HomeMy WebLinkAboutLCPA 90-04; Laguna Point; Local Coastal Program Amendment (LCPA) (2)CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION
Prepared for:
Laguna Associates
120 Birmingham Drive Ste. 1 10
Cardiff, CA. 92007
Prepared By:
Hofman Planning Associates
2386 Faraday Avenue Suite 120
Carlsbad CA 92008
Laguna Point is a 1.12 acre site within the Agua
Hedionda Land Use Plan segment of Carlsbad's
Local Coastal Program. Specifically, the site is lo-
\ cated along Adam Street on the north side and
adjacent to Agua Hedionda Lagoon. The site is
currently designated as RC (Recreational Com-
mercial) by the Agua Hedionda Land Use Plan
(LUP). The surrounding land uses are RLM (Resi-
dential Medium density) to the north, RC to the
west, OS (Open Space) to the south and RM (Resi-
dential Low-Medium density) to the east.
On September 17,1991, the Carlsbad City Council
unanimously approved a General Plan Amend-
ment (GPA 90-2) and a Local Coastal Program
Amendment (LCPA 90-4) to change the land use
designation from RC to RLM.
The City of Carlsbad determined that the RC land
use designation is not compatible with the sur-
rounding land uses and if developed with a feasi-
ble commercial use, it may be disruptive to the
health and safety of the neighborhood residents.
The amendment request is to change the existing
Agua Hedionda LUP from RC to RLM on the 1.12
acre site commonly known as a portion of
"Whitey's Landing". There is no request to change
any existing text within the Agua Hedionda Land
Use Plan.
There Will Re No Net loss Of Boat Launchina
cllltles. - The existing boat launching facility will
not be disturbed by the change in land use. Upon ' development of the site, an easement for the con-
tinued use of the launching facilities will be placed
on the future tentative map for the Laguna Point
site. This requirement was stated during the Carls-
bad Planning Commission hearings for GPA 90-
.. .
2/LCPA 90-4.
hitev's Lam IS I ess De&&Je for Boat
unchina Fac- - EIR 329 for Agua Hedionda
Specific Plan stated that "It is apparent that the
steep slope of the property [Whitey's Landing]
makes it a less desirable location for boat launching
than many other siteq
11 I1 .. .
Since this EIR states tha
this site is not a desireabl
location for boat launch
ing facilities, further
around the Lagoon."
expansion of existin
facilities is not feasible.
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Use Is I- In A wv Area - The Carlsbad
Local Coastal Program-Agua Hedionda Segment
Land Use Plan Major Amendment 2-85 was ap-
proved by the Coastal Commission in February
1 1986. The amendment changed the land use in the
area of Snug Harbor from RC to RLM and RM. As
stated in the pending Major Amendment 1-92, the
City of Carlsbad's "rationale for the subject amend-
ment is almost identical to the previous LCP
amendment for Snug Harbor". LUP Amendment
2-85 also revised the text of the policies under
Chapter 6 Recreation. Policy 6.1 was amended to
eliminate reference to Whitey's Landing and
wording which encouraged expansion of existing
boat launching facilities at both Snug Harbor and
Whitey's Landing. Policy 6.4 was amendment to
1 add wording which emphasized development of
boat facilities on the south shore of Agua Hedionda
Lagoon. Finally, Policy 6.7 was amended from
"The present recreational uses of the Lagoon shall
be maintained and where feasible, expanded" to
the new policy which states "Recreational uses of
the lagoon shall be developed and expanded
where feasible". It was determined by the City of
Carlsbad that it is not desireable to develop
Laguna Point for Reacreational Commercial uses.
Cwns ww w- The streets in the area are currently
substandard. According to the Carlsbad Engineer-
ing Department, Adams Street will not be widened
to the standard width of 40 feet. This street will be
maintain at a curb to curb width of 34 feet (substan-
dard). Any feasible commercial use of the site will
increase ADT (Average Daily Trips) far above that
which would be generated by a three unit maxi-
mum residential development. Additionally, due
to the location of a "hairpin" turn just east of the
site, sight distance is at a minimum thereby further
supporting a low impact land use.
\. WIn hdmd. I.omn \- /BOATING'-=
PLAN A city wide communifj
Faciljties - In 1981 the Macario Park Master Plan
provided for boat launching facilities on the south
shore of Agua Hedionda Lagoon. The latest revision
to that plan which occurred in 1989 still provides for
boat launching facilities on the south shore.
Uponspealangwithboththecoastalcomrmssl 'OnSM
stated that they would support a GPA and LCPA frmn
kdential to ncreatiun commd on another more ap
pmprjate site dung the sho~ of Agua Hedicmda Lagoon
The south shore of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon cur-
rently has areas with a General Plan and Zoning
designations of OS (Open Space). The OS portion of
the Zoning Ordinance (Section 21.33.040) allows for
marinas with a Conditional Use Permit. Addition-
ally, the P-U Zone (Public Utility - Section 21.36.020)
also allows for recreational facilities with a Precise
Development Plan. Thes land use designations en-
compass nearly all of the south shore.
As mentioned before, there will be no net loss of
boat launching facilities.
The Site is Not Financiallv Feasitsle for Recrea-
aon Commercial Uses, - This has been demon-
strated by the lack of success that the adjacent
property to the west has not enjoyed. Several res-
taurants have failed at that site and the boat launch
I facility used at only a fraction of its potential. If
there comes a time when an additional boat
launching facility becomes viable, then a facility
should be placed in a more appropriate location.
se in
TS/RC bd Uses - Hofman Planning Associates
(HPA) conducted a survey to determine the
amount Travel Service and RC uses within the
Coastal Zone. The total acreage of TS, RC and the
Carlsbad Village Redevelopment Area is approxi-
mately 590 acres. The total RC area is 230 acres. The
loss of 1.12 acres of RC area would be less than four
tenths of one percent. Over the past several years
there has been an increase of approximately 50
acres in RC designated land. Additionally, the staff
report for LUP Amendment 1-92 states that "there
are even more visitor serving facilities that exist in
the City's coastal zone than at the time of the
previous [LUP Amendment 2-85] amendment.
Resiv Amen- - Upon
conducting a mail survey of the residents closest to
the site, Hofman Planning Associates (HPA) deter-
mined that 87% of the property owners who re-
sponded would support a GPA from RC to RM. It
has been proven in the past at the Snug Harbor area
that the local residents would not support any use
which would increase traffic in this area. Again
through the survey conducted by HPA, the local
residents would support less intense land uses for
the site.
e- - - The Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foun-
dation has informed S.D.G. & E. that one of their
major goals is to establish a boat launching facility
on the south shore of Agua Hedionda Lagoon. The , Foundation has stated their support of the amend-
ment with their main concerns being in regards to
sedimentation during and after construction, the
provision of public access across the property and
height restrictions. Their supports and concerns
were voiced at both the Planning Commission and
City Council hearings
Based on the principals of sensible planning, the
safety issues of traffic circulation, the precedent of
the Snug Harbor hearings, consideration for the
residents in the general area of the Laguna Point
site and the fact that additional boat launching
facilities will be provided on the south side of Agua
Hedionda Lagoon, the Agua Hedionda Land Use
Plan should be amended to change the land use
designation from RC (Recreational Commercial) to
RLM (Residential Low-Medium density).