HomeMy WebLinkAboutHDP 95-06; EMERALD RIDGE WEST; Hillside Development Permit (HDP)L CITY OF CARLSBAD USE REVIEW APPLICATION FOR PAGE 1 OF 2 1) APPLICATIONS APPLIED FOR: (CHECK BOXES) o Master Plan 0 Specific Plan 0 Precise Development Plan [XJ Tentative Tract Map 0 Planned Development Pennit 0 Non-Residential Planned Development 0 Condominium Pennit 0 Special Use Penn it 0 Re<1e-.elopment Permit '0 ~.:c·-·:··= P:;-::e~ ~if::P Obtain from Eng. Dept 0 Administrative Variance 0 Administrative Permit -2nd Dwelling Unit (FOR DEPT USE ONLY) :r q~'D o Genernl Pian Amendment 0 Local Coastal Plan Amendment [KJ Site Development Plan 0 Zone Change 0 Conditional Use Pennit ~ Hillside Development Pennit ~ [iJ Environmental Impact Assessment 0 Variance 0 P1anned Industrial Permit 0 CoasuI Development Permit 0 Planning Commission Determination 0 List any other applications not specificed (FOR DEPT USE ONLy) is-Ob 95 . oro 2) LOCATION OF PROJECT: ON THE I South I SIDE OF Ipalomar Airport Road I (NORTH. SOUTH EAST. WEST) (NAME OF STREET) BETWEEN I Paseo del Norte I AND 1 Hidden Valley Road I (NAME OF STREET) (NAME OF STREET) 3) BRIEF LEGAL DESCRIPTION: I Portion of Lot "e" of Rancho Agua Hedionda per MaD 11823 4) ASSESSOR PARCEL NO(S). 1 212-040-32, 35, 36 and 48 1 5) LOCAL FACILITIES [WJ 6) EXISTING GENERAL PLAN GiL] 7) PROPOSED GENERAL PLAN [itiJ MANAGEMENT ZONE DESIGNATION DESIGNATION 8) EXISTING ZONING 1 RDMQ 19) PROPOSED ZONING 1 RD~ 10) GROSS SITE 128,21 ACREAGE 11) PROPOSED NUMBER OF Q 12) PROPOSED NUMBER Gj13) TYPE OF SUBDIVISION ~ RESIDENTIAL UNITS 71 OF LOTS 62 (RESIDENTIAL. COMMERCIAL .INDUSTRIAL) 14) NUMBER OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL ! 0 I UNITS 15) PROPOSED INDUSTRIAL I ---) 16) PROPOSED COMMERCIAL J ---J OFFICE/SQUARE FOOTAGE SQUARE FOOTAGE NOTE: j( li10PoSlID ~PR~JECT:·REQUIlilli.(t:n0T-: r-.1UL'!1~··19)!'LICA nONS. :a E: FrUID;r-.rosT' BE: ·SUB~fI:IT.£D:I>RJo8::T?: .3.~.::l.:¥~;:;A;'p'~9 'i..'9.$.'ffQ ~.9..mS:!.·~.~.~~.!.1¥.,!:.9.~.!-:.y;.q~l¥..:.~.ITfJ.S1-.TI.~.J3.~ .f.lL.ED ~~.!l.~ .. ~'B..~ .. ~.9.~.:!'9..4.:~.P:~ FR.\100016 8/90 .j' / .I CITY OF CARLSBAD USE REVIEW APPUCATION FOR..\{ . I PAGE 2 OF 2 , 17) PERCENTAGE OF·PROPOSED PROJECT IN OPEN SPACE 24% 18) PROPOSED SEWER USAGE IN EQUIVALENT DWELUNG UNITS 71 19) PROPOSED INCREASE IN AVERAGE DAlLY TRAFFIC 61xl0 + 10x6 20) PROJECT NAME: Emerald Ridge -West 21) BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECf: I Standard R-1-7500 sauare-footminimum lot subdivision (61 lots + 10 affordable 2nd units = 71 units) with public street. 22) IN nm PROCESS OF REVIEWING TI-US APPUCATION IT MAY BE NECESSARY FOR MEMBERS OF cm STAFF, PLANNING COMMISSIONERS, DESIGN BOARD MEMBERS, OR cm COUNCIL MEMBERS TO INSPECT AND ENTER 11-IE PR E TI-!AT IS TH S OF 11-IIS UCATION.!/WE CONSENT TO ENTRY FOR nus PURPOSE ' . 2.3) OWNER 24) APPUCANT NAME (PRINT OR 1YPE) NAME (PRINT OR 1YPE) MSP CALIFORNIA, L.L.C. LAmnG DESIGN GROUP, INC. MAlUNG ADDRESS MAlUNG ADDRESS 650 South Cherry Street, Suite 435 703 Palomar Airport Road Suite 300 CITY AND STATE ZIP TELEPHONE CITY AND STATE ZIP TELEPHONE Denver CO 80222 (303) 399-9804 Carlsbad CA 92009 (619) 438-3182 I CERTIFY TIlAT I AM TIlE LEGAL OWNER I CERTIFY TIIA T I AM TIll! aGA!. OWNER', R£:PRESEI(T A TIVE AND At<D TIlAT AU. TIlE ABOVE INFORMATION llIAT AU. TIlE ABCV! INFORMATION IS TRUl!: AND aJR.RECT TO TIlE IS TRUE AND COAAECr TO TIlE BEST OF BEST Of MY KNOWUDG!. MY KNOWUDGE. SIGNATIlRE DATE 5"/'Zz..h )--~~~ f!> -b 1--7' S-~~//J~ **~VV~gV9W~*~~**~~~VV7VW*~~~~.~~~~~.V~~~~~~~~~~~*~*~~ ••••• ~ •••••• * ••••••• ** ••• *.* ••••••••••• ~ •••• *~ •• ~*.*.****~*****.~ ••• ~ •• ~ ~ ~.:.. :t, I h..s.: ~i .. i ~\.o~ ~j FOR CITY US~ ONLY D £'-0· ~ 0 0 $ 00 \ FEE COMPUTATION: I-M R \I '"I ", -!(l"'~ t ~ II' , • ~ v-ll..o'''''';'') APPUCATION 1YPH FEE REQUIRED .. . ~ . " .. It ~ ...... , , . 'f ~~. '-t • .: (. . \. '. '<w. EfA. "'2"20.00 /" ., , ' . L. ~ _ ~ .... _ . -.. . : " Pf0" SO. 00 / ~\C.~ 500.00 / DATE STAMP APPUCATION RECEIVED tiD? CJ6·0Co 400.00 ~1)P qs·Ob 65=0.0"0 / RECEIVED BY: cr qS,O~ 2025,00 / I ~$~' I TOTAL FEE REQUIRED I [Cf,I2.6 I DATE FEE PAlD tV .'2..(0. q') tt:c:t-# ((,x.;L RECEIPT NO. I ((t? ~ 2-I ~: l: tl r. / .j . / / l , '''''' I i-I 1_, / :.{ " \ \ \ \ , :!. ; ~. \. • ~?I ;;t:?"'.".......~ ...... ,_""./..,;:-,.;;:,:,.,-... '''';''':''-=~'\':!''i''''~''~'.' ~\.~:·;:lw"'~>;J~~,,*,·;r.;';:""'~·~;'';';~;';¥~~~1,'t~·'ift;'~L.;'..;'''''''''''''';'''''''~".l'~~''''''''i;4 ... ;,,,,,;:.,sm;''''':i::'';;';;~'''':;':i':(i;,,~ )0 ,k. # ('3 tfy '.' . l> " CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE'!:."':" "CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 434-2867 .' ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT C , 4:.' 1 -4-/) ~ 4-d i /-PE-K/Y)I-r ~;ZO . ,<""Y!.11-f J"lrn.-V'-"(L-1 ..... .f'.rd/ _r'l1.1 d/1.<:r , .. ·,d--1-1 V • -7 , )i',I./,,"j ( ,..1/ C7f' .. P;:-F 4-4UUz.-;-~Lt2~r "?P/9 stJ ./ .') , I , ". I IA --.-/~.<.}L/!/---c' ZI--"1:L. ~ tJ --::z-~ ,.PJ'I/' S-o-·o l~ '6' -; ~.::;;,,-:fz-.-O-C'J ( J ' /YJC:I.-t~, r!?....-'T 9..5. {J :;; .po d.J \ .J. / (}l S25~ .<2A>.-Q1rl~2'A-'l.f.U..t_r . d_M SI)P 9J.IJt., :J) ~) ... :J t.:J , " \ 1) .: 1'-)l../-~ (, Id . .(. . () .~ 1 /,) , I :1 I _/ T " ~--/II': (A-/>M<./ ((.f l Cl...j.YH f ',,./ L/fc:. / ) ('/ L I 1\ 'J t'" • -r \) -1(' /1 . / I 1_ . -/ '-. ' .' ( ... ) ".j~'t' 16262 ,. RECEIPT NO. NOT VALID UNLESS VALIDATED BY TOTAL );;..,; -; Pj r-r .". L-:-( ,,\ , . ® Printed on recycled paper. CASH REGISTER ) &-() 6-6 0--'0' ()-o (.."'-·c· {'t.,...) ,.,· ... -,:::')i -- Cit O[SCLOSl'RE STATEMENT .l.?PLlC,l.NT'S ST,l.-;-E"viENT ::F :ISCLOSURE OF CERTAIN OWNERSHIP INTERESTS ON All APPLICATIONS WHICH ';\IllL REQUiRE ~ISCR810NAMY ACTION ON -;-"'E PART OF T'ME CITY CC~NCll. OR ANY APPOINTED BOARD. COMMISSION OR CCMMrlIEE . • _ • • ~ ~ .,. ... :\1'" ,Please Prrnr) The following information must be disclosed: 1. Applicant (;t fr .. ,/; ::, "/~~~::".r:~t~'J\L) L:~~' ~~ _" .. ','. :.<,~ ~., ~1" List the names and addresses of a/l persons having a financial interest in the application. MSP CALIFORNIA, L.L.C, MSP CALIFORNIA, L.L.C. Marcus S. Palkowitsh David M. Bentley 650 South Cherry Street, Suite 435 3573 East Sunrise Drive. Suite 221 Denver, Colorado 80222 Tucson, Arizona 85718 2. Owner List the names and addresses of all persons having any ownership interest in the property involved. MSP CALIFORNIA, L.L.C. MSP CALIFORNIA, L.L.C. Marcus S. Palkowitsh David M. Bentley 650 'South Cherry Street, Suite 435 Denver, Colorado 80222 3573 East Sunrise Driye. Suite 221 Tucson, Arizona 85718 3. If any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above is a corporation or partnership, list the names and addresses of a/l individualS owning more than 10% of the shares in the corporation or owning any partnership interest in the partnership. 4. If any person identifled pursuant to (1) or (2) above is a non-profit organization or a trust, list the names and addresses of any person serving as officer or director of the non-profit organization or as trustee or benefiCiary of the trust. FRMOOO13 8/90 2075 Las Palmas Drive • Carlsbad. California 92009-4859 <> (619) 438-1161 (Over) Disclosure Statement Page 2 5. Have you had more than 5250 worth of business transacted with any member of City staff. 8car:::s Commissions, Committees and Council within the past twelve months? Yes _ No "X-If yes, please indicate person(s) _____________________ _ P&r~on III definod as: 'Any Individual. firm. copaMor,hip. joint vamura. a.»ociatlon. soeial club. fraternal organlza!Jon. corporatIon. estate. trwst. ~r. syndictlte. thill and tiny oth~r county. crty and county. crty municipality. dil!l1ct or other polrtlcal lubdivlSlon. or any ol"er ~ro ... p or combination acting as II unit.' (NOTE: Attach additional pages as necessary.) ~~;-~~3-9~ Signature of applicantJdate Marcus S. Palkowitsh Marcus S, Palkowitsb Print or type name of owner Print or type name of applicant FRMOOO13 8190