HomeMy WebLinkAboutLCPA 93-03; ENCINAS CREEK - MORGAN; Local Coastal Program Amendment (LCPA)- L CrryOPChRLsBAD LAND USE REv[Ew APPUCATlON FOR PAGE 1 OF 2 i TR Lot G RHO Agua Hedionda Map No. 823 1 3) BRIEF LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 1) APPLICATIONS APPLIED FOR: (CHECK BOXES) I O a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Master Plan Speclfic Plan Precise Development Plan Tentative Tract Map Planned Development Permit (FOR DEPT USE ONLY) Non-Residential Planned Development Condominium Permit Special Use Permit ' ' Redevelopment Permit . Tentative Parcel Map / a General Plan Amendmenr Local Coastal Plan Amendment 0 Site Development Plan Zone Change 0 Hillside Developm / ~ist any other appiicg$onr not specificed -OR DEPT USE o.qn 43+3 ?343 ----.-I ! I 1 5) LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE 8) MSnNG ZONING [SI 6) OaSnNG GENERAL PLAN Fl 7) PROWSED GENERAL PIAN IC] DESICNATlON DESIGNATION 9) PROPOSED ZOSING ;sgs sm 112.2 1 12) PROPOSED NUMBER OF LOTS FI 13) TYPE OF SUBDMSION 11) PROPOSED NUMBER OF RESIDENTIAL UNrrS (RESIDENTMI, COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL) 14) NUMBER OF EXISTING FDEN7lAL UNITS 101 16) PROPOSED COMMERClU SQUARE FOOTAGE \ PROPOSED INDU5lRM. .. ._ FICE./SQUARE FOOTAGE CITY OF CARLSBAD I P4GE 2 3F 2 LAND USE RRrlEW APPLICATION FORM I .. .I I, li) PERCENTAGE OF PROPOSED PROJECT IN OPEN SPACE , 18) PROPOSED SEWER USAGE IN EQUIVALENT DWELLING UNITS 19) PROPOSED INCREASE IN AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC 20) PROJECT NAME: [ Encinas Creek - Morgan 21) BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: I Application package for a land use change I from Planned Industrial to Commercial. 22) IN THE PROCESS OF REVlEWlNG THIS APPLICATION IT MAY BE NECESSARY FOR MEMBERS OF CITY STAFF, PLNJNINC COMMISSIONERS. DESIGN REVIEW BOARD MEMBERS, OR CRY COUNCIL MEMBERS TU INSPEff AND . I/wE CONSENT TU ENTRY FOR THIS SIGNATURE t, Morgan Capital Funding 23) OWER Morgan/Palomar Industrial I VWIE (PRINT OR TYPE) :ene:RMorgan - President Morgan Cap- Fundin@ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ hWLING ADDRESS 800 West First Street CITY AND STATE ZIP TELEPHONE Los Angles, CA 90012 800-468-6329 24)APPUGWT Same NAME (PRINT OR TIP€) same ~ ~~ ~ MAJWNG ADDMSS same CITYANDSTATE ZIP TELEPHONE same TOTAL FEE REQUIRED ‘ I DATE FEE PAJD I MCEIPT NO. [ 3 ( ‘I I DISCLOSCRE STA4TEMENT I I I Please Pr'nr) The following information must be disclosed: 3.. 1. 2. 3. 4. Applicant List the names and addresses of all persons having a financial interest in the application, Forpan/ Palo- T 800 W. 1st St. Plaza Level ' Los Angeles, CA 90012 Owner List the names and addresses of all persons having any ownership interest in the property involved. Morgan/Palomar Industrial I 800 W. 1st St. Plaza Level Los Angeles, CA 90012 If any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above is a corporation or partnership, list the names and addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares in the corporation or owning any partnersnip interest in the partnership. PRn CRnital Pllnii v 800 W. 1st St. Plaza Level Los Angeles, CA 90012 If any person identMed pursuant to (1) or (2) above is a non-profrt organization or a trust, list the names and addresses of any person serving as officer or director of the non-profit organization or as trustee or beneficiary of the trust. FRM00013 8/90 2075 Las Palmas Drive 0 Carlsbad. California 92009-4859 (619) 438-1 161 Disclosure Statement i per)on ia definod u. 'Any individual. firm. copartnorship. joint vonturo. association. social club. fratornal organization. corporation. estate w4st receiver syndicat.. lhia and any othor county. city and councy. Cg municipality, district or othor polnical rubdivirion. or any othor ?rob0 ?r combination acting as 8 unt' 1 I !Over) Page 2 5. Have you had more than $250 worth of business transacted with any member of City staff, 3ca:z; Commissions, Committees and Council within the past twelve months? Yes - NoxxN If yes, please indicate person(s) (NOTE: Attach additional pages as necessary.) Signature of Owner/date U F$organ/Palomar Industrial I, Gene R. Morgan, President, Mor gan CaD p . General Partner Print or type name of owner ee Signature of apblica Morgan/Palomar Industrial I Gene R. Morgan, President, Morgan CaDital Funding. General Partner Print or type name of applicant I FRM00013 8/90 -- ENCINAS CREEK-MORGAN / PALOMAR INDUSTRIAL I LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM AMENDMENT APPLICATION The proposed amendment from planned industrial to commercial falls within an area of the Carlsbad LCP known as the Mello I1 area. This area was certified by the commission in 1985, however, the city has not yet completed various tasks to allow effectuation. Although there are some land use conflicts within the Carlsbad coastal zone between the General Plan and LCP, the subject site designations are non-conflicting. Both the Carlsbad General Plan and LCP show the same land use and implementation for the site. The LCP designates urban use for the site in the form of planned industrial. The request for a change to commercial and Open Space (no development is proposed at this time) continues the recognition of urban uses on site. Given urban uses on site, the substantive difference between existing and proposed activities is a question of site design. Chapter 3 policies can and should be addressed at the time of a specific development proposal on site. The proposed land use relates to surrounding land use designations by providing a more efficient use of the site. There are large master planned areas of planned industrial designations in other locations of the community. The subject site is not part of a comprehensively planned industrial area. The Carlsbad land use mix is relatively high in "planned industrial" acreage and low in commercial acreage. Existing commercial areas are located immediately west, represented by the Price Club, Nurseryland and gas stations. The site is located near the future intersection of Alga Road. and Palomar Airport Road, two major arterial roadways. The site is topographically separated from nearby future residential areas to the south, which will reduce incompatibility conflicts. Because of proximity and easy access proposed uses will provide a well located commercial center to support nearby urban areas and commuters. PI PLANNING SYSTEMS m SCALE: Approximate 1 “=No’ Norlh I I 0 NOTE: All locations are approximate. .I SOURCE: Carlsbad General Plan Land Use Map, ,4116.1991. Existing General Plan Local Coastal Program Encinas Crzk -Morgan Planned Industrial Professional lol and Related Non-Residen tial Reserve Open Space Residential Low Density (0-1.5 du/ac) Residential Low-Medium Density (0-4 du/ac) Residential Medium Density (4-8 du/ac) JTEM I PI PLANNING SYSTEMS SCALE: Approximate m 1"=500 North NOTE: All locations are ammximate. SOURCE: Carlsbad General Plan Land Use Map, Aun. 1991. Proposed General Plan Local Coastal Program Encinas Creek -Morgan on Residential Low Density Residential Low-Medium Density (0-4 du/ac) Residential Medium Density (4-8 du/ac) Commercial 10.36 ac (0-1.5 du/ac) Open Space 1.83 ac. F:s;-'esidential Professional and Related Ai I i 8 i P-M 8 I 8 i a P-M P-M I--------- ** ---. RDM-Q % ---.-- -. I P-M R-1 NOTE: All locations are approximate. rl SOURCE: City of Carlsbad Zoning Map, Oct. 1990. Encinas Creek - Morgan Application Site * One-Family Residential (1 du/lO,OOO sq. ft.) * 171 One-Family Residential * L-c Limited Control I,= I P-M Planned Industrial I o ]office I E-A 1 Exclusive Agriculture Planned Community Zone I 0s lopenspace Q - Qualified Development Overlav Zone PLANNINO Existing Zoning Local Coastal Program SYSTEMS for - rn SCALE: Appmximate rn 1"=500' Encinas Creek -Morgan _j North ITEM 1 8 i8 i 8 i PI 1 e 8 PLANNING SYSTEMS - North PI Proposed Zoning Local Coastal Program Encinas Creek -Morgan for f PI PI SOURCE: City of Carlsbad Zoning Map, Oct. 1990. 0 NOTE: All locations are approximate. Encinas Creek - Morgan Application Site Encinas Creek - Morgan Application Site 10.36 ac. Open Space 1.83 ac. Residential Density Multiple Zone * 177 Office IT] Exclusive Agriculture Planned Community Zone IF] One-Family Residential * lm Limited Control One-Family Residential (1 du/10,000 sq. ft.) * * Q - Qualified Development Overlay Zone MELLO I PLANNING SYSTEMS 1 Map Not To Scale North rxA MELLO I1 Local Coastal Program Map for City Of Carlsbad AGUA HEDIONDA EAST BATIQUITOS LAGOON/HUNT WEST BATIQUITOS LAGOON/SAMMIS REDEVELOPMENT AREA 0 PROJECT SITE AREA lTEM 2 Encinas Creek-Morgan Application Sit e Major Existing Roadways Major Proposed Roadways PLANNING SYSTEMS LCP-A Location Map Not To Scale for Encinas Creek -Morgan - m Notlh lTEM 2