HomeMy WebLinkAboutLCPA 95-09; Ocean Bluff; Local Coastal Program Amendment (LCPA) (6)STATE OF CALIFORNIA-THE RESOURCES AGENCY PElE WILSON, Go-r
SAN DIEGO, CA 921081725
(619) 521-8036
CARLSBAD LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM - MELLO I1 SEGMENT (For Public Hearing and Possible Final Action at the Coastal Commission Hearing of June 12-14, 1996)
The subject amendment request revises the certified Mello I1 LCP segment. request includes two parts (A and B) affecting three property holdings. Part
A comprises the Ocean Bluff amendment which involves rezoning a 31.2 acre property located at the northwest corner of future Poinsettia Lane/Black Rail Court from Exclusive Agriculture (E-A) to One-Family Residential (R-1). In Part B, the City is also requesting to amend the LCP Implementation Plan by
rezoning the McReynolds property (aka "Mar Vista") from Planned Community (PC)
to the One-family Residential Zone with the Qualified Development Overlay
(R-1-7500-Q) and rezoning the MSP California L.L.C. property (aka "Emerald
Ridge") from the Residential Density Multiple Zone with a Qualified Development
Overlay (RDM-Q) to One-fami ly Residential Zone with a Qualified Development
Overlay (R-1-7500-Q).
Airport Road, north of Poinsettia Community Park and along the future extension
of Hidden Val ley Road.
These two properties are situated south of Palomar
For the Mar Vista and Emerald Ridge rezonings, those actions would be
consistent with the certified land use plan and staff is therefore
recommending approval of those rezonings as submitted. However, the proposed
Ocean Bluff rezoning would potentially allow development of the site at a density which would exceed the certified land use plan designation and staff is recommending it first be rejected, then approved with a suggested
modification to reinforce the land use plan density limits. The aDProDriate
resolutions and motions mav be found on Paqes 4 and 5. The suqcrested modification may be found on Page 6. The findinqs for certification of the
groDosed Mar Vista and Emerald Ridcre rezonings, as submitted, begin on Paae
6. Findinqs for the denial of the Ocean Bluff rezoninq. as submitted. beain
on Pase 8 and findings for amroval of the rezonina. as modified. begin on !3aLL
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The City's certified LCP contains six geographic segments as follows: Agua Hedionda, Mello I, Mello 11, West Batiquitos Lagoon/Sammis Properties and East Batiquitos LagoonIHunt Properties. Pursuant to Sections 30170(f) and 30171 of the Public Resources Code, the Coastal Commission prepared and approved two portions of the LCP, the Mello I and I1 segments in 1980 and 1981, respectively. However, the City of Carlsbad found several provisions of the . Mello I and I1 segments unacceptable and declined to adopt the LCP
implementing ordinances for the LCP. In October 1985, the Commission approved major amendments, related to steep slope protection and agricultural preservation, to the Mello I and I1 segments, which resolved the major
differences between the City and the Coastal Commission. adopted the Mello I and I1 segments and began working toward certification of all segments of its local coastal program. Since the 1985 action, the Commission has approved several major amendments to the City of Carlsbad's LCP. The subject amendment request only affects the Mello I1 segment of the
The City then
Further information on the City of Carlsbad LCP amendment may be obtained at
the above address or by contacting the following Coastal Planners: Ponder - Ocean Bluff property/rezoning and Laurinda R. Owens - Mar Vista and Emerald Ridge properties/rezonings. Both planners may be reached by calling the Commission's office at (619) 521-8036.
The City of Carlsbad Local Coastal Program (LCP) consists of six geographic
1,100 acres; the Carlsbad Mello I LCP segment with 2,000 acres; the Carlsbad
Mello I1 LCP segment which includes approximately 5,300 acres; the West
Batiquitos Lagoon/Sammis Properties LCP segment with 200 acres; the East
Batiqui tos Lagoon/Hunt Properties LCP segment with 1,000 acres and the Vi 11 age
Area Redevelopment segment with approximately 100 acres.
the Agua Hedionda Lagoon LCP segment comprised of approximately
Pursuant to Public Resources Code Sections 30170(f) and 30171, the Coastal
Commission was required to prepare and approve an LCP for identified portions
of the City.
to as the Mello I and Mello I1 segments. The Mello I and Mello I1 LCP
segments were approved by the Coastal Commission in September 1980 and June
1981, respectively.
the City and approved by the Coastal Commission on July 1, 1982.
This resulted in the two Carisbad LCP segments commonly referred
The Agua Hedionda segment Land Use Plan was prepared by
The Mello I, Mello I1 and Agua Hedionda segments of the Carlsbad LCP cover the
majority of the City's coastal zone. They are also the segments of the LCP
Carlsbaa LCPA No. 2-96A/B Page 3 ..
which involve the greatest number of coastal resource issues and have been th'e subject of the most controversy over the past years. involved in the review of the land use plans of these segments were preservation of agricultural lands, protection of steep-sloping hillsides and wet1 and habitats and the provision of adequate vi si tor-serving faci 1 i ti es. Preservation of the scenic resources of the area was another issue raised in
the review of these land use plans. As mentioned, the City had found the policies of the certified Mello I and I1 segments regarding preservation of agriculture and steep-sloping hillsides to be unacceptable.
therefore did not apply these provisions in the review of local projects.
Among those issues
The City
In the summer of 1985, the City submitted two amendment requests to the
Commission and, in October of 1985, the Commission certified amendments 1-85 and 2-85 to the Mello I and Mello I1 segments, respectively. These (major) amendments to the LCP involved changes to the agricultural preservation, steep slope protection and housing policies of the Mello I and I1 segments of LCP. and I1 LCP segments. After certification of these amendments, the City adopted the Me1
The West Batiqui tos Lagoon/Sammi s Properties segment and the East Batiquitos/Hunt Properties segment were certified in 1985. These LCP amendments paved the way for two large projects comprising the majority each segment: the Batiqui tos Lagoon Educational Park-Sammis project wi the West Batiquitos segment and the Pacific Rim Master Plan (now known as the
Aviara Master Plan) within the East Batiquitos Segment.
of hi n
The plan area of the Village Area Redevelopment segment was formerly part of
the Mello I1 segment of the LCP. In August of 1984, the Commission approved
the segmentation of this 100-acre area from the remainder of the Mello I1 LCP
segment and, at the same time, approved the submitted land use plan for the
area. In March of 1988, the Commission approved the Implementation Program
for the Village Area Redevelopment segment of the LCP.
post-certi fi cation maps occurred in December and the City assumed permi t authority for this LCP segment on December 14, 1988.
In addition to the review process for the six LCP segments mentioned, the City has also submitted at various times, packages of land use plan amendments to
the certified LUP segments, including these segments, in an effort to resolve
exi s ti ng i nconsi stenci es between the City' s General P1 an, Zoni ng Maps and the
Local Coastal Program. After a1 1 such inconsi stenci es are resolved, the City
plans to submit, for the Commission's review, the various ordinances and
post-certification maps for implementation of the LCP. At that time, or
perhaps earlier, the City should also prepare and submit a single LCP document
that incorporates all of the LCP segments as certified by the Commission and
any subsequent LCP amendments. After review and approval of these documents
by the Commission, the City would gain "effective certification".
A review of the
The standard of review for implementation plans is Section 30513 of the Coastal Act. Pursuant to Section 30513 of the Coastal Act, the Commission may
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onl'y reject zoning ordinances or other implementing actions, as well as their amendments, on the grounds that they do not conform with, or are inadequate to carry out, the provisions of the certified land use plan. shall take action by a majority vote of the Commissioners present. The Commission
The City has held both Planning Commission and City Counci 1 meetings with
regard to the subject amendment request.
duly noticed to the public. di stri buted to a1 1 known interested parties.
Each of these local hearings were Notice of the subject amendment has been
Following a public hearing, staff recommends the Commission adopt the
following resolution and findings.
resolution and a staff recommendation are provided just prior to the
The appropriate motion to introduce the
A. RESOLUTION I (Resolution to approve certification of the City of Carlsbad LCP Implementation Plan Amendment #2-968 -
Mar Vista/Emerald Ridge rezones, as submitted)
I move that the Commission reject the City of Carlsbad's LCP
Plan Amendment #2-968, as submitted.
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends a r?n vote and the adoption of the following
and findings. An affirmative vote by a majority of the Comm
present is needed to pass the motion.
Resolution I
The Commission hereby approves certification of the amendmen
Imp1 ementation
resolution s s i oners
to the City
of Carlsbad's Local Coastal Program on the grounds that the amendment
conforms with, and is adequate to carry out, the provisions of the
certified land use plan. mitigation measures available which would substantially lessen any significant adverse impacts which the approval would have on the
envi ronmen t .
There are no feasible alternatives or feasible
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6. PESOLU TION I1 (Resolution to deny certification of the City of Carlsbad LCP Implementation Plan Amendment #2-96A - Ocean Bluff, as submitted)
I move that the Commission reject the City of Carlsbad's LCP Implementation Plan Amendment #2-96A, as submitted.
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends a YES vote and the adoption of the following resolution and findings.
present is needed to pass the motion. An affirmative vote by a majority of the Commissioners
Resolution I1
The Commission hereby denies certification of the amendment to the City of
Carlsbad's Local Coastal Program on the grounds that the amendment is
inadequate to carry out the provisions of the certified land use plan.
There are feasible a1 ternatives or feasible mi tigation measures avai lable
which would substantially lessen any signif cant adverse impacts which the
approval would have on the environment.
C. RESOLUTION I11 (Resolution to approve cert Carl sbad LCP Imp1 ementation Ocean Bluff, if modified)
I move that the Commission approve the C
Implementation Plan Amendment #2-96A, as
fication of the City of Plan Amendment #2-96A -
ty of Car
modi f i ed . sbad's LCP
Staff Recommendat i on
Staff recommends a YES vote and the adoption of the following resolution
and findings.
present is needed to pass the motion.
An affirmative vote by a majority of the Commissioners
Resolution I11
The Commission hereby approves certification of the amendment to the City
of Carlsbad's Local Coastal Program on the grounds that the amendment, as
modified, conforms with, and is adequate to carry out, the provisions of
the certified land use plan.
feasible mi tigation measures available which would substantially lessen
any significant adverse impacts which the approval would have on the
There are no feasible alternatives or
Carlsb&, LCPA No. 2-96A/B Page 6
Carl s bad LCP Amendment #2-96A/Ocean Bluff Rezoninq
the Qualified Development Overlay Zone shall be applied to the Ocean Bluff
property. The Q designator applied to the site shall indicate that the property will be developed with no more than 4 dwelling units per acre.
The City of Carlsbad LCP Zoning Map shall be revised to indicate that
The City of Carlsbad LCP Implementation Program (IP) principally takes the
form of the City's Zoning Code.
in the form of an ordinance, Ordinance NS-350 of the City's Municipal Code, which would change the zoning of the Mar Vista property from Planned Community (PC) to One-family Residential with a Qualified Development Overlay
(R-1-7500-Q) and change the zoning on the Emerald Ridge property from
Residential Density Multiple with a Qualified Development Overlay (RDM-Q) to
the One-family Residential zone with a Qualified Development Overlay
(R-1-7500-Q) .
The proposed IP amendment has been submitted
No other changes to the implementation program are proposed.
The two properties are located south of Palomar Airport Road. Ridge site is bisected by the northern extension of Hidden Valley Road from
Camino de las Ondas to the south to Palomar Airport Road to the north, which is presently under construction.
current LCP. The Mar Vista site lies west of this roadway. For the Emerald
Ridge rezoning, the area to the west of Hidden Valley Road is known as Emerald
Ridge West and the area to the east as Emerald Ridge East.
residential subdivisions are proposed on the two properties (Mar Vista, Emerald Ridge West and Emerald Ridge East). The Mar Vista and Emerald Ridge West sites are presently being used for agriculture (bean crops) while the Emerald Ridge East site has been cultivated
and disced in the past.
The Emerald
This roadway has been designated in the
Three future
The sites are currently vacant.
The two properties contain gently sloping terrain and have large flat
developable areas along with steep slopes and finger canyons along portions of
the sites. While the properties, for the most part, consist of disturbed
habitat, there are areas of native coastal sage scrub habitat on the steep
slope areas of the properties as well as isolated patches of coastal sage
scrub in finger canyons ranging from low to high quality.
a) PurPose a nd Intent of the Ordinance. The purpose and intent of the
zoning amendment is to allow a change from PC (Planned Community) and RDM-Q
(Residential Density Mu1 tiple with Qualified Development Overlay zone) to
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R-1-7500-Q (Residential One-family zone with Qualified Development Overlay
zone) on two parcel s (Mar Vi sta/34.3 acres and Emerald Ridgel45.7 acres, respectively) south of Palomar Airport Road on both the west and east sides of the extension of Hidden Valley Road.
NS-350 provides for the change of zoning of the identified parcels from PC and
RDM-Q to R-1-7500-Q. The R-l/One-Family Residential zone permits one-family
dwellings, accessory buildings and structures (i.e. garages, etc.),
greenhouses and agricultural crops. In limited cases, a two-family dwelling
may be permitted provided it is adjacent to specified zones as listed in the zoning ordinance. Also, home occupations, etc., are permitted in certain circumstances. development standards for setbacks, placement of building, minimum lot width
and minimum lot area (7,500 sq.ft.), etc. Additional development standards
for this zone include provisions for the type of garage required (i.e.
two-car) and that each residence have a permanent foundation. requirements pertain to the composition of exterior siding of residences, specifications regarding roof pitches and minimum width of residences.
b) Maior Provisions of the Ordinance. The major provisions of Ordinance
The R-1 zone sets a 35 foot height limit and establishes
c) Adeauacv o f Ordinance to ImDlement the Certified LUP. The standard of review for LCP imp1 ementati on submittal s or amendments i s their consi stency with and ability to carry out the provisions of the certified LUP. case of the subject LCP amendment, the City's Zoning Code serves as the Implementation Program for the Mello I1 segment of the LCP. Zoning Code, the R-l/One-family Residential zone permits one-family dwelling units with a minimum lot area of 7,500 sq.ft.
Overlay Zone provides additional regulations for development to ensure that
development i s compati bl e wi th surroundi ng development and that development i s
designed in a manner to protect visual resources, in this case, those views
from Palomar Airport Road to the south, which is a designated scenic roadway
in the City's General Plan. overlay zone include review of site development plans in terms of building
height, roof lines, colors of structures and building setbacks. This overlay
provides additional assurance the policies of the LCP will be applied and
In the
In the City's
The Qualified Development
Other design measures associated with this
Both the Mar Vista and Emerald Ridge properties have the Residential Medium
(RM) General Land Use Plan designation. The proposed rezones do not affect
the General Plan residential land uses on the properties and only involve
changing from one type of residential zoning (PC and RDM-Q) to another type of
residential zoning (R-1-7500-9) which affects the development standards that
will be applied to future development on the subject properties. According to
the City, the proposed rezones to R-1-7500-9 are more restrictive than the existing PC and RDM-Q zones in that more specific development criteria is
required for development within this zone classification (i .e., more restrictions on the types of permitted uses, detailed specifications on side yards, placement of buildings, lot widths, etc.).
In addition, the proposed rezones will be consistent with the Residential Medium (RM) land use designation and density established in the General Plan.
Th RM d ignation a1 low U
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to eight dwelling units per acre (8 dual with a growth contiol point of six dwelling units per net acre (6 dual. R-1-7500-0 zone would equate to a density of 5.8 dwelling units per acre (rounded up to 6 dwelling units per acre) which is fully consistent with the Land Use Plan designation, as noted above.
The proposed
Furthermore, through the review of future development on either parcel through a subsequent coastal development permit, issues associated with resource protection, etc., wi 11 be thoroughly assessed for cons? stency with the
certified Mello I1 LCP segment. It should also be noted that both City and Commission staffs have considered future site development plans for both properti es. Wi th such consideration, the proposed zoni ngldensi ty agai n appears appropriate in that future development of the properties at the proposed intensity of use and with application of the other zoning standards and certified LUP provi sions i s possible and reasonable. Therefore, since the proposed rezoning would implement the LUP designation cited above, the Commission finds that the subject amendment to the implementation plan is
consistent with and adequate to carry out the policies of the certified LUP.
The proposed amendment request proposes to amend the City's plan of its certified LCP by rezoning the 31.2 acre Ocean B
Exclusive Agriculture (E-A) to One-Fami ly Residential (R-1)
associated with a speci fi c proj.ect proposal currently under
Commission (CDP #6-96-57) to develop a 92 unit residential unit affordabl e housing project.
imp 1 emen tati on
uff property from
review by the roject and a 16
The amendment is
a) Purr>ose a nd Intent of the Ordinance. The purpose and intent of the R-1 zone (One-Family Residential Zone) is to allow for single family detached homes and associated structures; however, the zone a1 so a1 lows mu1 ti-fami ly affordable housing structures developed in accordance with the RD-M development standards to be located in the R-1 zone subject to site development plan approval.
agricultural uses.
The E-A zone is a holding zone which only allows
b) change of zoning of the identified parcel from E-A to R-1. The R-1 zone
allows single family detached homes and associated structures, sets a 35 foot
height limit, and establishes development standards for setbacks, placement of building, minimum lot area (7,500 sq.ft.1, etc. In limited cases, a two-family dwelling may be permitted provided it is adjacent to specified
zones as listed in the zoning ordinance. Also, home occupations, etc., are
permitted in certain circumstances. Additional development standards for this zone include provisions for the type of garage required (i.e. two-car) and
Maior Provisions of the Ordinance. The amendment provides for the
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Page 9
that each residence have a permanent foundation.
to the composi tion of exterior siding of residences, specifications regarding roof pitches and minimum width of residences.
Other requirements pertain
c) Meguacv o f Ordinance to Implement the Certified LUP. The standard of
In the
In the City's
review for LCP imp1 ementation submittal s or amendments i s thei r consi stency
with and ability to carry out the provisions of the certified LUP.
case of the subject LCP amendment, the City's Zoning Code serves as the Implementation Program for the Mello I1 segment of the LCP. Zoning Code, R-1 is a zoning designation that requires a minimum lot area of
7,500 sq.ft. per acre. The Ocean Bluff property has been designated with the
Residential Low Medium (RLM) land use designation which permits up to 4 du/ac
with a growth control point of 3.2 dwelling units per net acre. Although the
City found the proposed R-1 zone consistent with the RLM land use designation, the R-1 zoning could allow up to 5.8 du/ac based on the minimum lot size of 7,500 sq.ft. (43,560 sq.ft. divided by 7,500 sq.ft. = 5.8). Thus, the proposed R-1 zone could permit more dwelling units than the land use designation would allow which is inconsistent with the certified LUP. Increased residential density could result in adverse impacts areawide to
coastal resources by creating the need for more roads and infrastructure
through sensitive areas (i .e, dual criteria slopes, wetland and riparian
certified land use designation, the amendment must be denied.
Therefore, because the proposed zoning i s not consistent with the
The standard of review for implementation plans is Section 30513 of the
Coastal Act. Pursuant to Section 30513 of the Coastal Act, the Commission may
only reject zoning ordinances or other implementing actions, as well as their
amendments, on the grounds that they do not conform with, or are inadequate to carry out, the provisions of the certified land use plan. above, the proposed implementation plan amendment cannot be found consistent with the density provisions of the certified Mello I1 LCP. proposed R-1 zone, allowing up to a maximum of 5.8 du/ac, cannot be found
consistent with the Residential Low Medium (RLM) land use designation of the
certified LUP which allows no more than 4 du/ac.
As identified
Specifically, the
The Qual i fi ed Development Overlay Zone of the certi fi ed LCP provides additional regulations for development to ensure that development occurs with due regard to environmental factors. attractive and harmonious development, and promotes the general we1 fare by
preventing the establishment of uses or erection of structures which are not properly related to or which could adversely impact their sites, surroundings,
traffic circulation or environmental setting. Thus, this overlay provides
additional assurance the policies of the LCP will be applied and enforced.
The overlay a1 so promotes orderly,
The Commission finds that, based on the above findings, the Qualified
Development Overlay Zone must be applied to this property. suggested modification applies the Q designator to the site to ensure that the
The attached
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property will be developed with n more than 4 du/ac which is consistent with
the certified RLM land use designation. In that way, the Commission can find the proposed zone change is consistent with the certified LUP.
Furthermore, through the review of future development on the site through a
subsequent coastal development permit, issues associated with resource
protection, etc., wi 11 be thoroughly assessed for consistency with the certified Mello I1 LCP segment. In this case, the Ocean Bluff project has been required by the City to extend Poinsettia Lane, an off-site major arteri a1 and ci rcul ation el ement road, through a canyon that contai ns sensitive resources. Approximately 4 acres of dual criteria slopes would be . impacted by the proposed road alignment. impacts to sensi ti ve resources for circulation el ement roads, the LCP provides that the least environmentally-damaging alternative must be analyzed before
impacts can be accepted. Currently, this alternatives analysis is being
prepared. It will be used in determining the ultimate alignment of Poinsettia
Lane in association with the Ocean Bluff project. The companion permit to this local coastal program amendment will be reviewed at a future hearing.
While the Mello I1 LCP allows
It should also be noted that both City and Commission staffs have considered future site development plans for the site. With such consideration, the
modified zoning appears appropriate in that future development of the property
at the endorsed intensity of use and with application of the other zoning standards and certified LUP provisions is possible and reasonable. In summary, since the proposed rezoning, as modified, would implement the LUP designation cited above, the Commission finds that the subject amendment to the implementation plan is consistent with and adequate to carry out the
policies of the certified LUP.
Section 21080.5 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) exempts local government from the requirement of preparing an environmental impact report (EIR) in connection with its local coastal program. Instead, the CEQA responsi bi 1 i ti es are assigned to the Coastal Commission and the Commi ssion's LCP review and approval program has been found by the Resources Agency to be functional ly equivalent to the EIR process. Thus, under CEQA Section 21080.5,
the Commission is relieved of the responsibility to prepare an EIR for each
Nevertheless, the Commission is required in an LCP submittal or, as in this
case, an LCP amendment submittal, to find that the LCP, or LCP, as amended,
does conform with CEQA provisions. The LCP amendment to the Mello I1 segment of the City's LCP deals with a change to the zoning of three properties within the City's coastal zone. Inasmuch as the proposed Mar VistaIEmerald Ridge rezones will implement the Residential Medium LUP designation, the Commission
finds that approval of those rezones should accommodate an appropriate intensity of development consistent with the certified land use plan.
Ocean Bluff site, the proposed rezone could have resulted in an inappropriate
intensity of land use. However, as modified, the amendment provides
For the
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sufficient protection to coastal resources by limiting the permitted intensity
of development. Therefore, the Commission finds that approval of the Mello I1
zoning amendment, as modified, will not result in any significant adverse
environmental impacts.
In addition, individual projects to which the new LCP zone would apply will require a coastal development permit, as previously noted, which would require review for compliance with development standards which address, in part, steep slope encroachment, preservation of native habitat (coastal sage scrub, etc.), visual resource protection, conversion of agricultural land to urban uses and
parking and traffic circulation.
individual development projects would be assessed through the environmental
review process; and, an individual project's compliance with CEQA would be
assured. The Commission finds that approval. of the subject LCP amendment, as modified, would not result in significant environmental impacts under the
meaning of the Cal i fornia Envi ronmental Qual i ty Act and that the proposed
changes can be made.
Any specific impacts associated with
(1 095A)