultant who prepared the study to revise the analysis/conclusions as appropriate. EIR 11-02-QUARRY CREEK ~TER PLAN December 6, 2011 Page 8 2. The consultant shall describe the existing visual setting of the site including public and private view sheds, elevations and topography. 3. The changes to the visual setting, appropriateness of the quantity of grading as well as the grading design shall be analyzed based on conformance with the General Plan and City's Hillside Development Ordinance to determine if the project would result in a significant negative visual impact. 4. The consultant shall identify the criteria used to determine significance; identify any significant and less than significant, direct and indirect, impacts resulting from the project; recommend appropriate mitigation measures as may be required; and, identify any impacts remaining after implementation of the recommended mitigation measures. AGRICULTURE The site contains lands identified on the 2008 farmland map as locally important farmland and of Prime and Statewide importance if irrigation were provided. The remainder of the site has been highly disturbed by previous mining and reclamation work as is assumed to not be suitable for farming activities. 1. The consultant shall identify the criteria used to determine significance; identify any significant and less than significant, direct and indirect, impacts resulting from the project; recommend appropriate mitigation measures as may be required; and, identify any impacts remaining after implementation of the recommended mitigation measures. AIR QUALITY Project Background The San Diego Air Basin is classified as a "severe" non-attainment area for both federal and state standards for ozone (smog). The San Diego Air Basin also exceeds the state standard for airborne particulate matter. Since the proposed request involves an increase in density which was not anticipated as a part of the growth assumptions of the regional air quality planning process and the resulting California State Implementation Plan {SIP), the proposed project may result in a significant increase in local and regional air pollution. Mass transit will be limited to bus routes determined to be feasible by the North County Transit District {NCTD). Although the project has been designed to encourage pedestrian traffic and accommodate public transit, the development of the proposed project will result in an incremental increase in local and regional air pollution. Grading for the project may also contribute significantly to the generation of fugitive dust. The San Diego Air Basin is classified as a "severe" non-attainment area for both federal and state standards for ozone (smog). The San Diego Air Basin also exceeds the state standard for airborne particulate matter. EIR 11-02-QUARRY CREEK ~TER PLAN December 6, 2011 Page 9 Impacts from the project may include construction emissions, equipment exhaust, fugitive dust, and vehicle emissions. The project's impact may be significant, as the region presently does not meet air quality standards. Additional mitigation measures may be necessary such as providing for public transit in the project design and implementation of various Transportation Control Measures (TCMs) to reduce trips, vehicle use, miles traveled, idling, or traffic congestion. 1. The consultant shall discuss the project setting, including a review of the regional meteorology. The consultant shall review and address both short-term and long-term air quality impacts of the project. Recommended analysis to determine emissions resulting from the project may include: a) Provision of a summary of required emissions data; b) Calculations of air quality impacts and emissions -both temporary impacts during construction and permanent impacts during operation of the project, including C02 hotspot analysis; and c) Modeling of air quality impacts, including modeling of ambient air quality. 2. Air quality impacts shall be analyzed in regard to the following: a) Project emissions from vehicular and stationary sources; b) Grading and Construction; and c) Compliance with federal and state standards as well as regional air quality attainment plans. 3. The consultant shall complete an Air Quality Site Assessment of the project and incorporate the findings of the review into the text of the EIR. 4. The consultant shall identify the criteria used to determine significance; identify any significant and less than significant, direct and indirect, impacts resulting from the project; recommend appropriate mitigation measures as may be required; and, identify any impacts remaining after implementation of the recommended mitigation measures. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES Project Background Most of the easterly project site has been disturbed from prior grading and reclamation activities. The westerly portion has not been actively used but does have some impact from old dirt roads and trails. Portions of the project site have been mapped as hard line preserve areas in the City HMP. , .•. EIR 11-02-QUARRY CREEK ~TER PLAN December 6, 2011 Page 10 /'"'""\ \wtl 1. The consultant shall describe the biological setting and shall review the Biological Technical report prepared for the project in accordance with the "City of Carlsbad Guidelines for Biological Studies" dated August 29, 2008. 2. The Consultant shall evaluate the project for consistency with the Carlsbad Habitat Management Plan. 3. The consultant shall identify any additional impacts to open space and habitat areas resulting from the project. 4. The consultant shall identify the criteria used to determine significance; identify any significant and less than significant, direct and indirect, impacts resulting from the project; recommend appropriate mitigation measures as may be required; and, identify any impacts remaining after implementation of the recommended mitigation measures. CULTURAL RESOURCES Project Background A Cultural and Historical Resources Survey and Evaluation was prepared by ASM Affiliates, Inc. and an evaluation of the projects impacts on the Historic District Designation of the Marron Adobe is also being prepared by ASM but is not available for distribution of the RFP. Pursuant to the geologic report, since mass grading is required to develop the site, impacts to the potentially fossil-bearing strata of the terrace deposits are anticipated. Therefore, mitigation measures are recommended to reduce the level of significance. Pursuant to the Cultural Resources Study, two previously-recorded sites are located on the property. 1. The consultant shall perform a peer review of the cultural resource reports. The consultant shall evaluate the methodologies and conclusions contained in the reports for legal and scientific adequacy and accuracy to ensure that the analyses are of a scale and level of effort appropriate to the requirements of the project. The consultant shall identify any flaws in the methodologies and/or conclusions and, if no flaws are found, shall incorporate the findings of the review, including the mitigation measures, into the text of the EIR. If inconsistencies/flaws are identified, the EIR consultant shall work with the consultant who prepared the study to revise the analysis/conclusions as appropriate. 2. The consultant shall perform a paleontological analysis of the project and shall incorporate the findings of the reports/assessments into the text of the EIR. 3. The consultant shall identify the criteria used to determine significance; identify any significant and less than significant, direct and indirect, impacts resulting from the project; recommend appropriate mitigation measures as may be required; and, identify any impacts remaining after implementation of the recommended mitigation measures. EIR 11-02-QUARRY CREEK ~TER PLAN December 6, 2011 Page 11 GEOLOGY /SOILS Project Background As noted above, most of the eastern 100 acre project site has been previously disturbed by rock mining operations and reclamation activities. The western 56 acre portion has not been disturbed by previous grading. Earthwork will cover an area of 82 acres and quantities are estimated at 610,000 cu yds. of cut and fill with a balanced grading plan. 1. The consultant shall describe the geological setting, including existing soil and geologic conditions. The consultant shall perform a peer review of the Geotechnical and Soils Reports that covers the project site. The consultant shall evaluate the analysis and conclusions contained in the reports and evaluate the adequacy of the impact analysis, particularly with regard to unstable soils, remedial earthwork, landslides, rocky soils, fault rupture, seismic ground shaking, subsidence, settlement, surcharging, liquefaction, proposed slope stability, and groundwater impacts. The consultant shall identify any flaws/inadequacies in the analyses and conclusions and, if no flaws/inadequacies are found, shall incorporate the findings of the reports/assessments into the text of the EIR. If inconsistencies/flaws are identified, the EIR consultant shall work with the consultant who prepared the study to revise the analysis/conclusions as appropriate. 2. The consultant shall ensure that all required mitigation measures identified in the Geotechnical Investigation are included in the EIR. 3. The consultant shall identify the criteria used to determine significance; identify any significant and less than significant, direct and indirect, impacts resulting from the project; recommend appropriate mitigation measures as may be required; and, identify any impacts remaining after implementation of the recommended mitigation measures. GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS 1. The consultant shall prepare a Greenhouse Gas Emissions Study. 2. The consultant shall prepare a general summary of the State's current policy and view of the science addressing global warming and greenhouse gas emissions. The consultant shall utilize the Governor's Office of Planning and Research CEQA Guidelines, Section 15064.4, "Determining the Significance of Impacts from Greenhouse Gas Emissions," (effective March 31, 2010) as a guide for the analysis. 3. The consultant shall identify the criteria used to determine significance; identify any significant and less than significant, direct and indirect, impacts resulting from the project; recommend appropriate mitigation measures as may be required; and, identify any impacts remaining after implementation of the recommended mitigation measures. EIR 11-02-QUARRY CREEK ~TER PLAN December 6, 2011 Page 12 HAZARDS/HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Project Background The project site and vicinity has the potential to be impacted by high fire hazard areas. 1. The consultant shall identify the areas of the project site which are considered to be high fire hazard areas. The City's Fire Marshal shall be consulted as to the acceptability of proposed development sites adjacent to high fire hazard areas as well as possible mitigation measures needed to reach an acceptable level of safety. 2. The consultant shall review the soil remediation program of the Quarry Creek Reclamation Plan and site clearance documentation for the remediation of contaminated soils. 3. The consultant shall identify the criteria used to determine significance; identify any significant and less than significant, direct and indirect, impacts resulting from the project; recommend appropriate mitigation measures as may be required; and, identify any impacts remaining after implementation of the recommended mitigation measures. HYDROLOGY/WATER QUALITY Project Background A Hydraulic Analysis, Drainage Study, and Storm Water Management Plan have been prepared for the proposed project. 1. Using available data, the consultant shall describe the hydrological setting (existing hydrological conditions) of the site and general drainage characteristics. 2. The consultant shall perform a third-party review of the Hydraulic Analysis, Drainage Study, and Storm Water Management Plans. The consultant shall evaluate the methodologies and conclusions contained in the reports for legal and scientific adequacy and accuracy to ensure that the analyses are of a scale and level of effort appropriate to the requirements of the project. The consultant shall identify any flaws in the methodologies and/or conclusions and, if no flaws are found, shall incorporate the findings of the review, including the mitigation measures, into the text of the EIR. If inconsistencies/flaws are identified, the EIR consultant shall work with the consultant who prepared the study to revise the analysis/conclusions as appropriate. 3. The consultant shall review the Hydraulic Analysis, Drainage Study and Storm Water Management Plans to ensure that all requirements of the latest City of Carlsbad's Drainage Master Plan and Standard Urban Storm Water Management Plan (SUSMP) are satisfied. EIR 11-02-QUARRY CREEK J;TER PLAN December 6, 2011 Page 13 0 4. The consultant shall evaluate the proposed drainage systems adequacy in regulating the discharge volumes and rates of drainage from the project site as it relates between pre and post-development conditions. 5. The consultant shall, based on a review of the Tentative map, site plans, and Storm Water Management Plan, verify if sufficient Low Impact Design features have been incorporated into the project, to the maximum extent practicable, to ensure the post-development scenario mimics the hydraulic characteristics of the project as compared to pre-development conditions. 6. The consultant shall either verify that the project qualifies as exempt from hydromodification requirements in accordance with the Final Hydromodification Management Plan (FHMP), or that the proposed hydromodification best management practices are adequate to meet the FHMP and SUSMP requirements. 7. The consultant shall evaluate all available floodplain mapping and source documents to determine the boundaries of the floodplain as they apply to the project site. Grade alterations proposed by the development shall be reviewed to determine their impact on the floodplain. The consultant shall also review the City of Carlsbad Floodplain Regulations to determine if the project is in compliance with the requirements contained within the ordinance. 8. The consultant shall evaluate the degree to which the project will alter existing drainage patterns to determine if a significant impact will be created. 9. The consultant shall address and recommend appropriate mitigation measures to reduce erosion potential onsite. 10. The consultant shall analyze and evaluate the potential impacts to Buena Vista Creek, Buena Vista Lagoon and/or Pacific Ocean and ensure that this project identifies all pollutants of concern, beneficial uses of the Buena Vista Creek, Buena Vista Lagoon, and/or Pacific Ocean, and the BMP measures required to address them. 11. The consultant shall evaluate the proposed project for National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit compliance. 12. The consultant shall ensure that maintenance of any permanent detention/pollution control basins is included in the EIR. 13. The consultant shall identify maintenance requirements of the structural BMP measures being implemented with this project. 14. The consultant shall ensure that all required mitigation measures identified in the Hydraulic Analysis, Drainage Study, and Storm Water Management Plans are included in the EIR. 15. The consultant shall identify the criteria used to determine significance; identify any significant and less than significant, direct and indirect, impacts resulting from the project; recommend appropriate mitigation measures as may be required; and, identify any impacts remaining after implementation of the recommended mitigation measures. EIR 11-02-QUARRY CREEK ~TER PLAN December 6, 2011 Page 14 LAND USE PLANNING Project Background The City's Housing Element has allocated 306 units of High density housing and 200 units of Medium High density housing to the eastern 100 acre portion to fulfill the City's Regional Housing Needs Assessment. The project will be processing corresponding General Plan amendments to implement the new land use designations. 1. The consultant shall describe the environmental and land use setting of the project. This will include a discussion of any inconsistencies between the proposed project and the City's adopted General Plan and Zoning Code, habitat plan and regional plans. 2. The consultant shall analyze the land use compatibility between the proposed project and surrounding existing and proposed development (i.e. increase in density, height, light/glare, etc.). 3. The consultant shall examine the existing physical conditions as well as the potential future conditions and shall perform a detailed land use analysis on the appropriateness and timing of the proposed use. 4. The consultant shall perform a detailed project review to confirm the project's compliance with City ordinances and policies. The ordinances and policies shall include: 1) the Carlsbad General Plan, 2) the Carlsbad Habitat Management Plan, 3) the Carlsbad Environmental Protection Procedures (Title 19), 4) the Carlsbad Subdivision regulations (Title 20), 5) the Carlsbad Zoning Ordinance (Title 21) including the Growth Management, lnclusionary Housing, Hillside Development Regulations, Environmental Protection, and Flood Plain Development Regulations, 6) the McClellan Palomar Airport Comprehensive Land Use Plan, 7) Landscape Manual, and 8) the Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan. 5. The consultant shall identify the criteria used to determine significance; identify any significant and less than significant, direct and indirect, impacts resulting from the project; recommend appropriate mitigation measures as may be required; and, identify any impacts remaining after implementation of the recommended mitigation measures. NOISE Project Background The project site will experience noise impacts from State Road 78 and the future extension of Marron Road. Additional short-term noise impacts associated with grading, blasting, rock crushing and construction are anticipated. Increases in traffic volumes may also add incremental noise along the circulation corridors. Nuisance noise may be generated from the adjacent loading areas and daily operations of the adjacent commercial project. r EIR 11-02-QUARRY CREEK ~TER PLAN December 6, 2011 Page 15 0 1. The consultant shall perform an acoustical analysis of the project and shall incorporate the findings of the reports/assessments into the text of the EIR. 2. The Noise Element of the General Plan and City of Carlsbad Noise Guidelines Manual shall be consulted to assure proposed mitigation measures do not conflict with adopted policies and guidelines. 3. The consultant shall identify the criteria used to determine significance; identify any significant and less than significant, direct and indirect, impacts resulting from the project; recommend appropriate mitigation measures as may be required; and, identify any impacts remaining after implementation of the recommended mitigation measures. POPULATION AND HOUSING 1. The consultant shall analyze the proposal to determine if it will induce substantial growth in the area either directly or indirectly. 2. The consultant shall analyze the project for compliance with the City's Housing Element and State and regional housing goals. 3. The consultant shall identify the criteria used to determine significance; identify any significant and less than significant, direct and indirect, impacts resulting from the project; recommend appropriate mitigation measures as may be required; and, identify any impacts remaining after implementation of the recommended mitigation measures. PUBLIC SERVICES Project Background The project has prepared a Local Facilities Management Plan per the Growth Management Ordinance. The project shares borders with the city of Oceanside adjacent to the north and east. 1. The consultant shall perform a peer review of the LFMP 25 Zone Plan. The consultant shall evaluate the methodologies and conclusions contained in the reports for legal and scientific adequacy and accuracy to ensure that the analyses are of a scale and level of effort appropriate to the requirements of the project. The consultant shall identify any flaws in the methodologies and/or conclusions and, if no flaws are found, shall incorporate the findings of the review, including the mitigation measures, into the text of the EIR. If inconsistencies/flaws are found, the EIR consultant shall work with the consultant who prepared the study to revise the analysis/conclusions as appropriate. EIR 11-02-QUARRY CREEK ~TER PLAN December 6, 2011 Page 16 2. Based on the results of the LFMP, the consultant shall describe the project setting and shall determine the demands of the entire project for the following: a) fire protection; b) police protection; c) schools; d) parks; and e) other public facilities (government offices, etc.). 3. The consultant shall determine the ability of the agencies providing the services in item number 2 above to meet the demands of the proposed project in order to conclude whether a significant impact will be created. The consultant shall evaluate if sufficient public utilities are provided for the intensity of development proposed to ensure that the adequacy of the City's public facility plan for Zone 25 will not be adversely impacted. The consultant shall also coordinate with the City of Oceanside on the provision and adequacy of public services supplied to the project. 4. The consultant shall prepare a Water Supply Analysis and incorporate the findings of the review into the text of the EIR. 5. The emergency response plans of the City of Carlsbad shall be analyzed in conjunction with the proposed project to determine if the project will interfere with existing plans. 6. The consultant shall identify the criteria used to determine significance; identify any significant and less than significant, direct and indirect, impacts resulting from the project; recommend appropriate mitigation measures as may be required; and, identify any impacts remaining after implementation of the recommended mitigation measures. TRANSPORTATION/CIRCULATION Project Background The proposed development may generate additional traffic on adjacent and nearby road segments and at adjacent and nearby intersections. A Traffic Impact Assessment has been prepared by the applicant's traffic consultant Urban Systems Associates. Please note, that as part of a separate contract with the Public Works Engineering Department, the applicant has funded a third-party peer (Kimley-Horn and Associates) review of the Traffic Impact Assessment to ensure completeness and sufficiency. Tasks: 1. The consultant shall perform a peer review of the Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) for technical accuracy and proposed mitigation measures and add, supplement, or amend the report as necessary and incorporate the findings of the review into the text of the EIR. The consultant shall incorporate or revise the study to be consistent with the 2030 regional build-out model. If inconsistencies/flaws are found, the EIR consultant shall work with the consultant who prepared the study to revise the analysis/conclusions as appropriate. 2. The consultant will be provided with a City staff approved Traffic Impact Assessment for use in preparing the Transportation/Traffic section of the EIR. The consultant shall incorporate the information and findings of the study into the EIR. EIR 11-02-QUARRY CREEK J;ITER PLAN December 6, 2011 Page 17 3. The consultant shall review the TIA to ensure that all requirements of the City of Carlsbad's Growth Management Program are satisfied. The consultant shall coordinate with the city of Oceanside for review and adequacy of the TIA. 4. The consultant shall ensure the study limits of the TIA extend to those road segments and intersections where 20% or more of project-generated traffic is expected to impact. 5. The consultant shall ensure that the TIA identifies the level-of-service (LOS) for the road segments and intersections for current, near-term and build-out scenarios are identified as it relates to the proposed project. 6. The consultant shall review the TIA for conformance against SANTEC/ITE Guidelines (including Congestion Management Plan analysis) for Traffic Impact Studies in the San Diego Region. 7. The consultant shall review the TIA against the assumptions made within the City's latest build- out traffic model. 8. The consultant shall evaluate the TIA, which provides a worst-case traffic generation scenario, to determine if any trip credits or trip reductions are applicable for proximity to non-residential development and transit lines or for provision of the proposed park-and-ride facility. 9. The consultant shall review the Tentative map and site plan exhibits to identify any potential conflicts for intersection sight distance, turning movements, left-lane pocket lengths, and vehicular decisions associated with the project, using Caltrans standards. 10. The consultant shall identify if the proposed project creates potential impacts to areas outside the City of Carlsbad, and if the project requires any mitigation measures. 11. The consultant shall ensure that all required mitigation measures identified in the Reports, Tentative maps, and site plan exhibits are included in the EIR for this project. 12. The components of the traffic/circulation analysis should include vehicular traffic, public transportation, bike and pedestrian traffic, construction traffic associated with the off-site truck trips (for export), and parking. An evaluation of the pedestrian and bicycle circulation system for potential hazards shall also be completed. 13. The consultant shall identify the criteria used to determine significance; identify any significant and less than significant, direct and indirect impacts resulting from the project; recommend appropriate mitigation measures as may be required; and, identify any impacts remaining after implementation of the recommended mitigation measures. UTILITIES AND SERVICE SYSTEMS 1. The consultant shall perform a third-party review of the LFMP 25 Zone Plan. The consultant shall evaluate the methodologies and conclusions contained in the reports for legal and scientific adequacy and accuracy to ensure that the analyses are of a scale and level of effort EIR 11-02-QUARRY CREEK ~TER PLAN December 6, 2011 Page 18 appropriate to the requirements of the project. The consultant shall identify any flaws in the methodologies and/or conclusions and, if no flaws are found, shall incorporate the findings of the review, including the mitigation measures, into the text of the EIR. If inconsistencies/flaws are found, the EIR consultant shall work with the consultant who prepared the study to revise the analysis/conclusions as appropriate. 2. Based on the results of the LFMP, the consultant shall describe the project setting and shall determine the demands of the entire project for the following: a) wastewater treatment facilities; b) water facilities; c) storm water drainage facilities; and d) solid waste facilities. 3. The consultant shall determine the ability of the agencies providing the services in item number 2 above to meet the demands of the proposed project in order to conclude whether a significant impact will be created. 4. The consultant shall review the sewer and water facilities proposed against the City's Master Sewer and Master Water plans for conformance and shall incorporate the findings of the review, including any mitigation measures, into the text of the EIR. 5. The consultant shall identify the criteria used to determine significance; identify any significant and less than significant, direct and indirect, impacts resulting from the project; recommend appropriate mitigation measures as may be required; and, identify any impacts remaining after implementation of the recommended mitigation measures. MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE As required by and consistent with CEQA, the EIR shall address all mandatory findings of significance. CUMULATIVE IMPACTS Project Background The development of the proposed project may lead to several cumulative impacts that need to be addressed. These cumulative impacts may include, but may not be limited to degradation of air quality. 1. As required by CEQA, the EIR shall address cumulative impacts for the proposed project. This shall include an identification of past, present, and reasonably anticipated future projects producing related or cumulative impacts, and shall include a summary of the environmental impacts expected to result from those projects. It should contain an analysis of the cumulative impacts of relevant projects and any reasonable options for mitigating or avoiding any significant cumulative impacts of the proposed project. 2. The consultant shall identify the criteria used to determine significance; identify any significant and less than significant, direct and indirect, impacts resulting from the project; recommend appropriate mitigation measures as may be required; and, identify any impacts remaining after implementation of the recommended mitigation measures. EIR 11-02-QUARRY CREEK ~TER PLAN December 6, 2011 Page 19 GRO~HINDUCEMENT 1. As required by CEQA, the EIR shall address the impacts of growth inducement created by the proposed project. 2. The consultant shall identify the criteria used to determine significance; identify any significant and less than significant, direct and indirect, impacts resulting from the project; recommend appropriate mitigation measures as may be required; and, identify any impacts remaining after implementation of the recommended mitigation measures. ALTERNATIVES As required by CEQA, the consultant shall analyze various project alternatives and provide an assessment of the potential impacts associated with each alternative. The consultant shall include in the EIR some discussion of why each of the selected alternatives was chosen for analysis. The consultant shall provide a listing of the environmental advantages and disadvantages of each alternative. City Staff and the consultant will agree on the alternatives to be included. The alternatives shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following: 1. Project Alternative 1 -"No Project" Alternative -This alternative shall analyze the impacts associated with the existing conditions at the time the NOP is published as well as what would be reasonably expected to occur in the foreseeable future if the project were not approved, based on the current General Plan and consistent with available infrastructure and community services. 2. Project Alternative 2-"Alternative Sites Analysis"-The consultant shall analyze one alternative site for the proposed project. This off-site alternative analysis shall provide a general level review of all of the environmental issues which were evaluated for the proposed project site. The alternative site will be identified in consultation with City staff. 3. Project Alternative 3-"Reduced Project" Alternative-The consultant shall evaluate a variation of the project, which would allow for a reduced level of development intensity. CEQA MANDATED SECTIONS The consultant shall include all sections mandated by CEQA in the EIR. FORMAT The EIR should be prepared in conformance with the following: Table of Contents EIR 11-02-QUARRY CREEK ~TER PLAN December 6, 2011 Page 20 Summary Significant Effects, Proposed Mitigation and Alternatives Areas of Controversy Issue to Be Resolved Project Description Project Location Maps Statement of Objectives Technical, Economic and Environmental Characteristics Intended Uses of the EIR Agencies Expected to Use the EIR List of Permits and Approvals Required Environmental Setting Baseline Environmental Conditions Resources Unique to the Region Consistency with Regional Plans Consideration and Discussion of Environmental Impacts Significant Effects Significant Effects Which Cannot Be Avoided or Mitigated Significant Irreversible Changes Growth Inducing Impacts Mitigation Measures Measure proposed by the Applicant Measures recommended by the City or others Discussion of alternative mitigation measures Alternatives Effects Found Not to be Significant Organizations and Persons Consulted Discussion of Cumulative Impacts For Final EIR: The DEIR or a revision of it Comments and Recommendations Received on the DEIR Persons, Organizations, and Public Agencies commenting on the DEIR Responses to Comments \) Quarry Creek Master Plan MP 10-01 0 400 0 AGREEMENT WITH CONSULTANT FOR THE PREPARATION OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT THIS AGREEMENT, made this __ day of _____ , 20_, between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation of the State of California, hereinafter referred to as "CITY", and-----------hereinafter referred to as "CONTRACTOR". RECITALS ' WHEREAS, the CITY has entered into an agreement wit~~~ ______ hereinafter called applicant, wherein the CITY agrees to prepare an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the proposed project identified as _______ which is located-------- and more precisely shown on the plat marked Attachment 1, attached hereto and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, the CONTRACTOR has the qualifications to prepare the required Environmental Impact Report; and WHEREAS, it is understood that the CONTRACTOR1;shall be an independent contractor of the CITY; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of their mutual covenants and conditions, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. CONTRACTOR OBLIGATIONS CONTRACTOR shall prepare an Environmental Impact Report on the subject project in accord with the California Environmental Quality Act as implemented by the State Guidelines and by CITY in Title 19 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and its implementing resolutions. In carrying out this obligation the CONTRACTOR's duties shall include the following: (a) The CONTRACTOR shall, consistent with the Work Program contained in Attachment 2, (1) make all necessary and required field explorations, reviews and tests; (2) make all necessary and required laboratory tests and analyses; (3) appear and be prepared to answer questions and prepare testimony on the final Environmental Impact Report at all public 1 Rev. 07-28-08 c hearings before the Planning Commission and the City Council prior to the certification of the report; (4) make all reports necessary to comply with the requirements of this section. Before preparing the draft report, the CONTRACTOR shall submit five copies of a preliminary report (screen check EIR) to the Planning Director for staff review. The CONTRACTOR shall revise the preliminary report as requested by staff in order to make it suitable for draft EIR review. (b) CONTRACTOR shall prepare a draft report in compliance with the Work Program contained in Attachment 2 on file at the Planning Department (unless otherwise stated in this agreement), attached hereto and made a part hereof and with applicable state law and CITY ordinances. The CONTRACTOR shall submit to CITY: fifty copies (in ~7r.ing binQ~rs) plus a reproducible master of the draft Environmentallriipa~t Report to .the CITY. (c) CONTRACTOR shall attempt to determine as soon as pos$ible in the study of the area involved, those factors which could severely inhibit or prohibit the proposed project. If it appears that such factors are present, CONTRACTOR shall so inform the Planning Director who in turn will discuss with the applicant the feasibility of continuing with the report. The objective of this subsection of the agreement is to minimize the cost if these adverse factors exist. (d) CONTRACTOR shall prepare and file with the CITY written responses to all comments received subsequent to public notice that the draft Environmental Impact Report has been filed. CONTRACTOR shall also prepare any response necessary to matters raised at the public hearings. The written responses shall be prepared in a form that will permit the responses to be incorporated into the final Environmental Impact Report. 2. CITY OBLIGATIONS (a) The CITY will make payment to the CONTRACTOR as provided for in this agreement. (b) The CITY will make available to the CONTRACTOR any documents, studies, or other information in its possession related to the proposed project. 2 Rev. 07-28-08 (c) The CITY will review the Preliminary Report presented by the CONTRACTOR within fourteen working days of their receipt and make written comments to the CONTRACTOR within that time period. (d) The CITY shall provide the CONTRACTOR with copies of all written comments received on the draft Environmental Impact Report subsequent to public notice that the draft Environmental Impact Report has been filed and is available for public review. 3. TIME OF COMPLETION Time is of the essence in carrying out the terms of this agreement. ·It is understood that inclement weather conditions may delay the completion of field work. The CONTRACTOR will be allowed as many additional days as are necessary to compensate for days lost due to inclement weather. The CONTRACTOR shall submit to the CITY five copies of the Preliminary Environmental Impact Report within six. weeks 'of. tn~· signing of this agreement by both l ,,, concerned parties. The CONTRACTOR shall submit to the CITY fifty copies of the draft Environmental Impact Report within ten working days of the completed staff review of the Preliminary Environmental Impact Report. 4. PAYMENT The CONTRACTOR will be paid a maximum of _______ dollars for all work necessary to carry out the requirements of this agreement. Actual payment shall be based on the cost of the report based on the costs as set forth in Attachment __ on file at the Planning Department. The CONTRACTOR shall be paid within ___ days, in response to invoice, for ___ percent of the compensable services for the completion of the screen check draft Environmental Impact Report in accordance with Paragraph 1 above. The CONTRACTOR will be paid up to an additional ___ percent upon acceptance by the CITY of the response to comments from the CONTRACTOR, the final ___ percent will be paid, not to exceed the maximum amount provided in its agreement, within ___ days after receipt of invoice, to be submitted after the certification of the Environmental Impact Report by the City Council. 3 Rev. 07-28-08 c 5. LIMITS OF THE OBLIGATION The limits of the obligation of the CITY under this agreement is the sum of ____ _ which amount is estimated to be sufficient to compensate the CONTRACTOR for all services performed hereunder during the terms of this agreement. In the event at any time it appears to the CONTRACTOR that said sum may not be sufficient, he shall immediately so notify the Planning Director. He will not perform any work or incur any obligation beyond said sum of ______ without appropriate amendment to this agreement. 6. CHANGES IN WORK If, in the course of this contract, changes seem merited by the CONTRACTOR or the CITY and informal consultations indicate that a change in the conditions of:,the contract is warranted, the CONTRACTOR or the CITY may request a change in the contract. Such changes shall be processed by the CITY in the following manner. A letter outlining the required changes shall be forwarded to the CITY or CONTRACTOR to inform them of the proposed changes along with a statement of estimated ~hanges in. charges or time schedule. After reaching mutual agreement on the proposal, a supplemental agreement shall be prepared by the CITY and approved by the CITY according to the procedures described in Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.28.080. Such supplemental agreement shall not render ineffective or invalid unaffected portions of the agreement. Changes requiring immediate action by the CONTRACTOR or the CITY shall be ordered by the Planning Director who will inform a principal of the CONTRACTOR's firm of the necessity of such action and follow up with a supplemental agreement covering such work. The lump sum amounts detailed in this agreement shall be adjusted for changes, either additive or deductive, in the scope of work, provided such changes are processed according to the procedures in this paragraph. 7. COVENANTS AGAINST CONTINGENT FEES The CONTRACTOR warrants that their firm has not employed or retained any company 4 Rev. 07-28-08 c or person, other than a bona fide employee working for the CONTRACTOR, to solicit or secure this agreement, and that CONTRACTOR has not paid or agreed to pay any company or person, other than a bona fide employee, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift, or any other consideration contingent upon, or resulting from, the award or making of this agreement. For breach or violation of this warranty, the CITY shall have the right to annul this agreement without liability, or, in its discretion, to deduct from the agreemert price or consideration, or ';j otherwise recover, the full amount of such fee, commission, pe'r:dentage, brokerage fees, gift, or contingent fee. 8. NONDISCRIMINATION CLAUSE The CONTRACTOR shall comply with the state and federal laws regarding nondiscrimination. 9. TERMINATION OF CONTRACT The CITY may terminate this agreement at any time by giving written notice to the CONTRACTOR of such termination and specifying the effective date thereof, at least fifteen days prior to the effective date of the termination. In the event of termination, all finished or unfinished documents and other materials prepared pursuant to this agreement shall become its property. .Upon termination for reasons other than breach of this agreement CITY shall pay CONTRACTOR the reasonable value of the services completed to the date of notice of determination. 10. DISPUTES If a dispute should arise regarding the performance of work under this agreement, the following procedure shall be used to resolve any question of fact or interpretation not otherwise settled by agreement between parties. Such questions, if they become identified as a part of a dispute among persons operating under the provisions of this contract, shall be reduced to writing by the principal of the CONTRACTOR or the CITY Planning Director. A copy of such documented dispute shall be forwarded to both parties involved along with recommended 5 Rev. 07-28-08 0 methods of resolution which would be of benefit to both parties. The CITY Planning Director or principal receiving the letter shall reply to the letter along with a recommended method of resolution within ten (1 0) days. If the resolution thus obtained is unsatisfactory to the aggrieved party, a letter outlining the dispute shall be forwarded to the City Council for their resolution through the office of the City Manager. The City Council may then opt to consider the directed solution to the problem. In such cases, the action of the City Council shall be binding upon the parties involved, although nothing in this procedure shall prohibit the parties seeking remedies available to them at law. 11. CLAIMS AND LAWSUITS The CONTRACTOR agrees that any opntract claim submitted to 'th~qCity must be , I, asserted as part of the contract process as set forth in this agreement and hbt in anticipation of litigation or in conjunction with litigation. The CONTRACTOR acknowledges that if a false claim is submitted to the City, it may be considered fraud and the CONTRACTOR may be subject to criminal prosecution. The CONTRACTOR acknowledges that California Government Code Sections 12650 et seq., the False Claims Aot, provides for civil penalties where a person knowingly submits a false claim to a public entity. These provisions include false claims made with deliberate ignorance of the false information or in reckless disregard of the truth or falsity of information. If the City of Carlsbad seeks to recover penalties pursuant to the False Claims Act, it is entitled to recover its litigation costs, including attorney's fees. The CONTRACTOR acknowledges that the filing of a false claim may subject the CONTRACTOR to an administrative debarment proceeding wherein the CONTRACTOR may be prevented to act as a contractor on any public work or improvement for a period of up to five (5) years. The CONTRACTOR acknowledges debarment by another jurisdiction is grounds for the City of Carlsbad to disqualify the CONTRACTOR from the selection process. ___ (Initial) The provisions of Carlsbad Municipal Code Sections 3.32.025, 3.32.026, 3.32.027 and 3.32.028 pertaining to false claims are incorporated herein by reference. ____ (Initial) 6 Rev. 07-28-08 c. 0 12. STATUS OF THE CONTRACTOR The CONTRACTOR shall perform the services provided for herein in CONTRACTOR's own way as an independent contractor and in pursuit of CONTRACTOR's independent calling, and not as an employee of the CITY. CONTRACTOR shall be under control of the CITY only as to the result to be accomplished, but shall consult with the CITY as provided for in the request for proposal. The persons used by the CONTRACTOR to provide services under this ,,,,' agreement shall not be considered employees of the CITY for arty purposes whatsoever. The CONTRACTOR is an independent contractor of the CITY. The payment made to the CONTRACTOR pursuant to the contract shall be the full and complete compensation to which the CONTRACTOR is entitled. The CITY shall not make any federal or state tax withholdings on behalf of the CONTRACTOR or his/her employees or subcontractors. The CITY shall not be required to pay any workers' compensation insurance or unemployment ' ' ,, contributions on behalf of the CONTRAdTOFtc:>r his/her remployees or subcontractors, on behalf of the CONTRACTOR. , the CONTRACTOR agrees to indemnify the CITY for any tax, retirement contribution, social security, overtime payment, or workers' compensation payment which the CITY may be required to make on behalf of the CONTRACTOR or any employee of the CONTRACTOR for work done under this agreement. The CONTRACTOR shall be aware of the requirements of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 and shall comply with those requirements, including, but not limited to, verifying the eligibility for employment of all agents, employees, subcontractors and CONTRACTORS that are included in this agreement. 13. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS All documents and materials prepared pursuant to this agreement are the property of the CITY. The CITY shall have the unrestricted authority to publish, disclose, distribute and otherwise use, in whole or in part, any reports, data, or other materials prepared under this agreement. 7 Rev. 07-28-08 0 14. REPRODUCTION RIGHTS The CONTRACTOR agrees that all copyrights which arise from creation of the work pursuant to this contract shall be vested in CITY and hereby agrees to relinquish all claims to such copyrights in favor of CITY. 15. RELEASE OF INFORMATION BY CONTRACTOR Any reports, information or other data, prepared or assembled by the CONTRACTOR under this agreement shall not be made available to any individual or organization by the CONTRACTOR without prior written approval of the CITY. 16. HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT CONTRACTOR agrees to indemnify and hold harmtes,s the City of Carlsbad and its officers, officials, employees and volunteers from and against all'claim~1 ~amages, losses and 'I: 1 'II expenses including attorney fees arising out of the performance of the work described herein caused in whole or in part by any willful misconduct or negligent act or omission of the CONTRACTOR, any subcontractor, anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or anyone for whose acts any of. them may be liable, except where caused by the active negligence, sole negligence, or willflll.misconduct of the City of Carlsbad. CONTRACTOR shall at it~ own e~pense, upon written request by the City, defend any such suit or action brought against the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers. CONTRACTOR's .indemnification of City shall not be limited by any prior or subsequent declaration by the CONTRACTOR. 17. ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT CONTRACTOR shall not assign this contract or any part hereof or any monies due or to become due thereunder without prior written consent of the CITY. 18. SUBCONTRACTING If the CONTRACTOR shall subcontract any of the work to be performed under this contract by CONTRACTOR, the CONTRACTOR shall be fully responsible to the CITY for the 8 Rev. 07-28-08 c acts and omissions of its subcontractor and of the persons either directly or indirectly employed by its subcontractor, as it is for the acts and omissions of persons directly employed by it. Nothing contained in this contract shall create any employee or contractual relationship between any subcontractor of CONTRACTOR and the CITY. The CONTRACTOR shall bind every subcontractor and every subcontractor of the subcontractor by their terms of this contract applicable to its work unless specifically noted to the contrary in the subcontract in question approved in writing by the CITY. 19. PROHIBITED INTEREST No official of the CITY who is authorized in such capacity orr 1behalf of th'e CITY to negotiate, make, accept or approve, or to take part in negotiating, making, accepting or approving any architectural, engineering, inspection, construction, or material supply contract or subcontract in connection with the cdnstn.iction ofthe project, shall become directly or indirectly interested personally in this contract or .in any part thereof. No officer, employee, architect, attorney, engineer or inspector of or for the CITY who is authorized in such capacity and on behalf of the CITY to exercise any executive, supervisory or other similar functions in connection with the performance of this contract shall become directly or indirectly interested personally in this contract or any part hereof. 20. VERBAL AGREEMENT OR CONVERSATION No verbal agreement or conversation with any officer, agent or employee or the CITY, either before, during or after the execution of this contract, shall affect or modify any of the terms or obligations herein contained, nor shall such verbal agreement or conversation entitle the CONTRACTOR to any additional payment whatsoever under the terms of this contract. 21. SUCCESSOR OR ASSIGNS Subject to the provision of Paragraph 10, "Hold Harmless Agreement", all terms, conditions, and provisions hereof shall inure to and shall bind each of the parties hereto, and each of their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns. 9 Rev. 07-28-08 22. EFFECTIVE DATE This agreement shall be effective on and from the day and year first written above. 23. CONFLICT OF INTEREST The CONTRACTOR shall file a Conflict of Interest Statement with the City Clerk in accordance with the requirements of the City of Carlsbad Conflict of Interest Code. The CONTRACTOR shall report investments or interests in all four categdries. 24. INSURANCE The CONTRACTOR shall obtain and maintain for the duration of the contract and any and all amendments insurance against claims for injuri~s to persons or damage;to property which may arise out of or in connection with pertor,man~ .of the work hereunder by the CONTRACTOR, its agents, representatives, employees; .or subcdnlractors·. The insurance will be obtained from an insurance carrier admitted and authorized to do business in the State of California. The insurance carrier is required to have a current Best's Key Rating of not less than "A-:VII". OR with a surplus line insurer on the State of California's List of Eligible Surplus Line Insurers (LESLI) with a rating in 'the latest Best's Key Rating Guide of at least "A: X". CONTRACTOR· shall maintain the types of coverages and minimum limits indicated herein, unless a lower amount is approved by the City Attorney or City Manager: 1. Comprehensive General Liability Insurance. $1 ,000,000 combined single-limit per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage. If the submitted policies contain aggregate limits, general aggregate limits shall apply separately to the work under this contract or the general aggregate shall be twice the required per occurrence limit. 2. Automobile Liability (if the use of an automobile is involved for CONTRACTOR's work for the City). $1,000,000 combined single-limit per accident for bodily injury and property damage. 10 Rev. 07-28-08 c 3. Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability. Workers' Compensation limits as required by the Labor Code of the State of California and Employer's Liability limits of $1,000,000 per accident for bodily injury. B. Additional Provisions. CONTRACTOR shall ensure that the policies of insurance required under this agreement contain, or are endorsed to contain, the following provisions. '' 1. The City shall be named as an additional insured on all policies excluding Workers' Compensation. 2. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish certificates of insurance to the City before commencement of work. 3. The CONTRACTOR shall obtain occurrence coverage. 4. This insurance shall be in force during the life of the agreement and any extension thereof and shall not be canceled without 30 days prior written notice to the City sent by certified mail. 5. If the CONTRACTOR fails to maintain any of the insurance coverages required herein, then the City will have the option to declare the CONTRACTOR in breach, or may purchase replacement insurance or pay the premiums that are due on existing policies in order that the required coverages may be maintained. The CONTRACTOR is responsible for any payments made, by the City to obtain or maintain such insurance and the City may collect the same from the CONTRACTOR or deduct the amount paid from any sums due the CONTRACTOR under this agreement. 25. RESPONSIBLE PARTIES The name of the persons who are authorized to give written notices or to receive written notice on behalf of the City and on behalf of the CONTRACTOR in connection with the foregoing are as follows: 11 Rev. 07-28-08 For City: Title: Name: Address: For Contractor: Title: Name: Address: Architect/License Number: Architect/License Number: 26. BUSINESS LICENSE CONTRACTOR shall obtain and maintain a City bf Carlsbad Business License for the duration of the contract. 27. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This agreement, together with any other written document referred to or contemplated herein, embody the entire agreement and understanding between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof. Neither this agreement nor any provision hereof may be amended, modified, waived or discharges except by an instrument in writing executed by the party against which enforcement of such amendment, waiver or discharge is sought. 12 Rev. 07-28-08 Executed by CONTRACTOR this _____ day of-------' 20 _. CONTRACTOR: CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation of the State of California By: (Name of Contractor) City Manager or Mayor By: (sign here) ATTEST: (print name/title) LORRAINE M'.'V\JOOD, Qity Clerk By: (sign here) (print name/title) (Proper notarial acknowledgment of execution by CONTRACTOR must be attached). (Chairman, president or vice-president and secretary, assistant secretary, CFO or assistant treasurer must sign for corporations. OtheiWi$e, the qarporation must attach a resolution certified by the secretary or; assistant secretary ut1(1er corporate seal empowering the officer(s) signing to bind the corporation.) (If signed by an individual partr1~r, the partnership must attach a statement of partnership authorizing the partner to execute this instrument). APPROVED AS TO FORM: RONALD R. BALL, City Attorney B: Assistant City Attorney 13 Rev. 07-28-08 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO On before me, Notary Public, personally appeared , who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they execUted the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) .on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. (Signature of Notary) Rev. 12/17/2007 Al:I:JAV-09-00IN WO)'.<JEII\8'MMM HDR INC STE 200 8690 BALBOA AV UOJ:POJ~SUJ,p Elll!nEI:J 81 ZEI~InSUO)..,~ •. SAN DIEGO CA 92123-1502 RECON ENVIRONMENTAL INC 1927 5TH AV SAN DIEGO CA 92101-2358 . ~uewe6Jeap ep sues ... ®09~5 ~H31\V ~!Jeqeo e1 zesm~n .IEIIad ' S81P8:J SE~Qenb!~~ HELIX ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING INC STE 200 7578 EL CAJON BLVD LA MESA CA 91942 RINCON CONSULTANTS INC STE 103 5355 AVENIDA ENCINAS CARLSBAD CA 92008 RBF CONSULTING STE 260 5050 AVENIDA ENCINAS CARLSBAD CA 92008-4386 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATES STE 340 9191 TOWNE CENTER DR SAN DIEGO CA 92122 Jaded paa:r T ®09lS UYidiiiiU ®I.JaAy asn saaqe"J l88d .<se3 ... !• ..0. Van Lynch From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Hi Van c Diane Nygaard <dandd2@peoplepc.com> Tuesday, November 29, 2011 12:11 AM Van Lynch Mike Grim; George Buell; Jerry Hittleman Quarry Creek Planning Buffer Still Not Provided At the last Quarry Creek project stakeholder meeting on November 16, 2011 you stated that you agreed that the revised project application submitted by McMillin was consistent with the SO'planning buffer requirements established by the city of Oceanside Planning Commission and that you would provide some clarification of that in writing. That is a surprising interpretation since some reaches of the creek have what appears to be at least a 40' wide road within what is supposed to be a 50' buffer. As you review this issue we request that you consider the description of a planning buffer in the draft Oceanside SAP and the separation and transition zones in the City of Carlsbad "Guidelines for Wetland and Riparian Buffers." The intent of the Oceanside Planning Commission condition regarding the planning buffer was clearly meant to further protect the creek. The Oceanside draft HMP defines a planning buffer as "an area of transition between biological buffer and specified land uses on adjoining uplands. Foot paths, bikeways and passive recreational uses may be incorporated into planning buffers, but buildings, roads. or other intensive uses are prohibited." In their discussion of this issue the Planning Commission identified the desire to provide for future public trails within the planning buffer and that this was part of their consideration of the need for an adequate buffer. We would argue that this city of Oceanside definition of a planning buffer is similar to those in the city of Carlsbad "Guidelines for Wetland and Riparian Buffers" for the transition and separation zones. These guidelines include the following provisions " roadways and other crossings of the buffers shall be avoided and minimized. " roads are restricted except for "access to essential infrastructure", "motorized vehicles are prohibited," buffers "shall be depicted on preliminary and final grading and landscaping plans," plans shall "limit the number and conditions for crossings," and that impacts to buffers shall be monitored. These guidelines also describe the functions of buffers that are to be protected and the process to be used to propose an alternative buffer configuration. We would hope that upon further consideration of the description of buffers in both the city of Oceanside and city of Carlsbad documents that you will conclude that the revised Quarry Creek project submittal is not in compliance and that further revisions are needed. This buffer issue will be a key component of HMP compliance review. It of course will be much less costly for the developer to make project revisions now when it is still early in the process. This project will not be able to proceed without support by the City of Oceanside. Ignoring a key project condition imposed by them does not seem like a good way to encourage that support. Diane Nygaard Preserve Calavera 1 c ~~ 4~~ CITY OF VcARLSBAD Planning Division November 28, 2011 Todd Galarneau Quarry Creek Investors LLC 2750 Womble Rd San Diego CA 92106 www.carlsbadca.gov SUBJECT: 2nd REVIEW FOR QUARRY CREEK MASTER PLAN -GPA 11-09/ZC 11-04/MP 10-01/CT 11- 04/SUP 11-04/HMP 11-07/HDP 11-04 The items requested from you earlier to make your General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, Master Plan, Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map, Special Use Permit, Habitat Management Plan Permit, and Hillside Development Permit, and applications no. GPA 11-09, ZC 11-04, MP 10-01, CT 11-04, SUP 11-04, HMP 11-07, and HOP 11-04 complete have been received and reviewed by the Planning Department The General Plan Amendment (GPA) and Zone Change (ZC) applications are complete as submitted. The remaining development applications consisting of Master Plan, Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map, Special Use Permit, Habitat Management Plan Permit, and Hillside Development Permit, are deemed to be incomplete. Since the legislative actions (GPA and ZC) are being processed concurrently with the quasi- judicial actions, the other development permit applications must remain incomplete until the legislative actions are approved by the City Council. Staff will continue to concurrently process and take the development applications to the decision-making bodies together and in an order by which the applications can be decided upon. Although the initial processing of your application may have already begun, the technical acceptance date is acknowledged by the date of this communication. The City may, in the course of processing the application, request that you clarify, amplify, correct, or otherwise, supplement the basic information required for the application. In addition, you should also be aware that various design issues may exist. These issues must be addressed before this application can be scheduled for a hearing. The Planning Department will begin processing your applications as of the date of this communication. At this time, the City asks that you provide seven (7) complete sets of the development plans so that the project can continue to be reviewed. In order to expedite the processing of your application, you are strongly encouraged to contact your Staff Planner, Van Lynch, at (760) 602-4613, to discuss or to schedule a meeting to discuss your application and to completely understand this letter. You may also contact each commenting department individually as follows: • Land Development Engineering Division: Tecla Levy, Associate Engineer, at (760) 602-2733. • Fire Department: Fire Inspections, at (760) 602-4661 .. Sincerely, CHRIS DeCERBO Principal Planner CD:VL:bd c: Hansen Aggregates Pacific Southwest, Inc, P.O. Box 639069, San Diego.CA 92163-9069 Planning Systems, Paul Klukas, 1530 Faraday Av, Suite 100, Carlsbad CA 92008 Don Neu, Planning Director Tecla Levy, Project Engineer Chris DeCerbo, Principal Planner File Copy Data Entry 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 T 760-602-4600 F 760-602-8559 GPA 11-09/ZC 11-04/MP 10-01/CT 11-04/SUP 11-04/HMP 11-07/HDP 11-04-QUARRY CREEK MASTER PLAN 'November 2s, 2011 Pa e 2 LIST OF ITEMS NEEDED TO COMPLETE THE APPLICATION Planning: 1. Please submit the application and submittal requirements for the Local Facilities Management Plan. 2. An EIR will be required for the CEQA review of the project. A letter under separate cover has requested the filing of an EIR. 3. The Vesting Tentative Map identifies the project as a 656 unit condominium project. Please submit an application for a Planned Development Permit to accompany the Tentative Tract Map. Additional Tentative Tract Map fees will also be applicable based on unit count. If the Planned Unit Development Permit is to be processed with the subsequent subdivision of the property, please remove this note from the plans. 4. Additional technical studies will be required for the project. These include; Noise Analysis, Air Quality, C02 hotspot analysis, and a Water Supply Analysis. Staff understands that the EIR consultant selected will prepare these studies. Additional technical studies may be needed and they will be determined upon further review of the project and during the EIR process. Engineering: A) Master Plan: 1. As previously requested, submit for city approval a Local Facilities Management Plan (LFMP) for local facilities management zone 25 as required by CMC 2l.90.03(a). 2. As previously requested, submit a preliminary potable water study that identifies the peak demands of the project (including fire flow demands). The study shall identify velocity in the main lines; invert elevations, required pipe sizes and pressure zones. The Quarry Creek development is in the 330 pressure zone. There are two connection points two the existing water mains in the 446 pressure zone from the adjacent Calavera Hills development. The water study must evaluate the need for pressure reducing stations at two connection points along Street A as shown in the red-lined plans. Show proposed locations of the pressure reducing stations on the revised water master plan. B) Tentative Map: 1. Please submit a preliminary potable water study that identifies the peak demands of the project (including fire flow demands). The study shall identify velocity in the main lines; invert elevations, required pipe sizes and pressure zones. The pressure zone for Quarry Creek development is 330 and it connects to two existing water mains at 446 pressure zone. The water study must evaluate the need for pressure reducing stations at two connection points along street A as shown in the red- lined plans. Show proposed locations of the proposed pressure reducing stations on the revised site plan. 2. Please submit a Hydromodification Screening using SCCWRP screening tool to justify the use of 0.5Q2 flow threshold for hydromodification continuous simulation analysis. ; c 0 GPA 11-09/ZC 11-04/MP 10-01/CT 11-04/SUP 11-04/HMP 11-07/HDP 11-04-QUARRY CREEK MASTER PLAN November 28, 2011 Pa e 3 ISSUES OF CONCERN Planning: 1. The Biotechnical report is currently being reviewed by staff. Comments will be provided when review is completed. 2. Comments on the Master Plan have been provided via a marked up copy of the plan. Following are some specific comments regarding the Master Plan. a. The requested setback reduction to five feet from public and private streets for R-1 and R-2 will not result in a substantial benefit to the project because of the slopes shown on the plans. The slopes in essence will prevent buildings from being place closer than the typical 10 foot minimum setback required for non-circulation element public streets. Staff does not support the reduction of the setbacks without a justification for the benefits of the requested reduction. The project shall provide the justification to show that the requested reduction is needed to provide for the development of the site per the Master Plan. This may entail more site design and layout work to justify said request. The project may also request a reduction of development standards for the provision of inclusionary units. This comment also holds true for Planning Area R-3 where a reduced setback is requested from the proposed collector street (Marron Road). b. Figure 5 (General Plan Map per Housing Element Approval) is not a correct exhibit. The Housing Element did not designate property to a specific land use and only allocated units at specific densities. The exhibit also shows open space per the conservation easement which has not been changed in the Land Use Element. The remainder of the open space reflects the HMP boundary (although incorrectly) and is also not an approved Open Space Land Use. This exhibit shall be removed from the Master Plan as it does not provide a true and accurate representation. c. Section 1.6, Please review the 2008 Farmland mapping (ftp://ftp.consrv.ca.gov/pub/dlrp/FMMP/pdf/2008/sdg08_west.pdf) which identifies the site as farmland of local importance. This will also be analyzed in the EIR. d. Section 2.3, Add a Section 2.2.3, Open Space and Conservation Element. e. All setbacks shall be landscaped. Permitted intrusions into required setbacks are per Chapter 21.46.120 (Yards Section). The "Structural Setbacks" should be defined as to prohibit structures, parking spaces, parking lots, driveways, drive aisles, or private streets, except as to allow access to the project. f. Street "A" is shown to encroach into the "Planning Buffer'' near its intersection with Street "B". Please move Street "A" 30 feet southerly to remove it from the planning buffer. The project is already required to process a standards deviation for the reduced intersection spacing. g. The transfer of dwelling units between Planning Area shall include a statement that the growth control point densities shall be achieved and the densities shall not exceed the upper range of the General Plan designation unless a density bonus is requested. 3. Comments have been provided on the Vesting Tentative Map via redline markup. 4. The project shall provide a trail connection from Street "A"' to Simsbury Ct. by way of a long traverse up the 2:1 slope (in both east and west directions). ~ """""" GPA 11-09/ZC 11-04/MP 10-01/CT 11-04/SUP 11-04/HMP 11-07/HDP 11-04-QUARRY CREEK MASTER PLAN November 28, 2011 Pa e4 Engineering: A) Master Plan 1. There are 101 proposed dwelling units in Lot 1 and 72 dwelling units on Lot 3, both exceeding the maximum of 24 units allowed for single entry development per Chapter 3, section 3C of City of Carlsbad Engineering Standards. Please provide additional access points for Lot 1 and Lot 3 to comply with engineering standard and fire department requirements. Revise Figures 16 and 18 accordingly. 2. On page IV-2 of the master plan, it is indicated that a secondary access for planning area R-1 will be provided through planning area R-2. Please show its location the Figure 16. This proposed secondary access through R-2 does not appear to provide an additional access point from R-1 to Street C. All 101 units from R-1 will still have one access point to Street C. Provide additional access point for planning area R-1 and revise Figure 43 accordingly. 3. On page Vll-3, Figure 43, shows intersection spacing at two locations that does not meet engineering standards. Intersection spacing variance must be approved by the city engineer prior to approval of the vehicular circulation plan. Submit a waiver request letters with justifications for city engineer for consideration. 4. Show existing Marron Road to the west and indicate that a cul-de-sac improvement will be provided at the easterly terminus of Marron Road by this development. 5. On figure 45, add an additional sewer main to serve planning area R-1, from Street C to Street B, along the southerly boundary of R-2. Show the existing sewer interceptor line along Haymar Drive and the existing sewer mains from the Simsbury lift station and the private lift station in the Quarry Creek commercial center. 6. On Figure 46, extend potable to Street C from Haymar Drive to serve planning area R-1. 7. On Figure 46, recycled water to Haymar Drive and to Street C to serve planning area R-1 and extend recycled water along Street A to the east to serve P-2. 8. On Figure 46, show recycled waterline connection point at Tamarack Avenue. 9. On page IV-5, it is stated that a vehicular access drive to the adjacent open space parcel within the City of Oceanside shall be provided through planning area R-1. Please indicate/show location of such vehicular access. Provide proof that this proposed access has been coordinated with and approved by the City of Oceanside. 10. On Figure 43, show vehicular access to planning area P-5. 11. On page V-6, under section 5.14.1, in the last paragraph, state that the Master HOA is responsible for the maintenance of the existing levee and existing storm drain pipes and outlet structures within Buena Vista Creek. 12. Previous comment not addressed: The proposed Quarry Creek vehicle circulation plan should show adjacent existing developments and existing streets beyond the project boundary lines. Show how the proposed on-site circulation system ties into the existing circulation system. 0 ~ GPA 11-09/ZC 11-04/MP 10-01/CT 11-04/SUP 11-04/HMP 11-07/HDP 11-04-QUARRY CREEK MASTER PLAN November 28, 2011 Pa e 5 13. Previous comment not addressed: The proposed Quarry Creek sewer master plan should show existing developments and existing sewer main beyond the project boundary lines. Show how the proposed on-site sewer main ties into the off-site sewer main. Show the invert elevations. 14. Previous comments not addressed: The proposed Quarry Creek water master plan should show existing developments and existing water main beyond the project boundary lines. Show how the proposed on-site water main ties into the existing off-site water main. 15. Previous comments not addressed: The proposed Quarry Creek drainage master plan should show adjacent, existing developments and the existing drainage system beyond the project boundary. B) Tentative Map: 1) On the site plan, show all access points to all planning areas. It appears that Lot 1 and Lot 3 have only one access point as shown on the proposed master plan. There are 101 proposed dwelling units in Lot 1 and 72 dwelling units on Lot 3, both exceeded the maximum of 24 units allowed for single entry development per Chapter 3, section 3C of City of Carlsbad Engineering Standards. Please provide additional access points to comply with engineering standard and fire department requirements. 2) Provide and show on the site plan a gravity sewer main to serve Lot 1. Provide a minimum of 20 foot wide sewer easement for the proposed sewer main. 3) Show water main to serve Lot 1. The current site plan does not show water main along Street C. If street C is private, indicate the required general utility easement on the plan. 4) Provide proof that the proposed water connection to the existing waterline at Haymar Drive has been coordinated with and approved by the City of Oceanside. 5) Clarify point of termination of the proposed waterline at Street A. Show that it terminates at the last fire hydrant that serves Lot 7. Please coordinate with the fire department for the locations of the required fire hydrants to serve this development. 6) Extend proposed recycled water main to Haymar Drive to serve Lot 1. 7) Extend proposed recycled water main along Street A to the east to serve Lot 7. 8) Clearly delineate lot boundaries. Make lot lines heavier to differentiate them from contours and other lines. 9) Coordinate and obtain approval from City of Vista for proposed sewer connection at Haymar Drive. 10) Provide proof that the sewer connection to the adjacent property has been coordinated with adjacent property owner and City of Oceanside. 11) Clarify symbols for sewerlines, waterlines and recycled waterlines. The "S", "W" and "RW" are illegible. Use a minimum lettering size of 1/10th of an inch. 12) Provide terrace drains between top and bottom of slopes at every 25 feet in height for cut slopes greater than 40 feet and fill slopes greater than 30 feet per standard drawing GS-14. r """'\ -· ~ GPA 11-09/ZC 11-04/MP 10-01/CT 11-04/SUP 11-04/HMP 11-07/HDP 11-04-QUARRY CREEK MASTER PLAN November 28, 2011 Pa e 6 13) Label (indicate size and type of storm drain) all existing storm drains as shown in the reclamation plan. Reference the drawing number and sheet of the approved drawing. Indicate clearly which portions of the existing pipes are to be removed and or replaced. 14) The existing storm drain and outlet structures within Buena Vista Creek conservation easement have been sized based on discharges (Qs) and velocities (Vs) from the hydrology report by Chang Consultants for the Quarry Creek reclamation plan. On the site plan, show the existing and post development Qs and Vs comparisons for the 100 year storm event at the five existing discharge points into Buena Vista Creek. Show that the proposed Qs and Vs do not exceed the design Qs and Vs as shown in the approved reclamation grading plan DWG 470-5A. 15) Provide storm drain cleanout structures at public right-of-way lines to provide separation between the private and public storm drain facilities as shown in the red-lined site plan. 16) Add separation dimensions between proposed utilities within proposed and existing streets. 17) The site plan indicates proposed 25 feet storm drain easements for storm drain pipes and outlet structures at five discharge points into Buena Vista Creek. Per the approved reclamation plan, these storm drains and outlet structures are private and will remain privately maintained by the master homeowners association of Quarry Creek development. This project will be conditioned to enter into an agreement with the city for the perpetual maintenance all storm drains and outlet structures within the Buena Vista Creek conservation easement. Please label all storm drains system within the Buena Vista Creek as private. 18) The site plan shows a proposed FEMA easement for the existing levee. Per the approved reclamation plan, the levee is privately maintained and will remain privately maintained by the future homeowner's association for this development. This project will be conditioned to enter into an agreement with the city for the perpetual maintenance of the levee. Please coordinate with FEMA and verify FEMA's levee requirements on the levee. 19) The site plan indicates that the two existing bioswales, treatment BMPs for off-site flows, are being replaced with water polishers. Indicate the manufacturer on the plan. Show that the treatment capacity of the replacement BMP is equivalent to the existing bioswale BMP. Show proposed locations of the proposed water polishers on the site plan. 20) Show how Lot 8 drainage is controlled and where it discharges. Show an inlet structure as shown on the hydrology map. 21) Show and label a proposed general utility easement for waterline and other utilities within the proposed private Street C. 22) The site plan shows Lot 1 grading extending beyond the property lines into the adjacent parcel in Oceanside. Indicate on the site plan that the proposed grading in Oceanside is "NOT A PART" of this development approval. A separate permit application must be processed with the City of Oceanside by the developer for any proposed grading within the City of Oceanside. 23) Please revise the proposed locations of potable waterline and recycled waterline along the proposed bridge as shown in the red-lined plans. They must be located along the edge of the bridge under the sidewalk for ease of access during maintenance and repair. 0 0 GPA 11-09/ZC 11-04/MP 10-01/CT 11-04/SUP 11-04/HMP 11-07/HDP 11-04-QUARRY CREEK MASTER PLAN November 28, 2011 Pa e 7 24) On sheet 6 of the site plan, switch utility locations from north side to south side of street or vice- versa at the knuckle location with 90 degrees bends to avoid multiple angle bends along Street A. 25) Obtain an additional 15 feet wide easement from the adjacent Calavera Hills development to cover both the proposed reclaimed water main and the existing 14" water main from Tamarack Avenue. 26) Provide a minimum of 30 foot wide easement to cover both the proposed 6" reclaimed water main and 12" potable water main across Lot 14. Provide a minimum of 10 feet separation between the two waterlines. 27) Show a vehicular access to Lot 10. 28) On sheet 8, provide a minimum of 10 feet separation between the proposed recycled water and existing potable waterline along Tamarack Avenue. Obtain approval from utilities director for any standards waiver regarding potable and recycled waterline. 29) Sheet 11 cross-sections must include profiles of the existing ground. 30) With the proposed elimination of the westerly extension of Marron Road from the project site, the project must provide cul-de-sac improvements at the existing easterly terminus of Marron Road located west of the project site. Show proposed improvements on the site plan. 31) Coordinate and obtain approval from NCTD for the design of the proposed Park and Ride facility on Lot 6. 32) Two access points to Lot 8 and Lot 5 as shown on the master plan does not meet intersection spacing requirement for street intersections. Submit a waiver request letter with justifications for city review in the next review submittal. 33) Comply with all other comments shown on red-lined plans. C) Hydrology Report: 34) The Hydrology prepared by Project Design Consultants for Quarry Creek development did not provide analysis of existing storm drain pipe and outlet structures at five discharge points into Buena Vista Creek. Please provide hydraulic analysis and calculations showing that the post development discharges (Qs) and velocities {Vs) for 100 year storm event at all discharge points do not exceed the design Qs and Vs from hydrology report by Chang Consultants for Quarry Creek reclamation plan as shown in the approved DWG 470-SA. Add pre and post development comparisons of Q and Vat five outfalls on the drainage map. D) SWMP Report: 35) The pre-project condition for this development must be based on the topography shown on the approved reclamation grading plan DWG 470-5A. Please revise the statement on Page 2 of the SWMP report, stating that the pre-project condition is based on the site topography created from aerial photography dated 2006 by Project Design Consultants. 36) The discharge point of the Lot 9 bio-retention basin (treatment BMP for portions of Lot 4) appears to be downstream of POC2 (point of compliance 2) as shown on the SWMP exhibits. Please revise location of point of compliance to include all runoffs from the eastern portion of Lot 4. = ~ GPA 11-09/ZC 11-04/MP 10-01/CT 11-04/SUP 11-04/HMP 11-07/HDP 11-04-QUARRY CREEK MASTER PLAN November 28, 2011 Pa e 8 37) On page 10, under identification of receiving waters, it is indicated that an exhibit titled "Hydrologic Unit for Quarry Creek" has been provided in Appendix B. However, Appendix B contains only the HMP applicability determination matrix. 38) On page 18, the table showing treatment BMP sizing shows impervious areas for each drainage management area {DMA). Please provide impervious area calculations. The impervious area calculations must be based on the ultimate land use of each DMA. 39) The project uses a O.SQ2 threshold for SDHM analysis to comply with hydromodification requirements. Page 22 of the SWMP report indicates that a SCCWRP report has been prepared by Chang Consultants to justify the use of the lower flow threshold in the continuous simulation analysis. The City did not receive the SCCWRP report during this submittal. Please include in the next review submittal package. 40) The water quality drawdown time calculations were not provided in the SWMP report. Please add drawdown time calculations for each proposed bio-retentions basins in the revised SWMP report. 41) Please complete the applicant information and signature block on page 3 of the Storm Water Standard Questionnaire (Form E-34). E) Sewer Study: 42) Revise the sewer study to include a sewer main to serve Lot 1. 43) Comply with other comments shown in red in the sewer study. F) Traffic Report: 44) The traffic report is currently being reviewed by a third party consultant. Comments will be provided when review is completed. G) Resubmittal: 45) Please submit the following documents in the next review submittal: a) 7 copies of revised preliminary site plan b) One copy each of the revised SWMP, hydrology report, bridge scour analysis and sewer study c) Two copies of water study · d) One copy of Hydromodification Screening Tool (SCCWRP report) e) Two copies of Local Facilities Management Plan (LFMP) f) 1st review redlined plans and red-lined reports LANDSCAPE Please make the following revisions to the master plan so that it will meet the requirements of the City of Carlsbad's Landscape Manual. REPEAT COMMENTS 1. Completed. The project slopes will provide adequate landscape buffers from Haymar Rd. and SR 78. 2-3. Completed. 0 ~ GPA 11-09/ZC 11-04/MP 10-01/CT 11-04/SUP 11-04/HMP 11-07/HDP 11-04-QUARRY CREEK MASTER PLAN November 28, 2011 Pa e 9 4. Please show the 10' landscape buffer along the Buena Vista Creek (per paragraph 8 on page IV-19) on Figure 19. 2nd Review: The applicant has responded: "This landscape buffer along the Buena Vista Creek has been eliminated inasmuch as the City of Oceanside has required a 50-foot planning buffer in this location in their approval of the Reclamation program. This planning buffer is shown in the Master plan." 5-9. 10. 11-17. 18. 19-22. 23. 24-27 28. 29-31 Please show the planning buffer in Figure 19 and describe it in the text. Completed. 6.4.1 -Entry Treatments and Signage, Page Vl-6: Please provide conceptual sketches of the Community Entry Monumentation with landscaping to clarify scale, materials and design. 2nd Review: Figure 37: Please provide additional detailing in the "Entry A" and "Entry 8" conceptual layouts showing the approximate proposed size of the area and conceptual layout of the planting areas. More information is needed in order to establish direction and desires. Completed. 6.4.3 -Landscaping Plant Palette, Page Vl-9, paragraph 1: The Master Plan references a Design Guidelines Manual. When will this Manual be provided for City review? 2nd Review: The applicant has responded: "Reference to the Design Guidelines Manual has been eliminated, and landscape criteria has been added to the Master Plan (Chapter 6}, as requested by the Planning Department." Please delete invasive species from the plant lists (i.e. Schinus molle, Echium, etc.). Check all plants against the California Invasive Plant Inventory as published by the California Invasive Plant Council. Completed. -Fire Fuel Modification Zone, Page Vl-11, paragraph 1: The Master Plan references "single loaded streets". Please clarify what a single loaded street is and clarify that a minimum 60' structural setback will always be required/provided. 2nd Review: The applicant has responded: "For these purposes, a single loaded street is defined as a public street with housing on one side only. This, since the public street right-of-way totals 60-feet in width, the single loaded street will accommodate at least a 60-foot setback." Page Vl-21, Figure 32: Please note that trees are not allowed within fire suppression zones 1 and 2. Please clarify where the 60' fire suppression zone is located in all scenarios on Figure 32 insuring that there are no trees within zones 1 and 2. Completed. -Production Fencing, Page Vl-17: Please provide conceptual sketches of the production fencing to clarify scale, materials and design. Clarify where non-combustible fencing will be required when located adjacent to fire suppression zones. 2nd Review: The applicant has responded: "The revised Master Plan stipulates that wood fencing shall not be used within fire suppression zones on p. Vl-37. No conceptual sketches of the wood fencing have been provided in the Master Plan." Please provide a conceptual sketch of the wood fencing. Completed. NEW COMMENTS 1A. Page IV-16, PLANNING BUFFER: Please revise the first sentence to read: "A planning buffer shall be provided on the north side ....... ". Revise "south" to "north". 2A. Page IV-17, Special Design Criteria: Please specify the width of the Street B landscape buffer. 3A. Page IV-25, Special Design Criteria: Please specify the width of the Street A landscape buffer. 4A. Page IV-40, Figure 41: Please provide a wall cap with a minimum 1" overhang on each side of the Community Theme wall. SA. Page Vl-3, Special Design Criteria, paragraph 3: Please revise "Figure 4~" to "Figure 4l"· -"""""' GPA 11-09/ZC 11-04/MP 10-01/CT 11-04/SUP 11-04/HMP 11-07/HDP 11-04-QUARRY CREEK MASTER PLAN November 28, 2011 Pa e 10 6A. Figure 42: Please delete invasive species from the plant legend (i.e. Echium). Check all plants against the California Invasive Plant Inventory as published by the California Invasive Plant Council. 7A. Figure 33: The Master Plan proposes a 5' parkway for Streets A and B. When the curb width is subtracted there is a width of 4.5' of planting area. Large trees (i.e. Platanus racemosa and Quercus agrifolia, etc.) are listed as proposed street trees in these parkways. These large trees will ultimately create problems for the adjacent curb and walks. The parkway width needs to be increased or the tree species revised to coordinate. Please resolve insuring plant species selections are appropriate for the landscape widths provided. Check all plant lists to insure coordination. SA. Page Vl-27, paragraph 1: Please revise "Figure 26" to "Figure 43". 9A. Page Vl-31: The Master Plan proposes a non-irrigated hydroseed mix for re-vegetation. Plantings are required to be irrigated per the Landscape Manual. Please delete the words "non-irrigated". lOA. Page Vl-33 paragraph 1: Please revise "Figure 3?:' to "Figure 3~". 11A. Page Vl-34 paragraph 1: Please revise "Figure 3~" to "Figure 3~". 12A. Page Vl-38 paragraph 1: Please revise "Figure 39" to "Figure 40". 13A. Figure 40: It is not clear why a view fence is proposed along the north side of R-1 and R-2. There will be traffic noise from highway 78 and views may not be desirable. Please review/explain. Please clarify where tubular steel view fencing versus sound/view wall and solid block walls are to be used. 14A. Figure 40: Fencing along Streets B and C may need to be reviewed with the submittal of the conceptual landscape plans of the appropriate tentative map submittal. Please review/address. lSA. Figure 40: The fence and wall plan does not appear to show all walls as described in 6.6.1 and 6.6.2. Please coordinate. 16A. Page Vl-41, 6.6.5: Please revise "Figure 4!" to "Figure 4~" Please make the following revisions to the Tentative Map Conceptual Landscape plans so that it will meet the requirements of the City of Carlsbad's Landscape Manual. Numbers below are referenced on the red line plans where appropriate for ease in locating the area of the comment concern. 1. Please note that the Quarry Creek Master Plan is currently under review by city staff and is not yet approved. Final comments are reserved pending completion and approval of the Quarry Creek Master Plan. 2. Please clearly label the Carlsbad/Oceanside city limit lines, property lines and easements on all appropriate sheets. Insure no trees are located within easements. 3. Please address landscaping of all slopes. Check all sheets and all areas. 4. Please coordinate landscape plans with civil plans. Civil plans do not show a wall. Check all sheets and all areas. 5. Please select street trees from the tree selection list provided in the City of Carlsbad Community Forest Management Plan. Insure appropriate species as determined by the parkway widths. 6. 50% of the shrubs (except on slopes 3:1 or steeper) shall be a minimum 5 gallon size. Please address. 7. Generally identify all existing woody plant material to be removed or retained. Trees over 12" in caliper diameter shall be identified on the plan individually as to caliper size and type and labeled to be retained or removed. 8. Please indicate the percent of the total site used for landscaping. 9. Please obtain review and approval for all trails from Liz Ketabian in Recreation Administration. 10. Spacing of plants shall allow for their size at maturity. Please indicate the proposed spacing of each shrub. 11. Landscape elements over 30" in height (including planting measured at maturity) are not allowed at street corners within a triangular zone drawn from two points, 25' outward from the beginning of curves and end of curves. (See Appendix C.4). In addition to the requirement above, on collector streets and greater, Cal Trans Sight Distance Standards shall apply to the height restriction stated. 0 '"""" ,.., GPA 11-09/ZC 11-04/MP 10-01/CT 11-04/SUP 11-04/HMP 11-07/HDP 11-04-QUARRY CREEK MASTER PLAN November 28, 2011 Pa e 11 Please clearly label 25' vehicular sight triangles and show and label all Cal Trans sight lines and address plantings within these areas. 12. Please fill in missing information. 13. Please provide substitutes for all invasive species. Review all plantings against the California Invasive Plant Inventory as published by the California Invasive Plant Council. 14. Please explain why the entire Lot 8 park area is proposed for potable water use. 15. The recycled water use plan has been forwarded to CMWD for review. Any comments will be returned to the applicant once received by the Planning Department. 16. As required by the State of California, the City of Carlsbad has adopted a water efficient ordinance. All requirements of this ordinance are to be met. Concept plans shall include calculations which document the maximum allowed annual water use for the landscaped area or maximum applied water allowance (MAWA) and estimated total water use (ETWU). A landscape project shall not exceed the MAWA. The MAWA for a landscape project shall be determined by the following calculation as defined in the City ordinance: MAWA = (ETo)(0.62)[(0.7 x LA)+ (0.3 x SLA)]. The ETWU shall be determined by the following calculation as defined in the City ordinance: In addition to the calculations, include a statement on the plans signed under penalty of perjury by the person who prepared the plan that provides: "I am familiar with the requirements for landscape and irrigation plans contained in the City of Carlsbad's Water Efficient Landscape Regulations. I understand that construction drawings are to be prepared in compliance with those regulations and the Landscape Manual. I certify that the plans will be prepared implementing those regulations to provide efficient use of water." Please insure that all requirements of the water use ordinance are met. The ordinance may be found at · the following web site: http:Uiibrary.municode.com/index.aspx?clientld=16245&stateld=5&stateName=California under Title 18. 17. Please add the following slope re-vegetation notes to the plans: Slopes 6:1 or steeper requiring erosion control measures as specified herein shall be treated with one or more of the following planting standards: a. Standard 1-Cover Crop/Reinforced Straw Matting: Cover crop shall be a seed mix typically made up of quick germinating and fast covering grasses, clovers, and/or wild flowers. Submit the specific seed mix for City approval prior to application. The cover crop shall be applied at a rate and manner sufficient to provide 90% coverage within thirty (30) days. Type of reinforced straw matting shall be as approved by the city and staked to the slope as recommended by the manufacturer. Reinforced straw matting shall be required when planting occurs between August 15 and April 15. The cover crop and/or reinforced straw mat shall be used the remainder of the year. b. Standard #2-Ground Cover One hundred (100%) percent of the area shall be planted with a ground cover known to have excellent soil binding characteristics (planted from a minimum size of flatted material and spaced to provide full coverage within one year). c. Standard #3-Low Shrubs Low spreading woody shrubs (planted from a minimum of 2-3/4 inch liners) shall cover a minimum of seventy (70%) percent of the slope face (at mature size). d. Standard #4-Trees and/or Large Shrubs :~ :) GPA 11-09/ZC 11-04/MP 10-01/CT 11-04/SUP 11-04/HMP 11-07/HDP 11-04-QUARRY CREEK MASTER PLAN November 28, 2011 Pa e 12 Trees and/or large shrubs shall be (planted from a minimum of 1 gallon containers) at a minimum rate of one (1) per two hundred (200) square feet. Slopes-6:1 or steeper and: a. 3' or less in vertical height and are adjacent to public walks or streets require at minimum Standard #1. b. 3' to 8' in vertical height require Standards #1, #2 and #3. c. In excess of 8' in vertical height require Standards #1, #2, #3, and #4. Areas graded flatter than 6:1 require Standard #1 (cover crop) with temporary irrigation when they have one or more of the following conditions: a. Sheet graded pads not scheduled for improvements within 6 months of completion of rough grading. b. A potential erosion problem as determined by the City. c. Identified by the City as highly visible areas to the public or have special conditions that warrant immediate treatment. Please address temporary landscaping of the pad areas where not to be improved within 6 months of completion of grading. 18. Temporary irrigation needs to be provided as needed to insure establishment of the seed mixes. Please address. 19. Please show required landscaping of fire protection zones A and B. 20. Maintenance of fire protection zones does not appear to be defined on the plans. Please address. 21. Please modify the fire protection notes as follows: CONDITION A-Manufactured Slope Fire Protection (see Appendix F.2) Pertains to man-made slopes abutting high risk fire areas as described under Section II C.1 Section A-1-Measured horizontally 20' outward from the outlying edge of structure(s). 1. Planted with ground cover or low growing shrub species (less than 3' in height) known to have fire retardant qualities. 2. No trees or shrubs allowed. 3. Irrigated. Section A-2-Measured horizontally 20' outward from the outlying edge of Section A-1. 1. Planted with low water use naturalizing plant species known to have low fuel characteristics. 2. No trees allowed. 3. Irrigated. Section A-3 -Meas~red outward from the outlying edge of A-2 to include the remainder of the area between Section A-2 and high risk fire areas as described under Section II C. Horizontal distance from the structure(s) to untreated high risk areas shall not be less than 60'. 1. Planted with low water use naturalizing plant species known to have low fuel characteristics. 2. Trees are allowed but shall not be planted closer than 20' apart. 3. Irrigated. CONDITION B-Native Slopes Wild-land Fire Suppression (See Appendix F.2) Pertains to areas where removal of environmentally sensitive native vegetation is restricted within the fire sections. Section B-1 -Measured 20' horizontally from the outlying edge of the structure(s) toward the environmentally restricted area as defined by the city. 1. Removal of "high fuel and moderate hazard species" as listed in Appendix F.l. 2. Planting with ground cover or low growing shrub species (less than 3' in height) known to have fire retardant qualities or as otherwise required by the City. 3. No trees or shrubs allowed. · ~ '-"' GPA 11-09/ZC 11-04/MP 10-01/CT 11-04/SUP 11-04/HMP 11-07/HDP 11-04-QUARRY CREEK MASTER PLAN November 28, 2011 Pa e 13 4. Irrigated. Section B-2-Measured horizontally 20' outward from the outlying edge of B-1. 1. Removal of "high fuel species" as listed in Appendix F.1. 2. Removal by selective pruning of up to 60% of the volume of the "moderate fuel species" as listed in Appendix F.l. 3. Replanting with naturalizing low fuel species. 4. Trees and large tree form shrubs (e.g. Oaks, Sumac, Toyon) which are being retained shall be pruned to provide clearance equal to three times the height of the surrounding under-story plant material or 6', whichever is higher. Dead and excessively twiggy growth shall also be removed. 5. Irrigated. Section B-3 -Measured horizontally 20' outward from the outlying edge of Section B-2. The outer edge of B-3 shall extend horizontally to a point at least 60' from structures. 1. Removal of "high fuel species" as listed in Appendix F.1. 2. Removal by selective pruning of up to 40% of the volume of the "moderate fuel species" as listed in Appendix F.1. 3. Trees and larger tree form shrubs (e.g. Oaks, sumac, Toyon) which are being retained shall be pruned to provide clearance equal to three times the height of the surrounding under-story plant material or 6', whichever is higher. Dead and excessively twiggy growth shall also be removed. 4. Non-irrigated. 22. Please graphically show and label maintenance access routes to all fire protection zones. 23. Please provide typical details of the view and other fencing, pedestrian trail, sidewalk overlook, trail overlook, bench seating area and shade trellis. 24. Please list the amenities and provide conceptual detailing of the passive recreation areas. 25. RETURN REDLINES and provide 2 copies of all plans (concept, water conservation, fire protection, and water use plan) for the next submittal. (~A CITY OF ~~CARLSBAD c Community & Economic Development November 23, 2011 John Ambersom City of Oceanside Development Services Dept. Engineering Division 300 North Coast Highway Oceanside CA 92054 RE: MP 10-01-QUARRY CREEK MASTER PLAN Dear John, 0 FILE COPY 11·02,3-Jf www.carlsbadca.gov Please find attached the full size plots from the Quarry Creek Traffic Study for your review. Sincerely, Senior Planner Enclosure C: file . Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 T 760-602-4600 F 760-602-8559 _4f~A._ CITY OF VcARLSBAD Planning Division November 22, 2011 Quarry Creek Investors LLC 2750 Womble Rd San Diego CA 92106 0 FILE COPY Jh;>.3.tf www.carlsbadca.gov SUBJECT: GPA 11-09/ZC 11-04/MP 10-01/SUP 11-04/CT 11-04/HMP 11-07/HDP 11-04-QUARRY CREEK MASTER PLAN -CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) APPLICABILITY /PROCESS DETERMINATION This is to advise you that after reviewing the application for the project referenced above, the City has determined that the following environmental review process (pursuant to CEQA) will be required for the project: ~ The project is subject to the provisions of CEQA. Based on the City's analysis of the proposed. project, the following CEQA documentation/process is required for the project (fees effective January 1, 2011): D A NEGATIVE DECLARATION (ND) will be prepared for the project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA. Please submit the Environmental Impact Assessment Fee of $1622 ($892 single family lot) for the continued processing of the CEQA documentation. 0 A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION (MND) will be prepared for the project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA. Please submit the Environmental Impact Assessment Fee of $1622 ($892 single family lot) for the continued processing of the CEQA documentation. An ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (EIR) is required to analyze the project's environmental effects. Please submit the Environmental Impact Report Base Fee of $18,824 for the continued processing of the CEQA documentation. In addition, a fully burdened hourly rate will be assessed after the first 160 hours charged by the assigned project planner or after the first 40 hours charged by the assigned project engineer. For additional information related to this CEQA applicability/process determination, please contact the project planner, Van Lynch, at (760) 602-4613 or van.lynch@carlsbadca.gov. Sincerely, DON NEU, AICP Planning Director DN:Vl:bd c: Hansen Aggregates Pacific Southwest, Inc P.O. Box 639069, San Diego CA 92163-9069 Planning Systems, Paul Klukas, 1530 Faraday Av, Suite 100, Carlsbad CA 92008 Chris DeCerbo Tecla levy File Copy Data Entry 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 T 760-602-4600 F 760-602-8559 Van Lynch From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: John, Todd Galarneau [TGalarneau@mcmillin.com] Thursday, November 18, 2010 11 :44 AM jamberson@ci.oceanside.ca.us Jhittleman@ci.oceanside.ca.us; Glen Van Peski; Van Lynch; Don Mitchell Scope of Work for the Quarry Creek project in Carlsbad Draft QCII traffic study scope of work 11-16-1 O.doc Follow up Completed My name is Todd Galarneau and I am the Project Manager for The McMillin Companies Quarry Creek project in the City of Carlsbad. As you know, in late September we submitted the initial draft of our master plan and have received comments on that plan from Carlsbad, and from the City of Oceanside. We, as well as the City of Carlsbad, understand the interest that Oceanside has in the project and we appreciate the input your City gave on our first submittal. We have submitted a draft scope of work for the Traffic Study which we will be preparing for the project to Carlsbad, and Glen Van Peskl has asked me to forward the scope of work to you directly for input. While I am providing the study to you directly, your comments should go through the Carlsbad staff who will provide a comprehensive list of comments back to us to address. The Planning Department contact on the project is Van Lynch. You may want to contact either Van or Glen to coordinate your review and to discuss the schedule for responding. If you have any questions on the scope and would like to discuss them directly with myself or Don Mitchell. You can reach me at (619) 794-1303 and Dan's number is 794-1252. 1 Quarry Creek II Traffic Study Scope of Work November 16, 2010 Provided below is a recommended scope of work for the preparation of a traffic study for the Quarry Creek II project, including an evaluation of the proposed Marron Road deletion. Traffic Analysis will be conducted in accordance with both the cities of Carlsbad and Oceanside's methodologies (LOS, determination ()f significance, etc) and modeling parameters (intersection and roadways to be studied, etc) which must be confirmed by the consultant prior to initiating the study. Proposal should assume coordination and meetings with both jurisdictions will be required throughout the preparation of the study. 1. SANDAG COMBINED NORTH COUNTY TRANSPORTATION MODEL, SERIES 11, YEAR 2030 TheY ear 2030 traffic model shall be the latest SANDAG Combined North County Transportation Model, Series 11. The consultant shall review the traffic model for appropriate land use assumptions for those Transportation Analysis Zones (T AZ) that will change the vehicle trip assignment to Marron Road. 2. ALTERNATIVES TO BE STUDIED The current City of Carlsbad General Plan Circulation Element includes Marron Road as a four-lane secondary arterial extending from El Camino Real to College Boulevard. The Circulation Element also includes a four lane secondary arterial connection from Marron Road to the future Rancho Del Oro Road interchange on SR-78. The following alternatives will evaluate the deletion of Marron Road with and without the Rancho Pel Oro Road/SR 78 interchange. A. Existing Conditions (The City of Carlsbad Growth Management Plan Traffic Monitory Program can be used for some locations, but additional ADT and intersection counts will be needed). B. General Plan: With Rancho Del Oro Road/SR-78 interchange, with Rancho Del Oro Road extension to Marron Road, with Marron Road. C. With Rancho Del Oro Road/SR-78 interchange, without Rancho Del Oro Road extension to Marron Road, without Marron Road. D. Without Rancho Del Oro Road/SR-78 interchange, without Rancho Del Oro Road extension, with Marron Road. E. Without Rancho Del Oro Road/SR-78 interchange, without Rancho Del Oro Road extension, without Marron Road. F. Coordinate with Cal trans to determine the feasibility of relocating the existing SR 78 offramp onto College Blvd to Haymar Drive and evaluate revised intersection location if determined feasible. 3. FREEWAY AND ROADWAY SEGMENT EVALUATION State Route 78 freeway segments and surface street segment levels of service will be evaluated using the latest Highway Capacity Manual procedures and the Congestion Management Program for the San Diego region, the latest update prepared by SANDAG. The freeway and roadway evaluation procedures recommended by the consultant will be approved by the City of Carlsbad Traffic Engineer before being used for this evaluation . . Study shall also discuss any future improvements planned by SANDAG for the SR78 and identify any potential conflicts such plans may have with improvements, mitigation measures or conclusions identified in the study. Segments of SR-78 to be evaluated are the following: • 1-5 to Jefferson Street • Jefferson Street to El Camino Real • El Camino Real to Rancho Del Oro Road • Rancho Del Oro Road to College Boulevard • College Boulevard to Emerald Drive Roadway segments to be evaluated are the following: • El Camino Real o Chestnut A venue to Carlsbad Village Drive o Carlsbad Village Drive to Marron Road o Marron Road to Plaza Drive o Plaza Drive to SR-78 eastbound ramps o SR-78 westbound ramps to Vista Way o Vista Way to Via Las Rosas • College Boulevard o Cannon Road to Carlsbad Village Drive o Carlsbad Village Drive to Lake Blvd./Marron Road o Lake Blvd./Marron Road to Plaza Drive o Plaza Drive to SR-78 eastbound ramp o West Vista Way to Barnard Drive • Carlsbad Village Drive o El Camino Real to Tamarack A venue o Tamarack A venue to College Boulevard • Jefferson Street o SR-78 eastbound ramps to Marron Road. • Marron Road 0 o Jefferson Street to El Camino Real o El Camino Real to A venida De Anita o A venida De Anita to Quarry Creek Shopping Center o Quarry Creek Shopping Center to College Boulevard • Lake Boulevard o College Boulevard to Thunder Drive • Plaza Drive o College Boulevard to SR-78 eastbound ramps o SR-78 eastbound ramps to Thunder Drive • Vista Way o Jefferson Street to El Camino Real o El Camino Real to Rancho Del Oro Road o Rancho Del Oro Road to College Boulevard o College Boulevard to Tri-City Driveway 4. INTERSECTION EVALUATION AND COMPARISON Intersection levels of service will be evaluated using the latest Highway Capacity Manual procedures and the Congestion Management Program for the San Diego Region, the latest update prepared by SANDAG. Intersection levels of service procedures recommended by the consultant will be approved by the City of Carlsbad Traffic Engineer before being used for this evaluation. TheY ear 2030 AM and PM peak hour volumes will be prepared by the consultant using the computer traffic model results, existing conditions, and engineering judgment. Peak hour volumes will be reviewed by the City of Carlsbad Traffic Engineer before beginning the intersection analysis. The following intersections will be evaluated in each alternative: • El Camino RealNista Way • El Camino Real/SR-78 Westbound Ramps • El Camino Real/SR-78 Eastbound Ramps • El Camino Real/Plaza Drive • El Camino Real/Marron Road • El Camino Real/Carlsbad Village Drive • College Boulevard/Carlsbad Village Drive • College Boulevard/Marron Road-Lake Boulevard • College Boulevard/Plaza Drive • College Boulevard/West Vista Way • West Vista Way/SR-78 Westbound Ramps • Plaza Drive/SR-78 Eastbound Ramps 5. DEIR PREPARATION ASSISTANCE • The consultant will assist the DEIR consultant as needed. • The consultant will provide responses to circulated DEIR comments. 6. CONSULTANT STAFF SUPPORT AT PUBLIC HEARINGS • The consultant will attend and assist in staff presentations at the City of Carlsbad Planning Commission Hearings. • The consultant will attend and assist in staff presentations at the City of Carlsbad City Council Hearings. Draft QCII traffic study scope of work 11-16-1 O.doc AI~.A.. c I T y 0 F VcARLSBAD c Planning Division November 9, 2011 Mr. Christian Bushong Department of Transportation District 11 4050 Taylor Street, MS 240 San Diego CA 92110 RE: QUARRY CREEK MASTER PLAN TRAFFIC IMPACT ANAL VSIS-GPA 11-09 Dear Mr. Bushong: www.carlsbadca.gov Please find attached a copy of the Traffic Impact Analysis for the Quarry Creek Master Plan project located in the City of Carlsbad, south of State Route 78 and west of the College Blvd. Interchange on SR- 78. Also attached is a set of the draft development plans. Pursuant to your request dated October 13, 2010, we have forward a copy of the TIA for your review and comment. The City will be beginning the CEQA process soon and will notify you with the Notice of Preparation. Please let me know if you need any additional information regarding the project for your review of the project. Sincerely, ~d:!-- Senior Planner enclosure c: file 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 T 760-602-4600 F 760-602-8559 Af~.A_ CITY OF VcARLSBAD Planning Division November 8, 2011 Jerry Hittleman City Planner City of Oceanside 300 North Coast Highway Oceanside CA 92054 0 RE: QUARRY CREEK MASTER PLAN -MP 10-01 Dear Jerry, 0 www.carlsbadca.gov Please find attached a copy of the latest submittal of the Quarry Creek Master Plan document, a set of plans, and the traffic study for the Quarry Creek project. Please let me know if the City of Oceanside has any comments on the documents. We anticipate the project processing an EIR and will begin the CEQA process soon. Sincerely, c2at- Senior Planner c: File 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 T 760-602-4600 F 760-602-8559 PLANNING I SYSTEMS • October 20, 20 II Mr. Van Lynch LAND USE/COASTAL PLANNING LANDSCAPE ARCQ:ITECTURE o LA3900 POLICY AND PROCESSING ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATION RECEIVED- ocr 2 4 2011 CITY OF CARLSBAD Planning Department I635 Faraday Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DIVISION SUBJECT: RESPONSE TO FIRST REVIEW MP 10-01 QUARRY CREEK MASTER PLAN Dear Mr. Lynch: Per your letter dated November 1, 2010, identifying Staff items and issues with the submittal package of the above- referenced Master Plan (MP), McMillin Companies has commissioned modifications to the MP as requested. To this end, attached with this cover letter please find the following: • Six copies of the revised Master Plan Below are responses and methods that we are addressing the City comments, in the order of comments listed in the November 1 letter. ITEMS NEEDED TO COMPLETE THE APPLICATION Planning: 1. As per the Master Plan, other legislative and discretionary permits are required for the project and Planning will concurrently process the applications. Applications yet to be submitted include; General Plan Amendments, Zone Changes, Local Facilities Management Plan 25, Habitat Management Plan Permit, Hillside Development Permit, environmental review, and any other development entitlement sought at this time. Response: The applicant is submitting a General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, Vesting Master Tentative Map, Habitat Management Plan Permit, Hillside Development Permit and Special Use Permit (Floodplain) with this Master Plan resubmittal. A Local Facilities Management Plan will follow before the end of the month. 2. Pursuant to the Planned Community Zone, please submit a grading plan showing the locations of significant grading. Response: A Vesting Master Tentative Map (VMTM) is being submitted with this new submittal package. This VMTM shows the grading proposed for the project. 3. Pursuant to the Planned Community Zone, please submit a land use and public facilities economic impact report. Contents of the report are identified in Chapter 21.38.060 (2)(B). Response: An economic report for the Master Plan is being prepared and will be submitted separately. Engineering: 1. Please submit a traffic study that evaluates the need for future Marron Road and determines subsequent impacts if the road is not constructed The traffic study should also identify the project's traffic impacts and proposed mitigations to all affected existing street intersections and roadways. 1 1530 FARADAY AVENUE o SUITE 100 o CARLSBAD, CA 92008 o (760) 931-0780 o FAX (760) 931-5744 o info@planningsystems.net Response: A Traffic Impact Analysis for the Quarry Creek Master Plan, by Urban Systems, is being submitted with the overall new submittal package. 2. Provide a vehicle circulation plan showif!g all existing streets in the vicinity and all proposed onsite circulation elements within the 5 proposed residential/and uses. R-1 and R-5 are shown as single entry developments in the proposed vehicle circulation plan, Figure 26. Please show how the project complies with engineering design standard for single entry development, Chapter 3. C.1 &2. Provide a conceptual cross-section for the proposed bridge. Response: Access points for the planning areas are shown on Figure 42 of the revised Master Plan. The cross-section for the Quarry Creek bridge is shown as Figure 43 of the revised Master Plan. Single entry developments are avoided, except in circumstances where the ADT generation and travel distance is minimal and within City standards. 3. Please submit for city approval a Local Facilities Management Plan (LFMP) for local facilities management zone 25 as required by CMC 21.90.03(a). As indicated on page V-1, section 5.1, Quarry Creek Master Plan shall comply with CMC Section 21.9, the Growth Management Program. Response: A Local Facilities Management Plan (LFMP) will be submitted by the end of the month. 4. Please submit a preliminary sewer study that identifies the peak flows of the project, required pipe sizes, invert elevations, depth of flow in pipe, velocity in the main lines, and the capacity of the existing infrastructure. The design must include the existing 805 EDU from two temporary lift stations, Simsbury lift station and Villas lift station, located off-site, south of the Quarry Creek development. This will allow for the abandonment of the said temporary lift stations after completion of the proposed Quarry Creek sewer main. Response: A preliminary sewer study is being submitted with the new project submittal package. 5. Please submit a preliminary potable water study that identifies the peak demands of the project (including fire flow demands). The study shall identifY velocity in the main lines, pressure zones, invert elevations and the required pipe sizes. The proposed Quarry Creek master water plan shows two points of connection with different pressure zones, 580 and 446. Please clarifY how this works. a. The pressure zone for Quarry Creek is 330. At least one pressure reducing station will be necessary to regulate the flow. Please indicate a preliminary location for the required pressure reducing station(s). b. The water system design should also allow for separate potable water meters for each separately owned unit within the development. Response: A meeting has taken place with Bill Plummer, and based on his input, a preliminary potable water study is being submitted with the new project submittal package. This study indicates that the project will install pressure reducing stations as required. 6. Submit a preliminary soils report that evaluates overall site conditions and suitability for the proposed development. The report should provide general recommendations for any required mitigation to accommodate the proposed project. Response: A geotechnical report is being submitted with the new project submittal package. 7. Prepare and submit for city approval a preliminary drainage report. The project drains directly into Buena Vista Creek. The project alters the hydrologic regime of the site from sheet flows to concentrated flows and has potential impacts to downstream channel and habitat integrity. Figure 33, Master Drainage Plan, shows four concentrated discharge locations into Buena Vista Creek. The hydrology report should include an analysis of the potential project impacts and provide mitigation measures. T.ffl[!J~~~~-~f.~~ discussion as to how hydromodification requirements will be met. I PLANNING 1 1 •I SYSTEMS I'\ 0 0 Response: A preliminary drainage report is being submitted with the new project submittal package. 8. Prepare and submit for city approval a preliminary Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP). This project is subject to 'Priority Development Project' requirements. The preliminary SWMP should demonstrate how this project meets new/current storm water treatment requirements per the city's Standard Urban Storm Water Management Plan (SUSMP), latest version. In addition to new treatment control BMP selection criteria in the SUSMP, the developer shall use low impact development (site design) approaches to ensure that runoff from impervious areas (roofs, pavement, etc) are drained through landscaped (pervious) areas prior to discharge. The SWMP should show how the project complies with hydromodification requirements which involve site design and analysis to reduce the amount of post-development run-off by mimicking the natural hydrologic function of the site, preserving natural open-spaces and natural drainage channels, minimizing the use of new impervious surfaces, and promoting onsite infiltration and evaporation of run-off. For more information please visit the city website. Response: A stormwater management plan is being submitted with the new project submittal package. This SWMP also addresses the items listed above, including hydromodification. ISSUES OF CONCERN Planning: The following comments are in page order of the Master Plan. 1. Page iii, Section 7.3.1, Intersection Spacing and Traffic Calming. Response: This change has been made, as requested. 2. Page iv, Figure 11-HMP Hardline Map ... Response: This change has been made, as requested. 3. Page I-1, second paragraph, revise the term "concrete mining." Response: The word "concrete" has been modified to "gravel" on p. 1-1. 4. Page I-8. Reclamation, please revise the last sentence to "Creek channel restored" Please revise this in the last paragraph as well. Response: The word restored has been changed in both locations, as requested. 5. Page I-10, please remove the comma in the first sentence. Response: This change has been made on p. 1-10. 6. Page I-11, Figure 5, please add line work for the outlying General Plan Land Use polygons. Response: In order to avoid confusion, we have eliminated all outlying General Plan Land Use references on Figure 5. 7. Page I-13, please correct the word "miles" in the SANDAG finding. Response: The word "miles" is correctly spelled in the SANDAG finding, now on p. 1-15. 8. Page I-14, please add Palomar College in the Mixed Use section. lr~~PL;:;A~N~NI~N;;;=G=j.~lil.r..=~~~ SYSTEMS ~ Response: The section on Mixed Use has been incorporated into another paragraph on p. I-15. 9. Page //-1, please add " ... areas of the site that are designated and suited for development." Response: This change has been made at the bottom ofp. II-1, as requested. 10. Page /1-2 Section 2.1.2. Signage should not be used to guide people to off-site retail establishments. Signs should be directional for trails purposes only and to describe the environment and native heritage of the area. Response: A modification to the wording has been made in this section to eliminate the reference to signage directing to retail shops and restaurants, and the signage rather to describe the environment and native heritage of the area. 11. Page //-3, Table B, please remove Growth Management Control Point and use Minimum Density instead. 17 acres ofRMH at 12 dulac and 15 acres ofRH at 20 DUlac. Response: on p. II-4. The change in Table B to the minimum density of20 dulac RH and 12 dulac RMH has been made 12. Pages /1-4 and //-5, Figures 7 and 8, please add the General Plan Land Use boundaries for the outlying polygons. Please show the portion of Marron Rd. to remain as a secondary circulation element roadway and delete/remove the portion to be deleted. Also add CF land use designation to proposed GP map. Response: As with Figure 5, the outlying General Plan Land Use polygons have been removed and only land uses on the subject site have been retained. It is our opinion that this makes for a cleaner, more understandable exhibit. 13. Page //-6, Section 2.2.2, the distance between the existing segments of Marron Rd is 1.3 miles (not nearly two miles). Response: This change has been made on p. II-4. 14. Page //-7 and //-8, Figures 9 and 10, please add the Zoning boundaries for the outlying polygons and change the reference date to the most recent Zone Map of November 2009. Response: This reference date change has been made on Figure 9. 15. Page //-10, second paragraph, please revise as follows " ... 67.97 net acres f>jtievelepmmt area is allewed determined to be developable. " Response: This change has been made on p. 11-11. 16. Page //-10, Table C, please add the densities used to calculate the Allowed Residential Units. Response: The growth control point has been added to both Table C and Table D as required per CMC 21.90.045. The effort to determine the number of units allowed on the property per Constraints Analysis is complicated. The Land Use Element Map is not presently consistent with the Housing Element action by the City Council in 2009. So we have conducted an analysis based on the Existing General Plan Land Use Map (Table C), the allocation pursuant to the City Council action on the Housing Element (Table D), and an updated Constraints Analysis based on an assumed update of the Land Use Map in accordance with the Housing Element action. This should cover all of the bases. 17. Page //-11, third paragraph, please add a comma after shop. Response: The comma has been added in this location, as requested. I PLANNING I . SYSTEMS • -- I8. Page II-II, third paragraph, this section addresses the follow up creation of the landscape and architectural guidelines documents. These guidelines shall be developed and incorporated into the Master Plan for consideration and adoption as a complete document. Response: Architectural and Landscape Guidelines have been incorporated into this second draft of the Master Plan. These guidelines are found in Chapter 6, Sections 6.4 (Architecture) and 6.5 (Landscaping). I9. Page l/-12, Section 2.5.2, Public Use Areas, please add the acreage of the area (6.9 acres) after the percentage provided. Response: The acreage of the Public Use Areas is provided on p. II-I5, as requested. 20. Page II-12, Section 2.5.3, Residential. Please add the acreage of the residential area (55. I acres) after the percentage provided. Response: The acreage ofthe Residential area is provided on p. II-I5, as requested. 2I. Page l/-12, last paragraph, the proposal for non-residential uses is not supported by staff as these uses would not fulfill the policies of the Housing Element of the General Plan. An affordable senior housing project would qualifY as a residential project. The densities of the Senior Housing would be similar to other residential uses unless density bonuses were sought pursuant to 2I.86. Response: The paragraph allowing for non-residential alternative uses has been eliminated on pp. II-I6 and II-17. 22. Page II-I3, Figure I1, please add the existing HMP hardline area to the exhibit. Response: The existing HMP hardline has been added to Figure II, as requested. 23. Page II-I4, section 2.5.4, the maximum dwelling units allowed in Table D should reflect the Growth Management Control Point (GMCP) for the General Plan Land Use designations (II.5 dulac for RMH and I9 dulac for RH). Additional units will be allocated from the excess dwelling unit bank for the project to achieve the goals of the Housing Element for densities of I2 and 20 dulac for the respective land use designations. A note should be added at the bottom of the table to this effect. The resultant maximum yield number will need to be changed throughout the document. The Master Plan also needs to identifY how it is implementing the Housing Element requirements of acres of land dedicated to the RMH (I7 acres) and RH (15 acres) land use designations. Response: A column for "Units Growth Control" has not been added to TableD (now Table H) on p. 11-17. It was felt that the several tables added prior to Table H have referenced the growth control issue sufficiently. 24. Page ll-I5, Section 2.5.5, end of second paragraph should state " ... site deveJepment plan review the entitlement process. " Response: This change has been made on p. II-18, as requested. 2 5. Page l/-I5, last paragraph, please add shelters to the items provided for transit street furniture. Response: Shelters has been added to the list of transit street furniture on p. II -19. 26. Page III-I, Section 3.I, Master Land Use Plan, please revise as follows "The precise locations ultimately approved in the site de>.•eJepme:'ltpermits discretionary application for ... " Response: This change has been made on p. III-1, as requested .. 27. Page 11/-1, Section 3.I.I, add conservation easement or equivalent ... " I PLANNING I I •J SYSTEMS r - Response: This change has been made. Also reference to a perpetual funding source to ensure long term maintenance has been added for clarification. 28. Page III-I, Section 3.1.2, add item c) be below the Regional Housing Needs assessment density to achieve the goals of the Housing Element. Response: This additional item has been added to the last paragraph on p. III-1. 29. Page III-3, Table E, please use the GMCP to generate the assumed DU in column G. Response: Table E, the Master Land Use Table, articulates the facts and figures of the proposed project. As such, the table references the acreages and dwelling units proposed per the Master Plan. Therefore the units listed under the Dwelling Unit column (Column G) are the units proposed per the Master Plan. We have not used the GMCP to generate the dwelling unit counts. The project preserves significant amounts of area that would otherwise be allowed for development. This trade-off of expanded hardline open space, in exchange for clustered higher density product, renders the GCMP analyses of each planning area, meaningless. 30. Page III-3, last paragraph, please delete " ... £tnfi trail stops ... " Response: This change has been made at the top ofp. III-4. 31. Page III-4, Section 3.1.3, staff is not supportive of alternative land uses which do not fulfill the objectives of the Housing Element. Please delete this provision in the Master Plan. There is also no need to identifY product type in the Master Plan for Planning Areas R-2 or R-3. Response: The section referencing Alternative Land Uses has been eliminated from the Master Plan. It has been replaced by a new discussion of Community Sustainability on p. III-4. 32. Page III-5, Section, please consider revising the requirement for "all" new development to require inc/usionary units. Market rate apartments not requesting incentives or development modifications are not required to provide inc/usionary units. Response: The reference to "all" new development having an obligation to provide inclusionary units has been modified to instead reference "for sale units expected to be constructed for the remaining planning areas". The revised section also states that the actual number and affordability rate of inclusionary units will be as indicated in an Affordable Housing Agreement executed by the developer and the City. 33. Page III-8, Section 3.2.2, please add the acreage of the Public Use Area after the percentage provided (6.9 acres). t Response: The acreage of the Public Use Area has been added on p. III-8. 34. Page III-11, Section (b), please add " ... and a Nature/Education Center" at the end ofthefirst sentence. Also note that common recreational facilities shall be sized accordingly to meet the planning areas recreational requirement and placed in each respective planning area. Response: The word "and" has been added as requested on p. III-11. 35. Page III-11, Section (d), in the last sentence, please add " ... before reaching natural resources." Response: The words "before" and "resources" have been added to the subject paragraph. 36. Page III-12, Section 3.2.4, please remove "Site Development Plan and/or Tentative Subdivision Map" and replace with "entitlement" and in the last sentence, please add " ... before reaching natural resources ... " I PLANNING I I .,, SYSTEMS -;:;-lj --------------------- - Response: Site development plan and tentative subdivision map references have been removed and the paragraph has been modified as requested. 37. Page I/1-12, Section 3.2.6, Staff is not supportive ofthe elimination ofRVparking. Many developments in Carlsbad provide for, and have a need for, RV parking and it is very beneficial to the residents of the community it serves. Response: No change has been made to this section. The applicant believes that the proposed project will not result in a significant need for an RV parking lot, that other private storage lots are available in close proximity to the site in Carlsbad, Oceanside and Vista, and that RV storage lots are unattractive, and are a fmancial burden on the HOA. Further, per CMC 21.45.060, apartments, and/or condominium projects which are situated in RH or RMH land uses do not have an obligation to provide RV storage. All of the units within the proposed Quarry Creek project will fall into one of these two categories. We continue to request that the City consider removal of any requirement for RV storage lot. 38. Page IV-1, Section 4.1.1, please address the access to the property in Oceanside. A comment regarding how and where access is to be provided to the Oceanside parcel is needed Please revise the comment that all affordable requiring inclusionary housing. See comment above regarding no inclusionary requirement for market rate apartments. Response: Wording ensuring access to the 4.0-acre Oceanside parcel has been added at the bottom of page IV-2. Also, the discussion ofinclusionary housing has been revised to indicate that the number ofinclusionary units shall be pursuant to the requirements of an Affordable Housing Agreement approved by the developer and the City prior to approval of the first final map for the Quarry Creek project. 39. Page IV-3, the setbacks proposed are a reduction from the requirements of the Rn-M or PD ordinance. Please provide a justification for the reductions requested Other projects have developed with greater setbacks and have achieved the densities sought. Response: The proposed project is intended as an urban community. The Planned Development Ordinance (CMC 21.45) setback standards are based on criteria t~:!at encourage suburban development. We believe it is desirable for this clustered, high and medium-high density project to have reduced setbacks which will visually substantiate the urban character of the project. 40. Page IV-4, Special Design criteria, please remove reference to reduced parking requirement as it is not supported by Staff to be included in the Master Plan. Please add low pressure sodium lighting and light shielding to be used in proximity to the biological areas. Please review the fencing plan in relation to the Oceanside parcel. The Oceanside parcel should be made to appear to be a part of the project and not segregated (not fenced off and provide access). Response: The referenced reduced parking requirement has not been removed because the Planning Area R-1 site will be the site of affordable housing and the applicant is entitled to request standards modifications, including a reduced parking requirement. Please note that the wording stipulates that the reduced parking maybe be allowed only "if determined to be acceptable to the City, in accordance with the allowances of the Affordable Housing Agreement." Also-Additional Special Design Criteria are added top. IV-6 (Criteria #9 and #10) which requires low pressure sodium lighting and light shielding adjacent to protected open spaces, and also requires compatibility between the PA R-1 and the Oceanside parcel. 41. Page IV-5, Figure 16, please use a different line symbol for the trail or fence as they appear very similar. Reproduced copies will not discern color. Please add 5 foot landscaped buffer as on Figure 17. Please add trail to view spot or lookout for El Saito Fails. Response: The symbols have been changed, as requested. No landscaped buffer has been added because the roadway access is a private street. El Saito Falls cannot be seen from PA R-1 inasiif~~~~~~iiilfiF-!;;~ towards the southwest. So no additional view trail has been added. II PLANNING 1 1 .~ / . I SYSTEMS """7 -- 42. Page IV-6, Section 4.1.2, please rename the Marron Rd extension as this north-south segment will not be called Marron Rd. Response: The referenced roadway has been re-designated Street 'B'. 43. Page IV-6, Description, please delete references to Condominium Permits. The Planned Development Permit is the applicable permit proc.ess for condominium projects. Please delete all other references to Condominium Permits in the Master Plan. Response: All references to Condominium Permits have been removed from the document and replaced with Planned Development Permits. 44. Page IV-7, Development standards, please provide justification for any deviations or reductions to development standards proposed. Response: The only deviations to Planned Development Ordinance standards that we are aware of is; (1) the minimum building setbacks for public streets from 10-feet to 5-feet, and (2) the 10-foot building separation is proposed as an "average" rather than a "minimum". On PA R-1 and R-2, the recreation area is 100 and 150 square feet, respectively. These deviations are justified by the fact that the Quarry Creek project is proposed as an urban development (and in PA R-1 and R-2 situation, high density), and such setbacks and building separations will be in line with this design theme. 45. Page IV-7, Development standards, please revise the community recreation requirement to 200 square feet per unit as there does not appear to be any provision for nearby or centralized recreation facility. Response: The overall community recreation space for PA R-2 will be a minimum of 150 sq. ft. per unit. A common recreation area will be included in the site plan for the project so as to meet this requirement. 46. Page IV-7, Development standards, please delete the Storage space reference as the Municipal Code has been revised to allow garages to meet the storage requirement. Please change throughout. Response: The reference to storage space has been eliminated throughout the document. 47. Page IV-8, please clarifY the covered garage as just a garage (delete covered). A garage is covered by definition. Response: The word "covered" has been eliminated, as requested. 48. Page IV-9, Setbacks, please add reference to General Development Standards Table C as there are applicable standards that apply. Response: 11. P-D Ordinance General Development Standards Table C has been added as a reference on p. IV- 49. Page IV-9, Special Design Criteria, Item 1, the setbacks shall mimic the Planned Development Ordinance unless it can be shown,that a reduced setback is warranted Response: Please see response to comment #44 above. 50. Page IV-10, Figure 17, please delete the street name Marron Rd which runs north/south. The City will require a separate street name for the segment. Please revise all Figures accordingly. Response: The north-south roadway is referenced in the revised Master Plan as Street 'B'. 51. Page IV-11, Section 4.1.3, Implementation of Master Plan and Goals, please srlff~~~~~jjiiii~~il 0 I d. l PLANNING I •• ~~ square zs ocate . l.!::~S~Y~S~T~E~M~S~~~~---:&~11 - Response: All reference to the community square has been eliminated from the document. This was a term that had been used in an earlier draft of the Master Plan and had inadvertently not be revised in a few locations. 52. Page /V-11, Section 4.1.3, Land Use Regulations, please add that the minimum density will be 12 dulac. Response: The density on PA R-3 has been revised and is now shown to be 12 to 15 dulac. 53. Pave V/-12, Public trails, this section needs to address the timing of construction of off-site trails. The southwesterly trail goes to the property boundary and stops where there is not a continuing trail. Parks and Recreation will provide additional comments and will follow under separate cover. Response: Trails will be constructed with completion of the adjacent developed planning areas. This is because it is prudent not to encourage the public to hike into or near a project that is actively under construction. This information is provided on p. VI-5. The applicant/developer has no control over off-site trails. 54. Page /V-13, Setbacks, please reflect (or move) the setbacks requirement into the development Standards table. (1 0-foot landscape enhanced setback). Response: The "Setbacks" section has been removed throughout. 55. Page /V-14, Special Design Criteria, please add the requirement to enhance the exterior building elevations which face along major roadways (i.e. Haymar, Marron Rd. and connector road). Please add a goal to partially bury/obscure the adjacent crib wall with the site grading and to otherwise adequately screen this unsightly wall from public view. Response: Planning Area R-3 Special Design Criteria #10 and #11 have been added on p. IV-17 to address these two issues, as requested. 56. Page /V-16, Land Use regulations, please add the minimum density of 12 dulac and recalculate the dwelling unit allocation to 240 units. This may cause other tables and numbers to change throughout the Master Plan. Response: The density on PA R-4 has been revised and is now shown to be 12 to 15 dulac. Based on the net acreage, the total unit count has been revised to 217 dwelling units. 57. Page /V-16, Required Development Permits, please delete Condominium Permit and replace it with Planned Development Permit. Please review the whole Master Plan for similar revisions. Response: All references to Condominium Permits have been removed from the document and replaced with Planned Development Permits. 58. Page /V-19, item number 5, P-4 and P-5 shall not count towards the recreation requirements of R-4, or any other Planning Area. Response: The Quarry Creek Land Use Plan has been revised to include a new Public Use planning area, Planning Area P-3. PA P-3 is designated as a Community Recreation Area, which is of sufficient size so as to meet at least 75% of the recreation area requirement for Planning Areas R-3, R-4 and R-5, together. 59. Page 1V-21, Land Use Regulation, please use the RHNA number of 12 dulac when calculating the Master Plan yield for the property. Response: 60. The density on PA R-5 has been revised and is now shown to be 12 to 15 dulac on p. IV-22. II PLANNING I !I SYSTEMS •IIIII -- Response: This comment is acknowledged and the Nature/Education area has been removed and is not proposed as fulfilling the common recreation area requirement. As mentioned however, up to 75% of the common recreation area is proposed to be satisfied at new PA P-3 Community Recreation Area. 61. Page 1V-26, Section 4.2, Public Use Planning Areas, pursuant to Chapter 21.25.070(3), at least one site must be reserved for daycare. The Master Plan shall show one site dedicated to daycare uses. In addition to uses allowed in P-1, please consider adding community dog park, linear community park, skateboard park, Recreational Vehicle parking and community garden as allowed uses. The Park and Ride shall be provided in addition to allowing the previously listed uses if room and demand/desire is there to support them. Response: The daycare is identified as a "Required Use" on PA P-2, on p. IV-29. The Park & Ride area, PA P-1) is quite small, and thus can only accommodate a single use, albeit it is our opinion that the lot is of such benefit to the community that it should be considered a Community Facility. The applicant believes that a Park & Ride lot is also most consistent with the sustainability aspect of the Quarry Creek community. The other uses mentioned have been added to the Allowed Uses in PA P-2. 62. Page 1V-26, Section 4.2.1 (2), the CF use shall be provided and not to be designated for a ten year period and allowed to convert to another use. (Please delete last sentence in first paragraph of 4.2.1 (2)). Response: This phrase has been modified to eliminate the reference to a ten year period, and rather only reference the requirements and time frames stipulated in CMC 21.25.030. 63. Page 1V-27, Section 3, Allowed uses in P-3 shall delete Camping park. Staff is not supportive of a Camping park at this location. Response: The Planning Area P-3 identified in the original Master Plan has been eliminated. 64. Page IV-27, Section 3, Water Quality Basin if provided shall appear to be a passive recreational area. As an example, please see Emerald lake within the Carlsbad Research Center Specific Plan. Response: The referenced wording of Water Quality Basins if designed to appear as a passive recreational area has been included on PA P-4 on p. IV-31. 65. Page IV-28, Land Use Regulations, please delete Community Recreation (CR) as it is not a valid zoning designation. Open Space is an adequate zone for the property. Response: Underlying zoning of OS has been added to replace the CR zoning, as requested. 66. Page IV-28, Special Design Criteria, please specifY the timing of construction for the facilities. Construction of improvements shall be concurrent with the construction of the adjacent planning area or sooner. Please also include trash receptacles and a plan for management of such facilities. Response: Special Design Criteria #13 on p. IV-32 stipulates the timing of construction of the Public Use Area facilities. 67. Page IV-29, item 12. Enhanced paving within the public right of way and the P-2 project shall provide for enhanced paving. Response: A modification has been made to this wording on p. IV -32. 68. Page 1V-32, Environmental Buffer, the buffer will be established as hard-line and conservation easements as established by the Amended Reclamation Plan for Former South Coast Materials Quarry and should be referenced here in this section. Please review the HMP Equivalency Determination for further information on the biological buffer. Response: This wording has been added top. IV-35. I PLANNING I •• , SYSTEMS n 69. Page IV-32, Planning Buffer, efforts shall be made to obscure the visual impact of the existing retaining crib wall. Response: This wording has been added top. IV-36. 70. Page IV-33, Special Design criteria, please incorporate some basis guidelines for the open space areas as per the typical conservation easement requirements such as; the addition of fencing and posting of notification of the open space and purposes of the open space to reduce/eliminate human and animal intrusion off trails and methods to preclude the use of the ponds and springs by persons or pets. Response: A number of Special Design Criteria have been added in accordance with the comment. These criteria include provision of a conservation easement, provision of endowment, transfer of management, install signage, install fencing, and manage trails. 71. Page V-1, Section 5. 1, the Master Plan will need to identifY the Growth Management Dwelling Unit projected buildoutfor the Zone 25 LFMP of264 dwelling units. The units were identified during the City's review of the excess dwelling unit bank and have been documented as the number of dwelling units allocated to LFMZ 25. The General Plan Housing Element update allocated 500 dwelling units to the Quarry site (1 00 acres) but the actual units will not be withdrawn from the excess dwelling unit bank until entitlements (Tract Map or SDP) are secured. Units will need to be withdrawn from the excess dwelling unit bank. Response: The Growth Management Plan Constraints Analysis has been updated pursuant to the email from Van Lynch, dated September 28, 2011. The direction provided in this email is somewhat different than that provided in this comment. As mentioned in the response to Comment # 16, the analysis of the number of units allowed on the site per Growth Control is complicated due to the fact that the General Plan Housing and Land Use Elements are inconsistent at this time. 72. Page V-1, Transfer of Density. The City is not supportive of the transfer of density between planning areas. The units from each individual planning area may be deposited or withdrawn from the City's excess dwelling unit bank on a case by case basis as other projects. Please modifY Sections 5.3.1 and 5.3.2 accordingly. Response: The applicant desires to retain the option of transfer of density; however restrictive limitations and findings associated with such transfers have been added on p. V-2. Such findings allow City discretion and will require City approval of any transfer ofunits. 73. Page V-6, Section 5.14.3(2), please delete the second to last sentence as the City does not have the authority to require the enforcement of the Architectural Review Board. This section may imply the building permits may be approved by the Board. To ensure that misinterpretation does not happen, please revise as follows " ... and other structures, prior to the issuance of a building permit issued by the City of Carlsbad, if needed, ... " Response: These changes have been made on p. V-7, as requested. 74. Page VI-1, Section 6, Design Provisions and Guidelines, third sentence add "a" before viable. Please review/confirm project name "Quarry Falls." Response: The word "Falls" has been changed to "Creek" on p. VI-1. 75. Page VI-1, Section 6.1, please revise as follows, " ... all disturbed areas and slopes will be revegetated pursuant to the city of Carlsbad Landscape Manualupen the eeFnpletien efhHihiing eel'lStrHetien." Response: The recommended wording revision has been made. This Grading Guidelines section has now been moved to Section 6.2 to allow of an Energy Efficiency and Sustainability section 6.1. I ·' Ps\~~~; I l~j -- 76. Page Vl-1, Special Design Criteria, please add requirement to obscure the visual impacts of the existing retaining wall in the Quarry Creek Shopping Center. Response: A requirement to obscure the existing retaining wall located along the property line at the shopping center has been added as Special Design Criteria #3 on p. VI-3, as requested. 77. Page VJ-2, Section 6.2, please identify the location of the Community Square. Response: The word "Square" was an error and has been deleted and replaced by "Facilities site" on p. VI-4. 78. Page V/~4, Section 6.3.1, Design Guidelines will need to be incorporated into the Master Plan document. These will be the guiding principles for development within the Master Plan and will not be approved administratively. The individual entitlement of each development project may add additional review of the architectural design and characteristics of the particular development, but the Master Plan needs to provide for a basis from which to start and to provide for some guiding design concepts and themes. Response: Architectural and Landscape Design Guidelines, including themes, massing, scale, styles, landscape zones, design elements, etc. have been added to the document as sections 6.4 and 6.5. 79. Page VI-5, Section 6.3.5, Energy Efficiency, the City does not have the ability to regulate many of the interior fixtures identified in the first two paragraphs of this section. The beginning of the third paragraph may be missing some wording "South architectural and site design shall ... " Response: Energy efficiency fixtures and practices are included as recommendations. This section has been Gompletely modified and replaced, and is now included as Section 6.1, starting on p. VI-1. 80. Page VI-6, Section 6.4.1, Entry Treatments and signage, this section refers to Marron Rd which will need to be renamed at a future date. Please provide an alternative street identification in the interim (Street A). Please reference just 21.41 for the Sign Ordinance. Response: For purp9ses of this Master Plan, the Marron Road extension has been re-named Street 'A'. The allowable sign area and regulations shall be pursuant to the Sign Ordinance CMC Section 21.41, as indicated on p. VI-30. 81. Page VI-9, Section, Marron Road, please correct the reference to non-contiguous sidewalks as (not adjacent to curb). Response: A correction has been made to clarify this statement as being non-contiguous. 82. Page VI-9, Section, Local Streets, please corifirm the additional landscape setbacks with the proposed building setbacks. Response: A minimum 5-foot landscape setback is proposed on all local streets within the project. 83. Page V1-17, Section, Production wood fencing, wood fencing shall not be used within 60 feet of habitat or fire suppression zones. Response: Language stipulating that wood fencing shall not be used within fire suppression zones has been added top. Vl-37, as requested. 84. Page Vl-17, Section 6.4. 6.4, Trail fencing, trail fencing shall be installed when adjacent to preserved open space. Signage on the trail fence shall identify the open space and entrance restrictions per the Conservation Easement and Preserve Management Plan. Response: This change has been made on p. VI-40. I PLANNING I •• , SYSTEMS d'i: 0 0 - 85. Page V/1-2, Section 7.3.2, Primary Entry Street-Marron Road, this section refers to Marron Rd (off Haymar Dr) which will need to be renamed at a future date. Please provide an alternative street identification in the interim (Street A). Response: For purposes of this Master Plan, the Marron Road extension has been re-named Street 'A'. 86. Page4 Vl/-2, Section 7.3.1, Intersection Spacing and Traffic Calming. Response: The addition of the word "Traffic" has been made on p. VII-2, as requested. 87. Page Vl/-3, Section 7.3.4, Public Transportation/Park and Ride, " ... participation in g car sharing service." Response: This entire paragraph has been removed from the document. 88. Page Vl/-3, Section7.3.5, Bike Route, Community Square. Please define and locate the Community Square on the Master Plan exhibits. Response: The Community Square does not·exist, as indicated in the response to comment #51. This section has been revised accordingly. 89. Page V/1-4, Section 7.4, Sewer Plan, please correct the entirety/majority comment in the last sentence. Please add provision/discussion for sewer transmission lines for gravity flow from two off-site lift stations. See Engineering comments. Response: The word "majority" has been eliminated from the sentence on p. VII-6. Also a new paragraph regarding the lift stations has been added as requested above. 90. Page VII-5, Section 7.6, Drainage Plan, please add section for Hydromodification and description of such. Response: A hydromodification section has been added on p. VII-7. 91. Page Vl/-5, Section 7.8, Fire Protection, Fire Station 3 should be referenced. The station is proposed to be moved and should be reference as in Robertson Ranch (or Calavera Hills-depending on location chosen). Response: The proposed Robertson Ranch Fire Station is addressed on p. VII-7 and VIII-8. 92. Page Vl/1-1, Section 8, modifY last sentence "by g level of .. " Response: This grammatical error has been corrected, as requested. 93. Page V/l/-1, Section 8.1.1, General Plan Amendment, please add Open Space and Conservation Element amendment to the General Plan. Response: The Open Space and Conservation Element amendment has been added to the discussion on p. VIII -1, as requested. 94. Page V/l/-2, third bullet point, last sentence is not complete. Response: The last sentence on the third bullet point has been revised and properly completed. 95. Page V/l/-2, Section 8.1.2, Planning Discretionary Actions, please delete Condominium Permit. All Planned Developments are Planned Development Permits. Also remove from Table H, Page V/11-3. I PLANNING I SYSTEMS •IIIII 96. Page VIII-4, Section I, Minor Master Plan Amendments. Please delete the last two sentences. The previous page describes the minor revisions the Planning Director (City Planner) can act upon. An expanded definition and list of eligible amendments shall be incorporated in the definition of minor Master Plan amendments. The City is not supportive of the Alternative Uses as previously stated Response: The reference to Alternative Uses has been removed. 97. Page VIII-4, Section 8.3 Residential Unit Accounting Table, please delete as staff is not supportive of density transfers. Response: The applicant desires to retain the option of transfer of density; however restrictive limitations and findings associated with such transfers have been added on p. V -2. Such fmdings will require City approval of any transfer of units. 98. Response from other agencies (Carlsbad Unified School District and Caltrans) regarding the Master Plan have be sent to Planning Systems vie email. Response: No response needed. Landscape comments: Numbers below are referenced on the red line plans where appropriate for ease in locating the area of the comment concern. 1. It is recommended that an enhanced 10' fully-landscaped buffer be provided along Haymar Drive on the north sides of Planning Areas R-1 and R-2 to provide more of a physical separation between the Planning Areas and Highway 78. Please show the buffers on Figures 16 and 17. The Master Plan currently calls for no buffer for Planning Area R-1 and a 5' buffer for Planning Area R-2 that is not shown in the Figure. Response: The proposed project is proposed to be a high density, clustered, urban development surrounded by significant areas of open spaces and environmentally and culturally sensitive lands. Therefore, in the minimal areas in which development is allowed/proposed, it is necessary to utilize virtually all of the area for development, to the degree that the project continues to comply with City zoning and development standards. Further, the City of Oceanside recently increased the property's buffer from the created Buena Vista Creek to the largest buffer requirement in the entire city of Carlsbad. Thus the area of development has been effectively reduced each and every time any authority agency has had any discretionary permitting on the site. As a result of these continuous requests to conserve land from development, we have not increased the buffer as requested in the comment. 2. An enhanced 10 'fully-landscape setback is proposed for R-3 on page IV-13 and a 10' landscape buffer is proposed along Marron Road in paragraph 9 on page IV-14, however Figure 18 shows only a 5' buffer. Please revise the Figure as appropriate to match verbiage. Response: Please see the response to Comment # 1 above. 3. Since a 10' landscape buffer is proposed along Marron Road in Planning Area R-3 (see paragraph 9 on page IV-14), it is recommended that the same 10' landscape buffer be provided along Marron Road in Planning Area R-2 and Planning Area R-4. Please revise paragraph 1 under Special Design Criteria on page IV-9 and paragraph 9 under Special Design Criteria on page IV-19 as appropriate. Response: Please see the response to Comment # 1 above. 4. Please show the 10' landscape buffer along the Buena Vista Creek (per paragraph 8 on page IV-19) on Figure 19. Response: This landscape buffer along the Buena Vista Creek has been eliminated inasmuch· as the City of planning buffer is shown in the Master Plan. Ps\~:; 1•1 Oooanside has required a 50-foot planning buffcr in this location in thei' appmval of the rrlamaflon 7m I i! I -- 5. Planning area setbacks indicate a "fully-landscaped structural setback" in several sections (see Setbacks on page IV-23 as one example). Please define "structural setback". Does this include architectural structures only or does it include parking areas and other non-landscape improvements? Response: Structural setback includes building structures only. It does not include parking or similar improvements. 6. As addressed on page IV-33, maintenance of the open space areas is proposed to be the responsibility of an organization with expertise in the management of natural open space preserves. Please clarifY who this will be (i.e. Center for Natural Lands Management) and indicate that all development plans will require review and approval by that orgimization. Response: The Quarry Creek project has not yet been fully designed or approved. It is unknown at this time exactly what entity will provide conservancy management. We oppose the concept that the Conservancy Manager must approve development plans for adjacent properties. These conservancies are not a permitting entity or agency. 7. 6.4-Landscape Guidelines, Page VI-6, paragraph 2: The Master Plan indicates that all landscape plans shall be prepared in accordance with the City's landscape Manual unless specified otherwise in this chapter or as required by the design criteria specified in this Master Plan ...... Please indicate what design criteria in the Master Plan dictates not following requirements of the Landscape Manual. The only one I can find is street trees at 1/30' of street frontage which is ok. Are there others? Please list any portions of the Master Plan that cause non-conformance with the Landscape Manual and revise the verbiage to indicate that these are the only items that will modifY Landscape Manual requirements. Non-conformance items will be reviewed with the next submittal to determine whether they will be allowed Response: We are not aware of any additional items that are not in conformance with the Landscape Manual. We never know however, when the Landscape Manual might be modified, so we have codified a number of the existing Manual criteria in the Master Plan. 8. 6.4-Landscape Guidelines, Page VI-6, paragraph 2: Add the following to the last sentence: "and shall meet the requirements of the City of Carlsbad Water Efficient Ordinance." Response: This additional language has been added top. VI-16. 9. 6.4.1 -Entry Treatments and Signage, Page VI-6, paragraph 1: The master Plan states: "Monument signage and special landscaping !l1f!)l_ be utilized .... " Please revise "may" to shall". Response: We are unaware of any City requirement to install monument signage or special landscaping on any development project. The applicant is prepared to develop in accordance with the requirements of this Master Plan. The requested change has not been made. 10. 6.4.1-Entry Treatments and Signage, Page VI-6: Please provide conceptual sketches of the Community Entry Monumentation with landscaping to clarifY scale, materials and design. Response: Conceptual sketches of the entry monumentation are provided in this new draft of the Master Plan. 11. 6. 4.1 -Entry Treatments and Signage, Page VI-8, paragraph 1: Revise "may" to "shall" in sentences 1 and 6. Delete "when proposed" from sentence 5. Response: We are unaware of any City requirements to provide entry treatments as indicated in this comment. The applicant plans to install entry treatments per the criteria demonstrated in the draft Master Plan. The present economic situation, including the requirement to provide affordable housing at a negative budget, does not allow the applicant to volunteer significant upgrades of facilities and landscaping. No change has been made with regard to this comment. 0 12. , 6.4.! -Entry Treatments and Signage, Page Vl-8: Please provide conceptual sketches of the Neighborhood Entry Monumentation with landscaping to clarifY scale, materials and design. Response: Conceptual Community Entry monumentation and Conceptual Neighborhood Entry monumentation are provided on Figures 38 and 39, as requested. 13. 6.4.2-Community Streetscapes, Page Vl-8, paragraph 2: The master Plan states "Under-planting below street trees will include parkways with grass and ..... " Please review the use of turf in the City of Carlsbad Water Efficient Ordinance and make modifications/clarifications as appropriate. Response: Water conservation measures are included in the Master Plan, including reference to avoid overwatering and emphasize water conservation on p. VI-8. 14. 6.4.2-Community Streetscapes, Page VJ-8, paragraph 2: Revise "should" to "shall" in two locations in sentence 4. Response: These changes have been made on p. VI-19, as requested. 15. 6.4.2 -Community Streetscapes, Page Vl-8: Please provide conceptual sketches of the community streetscapes with landscaping to clarifY scale, materials and design. Response: A number of sketches of the community streetscapes have been added to the Master Plan, including Figures 33, 34, 35, 36, and others. 16. Road, Pages Vl-8 and VI-9: Please provide conceptual sketches of the Marron Road streetscapes with landscaping to clarifY scale, materials and design. Response: A cross section of the Marron Road (Street 'A') streetscape is provided in Figure 33. 17. Streets, Page Vl-9: Please provide conceptual sketches of the local street streets capes with landscaping to clarifY scale, materials and design. Response: A cross section of the local street streetscape is provided in Figure 34. 18. 6.4.3 -Landscaping Plant Palette, Page Vl-9, paragraph 1: The Master Plan references a Design Guidelines Manual. When will this Manual be provided for City review? Response: Reference to the Design Guidelines Manual has been eliminated, and landscape criteria has been added to the Master Plan (Chapter 6), as requested by the Planning Department. 19. 6.4.3 -Landscaping Plant Palette, Page VJ-9, paragraph 2: Please revise "should" to "shall" in two locations. Response: This section has been eliminated and a full section on water conservation and plant palettes has replaced it in Chapter VI. 20. Figure 26, Page V/-1 0: The Collector Street and Cul-de-Sac cross sections provide for a 4.5' wide landscaped parkway. It is recommended that a minimum 6' width be provided to better accommodate street trees. Response: The landscape parkway on collector streets has been revised to 5-feet in width. This is shown on Figure 33 and discussed on p. VI-22. 21. Figure 26, Page VI-10: Please show and label the landscape buffers in all street cross sections. I PLANNING I ••J SYSTEMS A1i: Response: The subject property is constrained by rough topography and constrained lands adjacent to the development pads. Thus, as a result of these factors, the landscape buffer varies in different segments of the streets. The cross sections call out that the setback varies. 22. -Landscape Zones, Page VI-11, paragraph 1: Clarify that all zones shall be designed to meet requirements of the City of Carlsbad Water Efficient Ordinance. Response: This clarification has been made on p. VI -17, as requested. 23. Fuel Modification Zone, Page VI-11, paragraph 1: The Master Plan references "single loaded streets". Please clarify what a single loaded street is and clarify that a minimum 60' structural setback will always be required/provided. Response: For these purposes, a single loaded street is defmed as a public street with housing on one side only. Thus, since the public street right-of-way totals 60-feet in width, the single loaded street will accommodate at least a 60-foot setback. 24. 6.4.6-Walls and Fences, Page VI-16: Revise "should" to "shall" in sentence 2. Response: The requested change has been made on p. VI-37. 25. -Community Theme Wall, Page VI-17: Please provide conceptual sketches of the community theme wall to clarify scale, materials and design. Response: Sketches of the community theme walls have been added to the Master Plan as Figure 41. 26. Walls, Page VI-17: Revise "may" to "shall" in sentence 5. Response: This change has been made on p. VI-37, as requested. 27. Walls, Page VI-17: Please provide conceptual sketches of the perimeter wall to clarify scale, materials and design. Response: Sketches of the perimeter walls have been added to the Master Plan as Figure 41. 28. Fencing, Page VI-17: Please provide conceptual sketches of the production fencing to clarify scale, materials and design. Clarify where non-combustible fencing will be required when located adjacent to fire suppression zones. Response: The revised Master Plan stipulates that wood fencing shall not be used within fire suppression zones on p. VI-37. No conceptual sketches of the wood fencing have been provided in the Master Plan. 29. -Trail Fencing, Page VI-17.· Please provide conceptual sketches of the trail fencing to clarify scale, materials and design. Response: Sketches of the trail fencing have been added to the Master Plan as Figure 41. 30. 6.4. 7-Signs, Page VI-19, paragraph 6: Revise "should" to "shall. 6.4.8 -Lighting, Page VI-19: Revise "should" to "shall in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 and 8. Response: The changes have been made on pp. VI-36 and VI-40, respectively. Engineering: 1. According to section 2.2.2 on Page JJ-6 of the Quarry Creek Master Plan, traffic studies have concluded that thue ;, na mea'u'ab/e t'affic benefit' accrue from inc/u,ion of Rancho IT'%: Tgg C+ II . . . 0 0 extension in the circulation plan thus their construction is not warranted. However, no traffic studies were submitted for review. Response: A traffic study is being submitted with the project application package along with this resubmittal of the Master Plan. This traffic study analyzes the projected traffic in the area both with and without the Marron Road and Rancho del Oro connections. 2. The proposed Quarry Creek vehicle circulation plan (Figure 26), should show adjacent existing developments and existing streets beyond the project boundary lines. Show how the proposed on-site circulation system ties into the existing circulation system. Response: The Master Land Use Plan (Figure 12) shows the only two locations of roadway tie-in; the present stub of Marron Road, and the present Haymar Drive. No other connections exist or are proposed. 3. The proposed Quarry Creek sewer master plan (Figure 31) should show existing developments and existing sewer main beyond the project boundary lines. Show how the proposed on-site sewer main ties into the off- site sewer main. Show the invert elevations. a. ClarifY how the sewer main crosses the creek. Two options were previously considered: using an inverted siphon through a sewer sleeve under the creek, or hanging the sewer main under the proposed bridge. If both options are still being considered, provide preliminary designs for both alternatives. The location of the sewer sleeve shown on the Quarry Creek reclamation grading plan does not match the proposed sewer alignment shown in the Quarry Creek Master Plan. Response: A master vesting tentative map is being submitted as part of the development permit entitlement application package. This MTM provides detailed information regarding the proposed sewer for the project. 4. The proposed Quarry Creek water master plan (Figure 32) should show existing developments and existing water main beyond the project boundary lines. Show how the proposed on-site water main ties into the existing off-site water main. Response: Please refer to the MTM for the water tie in and piping routing for the project. 5. The proposed Quarry Creek drainage master plan (Figure 33) should show adjacent, existing developments and the existing drainage system beyond the project boundary. Response: A drainage report is being submitted with the entitlement application package for the project. This report provides a much higher level of detail than is typically found in a land use Master Plan. 6. Show existing and proposed contours on the site plan. The on-site existing contours should reflect the contours shown on the reclamation grading plan. Response: The topography map (Figure 4) does reflect the reclamation plan grading contours. We have not shown the topography on the Master Land Use Plan so that the plan does not become too busy and difficult to decipher. 7. Quarry Creek reclamation grading plan shows a 54" HDPE private drainage pipe that runs through R-1 and R-2 development areas and a 60" HDPE pipe that runs through the P-2 development area. The master plan should include design provisions to avoid construction of major structures (i.e. building structures) over the drainage facilities. Response: We are aware of the existing drainage pipes in PA R-1 and R-2 and will ensure that all buildings or heavy dead loads avoid those pipes. 8. Meet with the fire department to identifY necessary additional fire protection measures. Response: This comment is acknowledged. lrii::;;P;:LA~N~N~IN~G=j.~iiii.i.=~~ II SYSTEMS ':;"";\' -- 9. Provide a legend for all symbols used on the site plan. Response: Legends have been modified and symbols added, as requested. Fire Prevention comments: Fire Prevention would comment on the following items: 1. Fire Fuel Modification Zone: In those instances where lots abut native habitat and are provided separation by use of fire suppression zones as prescribed in the City's land~ cape manual, Fire Department prefers that the first zone begin at the lot line, not the drip line of the structure. If this cannot be achieved, then additional protective measures shall be required and include at a minimum, the construction of one-hour rated fire walls with forty-five minute rated openings along with boxed eaves and vents. These features are restricted to those approved for use in Wildland-Urban Interface zones as prescribed by the San Diego County Fire Chief's Association, CalFire and Chapter 49 of the 2011 California Fire Code (as amended), Chapter 7A of the 2011 California Building Code, Section R327 of the California Residential Code and Chapter 12-7 A of the California Referenced Standards Code. Response: This comment is acknowledged. 2. 7. 3. 1 Intersection Spacing and Calming: The California Fire Code as amended shall restrict the use us "Traffic Calming" devices unless approved by the Fire Code Official. It should also be understood that each traffic calming device or feature adds no less than 1 0-seconds per device to the emergency response time. In addition, the only devices currently considered for approval are traffic humps or pillows. We understand that this is a contradiction to what Council Policy NS-602, "Livable Streets" permits, however, any device or feature that affects emergency response requires the approval of the fire code official. Response: This comment is acknowledged and we are aware that we will need Fire Department approval of any traffic calming measures. 3. 7.3.3 Local Streets: The proposed local street dimensions do not conform to neither the City's Engineering Standards nor the current and forth coming Fire Codes with respect to access roadways. The fire code requires a minimum of 24-feet clear width if parking is permitted on both sides, and a minimum of 28-feet clear width of those streets serving lots that abut or include any portion of a fire hazard zone/fire suppression zone within the property lines of those lots. Response: Local street dimensions have been modified on the revised Master Plan. The cross-sections are shown in greater detail on the submitted MTM. 4. 7.5 Water Plan: The proposed, water plan shall take into account the increased demand because of the proximity of the native vegetation the minimum required fire flow shall be no less than 2500 Gallons Per Minute. Response: This comment is acknowledged. 5. 7.8 Fire Protection Plan: Quarry Creek project is situated well within the 5-minute response time of the City of Oceanside Fire Station 4. It is further cited that this asset lies within .5-mi/es of the project site. I would encourage a revisit of this citation, unless it is a measurement from the Easternmost edge of the project to the intersection of Thunder Drive and Marron Rd, it is closer to. 75-mi/es to current terminus of Marron Rd I PLANNING I ••I SYSTEMS ~ "' . . ... -- The City of Carlsbad Fire Station 1 appears to be greater than 2-miles of the edge of this project in any direction. Without Marron Rd connecting on the West end, the appropriate measurement would be road miles to the project entry and with both entry points occurring on the Eastern edge of the project, the measurements should be to the Westernmost edge of the development along a route that emergency vehicles would travel. Also consider including the 'affects of traffic calming devices in the time assessment. Reliance upon OCS Station 4 as your primary or nearest fire station is appropriate, however, data suggests that Station 4 is one of the busiest Station in the North County Zone, with over fifty-two-hundred calls for service last year. You may also want to consider including Oceanside Fire Station 3, Vista Fire Station 1 and Carlsbad Station 3 in your survey. Response: The requested changes have been made on pp. VII-7 and VII-8, as requested. Please let us know if you wish to meet to discuss any of the items in this resubmittal package. srxrely, p~/~;~~J~ Director of Planning cc: Todd Galarneau Don Mitchell Attachments I PLANNING I ., SYSTE~S ·~ _4~.A_ C I T Y 0 F VcARLSBAD Planning Division June 28, 2011 McMillin Land Development Todd Galarneau PO Box 85104 San Diego CA 92186-5104 c RE: MP 08-01 -QUARRY CREEK MASTER PLAN Dear Mr. Galarneau, www.carlsbadca.gov As you know, the City has recently adopted a new Housing Element for the City of Carlsbad. With the adoption of the Housing Element, the City has specific time frames by which to implement various goals of the Housing Element. Specifically, the Land Use change for the Quarry Creek residential site from Residential Low Medium Density/Open Space to Residential Medium High and High Density/Open Space for which the City approved an allocation of 500 dwelling units. The City has accepted an application for a Master Plan submittal on the Quarry Creek property and is awaiting the balance of the application submittal package for the remainder of the entitlements sought. At this time, the City is concerned about meeting the February 20, 2013 timeline for the implementation of the required land use designation changes for fulfillment of the General Plan Housing Element Goals and Objectives. Please advise the City as to the intentions of the McMillin Company in regards to their submittal and to the diligence in processing of the development applications in a timely manner as to meet the Housing Element goals of the City. This information is important to the City as there are repercussions to missing the mandated timeframe and the City needs to be prepared to act accordingly. In the event that McMillin Companies cannot meet said timeframe, the City will then be responsible for initiating the Land Use changes and Environmental Review. If you have any questions regarding the above, please feel free to contact Van Lynch, Senior Planner. Sincerely, ~ !Lcjp~ DON NEU City Planner DN:VL:bd C: Chris DeCerbo Van Lynch Scott Donnell File T 760-602-4600 F 760-602-8559 1. Team Introductions Quarry Creek Community Meeting Agenda June 2, 2011 • New Team Members • Consultants 2. Project Update • Status and Timing I Schedule for Reclamation Plan Work a. Buena Vista Creek Design and Management b. Status of Reclamation Plan, Grading Plan and Agency Permits c. Finished condition of property d. Generalized schedule • Discussion of Key Master Plan Elements a. Unit Count and Relationship to Housing Element b. Circulation Element Amendment c. Land Plan d. Circulation Plan e. HMP boundary changes f. Relationship to El Salto Falls and Buena Vista Creek • Crib Wall Screening Design • Products 3. Community Comments c Van~ libby's latest comments and our November 3~ 2010~ comments pretty much cover my concerns. ]-(3-11 Page II-6~ Section 2.2.2. We support the elimination of the east-west extension of Marron Road and the southerly extension of Rancho del Oro Road. Page IV-31 feet Reclamation Page IV-32 shielded This section should address the requirement for the QCMP to provide the restoration of the outer 20 feet of the biological buffer in a manner consistent with the 80 restored under the South Coast Quarry Amended Plan. All planning areas adjacent to open space or conserved lands should include design criteria requiring non-reflective glass windows~ lighting should be and directed away~ and landscaping should be native or non-invasive exotics. Figure 11 There are two trail segments that specifically concern me. One is the westernmost trail that appears to lead into the CDFG Ecological Preserve. This segment of the trail should be eliminated unless it will connect to an approved trail to the west. Page VI-13~ Fig 27 We understand that brush management will be don't partially achieved through the use of single-loaded streets. However~ Planning Areas R-1~ R-2~ and R-3 show a brush management zone between the planning areas and OS-3. The master plan should include an explanation of why this is not necessary. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the draft Master Plan. We reserve the right to provide additional comments as the project moves forward and during the review of the project-related CEQA document. Janet Stuckrath U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (760) 431-9440 ext. 270 (768) 431~5982 (fax) c Van Lynch From: Van Lynch Sent: To: Monday, January 24, 2011 9:13AM 'Chad Gibson' Subject: RE: PROTEST : Quarry Creek Master Plan Dear Mr. Gibson, Thank you for your interest in the Quarry Creek Master Plan project. The Master Plan is in the early preparation stage and has much to analyze. The project will require an Environmental Impact Report which will thoroughly review all the issues you've noted. Before the EIR is prepared, the City will distribute a public notice inviting members of the public to an EIR scoping meeting to identify the scope and content of the EIR. At this time I do not have a timeframe as to when a notice or meeting will be held. I will retain your email address and will notify you when the meeting is scheduled. As being a resident adjacent to the project, you will receive mailings as the City sends a notice to all owners within 600 feet of the project. Sincerely, Van Lynch ~ <( t:.>,r ,~CiTY o; CARLSBAD Van Lynch Senior Planner 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad CA 92008 T (760) 602-4613 F (760) 602-8559 www.carlsbadca.gov From: Chad Gibson fmailto:chad@gandbmarketinq.coml Sent: Sunday, January 23, 2011 10:53 AM To: Van Lynch Subject: PROTEST : Quarry Creek Master Plan Van Lynch Senior Planner City of Carlsbad 760.602.4613 Project Name: Quarry Creek Master Plan Project Number: MP 10-01 Hello Van Lynch, My name is Chad and wife Tammy Gibson, homeowners at 3542 Simsbury Court. We recently purchased and reside bordering your proposed Master Plan project MP 1 0-01. 1 I write to you today in protest to &proposed project for the following reaQs: 1) City water regulations 2) Environmental impact 3) Overcrowding of nearby schools 4) Demand for proposed project 1) Due to "watering" conditions and terms regulated by the City of Carlsbad, myself, as well as others in this community, DO NOT believe this plan benefits efforts to conserve water usage in the City of Carlsbad. How does the proposed 5 residential neighborhoods totaling 656 dwelling units over 55 acres make water improve conservation efforts? 2) Quarry creek, running parallel to the 78 freeway, is a natural resource and flowing creak. Natural erosion takes place along the creek sculpting its surroundings and providing a sustainable ecological balance to this area. Many wild animals inhabit the surrounding hillsides that use this creek as a natural resource for food, water and shelter. From our house we can listen to the wildlife every day and night. WHERE Do you propose these animals move to? How can you argue that the natural surroundings will not be affected? 3) 656 dwelling units will indefinitely overcrowd our already overcrowded schools. While we acknowledge the City of Carlsbad in developing a new and needed High School in the "FootHills" corridor, I DO NOT hear of any plans for new schools in this development. Nor does it mention where the kids will attend school and the impact of our current schools in this area. 4) Tell me how there is a demand for 656 dwelling units in this project proposal when the "FootHills" development, by DR Horton, is slow in terms of demand for their units? In Feburary of2010 my wife and I purchased this house for many reasons. One of those reasons was of its proximity to the serene natural surroundings facing north of us. We would be very upset to see ANOTHER case of city development impact pristine and sensitive ecological environments like the proposed project threatens. The creek, and its surrounding lagoons leading to the ocean, is a BLUNT indication that the natural landscape of this area should NOT be disturbed. As I write this letter I can't help but think of another project proposal ( San Onofre toll road) which interferes with creek flow and natural erosion to coastal wetlands. As a Surfrider Foundation member, I am happy to know that community voices can make an impact in preserving our natural environments. Keep Carlsbad coastal and preserving some of it's best Chad Gibson G&B Marketing Inc. 1485 Poinsettia Ave.# 109 Vista, CA 92081 p. 760.842.1073 f. 760.842.1074 www.GandBMarketing.com 2 Van Lynch From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Van Lynch Wednesday, December 01,2010 2:03PM 'Paul Klukas'; 'Todd Galarneau' Tecla Levy; Chris DeCerbo Quarry Creek Master Plan Paul, The City met with the wildlife agencies today and received some additional information. The possibility of Marron Rd extending through the Sherman property (Reserve) should not be discounted until the traffic analysis is completed to determine the need for the roadway . If there is a need for the roadway, there is a possibility, although slim, that there may be a way to have the road, or maybe Haymar, put through. That will need to be further analyzed at that time. Nobody wants to write off the possibility until all options are thoroughly reviewed. The trail shown at the western edge does not met up with any existing or proposed trails on the Reserve. The QCMP should provide for a trail and have the trail installed once the alignment has been established and construction of a trail on the Reserve has been completed. This may be many years away as a trail plan has not been developed for the Reserve and may be many years out. So we need to think of a way to have the trail installed after the QCMP may be developed. The Agencies do not want a trail constructed and stopping at the project border which would encourage people to want to access the Reserve without a trail. The QCMP should explain why there is not a Planning Buffer for other planning areas (other than the three which have them from the reclamation plan approval). The Fuel Modification Plan (Figure 27) should be clarified as to state that there will be no clearing/take of habitat for fire suppression zones. The plan should also show how the fuel mods for the creek buffers are met. There are some other minor things (like non-reflective glass and shielded lighting adjacent to OS) that they will provide in written correspondence which I will forward to you. There is also discussion regarding the timing of the Hard line areas being managed and funded. Particularly the areas that are on the Hansen portion that are not being managed as part of the Reclamation Plan. Does McMillin have any understanding in the purchase of the property that they would be responsible for the remaining open space areas? (or is it Hansen's obligation). This may be none of my business, but the wildlife agencies are trying to figure how and when the areas are to be funded and managed. Let me know if you have any questions. Van CARLSBAD Van Lynch Senior Planner 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad CA 92008 T {760) 602-4613 F (760) 602-8559 www.carlsbadca.gov 1 0 CITY OF I'"" """' OCEANSIDE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT I BUILDING DIVISION November 8, 2010 Mr. Van Lynch, Senior Planner City of Carlsbad Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 .. :·',''' "'' .. ':• .. )'··-,o NOV 16 2010 RE: Quarry Creek Master Plan Comments from City of Oceanside Dear Mr. Lynch: Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the Quarry Creek Master Plan (Master Plan) project. Attached please find comments from the City of Oceanside, Development Services Department, Engineering Division. Additional staff comments are provided below. • Wetland Buffers. In order to protect sensitive habitat areas adjacent to Buena Vista Creek and the ponds on the project site the City of Oceanside Planning Commission added a requirement for 50' planning buffers around all of the wetlands. It appears that this buffer on portions of the site consists of a 6 foot trail, 4 foot planted area and the remainder as part of the 60' ROW primary access roads to each of the communities. It is not clear that the proposed Master Plan has included or acknowledged this condition, especially in OS-2. • Public Safety Services. Fire and Police services will need to be coordinated with the proper representatives from these Departments in the City of Oceanside. • Four Acre Parcel in Oceanside. This parcel is shown as "public area -not a part" on most of the figures in the Master Plan; however, Figure 23 shows this area a "Future Public Cultural Area." Although this area is in the City of Oceanside, future land use on this property should be consistent and compatible with land uses in the remainder of the Master Plan area. It would be preferable that this future land use was included in the Master Plan. Sensitive habitat buffers and a buffer/management area for El Saito Falls and Buena Vista Creek will need to be addressed in the Master Plan as well as in any future land use/permit applications to the City of Oceanside. In addition, no road or public access is shown to this area, which is a concern since direct roadway access from Haymar Road would be difficult, if not impossible. 300 N. COAST HIGHWAY OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 TEL: 760-435-3950 FAX: 760-435-3926 WEB: CI.OCEANSIDE.CA.US Mr. Van Lynch November 8, 2010 Page2 0 0 The City appreciates the opportunity to provide input throughout the Master Plan approval process. Please let me know if you have any questions. Sincerely, ~~man City Planner City of Oceanside Development Services Department Planning Division 300 North Coast Highway Oceanside, CA 92054 Attachments 0 City of Oceanside Development Services Department Engineering Division Memorandum Date: October 28, 2010 To: Jerry Hittleman, City Planner From: Gary Kellison, Senior Civil Engineer, CIP Section Subject: QUARRY CREEK MASTER PLAN The City of Oceanside Capitol Improvement Section comments are outlined below: 1. Page I-13, "Smart Growth": Project is located between Plaza Camino Real and the Quarry Creek Shopping Centers, yet does not provide any bicycle facilities to either location. No bike travel east to Quarry Creek and no Class I trail through the residential areas to Plaza Camino Real are provided. Class II bike lanes on the collector streets are not sufficient for "through" bike traffic. 2. Page VI-2, Pedestrian and Bike Guideline: The words and exhibit for Section 6.2 do not address bike facilities at all, even though that is the section heading. 3. East trail connection to Quarry Creek: There is nothing showing what facility the trail connects to in Oceanside; nothing about the terminus of the connection is shown. 0 0 MEMORANDUM Engineering Division: Transportation Section To: Jerry Hittleman, City Planner From: John Amberson, Transportation Planner Date: October 27, 2010 Subject: Quarry Creek Master Plan The City of Oceanside Transportation Section comments are outlined below: 1. Page 11-6, Circulation Element: We disagree with the statement that Marron Road between El Camino Real and College Blvd. is not warranted. Project access to El Camino Real would provide measurable reductions in project trips to College Blvd. 2. Page 11-15, Circulation: the last paragraph states the ~~multiple bus routes will provide service to the project...". Please elaborate on which existing routes would be expanded to provide service ·to the project and state if NCTD has agreed to the provision of service to the project site. 3. Page Vll-2, 7.3 Transportation & Circulation: a. Figure 27, Vehicular Circulation Plan is referenced. It should be Figure 26, not 27. b. Include a description of how Haymar Drive will be improved as a collector roadway within the City of Carlsbad. 4. Page Vlll-4, 8.3 Residential Unit Accounting Table: Care should be taken to account for changes in the actual"product types and land uses within each planning area" as it relates to the distribution and assignment of project trips on City streets. The traffic study should be conservative in nature and must be able to provide for changes to the development master plan. 5. A traffic report will be required for the project. Please coordinate study parameters with the City of Oceanside Transportation Section. 1 0 0 City of Oceanside Development Services Department Engineering Division Memorandum Date: October 19, 2010 To: Jerry Hittleman, City Planner From: Scott 0. Smith, City Engineer Subject: QUARRY CREEK MASTER PLAN The City of Oceanside Engineering Section comments are outlined below: 1. Request for additional information concerning the realignment of the eastbound State Route (SR) 78 off ramp at College Boulevard. Previous discussions with City of Oceanside staff identified a possible realignment of the Cal trans off ramp to Haymar Drive; thus, eliminating the need for the existing traffic signal at College Boulevard and the eastbound SR-78 off ramp. 2. Clearly identify an Emergency Services Agreement which will reimburse all public safety service expenses borne by the City of Oceanside. Additional agreements for other City of Oceanside services may be necessary. 3. Additional information concerning open space/pedestrian trails linking this project to those shopping centers located west of the project, off of S. El Camino Real and Marron Road. c From: Dean Murphy [mailto:texacolo@cox.netl Sent: Sunday, November 07, 2010 3:20 PM To: Council Internet Email Subject: McMillin Development at Quarry Creek Dear Council Members, I have just read about McMillin's proposal to build 656 homes on the Quarry Creek development project and I am amazed that the City Council would even entertain the concept. How can anyone in their right mind conceive of putting 656 homes on an area zoned for 164 homes? Please direct McMillin to comply with the original zoning restriction or reduce the number of homes to a reasonable number. Dean Murphy 760-945-8664 From: penny [mailto:pennyofcbad@roadrunner.coml Sent: Sunday, November 07, 2010 6:18PM To: Council Internet Email Subject: Fw: Buena Vista Creek Valley -----Original Message ----- From: penny To: carlsbad Sent: Friday, November 05, 2010 3:01 PM Subject: Buena Vista Creek Valley To the Present and to the Future Mayor and all Council Members : How about some cooperation with your citizens who let you know that the BV Creek and Valley are the most important open space areas for preserving ... it was YOUR survey that asked the question ... why ask when you don't want to know and /or listen. You are,of course, listening to the developer ... a long seeded behavior of the council members. Carlsbad is a great town ........ but as with the "flower fields" ... we are trying to send a message [the open space survey was a message] to you ... so do we need to travel down that road again???? Please HEAR and LISTEN to your citizens ... not the$$$$$$$$ of the developers ... show some pride and strength in moving toward what YOUR citizens have been telling you ! Sincerely, Penny Johnson 1360 Hillview Ct. Carlsbad , 92008 From: Jim & Antje Hjerpe [mailto:jahjerpe@sbcglobal.net] Sent: Monday, November es, 2e1e 1:38 PM To: Council Internet Email Subject: future housing projects Dear City Council, My husband and I are extremely disturbed reading about the future development plans recently submitted to the City. We feel that a couple of these projects, especially the Quarry Creek project, and Dos Colinas-a large senior and affordable housing project, violate current zoning, will cause traffic gridlock and damage our creeks and wildlife corridor. We certainly don't agree having the largest affordable housing projects on one end of Carlsbad either, instead of being distributed on smaller parcels throughout the City. We bought our home backing up to the Agua Hedionda Creek because of the peacefulness of the creek and the wildlife c corridor, after examining the 2e year plan and zoning laws of the City. We hate to see this all changed because of the developer's money ruling above preserving what little we have left of creeks and wildlife in this area. We urge you to reconsider and not allow development to destroy the Carlsbad we have learned to love. Jim and Antje Hjerpe Carlsbad, Ca From: caluckyme@aol.com [mailto:caluckyme@aol.com] Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2010 11:56 AM To: Council Internet Email Subject: we know what you are up to McMillin, the planned developer of the Quarry Creek project ( Hanson Aggregates old mining area along# 78 between El Camino Real and College) recently submitted his development plans to the city of Carlsbad. Preserve Calavera had limited success last year in getting the city of Carlsbad to reduce the number of housing units they proposed for this valley in their Housing Plan from 600 down to 500. But the developer ignored this and is proposing 656 housing units-in an area now zoned for 164. Our vision for this valley is a wonderful natural land-beginning from the sacred El Saito waterfall, through the historic valley, with hiking trails connecting all the way to the coast. McMillin's vision apparently is to violate current zoning, cause traffic gridlock on roads that are already congested, damage the sacred waterfall, creek and wildlife corridor and to turn this contaminated former mine site into the largest affordable housing project in the city. From: Stephanie Jackel [mailto:sjackel@cox.net] sent: Monday, November 15, 2010 2:08 PM To: Council Internet Email Subject: McMillen development Dear Mayor Lewis and City Council members-- 1 am flabbergasted that you would even entertain the proposal submitted by McMillin for the Quarry Creek development: 656 housing units! This proposal doesn't begin to meet the current zoning for this area --164 units--and it also exceeds your own affordable housing plan of 500 units for Carlsbad. This area includes beautiful natural environments and the historic El Saito watefall. Have you even considered the resulting traffic impacts? Do you just want to pave over everything? Please have the courage to stand up for your own city's zoning and housing plan --do not allow this incredibly intense out-of-scale development here. Stephanie Jackel From: Lynda Daniels [mailto:lynda67@cox.netl Sent: Friday, December 10, 2010 10:38 AM To: Council Internet Email Subject: Fw: McMillin Housng developer I am very concerned about your plans to approve more housing units for this new development along Highway 78 between El Camino Real and College -Even 500 units are too much and now you are discussing raising it to 656 when it is ZONED for only 164! Please do not do this! We have enough traffic as is and we do not have enough water in North County for 5 times as many homes! This land should be left natural -from the waterfall to the hiking trails all the way to the coast -violating current zoning damaging the waterfall, the creek and the wildlife corridor will ruin this property. Please re-consider your decision regarding this proposal by McMillan Thank you. Lynda Daniels home 760-542-6631 The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly. Buddha From: Patrice Danaher [mailto:pwdpwd@gmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 201112:22 PM To: Don Neu; Council Internet Email; rcp@sandag.org Subject: Preserve the Quarry Creek Site I support preservation of the Quarry Creek site and urge you to remove it from the list of sites in the SANDAG proposed "smart growth" plan. The site is irreplaceable for cultural and wildlife reasons. This area should have little or no development.-Don't destroy this valley. Patrice Danaher (~I) CITY OF ~CARLSBAD c Planning Division www.carlsbadca.gov November 3, 201 0 Ms. Elizabeth Lucas California Department of Fish and Game 4949 Viewridge Avenue San Diego, CA 92123 Ms. Janet Stuckrath U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 6010 Hidden Valley Road, Suite 101 Carlsbad, CA 92009 RE: QUARRY CREEK MASTER PLAN MP 10-01 Dear Ms. Lucas and Ms. Stuckrath: Please find enclosed a copy of the Quarry Creek Master Plan for your review and comment. The project has yet to submit a full and complete application with the City at this time. When additional information becomes available, we will forward it to you for review. If you have any questions regarding the information above, or require additional information, please feel free to contact me at (760) 602-4613 or vlync@ci.carlsbad.ca.us. Jcerely, VAt Senior Planner VL:bd enc c: · File Copy ® ~ . c ~CARLSBAD Planning Division November 1, 2010 www.carlsbadca.gov Quarry Creek Investors LLC 2750 Womble Rd San Diego CA 92106 SUBJECT: 1st REVIEW FOR MP 10-01 -QUARRY CREEK MASTER PLAN Thank you for applying for Land Use Permits in the City of Carlsbad. The Planning Division has reviewed your Master Plan, application no. MP 10-01, as to its completeness for processing. The application is incomplete, as submitted. Attached are two lists. The first list is information which~ must be submitted to complete your application. The second list is project issues of concern to st~ff.l In order to expedite the processing of your application, the "incomplete" items and your response to the project issues of concern to Staff must be submitted directly to your staff planner; therefore, please contact your staff planner directly to schedule a re-submittal appointment. As part of your re- submittal package, please prepare and include with your re-submittal: (1) a copy of these lists, (2) a detailed letter summarizing how all identified incomplete items and/or project issues have been addressed; and (3) five (5) sets of revised plans. No processing of your application can occur until the application is determined to be complete. When all required materials are submitted, the City has 30 days to make a determination of completeness. If the application is determined to be complete, processing for a decision on the application will be initiated. In addition, please note that you have six months from the date the application was initially filed, September 24, 2010, to either resubmit the application or submit the required information. Failure to resubmit the application or to submit the materials necessary to determine your application complete shall be deemed to constitute withdrawal of the application. If an application is withdrawn or deemed withdrawn, a new application must be submitted. At this time, the City asks that you provide five complete sets of the revised development plans so that the project can continue to be reviewed. In order to expedite the processing of your application, you are strongly encouraged to contact your Staff Planner, Van Lynch, at the phone number listed below to discuss or to schedule a meeting to discuss your application and to completely understand this letter. You may also contact each commenting department individually as follows: • Planning Division comments: Van Lynch, Senior Planner, at (760) 602-4613. • Land Development Engineering Division comments: Tecla Levy, Associate Engineer, at (760) 602-2733. • Fire Department comments: Mike Davis, Fire Inspections, at (760) 602-4661. (!;: teU CHRIS DeCERBO Principal Planner CD:VL:bd c: Hansen Aggregates Pacific Southwest, Inc, P.O. Box 639069, San Diego CA 92163-9069 Planning Systems, Paul Klukas, 1530 Faraday Av, Suite 100, Carlsbad CA 92008 Don Neu, Planning Director Tecla Levy, Project Engineer Chris DeCerbo, Principal Planner File Copy Data Entry 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 T 760-602-4600 F 760-602-8559 ® !"""" MP 10-01-QUARRY CREEK MASTER PLAN November 1, 2010 Page 2 LIST OF ITEMS NEEDED TO COMPLETE THE APPLICATION Planning: 1. As per the Master Plan, other legislative and discretionary permits are required for the project and Planning will concurrently process the applications. Applications yet to be submitted include; General Plan Amendments, Zone Changes, Local Facilities Management Plan 25, Habitat Management Plan Permit, Hillside Development Permit, environmental review, and any other development entitlement sought at this time. 2. Pursuant to the Planned Community Zone, please submit a grading plan showing th.e locations of significant grading. f ; 3. Pursuant to the Planned Community Zone, please submit a land use and public facilities economic impact report. Contents of the report are identified in Chapter 21.38.060 (2)(8). Engineering: 1. Please submit a traffic study that evaluates the need for future Marron Road and determines subsequent impacts if the road is not constructed. The traffic study should also identify the project's traffic impacts and proposed mitigations to all affected existing street intersections and roadways. 2. Provide a vehicle circulation plan showing all existing streets in the vicinity and all proposed onsite circulation elements within the 5 proposed residential land uses. R-1 and R-5 are shown as single entry developments in the proposed vehicle circulation plan, Figure 26. Please show how the project complies with engineering design standard for single entry development, Chapter 3.C.1 &2. Provide a conceptual cross-section for the proposed bridge. 3. Please submit for city approval a Local Facilities Management Plan (LFMP) for local facilities management zone 25 as required by CMC 21.90.03(a). As indicated on page V-1, section 5.1, Quarry Creek Master Plan shall comply with CMC Section 21.9, the Growth Management Program. 4. Please submit a preliminary sewer study that identifies the peak flows of the project, required pipe sizes, invert elevations, depth of flow in pipe, velocity in the main lines, and the capacity of the existing infrastructure. The design must include the existing 805 EDU from two temporary lift stations, Simsbury lift station and Villas lift station, located off-site, south of the Quarry Creek development. This will allow for the abandonment of the said temporary lift stations after completion of the proposed Quarry Creek sewer main. 5. Please submit a preliminary potable water study that identifies the peak demands of the project (including fire flow demands). The study shall identify velocity in the main lines, pressure zones, invert elevations and the required pipe sizes. The proposed Quarry Creek master water plan shows two points of connection with different pressure zones, 580 and 446. Please clarify how this works. a. The pressure zone for Quarry Creek is 330. At least one pressure reducing station will be necessary to regulate the flow. Please indicate a preliminary location for the required pressure reducing station(s). · b. The water system design should also allow for separate potable water meters for each separately owned unit within the development. MP 10-01-QUARRY CRE~MASTER PLAN November 1, 2010 Page 3 6. Submit a preliminary soils report that evaluates overall site conditions and suitability for the proposed development. The report should provide general recommendations for any required mitigation to accommodate the proposed project. 7. Prepare and submit for city approval a preliminary drainage report. The project drains directly into Buena Vista Creek. The project alters the hydrologic regime of the site from sheet flows to concentrated flows and has potential impacts to downstream channel and habitat integrity. Figure 33, Master Drainage Plan, shows four concentrated discharge locations into Buena Vista Creek. The hydrology report should include an analysis of the potential project impacts and provide mitigation measures. The report must also include discussion as to how hydromodification requirements will be met. I 8. Prepare and submit for city approval a preliminary Storm Water Management Plan (SWMR). r This project is subject to 'Priority Development Project' requirements. The preliminary SWMP should demonstrate how this project meets new/current storm water treatment requirements per the city's Standard Urban Storm Water Management Plan (SUSMP), latest version. In addition to new treatment control BMP selection criteria in the SUSMP, the developer shall use low impact development (site design) approaches to ensure that runoff from impervious areas (roofs, pavement, etc) are drained through landscaped (pervious) areas prior to discharge. The SWMP should show how the project complies with hydromodification requirements which involve site design and analysis to reduce the amount of post-development run-off by mimicking the natural hydrologic function of the site, preserving natural open-spaces and natural drainage channels, minimizing the use of new impervious surfaces, and promoting onsite infiltration and evaporation of run-off. For more information, please visit the city website at: http://www.carlsbadca.gov/business/building/Documents/EngStandsw-stds-vol4- toc.pdf ISSUES OF CONCERN Planning: The following comments are in page order of the Master Plan. 1. Page iii, Section 7.3.1, Intersection Spacing and Traffic Calming. 2. Page iv, Figure 11 -HMP Hardline Map ... 3. Page 1-1, second paragraph, revise the term "concrete mining." 4. Page 1-8. Reclamation, please revise the last sentence to "Creek channel restored." Please revise this in the last paragraph as well. 5. Page 1-10, please remove the comma in the first sentence. 6. Page 1-11, Figure 5, please add line work for the outlying General Plan Land Use polygons. 7. Page 1-13, please correct the word "miles" in the SANDAG finding. 8. Page 1-14, please add Palomar College in the Mixed Use section. 9. Page 11-1, please add " ... areas of the site that are designated and suited for development." "-MP 10-01-QUARRY CREEK MASTER PLAN November 1, 2010 Page 4 10. 11. 12. Page 11-2 Section 2.1.2. Signage should not be used to guide people to off-site retail establishments. Signs should be directional for trails purposes only and to describe the environment and native heritage of the area. Page 11-3, Table B, please remove Growth Management Control Point and use Minimum Density instead. 17 acres of RMH at 12 dulac and 15 acres of RH at 20 DUlac. Pages 11-4 and 11-5, Figures 7 and 8, please add the General Plan Land Use boundaries for the outlying polygons. Please show the portion of Marron Rd. to remain as a secondary circulation element roadway and delete/remove the portion to be deleted. Also add CF land use designation to proposed GP map. 13. Page 11-6, Section 2.2.2, the distance between the existing segments of Marron Rd is 1 (3 ~ , 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. miles (not nearly two miles). Page 11-7 and 11-8, Figures 9 and 10, please add the Zoning boundaries for the outlying polygons and change the reference date to the most recent Zone Map of November 2009. Page 11-10, second paragraph, please revise as follows " ... 67.97 net acres of development area is allowed determined to be developable." Page 11-10, Table C, please add the densities used to calculate the Allowed Residential Units. Page 11-11, third paragraph, please add a comma after shop. Page 11-11, third paragraph, this section addresses the follow up creation of the landscape and architectural guidelines documents. These guidelines shall be developed and incorporated into the Master Plan for consideration and adoption as a complete document. Page 11-12, Section 2.5.2, Public Use Areas, please add the acreage of the area (6.9 acres) after the percentage provided. Page 11-12, Section 2.5.3, Residential. Please add the acreage of the residential area (55.1 acres) after the percentage provided. Page 11-12, last paragraph, the proposal for non-residential uses is not supported by staff as these uses would not fulfill the policies of the Housing Element of the General Plan. An affordable senior housing project would qualify as a residential project. The densities of the Senior Housing would be similar to other residential uses unless density bonuses were sought pursuant to 21.86. Page 11-13, Figure 11, please add the existing HMP hardline area to the exhibit. Page 11-14, section 2.5.4, the maximum dwelling units allowed in TableD should reflect the Growth Management Control Point (GMCP) for the General Plan Land Use designations (11.5 dulac for RMH and 19 dulac for RH). Additional units will be allocated from the excess dwelling unit bank for the project to achieve the goals of the Housing Element for densities of 12 and 20 dulac for the respective land use designations. A note should be added at the bottom of the table to this effect. The resultant maximum yield number will need to be changed throughout the document. The Master Plan also needs to identify how it is implementing the Housing Element requirements of acres of land dedicated to the RMH (17 acres) and RH (15 acres) land use designations: MP 10-01-QUARRY CRE~MASTER PLAN November 1, 2010 Page 5 24. Page 11-15, Section 2.5.5, end of second paragraph should state " ... site development plan review the entitlement process." 25. Page 11-15, last paragraph, please add shelters to the items provided for transit street furniture. 26. Page 111-1, Section 3.1, Master Land Use Plan, please revise as follows "The precise locations ultimately approved in the site development permits discretionary application for. .. " 27. Page 111-1, Section 3.1.1, add conservation easement or equivalent. .. " 28. Page 111-1, Section 3.1.2, add item c) be below the Regional Housing Needs assessment density to achieve the goals of the Housing Element. I 29. Page 111-3, Table E, please use the GMCP to generate the assumed DU in column G. 30. Page 111-3, last paragraph, please delete " ... af\G trail stops ... " 31. Page 111-4, Section 3.1.3, staff is not supportive of alternative land uses which do not fulfill the objectives of the Housing Element. Please delete this provision in the Master Plan. There is also no need to identify product type in the Master Plan for Planning Areas R-2 or R-3. 32. Page 111-5, Section, please consider revising the requirement for "all" new development to require inclusionary units. Market rate apartments not requesting incentives or development modifications are not required to provide inclusionary units. 33. Page 111-8, Section 3.2.2, please add the acreage of the Public Use Area after the percentage provided (6.9 acres). 34. Page 111-11, Section (b), please add " ... and a Nature/Education Center" at the end of the first sentence. Also note that common recreational facilities shall be sized accordingly to meet the planning areas recreational requirement and placed in each respective planning area. 35. Page 111-11, Section (d), in the last sentence, please add " ... before reaching natural resources." 36. Page 111-12, Section 3.2.4, please remove "Site Development Plan and/or Tentative Subdivision Map" and replace with "entitlement" and in the last sentence, please add " ... before reaching natural resources ... " 37. Page 111-12, Section 3.2.6, Staff is not supportive of the elimination of RV parking. Many developments in Carlsbad provide for, and have a need for, RV parking and it is very beneficial to the residents of the community it serves. 38. Page IV-1, Section 4.1.1, please address the access to the property in Oceanside. A comment regarding how and where access is to be provided to the Oceanside parcel is needed. Please revise the comment that all affordable requiring inclusionary housing. See comment above regarding no inclusionary requirement for market rate apartments. 39. Page IV-3, the setbacks proposed are a reduction from the requirements of the RD-M or PD ordinance. Please provide a justification for the reductions requested. Other projects have developed with greater setbacks and have achieved the densities sought. 40. Page IV-4, Special Design criteria, please remove reference to reduced parking requirement as it is not supported by Staff to be included in the Master Plan. Please add low pressure c MP 10-01 -QUARRY CREEK MASTER PLAN November 1, 2010 Page 6 sodium lighting and light shielding to be used in proximity to the biological areas. Please review the fencing plan in relation to the Oceanside parcel. The Oceanside parcel should be made to appear to be a part of the project and not segregated (not fenced off and provide access). 41. Page IV-5, Figure 16, please use a different line symbol for the trail or fence as they appear very similar. Reproduced copies will not discern color. Please add 5 foot landscaped buffer as on Figure 17. Please add trail to view spot or lookout for El Saito Falls. 42. Page IV-6, Section 4.1.2, please rename the Marron Rd extension as this north-south segment will not be called Marron Rd. ' 43. Page IV-6, Description, please delete references to Condominium Permits.· The Plann~d i Development Permit is the applicable permit process for condominium projects. Please 1 delete all other references to Condominium Permits in the Master Plan. 44. Page IV-7, Development standards, please provide justification for any deviations or reductions to development standards proposed. 45. Page IV-7, Development standards, please revise the community recreation requirement to 200 square feet per unit as there does not appear to be any provision for hearby or centralized recreation facility. 46. Page IV-7, Development standards, please delete the Storage space reference as the Municipal Code has been revised to allow garages to meet the storage requirement. Please change throughout. 47. Page IV-8, please clarify the covered garage as just a garage (delete covered). A garage is covered by definition. 48. Page IV-9, Setbacks, please add reference to General Development Standards Table Cas there are applicable standards that apply. 49. Page IV-9, Special Design Criteria, Item 1, the setbacks shall m1m1c the Planned Development Ordinance unless it can be shown that a reduced setback is warranted. 50. Page IV-10, Figure 17, please delete the street name Marron Rd which runs north/south. The City will require a separate street name for the segment. Please revise all Figures accordingly. 51. Page IV-11, Section 4.1.3, Implementation of Master Plan and Goals, please specify where the community square is located. 52. Page IV-11, Section 4.1.3, Land Use Regulations, please add that the minimum density will be 12 dulac. 53. Pave Vl-12, Public trails, this section needs to address the timing of construction of off-site trails. The southwesterly trail goes to the property boundary and stops where there is not a continuing trail. Parks and Recreation will provide additional comments and will follow under separate cover. 54. Page IV-13, Setbacks, please reflect (or move) the setbacks requirement into the development Standards table. (1 0-foot landscape enhanced setback). MP 10-01 -QUARRY CRE&'MASTER PLAN November 1, 2010 Page 7 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. Page IV-14, Special Design Criteria, please add the requirement to enhance the exterior building elevations which face along major roadways (i.e. Haymar, Marron Rd. and connector road). Please add a goal to partially bury/obscure the adjacent crib wall with the site grading and to otherwise adequately screen this unsightly wall from public view. Page IV-16, Land Use regulations, please add the minimum density of 12 dulac and recalculate the dwelling unit allocation to 240 units. This may cause other tables and numbers to change throughout the Master Plan. Page IV-16, Required Development Permits, please delete Condominium Permit and replace it with Planned Development Permit. Please review the whole Master Plan for similar revisions. / ~ Page IV-19, item number 5, P-4 and P-5 shall not count towards the recreation requirements' of R-4, or any other Planning Area. Page IV-21, Land Use Regulation, please use the RHNA number of 12 dulac when calculating the Master Plan yield for the property. Page IV-24, Item 4, the Nature/Education area does not provide recreational area to fulfill the Planned Development common recreation requirement. Page IV-26, Section 4.2, Public Use Planning Areas, pursuant to Chapter 21.25.070(3), at least one site must be reserved for daycare. The Master Plan shall show one site dedicated to daycare uses. In addition to uses allowed in P-1, please consider adding community dog park, linear community park, skateboard park, Recreational Vehicle parking and community garden as allowed uses. The Park and Ride shall be provided in addition to allowing the previously listed uses if room and demand/desire is there to support them. Page IV-26, Section 4.2.1 (2), the CF use shall be provided and not to be designated for a ten year period and allowed to convert to another use. (Please delete last sentence in first paragraph of 4.2.1 (2)). 63. Page IV-27, Section 3, Allowed uses in P-3 shall delete Camping park. Staff is not supportive of a Camping park at this location. 64. Page IV-27, Section 3, Water Quality Basin if provided shall appear to be a passive recreational area. As an example, please see Emerald lake within the Carlsbad Research Center Specific Plan. 65. Page IV-28, Land Use Regulations, please delete Community Recreation (CR) as it is not a valid zoning designation. Open Space is an adequate zone for the property. 66. Page IV-28, Special Design Criteria, please specify the timing of construction for the facilities. Construction of improvements shall be concurrent with the construction of the adjacent planning area or sooner. Please also include trash receptacles and a plan for management of such facilities. 67. Page IV-29, item 12. Enhanced paving within the public right of way and the P-2 project shall provide for enhanced paving. 68. Page IV-32, Environmental Buffer, the buffer will be established as hard-line and conservation easements as established by the Amended Reclamation Plan for Former South Coast Materials Quarry and should be referenced here in this section. Please review the HMP Equivalency Determination for further information on the biological buffer. r .........,, MP 10-01 -QUARRY CREEK MASTER PLAN November 1, 2010 Page 8 69, Page IV-32, Planning Buffer, efforts shall be made to obscure the visual impact of the existing retaining crib wall. 70, Page IV-33, Special Design criteria, please incorporate some basis guidelines for the open space areas as per the typical conservation easement requirements such as; the addition of fencing and posting of notification of the open space and purposes of the open space to reduce/eliminate human and animal intrusion off trails and methods to preclude the use of the ponds and springs by persons or pets. 71, Page V-1, Section 5.1, the Master Plan will need, to identify the Growth Management Dwelling Unit projected buildout for the Zone 25 LFMP of 264 dwelling units. The units were identified during the City's review of the excess dwelling unit bank and have been documented as the number of dwelling units allocated to LFMZ 25. The· General Pl~n; Housing Element update allocated 500 dwelling units to the Quarry site (100 acres) but the actual units will not be withdrawn from the excess dwelling unit bank until entitlements (Tract Map or SOP) are secured. Units will need to be withdrawn from the excess dwelling unit bank. 72. Page V-1, Transfer of Density. The City is not supportive of the transfer of density between planning areas. The units from each individual planning area may be deposited or withdrawn from the City's excess dwelling unit bank on a case by case basis as other projects. Please modify Sections 5.3.1 and 5.3.2 accordingly. 73. Page V-6, Section 5.14.3(2), please delete the second to last sentence as the City does not have the authority to require the enforcement of the Architectural Review Board. This section may imply the building permits may be approved by the Board. To ensure that misinterpretation does not happen, please revise as follows " ... and other structures, prior to the issuance of a building permit issued by the City of Carlsbad, if needed, ... " 74. Page Vl-1, Section 6, Design Provisions and Guidelines, third sentence add "a" before viable. Please review/confirm project name "Quarry Falls." 75. Page Vl-1, Section 6.1, please revise as follows, " ... all disturbed areas and slopes will be revegetated pursuant to the city of Carlsbad Landscape Manual upon the completion of building construction." 76. Page Vl-1, Special Design Criteria, please add requirement to obscure the visual impacts of the existing retaining wall in the Quarry Creek Shopping Center. 77. Page Vl-2, Section 6.2, please identify the location of the Community Square. 78. Page Vl-4, Section 6.3.1, Design Guidelines will need to be incorporated into the Master Plan document. These will be the guiding principles for development within the Master Plan and will not be approved administratively. The individual entitlement of each development project may add additional review of the architectural design and characteristics of the particular development, but the Master Plan needs to provide for a basis from which to start and to provide for some guiding design concepts and themes. 79. Page Vl-5, Section 6.3.5, Energy Efficiency, the City does not have the ability to regulate many of the interior fixtures identified in the _first two paragraphs of this section. The beginning of the third paragraph may be missing some wording "South architectural and site design shall ... " MP 10-01-QUARRY CRE~MASTER PLAN November 1, 2010 0 Page 9 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. Page Vl-6, Section 6.4.1, Entry Treatments and signage, this section refers to Marron Rd which will need to be renamed at a future date. Please provide an alternative street identification in the interim (Street A). Please reference just 21.41 for the Sign Ordinance. Page Vl-9, Section, Marron Road, please correct the reference to non-contiguous sidewalks as (not adjacent to curb). Page Vl-9, Section, Local Streets, please confirm the additional landscape setbacks with the proposed building setbacks. Page Vl-17, Section, Production wood fencing, wood fencing shall not be used within 60 feet of habitat or fire suppression zones. I I i Page Vl-17, Section, Trail fencing, trail fencing shall be installed when adjacent to preserved open space. Signage on the trail fence shall identify the open space and entrance restrictions per the Conservation Easement and Preserve Management Plan. Page Vll-2, Section 7.3.2, Primary Entry Street-Marron Road, this section refers to Marron Rd (off Haymar Dr) which will need to be renamed at a future date. Please provide an alternative street identification in the interim (Street A). Page4 Vll-2, Section 7.3.1, Intersection Spacing and Traffic Calming. Page Vll-3, Section 7.3.4, Public Transportation/Park and Ride, " ... participation in g_ car sharing service." Page Vll-3, Section7.3.5, Bike Route, Community Square. Please define and locate the Community Square on the Master Plan exhibits. Page Vll-4, Section 7.4, Sewer Plan, please correct the entirety/majority comment in the last sentence. Please add provision/discussion for sewer transmission lines for gravity flow from two off-site lift stations. See Engineering comments. Page Vll-5, Section 7.6, Drainage Plan, please add section for Hydromodification and description of such. Page Vll-5, Section 7.8, Fire Protection, Fire Station 3 should be referenced. The station is proposed to be moved and should be reference as in Robertson Ranch (or Calavera Hills- depending on location chosen). Page Vlll-1, Section 8, modify last sentence "by g_level of ... " Page Vlll-1, Section 8.1.1, General Plan Amendment, please add Open Space and Conservation Element amendment to the General Plan. Page Vlll-2, third bullet point, last sentence is not complete. Page Vlll-2, Section 8.1.2, Planning Discretionary Actions, please delete Condominium Permit. All Planned Developments are Planned Development Permits. Also remove from Table H, Page Vlll-3. Page Vlll-4, Section 1, Minor Master Plan Amendments. Please delete the last two sentences. The previous page describes the minor revisions the Planning Director (City Planner) can act upon. An expanded definition and list of eligible amendments shall be !"'· . ........_, MP 10-01-QUARRY CREEK MASTER PLAN November 1, 2010 Page 10 incorporated in the definition of minor Master Plan amendments. The City is not supportive of the Alternative Uses as previously stated. 97. Page Vlll-4, Section 8.3 Residential Unit Accounting Table, please delete as staff is not supportive of density transfers. 98. Response from other agencies (Carlsbad Unified School District and Caltrans) regarding the Master Plan have be sent to Planning Systems vie email. Landscape comments: Numbers below are referenced on the red line plans where appropriate for ease in locating the area of the comment concern. i i' 1. It is recommended that an enhanced 1 0' fully-landscaped buffer be provided along Haymar Drive on the north sides of Planning Areas R-1 and R-2 to provide more of a physical separation between the Planning Areas and Highway 78. Please show the buffers on Figures 16 and 17. The Master Plan currently calls for no buffer for Planning Area R-1 and a 5' buffer for Planning Area R-2 that is not shown in the Figure. 2. An enhanced 10' fully-landscape setback is proposed for R-3 on page IV-13 "and a 10' landscape buffer is proposed along Marron Road in paragraph 9 on page IV-14, however Figure 18 shows only a 5' buffer. Please revise the Figure as appropriate to match verbiage. 3. Since a 1 0' landscape buffer is proposed along Marron Road in Planning Area R-3 (see paragraph 9 on page IV-14), it is recommended that the same 10' landscape buffer be provided along Marron Road in Planning Area R-2 and Planning Area R-4. Please revise paragraph 1 under Special Design Criteria on page IV-9 and paragraph 9 under Special Design Criteria on page IV-19 as appropriate. 4. Please show the 1 0' landscape buffer along the Buena Vista Creek (per paragraph 8 on page IV-19) on Figure 19. 5. Planning area setbacks indicate a "fully-landscaped structural setback" in several sections (see Setbacks on page IV-23 as one example). Please define "structural setback". Does this include architectural structures only or does it include parking areas and other non- landscape improvements? 6. As addressed on page IV-33, maintenance of the open space areas is proposed to be the responsibility of an organization with expertise in the management of natural open space preserves. Please clarify who this will be (i.e. Center for Natural Lands Management) and indicate that all development plans will require review and approval by that organization. 7. 6.4 -Landscape Guidelines, Page Vl-6, paragraph 2: The Master Plan indicates that all landscape plans shall be prepared in accordance with the City's landscape Manual unless specified otherwise in this chapter or as required by the design criteria specified in this Master Plan...... Please indicate what design criteria in the Master Plan dictates not following requirements of the Landscape Manual. The only one I can find is street trees at 1/30' of street frontage which is ok. Are there others? Please list any portions of the Master Plan that cause non-conformance with the Landscape Manual and revise the verbiage to indicate that these are the only items that will modify Landscape Manual requirements. Non- conformance items will be reviewed with the next submittal to determine whether they will be allowed. MP 10-01 -QUARRY CRE~MASTER PLAN November 1, 2010 Page 11 8. 6.4-Landscape Guidelines, Page Vl-6, paragraph 2: Add the following to the last sentence: "and shall meet the requirements of the City of Carlsbad Water Efficient Ordinance." 9. 6.4.1 -Entry Treatments and Signage, Page Vl-6, paragraph 1: The master Plan states: "Monument signage and special landscaping may be utilized .... " Please revise "may" to shall". 10. 6.4.1 -Entry Treatments and Signage, Page Vl-6: Please provide conceptual sketches of the Community Entry Monumentation with landscaping to clarify scale, materials and design. 11. 6.4.1 -Entry Treatments and Signage, Page Vl-8, paragraph 1: Revise "may" to "shall" in sentences 1 and 6. Delete "when proposed" from sentence 5. 12. 6.4.1 -Entry Treatments and Signage, Page Vl-8: Please provide conceptual sketches 1of~ the Neighborhood Entry Monumentation with landscaping to clarify scale, materials and design. 13. 6.4.2 -Community Streetscapes, Page Vl-8, paragraph 2: The master Plan states "Under- planting below street trees will include parkways with grass and ..... " Please review the use of turf in the City of Carlsbad Water Efficient Ordinance and make modifications/clarifications as appropriate. 14. 6.4.2-Community Streetscapes, Page Vl-8, paragraph 2: Revise "should" to "shall" in two locations in sentence 4. 15. 6.4.2 -Community Streetscapes, Page Vl-8: Please provide conceptual sketches of the community streetscapes with landscaping to clarify scale, materials and design. 16. -Marron Road, Pages Vl-8 and Vl-9: Please provide conceptual sketches of the Marron Road streetscapes with landscaping to clarify scale, materials and design. 17. Streets, Page Vl-9: Please provide conceptual sketches of the local street streetscapes with landscaping to clarify scale, materials and design. 18. 6.4.3 -Landscaping Plant Palette, Page Vl-9, paragraph 1: The Master Plan references a Design Guidelines Manual. When will this Manual be provided for City review? 19. 6.4.3-Landscaping Plant Palette, Page Vl-9, paragraph 2: Please revise "should" to "shall" in two locations. 20. Figure 26, Page Vl-10: The Collector Street and Cul-de-Sac cross sections provide for a 4.5' wide landscaped parkway. It is recommended that a minimum 6' width be provided to better accommodate street trees. 21. Figure 26, Page Vl-1 0: Please show and label the landscape buffers in all street cross sections. 22. -Landscape Zones, Page Vl-11, paragraph 1: Clarify that all zones shall be designed to meet requirements of the City of Carlsbad Water Efficient Ordinance. 23. Fuel Modification Zone, Page Vl-11, paragraph 1: The Master Plan references "single loaded streets". Please clarify what a single loaded street is and clarify that a minimum 60' structural setback will always be required/provided. 24. 6.4.6-Walls and Fences, Page Vl-16: Revise "should" to "shall" in sentence 2. -MP 10-01 -QUARRY CREEK MASTER PLAN November 1, 2010 Page 12 25. -Community Theme Wall, Page Vl-17: Please provide conceptual sketches of the community theme wall to clarify scale, materials and design. 26. Walls, Page Vl-17: Revise "may" to "shall" in sentence 5. 27. -Perimeter Walls, Page Vl-17: Please provide conceptual sketches of the perimeter wall to clarify scale, materials and design. 28. -Production Fencing, Page Vl-17: Please provide conceptual sketches of the production fencing to clarify scale, materials and design. Clarify where non-combustible fencing will be required when located adjacent to fire suppression zones. 29. Fencing, Page Vl-17: Please provide conceptual sketches of the trail fenci?g• to clarify scale, materials and design. i 30. 6.4.7-Signs, Page Vl-19, paragraph 6: Revise "should" to "shall. 6.4.8-Lighting, Page Vl-19: Revise "should" to "shall in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 and 8. Engineering: 1. According to section 2.2.2 on Page 11-6 of the Quarry Creek Master Plan, traffic stt,Jdies have concluded that there is no measurable traffic benefits accrue from inclusion of Rancho del Oro and Marron Road extension in the circulation plan thus their construction is not warranted. However, no traffic studies were submitted for review. 2. The proposed Quarry Creek vehicle circulation plan (Figure 26), should show adjacent existing developments and existing streets beyond the project boundary lines. Show how the proposed on-site circulation system ties into the existing circulation system. 3. The proposed Quarry Creek sewer master plan (Figure· 31) should show existing developments and existing sewer main beyond the project boundary lines. Show how the proposed on-site sewer main ties into the off-site sewer main. Show the invert elevations. a. Clarify how the sewer main crosses the creek. Two options were previously considered: using an inverted siphon through a sewer sleeve under the creek, or hanging the sewer main under the proposed bridge. If both options are still being considered, provide preliminary designs for both alternatives. The location of the sewer sleeve shown on the Quarry Creek reclamation grading plan does not match the proposed sewer alignment shown in the Quarry Creek Master Plan. 4. The proposed Quarry Creek water master· plan (Figure 32) should show existing developments and existing water main beyond the project boundary lines. Show how the proposed on-site water main ties into the existing off-site water main. 5. The proposed Quarry Creek drainage master plan (Figure 33) should show adjacent, existing developments and the existing drainage system beyond the project boundary. 6. Show existing and proposed contours on the site plan. The on-site existing contours should reflect the contours shown on the reclamation grading plan. 7. Quarry Creek reclamation grading plan shows a 54" HOPE private drainage pipe that runs through R-1 and R-2 development areas and a 60" HOPE pipe that runs through the P-2 development area. The master plan should include design provisions to avoid construction of major structures (i.e. building structures) over the drainage facilities. MP 10-01 -QUARRY CRE~MASTER PLAN November 1, 2010 Page 13 8. Meet with the fire department to identify necessary additional fire protection measures. 9. Provide a legend for all symbols used on the site plan. Fire Prevention comments: Fire Prevention would comment on the following items: 1. Fire Fuel Modification Zone: In those instances where lots abut native habitat and are provided separation by use of fire suppression zones as prescribed in the City's landscape manual, Fire Department prefers that the first zone begin at the lot line, not the drip line of the structure. ( ~ 2. 3. 4. 5. If this cannot be achieved, then additional protective measures shall be required and include at a minimum, the construction of one-hour rated fire walls with forty-five minute rated openings along with boxed eaves and vents. These features are restricted to those approved for use in Wildland-Urban Interface zones as prescribed by the San Diego County Fire Chiefs Association, CaiFire and Chapter 49 of the 2011 California Fire Code (as amended), Chapter 7A of the 2011 California Building Code, Section R327 of the California Residential Code and Chapter 12-7 A of the California Referenced Standards Code. 7.3.1 Intersection Spacing and Calming: The California Fire Code as amended shall restrict the use us "Traffic Calming" devices unless approved by the Fire Code Official. It should also be understood that each traffic calming device or feature adds no less than 1 0-seconds per device to the emergency response time. In addition, the only devices currently considered for approval are traffic humps or pillows. We understand that this is a contradiction to what Council Policy NS-602, "Livable Streets" permits, however, any device .or feature that affects emergency response requires the approval of the fire code official. 7.3.3 Local Streets: The proposed local street dimensions do not conform to neither the City's Engineering Standards nor the current and forth coming Fire Codes with respect to access roadways. The fire code requires a minimum of 24-feet clear width if parking is permitted on both sides, and a minimum of 28-feet clear width of those streets serving lots that abut or include any portion of a fire hazard zone/fire suppression zone within the property lines of those lots. 7.5 Water Plan: The proposed water plan shall take into account the increased demand because of the proximity of the native vegetation the minimum required fire flow shall be no less than 2500 Gallons Per Minute. 7.8 Fire Protection Plan: Quarry Creek project is situated well within the 5-minute response time of the City of Oceanside Fire Station 4. It is further cited that this asset lies within .5-miles of the project site. I would encourage a revisit of this citation, unless it is a measurement from the Easternmost edge of the project to the intersection of Thunder Drive and Marron Rd, it is closer to .75-miles to current terminus of Marron Rd. The City of Carlsbad Fire Station 1 appears to be greater than 2-miles of the edge of this project in any direction. Without Marron Rd. connecting on the West end, the appropriate measurement would be road miles to the project entry and with both entry points occurring on the Eastern edge of the project, the measurements should be to the Westernmost edge of the development along a route that emergency vehicles would travel. Also consider including the affects of traffic calming devices in the time assessment. Reliance upon OCS I ,.._ MP 10-01 -QUARRY CRErk MASTER PLAN November 1, 2010 Page 14 Station 4 as your primary or nearest fire station is appropriate, however, data suggests that Station 4 is one of the busiest Station in the North County Zone, with over fifty-two-hundred calls for service last year. You may also want to consider including Oceanside Fire Station 3, Vista Fire Station 1 and Carlsbad Station 3 in your survey. Van Lynch From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Van, Patrick McConnell [pmcconnell@cnlm .org] Friday, October 29, 201 0 6:33 PM Van Lynch mspiegelberg@cnlm .org Quarry Creek Master Plan Follow up Flagged Nice talking to you this afternoon. My comments: Maybe this has everything to do with the Preserve Management Plan you'd mentioned by Helix, but: No mention of keeping the pond off-limits. There needs to be some fencing around the pond in order to keep the foraging birds from getting continually harassed by local kids and others wishing to fish or swim the pond. I think this is the biggest reason to keep people out of local bodies of water. Trails: one that goes off to the southwest of the project site. This links up with a dirt path that goes straight uphill to the eucalyptus woodland that is mostly off of the Buena Vista Cr. property that we manage for CDFG. This trail will go within feet of a newly discovered thread-leaved brodiaea (Brodiaea filifolia) occurrence. Perhaps fencing should be mentioned in the plan, to keep folks out of sensitive areas. I realize there is a dog park on your Carlsbad Village Drive parcel to the southwest, but more need to be around so that fewer folks are in need of trashing open space with dog poop and side-trails. Off-leash dogs are a menace to nesting birds, and lagoon water quality due to the preponderance of dog poop that is ignored by their human masters. Consider placing one within one of those spaces, or even carving out part of that massive portion on the western edge to make room for a sizeable running space for dogs. I'd be up for it. In reference to the nature center space being reserved. Why not save the project proponent money by halving the remaining space and placing a community vegetable garden on half, and a native plant garden (a showcase that also provides habitat) on the other half. And, a great big kiosk! With outdoor classroom potnential!! I don't think these nature centers are all that people think they are. More like a bribe to me. Enabling people the space to grow their own food will go farther toward instilling respect for the outdoors than shuttling them through exhibits and so forth, in my opinion. Now, this is only my opinion, not that of the Center. I wonder what Markus thinks of this one. These pocket parks and viewing areas with benches must have trash cans. Developers and HOA's won't necessarily care if folks throw their containers and miscellany off into habitat, but it gets tiresome from a land manager standpoint, picking up after folks. Responsibility for who empties the containers needs addressing too. The stream will accumulate tons of plastic and metal debris that washes in from all cities upstream. It would be nice if City engineers could work out a system of catchments that can be removed periodically to dump accumulated debris. Tons of trash wash down every year on their way to the ocean. A land manager cannot hope to effectively deal with this problem. I see that the proponents wish to trade off a higher density for a higher payback to available conservation acreage. This is good. Some may complain of density issues, but I am at a loss as to why that drop in the bucket would matter for this area, at the end of this proverbial hose. Gatta go, Happy Monday! 1 Patrick McConnell Preserve Manager San Diego County c 2 c STATE OF CALIFORNIA-BUSINESS. TRANSPORTATION AND HOUSING AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT 11 4050 Taylor St., MS 240 SAN DIEGO, CA 92110 PHONE (619) 688-6960 FAX (619) 688-4299 TrY 711 October 13, 2010 Mr. Van Lynch City of Carlsbad Planning Department 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 RE: Preliminary Review Dear Mr. Lynch: ARNOLD SCHW ARZENEGGER. Governor \CITY OF CAR.LSBAD] I 0,-~T 1 · '-'n1ll ·~ ,L ._..U PL/~J~:-~, Sf:P/\~\1!\·~'EJ'"!Ti L----------------j Flex your power! Be energy efficient! 11-SD-78 PM 3.16 The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) has done a preliminary review for the Quarry Creek Master Plan located south of State Route 78 (SR-78) and west of the College Blvd. Interchange on SR-78. Caltrans has the following comments: The San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) and Caltrans are just getting underway with a SR-78 Corridor Study. SANDAG and Caltrans staffwill work with North County jurisdictions, including Carlsbad, to coordinate a subregional study focusing on the SR-78 corridor. The study will assess the planned high occupancy vehicle (HOV) improvements and the ultimate corridor needs that would affect local planning decisions. Coordination with the SR- 78 Corridor Study as part ofthis development's potential impacts and mitigation to SR-78 is recommended. Please provide to Caltrans a copy of the traffic impact study (TIS) prior to the circulation ofthe environmental document. The TIS should assess the proposed project's near-term and long-term impacts to the State facilities -existing and proposed -and to propose appropriate mitigation measures. The study should use as a guideline the Cal trans Guide for the Preparation of Traffic Impact Studies, which can be found at http://www.dot.ca.gov/hq/traffops/developserv/operationalsvstems/reports/tisguide.pdf.The minimum contents of the traffic impact study are listed in Appendix "A" of the TIS guide. The Level of Service (LOS) for operating State highway facilities is based upon Measures of Effectiveness (MOE) identified in the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM). Caltrans endeavors to maintain a target LOS at the transition between LOS "C" and LOS "D" on State highway facilities; however, Caltrans acknowledges that this may not always be feasible and recommends that the lead agency consult with Caltrans to determine the appropriate target LOS. If an existing State highway facility is operating at less than this target LOS, the existing MOE should be maintained. "Caltrans improves mobility across California" Mr. Van Lynch October 13, 2010 Page2 In general, the region-wide goal for an acceptable LOS on all freeways, roadway segments, and intersections is "D". For undeveloped or not densely developed locations, the goal may be to achieve LOS "C". All State-owned signalized intersections affected by this project should be analyzed using the intersecting lane vehicle (ILV) procedure from the Caltrans Highway Design Manual, Topic 406, page 400-21. The geographic area examined in the traffic study should include as a minimum all regionally significant arterial system segments and intersections, including State highway facilities where the project will add over 100 peak hour trips. State highway facilities that are experiencing noticeable delays should be analyzed in the scope of the traffic study for projects that add 50 to 100 peak hour trips. A focused analysis may be required for project trips assigned to a State highway facility that is experiencing significant delay, such as where traffic queues exceed ramp storage capacities. A focused analysis may also be necessary if there is an increased risk of a potential traffic accident. All freeway entrance and exit ramps where a proposed project will add a significant number of peak-hour trips that may cause any traffic queues to exceed storage capacities should be analyzed. If ramp metering is to occur, a ramp queue analysis for all nearby Caltrans metered on- ramps is required to identify the delay to motorists using the on-ramps and the storage necessary to accommodate the queuing. The effects of ramp metering should be analyzed in the traffic study. For metered freeway ramps, LOS does not apply. However, ramp meter delays above 15 minutes are considered excessive. The data used in the TIS should not be more than 2 years old. Caltrans endeavors that any direct and cumulative impacts to the State highway system be eliminated or reduced to a level of insignificance pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) standards. Mitigation measures to State facilities should be included in the traffic impact analysis. Mitigation identified in the traffic study, subsequent environmental documents, and mitigation monitoring reports, should be coordinated with Caltrans to identify and implement the appropriate mitigation. This includes the actual implementation and collection of any "fair share" monies, as well as the appropriate timing of the mitigation. Mitigation improvements should be compatible with Caltrans concepts. The lead agency should monitor impacts to insure that roadway segments and intersections remain at an acceptable Level of Service (LOS). Should the LOS reach unacceptable levels, the lead agency should delay the issuance of building permits for any project until the appropriate impact mitigation is implemented. "Caltrans improves mobility across California" Mr. Van Lynch October 13, 2010 Page 3 Mitigation conditioned as part of a local agency's development approval for improvements to State facilities can be implemented either through a Cooperative Agreement between Caltrans and the lead agency, or by the project proponent entering into an agreement directly with Caltrans for the mitigation. When that occurs, Caltrans will negotiate and execute a Traffic Mitigation Agreement. Any work performed within Caltrans right-of-way (R/W) will require discretionary review and approval by the Caltrans. Furthermore, the applicant's environmental documentation must include such work in their project description and indicate that an encroachment permit will be needed. If you have any questions or require further information, please contact Christian Bushong at (619) 688-6494 or email at christian.bushong@dot.ca.gov. l COB M. gG, Chief Development Review Branch "Caltrans improves mobility across California" c Comments on the Quarry Creek Master Plan prepared for the City of Carlsbad and dated September 3, 2010 -applicant McMillin Companies The following comments are in addition to the comments the Wildlife Agencies emailed to the City on November 3, 2010, and which are repeated at the end of this document. Subsequent versions of the Quarry Creek Master Plan should provide the requested changes. Page 1-6. The 5th and 8th bullets suggest that the areas set aside to preserve sensitive environmental resources would also be available as recreational open space. Please clarify that generally recreational activities will not be allowed in the areas that will be within the conservation easement (i.e., the acres in the hardline preserve that support the mitigation for habitat impacts associated with the proposed project, namely the planting up to the top of the new Creek channel slopes plus the area beyond comprising the 100- foot buffer, and beyond the buffer boundary in areas where the CSS mitigation extends beyond it). Page 1-11, Figure 5. If the Figure is meant to reflect the City's approved Housing Element (which seems to be the case based on the 1st paragraph on page 1-10), please change its title to General Plan Map per Housing Element approved on December 22, 2009. This will help clarify that the approved Housing Element includes the extension of Marron Road across the entirety of the Master Plan area in an east-west direction. Page 1-14 The text after "Walkabilitv" could be interpreted as allowing trails and bikeways within the areas covered by the conservation easements (i.e., the areas in the hardline preserve, CEs). Please modify the text to reflect that, whether or not public trails will be allowed within the CEs, and where they will be if they are allowed, will be subject to approval by the Wildlife Agencies, with consideration of the expected level of human use of the trails. Page 11-2, 1st paragraph. The last two sentences suggest that the open spaces within the conservation easements will be available for recreational uses. Please clarify that this generally will not be the case. Page 11-2, 2nd paragraph. Note that, while the proposed development footprint is "within the most disturbed and non-sensitive portions of the property," the project may still cause indirect biological effects. We recognize that this may not be the right document to address the potential biological indirect impacts from the construction and the operation of the Master Plan, but it's important to recognize them at this point. Please see General Comment #2 below. Page 11-2, section 2.1.3, 2nd paragraph. a. The text indicates that the Master Plan would include two high density neighborhoods. Figure 8 depicts only one area denoted as RH. Please clarify if both the high density neighborhoods will be within this area. b. The text indicates that medium-high densities consist of 10-15 units per acre, but Figures 5 and 8 and Table B in section 2.2.1 indicate that such densities consist of 8-15 units per acre. Please reconcile this discrepancy. Page 11-6, Section 2.2.2. a. In addition to citing Figure 8, this text should ~lso cite one or more of the figures that fully depict the proposed internal circulation roads (e.g., Figure 11). c Comments on the 9-03-2010 Quarry Creek Master Plan page 2 of6 March 4, 2011 b. This section discusses the elimination of the east-west extension of Marron Road and the southerly extension of Rancho del Oro Road. We support both of these. Page 11-9, 1st paragraph. The last two sentences seem to conflict in meaning. Page 11-10, Section 2.4. a. Number 7 in the bulleted list at the top of the page should be modified to explicitly identify the biological buffer. b. The last paragraph refers to 83.1 acres ofland presently allocated to residential land use, whereas the preceding paragraph indicates that 63.97 net acres of development area is available. Please explain that the latter number differs from the former because of the results of the constraints analysis. c. Table C indicates that, per the constraints analysis, there are 72.28 acres available for open space, whereas TableD on page 11-14 and other text in the document indicate that the Master Plan would have 85.8 acres of open space. Either explain why these are inconsistent or reconcile the difference. Page 11-12, Section 2.5.2 and Figure 11. Please modify the text to reflect that, whether or not public trails will be allowed, and where they will be if they are allowed, will be subject to approval by the Wildlife Agencies, with consideration of the expected level of human use of the trails. Same comment applies to: Page III-11, subsection b of Section 3.2.3; Page IV-31, Section 4.3.1; and Page VI-12, Section 6.4.5. Page 11-15, Section 2.5.5. We recognize that the FSEIR indicates that the proposed CE over the Creek and associated upland buffers would include a provision recognizing the potential need for the future road crossing, and explains that this provision would limit mitigation obligations to standard mitigation ratios rather than doubling of mitigation ratios as is typically required for impacts to mitigation areas. The Master Plan states that the "exact alignments of the roadways and drives with [sic] the Quarry Creek site will be determined at the same time of site development review." Page III-8, Section 3.2.3. Where the last sentence in the 2nd paragraph refers to the USFWS, please add CDFG. The same comment applies to the 1st sentence in the 2nd paragraph on page III-11. Page III-12, Section 3.2.3. The 1st paragraph refers to "irrigation systems placed in the major project slopes." Please add that there will be no permanent irrigation on the slopes within the CEs I hardlined preserve areas. Page III-12, Section 3.2.4. Please add that all the BMPs shall be within the development footprint, outside of the HMP preserve I CEs I hardlined areas, including the biological buffer. Page IV-9, Special Design Criteria. a. Please change the wording of criterion #8 to the wording of criterion #7 on page IV-29. In criterion #9, please add "or planning buffer" after "Open Space areas." b. Please add revised criteria #8 and #9 to the lists of criteria on pages IV -4, IV -14, 0 Comments on the 9-03-2010 Quarry Creek Master Plan page 3 of6 March 4, 2011 IV-19, and the criterion #9 only to the list on page IV-29. Page IV-14, Special Design Criteria. a. In addition to criterion #3 being beneficial for social interaction, it will also be beneficial to the biological resources in the biological buffer by minimizing their disturbance. Please add a similar criterion to the Special Design Criteria lists for R-1 and R-2 to minimize directing social interaction towards the biological buffer. b. Criterion #11 addresses refuse collection. Because of the adjacency/proximity of the residential units to the HMP Preserve, it is necessary to prevent the refuse from becoming an attractive nuisance for corvids and vermin because of the concern about their impact on the wildlife. Please add to this criterion that (a) the collector bins would be stored in completely enclosed areas, (b) the leachate from the bins would be directed to the sanitary sewer, (c) surface runoff from the rest of the project site would not be allowed to commingle with the leachate, (d) the HOA mentioned in Section 5.14 would inspect the refuse collection areas at least once monthly (shortly after a collection) and clean up any garbage or leachate that escaped, and (e) implement a trapping program for vermin around the refuse collection areas. Pages IV-25 and IV-30, Figures 20 and 21. These figures and others in the Master Plan depict a fire suppression zone along the northern boundary ofR-5. a. Please specify that this zone will be entirely within the development footprint and not encroach into the HMP Preserve. Section 4.3.1 (page IV-31) indicates this, but it would be helpful to state it on the figures too. b. Please explain why fire suppression zones are proposed only in this location and along the southern boundary of P-2. c. Please explain why a fire suppression zone is proposed for P-2, even though there will be no habitable structures there. Page IV-32. a. The 1st paragraph states, "the biological buffer shall average 100-feet in width." Please correct this to reflect that the HMP hardline the Wildlife Agencies agreed to includes a buffer that is at least 100 feet wide in all sections. b. The 1st paragraph identifies the only uses of the biological buffer other than its biological functions. Though trails are not included among those uses, the 3rd paragraph states, the Plan provides "a public trail within the outer 50 feet of the OS-3 creek channel environmental buffer." Assuming that the intent is for the trail to be within the 50-foot planning buffer (which seems to be the case based on Figures 24 and 29, and the text in Section 6.4.5), which is outside the biological buffer, please clarify that the trail will be in the planning buffer, not the biological buffer (i.e., omit the use of the term environmental buffer). c. Please explain that the pedestrian crossing of the Creek will be provided adjacent to the vehicular bridge, as shown on Figures 24 and 29. c Comments on the 9-03-2010 Quarry Creek Master Plan page 4 of6 March 4, 2011 Page V-6, Section 5.14.2. This section indicates that residents in apartments and the apartment areas would not be subject to the CC&Rs that would apply to the condos and sil).gle family residential units. According to Figure 8, the apartment complexes are proposed to be between Haymar Drive and Buena Vista Creek. The apartment complexes need to be managed in the same manner as the other housing elements to minimize their and their residents' potential impacts on the resources supported by the HMP Preserve. Please describe how this will be accomplished. GENERAL COMMENTS ON THE MASTER PLAN While the Master Plan is not the appropriate document to address the following comments, we wish to provide them now in the hopes that they will influence the project designs in biologically beneficial We reserve the right to provide additional comments as the project progresses and upon review of the project-related CEQA document. 1. We request to have an opportunity early in the design phase of the Master Plan to discuss the least biologically damaging alignments and designs of the roads and pedestrian (Section 4.1.1, page IV-4, #4) crossings over the Creek. 2. The Department is concerned about the potential project-related direct and indirect effects on Buena Vista Creek, the HMP Preserve areas adjacent to the Creek and on the slopes adjacent to the project footprint, and the sensitive species these areas support. Specifically, we are concerned about the biological effects (e.g., wildlife movement, behavior such as breeding activity) from the project-related construction and operational (i.e., long-term) disturbances of these biological resources resulting from: • encroachment by humans and domestic animals; • possible conflicts resulting from wildlife-human interactions at the interface between the proposed development and the biological buffer; • line-of-sight disturbances; • noise; • light; • glare; • shading; and • hydrological changes both within the reach of the River adjacent to the project site and downstream. It is essential that every effort be made to protect the biological resources within the HMP Preserve from additional direct and indirect impacts. In addition to the Wildlife Agencies November 3, 2010, emailed comments repeated at the end of this document, the following comments also pertain to indirect impacts. a. If the project includes amenities (e.g., outdoor tables) intended to attract human activities between the buildings and the biological buffer, the project description should prohibit the placement of tables and other amenities that would encourage prolonged human presence between the buildings and the buffer. b. The project should be designed to avoid and minimize indirect hydrological project- related impacts on biological resources, including measures to minimize changes in the c Comments on the 9-03-2010 Quarry Creek Master Plan page 5 of6 March 4, 2011 hydrologic regimes on site, and means to convey runoff without damaging biological resources, including the morphology of on-site and downstream habitats. Please provide one or more figures depicting the location of BMPs in relation the development footprint. c. The CC&Rs should include an explicit requirement that residents and visitors not feed the birds. This should also apply to whatever mechanism will be used to require the residents that are not subject to the CC&Rs (e.g., apartment dwellers). d. The Master Plan does not mention sports fields. If any sports fields (or any other uses that might require outdoor lighting) are proposed within close or adjacent to the HMP Preserve areas, they should either not be lit after dark or, iflit for after-dark activities, the lighting must meet the requirements in the HMP for lighting close or adjacent to the Preserve. e. All other project lighting too must meet the requirements in the HMP for lighting close or adjacent to the Preserve. f. The fencing mentioned in comment #3b below should be cat-proof. THE NOVEMBER 3, 2010, EMAILED COMMENTS ARE REPEATED BELOW. From: To: cc: Date: Subject: Hello Van, ELucas@dfg.ca.gov Van. L vnch(Q)carlsbadca.gov Janet Stuckrath@fws.gov 11/03/2010 09:56AM Quarry Creek Master Plan -pre-CEQ A comments If you are not the City planner working on the Quarry Creek Master Plan, please forward these comments to the assigned planner and copy us on that email. The City of Oceanside City Council Weekly Update for October 14,2010 (www.cityofoceanside.com/pdf/1 0-14-10 _ CWU. pdf), provides the following notice. ******* Quarry Creek Master Plan We have received a copy of the Quarry Creek Master Plan from the City of Carlsbad for review by November 5, 2010. The project is located on the 1 00-acre former Hanson Aggregate Quarry located at the western terminus of Marron Road and Haymar Street and west of the Quarry Creek Shopping Center. The project proposes over 600 housing units, which will be utilizing City of Oceanside streets for egress and ingress (Marron, Haymar, College Boulevard, etc.) and potentially many City of Oceanside services (water, sewer, Police, Fire, etc.). Please review the document which has been copied to the City's I Drive at: Citywide I Drive, Planning, Quarry Creek folder. Please forward any comments to Jerry Hittleman by Wednesday, October 27, and the will be compiled for transference to the City of Carlsbad. ******* c Comments on the 9-03-2010 Quarry Creek Master Plan March 4, 2011 Sometimes the City and other jurisdictions request pre-CEQ A comments from the Wildlife Agencies. We don't believe that we have received any such request for the Quarry Creek Master Plan (QCMP). However, in the hope that the CEQA document for the QCMP will address our comments below, we offer them to provide the City advance notice of our concerns to date based only on the information provided in the notice above. We may have additional comments when the CEQA document is circulated for public review. 1. We were both surprised to learn that over 600 units are being proposed. With so many units, the buildings will be several stories high, which raises concerns regarding avian collisions with glass in windows or glass doors. Therefore, especially for the buildings adjacent to the biological buffer for Buena Vista Creek, we request that the buildings' windows and glass doors (e.g., sliding doors) be of non-reflective glass and be treated to prevent indoor light from shining through them (see http://www.flap.org/film.htm) to avoid or minimize avian collisions resulting from reflection during the day and disorientation from· indoor lighting shining out through windows at dusk and after dark. 2. The CEQA document should address the requirement for the QCMP to provide the restoration of the outer 20-feet of the biological buffer in a manner consistent with the inside 80 feet for the South Coast Quarry Creek Amended Reclamation Plan. 3. The CEQA document should reflect that: a. no activities or structures (e.g., BMPs, storm water infrastructure, and fuel mod) will be within the biological buffer, with the exception of the habitat restoration, monitoring, and management, and the possible road crossing that may be required and would occupy less than 0.2 acre (according to an email we received from Barry Jones in the context of the South Coast Quarry Creek Amended Reclamation Plan); b. permanent fencing will be installed between the development and the buffer (a minimum 6 feet tall, small gauge chain link, with a cantilever towards the development); c. no lighting is allowed in the biological buffer, and all temporary and permanent outdoor lighting will be low-pressure sodium lighting that is downcast and fully shielded; d. the CC&Rs, or some other mechanism if not CC&Rs, will prohibit residents from having outdoor cats and allowing dogs to be off leash. 4. The measures in the CEQA document to avoid impacts on sensitive avian species should account for breeding dates ofraptors. As we commented on the South Coast Quarry Creek Amended Reclamation Plan, raptors may begin breeding as early as December. For example, in southern California, the earliest known egg dates for red-tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) and white-tailed kite (Elanus leucurus), two non-HMP covered species observed on site, are early and mid-January, respectively. Therefore, the duration of the implementation of the protective measures during the avian breeding season should reflect these time frames. If you have any questions or concerns about our comments, please let us know. Thank you. Libby Lucas (CDFG) and Janet Stuckrath (USFWS) page 6 of6 1. Interests • City • Community • McMillin 2. Alternatives Quarry Creek Community Meeting February 24,2010 • Property Acquisition • No acquisition 3. Costs and Benefits 4. Process Forward • City • Community Quarry Creek Community Meeting February 24, 2010 Summarv of Interests in Quarry Creek McMiJJin • Protection of creek and falls • An economically viable project(+/-500 to 600 units) with flexibility on densities • Community project support • Early Resource Agency support of project • Address crib wall aesthetics • Two year entitlement process • No extension of Marron Road • Resolution of City's Housing Element lawsuit • Project that exceeds HMP open space preservation • Wise use of four acre Oceanside parcel • A "sustainable" project that sets high City standards • Integration of trails and recreation areas into open space as appropriate City of Carlsbad • Meet Housing Element/RENA density • Meet HMP hardline criteria • Meet standards and objectives embodied in General Plan elements • Reserve-only right-of-way through project for future Marron Road extension Other Interests (e.g. community, neighbors. special interest groups and organizations) • Fulfill Envision Carlsbad's vision for Quarry Creek • Protect the historical view shed from the Marron Adobe • Cultural (i.e. Native American) resource protection • Cultural (i.e. Native American) "representation" in the project • Preserve, protect and enhance natural resources in perpetuity • No extension of Marron Road, or right-of-way reservation (i.e. amend the circulation element to remove Marron Road extension) • Address the edge effect of development and density • Protect the creek and falls with an adequate buffer • Protect the artesian ponds • Protect natural resources from development • Provide an adequate endowment for protected habitat • Connectivity with adjacent natural areas with public access as appropriate • Follow U.S. Fish and Wildlife protocol for protection of sensitive resources • 500 units should not be considered the "minimum'' number of units for the site • The site must be made safe for residential development through soils remediation • Instead of residential development, the site should be developed as a regional park Next Steps 1. Future meetings among TPL, Preserve Calavera, SOHO, McMillin, and others?? to discuss the "Option Area" line. 2. McMillin to analyze v!sua! and watershed impacts from development on Panhandle parcel. This includes identifying the ridgeline that Bruce Coons discussed as being important from an historical perspective. 3. Appraisal: no decision was finalized but all agreed to further discussions on an appraisal on property to be offered for sale. c Quarry Creek Meeting with City of Carlsbad, San Luis Rey Band of Mission Indians and Preserve Calavera May 20,2009 1. Reclamation Plan and soils remediation 2. Housing Element 3. Master Plan • Development, conservation/open space (public vs. private), transition areas and buffers • Public access and trails • Heritage center 4. Open Space Acquisition c Quarry Creek Master Plan Community and Agency Meeting Agenda January 21,2009 (10:00 a.m. -12 p.m.) 1. Master Plan Update/Schedule 2. Community and Agency Discussions 3. Open Discussion _.. ~ ti1'1 ft{)I)S.I uG (.eJ UI-J4I t.J to,J ~ . --Ute F&trr/IAfAM 1M p ~tftruttt11'L .sok.o-Utewr OF PI.NW~~~JIJL6 ~ f.P7&d. f/(:JIV~. c Quarry Creek Meeting with City of Carlsbad January 6, 2009 1. Master Plan-Key Elements • Sustainable Design • Product/Densities-Housing Element Guidance • Number ofUnits/ADT Cap; Transfer of Density • Open Space and Public Uses • CF Compliance thru Public Amenities 2. GPA (Land Use, Densities, Marron Road); Rezone; LFMP 3. HMP Equivalency 4. Program EIR 5. Acquisition Interest-USFW Section 6 Grant Application 6. Community Meetings 7. City of Oceanside • Traffic • Public Services 1. Design Objectives Quarry Creek Project Summary October, 2009 • Exceed HMP open space • Preserve and enhance the El Saito Falls and Buena Vista Creek • Implement City's Housing Element goals (units and density) • Implement City's and SANDAG's "Smart Growth" designation • Establish diversity in housing type and, therefore, price • Provide neighborhood and community amenities compatible with the unique nature of the site • Create a location for a Native American Heritage site and/or other open space uses on the Oceanside parcel • Develop a "sustainable community" 2. Business Objectives • Project must meet McMillin and Investor financial return objectives • Ensure adequate product absorption through product and price diversity • A void unnecessary and excessive land development costs • Balance Carlsbad and Oceanside objectives; address issues to avoid litigation between the Cities • Minimize entitlement processing time 3. Project Summary (acreages are approximate) • HMP opens space: 85 acres (vs. 70 acres in current HMP) • Development: 72 acres • Oceanside Parcel: 4 acres • Current unit yield estimates: ~ 20-25 dulac: 180 (Towns); 90 (Affordable) 'J.g ~ 10-12 dulac: 250 (Areas A, B, C) -7i:o ~ 10-12 dulac: 80 (Area D) ._!E- 6&PCJ 4. Salient Project Assumptions • "Option to Purchase" within the Panhandle: ~ Provides reasonable and logical corridor connectivity ~ Value based on appraisal of highest and best use ~ Ability to transfer density to other areas of project ~ Agreement to sell is subject to project support from Preserve Calavera and San Luis Rey Band of Mission Indians • Project units transferred from density bank at no cost to project • No extension of Marron Road (removed from Circulation Element) • Westerly drainage replaced by storm drain system .J • Dedicated and/or sold open space can be used for mitigation -p"'r1P >~'!fpii66/IA.NTI"' • Construction of sewer and water lines permitted within HMP open space 0 0 Quarry Creek Project Discussion with Agency Representatives, Group Representatives and Individuals August 11, 2008 1. Project Update. 2. Comments and Input to Date. 3. Sustainability Concept-Vision for the Project. 4. Open Discussion: Ideas, Questions and Concerns. 5. What Happens Next? October 6, 2010 City of Carlsbad Attn: Planning Tracking Desk Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92009 Subject: Review and comments on project no.: MP 10-01 Quarry Creek Master Plan To Whom It May Concern: ... a world class district CITY OF CARLSBAD 12 LGHJ PLANNING uc~ARTMENT The Quarry Creek Master Plan neglects to address safe paths of travel to elementary, middle and high school campuses. Specific conversations regarding school boundary decisions should be held with CUSD officials prior to any sales brochure or offering is printed. This will be especially important since it is highly likely students from this development will have to travel past other schools to reach their assigned school. The Surrounding Uses Map, Figure 6, actually omits a reference to Hope Elementary School which is the school students from the Quarry Creek development are currently assigned. Thanks, John A. Roach, Ed.D Superintendent • July 25, 2008 TO: FROM: c CITY MANAGER Planning Director Q J1 SANDAG TECHNICAL UPDATE TO THE SMART GROWTH CONCEPT MAP On Friday, July 25,2008 I attended the SANDAG Board of Directors meeting with Council Member Hall. The specific item I was requested by Council Member Hall to report on was agenda item number 18 titled, "Technical Update to the Smart Growth Concept Map". SANDAG staff had received numerous emails requesting that the Carlsbad Quarry Creek Potential Community Center site (CB-2) be removed from the map. Months prior to the meeting city staff meet at the Quarry Creek site and the Marron Adobe with SANDAG staff, members of Preserve Calavera and other organizations. City staff requested the retention ofCB-2 on the map and modified the site description to include concerns raised by community members. The technical update of the Smart Growth Concept Map has been conducted by SANDAG to ensure internal consistency of the transportation networks between the recently adopted 2030 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) and the Smart Growth Concept Map; The update of the map was also completed in anticipation of a call for projects for the TransNet Smart Growth Incentive Program (SGIP). CB-2 as a potential site may be limited to competing for planning grants only. At the meeting several speakers requested removal of CB-2 from the Smart Growth Concept Map. Speakers included Diane Nygaard of Preserve Calavera, Don Christenson, and Mel Vernon from the San Luis Rey Band of Mission Indians. There was significant discussion amongst the SANDAG Board of Directors concerning the Smart Growth Concept Map and the role of SANDAG in relation to the individual jurisdictions in determining what sites should be on the map. There was also discussion concerning the development of eligibility criteria for the SGIP which has not yet been completed. Mayor Wood of the City of Oceanside indicated concerns his City had with development of the Quarry Creek site. The concerns mentioned included: 1) preservation of environmental resources, 2) mitigation of traffic impacts on the City of Oceanside, and 3) the likelihood that the City of Oceanside would be the first responder for emergency services. The Council Member from the City of Del Mar also had concerns with site CB- 2 being retained on the map given the objections raised. Council Member Hall stated that the Quarry site would likely not be developed without the Citi.es of Carlsbad and Oceanside working together with concerned groups such as Preserve Calavera to make something work. He also stated that the process needed to be • 0 given a chance to work and that any proposal to develop on the property will require full CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act) review. When the vote was cast all members present voted to accept the updated Smart Growth Concept 11ap with the exception of the representatives from the Cities of Oceanside and Del Mar. Attached is a copy of the vote on the item. Please contact me should you need additional information regarding this item. DonNeu Attachment C: Community Development Director Assistant Planning Director Senior Planner Van Lynch • c .\\ McMillin Land Development A Corky McMillin Company June 27, 2008 Mayor Lewis and Members of the City Council 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Subject: Quarry Creek Dear Mayor Lewis and Members of the City Council: At your June 24, 2008 City Council meeting, the issue of open space acquisition, in relation to Quarry Creek, was raised during public testimony on the City's FY 2008-09 budget. The purpose of this letter is to provide the Council with an update on Quarry Creek, including McMillin's planning efforts to date and going forward. As you may recall, McMillin currently owns 4 acres of the approximately 161 ac. property, and is under contract to purchase the balance of the property upon Hanson's completion of the required reclamation work. Notwithstanding current economic conditions, McMillin is prepared to move forward with the preparation of a Master Plan for the entire property. Our goal is to submit a draft Plan to the City prior to the end of this year. We believe that the overarching goal of that Master Plan must be to design a sustainable community that provides for an intelligent design that balances development, public use/public access (social interaction), and open space preservation. Over the past 12 months, we have received a significant amount of input from Carlsbad staff, other local, State and Federal agencies, and from the community (both groups and individuals). It is clear from this input that each element of the Plan--development, public access/social needs and conservation-must be thoroughly addressed for the project to be successful. For example, Carlsbad has clearly identified (in its revised Draft Housing Element) that housing must be a priority for Quarry Creek, identifying up to 500 units on the property. Additionally, both the City and the community have mandated (in the HMP and more generally) that the falls, the creek and other areas must be preserved. Not surprisingly, the City and many of the same groups have also articulated that the Plan should accommodate public access/public use on portions of the property. Finally, the Agencies have indicated that they will not support an extension of Marron Road. Clearly, much is being asked of Quarry Creek. However, notwithstanding its relatively small size, we believe that we can achieve the appropriate balance between these elements within the context of an economically viable project. A\ McMillin Realty ·'' ·'' ·'' McMillin Mongage McMillin land Development McMillin Homes Mailing Address: P.O. Box 85104 • San Diego, CA 92186-5104 2750 Womble Road • San Diego, CA 92106 TEL (619)477-4117 • FAX (619) 336-3119 ·'' McMillin Commerdal 0 As your staff is aware, we have had discussions with several agencies (USFW, CDFG, SANDAG) and certain groups about the potential for conservation acquisition at Quarry Creek. We have indicated a willingness to continue such discussions to detennine what areas, and at what price, such acquisition for conservation, rather than development, might occur. In the context of those discussions, acquisition of the entire property was also discussed and we agreed to be open to all options. However, it is our opinion that a total acquisition of the property is not likely given the significant cost and lack of identified major funding sources. We reached a similar conclusion during the City's Proposition C Committee's open space acquisition discussions. Therefore, we remain focused on preparing the Master Plan for all 161 acres. We will encourage discussion and further input on the Plan's design, as well as discussions on any areas that might be considered for open space/conservation acquisition. We look forward to working with the City and the community over the ensuing months to create an intelligent design for this unique property. Please let me know if I can provide you with any additional infonnation or answer any questions. Sinc~ely, y/ Jc/L. Brian J. Milich Senior Vice President cc. Don Neu Quarry Creek Friday, April18, 2008 Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce -Calloway Room 5934 Priestly Drive, Carlsbad 11:00-11:45 AM I. Welcome and Introductions 2. Opening comments 3. Overview of proposed McMillin Development 4. Preservation opportunities 5. Marron Road extension: status & concerns 6. Roundtable discussion and Next Steps 7. Adjourn: II :45 am Senator Kehoe Senator Kehoe Assemblymember Garrick Councilmember Sanchez Brian Milich Dianne Nygaard 0 Our Vision -"Creating the Future of Carlsbad Together" Our Mission -11We are an apolitical group of citizens working together for the futu~e of Carlsbad to improve our overall quality of life" Agenda IMAGINE CARLSBAD 6:30 PM, March 24, 2008 Senior Center Ground rules: • Everyone is welcome • We will respect the ideas of all • As a group we will not take a position on political issues • We will endeavor to consider all information and perspectives in our discussions • We will follow Carlsbad's Connecting Community, Place and Spirit Guiding Principles 6:30 Welcome and Introductions 6:35 Carlsbad DNA Project update 6:40 Quarry Creek update 6:50 Quarry Creek Dialogue Phase II 7:40 Table reports 7:55 Announcements 8:00 Adjourn, next meeting April28, 2008. We will be participating in the Cannon Road Open Space Synthesizing Workshop in place of our regular meeting. This workshop will be held at 6:00PM at the Faraday Center, 1635 Faraday Avenue. ·~ FILE COPY City of Carlsbad IQfiihhi•J·i•i§.J;Iiii•l§bM March 19, 2008 McMillin Land Development Brian Milich PO Box 85104 San Diego CA 92186-5104 SUBJECT: 1ST REVIEW FOR MP 08-01-QUARRY CREEK Thank you for applying for Land Use Permits in the City of Carlsbad. The Planning Department has reviewed your pre-filing application for the Quarry Creek Master Plan, application no. MP 08-01. . Comments regarding the Master Plan Pre-filing application are attached. Please contact your staff planner, Van Lynch, at (760) 602-4613, if you have any questions or wish to set up a meeting to discuss the application. DON NEU Planning Director DN:VL:sm c: Planning Systems, 1530 Faraday Avenue, Suite 100, Carlsbad CA 92008 Chris DeCerbo 'vm17tynth Tecla Levy, Project Engineer Greg Ryan, Fire Prevention Liz Katabian, Parks and Recreation File Copy Data Entry 1635 Faraday Avenue • Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 • (760) 602-4600 • FAX (760) 602-8559 • www.ci.carlsbad.ca.us ('i) ~ t: l } t ~"; ' ' -MP. 08-01 QUARRY CREEK March 25, 2008 Page 2 ISSUES OF CONCERN Planning: 1. The project is subject to the outcome of the yet to be approved Reclamation Plan. Accordingly, the project may change depending on the outcome of the Reclamation Plan. 2. There is a significant concern regarding the proposed traffic circulation of the project. The concern revolves around the potential for the extension of Marron Road, either as a through street as part of the City's Circulation Element or as a cul-de-sac. If it is. determined that Marron Road is not needed as part of this project as a through street, the length of the resultant cul-de-sac could be a potential issue. The City requires projects to have a minimum of two points of ingress/egress. The cul-de-sac condition could be a potential issue and will require further review. An alternative street configuration should be explored which would provide multiple points of ingress/egress from the western terminus of Marron Road. •. 3. Regarding conceptual land uses, the project should focus development on the existing disturbed areas of the property while preserving the existing natural lands in open space. In that the site is located immediately adjacent to SR-78 and a commercial center, staff strongly supports the development of the property with higher residential densities and especially multi-family residential products. Staff has concerns regarding the development of the "panhandle" portion of the site. Staffs concerns include compliance with cul-de-sac requirements and the potential traffic impacts of including this area in the development. If the units needed to achieve the City's Housing Element goals can be achieved on the disturbed areas of the site and the project is not able to comply with the circulation and cul- de-sac requirements, the area should be preserved as open space. The property has a better benefit as habitat as it is adjacent to other habitat areas and creates a larger habitat core area, the area is part of a primary habitat linkage, and the HMP provides mechanisms to preserve the development potential by transferring potential dwelling unit yields to other more appropriate locations. Staff also generally supports the integration of other proposed land uses (including the El Saito Falls amphitheatre and interpretive center, transit center and community facilities site) into this Master Plan. Staff would support the development of limited commercial and commercial/office-residential mixed uses on-site if market studies demonstrate that such uses are economically feasible. Nevertheless, a strong trail connection to the existing commercial center to the east should be provided. 1 4. A Local Facilities Management Plan (LFMP) will be required. The plan shall be prepared pursuant to Section 21.90 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. 5. The constraints exhibit shall include Flood Constraints in the post reclamation condition. 6. The constraints exhibit shall include Traffic Noise Influence areas (areas subject to noise from noise generating sources such as the freeway and future roadways). 7. The Land Use exhibit shall coincide with the General Plan and Zoning Ordinance constrained lands and undevelopable areas, existing General Plan Open Space and Conservation boundaries, as well as the HMP Hardlines. Any deviations to the existing Open Space and HMP will require justification and documentation as to the appropriateness for the changes. ... c 0 MP 08-01 QUARRY CREEK March 25, 2008 Page 3 8. The project will need to address the requirements of the Habitat Management Plan (HMP). The approved HMP includes a "hardline" on this property that is much different than the existing and proposed open space configuration. Equivalency findings will need to be made to modify the "hardline" boundaries and biological reports must support the findings. 9. The following applications will be required for a formal project submittal: General Plan Amendment, Zone Change to Planned Community for the Master Plan, Local Facilities Management Plan, Flood Plain Special Use Permit, Hillside Development Permit, Site Development Plan (multi-family affordable), Habitat Management Plan Permit and any other mapping and/or Planned Development Permits based on the request of the application for subdivisions and product type proposed. A Master Plan is required for the comprehensive development of the area. There are potentially other permits that may be needed but cannot yet be identified at this conceptual stage of the project. 10. The project will likely require an Environmental Impact Report. Submittal of the Initial Environmental Assessment and additional studies and analysis of the environmental impacts will be needed to make an appiopriate environmental determination. 11. The project will need to verify the location of the City Boundary as there appears to be discrepancies in the plotted boundary from various sources. 12. Please revise the manufactured slopes to incorporate contour grading and undulation to be consistent with the Hillside Development Guidelines. The proposed manufactured slopes shown are very linear and consistent in slope angle. 13. The project·· shall coordinate with .CaiTrans and the North County Transit District to determine facility needs or dedication requirements. 14. The project shall preserve and enhance any significant physical features such as El Saito Falls and Buena Vista Creek. 15. The project shall consider the transition of adjacent land uses to the proposed residential land uses. Physical separation as well as an enhanced landscaped buffer shall be incorporated into the project design. Staff strongly encourages the applicant to remediate the existing vertical wall and pole sign condition along the City border. 16. The City supports the idea of a public Amphitheater but has concerns regarding the long term costs associated with maintenance and liability. 17. The following responses are in provided in regard to the specific questions outlined in the letter from McMillin Land Development, dated December 14, 2007; a. The Housing Element is still in draft stage and has not been adopted. The element identifies Quarry Creek as a site to accommodate 600 total units -350 units at a proposed density of 20 dwelling units/acre (on 17.5 acres) and 250 units at a proposed density of 12 dwelling units/acre (on 21 acres). Because the element is still in draft stage, the number of units the City anticipates for Quarry Creek and the amount of acreage to accommodate them may change. Further, the element only proposes to put in place land use and zoning designations to accommodate these units at Quarry Creek; the element proposes no actual construction of units. !"" ........ MP 08-01 QUARRY CREEK March 25, 2008 Page4 These proposed densities and resulting unit yields are important because they help fulfill Carlsbad's need for sites, both existing and proposed, to meet its share of the Regional Housing Needs Assessment, or RHNA. Particularly, the element indicates that at the densities proposed, Quarry Creek would provide land for future lower and moderate income households. The draft Housing Element does not specify where housing should be located at Quarry Creek. As proposed, the element contains a program or programs calling for the City to file applications to complete the General Plan and zone changes necessary to accommodate the unit densities and yields noted above. Processing of those applications will likely determine the location· of such housing. b. State housing law requires Housing Elements to demonstrate that sites which contribute to meeting a city"s RHNA can accommodate projected residential capacities and future residential development within the current housing cycle, which began in 2005 and terminates on June 30, 2010. This does not mean that applications to construct housing must be approved. Instead, staff believes it means that all land use or zoning changes, other land use requirements (such as a master plan), facilities planning, and related environmental review necessary to accommodate a development proposal at the densities anticipated by the Housing Element should be completed. For Quarry Creek in particular, staff also believes that approval of the reclamation plan would be necessary and possibly completion of the reclamation work itself. c. Natural resources such as.EI Saito Falls shall be preserved and enhanced. It is possible that a trail or small park area could be provided in order for the public to be able to view the falls. The proposal for an amphitheater is a potential use. The location of such should not cause any impacts on adjacent uses, including indirect impacts to natural open space areas. The project shall follow the guidelines of the HMP for sighting criteria. Trails which circulate adjacent to the project open space areas and which provide pedestrian access to the adjacent commercial uses would be supported. A trail westward along the ridge which provides distant views over the Buena Vista Creek drainage would be supported by staff. · d. Mixed u&e is an appropriate use to consider within the project area and may serve as a good transitional use from the adjacent commercial uses. The intensity of the mixed use may need to be determined by the impacts associated with more intense development and the resultant impacts and if those impacts, such as traffic, can be adequately mitigated. e. A Master Plan is required in that the Master Plan would create a more comprehensive plan and theme for the development area. The Master Plan would also provide the ability for flexible development standards to achieve the development goal. f. Please see the discussion above regarding Marron Road. g. Van Lynch in Planning and Tecla Levy in Engineering have been assigned to the project. The City does not anticipate the use of contract or property owner funded staff for the project. 0 MP 08-01 QUARRY CREEK March 25, 2008 Page 5 h. Please see the items listed above for other issues regarding the planning of this property. 18. The project applications shall be accompanied by digital files per City requirements for all plans (Map, Grading, Biological, etc.). Trail System Overall, the trail alignments shown on the Conceptual Land Use Plan and the Open Space/Trails & Public Amenities Diagram, indicate future trail development that will tie in well with existing trails adjacent to the project site, these include trails in Calavera Hills and trails to the west in the Buena Vista Creek riparian corridor. However, future submittals for trail related items should consider and address the following: 1. Trail Connectivity-A formalized tra.il plan is not available yet from the Center for Natural Lands Management (CNLM) for the property to the west of the project site, (formerly known as the Sherman property). Jhe City would suggest that you please also provide CNLM a copy of these pre-filing application exhibits so they may provide input regarding connectivity for the trail system to the· Buena Creek Preserve and in order to ensure trails connectivity with the Quarry Creek development. 2. Trails in the Riparian Corridor-The Open Space/Trails & Public Amenities diagram indicates trails to the north of the BV Creek. If feasible, the Parks and Recreation department would recommend including trails along the south side of the creek in addition to those on the north side of the creek to connect to existing trails in the BV Creek riparian corridor. 3. Trail Creek Crossing-What type of trail creek crossing is being proposed? Something alongside of the new bridge or something that would actually cross the creek such as a wooden foot bridge? The latter is preferred as a way to provide separation between trail users and vehicular traffic. 4. Clarifv Amphitheater facility -It's not clear from the exhibits whether the proposed amphitheater (photo example on Open Space/Trails & Public Amenities Diagram) is a proposed public trail amehity or whether or not this would be a private amenity available to the public. If the amphitheater is related to the trail, a trail connection isn't shown. Or is the proposed amphitheater to be a private amenity associated with a community facility and not along the trail system? 5. Connections to Calavera Hills-A trail connection to the existing open space trails and neighborhood in Calavera Hills near Simsbury Court would be another recommended desirable trail connection for the proposed project. Please contact Liz Katabian, Park Planner, in the Parks and Recreation Department at (760) 434-2978 if you have any questions regarding the above. Engineering: Engineering Department staff has completed a preliminary review of the above referenced project. This preliminary review does not constitute a complete review of the proposed project. Additional items of concern maybe identified upon formal project application submittal. Please be advised that in order to make a more in-depth review of the proposed development, a more ~""" . ..._. -MP 08-01 QUARRY CREEK March 25, 2008 Page 6 complete design of the project is required. Prior to formal application submittal, it is suggested the following items are adequately resolved/addressed: SIGNIFICANT ISSUES 1. This project is subject to the new City of Carlsbad Stormwater Regulations scheduled for adoption on March 24, 2008, and Regional Water Quality Control Board Order R9-2007- 0001. The new City SUSMP contains standards and requirements to eliminate or reduce to the maximum extent practicable the pollution that enters local streams, creeks, bays and beaches. This project is required to reduce discharge of pollutants in urban run-off to the maximum extent practicable by using stormwater best management practices (BMPs) and Low Impact Development (LID) design techniques. The principle of LID is to attempt to reduce the amount of run-off by mimicking the natural hydrologic function of the site. It focuses on preservation of natural open-spaces and natural drainage channels, minimizing impervious surfaces, promoting infiltration and evaporation of run-off before .run-off leaves the site. The San Diego County LID Handbook dated December 31, 2007 discusses a broad range of LID Integrated Management Practices (IMPs) samples to help developers mimic the site's natural hydrological function. The proposed reclamation plan, which sets the foundation for Quarry Creek development, does not meet the new City of Carlsbad SUSMP requirements discussed above. The plan is proposing to capture the run-offs from the adjacent developments to the East and to the North through proposed 60" and 54" storm drain pipes. These proposed storm drain pipes are .proposed to directly discharge untreated storm water run-off into Buena Vista Creek. The design is not acceptable because of potential significant impacts to Buena Vista Creek and all other affected bodies of water downstream. Replacing the existing natural channels with storm drain pipe systems not only will eliminate the existing natural filtration of pollutants but will also result in increases in the amount and velocity of run-off at discharge points therefore increasing potential for erosion at Buena Vista Creek. Please revise the design and replace the proposed storm drain pipes shown in the Quarry Creek reclamation plan with an alternative design that focuses on LID IMPs such as preservation and enhancement of natural drainage channels in order to control and maintain predevelopment run-off quantity and improve storm water quality discharge to Buena Vista Creek. (See LID manual for detailed information and sample designs). Suggestion only: replace proposed pipes with enhanced, terraced, man-made channels with filtration devices such as bioretention swales, rain gardens, landscaping, etc. or any system that would mimic the natural hydrological function and at the same time improve aesthetics. 2. Submit preliminary Storm water Management Plan (SWMP). The SWMP shall demonstrate compliance with the current City of Carlsbad Standard Urban Stormwater Mitigation Plan (SUSMP), Order R9-2007-0001 issued by the San Diego Region of the California Regional Water Quality Control Board and City of Carlsbad Municipal Code. A preliminary Stormwater Management Plan will be required to: a) Ensure that no untreated run-off discharges into the Buena Vista Creek that runs through the project site. b) Identify existing and post-development on-site pollutants-of-concern. .. c MP 08-01 QUARRY CREEK March 25, 2008 Page 7 c) Identify the hydrologic unit this project contributes to and impaired water bodies that would be impacted by this project. d) Incorporate "Low Impact Development" (LID) design in the project. e) Recommend source controls and treatment controls that will be implemented with this project to filter pollutants from storm water to the maximum extent practicable before discharging to City right-of-way, sensitive habitat or natural water course. f) Establish specific procedures for handling spills and routine clean up. Special considerations and effort shall be applied to resident education on the proper procedures for handling clean up and disposal of pollutants. g) Ensure long-term maintenance of all post construction BMPs in perpetuity. h) Provide hydraulic/hydrologic calculations to verify that numeric sizing criteria is met for filtration/treatment of the site. i) Identify how post-development runoff rates and velocities from the site will not exceed the pre-development runoff rates and velocities to the maximum extent practicable. 3. Provide a preliminary hydrology study that identifies the development discharge flows. The study must include analysis of .all drainage basins, on-site and off-site, affecting the project site. The study should also identify preliminary recommendations on the anticipated storm drain infrastructure required as part of the development. Show all existing and proposed topography and drainage patterns for the site. Identify the location, alignment, and discharge of any proposed drainage system. - 4. Provide a preliminary Geotechnical study that identifies feasibility and recommendations for the proposed development. 5. A traffic study in accordance with SANTEC guidelines is required to identify project impacts and mitigations to existing road segments and intersections for current, near term condition, and build-out scenario. Traffic circulation and traffic impact mitigations largely depend on whether the Marron Road extension is required by the City or not. It was agreed at the City meetings with McMillin representatives that a Traffic Study by a third party is required to evaluate the need for the Future Marron Road extension and a determination of subsequent impacts if the road is not constructed. McMillin would be responsible for funding the traffic study. Please refer to the letter from the City Engineer dated February 22, 2008. 6. Please submit a preliminary sewer study that identifies the peak flows of the project, required pipe sizes, depth of flow in pipe, velocity in the main lines, and the capacity of the existing infrastructure. 7. Please submit a preliminary potable water study that identifies the peak demands of the project (including fire flow demands). The study shall identify velocity in the main lines, pressure zones, and the required pipe sizes. 8. Show limits of all existing and proposed easements impacting the project. 9. Meet with the Fire Department to identify the necessary fire protection measures required for this project (access, fire hydrants, sprinklering, etc.). All proposed fire hydrants must be served by public water mains. Please note that the New California Fire Code was adopted on January 1, 2008. Please refer to Ordinance No. NS-868 for new requirements. MP 08-01 QUARRY CREEK March 25, 2008 Page 8 10. Section 503.2.4 of the 2007 California Fire Code requires that access road shall be 28 feet or greater with a five-foot back of curb clearance for bumper overhang and the outside turning radius for an access road shall be a minimum of 46 feet; Cal-Trans 407- E template is utilized. Please Indicate how a truck (per Caltrans 407-E) with a 46-foot turning radius will circulate throughout the site. Show the inside and outside tire tracks. 11. Verify if the project needs a semi-trailer truck circulation. If so, indicate how a truck (per Caltrans 407-D) with a 60-foot turning radius will circulate throughout the site. General Issues: 12. On the site plan, show existing and proposed topographical contours/spot elevations to illustrate grading and drainage flow. Include topography and existing structures on surrounding properties within a mi~imum of 200 feet beyond the subject property 13. Provide multiple cross-sections of the site to demonstrate differences in grade, especially as it relates to adjacent properties. 14. Provide typical cross-section of existing and proposed Marron Road. The Marron Road serving the project needs to accommodate the additional traffic resulting from the project and should include minimum 4-inches of asphalt over 6-inches of aggregate base (final section dependent on R-values with a traffic index of 5.0). 15. Proposed public facilities shall be shown within public right-of-way or within minimum 20- foot wide easements granted to the District or the City of Carlsbad. At the discretion of the District Engineer, wider easements may be required for adequate maintenance, access and/or joint utility purposes 16. A public improvement plan will be required for the public waterline and sewer line improvements and any other improvements proposed within City right-of-way or within public utility easements on-site. 17. Add symbols to the plans to identify the difference between existing and proposed improvements. 18. Please indicate all existing and proposed utilities along Marron Road (i.e., storm drain, water, sewer, etc.) that will serve the development. Show invert elevations to indicate gravity flow of sewer. 19. Indicate all proposed on-site surface improvements (curb, gutter, sidewalk, paving, access-holes, inlets, power poles, street lights, adjacent driveways, vaults, transformers, etc.). 20. Depict a preliminary alignment for all proposed sewer and water facilities (onsite) and all their appurtenances (access holes, valves, fire hydrants, blow-offs, air-release valves). 21. Indicate the slope of all proposed access roads and driveways. Provide adequate vertical curves at all significant grade breaks to ensure required sight distances are met and vehicular clearances are maintained. 22. Meet with NCTD to determine any required facilities they may need to serve this project (i.e.: bus turn-outs, etc.). .. MP 08-01 QUARRY CRE~ March 25, 2008 Page 9 23. On the site plan, indicate the ADT (traffic), EDU's (sewer), GPM (potable water), and GPM (reclaimed water) generated or required by the proposed development. 24. Indicate the legal description of the proposed development and short legal descriptions of all adjacent properties. 25. Provide a Vicinity Map on the site plan. 26. Submit the site plan at either a 1" = 40', or, 1" = 20' scale. 27. Indicate the volume of grading (cut, fill, import, export, remedial) proposed for the project in cubic yards 28. If slopes or grading is proposed off-site, a private slope easement must be obtained from the adjacent property owner. 29. Provide a parking lot connection/ol)tlet so that parking lot aisle lengths do not exceed 150-feet. 30. Dimension the site plan. Drive aisles must have a minimum width of 24'. Unless they are adjacent to a parallel loading area, then the drive aisle must have a minimum width of 32'. 31. Depict the location of trash enclosures required to serve the development. Call-out enclosures per Carlsbad Standard drawing GS-16. Identify how refuse trucks will maneuver throughout the site. 32. A recent Preliminary Title Report (PR) issued within 6 months of formal application submittal will be req·uired for the proposed project. 33. All easements and encumbrances as identified in Schedule "B" of the PR must be indicated on the site plan. The future disposition of any easements and encumbrances must also be identified. 34. The complete property bOundary must be shown on the site plan, which must include all bearings distances, and curve data. 35. Ensure that there are adequate sight distances at all proposed street intersections using Caltrans guidelines (corner sight distance). 36. This preliminary review does not constitute a complete review of the proposed project and additional items of concern may be identified upon formal project application submittal. 37. Please be advised that in order to make a more in-depth review of the proposed development, a more complete design of the project is required. If there any questions regarding the above Engineering items, please either see or call Tecla Levy at 760-602-2733. MP0~01QUARRYCREEK March 25, 2008 Page 10 FIRE: The Fire Department has reviewed this application and would offer the following comments or conditions: 1. It should be anticipated that if the Carlsbad Fire Department reviews any development and subsequent construction plans for habitable buildings and structures that they shall be protected with the appropriately designed fire sprinkler system(s). c MEMORANDUM March 6, 2008 TO: SENIOR PLANNER, LYNCH PARK PLANNER FROM: RE: MP 08-01-QUARRY CREEK PREFILING APPLICATION I have reviewed the pre-filing exhibits provided by Me Millin Land Development for the above project and would ask that you please provide (or include) the following comments pertaining to trail development, in the response letter to the applicant. Overall, the trail alignments shown on the Conceptual Land Use Plan and the Open Space/Trails & Public Amenities Diagram, indicate future trail development that will tie in well with existing trails adjacent to the project site, these include trails in Calavera Hills and trails to the west in the Buena Vista Creek riparian corridor. However, future submittals for trail related items should consider and address the following : 1. Trail Connectivity-A formalized trail plan is not available yet from the Center for Lands Management for the property to the west of the project site, ( formerly known as the Sherman property) I would suggest that you please also provide CNLM a copy of these pre-filing application exhibits so they may provide input regarding connectivity for the trail system to the Buena Creek Preserve and in order to ensure trails connectivity with the Quarry Creek development. 2. Trails in the Riparian Corridor-The Open Space/Trails & Public Amenities diagram indicates trails to the north of the BV Creek, if feasible, I would recommend including trails along the south side of the creek in addition to those on the north side of the creek to connect to existing trails in the BV Creek riparian corridor. 3. Trail Creek Crossing-What type of trail creek crossing is being proposed? Something alongside of the new bridge? Or ..... something that would actually cross the creek such as a wooden foot bridge? The latter is preferred as a way to provide separation between trail users and vehicular traffic. ' . . .. c 4. Clarify Amphitheater facility -It's not clear from the exhibits whether the proposed amphitheater (photo example on Open Space/Trails & Public Amenities Diagram) is a proposed public trail amenity or whether or not this would be a private amenity. If the amphitheater is related to the trail, a trail connection isn't shown. Or is the proposed amphitheater to be a private amenity associated with a community facility and not along the trail system ? 3. Connections to Calavera Hills-A trail connection to the existing open space trails and neighborhood in Calavera Hills near Simsbury Court would be another recommended desirable trail connection for the proposed project. Thank you for this opportunity for review the proposed trail development for this project and please feel free to call me with any questions you may have. ~~ cc: Park Development Manager Quarry Creek Plan Check File 0 1. Quarry Creek Summary 2. Development Plan: • Guiding Principles. • City Processing. Quarry Creek March 3, 2008 • Community Outreach Meetings: );> Imagine Carlsbad );> San Luis Rey Band Luiseno Indians );> Preserve Calavera );> Buena Vista Lagoon Foundation );> Additional Outreach 3. Discussion Points: • What are the impacts of a land swap with Oceanside-HMP, housing? • City's need for attainable housing (existing GP; draft Housing Element) • McMillin's need for an economically viable project. • Additional uses (e.g. NCTD transit center, public areas, Native American office/interpretive center, community gathering/public trails). • Open space and environmental protection: El Saito Falls; Buena Vista Creek-Quarry Creek will provide the resources to preserve, enhance and endow all of the important natural features. • McMillin to provide the funding to determine if the extension of Marron Road is viable and necessary. • Quarry Creek could be the City's most important sustainable project. -.. \\ McMillin Land Development A Corky McMillin Company January 9, 2008 Don Neu Planning Director CITY OF CARLSBAD 1635 Faraday Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008 RE: MASTER PLAN PRE-FILING-REQUEST FOR INTRODUCTION MEETING QUARRY CREEK Dear Don: The Corky McMillin Companies and their consulting team are in the early stages of preparing a master plan for the Quarry Creek property in Carlsbad. Pursuant to the Master Plan Pre-filing Procedures under Section 21.38.080 of the Zoning Code, please consider this letter a request for u Master Plan Introduction Meeting with City Stuff representatives to launch the initial dialog for this Quarry Creek Master Plan. At this Introductory Meeting we will provide and be prepared to discuss a conceptual land use concept plan which will provide preliminary circulation and infrastructure information, in addition to a constraints map and project summary table. We are hopeful that this meeting could be scheduled for sometime the week of January 21. Sincerely, ( tf{' Brian J. Milich Senior Vice Presidcm cc: Gary Barbaric ./ Paul Klukas .. \\ McMillin Rtahy .. \\ ~lc~lillin !.and Dnclnpmcnl Mailing Address: P.O. Box 85104 • San Diego, C\ 92186·5104 2750 Womble Road • San Diego, CA 92106 TEL (619H77-fll7 ·FAX (619) 336·3119 0 0 McMillin Land Development December 14,2007 DonNeu Planning Director CITY OF CARLSBAD 1635 Faraday Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008 A Corky McMillin Company RE: PRE-FILING UNDER SECTION 21.38.080 QUARRY CREEK Dear Don: Please accept the attached package of information on the Quarry Creek property for City review under Section 21.38.080 of the Zoning Code. The purpose of this Pre-application filing is to seek early input from City staff (Planning, Engineering, Fire and other departments) on staffing, permitting and entitlement applications, and land uses for the Quarry Creek project. Recognizing that a number of factors will affect how land uses are established, early input from the City is important to understand City objectives for the property, including land use parameters for the public to consider in responding to various project alternatives. We would appreciate your comments on the following questions: 1. To what extent must Quarry Creek provide market rate housing in order to ensure consistency with the City's recently adopted draft Housing Element and thereby assist the City in meeting its regional housing fair share allocation? Where on the property should housing generally be located and what type (i.e. density) of housing is appropriate? 2. Please identify what approvals are required and by when in order to qualify for the current Housing Element cycle? 3. Important natural resources exist within Quarry Creek and must be preserved. Please identify the areas that should be preserved and what uses may be allowable in the open space areas? For example, does the City support public trails and overlooks and/or uses such as a community amphitheater in or adjacent to the open space areas? 4. In the developable areas, does the City consider mixed use appropriate? If so, please identify how and to what extent mixed use should be integrated with other uses. A\\ McMillin Realty A\\ A\\ A\\ McMillin Mortgage McMillin Land Development McMillin Homes Mailing Address: P.O. Box 85104 • San Diego, CA 92186-5104 2750 Womble Road • San Diego, CA 92106 TEL (619) 477-4117 ·FAX (619) 336-3119 www.mcmillin.com A\\ McMillin Commercial 0 0 5. The property must be re-zoned and will also likely require a General Plan Amendment. Is it necessary that the project be rezoned to P-C and developed under a Master Plan? 6. The City's General Plan Circulation Element identifies an extension of Marron Road, to connect through the Sherman property to El Camino Real. Is this extension still considered necessary; could Marron Road be looped through the site to connect only with Haymar Road and not extend westward? 7. What staff personnel from the Planning and Engineering Departments will be assigned to this project? Does the City intend to consider the use of property owner funded contract planners and/or engineers to augment staffs work at staffs direction? 8. What other issues should we be aware of as we undertake the planning of this property? We appreciate your comments on the information provided and look forward to working with City Staff on this project. Brian Milich Senior Vice President cc: Paul Klukas Attachment