HomeMy WebLinkAboutLCPA 94-02; Affordable Housing; Local Coastal Program Amendment (LCPA) (6)- -
SAN DIEGO, CA 92108-1725
(619) 521-8036
February 13, 1996
Gary Wayne
Ci ty of Carl sbad
2075 Las Palmas Drive
Carlsbad, CA 92009
Assistant Planning Director i ,",
Proposed Carlsbad LCP Amendment Package
Dear Mr. Wayne,
This office received several items representing the above-described request on January 24, 1996. Specifically, the amendment package included, in no specific order other than the manner in which I retrieved them from the box,
the fol lowing i tems:
- Green Valley Master Plan/LCPA #95-06;
- Vi 11 age Area Master P1 an and Design Manual /LCPA #95-10;
- Senior Citizen Housing/LCPA #94-02;
- Second Dwell i ng Uni ts/LCPA #94-02;
- Density Increase/LCPA #93-02;
- Affordable Housing Pol i ci es/LCPA #95-01;
- Laurel Tree ApartmentsiLCPA #95-02;
- Avi ara Planni ng Area #5/Western Paci fi c/LCPA #95-11;
- Aviara Planning Area #lZ'/D'Brezza/LCPA #95-13;
- Lutheran Homes/LCPA #95-07;
- Biological Habitat Preserves/LCPA #95-08; and
- Carlsbad Ranch/Legoland/LCPA #90-08(8).
As you are well aware, it is a sizeable amendment package that covers a broad
array of issues and planning areas. If you see anything missing that the City
believed was included or if I have incorrectly identified an item, please note
it and advise me immediately of the correction. At this point, I have
Gary Wayne
February 13, 1996 Page 2
distributed the various items to several planners here and they have completed
only a cursory review to determine whether or not the amendment items are
suitable for filing.
revi ewi ng the i ndi vi dual submi ttal s for the purpose of i denti fyi ng i ssues and determining how we can best review them and get them scheduled for Coastal
Given the scope of the City's amendment, we are still
Commission-action, Very shortly, I will need to discuss scheduling with as I am not presently certain that we can process all of the amendment
requests at the same meeting given other workload considerations and sta avai 1 abi 1 i ty here.
Pursuant to Section 13553 of the Commission's Code of Regulations, the Executive Director has reviewed the transmittal and determined it is not - proper order and legally adequate to comply with the requirements of Pub Resources Code Section 30510(b). Therefore, as of last Wednesday, February 7,
1996, the entire amendment package is not deemed to be filed. However, before you or other responsible staff members get too alarmed, we are more than
willing to work with you to rectify certain deficiencies while continuing to
process the various items or to re-package the submittal depending on the
ci ty' s needs or priori ti es.
While there are a number of technical deficiencies (ie. missing mailing lists,
notices, staff reports, etc.) that can easily be addressed, there are apparent
noticing problems on the Green Valley Master Plan. Laurel Tree Apartments and
Biolosical Habitat Preserves amendment requests. These noticing problems preclude the filing of the amendment package as presently submitted. Specifi-
cally, to evidence compliance with state regulations and substantiate that the
local government sent proper notice to all interested parties, Section 13515
of the California Code of Regulations specifies that LCP notices must be sent,
in part, to all the state and federal agencies listed in Appendix A, as
amended, in the LCP Manual. Based on a review of the mailing lists submitted
for the above three items, it does not now appear that such noticing was completed. A copy of the last update to Appendix A is enclosed for your review. If you believe that such noticing was completed or you have other
information to bring to our attention, we are certainly villing to discuss the
matter further. Relative to the other deficiencies, the individual planners
who will work on the items will separately contact the responsible city staff
member for those items.
Based on the cursory review to date, the submittal involves amendments to both
land use plan and implementation plan elements or, at least a land use plan
component, for the Green Valley Master Plan, if ultimately filed; the Village
Area Master Plan/Design Manual; the Density Increase amendment; the Laurel
Tree Apartments, if ultimately filed; the Aviara Planning Area #s 5 and 12
revisions; the Lutheran Homes amendment; the Affordable Housing Policies; and
the Carlsbad Ranch/Legoland amendment. As such, since there is a land use
plan amendment element in each of those items, they have been classified as
"major" amendments.
to review them and we would be agendizing them for review in April at the
earl i est.
As major amendments, the Coastal Commission has 90 days
in ic
Gary Wayne February 13, 1996
Page 3
For the Senior Citizen Housi ng ordi nance, Second Dwell i ng Uni ts ordinance and
the Biological Habitat Preserves ordinance, if ultimately filed, those items
appear to pertain only to implementation plan revisions; and, as such, they
must be acted on within 60 days of filing and we will be agendizing them for
the March hearings. If you disagree with my preliminary characterization of
these items, relafive to whether or not they involve land use plan and/or implementation components, please let me know as soon as possible.
However, as I mentioned earlier, the scope of the amendment package is broad and we will need to make some assignment and processing decisions in the next
week with your input and consultation. At first glance, my impression is that
we will need to separate out several of the amendment items and we will
prepare separate reports for each item. Although normally, we prepare only one report for each amendment package, the issues and dimensions of the city's submittal are so disparate that I believe it would be a disservice to all parties to try and process this request in that manner. However, in segmenting the items, it would also seem logical to process all the amendment items relating to housing concerns together, as well as possibly the two Aviara revisions together and the Lutheran Homes request with the Village Area items. Anyway, those are just some preliminary thoughts, we'll be in touch. ,Please don't hesitate to call me if you have any immediate concerns or questions.
Sincerely, n
De6orah N. Lee
Assistant District Director
DNL: dl (0866A) cc: Chuck Damm Christer Westman Debbi e Fountai n Chris DeCerbod Mike Grim Anne Hysong Terr i Woods
Don Neu
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