HomeMy WebLinkAboutHDP 89-36; JASCO RESIDENCE; Hillside Development Permit (HDP), -" CITY OF CARLSBAD ,~ LAND USE REVIEW APPLICATION FORM PAGE 1 OF 2 1) APPLICATIONS APPLIED FOR: (CHECK BOXES) (For De1t. (For De1t. Use On y) Use On y) 0 Master Plan ............... 0 General Plan Amendment ...... 0 Specific Plan ............. D Site Development Plan ....... 0 Precise Development Plan ... D Zone Change ................. 0 Tentative Tract Map ........ ~onditional Use Permit ...... 0 Planned Development Permit ~ ~llside Development Permit. 0 Non-Residential Planned Environmental Impact 175'-Development Permit ........ Assessment ................ , 0 Condominium Permit ......... D Vari ance .................... 0 Special Use Permit ......... 0 Planned Industrial Permit ... 0 Redevelopment Permit ....... D Coastal Development Permit .. o Tentative Parcel Map ....... ~ ann i n9 Commi ss i on Deter ••. 0 Administrative Variance .... 0~lD~ ~U.l-I ~G z,~q:~ 2) LOCATION OF PROJECT: ON THE ! vJGs\' ISIDE OF! 13~13 ( La i\J (t\ STtL.EET I (NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST) (NAME OF STREET) BETWEEN ! A.R.66WAl:rr~\ -ST I AND ! £1-rd£prC I (NAME OF STREET) (NAME OF STREET) 3) BRIEF LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 1 "7(':17 N\ A+' 73£7 I 4) ASSESSOR PARCEL NO(S)., ? l S -~-f, () -( ~ I 5) LOCAL FACILITIES[fJ 6) EXISTING GENERAL I ..eL I 7~ PROPOSED GENERAL I ;;;~e.1 MANAGEMENT ZONE PLAN DESIGNATION LAN DESIGNATION 8) EXISTING ZONINGI /R/-/S-19) PROPOSED ZONINGI5~e. /10) GROSS SITEla,,£,>7 ACREAGE . I 11) PROPOSED NUMBER OFl RESIDENTIAL UNITS i /12) PROPOSED NUMBER! OF LOTS f /13) TYPE OF I SUBDIVISION sSfR I 14) NUMBER OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL UNITSI I (RES IDENTIAL 0 COMMERCIAL INDUSTIRAL) 15) PROPOSED INDUSTRIAL 1 OFFICE/SQUARE FOOTAGE NIt) I 16) PROPOSED COMMERCIAL SQUARE FOOTAGE I IV/A I ARFHOO08.DH 4/89 r.. ~ .,~~--------------~=-------------------~ CITY OF CARLSBAD LAND USE REVIEW APPLICATION FORM PAGE 2 OF 2 17) PERCENTAGE OF PROPOSED PROJECT IN OPEN SPACE I ~ I 19) PROPOSED INCREASE IN AVERAGE DAILY 18) PROPOSED SEWER USAGE IN EQUIVALENT DWELLING UNITS ~_---,l TRAFF I C ,L..-_---J 20) PROJECT NAME: ~I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 21)BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: I 'Slrvc;l...E ~A.tJJ\\L~ RES1(jENCE 22) OWNER 23) APPLICANT NAME (PRINT OR TYPE) ST~() ~ JA.Sc..O NAME (PRINT OR TYPE) MAILING ADDRESS MAILING ADDRESS 3~3 A:rtq L.AG0E. CITY AND STATE ZIP TELEPHONE CITY AND STATE ZIP TELEPHONE LE.O c A.D 11\ .91'<.) 24-:3£-0510 I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE LEGAL OWNER AND THAT I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE OWNER'S REPRE-ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT SfNfATtVf AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE TO BEST OF MY L DGE. 0,~ INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO SI N ~U DATE T~E EST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. ~I A9 S~ NURE DATE 6-1'-\ -zs _ -( ro-FCf-89 ,.------JCJcoLP ************************************************************************************** FOR CITY USE ONLY FEE COMPUTATION: APPLICATION TYPE ~ ~ ~/ IV ~ / RECIlIVID FEE REQUIRED JUN 14 1989 rtf. CITY OF CARLSBAD l~~'t. .... DATg..E~.AillQOa.(:lUrliuNoat:.c E I V~!iG~"~k: l- I'..... ~ ~ RECEIVED BY: "- TOTAL FEE REQUIREDI ~ (-( b r-89-'5£ DATE FEE PAID 1===--------1-' RECEIPT NO.J~- ARFM0008.DH 4/89 APPLICANT: AGENT: MEMBERS: DISCLOSURE FORM W II-'" ~ ~ .. \ :"'. r;;. '" \ Y\ e... r, "" Name (individu~I,\ part <.S t.) t\. lJ-.j . Business Address 7+3 -Z.2.3~ Telephone Number Name Business Address Telephone Number Name (individual, partner, joint venture, corporation, syndication) Business Address Telephone Number Name Business Address Telephone Number ture, corporation, syndication) ~ Ie l. Home Address Telephone Number Home Address Telephone Number (Attach more sheets if necessary) I/We understand that if this project is located in the Coastal Zone, I/we will apply for Coastal Commission Approval prior to development. I/We acknowledge that in the process of reviewing this application, it may be necessary for members of City Staff, Planning Commissioners, Design Review Board members, or City Council members to inspect and enter the property that is the subject of this application. I/We consent to entry for this purpose. I/We declare under penalty of perjury that the information contained in is true and correct and that it will remain ect and may as being true and correct until amended. APPLICANT gent, 0 ner, Partner ~11""'V i. BY t'r---~------------------------------------------------------------------~ ~-~" -0- :;~ '-. .; .... ' ., .'. ,,' ,,:.#'-::'," r:"" .', . . . ;., . '. . . ':::.'; ~ :'}: .. WTC WORLD TITLE COMPANY The staff and management of World Title Company sincerely thank you for your patronage. Your policy of title insurance is an important record ,. which provides you with valuable proof of your interest in real property. Should you have title insurance needs in the future, we sincerely hope you will specify World Title Company. We will do our utmost to provide you with the finest, most courteous service available. HAL HUMPHREY Vice Chairman Sincerely. MICHAEL C. LOWTHER . Chief Executive Officer Chairman of Board .• ,V~jl. a~/,w '. r!f~.yr;.~ ...... ' ,',' • .!. LARRY J. MATRANGA Executive Vice President .... '. '. ~ . . '," . ", ~ ... LOS ANGELES OFFICE ' FRANCIS T. DORE Executive Vice President . .~.:-: " -. " : CORPORATE HEAOQUARTERS ",' .... ,. (818) 767-2800 • (B00l272-3528 • (213) 852-0900 . .' . '. ::,····.QRANGE OFFICE (714) 634-CARE "ARCAOIA OFFICE (818) 574-0060 :.- . ":'SAN DIEGO OFFICE [619) 260-0015 'BAKERSFIELD OFFICE (805) 323-7100 . .'. FRESNO OFFICE (209) 228-1700 .' RIDGECREST OFFICE (619) 375-4208 :, ." .. :,' .', . " . -.- ':_, .SAN BERNARDINO OFFICE (7141.889-5777 ,:·.;:RIVERSIDE OFFICE (800) 634-9822· : ',..:: :./:' ~::::!.<:"-;:; ~::;:,-;~'.;:.;'} :'.'. ~:~;/_"':<',' " . -<:t~,)'« ;,(~~ ... \'~ ·:;;:,·:'.;:x; ", i.:';·,./ ,.;: ':,'; :~:, ..... \.\.::'~J~·<,;<:;.:d~ "!'" >~,;i~" " -. "~' .. AG-l.c2.D Binder Policy No. 833717-82 EXHIBIT "A" Lot 707 of LA COSTA MEADOWS UNIT NO.4, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to Map thereof No. 7367, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, July 19, 1972 Issuing Agent for: Transamerica Title Insurance Company d Binder Policy No. 833717-82 EXCEPTI ONS: 1. General and special tax,es for the fiscal year 1989-1990, a lien not yet due and payable. la. The lien of supplemental taxes, if any, assessed pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 75) of the Revenue and Taxation Code of the State of California. 2. The fact that the owners of said land have no rights of vehicular access to Argonauta Way, except the public right to travel on same. Said rights having been relinquished by the dedication provisions on the map of said Tract. Said land, however, abuts on a public street, other than the one referred to above, over which rights of vehicular access have not been relinquished. 3. Covenants, conditions and restrictions, omitting restrictions herein, if any, based on race, color, religion or national origin, as contained in instrument recorded August 10, 1972 as File No. 210711 of Official Records. Said covenants, conditions and restrictions provide that a violation thereof shall not defeat nor render invalid the lien of any mortgage or Deed of Trust made in ~ood faith and for value. 4. A Deed of Trust to secure an indebtedness of $183,000.00, and any other amounts payable under the terms thereof, recorded May 9, 1989, as File No. 89-243684 of Official Records. Dated: Trustor: Trustee: Benefi ci ary: May 1, 1989. Steven G. Jasco and Marilyn J. Jasco, husband and wife as jOint tenants. T.D. Service, Inc., a California corpoaration. La Jolla Savings Bank, a California corporation. Issuing Agent for: Transamerica Title Insurance Company . _0 or :- -.-:sl :._c N .- ,- f-:~-.t-~ \ \ 0 (1)5 2 ;5 .... M .... a .... '" ., " .. -' ~ ... ~ ~ uJ '! CP a t - e ,' ..... : '-.• --C' ••.• ·--:-C:·.~;".-;\:::·~.7':::;~·;::·;-~'" i~ ·-·7:~"··~~-~?'·:'.' :;..-:' .. :': :"::;:\.,:t/·;f~t;}jJ~1{~;(,~4t~t1j~::~~~m;:~~;C~~.:·:'{7:.r·' .. '::~7r;,~~~-~~· ~.:~;,~,,~,: ~F.':,-... ';:T?~'.~~,,, ~'~"~~"~(;~'7'·~Z .. ' .... ··.:·>:-·;·-t::.'CITY;bFYCARLsBAD·:~··Wq;:;'f::;~.;:":"':": ,: ... ;.:, .: 1.::>"..-z.:sq ~O_· 1200 ELM":A \/E·NUEh;,;{f~'CA\RL'sBADFc;triF(rRr~i·i~~:·:9·20:08. \ 8,z. -'U '/",~:';,;~-r~~~i~~~iitilllYI1%~~~j{:;,,'-\., ,', , . ~ I • REC'O FROM 1/ ACCOUNT NO. RECEIPT NO. 9:L 7:1.4 ~. .: i ",';;,''", ': ':z:' ",.1 ;·.";r!%~:t;t·~.";;"f1/{1~':· ·.f·?(;':;.~i';~·,!:.:J;/;;~<":"->;,;::~,·::'. ::·:.:;,,;.-:·,:l;. : ':-(2.' 'j' I"~ 37' . ~ "1" ("f'" ...... ,,"7 -· .. )-~e ':0 ~;~' ••• !!7t~·'"';':: -~ •.. ,~~":>\:";:. ,:",.;::~"".,,: .. ':" . ". .... :," . L .,,' ;' ',.:' '-l->(". ~, " : " Y/~;: ~1~:tl'·:·~{!::~·i·;~~·~J~~~t.;~~:t~:f;'r~\'",\~;"":.·~:1': DATE . r; ~ .-' ': ;':;' ' .... : ':~;:r?:~~~~&~~~i;6.~:t~rt{f:fi!,,<~ ;::~~f?~~:~;fX;!8~\~'!\{' ;:':'. ".'-:::,~ .. ; (P ./ :~.~ :\?:~~:J;~.~\>;,:~}~~~,0~::~~~tW.~:~:·~:~;$.::~~;' :\.~;.<~: :;:, 75~7 ::06/1418, ~ .:< ',:' . !'·:'·;·~();;~d{:~~~:!&;i{~~!JH~:?~~k.\~t~~?~.~:f·1\P}?'~~:):; .. :;;\:: '~{~~~¥t~~f~?~,~'~~'.}r~:;!ti.;:.:~,:t >,·~i. <:: >: :,.:, I~; ::~;:.~t:t\:f~iir~:~J:;;tf,~f;~f~~~~€~~i'I:~~~~~':~l:~~~i:~~'~~~··f:.·"'~:; .::: . . ,.:,=';;~; : .. ~ '.:; ~·;~;;~\~~~~~~;:t~~~;;~~~·;:h1~:ff{·;~~;i~;;~,!.;\~~:t~'~\'~?:,;~. ~.'.', '< , ·,,~~(;3·g;:",IiE::~:'::'2,:,:":,,· TOTAL :~ . '{: '". AMOUNT ,~ ()/u() I /75: (){» 0001' 01 "t;' . V..t Mise 2()5.00 r . I I 2,;; 5IC'0; ( '. • HILLSIDE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT CHECK LIST COMMENTS PROJECT NUMBER 1.-1 b P 8 y--5 , I 1. Slope Analysis (4) ~ 2. Slope Profile (4) V- 3. Site Plan, Grading Plans, Building Plans, Elevations (4 each) ~ 4. Disclosure Statement ~ 5. DATE t -Ie; !Doc 7 SIGNATURE Uta rJ [YAre \ I