HomeMy WebLinkAboutLCPA 95-01; Affordable Housing II; Local Coastal Program Amendment (LCPA) (13)A REPORT TO THE PLANNING CO MMISSION P.C. AGENDA OF OCTOBER 4, 1995 Application complete date: Project Planner: Chris DeCerbo Project Engineer: SUBJECT: LCPA 95-01 - AFFORDABLE HOUSING I1 LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM AMENDMENT An amendment to all six segments of the City’s Local Coastal Program (LCP) to: (1) add affordable housing policies dealing with Inclusionary Housing, Density Bonuses, Second Dwelling Units and Senior Housing to the City’s six Local Coastal Program segments, and (2) adopt previously approved companion affordable housing zone code amendments (i.e. Inclusionary Housing Ordinance (ZCA 91-06), Density Bonus Ordinance (ZCA 91-05) and Affordable Housing Site Development Plan Procedures (ZCA 92-02) as the implementing zoning for Carlsbad’s LCP. I. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 3773, recommending APPROVAL of LCPA 95-01, based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. 11. INTRODUCTION This project will add previously adopted General Plan affordable housing policies to the City’s six Local Coastal Program segments and adopt companion affordable housing zone code amendments as the implementing zoning for Carlsbad’s Local Coastal Program thereby creating consistency between the City’s General Plan, zoning ordinance and Local Coastal Program. 111. PROJECT DESCRIIYIlON AND BACKGROUND In October of 1991, the City of Carlsbad amended it’s Housing Element to add new policies and action programs to encourage and enable the development of affordable housing within the City. Since that time, the City has approved several amendments to it’s zoning ordinance to implement these new affordable housing policies and action programs. This Local Coastal Program Amendment will: (1) add the housing policies to the City’s six Local Coastal Program (LCP) segments (i.e. Mello I, Mello 11, Agua Hedionda, East Batiquitos Lagoon/Hunt Properties, West Batiquitos Lagoon/Sammis Properties, and Village Redevelopment Area); and (2) adopt three lh LCPA 95-01 - AFFORD& A3 HOUSING I1 LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM AMENDMENT October 4,1995 PAGE 2 previously approved affordable housing zone code amendments, thereby ensuring that the City’s Zoning Ordinance, which functions as the implementing ordinance for the City’s LCP, is consistent with it’s LCP. The specific Housing Element policies/action programs and zone code amendments which were previously approved by the City and which are the topic of this Local Coastal Program Amendment (LCPA), include the following: A. B. C. D. E. GPA 90-08 HOUSING ELEMENT POLICIES 3.6.a. 3.6.b. and 3.2 - INCLUSIONARY HOUSING - A minimum of 15% of all units approved in any residential master plan, specific plan or qualified subdivision shall be set aside and made affordable to lower income households. In those developments which are required to include 10 or more units affordable to lower income households, at least 10% of the lower income units should have 3 or more bedrooms. An in-lieu fee may meet the requirement to construct low income housing for residential developments of less than 7 units. GPA 90-08 HOUSING ELEMENT POLICY 3.7.a and PROGRAM 3.7.a - DENSITY BONUS - The City shall offer the private sector economic incentives to encourage and enable the development of affordable housing. Accordingly, the City shall develop an ordinance that implements Government Code Sections 65915 and 65915.5 (State Density Bonus Law). GPA 90-08 HOUSING ELEMENT PROGRAM 3.7.b - SECOND DWELLING UNITS - The City will examine its existing Second Dwelling Unit ordinance to explore means of better encouraging and facilitating the development of affordable second dwelling units. GPA 90-08 HOUSING ELEMENT POLICY and PROGRAM 3.4.a - SENIOR HOUSING - Amend the City’s Senior Citizen Housing regulations to conform to State Density Bonus Law and establish standards for location, parking, safety, recreational facilities, medical care and other aspects of senior housing. ZCA 91-06 INCLUSIONARY HOUSING ORDINANCE - Adopted on May 21, 1993, this ordinance established requirements for the reservation and affordability of housing units for lower-income households in residential developments. The ordinance established the following mandates: a. Not less than 15% of all residential units within any residential project (of 7 or more dwelling units) shall be set aside for occupancy by, and be affordable to, lower-income households; and b. For those developments which are required to provide 10 or more units affordable to lower-income households, at least ten percent of the lower-income units shall have 3 or more bedrooms; and LCPA 95-01 - AFFORDA-LE HOUSING II LOCAL COMTAL PROGRAM AMENDMENT October 4,1995 PAGE 3 c. All Inclusionary units shall be deed restricted to remain affordable to the designated income group for the useful life of the project or housing unit. F. ZCA 91-05 - DENSITY BONUS ORDINANCE - Adopted on May 21,1993, this ordinance implements State Density Bonus Law (State Government Code Sections 65915 and 65915.5). The ordinance enables the City to grant a minimum 25% residential density bonus and an additional economic incentive (i.e. (a) the modification of site development standards; (b) approval of mixed use zoning; (c) an additional density bonus above the minimum 25%; or (d) other regulatory concessions which result in identifiable cost reductions), in return for a developer reserving a certain percentage of the dwelling units of a project as affordable (either 10% for very low income households, 20% for low-income households or 50% for senior households). G. ZCA 92-02 - AFFORDABLE HOUSING SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN PROCEDURES - Adopted on July 21, 1992, this zone code amendment: 1) requires all affordable housing projects to be processed through a Site Development Plan application; and 2) amends the development standards provisions to enable the City to allow modified (less restrictive) development standards for affordable housing projects. This LCPA is a follow-up legislative action to the previously approved Housing Element amendment and zone code amendments, which is necessary to ensure consistency between the City's amended General Plan (Housing Element), Zoning Ordinance and it's LCP. Upon approval of this LCPA, it will be submitted to the California Coastal Commission for approval. A six week public comment period was provided for this proposed LCPA, beginning on June 8, 1995 and ending on July 21, 1995. A notice was published in the Carlsbad Sun and the Blade Citizen. A copy of the notice was also mailed to the interested parties list maintained by the City. No comments were received. Iv. ANALYSIS Any proposal to develop affordable housing within the Coastal Zone, pursuant to the amended affordable housing policies, zone code regulations and procedures, shall be required to be consistent with all applicable LCP development standards, polices and provisions. Therefore, no effects on other LCP sections are anticipated. This proposed LCPA, which will add new affordable housing policies to the City's six LCP segments as well as new zoning requirements, regulations and procedures for developing affordable housing within the City, is not anticipated to result in significant impacts to coastal resources. As discussed above, any affordable housing proposed within the Coastal Zone, pursuant to these new policies and amended affordable housing code regulations and LCPA 95-01 - AFFORDLLE HOUSING I1 LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM AMENDMENT October 4,1995 PAGE 4 procedures, shall be required to be consistent with all applicable LCP development standards, policies and provisions, including those dealing with the protection of coastal resources. w. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Negative Declarations for the Housing Element General Plan Amendment and the three affordable housing Zone Code Amendments, which are the topic of this LCPA, were approved as follows: GPA 90-08 - General Plan Amendment (Housing Element) - October 22, 1991 ZCA 91-06 - Inclusionary Housing Ordinance - June 25, 1992; ZCA 91-05 - Density Bonus Ordinance - June 25, 1992; and ZCA 92-02 - Affordable Housing Site Development Plan Procedures - April 30,1992. This project (LCPA 95-01) is a follow-up legislative action to the Housing Element General Plan Amendment and three Zone Code Amendments, which will result in consistency between the City’s General Plan, Zoning Ordinance and it’s LCP. Since LCPA 95-01 will not revise the environmental findings of the previously approved Negative Declarations, the Planning Director has determined that this project will not have a significant effect on the environment and, therefore has issued a Notice of Prior Compliance on August 23, 1995. A’ITACHMENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. Planning Commission Resolution No. 3773 Carlsbad’s Local Coastal Program Segments Boundary Map Public Notice of Prior Environmental Compliance, dated August 23, 1995 Environmental Impact Assessment Part 11, dated August 15, 1995 --_ CARLSBAD LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM (LCP) SEGMENTS BOUNDARY MAP AFFORDABLE HOUSING I1 LCPA 95-01