HomeMy WebLinkAboutLCPA 91-01; Evans Point; Local Coastal Program Amendment (LCPA) (13)! SAN DIEGO COAST AREA 3111 CAMINO DEL RIO NORTH, SUITE 200 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108-1725 i I (61 9) 52 1-8036 The California Coastal Commission has received a request to amend the certified City of Carlsbad Local Coastal Program (LCP). A public hearing on the amendment request by the Coastal Commission has been scheduled at the time and location stated below. present testimony are so invited. Any persons wishing to attend the hearing and I. HEARING TIME AND LOCATION DATE and TIME: November 17, 1992 LOCATION: Holiday Inn - Bay View Plaza 9:00 a.m., Tuesday 530 Pic0 Blvd. Santa-Moni ca, CA 11. HEARING PROCEDURES At the time of the public hearing, staff will make a brief oral presentation to the Commission. Immediately following the presentation of the staff, a representative or representatives froin the City of Carlsbad may address the Commission regarding the local coastal program amendment. Upon conclusion of the City's presentation, interested members of the public and agencies will have an opportunity to address the Cornmission and comment on the amendment. The Commission will then close the public hearing; and, since there are preliminary recommendations and findings prepared for the Commission, the Commission may take final action on the amendment request at this time. 111. BACKGROUND The Carlsbad Local Coastal Program consists of six geographic segments. Pursuant to Sections 30170(f) and 30171 of the Public Resources Code, the Coastal Commission prepared and approved two portions of the LCP, the Mello I and I1 segments in 1980 and 1981, respectively. However, the City of Carlsbad found several provisions of the Mello I and I1 segments unacceptable and declined to adopt the LCP implementing ordinances for the LCP. 1985, the Commission approved major amendments, related to steep slope protection and agricultural preservation, to the Mello I and I1 segments, which resolved the major differences between the City and the Coastal Commissicm..-The City then adopted the Mello I and I1 segments and began working toward certification of all segments of its local coastal program. Since the 1985 action, the Commission has approved several major amendments to the City of Carlsbad LCP. In October, IV. AMENDMENT REQUEST The amendment request includes three separate items. amend the certified Mello I1 LCP to redesignate 128 acres ("Evans Point") on the southwesterly side of El Camino Real between the future extension of First, the City seeks to IMPORTANT PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Carlsbad LCPA No. 1-92 Page 2 , Cannon Road and Camino Hills Drive from Planned Community (PC) to Low-Medium Density Residential (RLM) (0-4 dua) and Open Space (OS) and rezone the property from L-C (Limited Control) to R-1 (One-Family Residential) and OS (Open Space). Second, the City seeks to amend the certified Mello I and East Batiquitos Lagoon LCPs to redefine building heights in Planning Areas 13 and 28 of the Aviara Master Plan. Finally, the City wants to amend the certified Agua Hedionda Land Use Plan to redesignate a 1.2 acre parcel (portion of "Whitey's Landing") on the north shore of Agua Hedionda Lagoon from Recreational Commercial (RC) to Low-Medium Density Residential (RLM)(O-4 dua). V. AVAILABILITY OF STAFF REPORT -- A staff report on the LCP Amendment Request, containing a recommendation, has been prepared for the Commission. If you would like the full text of the staff report, call or write the San Diego Area Office of the Coastal Commission and request a copy of the "City of Carlsbad Local Coastal Program Amendment No. 1-92" staff report. A copy will be mailed to you promptly. Questions regarding the report or hearing should be directed to Bill Ponder, Coastal Planner at (619) 521-8036. (7707A)