HomeMy WebLinkAboutLCPA 91-02; Poinsettia Shores Master Plan; Local Coastal Program Amendment (LCPA)DATE: OCTOBER 20, 1993 APPumnO[h COMPLETE DATE: GPMLCPNMPA - APRIL 21. 1991 LFMPA - AUGUST 2 1993 PROJEfl PLA"ER: ERIC N. MUNOZ & STAFF REPORT 0 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: MP 17S(D)/GPA914S/LCPA9142/L.FMP 87-m AI - POINSETITA SHORES hdASER PLAN - Request for the approval of a Mitigated Negative Declaration, General Plan Amendment, Master Plan Amendment, Local Coastal Program Amendment and Local Facilities Management Plan Amendment for Zone 9, to change General Plan land use designations to replace the educational and related land uses of the former Batiquitos Lagoon Educational Park (BLEP) Master Plan with residential uses and retain the travel service-commercial land use designations for the western portion of the site on Planned-Community (P-C) zoned property generally located in the southwest quadrant of the City, north of the Batiquitos Lagoon, west of the 1-5 freeway, east of Carlsbad Boulevard in Local Facilities Management Zone 9. 1. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 3551 RECOMMENDtNG APPROVAL of the Mitigated Negative Declaration, and ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution Nos. 3552, 3553,3554, and 3555, RECOMMENDLNG APPROVAL of MP 175(D), GPA 91-05, LCPA 91-02, and LFMP 87-09(A), based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. 11. PROJECT BACKGROUND AND DESCRPTI ON The applicant is requesting approval of a Mitigated Negative Declaration; and approval of a General Plan Amendment, Master Plan Amendment, Local Coastal Program Amendment and Local Facilities Management Plan Amendment to replace the educational and related land uses associated with the former Batiquitos Lagoon Educational Park (BLEP) Master Plan with residential uses at the allowed density remaining from BLEP. The proposal also involves the re-naming of the master plan to the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan. The west side of the master plan is proposed to remain with the travel servicetommercial designations allowed by BLEP with the exception of one area which will be an unplanned reserve as discussed in Section A of this report. The master plan will also designate an onsite affordable housing planning area (Area "D) to facilitate onsite affordable housing compliance (offsite compliance is also allowed through the approval of an Affordable Housing Agreement); and a recreation center planning area (Area "M) and a recreational MP 175(D)/GPA 91-05/~ AA 91-O2/LFMP 87-09(A) PO[NSE"TLA SHORES MASTER PLAN OCTOBER 20, 1993 vehicle storage planning area (Area ''E') to serve the residents of the master plan. The master plan property is generally located in the southwest quadrant of the City, north of the Batiquitos Lagoon, west of the 1-5 freeway and totals approximately 162 acres which is separated into east and west sides by the northkouth railroad tracks as shown on the attached location map. The development of the master plan property will involve the construction of the Avenida Encinas roadway including the bridge over the railroad tracks to a new intersection with Carlsbad Boulevard. This master plan amendment proposes a new alignment of Avenida En* as shown on attached Exhibit "A" (excerpted from the master plan text) that is different from the ring road alignment associated with BLEP. The project area is located within Local Facilities Management Plan Zone 9. The planning areas proposed by the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan are shown on Exhibit "B" (excerpted from master plan text) attached to this report. The former BLEP Master Plan was originally adopted by the City Council in 1985 and subsequently amended mice in 1989. The BLEP Master Plan included residential, open space, recreational commercial, neighborhood commercial and travel services-commercial land uses centered around a private university/educational institution. The Poinsettia Shores Master Plan proposes to replace the educational and related land uses with residential development and retain the travel services-commercial uses allowed for the west side of the project. In keeping with the conditions of approval for the master plan's five year extension as part of a master plan amendment (MP 175-C) approved in August 1989, the neighborhood commercial land use designation on the west side has been eliminated and replaced with an unplanned reserve designation. MP 175(C) specified that if no educational institution was constructed on the master plan property, the neighborhood commercial use would have to be eliminated through a master plan amendment that would also redistribute the remaining residential units over the site's east side. The proposed master plan amendment would be in compliance with City Council actions regarding this master plan property. The existing and proposed General Plan designations for the master plan property are shown on Exhibit GPA 91-05 as attached to Planning Codssion Resolution No. 3553. A single family subdivision of 75 lots currently exists within the master plan developed under the BLEP plan. Of these 75 lots, 70 are developed with single family homes and 5 lots are vacant custom lots. This planning area is shown as Area "J" on the attached planning area exhibit and is the location of an approved trail system for the perimeter of the subdivision adjacent to the lagoon blufftop. This trail is currently undergoing final Coastal Commission approvals and the trail construction has already been financially secured by the master plan applicant. A pomon of Windrose Circle has also been constructed. The master plan property currently has an allowance of 451 dwelling units left to develop. Poinsettia Shores will develop these remaining 451 units in combination with a 25% density bonus in order to satisfy the master plan's affordable housing requirement. MP 175(D)/GPA 91 -OS/LLPA 91-O2/LFMP 87-09(A) POINSETTIA SHORES MASTER PLAN OCTOBER 20, 1993 PAGE 3 The Master Plan k surrounded by natural open space associated with the Batiquitos Lagoon to the south, an existing mobile home park to the north, the 1-5 freeway to the east and Carlsbad Boulevard to the west. The applicant is requesting the following discretionary approvals: 1. The approval of a Mitigated Negative Declaration for the project. The Mitigated Negative Declaration referenced the certified EIR that exists for the master plan property (EIR 84-3) and evaluated the environmental impacts of reducing the area's proposed development intensity from the educational and related uses of the BLEP plan to the residential proposal of Poinsettia Shores. Using updated noise and traffic studies, the Mitigated Negative Declaration establishes a Mitigation Program which includes the completion of environmental mitigation of certain impacts as outlined in EIR 84-3. The impacts requiring mitigation concurrent with the development of the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan include: archeological, paleontological and visual/aesthetic resources, and noise impacts. As future planning areas are submitted for City review and approval, they will be checked for consistency with the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan as well as compliance with the project's Mitigation Program (attached to Planning Commission Resolution No. 3551 and also included in the master plan text). 2. A General Plan Amendment to adjust land use designations for the master plan site from Residential Medium (RM), Residential Medium High (RMH), Recreation Commercial (RC), Private School (P), Neighborhood Commercial (N), Travel Services-Commercial (TS) and Open Space (OS) to RM, Non-Residential Reserve (NRR), TS and OS. These General Plan designation changes reflect the replacement of the BLEP allowed educational and related uses with the residential uses proposed by the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan. 3. A Master Plan Amendment to: (a) replace the BLEP educational and related land uses with residential uses as reflected by the General Plan designation changes discussed above; (b) re-name the site to the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan; and, (c) update the master plan to conform with current City policies and standards. The Poinsettia Shores Master Plan has been updated to reflect and refer to the goals of the Open Space and Conservation Element, and Housing Element of the General Plan, the Growth Management Ordinance - including the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 9, and local ordinances and policies such as the Hillside Development Ordinance, the Planned Development Ordinance, the City's Noise Policy, the City's adopted Small Lot Architectural Guidelines and the West Batiquitos Lagoon Local Coastal Program (LCP). MP 175(D)/GPA 91 -OS/L~A 91 -O2/LFMP 87-09(A) POINSETTIA SHORES MASTER PLAN OCTOBER 20, 1993 PAGE 4 The entire master plan document has been reorganized and reformatted for clarity and readability. The graphics have been updated to reflect the proposed master plan amendment. An Affordable Housing compliance section has been added, in addition to an updated Open Space section and a Trail Exhibit that reflects the Citywide Trail System. Master plan circulation, land uses, open space, grading, public facilities, theme elements (landscaping, walls, signage and lighting), and planning area review/approval processes and development standards are also included in the master plan text. 4. A Local Coastal Program (LCP) Amendment to the West Batiquitos Lagoon segment of the City's coastal zone to make the coastal land use designations consistent with the General Plan and master plan designation changes proposed by the Poinsettia Shores project. The revised text for this LCP segment is attached to Planning Commission Resolution No. 3554. 5. A Local Facilities Management Plan (LFMP) Amendment to the Zone 9 LFMP to reflect the land use changes proposed by the Poinsettia Shores project. The LFMP amendment centers on circulation changes since the alignment of the master plan's primary roadway (Avenida Encinas) has changed from the BLEP Master Plan and the existing Zone 9 LFMP. Overall, the land use intensity proposed by Poinsettia Shores is signdicantly less than the BLEP proposal so all impacts to and demands for required public facilities and senrices will be reduced. In accordance with the City's Growth Management Program, all necessary public facilities and sewices will be available concurrent with their need as the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan develops to buildout. m. ANALYSIS The proposed project is subject to the following plans, ordinances, and State laws: A. Carlsbad General Plan. B. Carlsbad Municipal Code, Title 21, Chapter 21.38, "PC Planned Community Zone". C. Carlsbad Local Coastal Program, West Batiquitos Lagoon segment. D. Carlsbad Municipal Code, Title 21, Chapter 21.90, "Growth Management Ordinance" (Local Facilities Management Plan Zone 9). E. Carlsbad Municipal Code, Title 19, "Environmental Protection Procedures"; and the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). MP 17S(D)/GPA 91 -OS/LL~'A 91 -02/LFMP 87-09(A) POINSETTIA SHORES MASTER PLAN OCTOBER 20, 1993 PAGE 5 A. GENERALPLAN Planning Issue 1s the Poinsettia Shores proposal consistent with the General Plan? DECUSSION LAND USE ELEMENT The Poinsettia Shores Master Plan will guide the development of individual planning areas which are subject to various land use regulations, design criteria, development standards, environmental mitigation and review/approval processes as outlined in the master plan text. The proposed master plan amendment will permit residential dwelling units to be developed on the project's east side through the Residential-Medium (RM) General Plan designation as shown on Exhibit "c" attached to this report. A diversity of residential product types are proposed for the master plan. Planning Areas "A-1", "A-Z", "A-3" and "A-4" will be developed with detached single family units on 5,000 square foot minimum sized lots in compliance with the City's Planned Development Ordinance. Planning Areas "8-1" and "8-2" will be developed with a clustered single family product type which will cluster up to four detached single family units around a 24 foot wide driveway/motorcoun coming off the planning area's private street system. This product type will allow a detached single family type feeling but with a slightly higher density. This design will prevent the development of linear rows of units fronting on the planning area's street system. Overall, building separations will be increased. These units will be air-space ownership units and will also obtain Planned Development permits with planning area approval. This product type is discussed in the Development Standards section of the master plan text for Planning Areas "8-1" and "8-2". Planning Area "c" will be the master plan's multi-family planning area with typical multi-family type development allowed. The master plan allows a multi-family design that offers some flexibilities in setbacks but overall will create a more open and interesting streetscape while meeting building separation, building height limits and other standards of the Planned Development Ordinance and City Policies. This multi-family design is discussed in the Development Standards of the master plan text for Area "C". All three product types can be developed using the allowed density range of the RM designation (4-8 dwelling units per acre) without exceeding the amount of residential dwelling units allowed for the master plan. The RM designation allows for medium density residential areas characterized by small lot single-family homes or townhouses, duplexes, triplexes, and low density apartment developments. The proposed residential uses of the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan are consistent with the General Plan. - MP 175(D)/GPA 91-05,. .PA 91-OWLFMP 87-09(A) POINSETTIA SHORES MASTER PLAN OCTOBER 20, 1993 PAGE 6 The west side of the master plan, south of the future Avenida Encinas roadway alignment, will retain the Travel Services-Commercial designation allowed by BLEP and involves the uses and development standards of the Commercial-Tourist (C-T) Zone plus a hotel/conference center (planning area "H") and hoteVtimeshare units (planning area "G"). Planning Area "F" located on the master plan's west side, north of Avenida Encinas, will be designated an unplanned reserve area at this time. Planning and development of this site will occur in the future through a major master plan amendment. Since the City currently does not have an "Unplanned Area" General Plan designation, this amendment is proposing a Non-Residential Reserve designation. However, it is not the intent of the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan to prevent residential development if, in the future, residential dwelling units become available to this property consistent with the City's Growth Management Program through the review and approval of a major master plan amendment. Section 21.38.070 allows for the reservation of areas within a master plan for future planning provided such areas do not exceed 40°h of the entire master plan area. Area "F" has a gross acreage of 11.3 acres and represents approximately 7% of the master plan's total acreage (162.8 acres). OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION ELEMENT The Poinsettia Shores Master Plan will not adjust or modify any existing General Plan designated open space areas or boundaries. Of the project's 162.8 total acres, approximately 34.8 acres are natural lagoon/wetland habitat which have Open Space General Plan designations (planning areas "I", "IC', and "L") and have already been dedicated in fee title to the State of California, State Lands Commissions in accordance with previous BLEP approvals. The master plan has additional open space totalling approximately 11 acres comprised of a community recreation center (planning area I'M'') and open space areas consisting of blufftop and roadway setbacks. The total master plan open space (approximately 46 acres) represents 28% of the entire master plan area. This exceeds the requirement of at least 15% of the master plan area (24.4 acres) to be set aside as open space. As outlined in the Citywide Facilities Improvement Plan and the Zone 9 LFMP, this master plan has complied with all open space requirements. The project is also consistent with the Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan and incorporates master plan trails and links with the Citywide Trails System as required. The master plan's frontage on the east side of Carlsbad Boulevard (planning areas "GI and "H') is the location for linkage with the Citywide Trails System. These planning areas will be required to provide for the trail link within the required 40 foot smcnLTal setback from Carlsbad Boulevard. The master plan's open space program is shown on Exhibit "D attached to this report. The Master Plan Trails System is shown on Exhibit "E". On August 26, 1993 the master plan's open space program was reviewed by the City's Open Space Advisory Committee and unanimously supported. In addition, an informational presentation on the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan was made to the Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation on September 13, 1993. Several issues comparing the BLEP project to the Poinsettia Shores project were discussed. The foundation submitted a letter of comment during this project's public review period. The letter and corresponding city response letter are attached to this report. MP 175(D)/GPA 91 -OS/LiPA 91-O2/LFMP 87-09(A) POINSEITM SHORES MASTER PLAN OCTOBER 20, 1993 PAGE 7 HOUSING ELEMENT The Poinsettia Shores Master Plan will be in conformance with the goals and objectives of the Housing Element. An Affordable Housing chapter is included in the master plan. This chapter outlines the general and specific requirements and standards necessary to implement the Housing Element of the General Plan and provide housing affordable to lower income households within the master plan. Planning Area I'D" is the proposed affordable housing site for the master plan. The City's Housing Element, as implemented through the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance, requires that at least 15% of the master plan's 451 dwelling units be affordable housing units (68 units total). Poinsettia Shores proposes to exceed this minimum requirement through implementation of the City's Density Bonus Ordinance which allows a 25% density bonus to the allowed 451 dwelling units. This bonus yields an additional 113 units totalling 563 units. Per density bonus provisions, 20% of the allowed 451 "base" units (90 units) musc be affordable housing units. These 90 affordable units exceeds the minimum requirement of 68 affordable units and will be located on Planning Area "D* through the review and approval of a site development plan. This site development plan will also involve an Affordable Housing Agreement to implement all aspects of affordable housing compliance in accordance with City regulations. The remaining 5% of the 451 base units associated with the density bonus (23 units) may be market rate units to be spread over the residential planning areas of the master plan's east side. Consistent with City ordinances, the affordable housing requirement may be satisfied offsite through the approval of an Affordable Housing Agreement. If offsite affordable housing compliance is achieved, planning area "D will be the site for the development of the 23 market rate units with the clustered single family product type proposed with planning areas "B-1" and "B-2". The master plan provides the option to satisfy the affordable housing requirement. If the units are to be consmcted onsite, then a site development plan (SDP) for the units in Planning Area "D will be processed concurrently with the first tentative map that creates dwelling units. If an offsite option is chosen, then a site development plan for the offsite project must have already been approved or be processed concurrently with the first tentative map that creates units. Under either option an Affordable Housing Agreement that guarantees compliance with the master plan's affordable housing obligation must be approved by the city prior to the approval of the first final map. B. PC - PLANNED COMMUNITY ZONE/ CHAPTER 21.38 Planning Issue Does the proposed Master Plan Amendment comply with all the requirements of the Planned Community Zone? -c MP 175(D)/GPA 91-05, ,PA 9I-O2/LFMP 87-09(A) POINSElTIA SHORES MASTER PLAN OCTOBER 20, 1993 PAGE 8 DISCUSSION The Poinsettia Shores Master Plan amendment has been prepared consistent with the Carlsbad Municipal Code, Title 21, Chapter 21.38, "PC Planned Community Zone". The master plan includes the following required elements: 1. Graphic plans of the proposed development including a map and legal description of the propew, the location of various land uses, a map of the open space areas, specific development provisions and standards. As appropriate, the master plan references the Zone 9 LFMP documents to describe public facilities including the location of major circulation systems, the locations of facilities for water, sewer and drainage, and phasing of the various public improvements. 2. A text to accompany the graphics that includes a description of each type of land use, development regulations, a public facility plan, a phasing schedule, an open space plan, measures to mitigate adverse environmental impacts, and a community identification sign program. The following findings of fact must exist prior to recommending a master plan amendment for approval: a. The master Dlan is consistent with the DIW~S~OIIS of the General Plan and anv aDDlicable SDeCifi C DlanS." The amendment would be consistent with the General Plan based on the discussion found in Section A of this report under "General Plan". b. "All necessary D ublic facilities can be Dmvided concurrent with need and adequate provisions have been provided to hD1ement those portions of the canid hDroVemenB DrOm aDDlicable to the subiect Dm~erW." The master plan has language in the text stating that all future development shall comply with the public facility performance standards and phasing requirements of the Local Facilities Management Plan Zone 9 (LFMP) and the proposed LFMP Amendment (attached to Planning Commission Resolution No. 3555 and discussed in Section D of this report). Public facilities are required to be constructed as subsequent development in the master plan creates demand for additional facilities, therefore, a shortfall or negative impact to public facilities would not result. A financing plan for LFMP Zone 9 must be approved by the City Council prior to the recordation of the master plan's first final map and will provide the mechanisms for the financing of the required public facilities. MP 175(D)/GPA 91 -OS/LCPA 91-O2/LFMP 87-09(A) POINSETTIA SHORES MASTER PLAN OCTOBER 20, 1993 PAGE 9 C. The residential and om SD ace ~~rtions of the communitv will constitute an environment of sustained desirabilitv and stabilitv. and that it will be in harmony With or Dmvide comDatible variety to the character of the surroundinn areas. and that the sites ~md for public facilities. such as schools. Dlavmunds and ~arks, are adeauate to me the anticbated DoDdation and aDDear acceDtab1e to the Dubbc authorities having jurisdiction thereof." The open space plan provides approximately 46 acres of open space within the master plan (28% of the master plan) which is categorized into open space for the protection of lagoonlbiological habitat, steep slopes and other environmentally constrained areas; and open space for recreation and for visual aesthetics. The open space areas provide corridors for the migration of wildlife and buffers that separate sensitive habitat areas from development areas. In addition, trails would be provided for use by pedestrians within some of the open space areas. Poinsettia Park is a proposed park outside of the master plan and Zone 9 which has been designated to satisfy the park facilities requirement for Zone 9 as well as the southwest quadrant. This master plan has previously made park payments to fulfill the requirement to serve the recreational needs of the residents of the master plan in combination with the private recreational amenities provided internally. The City's school location plan does not identify a school site on the master plan site or within Zone 9. The Carlsbad Unified School District has indicated on projects requiring legislative approvals that school fees paid at the time of building pennit issuance are not adequate to satisfy the demand for school facilities. The project applicant has met with representatives of the School District in an attempt to reach an agreement on the Master Plan's requirement as it pertains to school facilities. John Blair the Assistant Superhtendent/Bushess Services, has stated that the district has no objections to the Master Plan moving forward as an agreement is close to being reached with the project applicant. A letter to this affect is forthcoming and was not available in time to include as part of the staff report package. d. 'The~mDosed commercial and industrial uses will be aDDroDriate in area. location and overall desinn to the D- - intended. The desinn and develoDment standards are such as to create an enyifonment of sustained desirabilitv and stabilitv. Such development will meet Derformance standards established bv this title." Planning Areas "G and "H" have been designated as future travel services- commercial sites retaining the allowed uses from the BEP plan (hotellconference and hotel suites/timeshare units). These planning areas total approximately 12 acres and are appropriate in area and location for the uses proposed. In addition, these uses, and specific development project designs, will require the review and approval of a Site Development Plan and must comply with all applicable City + MP 175(D)/GPA 91-05/, IA 91-OZ/LFMP 87-09(A) POINSETTIA SHORES MASTER PLAN OCTOBER 20, 1993 PAGE 10 ordinances and policies including the development standards of the Commercial- Tourist (CT) Zone. Other commercial needs of the master plan can be easily served by existing commercial development in the southwest quadrant. No industrial uses are proposed. e. "In the case of institutional. recreational. and other similar nonresidential uses. such devdoDment will be proposed. and suf~oundinp! areas are Drotected from any adverse effects from the develoDment." The Poinsettia Shores Master Plan proposes a community recreation center planning area and a recreational vehicle storage planning area. These areas will be buffered from residential areas by the Avenida Enchas roadway, slope embankments and/or landscaped areas. These areas are adequate in size and location to function properly and be accessed easily. The only remaining non-residential land use designation in the master plan is the unplanned reserve area (planning area 'IF) as discussed in Section A of this report. Areas surrounding the master plan area will not be adversely impacted by the master plan uses. Roadways (I-5 and Carlsbad Boulevard) and open space (Batiquitos Lagoon) surround the site except for the mobile home park north of the site. A landscaped 80 foot structural setback will buffer the site's northern area. f. 'The streets and thorounhfares ~ro~osed are suitable and admuate to carw the antiaDated traffic thereoa" Traffic studies have been completed for the Zone 9 Local Facilities Management Plan Amendment and the Mitigated Negative Declaration. Proposed street systems are adequate to serve the proposed master plan. Overall traffic generation will be sigruficantly reduced (26,500 ADT vs. 12,300 ADT) by the replacement of BLEP's educational and related uses with residential units. Compliance with the mitigation conditions required by these studies and plans would ensure that all circulation infrastructure is in place to serve the traffic demands generated by buildout of the master plan. g- "hVDrOd commerd devdoDment can be iustified econoxnidv at the bcation ProDosed and wilI Dmvide adeauate commercial facilities of the tmes needed at such location Drod." The areas of potential commercial development within the master plan will require full discretionary review and approval upon submittal of specific development proposals. Should commercial development be approved at these locations there would be sufficient access to major roadways (Avenida Encinas and Carlsbad Boulevard) to serve the area. The unplanned reserve (area "F") would require a major master plan amendment for any type of development. [n addition, in conformance with the requirements of Chapter 21.38, an economic impact report of the master plan's land uses has been submitted to the City and is available for review at the Planning Department. This report analyzes the impacts which the MP 175(D)/GPA 91-05/~ZPA 91-O2/LFMP 87-09(A) POINSETTLA SHORES MASTER PLAN OCTOBER 20, 1993 future development of the master plan may have on the General Fund operating budget of the- City. h. "The area surroundinn the ddoDment is or can be ~lanned and zoned in coordination and substantid comDatibditv with the develoDment." The master plan's development will be buffered from the Batiquitos Lagoon to the south through blufftop setback areas. The northern perimeter of the master plan on the east side will maintain an 80 foot structural setback to include landscaping to buffer from the existing mobile home park. The east and west perimeters of the master plan area are bounded by major roadways (1-5 freeway and Carlsbad Boulevard) which reduce the need and ability to be compatible with adjacent uses except for setback provisions and noise impact considerations. The master plan amendment will create less environmental impacts than the land uses associated with the BLEP plan as reviewed by the site's certified environmental impact repok (EIR 84-3). The remaining master plan level environmental impacts requiring mitigation are assessed in this project's environmental review and Mitigated Negative Declaration. The master plan amendment is designed to implement the Mitigation Program so that no significant environmental impacts will be created by the development of Poinsettia Shores. C. CARlSBAD LOCAL COMAL, PROGRAM/WEST BATIOUITOS SEGMENT Planning he Does the Poinsettia Shores proposal comply with all the requirements and objectives of the West Batiquitos Lagoon segment of Carlsbad's Local Coastal Program (LCP)? DISCUSSION The master plan site is located within the above referenced LCP within the City's coastal zone. The LCP contains policies and guidelines related to slope developmenVnauve vegetation, grading and erosion control provisions. To ensure compliance with the LCP, a Coastal Development Permit must be obtained prior to the recordation of each final map. The proposed LCP amendment will bring the coastal designations into conformance with the City's designations associated with the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan. The master plan does have some agricultural mitigation fees to be paid as explained in the master plan text and the amended LCP text as attached to Planning Commission Resolution No. 3553. MP 175(D)/GPA 91-05/~CPA 91-OULFMP 87-09(A) PO[NSE?TM SHORES MASTER PLAN OCTOBER 20, 1993 PAGE 12 D. GROWTH MANAGEMENT - ZONE 9 The Poinsettia Shores Master Plan is located within Local Facilities Management Zone 9 which originally had its Local Facilities Management Plan (LFMP) approved by the City in July 1989. The existing LFMP addresses the public facilities and services needed to serve the buildout of the master plan consistent with the City's Growth Management Ordinance. This document reflects the BLEP educational and related land uses which would have created more facilities impacts than the residential master plan proposed. The primary difference between BLEP and Poinsettia Shores is the reduced traffic generation (due to the land use changes) and a change in the alignment of Avenida Encinas. Therefore, the proposed LFMP Amendment (attached to Planning Commission Resolution No. 3555) includes a new circulation section. A Zone 9 financing plan will be required prior to the master plan's first final map approval. Collectively, these documents (existing LFMP, LFMP Amendment and financing plan) will outline the compliance of Poinsettia Shores with the City's Growth Management Program. A brief summary of the Zone 9 public facilities and services on a master plan level is provided below: Citv AdministratiorVLibrary These facilities are financially guaranteed by a combination of Community Facilities District (CFD) No. 1 and Public Facilities Fees (PFF). Through the master plan property's current participation in CFD #1 and corresponding payment of special taxes and PFF, the master plan will fully satisfy its obligation for these two public facilities. Waste Water Treatment Since the completion of the Phase IV expansion of the Encinas Wastewater Authority's treatment facility, adequate wastewater treatment capacity will be available to serve the master plan through buildout. The master plan's obligation is satisfied by payment of applicable sewer connection fees. - Parks The master plan has previously contributed $1 million in park land acquisition funding under BLEP. This funding in combination with PFF satisfies the Zone 9 LFMP parks requirement. Poinsettia Park (formerly known as Alta Mira Park) is being planned by the City to serve the southwest quadrant's park needs. The park's site and financing are secured and the City is currently obtaining necessary park development permits. MP 175(D)/GPA 91-05/~-J'A 91-O2/LFMP 87-09(A) POINSETTIA SHORES MASTER PLAN OCTOBER 20, 1993 PAGE 13 Drainane All drainage facilities required to serve the master plan are outlined in the existing LFMP. In addition, the City is preparing a Draft Master Drainage and Storm Water Quality Management (MDSWQM) Plan. Poinsettia Shores will comply with any requirements or conditions resulting from the adoption of the MDSWQM Plan. Circulation The LFMP Amendment reflects the new alignment of Avenida Encinas through the master plan site and the replacement of BLEP's educational and related land uses with the proposed residential uses. The master plan's roadway construction and improvement requirements are outlined in the LFMP Amendment. Fire Station No. 4 satisfies this facility requirement. All units within the master plan will be within the required five minute response time. Open %ace In accordance with the Citywide Facilities Improvement Plan (CFIP), Zone 9 is identified as already in compliance with the adopted open space standard. Of the master plan's 162.8 total acres approximately 34.8 acres of the master plan area is associated with Batiquitos Lagoon and wetland areas which have already been dedicated to the State of California by the master plan. Schools The City's school location plan does not identifv a school site within the master plan or Zone 9. The Carlsbad Unified School District has indicated on projects requiring legislative approvals that school fees paid at the time of building permit issuance are not adequate to satisfy the demand for school facilities. The project applicant has met with representatives of the School District in an attempt to reach an agreement on the Master Plan's requirement as it pertains to school facilities. John Blair the Assistant Superintendent/Business Services, has stated that the district has no objections to the Master Plan moving forward as an agreement is close to being reached with the project applicant. A letter to this affect is forthcoming and was not available in time to include as part of the staff report package. MP 175(D)/GPA 91-OS/LCPA gI-OZ/LFMP 87-09(A) POtNSETTIA SHORES MASTER PLAN OCTOBER 20, 1993 PAGE 14 Sewer Collection Svstem Necessary sewer infrastructure required to serve the master plan will be constructed concwent with need as determined by the City Engineer in accordance with the existing Zone 9 LFMP. Water Distribution Svstem Water distribution facilities required to adequately serve the master plan will be provided concurrent with need in accordance with the existing Zone 9 LFMP and the City's Master Water Plan. E. ENVIRONMENTAL REvIEw/TITLE 19 AND CEOA Approval of a Mitigated Negative Declaration is being requested with the proposed master plan amendment. The Mitigated Negative Declaration addresses the potential environmental impacts associated with the future buildout of the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan. Environmental impacts that are considered to be sigmfkant but mitigated to less than significant through conditions of approval and implementation of mitigation measures include: archeological, paleontological and visual/aesthetic resources, and noise impacts. Attached to Planning Commission Resolution No. 3551, with Exhibit "PII", is the project's Mitigation Program. This document will guide the processing of individual planning areas with regards to mitigating environmental impacts created by the planning area's development. The Mitigation Program outlines any environmental impacts pertinent to a planning area. tt also specifies the required mitigation measures, timelines for conformance/completion, and the responsible parties. The master plan text is written and designed to implement the required mitigation measures. The basis for establishing the master plan's mitigation program included: the certified environmental review and remaining mitigation measures covered by EIR 84-3 associated with the BLEP project; updated traffic and noise studies reflecting the proposed Iand use changes; and standard environmental review and noticing procedures required by CEQA. Overall, the environmental impacts created by Poinsettia Shores will be significantly less than the impacts that would have been created by BLEP. The proposed residential land uses and reduced vaffic generation (approximately 26,500 Average Daily Trips (ADT) from BLEP vs. 12,300 ADT from Poinsettia Shores) reduce the overall development intensity of the site. The master plan's mitigation measures involve the following: onsite archeological and paleontological monitoring during grading operations by qualified professionals, the establishment of development standards/design criteria specifically designed to reduce visual impacts from the development of the lagoon blufftop planning areas (Areas "A4" and "H"), and compliance with City noise standards by future residential development. MP 175(D)/GPA 91-0S/~kPA gI-OZ/LFMP 87-09(A) POINSETTIA SHORES MASTER PLAN OCTOBER 20, 1993 PAGE 15 The Mitigated Negative Declaration underwent the standard State Clearinghouse review for environmental impact documents located in the coastal zone and six responses/letters were submitted during the public review and comment period. Comments were made by the following individuals/entities: Mr. Taschner, CALTRANS, Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation, Mrs. Welty, consultants for the Carlsbad School District and the Department of Fish and Game. The letters and corresponding responses to the comments made are attached to this report. IV. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION The proposed project: (1) is consistent with the General Plan; (2) meets the requirements of Title 21 and all required findings can be made; (3) is consistent with the City's Local Coastal Program - West Batiquitos segment; (4) is in conformance with Growth Management; and (5) is in compliance with the mitigation requirements of EIR 84-3 and the Poinsettia Shores Mitigated Negative Declaration, and will not significantly impact the environment, therefore, staff recommends approval of the Mitigated Negative Declaration and GPA 91-OS/MP 175(D)/LCPA 91-02 and LFMP 87-09(A). AlTACHMENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Planning Codssion Resolution No. 3551 (Mitigation Program attached) Planning Commission Resolution No. 3552 Planning Commission Resolution No. 3553 Planning Commission Resolution No. 3554 (Amended LCP text attached) Planning Commission Resolution No. 3555 (Zone 9 LFMP Amendment attached) Location Map Exhibits "A" - "E" (excerpted from the master plan text) Background Data Sheet Disclosure Form Letters from Mr. TaschnerKity's response letter Letter from Mr. Dillon-CALTRANS/City's response letter Letter from the Batiquitos Lagoon FoundatiorUCity's response letter Letter from Mrs. Dolores WeltyKity's response letter Letter from Mr. Dennis Cunningham (to School Distnct)/City's response letter Letter from Mr. Fred Worthley - Department of Fish and Game/City's response letter Poinsettia Shores Master Plan, dated October 20, 1993 (Previously distributed). EM:km:lh September 20, 1993 4 4 9.0 13.5 10.2 14.7 20.9 2.9 11.2 4.4 0.9 11.3 8.4 11.9 13.8 18.3 4.6 2.3 3) m c------r--L - - LI -- POINSETIlA SHORES MASTER PLAN KAIZA POINSETTlA CORPORATION I m m P =i ab i rs i i - BACKGROUND DATA SHEET - CASE NO: MP 17S(D)\GPA 91-OS\LCPA 91-O2\LFMP 87-09(AI CASE NAME: Poinsettia Shores Master Plan APPLICANT: Kaka Poinsettia Comoration REQUEST AND LOUTION: residential uses on existing master Plan nrouem. Redace the educational and related uses of BLEP with LEGAL DESCRIPTION: North of the Batiauitos Lanoon. west of the 1-5 freewav. All of Lots 1, 2. 3. and 4 of Darcel maD #13653 as filed in the Office of the Counw Recorder of San Dieno Counw, Januarv 31. 1985. with Dortion of the west half of Section 33. towns hi^ 12 south. Range 4 west. in the Cirv of Carlsbad. San Dieno Counw. APN: 21 6-420-79. 216-1404 7-19/2527/29-33 Acres 130 Proposed No. of Lots/Units 451 Dlus 25% densiw bonus GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING Land Use Designation P/RM/RMH/RC/NC/OS TO RMNWJI”/OS Density Allowed 451 dus Density Proposed 451 dus + densiw bonus affordable housing Existing Zone PC Proposed Zone PC Surrounding Zoning and Land Use: (See attached for information on Carlsbad‘s Zoning Requirements) zoning Land Use Site PC 75 lot single family subdivision/vacant North RMHP Lakeshore Gardens Mobile Home Park South OS Batiquitos Lagoon East TC 1-5 freeway West Prime Arterial Carlsbad Boulevard . PUB’JC FACILITIES School District Carlsbad Water District Carlsbad Sewer District Carlsbad Equivalent Dwelling Units (Sewer Capacity) 451 Dlus 25Oh densitv bonus Public Facilities Fee Agreement, dated A~nl 10. 1991 ENVIRONMENTAL, IMPACT ASSESSMENT - X Mitigated Negative Declaration, issued Aurmst 12. 1993 - Certified Environmental Impact Report, dated 0 t her, ENM:km DISCLCSL'RE STATMENT -. -a 't:!cwir,g Information must 5e disc!osed: 'Jst :he names and adcresses of all persons having a finanaal interest in the application. Sea Bluff Associates, a Califonua general partnership 'Ruee Umer Newport Plaza Drive 2. Owner Lst the names and addresses of all persons having any ownership mterest in the prcpeq nvc:..~~ a Laitorua general partnership Kaiza Poinsettia Corporation Sea Bluff Associates, I220 Avenida lsc 1MS sulte LOU upper Newport p 3 If any person identified punuant to (1) 01 (2) &ova 13 a wporatloc\ of partnership, list the flares iff addresses of all IndividualS owning more than 1096 d the $nu@$ in tno corporauon or owning any Cac=rsr = Interest in the partnersnlp. Saik California, Inc. Suite 200 7220 A-ada qcinas Par1 chart_ wclm SEE ATTACHED LIS TING . - If anY Person idemod punuant to (1) or (a &ova is a nmgrofit organization or a trust. list the nanes ar= aadmser of any person swmg u ocficor or airector of the na-profit orgmuation or as trustee or cene:;:.~. of tne trust. Disclosure Statement (NOT. ARacn aaditional pages as nocntuy.) Sea Bluff Associates, a California Qeneral partnership FRMOW13 8/90 I ATTACHMENT TO DISCL dtE STATMENT +L UO, m., a California mill L. KWpatrick, Sole Generdl limited prtm=tu 'P Pm OF B-L 130, LZD. 1533 SOUTH HILL ST.. SUITE 0 OCEANSIOE CA 92054 AnORNEY AT LAW September 1, 1993 722-4470 Planning Department city of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive SEP 0 ," m3 Carlsbad, CA 92009 CITY OF CARLSBAD 6 C:! 'e.%:*- I'.: ..,T. RE: MP 175(D)/GPA 91-05/LFHP 87-09(A)/LCPA '9~~d2"''''' Dear Sir: I represent Dale Schreiber, owner of land at 7290 Ponto Drive, Carlsbad, CA. I respectfully request that the Mitigated Negative Declaration for the above referenced project be required to address and mitigate the Drainage Proposal contained in LFMP 87-09. The need for a 7700 c.y desiltation basin as proposed in LFMP-9 does not need to be constructed as there already exists a natural drainage basin of sufficient size to accommodate the Ponto Basin Drainage Field. The LFMP for Zone 22 recommends using the natural drainage basin easterly of the RR Tracks and the hydrological study Is .on file at the City of Carlsbad. Dale Schreiber has had a drainage pipe alignment reviewed using the natural drainage basin at its terminus. The cost of the drainage system alternative is $873,230 as compared to a cost of $981,242 using the proposal for LFMP-09. Using the natural drainage basin east of the RR Tracks avoids the potential environmental impacts which will be caused by the construction of a 7700 c.y. desiltation basin westerly of the RR Tracks. The Army Corps of Engineers in their Final EIR for the Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Plan (BLEP) reviewed the area westerly of the RR Tracks at the northern area of the Lagoon. The adoption by the Corps and the City of Carlsbad of the BLEP identify this Northvest Area for three different uses : 1. LEAST TERN NESTING SITE; 2. PROTECTION OF COASTAL SALT HARSH, COASTAL SAGE BRUSH, and BRACKISH HARSH. 3. USE AS THE NORTHWEST STAGING SITE AND FUEL STORAGE AND A DREDGE LAUNCHING RAMP. (Copies of areas attached). Not addressed in the BLEP I8 the Issue of sedimentation from a new desiltation basin. Any nev desiltation issues were left to the local jurisdiction for reviev under local planning. The use of the existing natural drainage basin for all drainage eliminates the need to infringe upon the environment adjacent to the Batiqultoa Lagoon westerly of the RR Tracks and avoids the impacts upon mitigation projects already set forth and approved by the City of Carlsbad and the Army Corps of Engineers under the 404 permit for the BLEP. Respectfully Submitted, LOUIS TASCHNER .- I L I AmORNEY AT LAW 1533 SOUTH HILL ST. SUITE 0 September 13, 1993 OFFICE a6'91 722-0C-5 RES. 161 91 722.2336 OCEANSIDE. CA 92054 Carlsbad Planning Commission city of carlsbad Carlsbad, CA 92008 RE: Drainage northerly of Batiquitos Lagoon west of 1-5 Dear Commissioners0 The contemplated approval of the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan by MPl75(D)/GPA 91-05/LFHP 87-09/(A)/LCPA 31-02 does not consider the environmental impact of a proposed 7700 c.y desiltation basin westerly of the ATdSF Railroad, at Batiquitos Lagoon. Since 1985, my client, Dale Schreiber, and his upland neighbor, Gene Chappee, have had their lands flooded because 25 acres of drainage water was diverted to the west of the ATdSF during the construction of Poinsettia Avenue. The only solution to relieve the flooding is the construction of a master drainage system to Batiquitos Lagoon. Dale Schreiber, has been working diligently since I991 to have your staff evaluate an alternative to the proposal * contained in LFMP-09 of building a new desiltation basin westerly of the ATdSF Railroad at Batiquitos. The use of an existing desiltation basin easterly of ATdSF would have less impact on the environment and would be less costly to build. Use of the existing. basin would require an alignment requiring the major dralnage pipes to traverse a portion of the land easterly of the ATdSF upon which the Poinsettia Master Plan is proposing to place residential housing. A resolution of which desiltation basin to use is required at this time because of the impact on the pipe alignment and very significant environmental issues for a new desiltation basin westerly of ATbSF. The reason for this request is the real possibility that the new desiltation basin west of ATdSF will not be feasible. The north vestern basin of the Lagoon has been identified under a 404 permit from the Army Corps of Engineers as being used as a Least Tern nesting site, as containing coastal salt marsh, coastal sage scrub and brackish marsh, and for being used for a dredge launching ramp for future maintenance of the Lagoon. Another reason for this request is that the cost for the pipe alignment may be prohibitive in that the alignment using a desiltation basin vest of ATdSF will require: 1. relocation of a 16" high pressure gas liner 2. relocation of major telephone trunk lines that exist 3. an undercrossing of the AT&SF with 60ii and 72" pipes 4. extensive grading at the intersection of ?onto Drive 5. changing the configuration of land and the Ponto in the area: to divert the water to the west; and Carlsbad Boulevard to accommodate the large pipes: and Drive on-off ramps at Carlsbad Boulevard. Included hereafter is a pictorial representation and 1. Client and issue identification and alternative 2. Xdentification of drainage field and desiltation 3. History of drainage patterns: 4. Diversion of drainage in 1985 which causes flooding 5. LFMP-22 identification and drainage recommendation: 6. LFMP-09 identification and drainage recommendation; 7. Conflict issues in north western basin of Batiquitos 8. Cost of pipe and desiltation basin under LFMP-09 and 9. Identification of two pipe/basin alternatives and discussion of: desiltation basin alternative; basin location: and master drainage only solution because of Coastal Act: Lagoon as identified by Army Corps of Engineers EIR: Schreiber alternate proposal; and suggestion for mitigation. Please condition the Poinsettia Shores Master Plan to get approval for a desiltation basin prior to any permit for development. The alignment for the drainage pipes thereafter might also need to be subject to mitigation as they are affected by the location of the desiltation basin. LOUIS TASCHNER I represent Ponto Storage Inc. (land ownership outlined in orange) and Dale Schreiber (land ovnership outlined in .:ellow). Dale Schreiber is the president of Fonto Storage. ha Poinsettia Shores Master Plan ie. t,tP175(~)/G?A ?;-Cj/LFY? 87-09(A)/LCPA 91-02 should be required to address 5x2 Yitigate the Drainage Proposal contained in Local ~acilities Yanagement Plan 87-09 (LFYP 87-09). ~~~p-09 rtq~ires the c36struction of a new 7700 c.y. de'si~tation 'sasin (Ostlined in Orange) somewhere west of the a7-5~~ ?3il:oad Tracks (ATbSF) at Batiquitos Lagoon. The use of an existing desiltation basin (Outlined in Srsen! easterly of the ATbSF has been reviewed as a viable ~Lternative using a new drainage pipe alignment. (Delineated in Green).. An Engineering Firm retained by Dale Schreiber Stated: "The alternate alignment proposes the use of an existing basin located near the intersection of Windrose Circle and Navigator Circle. This site is a well defined ravine..The basin is suitable €or expansion to accommodate the additional discharge with a minimum impact to the lagoon vet lands. I' 1 h c The ?onto Drainage Field (outlined ir; ~r~~~~) r9,nsists f ip?roxirnately 250 acres. The Easterly ?ortion of the 5esiltatiDn basin(0utlined in Green). The remaining area , :--d ;. -- (Outlined in yellow) drains to t5e existing 2Lb'L- _. =.r ~onds ar drains to the ocean thrnc:qL1 CX~L~S across .-..,a - -,. - Storage Inc. and a pipe through the bLuff. I .\ na;zr 3esiAtation basin at Batiquitos La-;scn needs to te ?rG*;i<sd for the westerly portion of the drainage field 3s the Coastal Act precludes using the Ocean for dumping :il:er from major drainage pipes and a desiltinu basin is -* -?-'.:ired %hen using the Batiquitos Lagoon for t!ie terminus In arier to protect the ecosystem of the Lagoon. Ike adopted plan for Zone 9 and 22 of the I,ocal Facilities I.I3r.a;ement Plan (LFHP) of the City of Carlsbad contains a r3zornzendation that a desiltation basin be built next to Carlsbad 91vd at the edge of Batiquitos Lagoon. 3 conflict exists because the area westerly of ATdSF at t3.e Lasoon has been used to mitigate the environmental issues raised in the ETR for the Batiquitos Lagoon 5:kancznent Plan by the Army Corps of Engineers. 2 In 1972, when Ponto Storage was built, there was a ?.af-;rai drainage field west of ITSSF. Acljiki~n3tl drainage frsm acre33e of the southwest portion of t!.? I.3k.e sb.ores ~r3inage field on a reverse flor through a 21" pipe under 25.2 .q:ssF. (Drainage field outlined in YeLlow). This :~3:~3;2 ~isld ras served by a natural drainage swales which ~~rr1ni~a.te5 at 3 pipe that went through the bluff to the 3cear.. (Delineated in Orange). - -r3::+_r c3rk (Mobile Home ??ark) had teen 3dded bo the .. Drainaze from the land southerly of the souttlxest ,ortian of the 3Iobile Home Park ponded or drained southerly 5:op.g ?,he eastern side of the XT&SF. The Northerly portion of the Mobile Home Park and all 13r.j nqrtherly And easterly of this portion of the Mobile Ecme Park drained to the north. (Delineated in Green). The soutbeastern portion of the mobile home park 2nd the land southerly thereof drained into a 60" pice (Delineated in Green) where the pipe terminated into a natural drainage basin at Satiquitos Lagoon. 3 In 1985, construction of poinsettia .~VF! ~C~TSS the .-, >S? included 3 temporary drainaqe cL3r.. c11rs1.12~t t3 t!:e ::a?., the City of Carlsbad had constructet a IJii pipe along z?.? eastern edge of the AT6SF. The pire :lent un.?er ATSSF to :?.2 ;.est and terminated just east of the Schreiber land. -;is ?ise (Delineated in Orange) carried drainage from ~:s:.-ia~sl:. hi33 drained to the north. The adiitionaL 3crea;e -- -=,;ie5 3s overburdening of the drainage syales and there ~:<is's 3 3r3inage problem which causes floo.?in2 lurin3 ra1.n S'-,O,'rtS. . -- -. ~~~raxl~ately -- 25 acres, (Outlined in 'rellow) which ~ke construction of a storm drain system will alleviate :!-.e flooding problem. LFNP-22 sets fort? alter3atives. One alternative proposes draining the 25 acres with a11 Lands norc,?,erly of Poinsettia to the north into Encinas Creek. The riconcendeci alternative proposes draining the complete area sautherly to Batiquitas Lagoon. This recommended proposal is fcl loxed by LFYP-09. 4 ~~xP-22 is comprised of approximatel)' !!O acres of TLnieveloped land. (Outlined in Yeiiov). ~h.o drainage patterns rjere analyzed and the consultant ric=mmsn<ed that the majority of tho draina7'3 should he tg ?:-..a south and thereafter Se joined int3 t,?? !.F'!F-(?9 cirsinaqo ~3~_:trn. (Lines d"e1ineated in Crange). .A corrnent from LFMP-ZZ is as follows: .je',2i?ed hydrology analysis was performed for Zone 22. The 5izh;ights of the drainage analysis conclusions are 3s follows: 7P.e study utilized the Master Dcainaqn plan, modified sil;htiy, far the area as well as proposed pi?e alignments. ~3.2 sii3ht modification from the current :.laster pian includes taking the storm water runoff all the way to 3atiquitos Lagoon rather than through the bluff to the ocean. The outlet for this facility also requiros a desilting basin. The desilting basin, however, has ?lready been 5ssi;;ned and is adequate in size (7738 cubic yards) to han2le runoff from this area. The proposed drainage facilities alleviate the flooding 7roblems north of Ponto Drive, by collecting the existing runoff from both 24-inch concrete pipes draining Poinsettia and the Lake Shores Trailer Park.'' LFYP-09 is comprised of appr~ui~atpl~ qq 3zrcIc' cc "ere already exists drainaae ?~ZPS ~,i1~~~3~ the ~::tlrly ?ortion of LFHP-09, (Celineatod in Trpon), to the .ne ;ceStS-rlq major drainage ?ipe -43s recommended to tr~-:~rs~ from the Zone 22 drainage pipe to 3 nev.4 7700 c.y. d- -'~s:lta:i:. basin. (Lines an3 Basin outlined in nran~e). Ths drainage pro?osal was not evaluated by zn ~n-:iron~en~al review because LFMP-09 states: *'~c?roval of this LFM? does not co3stitute ?rictr ~r.viz=nnental review for projects within Zone 9. ALL future crojscts within Zone 9 shall undergo environmental review cer Title 19 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Any mitigatiDn ~,sasc:es ieternined during a project's environmental review ~:1;111 be complied with in their entirety unless findings of Dverridin; consideration are made by the City Council." 1~:.3e+~eloped land. (Outlined in YS~LOV). -- - ^... =-, - -..--.-nq desiltation basin. (Outlined in Green). -. 6 The area in which the desiltation basin as identified :?. LFYP-09 would be located was the subject of a review L'~r~';33t to the National Environmental policy Act because of 2 42; ?ergit from the Army Corps o€ Engineers €or the :his Ezhancgrnent Project identified the t,estprn Sasin 1. T3e srea is identified for a .?-acre California Least 2. The area is identified under the implementation of !iarsS,, Coastal Sage Scrub, and Brackish !.larsh which will be ;z~tected. 3. The area is identified for a dredge launching ramp 5s -;ell as the Northwest Staging Site and Fuel Storage area. --.; -,,-;~itos -- Lsrjoon Enhancement Froject. e_?., Sa:i;.litos Lagoon as being used for the folloving: :.try ~2sting site. L.' -.-.3 adopted mitigated alternative as including Coastal Salt 7 :::? c3st for the alternative pipelir.2 to the eastern :~sl:ta51~~. Sasln was determined to be 9873,230.00. :?.is cast vas compared to the LF>!?-09 alicJnmer?t for the 2:;s:ine (Outlined in Orange) and the LFY?-09 -~,~i.?nnont cost -:;3~ c3~8uted to be $981 , 242 .OO. ::at taxen into consideration for cost is the potential relocation of a 16" high pressure gas line, three crossings 1~;nder the XTbSF, relocation of main telephone trunk lines, slev3tion problems for piFeline at ?onto Dri5-e and Carlsbad Ea*ALzvard intersection, and potential mitigation problems at ::?e 5atisq.uitos Lagoon. 8 rse of the- existing 2esiltaticn basin 3ast OE AT~SF .-. .,::l require the least damage to the environment. The ci~eli~e .. c2.n also be built at this time with a minimum of ir,terfsreF.ce sith other improvements in tho 3rea. .AS a mitigation to the drainage plan, the ~oinsettia Shares ?!aster Plan should be required to do one of the fo~~~~ing based on which desiltation basin is used; A. L‘sing the Eastern Desiltaticn Basin: 1. Receive approval from all agencies for useof the 2. Provide easements for pipe alignment to the basin existin3 desiltation basin for the Qonto Drainage Field; across their land. 3. Using the Western Desiltation Basin: 1. Identify the location of the Desiltation Basin 2. Receive approval from all agencies for use and 3. Provide easements for pipe alignment to the basin and Frovide the land. constrgction of the new Desiltation Basin; acrcss their land if necessary. 4 I . -- September 29, 1993 Louis Taschner 1533 South Hill Street, Suite D Oceanside, CA 92054 RE: COMMENTS MADE TO THE POINSETI'tA SHORES MASER PIAN - MP 175(D) Dear Mr. Taschner: This letter is in response to your letters dated September 1 and 13, 1993 regarding the above referenced project. Cornmenrs The primary contentions in your letter address the inadequacy of the existing drainage facilities as outlined in the Local Facilities Management Plan (LFMP) for Zone 9 and the need to consider a drainage alternative for the master plan's east side. In addition, the concern is raised over a potential conflict between a desiltation basin allowed for the northwest comer of open space planning area "I" and a least rem nesting site associated with the implementation of the Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Plan. Response The design of the desiltation basin has review on a conceptual level by the City during the review of the Enhancement Plan. The design specifics regarding the implementation of the Enhancement Plan including the tern nesting site have accounted for the location and function of this desiltation basin. The City's response to the adequacy of the existing Zone 9 drainage facilities provisions and a response to your proposed alternate drainage plan is contained in the attached Engineering department memo dated September 27, 1993. Your letters and this corresponding response letter will be part of this project's staff report. The Planning Commission date is scheduled for October 20, 1993. 1 can be reached at 438-1161, ext. 4441, if you have any questions. Sincerely, ERIC MUNOZ Associate Planner ENM:km Taschncr.Ltr 2075 Las Palmas Drive - Carlsbad. California 92009-1576 (619) 438-1 161 @ September 29, 1993 Louis Taschner 1533 South Hill Street, Suite D Oceanside, CA 92054 Dear Mr. Taschner: This letter is in response to your letters dated September 1 and 13, 1993 regarding the above referenced project. Commentg The primary'contentions in your letter address the inadequacy of the existing drainage facilities as outlined in the Local Facilities Management Plan (LFMP) for Zone 9 and the need to consider a drainage alternative for the master plan's east side. In addition, the concern is raised over a potential conflict between a desiltation basin allowed for the northwest comer of open space planning area "I" and a least tem nesting site associated with the implementation of the Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Plan. Resbonse The design of the desiltation basin has review on a conceptual level by the City during the review of the Enhancement Plan. The design spedfics regarding the implementation of the Enhancement Plan including the tern nesting site have accounted for the location and function of this desiltation basin. The City3 response to the adequacy of the existing Zone 9 drainage facilities provisions and a response to your proposed alternate drainage plan is contained in the attached Engineaing department memo dated September 23,1993. Your letters and this corresponding response letter will be part of this project's staff report. The Planning Commission date is scheduled for October 20, 1993. I can be reached at 438-1161, ext. 4441, if YOU have any qUeStiOnS. Sincerely, ERIC MUNOZ Associate Planner 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad. California 92009-1 576 (61 9) 438-1 161 @ /-- .- .- SEPTEMBER 27,1993 TO: THE PUNNING DEPARm FROM: THE-ENGXNEERING DEPARTMENT VIA ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER 6oc MP 17sD, KAIZA POINSETIZA SHORES MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT REPORT ON ATTACHED COMMENTS FROM MR. LOUIS TASCHNER The developer of the Pohsettia Shons Master Plan is proposing construction of a storm drain line from the southwest comer of the bkcshorc Gardens Mobile Home Park across the AT&SF railroad tracks along the r;ulroad right+f-way, through the Phase II area of the Master Plan and discharging into the Batiquitos Lagoon just east of Carlsbad Boulevard. The developer is also proposing to construct a sedimentation/ de-pollutant basin prior to discharge into Batiquitos Lagoon. This proposal is consistent with the Zone 9 LFMP, City Standards, the Master Drainage Plan and the proposed new Master Drainage and Storm Water Management Plan. The proposed storm drain and basin design were thoroughly advanced during peg of the previous master plan project. As proposed, the sedimentation/ de-pollutant basin site is outside the proposed Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Project area, has no coastal sage or wetlands and the site appears to be devoid of vegetation except for ice plant. The drainage system as proposed will alleviate all current and future drainage problems associated with this drainage basin. Construction of this storm drain facility will be triggered by development of any portion of the Master Plan which contributes drainage to the basin. Mr. Taschner is proposing an alternate plan that would divert dramage to the east side of the AT&SF tracks through the easterly Master Plan area and into the existing sedimentation basin located just east of the Rosalcna development. It is his contention that the alternate is less expensive than the proposed dramage plan above and would have less environmental impacts. The staff position on this proposal is as follows: 1. There has been no detailed cost estimate done on either design to support the position that the alternate is less expensive than what the developer is proposing. In any case the developer is responsible for the facility costs; therefore this issue has no significance. 2. It appears the alternate design would require excessive excavation depths to install the pipe. Such depths would exceed City Standards, makc maintenance more difficult and expensive and increase the cost of installation. 3. me existing sedimentation basin on the east side of the ATdrSF tracks is not adequate the drainage diversion being proposed without extensive modifications. ~hese modifications would include the addition of a second cascading basin below and to the east of the &sting basin. A cascadhg basin design is not as efficient as one large basin or two separate basins and may not be able to function in an acceptable manner without a significant increasc in Size. Construction of the cascadhg basin will likely have greater environmental impacts over the westerly basin site being proposed. in size to handle the additional drainage and the basin Sits too high in elevation to accept . 4. At present the obligation to construct the new drainage system rests only on the north- west portion of the Master Plan site east of the AT&SF tracks. This is the only area that drains to the west and through the railroad tracks into the historical path through the Ponto Storage site. whar this portion is developed, as a condition on the tentative map, the mitigation will be required as called for in the Zone 9 LFMP. It would Seem unreasonable to require the whole east side development to bear the burden of an alternative drain, when most of the project site has no necd of the drain. 5. We believe the historical drainage pattun to be different from that as contended by Mr. Taschner. We believe the area that historically contributed drainage to the west Side of the tracks includes the areas north of Poinsettia Lane and that there has been no diversion of drainage. In any case, whetha or not there has been a diversion of drainage is not relevant to the matter of the Master Plan, or the design of the proposed drarnage system Therefore the Engineering Department sces no feason to oppose the developers proposal to conform with existing plans. State of California Business. fransportatlon and Housing Agency Memorandum 7. ,o. STATE CLEARINGHOUSE T. LOFTUS Date. September 9, 1993 File: 11-SO-5 P.M. 44.0146.2 From: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION District 11 Planning Subject: Review of Poinsettia Shores Master Plan MND-SCH 93081 049 We have reviewed the Mitigated Negative Declaration for the proposed Poinsettia Shores Master Plan in the City of Carlsbad and have the following comments: The noise studies and mitigations associated with the proposed development should meet federal requirements and should be based on 20 year traffic projections and the ultimate freeway configuration for 1-5 (as outlined in the July 1990 Route Concept Report). Future 1-5 projects will be based on federal requirements and additional noise mitigation should not be required for the proposed development when the freeway improvements are constructed. Caltrans supports the concept of "fair share contributions" from developers for mitigations within the 1-5 corridor. Our contact person for 1-5 is Roger Cariin, Project Development North Engineer, (619) 688-6963. t BILL DILLON, Chief Planning Studies Branch BD/MO:ce September 29, 1993 Roger Carlin CALTRANS 2829 Juan Street San Diego, CA 921 10 MSDl RE: COMMENTS MADE TO THE POlNSETTlA SHORES MASTER PLAN - MP 175(0) Dear Mr. Cartin: This letter is in response to your letter dated September 9, 1993 regarding the above referenced project. Comments Your letter suggests that any noise mitigation required for the master plan from 1-5 freeway noise should meet federal requirements and be based on 20 year traffic projections and the uttimate freeway configuration for 1-5. In addition, it is stated that CALTRANS supports "fair share contributions" from developers for mitigations within the 1-5 corridor. Resoonse Planning area "C" is the developable portion of the master plan that is adjacent to the 1-5 freeway and will require noise mitigation. In response to the CALTRANS comments made, the master plan text has been revised to require that the noise analysis necessary for planning area "(7 be coordinated with CALTRANS to ensure compliance with long term objectives for this SBCtiorl of the 1-5 corridor. The developer of planning area "C" will be responsible for the financing and completion of any required noise mitigation measures. Your letter and this corresponding response letter will be part of this project's staff report. The Planning Commission date b scheduled for October 20,1993. I can be reached at 438-1 161 extension 4441 if you have any questiorrs. Sincerely, Wkm ERIC MUNOZ Associate Planner 2075 La8 Palmas Drive Carl8bad. California 92009-1576 - (619) 438-1 161 BATIQUITOS LAGOON FOUNDATION 9/14/93 Michael Hoizmiiler, Planning Director City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92009 Subject : Comments on the proposed master plan revisions for BLEP Dear Mr. Holzmiller, Thank you for providing information to the Foundation Board regarding the subject project. Eric Munot presented an overview of the master plan amendment at our 9/13 meeting. We have also reviewed written information provided by Mr. Munoz, and have the following comments. 1. There should be a thorough comparison of the existing (BLEP) master plan and that which is proposed. The review should not be merely an acreage by land use type breakdown in chart form, but a tnte planning analysis of the differences - pros and cons of the proposed changes. 2. A more thorough review of the existing LCP provisions and how the proposed master plan meets them must be provided. The city approved the existing master plan, and used the document as implementing ordinances for the LCP. The existing master plan/LCP regulations are directly linked and must be reviewed in light of the proposed changes. f 3. It appears that all planning areas on the south side of the extension of Avenida Endnas are gated, with private streets. This is a substantial change in accessibility in and around the project compared to the existing master plan - this should be addressed both ftom a policy and site design standpoint. 4. Description of the overall project design is inadequate, and when combined with the provision of "Delayed Architectural Review'*, creates a completely unacceptable level of information about future development possibilities within the master plan. Creation of a master plan implies that short term and long term development scenarios for the property will be established through the document, thereby creating a clear and predictable "road map" for future development. The proposed master plan should be at least as thorough as the existing document This is not currently the case. The city has no obligation to approve a development plan substantially different and less detailed than the in-place document. 3 it is the desire of the city to delete the master plan and revert to "straight zoning", then that course of action should be pursued. P.O. Box 3103 Carlsbad. CA 92000 BATIQUITOS LAGOON FOUNDATION Creating a master plan without the accepted City of Carlsbad level of master plan content is inappropriate. 5. The change from an "educational facility" centered plan to a primarily residential one (with private streets and gates) warrants justification from an environmental standpoint (CEQA), policy standpoint (General Plan) and site design standpoint. This is not a "casual" amendment to an existing document -- It is significant at a variety of levels. There is also a fundamental question of plan purpose which goes undeclared. An educational faality, public or private, has characteristics which are much more open and accessible than standard residential developments - let alone gated communities fvith private streets. Some discussion and justification for a change from the existing master pian intent to the proposed configuration must be provided. It seems reasonable to envision a member of the public sitting under a tree reading a book in a campus atmosphere within the "idea" for the existing master plan. However, it is impossible to imagine that scene occurring in an environment of gated neighborhoods with private streets, save for a public strip of pavement (Avenida Encinas) and a narrow band of public trail. How does the planning department and City Council feel about this fundamental change in master plan intent? The property is large and dominant in relationship to the 1-5 corridor, Carlsbad State Beach, Carlsbad Blvd., and Batiquitos Lagoon. The existing master plan proposes a unique and relatively open development scheme for a unique and dominant piece of coastal property. Is the current request as good or better for the site and the community than the existing plan? 6. The planning areas west of the railroad R0.W. have virtually no master plan levei of land use goals or development standards. The types of general uses anticipated (commercial and visitor serving) warrant, at a minimum, development poliaes and goals at a conceptual level. Structural types, locations, ingresdegress, relationships to surrounding land uses and public access are broad standards which can be established now and should be suitable for application to a variety of future land use configurations. In particular, views from the lagoon, and Carlsbad Blvd. to the site should be considered and addressed in the master plan document, through tangible development standards. Again, how can a proposed master plan which contains less predictability than the existing document be considered preferable? t 7. The Board is very concefned about the location, design and construction of the lagoon access trail. We believe that provision must be made to ensure the trail is well designed and completely constructed prior to occupancy of any new development As you know, this was a point of continuing controversy in the first development phase. The Board is interested in working with the city to P.O. Box 3103 Culsbrd. CA 92OW BATIQUITOS LAGOON FOUNDATION ensure timely trail provision, and to avoid the arcumstances which led previous problems in this regard. We would be happy to meet with you and discuss our comments further at your convenience. Again, thank you for the opportunity to comment. SethSchulberg 6F. fl President I P.O. Box 3103 Culrbad, CA 92006 September 30, 1993 Seth Schulberg Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation P.O. Box 3103 Carlsbad CA, 92008 RE: COMMENTS MADE TO THE POINsEITtA SHORES MASTER PIAN - Mp 175@) Dear Mr. Schulberg: This letter is in response to your letter dated September 14, 1993 regarding the above referenced project. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. A more detailed comparison of the existing Batiquitos Lagoon Educational Park (BLEP) master plan and the proposed Poinsenia Shores master pian is desired including a pro/con analysis of the proposed land use changes. A more thorough review of the ~ting Local Coastal Program (LO) provisions is desired relative to compliance by the proposed master plan given the direct link that exists between the LCP and the master plan. The issue of gated planning areas and the privatization of the master plan property is raised from both a policy and site design standpoint a) Overall project design is inadequate and the provision for "Delayed Architectural Reviwf is unacceptable; insuffiaent information is given about future development possMities within the master plan; b) the master plan is not a clear and predictable "road map" for future development and is not as detailed and thorough as the existing BLEP master plan d0CUmUU; c) if the cit(/r desire is to delete the master plan and revert to "straight zoning", then that should be pursued; d) the master plan document lacks the standard City requirements for a master plan. The meria of the proposed land use changes are challenged on the basis of cmcmc privatization The existing BLEP pian incorporates more potential for public use of the site and land uses whereas the Poinsettia Shores project would create gated private planning areas. Is the proposed master plan axnendment betta for the 'community" compared to the BLEP plan? a) The planning areas west of the railroad right of way have no master phn level land use goals or development standards; b) structural types, ingresslcgnu and consideration of the Batiquitos Lagoon and Carkbad Boulevard are not reflected through tangible development standards. 2075 La8 Palma8 Drive - Carisbad, California 92009-1576 - (619) 438-1 161 @ scth schulbcrg - September 30, 1993 PaPe 2 7. Provisions must be made to ensure that trail segments are consmcted prior to the mbg of occupancy for new development, ResDonset The type of pfo/con analysis desired is not required by Section 21.38.060 (COntak of a master plan) or 21.38.120 (master plan amendments). The master plan text does revicw the former BLEP master plan and associated General Plan designations relative to the Poinsettia Shores project and proposed General Plan designations. A brief summary is provided iere: All non-residential BLEP uses on the east side (totalling approximately a million sy ;are feet) will be eliminated. Residential planning areas are proposed for the east side using the remaining 451 dwelling units allowed from BLEP plus a 25% density bonus in accordance with affordable housing provisions. The west side will retain the uavel service-commercial uses while the planning area north of Avenida Encinas will be designated a resave in accordance with Section 21.38.070. The forma BLEP grading concept and existing sewer infrasrr~cture will not be required by Poinsettia Shores. Lowering of the existing sewer infrasmcnm (associated with elevated finkhed grade of approved with the BLEP project) will be done in conjunction with a less intensive grading concept. The south facing lagoon blufftop on the projects east side had an increase in the blufftop setback from 45 feet (BLEP) to 100 (Poinsettia Shores). The anticipated traffic generation, measured by Average Daily Trips (ADT), at buildout of the master plan will be reduced from approximately 26,500 ADT to 12,300 ADT. Overall, the proposed project will have less impacts to public facilities than the BLEP project and will result in a reduced intensity of development on the master plan prow. The complete BLEP document is also available for review in the Planning Department for continued comparisons with the Poinsettia Shores project The master plan text includes a sdon on compliance with the West Batiquitos LCP. All existing provisions and guidelines of the LCP will remain in &ect but wiU reflect the Poinsettia Shores land uses. The master phn requires each phnning area to obtain a Coastal Development Permit pursuant to the West Batiquitos LCP prior to fins map recordatioa LCPA 91-02 is being processed concurrent with the master plan amendment. Gated co~unities are allowed in Carlsbad if all applicable standards can be satisfied. Privatization of the residentid planning areas in this master plan can be supported because adequate public lagoon bluff access is bcing provided, in addition to all required public improvemaus. h addition, gated entrances are allowed iu an option in the master plan Final approval of @red entrances will be incorporated into the planning area approval process. Full diuretionary review will take place at that time. Furthermore, as required of evuy planning area, a Coastal Development Permit pusuant to the West Batiquitos LCP must be obtained prior to lid map rtcordatioa The review and approval process at the phnning area level will assess the appropriateness of all propxed site designs. a) The aclaycd Architccnua Revid process was contained in a draft version of the master plan text made aMilable to the Foundation. Thir process allowed tentative map/phed development pumit approval with delayed architectural review and has bcur eliminated from the final master plah The master plan does not establish with required rpcdfic Pcnnit, and will undergo standard permit review and noadng processes indudkg architccnrrai review. Information regarding future development possi%ilities within the master plan is given within the Development Standards section of the master plan text. To the extent possible at the master plan level, this section outlines the following infonnation for each planning area in the master plan: architdth- EachplaMingma'sarcbitecnKewillbepro~concurnnt Seth SChuIberg - September 30,1993 area description, key map, allowed land use type, mount of dwelling unit, allowed, site acreage, special development standards, design aiterk, &w/approd processes, environmental mitigation requirements and special conditions spedfic to the planning area. In addition, the project's roadway and circulation alignment, land uses, open space, public facilities and affordable housing compliance are covered in the master plan text. b) The BLEP master plan was a more specific vision of the area's development where specific amounts of non-residential and institutional square footages were involved and allowed. The proposed master plan amendment implements City Council action (MP 17S(C), 1989) regarding the subject prom by 'spreading" the remaining allowed BLEP density over the master plan's east side. Given the change in property ownership of the master plan area, the proposed amendment is the first step to development of the site. The next step will be specific phnning area development proposals. The master plan attempts to guide the preparation, review and approval of these development proposals through the Development Standards section as discussed above in 4a. The Ciws desire is to maintain compliance with Section 21.38, Planned Community (PC) Zone of the Munidpal Code given the property's PC zoning designation The PC zone rquires a master plan for large parcels in the city (100 acres minimum) and spetifically outlines the required objectives and contents of a master plah The proposed project complies with the PC zone. Major roadway improvements (the alignment of Avenida Endnas-a Circulation Element roadway in the Ciws General Plan), the establishment of residential planning areas on the east side, guiding the development of the propcrty on the west side and establishing an open space program are involved with the proposed master plan amend men^ Zoning designations may be used to dictate a planning area's land use or development standards, however, the master plan ensures development and the consmction of required public improvements in compliance with the PC zone. The udsting PC zoning prevents "straight zoning'. A zone change is not proposed by the applicant nor required by the City. d) The master plan contains the items rquired of a master plan as outlined in Section 21.38.060 of the Municipal Code. 5. The new master plan property ownen, Kaiza Poinsettia, determined the allowed uses of the BLEP to be economically unfeasible and chose instead to develop the property consistent with MP 175(C) which outlined the development of the master plan if an educational use was to be eliminated from the prom. The gated planning areas and privatization of the site can be supported because all required standards will be satisfied and public access blufftop areas will be provided as well as linkage with the Citywide Trails System throughout the master plan area. Granted a BLEP type of land use concept would be more 'quasi-public" than the proposed project, however, the private prom rights being pursued by the applicant are within the requirements and limitations of City ordinances and policies. A cornunity benefit will be realized by the fulfillment of obligations requbd of the applicant in -change for development approvals that are not being mlhd now by the vacant site. These indude the construction of major roadway imp-, contributions as required for public facilities by the Zone 9 LFMP, increases to open space areas/buffas and a master plan that will allow less development intensity (in the form of reduced non- residcntia square footage and approximately half the tnffic generation) than the BLEP master plan. Another community bendit will be realized by the consuuction of the lagoon perimeter trail that was required of the prcvio\u developer but never constructed in conjunction with the existing Rosalina single family subdivision This mil has received final design approval from the City and is ready to begin construction pending final Coastal Commission approval. ThC Coastal Commission had approved the trail plan but is now re- hearing the item since the approval was appealed by some of the existing Rosaliha residents. This effort is being carried out by the Poinsettia Shores applicant in coordination with the City and this nquired/City approved aail will form a link in the City‘s aail system. 6. a) The intent of the master plan is to retain the Uavel SeMCe commercial user allowed for the west side. At this time, the applicant wishes to proceed with residenu development on the sire. Since residential development can not be allowed on the west side at this time, the cunently allowed uses are retained. Some development standards are included in the master plan, however, specific proposals will be reviewed at the planning area levd The unplanned reseme area of the west side (area “m constitutes approximately 11% of the master plan area. ’This is within the allowance of Section 21.38.070 which permits up to 40% of a master plan’s area to be resented for future planning efforts. Several discretionay permits will be required for this planning area including a major master plan amendment. b) The master plan establishes access points for the west side planning areas (and all planning areas), setback areas from Batiquitos Lagoon (which may be increased upon review of a specific development plan) and a minimum 40 foot structural setback from Carkbad Boulevard. At the master plan level, structural types are limited to those that would conform to the development standards of Commercial Tourist (0 zone. 7. When a is required, the trail plan is required by the master plan to be incorporated into the planning area’s overall design including landscape and grading plans. The master plan also specifies that new development adjacent to a required trail segment will be granted occupancy only after final completion of the subject txad Another provision of the master plan is that no grading, modification or alteration of the lagoon bluffrop or slopes will be allowed. These master plan provisions will be established and implemented by the Poinsettia Shores. Your letter and this corresponding response letter will be part of this project‘s staff report. The Planning Commission date is scheduled for October 20, 1993. I can be reached at 438-1161 extension 4441 if you have any questions. Sincerely, ERIC MUNOZ Associate Planner m:km M 2076 Sheridan Road Leucadia, CA 92024 September 15, 1993 Planning Department City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 RECEIVED SEP 1 7 ?993 RE: Kaisa/Poinsettia Shores Master Plan CITY OF CARLSBAD PlANW1NQ DEW. Attention: Eric Munoz Dear Mr. Munoz: Thank you very much for your presentation about the above project to the Batiquitoa Lagoon Foundation on Monday, September 13, 1993. There are a few quastions that I would like to ask, and I would like this letter and your answors to be part of the record. Thank you very much. 1) What other properties and/or building projects aro expected to drain (now and in the future) into Batiquitos Lagoon through the Kaisa property? 2) At the worst cas0 sconario, what will be the volume of rater run-off, and what si20 of pipes, channols, siltation basins, etc., will be noodod to hand10 that run-off? 3) What is tho oxpoctod sodimontation? It is our undor8tanding that if/rhon Carlsbad builds out as planned, all run-off wost of 1-5 and south of tho Encina sowage plant will bo diroctod to Batiquitos Lagoon through tho Kaioa property, and will roquiro hug. (doinch) piping and tronching facilitios. Sodimontation would bo massivo, requiring dredging of the middlo basin ovory throo yoars to rotain capacity. We have groat concorn about this drainago plan. Vo boliovo tho natural vrluos of tho Batiquitos systoa will bo adversoly impacted by tho constant disruption of tho natural Batiquitos system. We would hopo th8t tho City and tho Rosource Agoncios would cooperato in assossing this problom and in working out a loss disruptive and mor. biologically sound solution. 4) How ma property? total 500. the bl uf 4s. ,ny total dwelling units remain to be built on the From what you said, I figure the allowed number to Thio would include the five lots still remaining on 5) Where will the public access trail along the bluff be located? 6) At the meeting, you stated that the exioting sewer line along the railroad track would be lowered. How much lower will it be? 7) What are the park requirements according to the Carlsbad Growth Management Plan for this development, and how will those requirements be satisfied? Thank you for your attention to these questions and comments. Dolores Welty copies to resource agencios and interested parties i? 9. September 30, 1993 Dolores Welry 2076 Sheridan Road Leucadia, CA 92024 RE: COMMENTS MADE To THE POINSE?TIA SHORES MASlER PIAN - MP 1750) Dear Mrs. Welry: This letter is in response to your letter dated September 15, 1993 regarding the above referenced project. Comments 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. What other properties and/or development projects (present and future) drain into the Batiquitos Lagoon through the subject master plan property? Given a worst case/peak episode scenario, what will be the expected volume of water run- off, pipe sizes required, etc.? The natural Batiquitos Lagoon drainage system will be adversely impacted by the direction of run-off from the southwest quadrant of the Ciry at buildout through the Poinsettia Shores site into the lagoon. A less disruptive drainage solution should be considered. How many total units remain to be built on the master plan property? Where is the location of the blufftop public access mil? What will be the exrent of the moMcations/lowering of the existing sewer infrastructure on the master plan's east side? What are this project's park requirements as outlined by the City's Growth Management Program? Is there a map showing the blufftop buffer/setback areas within the master plan? ResDonses 1. The Master Drainage Plan, both the existing and the forthcoming one, identilies properties north of Poinsettia Lane that have historically drained through the master plan site and will continue to drain that way into Batiquitos Lagoon. This project is consistent with the Master Drainage Plan. 2075 Las Palmas Drive I. Carlsbad, California 92009-1576 - (619) 438-1 161 @ Dolores Welty September 30, 1993 Pane 2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. These quantities and values were looked at to a degree of feasibility when the Zone 9 LFMP was created. -This master plan amendment is consistent with the Zone 9 LFMP. These are detailed design issues to be reviewed at the tentative map/planning area development stage with complete design completed by the final map stage. A siltationlsedimentation basin was designed to an advanced stage with the previous master plan project. The overall sedimentation plan of the previous project and this proposed project are both consistent with the Zone 9 LFMP, Master Jrainage Plan, the forthcoming Master Drainage Plan and Storm Water Management Plan and all applicable City standards. It is me that 80 inch diameter pipes may be included in the final design. The installation of 80 inch or even larger diameter pipes are not seen as a problem by either the applicant or the City Engineer and engineering staff. Not all drainage originating south of Encinas Creek will flow through the master plan site. These areas have been fully addressed in the above referenced drainage plans. The Ciry is also concerned about the natural integrity of all lagoons located within the City. As a result, the City's Master Drainage Plan has been in the process of being refined and finalized with mandated review and approval by applicable resource agencies. The three-year dredge schedule for the west and central basins of Baaquitos Lagoon is based on marine source sedimentation rates, not terresmal rates. The desiltation structures will be designed to contain coarse terresmal sediments. The fine terresmal sediments will be naturally flushed from the lagoon in its planned restored and enhanced state. The existing subdivision on the site (Rosalina) consists of 70 single family units and 5 vacant single family lots. The units remaining to be built on the site consist of 451 dwelling units (as allowed from the BLEP plan) plus a 25% density bonus in compliance with existing affordable housing provisions. This would yield an additional 113 units. Therefore, the maximum possible number of units left to be developed on the site would be 569 units (451 + 113 + 5 vacant lots). The location of the blufftop access trail is shown on the master plan's Master Trails Exhibit, attached for your reference. The eltisting sewer infrastructure associated with the former BLEP project will be lowered to a new grade that will be essentially similar to che existing grade. Given the new alignment of Avenida Encinas and a grading concept re^^ intensive than the BLEP plan, the elevated existing sewer infrastructure will not be needed. In addition, the master plan specifies that no grading, modification or alteration of the lagoon bluff or slope areas will be allowed. The master plan has previously conm%uted $1 million in park land acquisition funding under BLEP. This funding in combination with Public Facilities Fees (PFF) satisfies the Zone 9 LFMP parks requirement. Poinsettia Park (formerly known as Aka Mira Park) is being planned by the City to senre the southwest quadrant's park needs consistent with the Cirfs Growth Management Program. The park's site and financing are secured and the City is currently obtaining necessary park development pennits. Dolores Welty September 30, 1993 Pane 3 8. The lagoon blufftop buffer/setback areas are shown on the master plan's Open Space Plan, attached for your reference. Your letter and this corresponding response letter will be part of this project's staff repon. The Planning Commission date is scheduled for October 20, 1993. I can be reached at 438-1161, extension 4441 if you have any questions. Sincerely, LA& ERIC MUNOZ Associate Planner ENM:km h4 MEMO September 15, 1993 LAN D USE: CO4ST-1 L PLAN N IN G L4NDSCAPE ARCHITECTC'RE ec4 *:<ln COM PL'TE R-AI U ED SYSTEMS POLK)' .AND PROCESSING To: John Blair, Carlsbad Unified School District From: Dennis Cunningham, Planning Systems Re: Poinsettia Shores Master Plan Comments ' -_ 4- Blcknraund The Poinsettia Shores Master Plan was previously known as the Batiquitos Lagoon Educational Park (BLEP) Master Plan Area. BLEP was originally approved by City Council in 1985. There have been two minor amendments to the BLEP Master Plan since 1985. Currently, the new property owner (Kaiza Poinsettia Corp.) does not believe a private school concept to be viable and b requesting a Master Plan Amendment. Furthermore, the applicant is proposing an change in land use which requires a Local Facilities Management Plan Amendment (LFMP-A to Zone 9) a General Plan Amendment and a Local Coastal Program Amendment. .. . .. Currcnt The Master Plan Amendment does not increase the overall dwelling unit count from the original Master Plan. However, there is potential for affordable housing and density bonus which would allow an additional 100 dwelling units and the applicant is requesting both. Because this is only a Master Plan Amendment, the document refers back to the adopted Zone 9 LFMP for public faality adquacy and financing. Since the LFMP adoption in the summer of 1989, there have been changes in the School Districts location plan, student yield, and facility adequacy. A revision to the school facility section in the adopted Zone 9 document b recommended. City staff indicated that because of the land use change from RMH to Rh4 and a circulation change that the traffic ADTs would be different, therefore, additional information would be needed. I believe this should be the same premise for school facilities. The General Plan has changed showing the new School location plan and new schools have been built serving Zone 9. In addition, the wording b outdated in* the zone plan; "The Carfsbod Unified School District hos indicated its ability to prooide capacity to the ultimate buildout of Zone 9 through the use of re-locatabZes and trailers on current sites". The real concern with the application package submittal is that the Master Plan Amendment defaults to the adopted LFMP Zone 9 Public Facilities and the school section b no longer applicable. Since there b an LFMP Amendment application being processed, I believe it would be appropriate to address the school facility section at this point in the process. I c Eric Munoz, C: ty Of Carlsbad-Planning Department 1 21 I I PALOMAR AlRPORT ROAD SUITE 100 CARLSBAD. CA 92009 (619) 931-0780 FAX (619) 93 1-5744 September 30, 1993 DRAFT Dennis Cunningham Planning Systems 2111 Palomar Airport Road suite 100 Carlsbad, CA 92009 RE: COMMENTS MADE TO THE POINSETTIA SHORES MASTER PLAN - MP 175(D) Dear Mr. Cunningham: This letter is in response to your letter dated September 15, 1993 regarding the above referenced project. Comment The issue of the adequacy of the wording and provisions of the existing Zone 9 Local Facilities Management Plan (LFMP) with regards to school facilties was raised. ResDonse Recognizing the re-evaluation of school facilities on a Citywide basis, the City notified in writing to the School District and the master plan applicant that a mutually supported solution was needed. As a result, an agreement has been 'reached whereby ..... Your letter and this corresponding response letter will be part of this project's staff report. The Planning Commission date is scheduled for October 20, 1993. I can be reached at 438-1161 extension 4441 if you have any questions. Sincerely, ERIC MUNOZ Associate Planner I3 W A PPROX . GROSS AC. 1-1 previously L)etlic-atcd OS. 34.0 AC. (includes areas I,K,L) 1.8 AC. 7.2 AC. ’ ‘1 Public Open Space hTq private open Spdc: Public or Private Open Space (includes Kec. Area, M) 0.7 AC. APPROX. TOTAL ACRES 46.0 AC. .............. .................... .................... ........ 1 ,e ............... A. With respect to westside 40’ setbacks and 45’ bluff top setbacks Lhe rollowing apply: May include a portion of City Trail. Public or private space to be dcltrmined u on approval of 1. 2. specific dcvt P oprnent proposal. OPEN SPACE PLAN September 16, 1993 Mr. Eric Munoz City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Pahas Drive Carlsbad, California 92009 Dear Mr. Munoz: Mitigated Negative Declaration SCH 93081049, San Diego County for the Poinsettia Shore Master Plan A Department of Fish and Game (Department) biologist familiar with the area has reviewed the referenced Mitigated Negative Declaration. The project consists of 451 residential units on 88 acres, 38 acres of open space and 7 acres of unplanned area. The Department recommends that a 100 foot setback from the edge of the bluff be established to provide a buffer area whicn could be used for trails as well as wildlife. The document notes that domestic animals will be introduced through the normal course of events associated with construction of residences. The Department feels that because of this introduction, the proper location for a trail system is along the bluff, rather than along the edge of the Batiquitos Lagoon (Lagoon). The Lagoon is proposed for enhancement by the Port of Los Angeles as part of mitigation for loss of habitat in San Pedro. As part of this mitigation, several Federal and State listed California least tern nesting areas are to be created. By placing a trail along the edge of the Lagoon near these proposed areas, the possibility for human disturbance, and domestic animals invading and causing harm to tne least tern. This creates a "may affect" situation that would require consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) to determine what they may require for avoidance of this impact. The Lagoon also supporis Belding's savannah sparrow, a state-listed endangered species, and snowy plover, recently listed as federally threatened. requiring consultation with the Department and the Service, the Department recommends that adequate buffer areas be established around the Lagoon (100 foot minimum distance from the edge of any wetland habitat). As this project proceeds, means of excluding or controlling domestic animals so they do not impact any of these species should be included in planning efforts. To avoid any impacts, thereby Mr. Eric Muno2 September 16, 1993 Page TWO Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this project. questions r*garding this letter should be addressed to Mr. ~lrn Dillingham, Wildlife Biologist, at our San Diego office, phone: (613) 525-4215. cc: Mr. Tim Dillingham Wildlife Biologist San Diego, California Mr. Terry Foreman Fishery Biologist Ramona, California Ms. Terri Dickerson Environmental Specialist I11 Laguna Hills, California Mr. Jim Dice Plant Ecologist San Diego, California Ms. Nancy Gilbert U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Carlsbad, California U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angcles, California Office of Planning and Research State Clearinghouse Sacramento, California Region 5 1/' California Coastal Commission Long Beach, California September 30, 1993 - Fred Worthley Department of Fish and Game 330 Golden Shore, Suite SO Long Beach, 90802 RE: COMMENTS MADE To “E POINSFITU SHORES MASTER PLAN - Mp 175@) Dear Mr. Worrhley: This letter is in response to your letter dated September 16, 1993 regarding the above referenced project. Comments 1. A 100 foot setback is recommended by the Department from the edge of the bluff. This area should also be the location of the public access & as opposed to the edge of the lagoon itself. 2. The Department also notes the probable inuoduction of domestic animals concurrent with residenaal occupancy within the master plan. 3. The various aspects of the Batiquiros Lagoon Enhancement Plan are noted and it is emphasized that this project should not conflict with the implementation of the Enhancement Plan. 1. A 100 foot setback will be provided from the lagoon blufftop edge for buffuing and visual purposes on the master pian’s east side. This area will at0 accommodate a public access mil. The west side of the master plan carries forward a 45 foot blufftop setback which may be inaCased during the review and approval of that individual planning area (area “H”). In response to the coxnments made by the Deparanent, the master plan has been revised to require the r& and input of Fish and Game relative to this blufftop setback during the review process for area 74.. 2075 LaS Palmas Drive Carlsbad, California 92009-1578 0 (619) 438-1 161 @ Fred Worthley September 30, 1993 Pane 2 2. Domestic animals will be separated from the lagoon slopes and habitat by the 100 foot buffer on the east side. Residential uses are not proposed for the west side eliminating the domestic animal issue on that side at this time. In addition, private fencing associated with blufftop top units will further hinder domestic animal access to the lagoon on the east side. 3. One of the master plan's stated goals is to be consistent With, and allom the full implementadon of, the Baaquitos Lagoon Enhancement Plan In addition, open space planning area's within the master plan ("I", "IC and "L? specifically contain this provision. Your letter and this corresponding response lerter will be part of this projects staff report. The Planning Commission date is scheduled for October 20, 1993. 1 can be reached at 438-1161 extension 4441 if you have any questions. Sincerely, ERIC MUNOZ Associate Planner ENM:lrm LTR6