HomeMy WebLinkAboutHDP 93-04; ROYALTY SUBDIVISION; Hillside Development Permit (HDP)• QTY OF CARLSBAD LAND USE REVIEW APPLICATION FOR PAGE 1 OF 2 1) APPLICATIONS APPLIED FOR: (CHECK BOXES) (FOR. DEPT USE ONLY O Master Plan M Specific Plan Precise Development Plan Q Tentative Tract Map F-1 Planned Development Permit Non-Residential Planned Development Condominium Permit C] Special Use Permit O Redevelopment Permit Tentative Parcel Map O Administrative Variance 0 General Plan Amendment 0 Local Coastal Plan Amendment M Site Development Plan 0 Zone Change 0 Conditional Use Permit Hillside Development Permit Environmental Impact Assessment Variance 0 Planned Industrial Permit Coastal Development Permit 0 Planning Commission Determination 3 (FOR DEPT USE ONLY) 0 List any other applications not specificed 2) LOCATION OF PROJECT: ON THE I LAS SIDE OF I s Vol Li ti (;?SOUTH EAST, WEST)(NAME OF STREET) BETWEEN I iLDEi& 4i/ ______________________ AND TAt44cK. V( (NAME OF STREET) (NAME OF STREET) 3) BRIEF LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 4) ASSESSOR PARCEL NO(S). 2CY7 I I 5) LOCAL FACILITIES 1 6) EXISTING GENERAL PLAN 12.LVl I 7) PROPOSED GENERAL PLAN TL 'J MANAGEMENT ZONE DESIGNATION DESIGNATION 8) EXISTING ZONING (2, - 9) PROPOSED ZONING [L- ( 10) GROSS SiTE 17i, ACREAGE 11) PROPOSED NUMBER OF 3 12) PROPOSED NUMBER 13) TIPS OF SUBDIVISION RESIDENTIAL UNITS OF LOTS (RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL) 14) NUMBER OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL UNITS f I 15) PROPOSED INDUSTRIAL 1 16) PROPOSED COMMERCIAL OFFICE/SQUARE FOOTAGE SQUARE FOOTAGE NOTE A Ut P3P P.mcT ..:!. FRM00016 8/90 w CITY OF CARLSBAD W LAND USE REVIEW APPLICATION FORM - PAGE 2 OF 2 17) PERCENTAGE OF PROPOSED PROJECT IN OPEN SPACE I o 18) PROPOSED SEWER USAGE IN EQUIVALENT DWELLING UNITS I I 19) PROPOSED INCREASE IN AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC I O 20) PROJECT NAME: I LTJ 5DWt(Ok) 21) BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Lo-t fri rr# 22) IN THE PROCESS OF REVIEWING THIS APPLICATION IT MAY BE NECESSARY FOR MEMBERS OF CITY STAFF, PLANNING COMMISSIONERS, DESIGN REVIEW BOARD MEMBERS, OR CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS TO INSPECT AND ENTER THE PROP T 15 UBJECT qf THIS APPLICATION. VWE CONSENT TO ENTRY FOR THIS PURPOSE SIGNATURE 23) OWNER 24) APPLICANT NAME (PRINT OR TYPE) NAME (PRINT OR TYPE) •1IM /&TJ ?) 4 1) E La2A3, k c MAILING ADDRESS MAILING ADDRESS 4g47 £l/1L,A 16, 11 -4 S, Mia2<g D. CITY AND STATE ZIP TELEPHONE CITY AND STATE ZIP TELEPHONE CAiQ,$J1iO 1 64- 22003 IZI -zzo 1) 9c4. I 3 9 CERTIFY THAT I AM THE LEGAL OWNER AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION (CERI1PY THAT I AM THE =AL OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INPORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECr 10 THE IS TRUE AND Q)RRECF 10 THE BEST OF BEST Of MY JQ0WLEDGE. MY KNOWLEDGE. SIGJ4ATIJRE DATE SIGNATURE DATE T 4 W -9 3 FOR CITY USE ONLY RECEIVED FEE COMPUTATION: APPLICATION TYPE FEE REQUIRED APR 2 01993 /-I b P Cf ôccx UrY OF CALIIAD PfF ç) C,7 C) DATE STAMP APPLICATION RECEIVED 7b11 0-c t si 2O TOTAL FEE REQUIRED c9t) I DATE FEE PAID L22-43 I RECEIPT NO. fqq7o i 76, I ity ,o .f risbad DISCLOSURE STATEMENT APPUCANT'S STATEMENT OF DISCLOSURE OF CERTAIN OWNERSHIP INTERESTS ON ALL APPUCAT1ONS WHICH WILL REQUIRE DISCRETiONARY ACTION ON THE PART OF THE CITY COUNCIL OR ANY APPOINTED BOARD, COMMISSION OR COMMITTEE. (Please Print) The following information must be disclosed: 1. ADolicant List the names and addresses of all persons having a financial interest in the application. ' Vc, C!AoJ 2. Owner List the names and addresses of all persons having any ownership interest in the property involved. Al, 4 y 7 eAIJl ..L t<oy I 3. If any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above is a corporation or partnership, list the names an addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares in the corporation or owning any partnersl interest in the partnership. 4. If any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above is a non-profit organization or a trust, list the names an addresses of any person serving as officer or director of the non-profit organization or as trustee or beneficial of the trust. (Over) . Disclosure St3Lt5tT101t Page 2 5. Have you had more than $250 worth of business transacted with any member of City stafl, Bcar:3 Commissions, Committees and Council within the past twelve months? Yes No L. If yes, please indicate person(s) Person is defined as: 'Any individual, firm, copartnership, joint venture, association, social club, fraternal organization, corporation, estate, trust, receiver, syndicate, this and any other county, city and 'cunry, city municipality, district or other political subdivision, or any other group or combination acting as a L (NOTE: Attach additional pages as necessary.) Ho Signature of ner/date j I 5h'EiI-V £ØTy Print or type nar1e of owner 0 Signature 6( appl&,etf4a*~-' t,r,i' E. EbYILT Print or type name of applicant W MIMP®RT MR14 IN F'ML I e r &w 6t.h1I 7: -- PROJECT DESCRIPTION/EXPLANATION PROJECT NAME: T gOYALTY 50i)JII0-j APPLICANT NAME: TU'4 iZOYALT( / 15 v, 13 Et4C-'1MF--E?-tc IN C, Please describe fully the proposed project. Include any details necessary to adequately explain the scope and/or operation of the proposed project. You may also include any background information and supporting statements regarding the reasons for, or appropriateness of, the application. Use an addendum sheet it necessary. Description/Explanation. 3 LOT MI4O4L 41510t4 - p124I00SL'-( vS'4 M O3 — A CMA4t u LoT eô.J PlGivaATILo TO 6A'E 95ttt &)FOA, RECEIVED APR 2 0 1993 CITY OF CARLA pLANNING DEPT. Rev. 4/91 PreD.sc.frm Ii . . RECEIVED UNITED TITLE COMPANY 2878 CAMINO DEL RIO SOUTH SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92108 TEL: (619)284-4000, FAX: (619)284-6455 CONTINENTAL ESCROW ''f)55 AENIDA ENCINAS 4100 BAD, CA 22008 APR 2 0 1993 CrrY OF PLAN YOUR REF: 10898-LT (R NO. : 445710-42 T\TTETJTJJTJJ: CHEPYL OF FEBRUARY 24, 1993 AT 7:30 \.U. IN RESPONSE TO THE ABOVE REFERENCED APPLICATION FOR A POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE. UNITED TITLE COMPANY HEREBY REPORTS THAT IT IS PREPARED TO ISSUE, OR CAUSE TO BE 1SSIJED, AS OF THE DATE HEREOF, A POLICY OP POLICIES OF TITLE INSURANCE DESCRIBING THE LAND AND THE ESTATE OR INTEREST THEREIN ITEREIIJAFTER SET FORTH, INSURING AGAINST LOSS WHICH MAY BE SUSTAINED BY REASON OF ANY DEFECT, LIEN OR ENCUMBRANCE NOT SHOWN OR REFERRED TO AS AN EXCEPTION IN SCHEDULE B OR NOT EXCLUDED FROM COVERAGE PURSUANT TO THE PRINTED SCHEDULES, CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS OF SAID POLICY FORMS. THE PRINTED EXCEPTIONS AND EXCLUSIONS FROM THE COVERAGE OF SAID POLICY OR POLICIES ARE SET FORTH IN THE ATTACHED LIST. COPIES OF THE POLICY FORMS SHOULD BE READ. THEY ARE AVAILABLE FROM THE OFFICE WHICH ISSUED THIS REPORT. THIS REPORT (AND ANY SUPPLEMENTS OR AMENDMENTS HERETO) IS ISSUED SOLELY FOR THE PURPOSE OF FACILITATING THE ISSUANCE OF A POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE AND NO LIABILITY IS ASSUMED HEREBY. IF IT IS DESIRED THAT LIABILITY BE ASSUMED PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF A POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE, A BINDER OR COMMITMENT SHOULD BE REQUESTED. THE FORM OF POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE CONTEMPLATED BY THIS REPORT IS: - CALIFORNIA LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION LOAN POLICY, STANDARD COVERAGE. -k2 UNITED TITLE COMPANY TITLE OFFICER: LISA BREEN rv E ORDE O. 445710 SCHEDULE A 1. THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED OR REFERRED TO COVERED BY THIS REPORT IS: A FEE 2. T1TLE TO SAID ESTATE OR INTEREST AT THE DATE HEREOF IS VESTED 1.1 TTNOTHY E. RQYALTY AND SMELLY ROYALTY, HUSBAND AND WIFE AS C(HHUt]JTY PROPERTY, AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 75% INTEREST; AND ROBERT A. BOYD AND BONNIE J. BCD, HUSBAND AND WIFE, AS JO1VT TENAIJTS, AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 25% INTEREST '. TIlE LAND REFERRED TO IN THIS REPORT IS SITUATED IN THE STATE OF CALIFORI'IIA, COUNTY OF SPN DIEGO AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS LOT 13 OF CARLSBAD HIGHLANDS, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUFITY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO 1 ,11\P THEREOF J\IC). 2647, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAI'1 DIEGO COUNTY, APRIL 18, 1950. -2- . ORDE•O. 445710 SCHEDULE B AT THE DATE HEREOF EXCEPTIONS TO COVERAGE IN ADDITION TO THE I114TFD EXCEPTIOJ'IS AND EXCLUSIONS IN THE POLICY FORM DESIGNATED HN THE FACE PAGE OF THIS REPORT WOULD BE AS FOjLONS: 1. PROPERTY TAXES,. INCLUDING ANY PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES AND ANY ASSESSMENTS COLLECTED WITH TAXES, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1ST TT'ISTALLMEJ'1T: T'ENJ\LTY: IJISTALLHENT: EXEMPTION: CODE AREA: ASSESSMENT NO. $2,964.28 OPEN (DELINQUENT) $296.43 $2,954.28 OPE}J $306.43 - 09000 207-063-11 1F I1T']TTEIJ TITLE COMPANY IS ASKED TO HOLD MONEY FOR TAXES AT THE CLOSE OF ESCROW, WRITTEN APPROVAL BY THE BORROWER/SELLER MUST BE SUBMITTED PRIOR TO CLOSING. CONTACT YOUR TITLE OFFICER FOR THE APPROPRIATE FORMS. 2. THE LIEN OF SUPPLEMENTAL TAXES, IF ANY, ASSESSED FUFSSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 3.5 (COMMENCING WITH SECTION 75) OF THE REVENUE AND TAXATION CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. 3. AN EASEMENT FOR THE PURPOSE SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO AS RESERVED IN A DOCUMENT. PURPOSE: TELEPHONE AND/OR ELECTRIC POLES AND LINES, AND FOR SEWER, WATER AND/OR GAS MAINS AND PIPE LINES RECORDED: OCTOBER 13, 1944 BOOK 1762, PAGE 126 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS THE ROUTE THEREOF AFFECTS A PORTION OF SAID LAND AND IS MORE FULLY DESCRIBED IN SAID DOCUMENT. -3- • ORDE•O. 445710 4. AN EASEMENT FOR THE PURPOSE SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO AS SET FORTH IN A DOCUMENT GRANTED TO: CARLSBAD MUTIJT\L WATER COMPANY (NO REPRESENTATION IS MADE AS TO THE PRESENT OWNERSHIP OF SAID EASEMENT) PURPIJ5F.: PIPELINES FRCQRDFD: NOVEMBER 3, 1941 BOOK 1271, PAGE 70 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS THE ROUTE THEREOF AFFECTS A PORTION OF SAID LAND AND IS MORE FULLY DESCRIBED IN SAID DOCUMENT. 5 . TOVEI1A1JTS CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS (DELETING THEREFROM .At,17 RESTRICTIONS BASED ON RACE, COLOR OR CREED) AS SET FORTH IT-] THE DOCUMENT RECORDED FEBRUARY 6, 1950 BOOK 3485, PAGE 165 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS Si\ID COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS PROVIDE THAT T I1JLATION THEREOF SHALL NOT DEFEAT THE LIEN OF ANY MORTGAGE OP DEED OF TRUST MADE IN GOOD FAITH AND FOR VALUE. 6. COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS (DELETING THEREFROM ANY RESTRICTIONS BASED ON RACE, COLOR OR CREED) AS SET FORTH IN THE DOCUMENT RECORDED: APRIL 18, 1950 BOOK 3586, PAGE 359 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS SAID COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS PROVIDE THAT A VIOLATION THEREOF SHALL NOT DEFEAT THE LIEN OF ANY MORTGAGE OR DEED OF TRUST MADE IN GOOD FAITH AND FOR VALUE. 7. AN EASEMENT FOR THE PURPOSE SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO AS SET FORTH IN A DOCUMENT. GRANTED TO: SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY (NO REPRESENTATION IS MADE AS TO THE PRESENT OWNERSHIP OF SAID EASEMENT) PURPOSE: PUBLIC UTILITIES RECORDED: APRIL 24, 1951 INSTRUMENT/FILE NO. 52575 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS -4- S ORDEO. 445710 THE ROUTE THEREOF AFFECTS A PORTION OF SAID LAND AND IS MORE FULLY DESCRIBED IN SAID DOCUMENT. . 0. A DEED OF TRUST TO SECURE AN INDEBTEDNESS IN THE AMOUNT SHOWN BELOW, AND T\NY OTHER OBLIGATIONS SECURED THEREBY AtIOT.INT: $356,200.00 DTTED: APRIL 14, 1989 TRUSTOR: TIMOTHY E. ROYALTY T"1ID 'SHELLY ROYALTY, HUSBAND AND WIFE TRUSTEE CALIFORNIA RECONVEYANCE COMPANY, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION BENEFICIARY :• GREAT WESTERN BANK, A. FEDERALSAVINGS BANK RECORDED: MAY 5, 1989 INSTRUMENT/FILE NO. 89-237396 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS \ NOTICE OF DEFAULT UNDER THE TERMS OF SAID DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY: GREAT WESTERN BANK, A FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK RECORDED: CTOEER 9, 1992 INSTRUMENT/FILE NO. 1992-0644615 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS A NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE UNDER SAID DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY: CALIFORNIA RECONVEYANCE COMPANY TIME AND PLACE OF SALE: MARCH 11, 1993 AT 10:00 A.M. THE MAIN ENTRANCE TO THE CHICAGO BUILDING LOCATED AT 925 "B" STREET RECORDED: FEBRUARY 4, 1993 INSTRUMENT/FILE NO. 1993-0073864 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS -5- . ORDE "10. 445710 9. A DEED OF TRUST TO SECURE AN INDEBTEDNESS IN THE AMOUNT SHOWN BELOW, AND ANY OTHER OBLIGATIONS SECURED THEREBY J\HUUNT: $110,000.00 DATED: NONE SHOWN TRIJSTOR: ROBERT A. BOYD AND BO1'11"IIE J. BOYD, HUSBAND AND WIFE TRUSTEE: FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION DFI)EFIC:U\PY TIMOTHY E . ROYALTY AND SHELLY ROYALTY, HUSBAND AND WIFE AS COMMUNITY PROPERTY RECORDED: JUNE 26, 1990 INSTRUMENT/FILE NO. 20-34407? OF OFFICIAL RECORDS AN AGREEMENT WHICH STATES THAT THIS INSTRUMENT WAS SHPflRDINATED DEED OF TRUST RECORDED: JUNE 26, 1990 INSTRUMENT/FILE NO. 90-344072 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS 5 7 AGREEMENT RECORDED: AUGUST 14, 1990 INSTRUMENT/FILE NO. 90-442757 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS AN AGREEMENT WHICH STATES THAT THIS INSTRUMENT WAS SUBORDINATED TO: A DEED OF TRUST RECORDED: JUNE 26, 1990 INSTRUMENT/FILE NO 90-344072 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS BY AGREEMENT RECORDED: DECEMBER 3, 1991 INSTRUMENT/FILE NO 1991-0620501 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS S ORDE NO. 445710 AN AGREEMENT WHICH STATES THAT THIS INSTRUMENT WAS SUBORDINATED TO: A DEED OF TRUST RECORDED: JUNE 26, 1990 INSTRUMENT/FILE NO. 90-344072 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS DY AGREEMENT RECORDED: APRIL 2, 1992 INSTRUMENT/FILE 110. 1992-0187974 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS 10. A DEED CT TRUST TO SECURE AN INDEBTEDNESS IN THE AMOUNT SHOWN BELOW, AND ANY OTHER OBLIGATIONS SECURED THEREBY AMOUNT: $115,000 .00 DATED: AUGUST 3, 1990 TRUSTOR: TIMOTHY B. ROYALTY AND SHELLY ROYALTY, HUSBAND AND WIFE AS COMMUNITY PROPERTY, AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 75% INTEREST AND ROBERT A. BOYD AND BONNIE J. BOYD, HUSBAND AND WIFE, AS JOINT TENANTS, AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 25% INTEREST TRUSTEE: FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF NORTH COUNTY BENEFICIARY: FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF NORTH COUNTY RECORDED: AUGUST 14, 1990 INSTRUMENT/FILE NO. 90-442756 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS AN AGREEMENT TO MODIFY THE TERMS AND PROVISIONS OF SAID DEED OF TRUST AS THEREIN PROVIDED EXECUTED BY: TIMOTHY B. ROYALTY AND SHELLY ROYALTY AND ROBERT A. BOYD AND BONNIE J. BOYD AND FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF NORTH COUNTY RECORDED: DECEMBER 3, 1991 INSTRUMENT/FILE NO. 1991-0620503 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS -7- - ORDEIO. 445710 UNITED TITLE COMPANY NOTES Q. IF THIS COMPANY IS REQUESTED TO DISBURSE FUNDS IN CONNECTION WITH THIS TRANSACTION, CHAPTER 59P, STATUTES OF 1989 MANDATES HOLD PERIODS FOR CHECKS DEPOSITED TO ESCROW OR SUB-ESCROW ACCOUNTS- THE MANDATORY HOLD PERIOD FOR CASHIER'S CHECKS, CERTIFIED CHECKS AND TELLER'S CHECKS IS ONE BUSINESS DAY AFTER THE DAY DEPOSITED. OTHER CHECKS REQUIRE A HOLD PERIOD FROM TWO TO SIX BUSINESS DAYS AFTER THE DAY DEPOSITED. IF FUNDS ARE TO BE .DEPOSITED WITH UNITED TITLE COMPANY BY WIRE TRANSFER, THEY SHOULD BE WIRED TO THE FOLLOWING BANK/ACCOUNT: FIRST LOS ANGELES BANK 1950 AVENUE OF THE STARS LOS ANGELES, CA 90067 * ACCOUNT NO.: 571130510 ABA NO.: 1222 33263 12. IF A 1970 ALTA OWNER'S OR LENDER'S OR 1975 ALTA LEASEHOLD OWNER'S OR LENDER'S POLICY FORM HAS BEEN REQUESTED, THE POLICY, WHEN APPROVED FOR ISSUANCE, WILL BE ENDORSED TO ADD THE FOLLOWING TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE CONTAINED THEREIN: LOAN POLICY EXCLUSION: ANY CLAIM, WHICH ARISES OUT OF THE TRANSACTION CREATING THE INTEREST OF THE MORTGAGEE INSURED BY THIS POLICY, BY REASON OF THE OPERATION OF FEDERAL BANKRUPTCY, STATE INSOLVENCY, OR SIMILAR CREDITORS' RIGHTS LAWS. OWNER'S POLICY EXCLUSION: ANY CLAIM, WHICH ARISES OUT OF THE TRANSACTION VESTING IN THE INSURED, THE ESTATE OR INTEREST INSURED BY THIS POLICY, BY REASON OF THE OPERATION OF FEDERAL BANKRUPTCY, STATE INSOLVENCY OR SIMILAR CREDITORS' RIGHTS LAWS. Imm . ORDE•O. 445710 /13 WE WILL REQUIRE A STATEMENT OF INFORMATION FROM THE PARTIES - NAMED BELOW IN ORDER TO COMPLETE THIS REPORT, BASED ON THE EFFECT OF DOCUMENTS, PROCEEDINGS, LIENS, DECREES, OR OTHER MATTERS WHICH DO NOT SPECIFICALLY DESCRIBE SAID LAND, BUT WHICH, IF ANY DO EXIST, MAY AFFECT THE TITLE OR IMPOSE LIENS OR ENCUMBRANCES THEREON. PARTIES: ROBERT A. AND BONNIE J. BOYD (IIUTE: THE STATEMENT OF INFORMATION IS NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE SEARCH AND -EXAMINATION OF TITLE UNDER THIS ORDER. ANY TITLE SEARCH INCLUDES MATTERS THAT ARE INDEXED BY NAME ONLY, AND HAVING A COMPLETED STATEMENT OF INFORMATION ASSISTS THE COIIPANY IN THE ELIMINATION OF CERTAIN MATTERS WHICH APPEAR TO INVOLVE THE PARTIES BUT IN FACT AFFECT ANOTHER PARTY WITH THE SAJ"lE OR SIMILAR NAME. BE ASSURED THAT THE STATEMENT OF INFORMATION IS ESSENTIAL AND WILL BE KEPT STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL TO THIS FILE.) 14. THE CHARGE FOR A POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE, WHEN ISSUED THROUGH THIS TITLE ORDER, WILL BE BASED ON THE SHORT-TERM RATE. S . ORDE•O. 445710 UNITED TITLE COMPANY 2878 CANINO DEL RIO SOUTH SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92108 TEL: (619)284-4000, FAX: (619)284-6455 DATE: February 24, 1993 RE: YOUR NO.: OUR NO. : 445710-42 ATTN: SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT DATED AS OF: FEBRUARY 24, 1993 THE ABOVE NUMBERED REPORT DATED FEBRUARY 19, 1993 (INCLUDING ANY SUPPLEMENTS OR AMENDMENTS THERETO) IS HEREBY MODIFIED AND/OR SUPPLEMENTED IN ORDER TO REFLECT THE FOLLOWING ADDITIONAL ITEMS RELATING TO THE ISSUANCE OF AN AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION LOAN FORM POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE: 15. NONE OF THE ITEMS SHOWN IN THIS REPORT WILL CAUSE THE COMPANY TO DECLINE TO ATTACH CLTA ENDORSEMENT FORM 100 TO AN ALTA LOAN POLICY, WHEN ISSUED. ,16. THERE IS LOCATED ON SAID LAND A SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING KNOWN AS 3930 SKYLINE ROAD, CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA. 17. THERE ARE NO CONVEYANCES AFFECTING SAID LAND, RECORDED WITHIN SIX (6) MONTHS OF THE DATE OF THIS REPORT. BY:LISA .BREEN TITLE OFFICER ARLSBAD HIGHLN.DS NO. 2M7 V Thin,Iat a for your ad in locating your land. It as not a survey. whlI hi plot in helicved to be correct, the Company assumes no liability for . \ any loss occurring by reason of re- liance thereon:* V \ '490 "8, oeoo) 16. 0 P. lOAc. . 1 10 \. 2 4 p. . .. ç.i.,20 ._ . ., --- 0 , \. \ V )°' °,"° \'s 10 V \ g 1q ,Ø -j- , 0 ... .z,z ai r. \• , ' /0 .,q 55• t, ; -V.- M04/öi a. ae. S '\ 0 V / ... Y. 28 _.. 0Jt Ac. V\ ,..tc AC. '° Ac- t' S_a C --.-- ---— S 00 A.- V . 17 V 4 . 0 16 HILLSIDE DEVELOPMENT PERNUTAk HILLSIDE DEVELOPMENT PERMiT AMENDMENT INFORMATION SHEET GENERAL INFORMATION This sheet generally explains how your Hillside Development Permit (HDP) will be processed. If you have any questions after reading this, please call the Planning Department at 438-1161 or review Chapter 21.95 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and the Hillside Development Guidelines. When a Hillside Development Permit is needed: A Hillside Development Permit (HDP) is required when development is proposed on land with a slope gradient of 15% or greater and a slope height of greater than 15 feet. Development means building, grading, subdivision or other modification of a hillside area. It is highly recommended that you, as an applicant: 1) review Chapter 21.95 and Chapter 11.06 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code (The Hillside Ordinance, Excavation and Grading); and 2) discuss the Hillside Development with a City Planner before submitting an application for a Hillside Development Permit. The Hillside Development Permit should be submitted concurrently with any permit or application for development of a Hillside area. How your Hillside Development will be Processed Generally the steps involved in reviewing your Hillside Development Permit application are as follows: 1. A Hillside Development Permit application is submitted to the Planning Department at 2075 Las Palmas Drive. The application must be submitted with and reference any other permit application such as a building or grading permit, tentative map, etc. All maps submitted shall be folded to 8-1/2 x 11. Information items required: a. A completed Land Use Review Application Form. b. Five (5) copies of the slope analysis - Include north arrow and scale (see Section 21.95.020 of Carlsbad's Municipal Code). The slope analysis should be the same scale as the site plan and grading plan. Acres --. Identify slopes (1) 0 to less than 15% slope 0 0 (2) 15% to less than 25% slope 0 0 (3) 25% to less than 40% slope 0 0 (4) 40% or greater slopes 0 0 Indicate the acreage of land in each slope category TOTAL 100% FRM00011 10/92 Page 1 of 5 % Slope = Vertical Distance x 100 Horizontal Distance (Distance between contour intervals) C. Five (5) copies of the slope profile(s) - Include vertical and horizontal scale. A minimum of three (3) slope profiles (slope cross sections) shall be provided and indexed on the constraints map. See Section 21.95.020(b) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code for additional requirements. d. Assurance of slope analysis and slope profile accuracy. Both the slope analysis and slope profiles shall be stamped and signed by either a registered landscape architect, civil engineer or land surveyor indicating the datum, source and scale of topographic data used in the slope analysis and slope profiles, and attesting to the fact that the slope analysis and slope profiles have been accurately calculated and identified. e. Five (5) copies of a preliminary landscape plan on a 24" x 36" sheet(s) folded to 8 1/2" x 11" size. The scale should be consistent with all other exhibits. Each landscape plan shall contain the following information: (1) Landscape zones per the City of Carlsbad Landscape Manual. (2) Typical plant species, quantity of each species, and their size for each planting zone in a legend. (Use symbols). (3) An estimate of the yearly amount of irrigation (supplemental) water required to maintain each zone. (4) Landscape maintenance responsibility (private or common) for all areas. (5) Percent of site used for landscaping. (6) Water Conservation Plan. f. Show with a site plan, grading plan, landscape plan, and building plans and elevations how development fulfills the following Hillside Development and Design Standards (21.95.060). Submit five (5) sets of each plan. (1) Coastal Zone Requirement (if applicable). (2) Contour grading. (3) Area or extent of grading. To define the area or extent of grading, the area in acres, of both cut excavation and fill areas shall be calculated. This calculation shall be noted on the particular cut or fill area. (4) Screening graded slopes. (5) View preservation and enhancement. (6) Roadway design. (7) Hillside architecture. (8) Hilltop architecture (9) Hillside drainage (10) Man-made slope height and volume of grading cut or fill. Volume of earth moved for cuts and fills shall be minimized. The larger volume of the total cut or total fill volumes divided by the total area in acres that is cut and filled (that is graded) shall equal the volume of hillside grading for this chapter. The relative acceptability of hillside grading volume shall be determined by the following: 40 FRM00011 10/92 Page 2 of 5 Cubic Yards of Cut or Fill Grading per Acre of Relative Sensitivity of Cut and Fill Area (in Acres) Hillside Grading Volume o - 7,999 Cubic yds./acre Acceptable 8,000 - 10,000 Cubic yds./acre Potentially acceptable > 10,000 cubic yds./acre Unacceptable (11) If Sections 21.95.060(c)(2) and 0)(4) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code are applicable to the proposed project please provide the written findings required by those sections. (12) Potential development and design standard modification. If requesting a modification to the development and design standards pursuant to Section 21.95.070 provide the necessary findings and plans required by that section. g. Environmental Impact Assessment Form (separate fee required). h. Public Facility agreement: Two (2) copies: One (1) notarized original, and one (1) reproduced copy. (separate fee required). i. A completed "disclosure statement". Three (3) copies of a preliminary title report (current within the last six (6) months). k. if Hillside Development Permit is not accompanied by any other permit, also include the following information on slope analysis: location, slope and width of driveway, building setbacks, location of any retaining walls and drainage systems. 2. A Planning Department counter person generally checks your application for completeness. If your application is incomplete, it cannot be accepted. If your application appears complete, it is accepted. 3. The Hillside Development Permit application is typically reviewed, processed, and approved concurrent with the first permit or application you may have with the City for that hillside area. 4. For approval of a Hillside Development Permit the following findings must be made: a. That hillside conditions and tmdevelopable areas of the project have been properly identified. b. That the development is consistent with the purpose, intent and requirements of the Hillside Ordinance to: (1) Assure hillside alteration will not result in substantial damage or alteration of significant natural resource areas, wildlife habitats or native vegetation areas; (2) Preserve the natural appearance of hillsides by assuring that development density and intensity relates to the slope of the land, and is compatible with hillside preservation. FRM00011 10,92 Page 3 of 5 . . (3) Assure proper design is utilized in grading, landscaping, and in the development of structures and roadways to preserve the natural appearance of hillsides. (4) Preserve and enhance a healthful and aesthetically pleasing environment by assuring that hillside development is pleasing to the eye, rich in variety, highly identifiable, and reflects the City's cultural and environmental values. (5) Assure hillside conditions are properly identified and incorporated into the planning process. (6) Implement the intent of the land use and open space/conservation elements of the Carlsbad General Plan. (7) Prevent erosion and protect the lagoons from excessive siltation. (8) Encourage creatively designed hillside development requiring a minimal amount of grading. (9) Reduce the intensity of development on hillside areas to ensure all development that does occur is compatible with the existing topography. C. That hillside development is consistent with the Hillside Development and Design Standards (21.95.60) and substantially conforms to the intent of the concepts illustrated in the Hillside Development Guidelines Manual. d. That development is consistent with the provisions of Section 2 1.53.230 and 240 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. 5. Submit a completed "Project Description/Explanation" sheet. 6. Deposit for Publication of Notices - See Fee Schedule for amount. FRM00011 10/92 Page 4of5 SIDE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT CHEC lqw COMMENTS PROJECT NUMBER 1. Land Use Review Application Form Slope Analysis (5 Copies) L4. Slope Profile (5 Copies) Environmental Impact Assessment Form (Separate Fee reauired) 5. Site Plan, Grading Plans, Preliminary Landscape Plan, Building Plans, Elevations (5 each) Disclosure Statement 7. Title Report (3 Copies) 8. Application Fees. (Planner to include Application Number and Account Number on receipt) 9. PFF Agreement (2 Copies) (Separate Fee Required) The oriina1 PFF Agreement with the application number written in the lower right hand corner and one cov of the title report must be sent to the City (3erks Office by the Planning Department for review and recordation) 10. Planner to date stamp the application materials and plans. Application materials must be given to data entry as soon as possible on the same day they are submitted. DATE 17'_w SIGNATURE t.J3 J FRM00011 10/92 Page 5 of 5 1 4Carlsbad Unified School District 801 Pixie Avenue, Carlsbad, California 92008-2439 (619) 729-9291 F'AX# (619) 729-9685 "All Students Can Learn" April 15, 1993 City of Carlsbad Planning Department 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009-4859 Re: Tim Royalty, 3 - way lot split APN 207-063-11, 3930 Skyline Road between Alder and Tamarack. Our District has reviewed the proposed project located at the above-referenced location and has evaluated the impact of the development of the project on the facilities of the District. The Governing Board wishes to advise the City officials and residents of Carlsbad that, as residential units are added to the community, it is likely that many classes in the District will become crowded, resulting in possible impairment to the educational and transportation services offered to the students. It is also probable that the students generated from this project may not attend the closest neighborhood school due to over-crowded conditions, and, in fact, may attend school across town. However, the District is able to assure you that school physical facilities will be available concurrent with need for this development as it is presently proposed. t. Johiji H. Blair 'As-sstant Superintendent Business Services njg APR 2 0 1993 C C I IN o CAAt PLANIMMING DPI" I O PLEASE NOTE: Time limits on the processing of discretionary projects established by state law do not start until a project application is deemed complete by the City. The City has 30 calendar days from the date of application submittal to determine whether an application is complete or incomplete. Within 30 days of submittal of this application you will receive a letter stating whether this application is complete or incomplete. If it is incomplete, the letter will state what is needed to make this application complete. When the application is complete, the processing period will start upon the date of the completion letter. Applicant Signature: "94A1AA4 '2/I1(d21 Staff Signature: Date: L_0 c73 / To be stapled with receipt to application Copy for file CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 CARLSBA ILLAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD, ILIFORNIA 92008 438-5621 Uhc', DATE__ '93 ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT (• OO, PFF 3C L 9o5 P H (3 C-PR1T) 1221*00 14, le RECEIPT NO.97O TOTAL 0