HomeMy WebLinkAboutGPA 49; COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO; General Plan Amendment (GPA)I' "
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1. REQUEST: Genera 1 Pl an Amendi7lent os (Open Space)
( Pre sen t Lan d Use D G S i 9 nat i 0, n' y--
G (Governmental Facilities) .
(Proposed Land Use Design~tion)
f t -----------------------------------------------------------------------t
2. LOCATIOt'l: The subject 'property is generally located on the
5 ide 0 f El Camino Real -----------northeast bet \'1 e e n SunnX' Creek Road
and Palomar Airport Road ':~, t
3 . ASSESSOR! S NU1~BER: Book 209 Page 050 Parcel 17
Book ---Page_, __ P a rc e 1 ---(If more, please list on
'bottom on this page).
4. OYlNER(S): Harne Address
County of San Diego' 5555 Overland Avenue San Diego 92123 565-5329
I hereby declare that all information contained within this
~pplication is true.
92123 565-5329
City Zip Phone
-~. Explain \'lhy present Land Use Designation is not val'id: The present
land use designation is open space TIle COURtY-proposes a solid waste resource
recovery and transfer statio'n at this iocation. This mllch needed, proj ect wi]]
prO-long the life of sanitary landfills., The operation of a transfer station
results in heavy traffic. This particular station will contain a shredding
mill to reduce and compact the incoming trash, metal recovery system, and
transfer loading equipment.
7 • Explain why'the pro~osed Land Use Designation is more appropriate: '
Because of ~he ,daily use of the transfer site by many vehicle~e area can \
no longer be considered as normal' open space; The re-designation.of the=--__
location to Government will facilitate the County I s operation 'Of the tw~fer ,, ___ _
I j
J The"C'ity of Cat'l.sbad Planning Department ,\<Joulcl appreciate the oppor-tun'itj;
to \<J 0 r k \'ri t h t h.e a p p 1 i can t t Il\~ 0 ugh 0 U t the P 1 <1 n n i n 9 S tag c s, 0 f the pro - '
posed development. In a,n effort to aiel the ~pplict\nt) the Planning
Department requests that it be given ,an opportunity, to evnluate and
dis C 1I sst h G u P p '1 'j cat ion and p 1 a n s p l"' i .0 r t 0 sub In itt (1 1 . T his r e q 1I est i s
not a \" e q \)"i r e 1118 n t; It 0 \<J 0. V e \", 'j t III a .y a v 0 'j d III a j 0 l~ ted r i\ f. Vi n gO)' l' e vis 1 '0 n
of the plan '.'Ihich only sel"v!::s to lengthen the Pl"'occssinS) t·1C1E:.
ATTACHt-lENTS: Pl"C~parat.ion Check List .~ Planning 2··' ,
Pro c e d U l' e s -P 1 ann i n 9 3··? '
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