HomeMy WebLinkAboutLCPA 91-02; Poinsettia Shores Master Plan; Local Coastal Program Amendment (LCPA) (15).a . RCU BYtXEROX TELECOPIER 70101 5- 4-94 8:53QM ; 9163920462+ 6194380894; 8 2 SENT BY:DQLL QSSOCIQTES . 5- 4-94 8:48QM ; 9163 -B462+ 61943soa94; # 2 TO : FROM : CWISSIONERS AND INTERESTED PERSONS CHARLES W, SOUTH OOAST DISTRICT DSRECTOR DEBORAH N- LEE, ASSISTANT DISTRICT DIRECTOR, SAN DIEGO AREA OFFICE au WDER, COASTAL PLANNER, SAN DIEGO AREA OFFICE SUBJECT: STAFF RECOMMENDATION ON MAJOR AMENDMENT 1-94 TO THE CITY OF CARLS3Ab'S LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM (For Public H~aflh~ and Possible Actlon 6t the Meeting of May 10-13, 1994) SyllbpSIs ucmQutQ The Carl sbad Local Coastal Program cons4 str of six peographl c tcgmenta Pursuant to Soctlons 30170tf) and 3017'1 of tho Publfc Resources Code, the Coact81 Canmissfan prepared and approved two portions of the LCP, the Mollo I and 11 segments In 1980 and 1981, rerpectlvcly, However, the ti ty of Carl sbad found revoral ptovisfonr of the Mello I and XI oegments unacceptable rnd decllntd to adopt the LCP Implementing ordlnrncrs for the LCP. In October, 1983, the Commission approved majgr arnrndmrnt3 related to otcep s~op~ ptotectfon and agricultural preservation to the Mello X and IS sogmenti, which resolved the major diffsrwws between the Cfty and the Coastal ComdsSIon, The City then adopted the Me1 lo I bnd 11 sogments and began working toward certtflcatlon of all segments of Its locrl coastal program. Since the 1985 action, the Commisdon has approved swrtal major amendmrntr to the City of Carlgbrd LCP. Thr Camlssion cattlfled the Agui Hedlonda Land Us8 Plan portlon Of the Agus Hedionda tefmrnt In 1982. In rdditlen, two new segments were annexed to the Cl ty, the West Batiqui tos LagoonlSammis Properties segment and the East Batlqul tos Lagoan/Hunt Propert! 6s rsgment. The West BatfquitQS Lagoonisammi S Propertlar LCP was certlf14d In 1985. The Erst Batiqultos LagoonlHunt Propertfer LCP was cartlflrd In 1986. The subject amendment request pettalns to all SIX bf thr Clty'g segments. RY OF A-Em f At the Conmltsfan's Apd1 1994 heattng, pursuant to Coastal Act SectlOn 30617, the Cornmirrjon walved tha &pplicablc tlme l!mits upon whlch to act On LCPA 1-94 for a pertod not to exceed one year. The CIty had Sndlvibually submitted three dlfferent amendment requests; rnd, than It rlrquestrd all three olemmts be revlewed at the next mbetln In Hay as on@ amendment packlge. However, the the devclopmont of lower Incoma affordable hourlng has been continued by staff pending consul tation wl th the State Dapattmwt of Housl ng and tomunity Development. Thls Is necessary to clrrffy the Department's position with respect to thlr amendment request and another LCP mendmont request before the Corn1 ssi On (Santa Barbara County LCPA No. 3-93-8)- portton of LCPA 1-94 whlch wou 4 d allow resfdentfa1 density bonuses to enabh .* ,. RC'J BY:XEROX TELECOPIER 7010-' 5- 4-94 8:54FIM ; SENT BY:DQLL QSSOCIQTES . 5- 4-94 8:49QM ; I 916-3Q204624 91L- 204623 Carlrbrd LCPA 1-94 Pago 2 6194380894: # 3 6194380894; # 3 The second amendment Item involves the West Bitlquttor La oon segment: It approved Batlgultos Ligoon Education Park (BLEPI Master Plan wSth the PdnSettia Shores Mattar Plan 8s the Implrmanttng ordinance. acre upland property Is located adjacent to the north shore of Bathwitas Lbgaon west of 1-5 and erst of Carlsbrd Uoulsvard. The BL€P mastrr plan provfded for a major university with educatlonsl and related lrnd uses which would now be replacrd wlth reaidentlal land uses. The proposed Polnrettla Shores Master Plan will retain the travel oervl ce/tommercl a1 land uses currently rrlloned,by BLEP for the property's west sidm, Other chrnges Include nrbdlflcat7on of plannfng are8 boundaries, rrrlignment of streets and revfslans to development &nd dmrlgn standards. would amend the LCP land use plan ColPponent and would rep f ace the fomerly The subject 166 The thlrd amendment involves the Mello I and fast Batiqultas Lagoon segment and would revise the previously cortlflrd Aviara Master Plan, which controls development of 1,4422 Acres on the north shore of BatlquitOs Lapoon, @art of 1-5 and wwt of El Cimlno Real These changes include modification of pl rnni ng area and open space baunbrtf e$, real ignment of streets I add1 tlon of 37 units to thg prevlously approved plan In Pharso I11 of tho master plan, alteratlon of resldanttal product mlx and rrvlslons to the plan's devrlapmant rnd darl gn standards Staff recommends den! a1 of the West Brtiqul tos Laqaon/Saml I Properti QI LCP Land Use Plan amgndment, as submttted, and then its subsequent approval modffled. Staff further recomendr rejectfan of the Polnsettia Shores Master Plan, as submitted, and fts approval If modlfled. Staff is not recommendlng thr Cornmisolon endorse the proposed Avjara Hatter Plan revisions at this tfme. Further hformation on the Clty af Carhbad LCP amendment may be obtafned from ill P-, at (6191 521-8036. .a ' RCU BY:XEROX TELECOPIER 701P- 5- 4-94 8:55QM ; 916-0462;, 6194380894; H 4 SENT BY:DQLL FlSSOCIFlTES ; 5- 4-94 8:50QM ; 9163~20462+ 6194380894; 8 4 Carl 9 bad LCPA 1-94 Paqr 3 A, Lpcal Caw Proarm Hln --A11 Ss, The City of Carlsbad Locsl Coastal Program UP) consist$ of sfx geographic segments: the Agua Hedlonda Lagoon LCP segment comprl sed of approxlmstely 1,100 ~Cfis: the Carltbrd Msllo I LCP segment with 2,000 rcrer; the Csrlsbad Mello I1 LCP ragarent which hclydes apptoxlmtaly 5,300 acres: the West Bat1 qui tos LsgoonlSaml s PropmrtS es LCP segment with 206 acres: the East eat! qui tos LagoonlHunt Ptapertt OS LCP segment w4 th 1,000 acres and the Vi 11 age Area Redevelopment segment wj th approximately 100 acrss, Pursuant to Publlc Resources Code Sectlonr 30170(0 and 30171, the Coastal coI#p1sslon was requited to prepare and approvo an LCP for identified portions of the City. This rrsultmd in thd two Catlsbad LCP segments commonty referred to as the Mello I and Mello 11 segments. Tha M111o I and Me110 TI LCP se ments wers approvmd by the Coastal Commission 1t1 September 1980 and June the Cfty and approved by tho Coastal Cpnrn Man on July 1 # 1982* The Mcllo I, Mcllo 11 and Agua Hedlonda segments of the Carlsbad LCP cover thr majorlty of the Clty's coastal zone, thry ara also the segments of tho LCP nhlch tnvolva the greatest numbhr of coastal resource Issues and have been the rubject of the mort controversy over the past yearn. Among those 1srJeS 'rnvolvsd In the ravlen of the land use plrns af there segments were preservatlon of agricultural lands, protection of steep-slopjng hl hides and wetlarld habltatc and the provhion of adequate vlsltor-~arvlng fac!llthS. PteServat!on of the rcen'rc r~sources of the area Vas rmothar !$sue raised 1r1 the tevlew of these land use plans. A# mvntiontd, the City had found the policles of thi certlfled Mello I and XI tegmrntr regbrdlng preservatlon of agrf tu1 turo and stoep-st oping hi 11 sldes to bo unaccoptabl8. Tho el ty therefore did not apply these provirlons tn ths rrvlew of local projects, P 19 1 1, respectively, The Agua Hcdlonds se ment Land Use Plan was prepared by In the Sumer of 1985, the Clty submltted two amendment requests to the Comm!ssion and, !!I October of 1965, the Cmission certffled alaondrnents 1-65 and 2-85 to the Mello I and Ma110 IX segments, respectively. These CmaJor) amendments to the LCP I nvol vrd changes to the agrf eul tutrl preservathm. steep slope protactton and houslng policies of tho Millo I and I1 segmonts of thQ LCP. After csrtlflcation of these amendments, thg Clty adopted the Met10 I and I1 LCP segments. The West Batiqui tos !.agoon/Samml s Ptaperti es sigment w&s cart1 fl rd 1 n 1985 along wlth h coastal development permtt for 8 project comprlsing thr malority of the uplands withln that plan segment (Batlqultos Lagoon Educatlonbl Park-Samml SI. The plan arm of the Vlllage Area Redeurlopmrnt segment was formarly part of the Mello I1 segment of the LCP. In August of 1984, the Cbnmlsslon approved the segmentation of this 100-acre aril from the remainder of the Me110 I1 Le segment and, at the same ttme, approved tha rubmlttrd land use plan for the area. In. March of 1988, the Cdmmlsslon approved thr Implementrtlon Profirm .. * RC'J BY:XEROX TELECOPIER 701r 5- 4-94 8:56QM ; SENT BY:DALL QSSOCIQTES ; 5- 4-94 8:SBQM ; I 9 1 €-?0462+ 9163920462j 6194380894; # 5 6194380894; # 5 C8rlrbrd LCPA 1-94 Plrgm 4 for the Villaga Area Radevelopment Legmert of tho LCP. A review of the post-certf fl catlon maps occurred In Decembw and the N ty arsumrd perm1 t authorlty fer this LCP segment on December 14, 1988. In additlon to the revlow procost tor the six LCP rrgmrntr mentlaned. the City ha6 also oubmlttrd at viflous times, 'phCkagPS of lrnd usm plan brmdments to the ctrtiflod LUP segments, inetudlng tnm segmentr, ln an effort to resolve ex1 rtlng Inconslstencies between tha Clty's GBnetal Plan, Xonlng M8ps md the Local Coastal Program. After all such lnconslrtencies are.resolved, the Cfty plans t0 sslbmft for thr ConvnSsslon's tevIdw, the varfaus ordlnances and port-cartlflcation maps for imp?omrntatlon of the LCP. At that tlmr, or perhaps earllor, the Clty may prepare and submlt a olnqlo LCP documrnt that lncorporrtec all of ,tha LCP segmentr rs certlt'led by the Gmistlon and any dubsequent LCP amendments. After review and rpprovrl of these documents by the Connalasion, the Clty would grln "cfftctlve cartlflcatlontt. v The standard of reulan for land us. plrnr, or tholr amondmrntr, Is found In Section 30512 of the Coastal Act. Thls sectlon requires the Comm!Ss~m t0 certify an LUP or LdP arrrendment If It finds that It mretr the requirements of Chrptrr 3 of thr Coastbl Act, Speclficblly, it strtrr: m. * (c) Tho Comnission shall crrtlfy a lrnd us# plan, or any aRNndlaontS thereto, I? it flnds thrt a land use plan meti the rflqulrmmrntr of, and 1 s 1 n conforml ty with, the pol icleg of Chapter 3 (commrncing wS th Section 302001. Except as provtdcd in piragtaph (1) of rubdivision (&I, a deci $!on to certify shall requlre a major! ty vote of the sppolnted mrmberrhip of tha Conmisolon. \ I . PurNlant to Seetlon 30513 of thc Ccrartrl Act, the Corrmisslon may only rejmt zoning ordlnances or other lmplementlnq actions, as well 45 thetr amrndmrnts, an the grounds that they do not conform with, or are Snadoqurtr to carry out, the provlrlons of the cartlfimd land us) plan, The Comlsslon shall take actlon by a majorfty uots of ths tommlsilonerr present, c. 8u- The Clty has held Plannlng ConwRisslon and Clty Council meetings with regard to th components of tho subject amandment re gost, All of those ?ocal hwlngs were duly notlcsd to the publlc, Notlee p 9 tha subject amendmint ha5 bren dlstrlbuted to all known lnterested pwtl8r* PART 11 I -TAL e RO- - i?t- Fallowlnq a publlc hearlng, staff recamends the Cmirtion adopt the fallowing resolutions and flndlngr, resolution and 8 stbff recommendat!on &re provldsd just prior to arch t~rolutlon. Tho approprlate motlan to introduce the b .. .* RC'J BY:XEROX TELECOPIER 701F 5- 4-94 8:56FIM ; SENT BY : DFILL FISSOC I 7TES ; 5- 4-94 8:51QM ; h _- 6194380894; ts 6 6 194380894 ; # 6 916-?0462+ 9165~20462+ CArlSbad LCPA 1-94 Page 5 A. UU TfQN L . (Resolutlon to deny certificrtton of the West Llntlqultos LagooniSammi E Propartlas Land Ute Plan Amendment 1-94, 8s 8 ubtni t tmd 1 I mve that the Commission cettlty the Hist Batlquitoa Lagaon/Sarr#rts Propertles Land Use Plan Amendment 1-94, as submitted. Wf R- Staff recommends 8 MQ votm and the adoption ef the following remlutfon and flndlngs. An affirmatlvm vote by a majorfty of the rrppolnted COmmfssloners 1s needed to prtt the motlon. luuuthu The Comnlsslon hereby dudes csrtlflcat!on of the amondarnt tequort to tho Ci ty of Carl fbrd LCP and tr the tlndi S he1 on the grounds that th@ amendment does n%h the YQ~Y?%M% anh not In. conformity wlth the policies of Chapter 3 (cammenclng with Section 30200) of the Callford& Coastal Act to the extant necessary to achieve the barlc state goals rpeclfied In Sectlon 30001.5 of the Coastal Act; the land use plan, hS wnded, will not be consistent wfth applicable decisions of the Conmisslon that shall gut do local government wtlons pursuant to SectIan 3062%~); and certiflcatlon of the land use plan amendment dol# not meet tho requlrements of Seetlon 2lO80,5(6)(2)(l~ of the C81l fornib Envl ronmsntal Qual i ty Act, as thare would br feu1 bl o measures or feu1 bl Q alternatives whlch uould substantlrlly le$m significant adverso Impacts on the envl tonlnent. 8, RESO- . (Resolutlon to &pprovO certificatl6n of the West Batlqultos LhgwnlSammtr Proparttar Land Use Plan Amendment 1-94, if mdl f 1 ed) I move that the Commlsslon cattlty the West Brtlquttos tagoon/Sar#nls Proportler Land Use Plan 1-94, It it is mdiffed In conformance wlth the suggestlono set l'orth in this staff rrport, Staff recommends a pnd ftndlngs, An aftlrmative vots by a majority of the appolntod Commlsstonerr 1s needed to pass the motion. vote and the adoptlon of the following trsolutlon the CornmissIan hereby yprtlflra tha amendment request to the City of Carlrbad LCP and Wts the PlndiPO, sw bPb on the grounds that tho .. : RCU BYTXEROX TELECOPIER 701@- 5- 4-94 8:57QM ; SENT BY:DQLL QSSOCIQTES i 5- 4-94 8:52QM ; I 916??0462-3 9165~204623 6194380894; # 7 6194380894; # 7 Carlsbad LCPA 1-94 Page 6 amendment, as approvrd wi th the suggested mod1 fl cirtlonr , wi 11 thr requlroments of and conform wlth thr pollcler 07 Chapter 3 tcmmaPC~ng with Section 30200) of the Calitornir Caartrl Act to the extent nocesoar~ to achlevr the baric state goals specified 4n Sectlon 30001.6 07 tho Coastal Act; the land use plan, as amended, wlll contain a f$eCifiC CLCCetS component a8 rrqutred by SmctSon 30900 of the Coastal Act: the land use plan, as arnsndod, wlll be contfstent wlth applleable deCl8fOn8 of thr Corn1 sslon that shall gulde local gavrrnmtnt 8ctfons pursuant to Sectfoll 30625(t); and cmrtfttcat!an of the land use plan mendment does meet the requi remen t s of Section 2 1 060,5( d }(2) ( 1 1 of tht Cat I fornf a Envi roneentai Qurlity Act, as there would be no feaolble ma&surcs of feasible rltarnatlvco whlch would substantially lrttan rlpnlPleant adverse Impacts on the tnvl ronsrnt I c. &so UIU (Rmsolutlon to drny crrtlflcatfon of the Clty af Carlsbad Implemrntrtlon Plan Amsndmant 1-94, is submttted) I. lnIuuK I move that thr Comm!ssion reject the Clty af Catlsbad'r Impltarntrtlon Plan Amendment 1-94, affecting both the West Batlqultos Lagoan/Samls Propertlei and East Batiqu! to$ LagoonJHunt Praptrtl cs segments I at rubml tted I - Strff recommends a present Is needed to pats the motlon. -1ut1- The Caa#rlrrlon hereby darttar crrtiftcatian of the amendmmt to tho' Clty Of Carlsbad's Local Caartal Program on the qtaundr that the tw~andment door not conform wjth, and Is not adequate to carry out,, the provirfons of the certlfled land use plan. There are fcaslble rltrrnatlves or fhrstbh mitigation mearures avrilrble whleh would tubrtantfal1y lessen any tlgnltlcant adverse irnpittt nhlch the approval would have an the mnvl ronmsnt, vote and thm adoptlon of the followin resolution and f'lndingo. An afflmttve votar by & majority of thr Goa# I sfionerr 0. -. (Resolution to approve certfftcatlon of a portlon of the City of Carlsbad Implementrtion Plan Amendmmt 1-94. If mdttled) * I neve that the Qmmlsslon approve the City of Carlsbad Impldmentat!on Plan Amendment 1-94, as it rrlatat to the West Batlqultos Lagoon/Slmls Properties segment, tf It Is modifled 'In eonfomnce with thr Suflg@Sttm set forth in this staff rrport, .. ' RCU BY: XERU', ELECOP I ER 701P- 5- 4-94 8: 58QM ; 916'-'0462+ 6194380894; # 8 SENT BY:DQLL ASSOCIQTES ; 5- 4-94 8:53QM ; 9163~20462+ 6194380894; # 8 & Carlrbad LCPA 1-94 PIge 7 and flndinqs, An present Is needed Staff retammends a Y& votp and the adoptfan of the follonln resolut\on kft!rmat<ve voth by b majority of the CPnJrr 9 trionert to psss the motlon. - - The Comml s s 1 on hi wlth suggertrd mc Proarm on the gt adequate to caw) Thew are no fear avaflible whlth k wh! ch the rpprova PART 111, SUCr;ESTE13 The f~llowlng we the rrnrndment, as approved Ps Local Coastal no wlth, and Is rd land use plan. Won measufrs cant adverso htpacts mt roauert. I 'd is c<ossed aut. LanBuago to be addcd - - n ?& f$lS (-5n 1. On page 1 wfthln the lntroductfon, the language rhrll be revised as follows: The Polnsettl8 Shot08 Master Plrn proposes to el Imi natr tha unlvetsity and research and development uses on the east sida of the AT & SF railroad right-of-way and develop thls area nfth @ vadety of rasldentlal products In a gated comnunlty, m r ?k%#%t of the miiy as ptavtourly lna Arra L'' ;c rppravad. 2, On pago 1 undw "Land UscP, the langurgr shall be revlrid a# follows: 'fhr followlng are the proposed lbnd use "Planning Areas", each provl din4 a bri @f descrlptjan. The "Planning Areasll correspond dirrctl wl th the plannlng areas approved ul th the Polnsettla Shores the ptovlrlons of the Car 1 s bad Cl ty Council No devel md. The P1 former pl ann1 ng areas Master B tan. All dev 3. On page 4 under "Planning Area E", the language shall be rrulrad to read! t. ..I Planning Aroa E has a gross area of 0.0 we$ and a nrt developable area of 0.5 acres; It & a J-bn of RY. .- .. .. . RCU BY:XEROX TELECOPIER 701~~; 5- 4-94 B:S~FIM ; - - - . _-- I------ .-- ..--_ ~ ...._. . -- 916-30462+ 6194380894; # 9 I 5- 4-94 8:S3FIM ; 916~20462+ 6194380894; # 9 SENT BY:DclLL FISSOCIQTES t Cvlrbrd LCPA 1-94 Page 8 i I 4. On pa04 4 under iiPiannlng'Area P, the language shall be revlsrd as fol 1 ows : Plannlng Area F carrler a Non-Residentla1 (NRR) General Plan deslvnatlon. uses wlll be determlned at a later datr when more speclflc plannlng Is carrled aut for areu west of th+ rrllrord rlght-of-way, A future Majar Master Plan Anrrndment wlll be requlred prior to further development approvsis for Plannlng Area F, alid Ut shall include a LCP amendment ul th woclrted envlronaenta? tevlcw, 1 f determined nrcarrrry. Plannlng Area F 15 an Iuunplannodu @rea, for which land OF 5. On page 4 under "Plrnnlng Area F", the following lrngoagr shall bo rddrd: As part of any futurt plannlng effort, the Clty and Devrlapcr must conslder and document the need for the ptovtslon of lower tmt Vtsltor. accommodations or recteatlonal fad litics (ic. pUbllC park) on the wart sldc of the rallroad. 6. 01 pagc S under l'Plannlng Area GU, the language shall be revlsed ns fa1 1 OWE : P1 ea G sal rd en of--'TSIC . All divelopmnt Ok- GY%$ Area! siJ%LmY3ifstrndards of the C-T zone of tho Carlrbad Munlclprl Code, Chbpter 21.29. 7. On page 7 under I'Planntng Area M", thr language shall be revlsed as roi 1 ow$ : P- has ii I tlon 0 I Thls area shall be -private -Her and wll1 bo located adjacrnt to Avonldr Enc 7 nas brhrrrn Plannlng Areas A4 and &1. & On page 10 under fiEnvlronmtntally Senfltlve Habltstr", thm language shall be revisad as ?allows: Roeordalion of several apm space easements ha3 occurred wlth the extstlng development rlon the blur? top os the area identlfled as Planning Aria J. Recorda !on of additional opon space easements recordatlon of trflnal wg Arm A-3 and A4 Uuid U~dtpd-8 setbacks as Identified in the Polnsettia Sharss Mnrthr Plan from the a1 onq the bluff rai 1 r - - shall occur upon pyeplla*$rptd 9 OlC CL Furthermore. development on the bluff taps shall mrtntaln c $-e, IqP. 1. 91Sq20462j 6194388894; #la ; 5- 4-94 8:54QM ; 9 1 b, 320462j 6194380894: #10 . RCU BY:XEROX TELECOPIER 7018: 5- 4-94 8:59QM ; SENT BY:DRLL QSSOCIATES Carl sbrd LCPA 1-94 PIO@ 9 Lagoon accmssw&y$, bluff top accessways or equlvalent ovtrlaak afe8s~ rnd a blke path/pedestrtan walkwa , shall be provided ff rgrlcultural plannin area contrlnlnq I mgmont of the trail shall be conditlmed withln tho planntn ma, unless othemlre spocifltd In the ad1 tlw tb fmtS hall =such at~~s~w~ill be preswby requiring Irrevocable offers at' dcdlcrtlon of those am8 IS a condltfon Of development, Tha accesswa $ shall not adversely Impact land on the north shore of Eatiqu r tor Lapoon 1s developed. Each to requ ? re constructton and malntenrnce of that portion of the trail Batlquttor Lagoon B nhsncmant Plan. \ mvlronrental ly rent1 tlvr K ab1 tats I n ai DrlOt tb jg of any bu i t nlsnninq & Tk @9 &- Acc' s;P9p 10. On page 11 under "Martar Plan Approval*, the language thall br revlssd I8 fol1 DWS ; The Poinsettia Shorts Master Plin as adoptad by tho Carlibad Clty Council Ordlnsncr No. HS-266 and fertif{*d bv t to rpprovrd bs thr I~lp omcntlng Ordk%for this L6cd BK %#?kd Uro Plan. Upon .riccertltlcatl~n by the tltbLdffJ1 BItLCfdf thfr portion of the Carlrbrd deemed certifhd. arnia uta1 La& &- m (Pol nrattf a Shores Mastrr Plan) 11. On page 1 under "Purpose", thr lrnguago rhrll be revlard IS follows: Council, pursuant to Chr tmr 21 $38 of the Catlsbbd Municipal Coda Ud Adoption of thm Polnrettla Shares Mirtrr Plm by the Carlrbad Cltr 6 \c- hi ufarn Pa -* , wlll establish thr .. . RCU BY:XEROX TELECOPIER 7010A 5- 4-94 9:00QM ; SENT BYfDFILL QSSOCIFITES . 5- 4-94 8:SSQM ; I 9163970462+ 916, 20462j 6194380894: HI1 6194380894: 811 Carlrbrd LCPA 1-94 rage IO ronlnp and development strndatdr P plicablr to the pro act as permlss!bla typo and IntensSty of dovdopment. uhoh wlth canrlderstlan to indlvldurl D v annlng areas, dePln 1 ng the ,12. On page 9 under 'Tirculation and Roadway AllgnmentY, the langulgo shall ba revised a$ fallows: As Shown on Exhlblt 3, page 12, Avenlda Ench89 and Wlndrare Circle will be publSc stteetr, All other #treats wl'thln. the Mst8r plan boundary nSll be private rnd gated -the exclatlon of Intma 1 ok ?A =3. A4U 3. st. db LCYA 13, On pagm 14, 18 and 105, referencas to Plannlng Aver F Major Martrrr Plan Amendment sh8ll be rrvlsed to read th development approval# for Planning Area F >hall. Include 14. On page 23, Exhiblt 10, the Open Spree Plan shall be re that the setbacks and open space shown on Plannhg Araas G rnd H shall bt Pedrr e rSbn Trail, the folloulng language shall be added: a future tlusttate p~--b 6 Febkm Idantifled as UPubllc Opan Spicen. \lzp&. ((z PUG'~~ 15. On pa e 25, undrt "Oprn Space and Resource PteserV&tlon--"Petinrter 0 k Ma ++i T6, On ago 41 under "Affordable HoUrlng", the lmguafle )hall be revlW 1s fO1 P OU8: In conjunctton vith the DQnslty Bonus. add1 tlonal lncentlvrs are also rsqulrad to be grrntrd to the drnrlty bonus appticant, For the Polnrrttlr Shores Master Plan, on0 addltlanal incsnttvt wlll be bttlgn modtfhtlons wlthln any of the Plannin Araas to the Planned mdlflcatiens shall be elthet as set forth In this Hatter Plan or 0 lb (51 DoveTopment Ordinance standards and/or other C P ty pollcies~ thc nq Oirectordld Clty Englnerr, ,&,,u. tal .* , RCU BYZXEROX TELECOPIER SENT BY:DQLL QSSOCIQTES 7010-; 5- 4-94 9:OlQM ; , 5- 4-94 8:56QM ; 9163920462+ 916. 2046Z+ Cwlbbrd LCPA 1-94 Pago 11 6194380894; #12 6194380894; #I2 17. On page 54, under "Master Plan Theme Elements", the language shall be revlsed a5 follows; The Qntrles Into Pl&nnlng Areas All, A-2, hWIA+4, k.1, 0-2, and C wlll bm mnned or slgctronlcally guardrd gates, Thlr Is lntrnded fik to ilmlt the access Into the prluatc portions of the Mbrter Plan devolopment web 18, On page 62, under "Plannlng Area A-9~14thar Speclal Condttlons, the hnguaga shall be revlsed as follow: Prlor to the t'dltfd lbfldttd31dCf Bf bui berm1 t construction of that portlan of the &~JL trril which Plonnlng Arer shall bo campletad, for any home ll diddid /tcl~U/~arl~~~~~/~f~~~~ &- 1 19. On page 84, under "P1 ann1 ng Area An4"--Pat 1 pn Ctl trrla, the 1 anguage shall In order to rddrws potrntlal vlrurl Impacts to thr Irgmn, rprclffc archl tectural standards or dsslgnr must be propowd concurrent with the revtew 07 a plmned development prrmit/or tentrtfve mp for this be revlsad &s fol1 ows: ok 20. On page 85, under "Planntng Arta A4"-4ther Speclrl Condltlotlx, the language shall be revi rad as fol lows: dlrj i ddla I I t dt fi ti at 4 1 t t 1 i 1 0k Ptlor to the isrurncr of bulldlng penults for rny hame ddiddddfltd COnrtrUCtbn of that p~~Wor%%~~~~ Is wi thfn thl s Planning Atm shall be completed. 21. On Dag9 11 1, under IlP1 rnning Arm C"4thrr Spcelal Condltlonr, thr languaga shall be revlred as follawr: The develapmrnt of thls plsnnlng araa shall hcluds a publlc acmS trall fflfld whlch wll1 br deslgnad to ltnk rlth tho *stat fkn's tral I system. &a1 1 irna-ts NUL be Ifisthllrd Qrl*r to thp gL/ rice kar i this amlna 2Z1 On pug# 115, under "Pl~~fng Area Hm--&thrr Sprclal Conditions, the languagn shall be revlsed as follows: ~ RC’J BY:XEROX TELECOPIER 3018; 5- 4-94 9:02QM ; SENT BY:DQLL QSSOCIQTES 5- 4-94 8:57QM ; I - 916=20462+ 6194380894; #I3 916& ~20462+ 6194380894; #I3 Chrl Sb&d LCPA 1-94 Paga 12 The divolopment of this lmnlng area shall include a publlc waft trail itif#$ whtch wlll e drsjgned to llnk with the Mister Plan’s trail sys tea, il irnnrov-be instplla&_prlar to thp . emits for th55 D- rea. 0 IC 1 23, On pagi 122, under “Plrnnlng Area L”--DesSgn Crltrria, thr language shall bm rrvlsed as follows: besign &ti terta: - A. CPIPTU The West Bat1 qul-tos La oon/$amt s Propert1 si LCP scgmant court$ approxlmatrly down as 120 acres of watrr and wetland areas and approximately 168 acre3 of land located on tha north shore of the lagoon between Intotstata 5 and Carlrbrd Boulevard, In 1985, tho CCP was submltted concurrant with b davrloprnent proposqt, a mixed us4 developmant plan md master plan frrturing h college unlvetslty known as the Batlqultos Lagoon Edueattonal Pwk (UP) on the 166 acre portIon. The mastet plan also Included P varlety Of hourln types as we1 1 as rrcteatlonal tommwclal , nclghbwhood cornmarcia1 trave oervtce cOlwRercia1, tfme share unlts and hotel with ConftrencC fad 1 Itlor. Except for the 120-acte portlon of the western basin of the Batlqultos LaflWn, the antire land use plan 1s currently devoted to land use pollciec Pot tha BLEP muter plan. The LCP Includes a omt of thhd use polieles far bOth the lafluon and upland areas and a sot of Implementing ordinance, (the master plan) tfa carry out Its prov4sions. Tha Land Use Plbn Includes: agricultural prerervatlan pal Iclet; land use deslgnatkm; SrnSltlVe fesowC@ a~ protactton pol i cl es , t ncl udi ng pol 1 cl as ttqardi ng grrdi ng snd athcr development on environmontally sensitive strap sloping hi tlstdes and the This amondmont would replace the formerly appravrd BLEP Maitsr Plan with the Poinsctth Shores Maitor Plan (PSHP) as the lnplementhg ardlnancr, The BLEP Hatter Plan provlded for a major universlty with educatlanal and rdatnd land uses whlch would now be replaced with rrrldantlal land uses. The proposed 288 total actas fnclud 4 ng the west bas1.n of Batlqui tos Lagoon, whlch breaks f prUvfr!on Of public aecQSS8 \