HomeMy WebLinkAboutLCPA 96-03; Poinsettia Properties; Local Coastal Program Amendment (LCPA) (9)c - de City of CARLSBAD Planning Departmeut P.C. AGENDA OF: November 19,1997 A REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION Application complete date: May 22, 1997 Project Planner: Adrienne Landers Project Engineer: Ken Quon SUBJECT: EIR 46-01/GPA 95-06/LCPA 96-03/ZC 95-06/SP 210/LFMP 87-22(A) - POINSETTIA PROPERTIES SPECIFIC PLAN - Request for the certification of a Program Environmental Impact Report, and approval of Candidate Findings of Fact, Statement of Overriding Considerations, Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, General Plan Amendment, Local Coastal Program Amendment, Zone Change, Specific Plan and Local Facilities Management Plan Amendment. This project has been designed as a 92-acre Transit-Oriented Development which includes the following uses: tourist commercial; mixed-use (commercial-touristesidential); multiple family residential; and small-lot, single family residential. The project site is generally located west of Avenida Encinas, east of Carlsbad Boulevard, north of Lakeshore Gardens Mobilehome Park and the Ponto Road area, and south of the NCTD Poinsettia Transit Station and Lanikai Lane Mobilehome Park in Local Facilities Management Plan Zone 22. I. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 4157 RECOMMENDING CERTIFICATION of EIR 96-0 1, ADOPT Planning Commission Resolutions No. 4158, 4159, 4161, and 4162, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of GPA 95- 06, LCPA 96-03, ZC 95-06, SP 210, and LFMP 87-22(A), based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. 11. INTRODUCTION This staff report addresses a revised application for the Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan heard at the Planning Commission meeting of November 5, 1997. In response to citizen concerns, the applicants are proposing several changes to the specific plan. The revised plan includes the following revisions: 1) reduction of the overall number of residential units from 1009 to 923; 2) reduction of density in one planning area; 3) increase of density in another planning area; 4) modification of a product type from multi-family to single family dwellings in one planning area; and, 5) relocation of a commercial planning area. All issues have been resolved. 111. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND Recently, the applicant on the Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan proposed a number of changes to the specific plan in response to comments raised by community groups, the City Council, and EIR 96-01/GPA 95-06LCi A 96-03/ZC 95-06/SP 210LFMP 87-22t~) - POINSETTIA PROPERTIES SPECIFIC PLAN NOVEMBER 19,1997 the Coastal Commission. These changes reduce impacts and create a superior land use design that is more compatible with the surrounding neighborhoods. The revised project was presented at the Planning Commission meeting of November 5, 1997; however, because revisions had occurred so late in the review process, it was not possible to revise the specific plan and modify the staff report and accompanying resolutions. The November 5* meeting also included public testimony on the project. A revised specific plan and accompanying revised resolutions will be reviewed at the November 19’” meeting. The staff presentation on November 19’h will briefly review the highlights of the revised project followed by staff responses to the earlier public testimony. Project Revisions The applicants are proposing several revisions to the Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan which will result in a reduction in the potential number of dwelling units from 1009 to 923. Specific changes can be found on the attached redline-strikeout matrix, Table 1, and Tables 2 and 3, however, the changes are also discussed briefly below. 1. Reduced Density on Parcel B/Chang;e of Product TvDe The applicant is proposing to revert the proposed general plan designation on Parcel B from RH (15-23 ddac, growth control point of 19) to RMH (8-15 ddac, growth control point of 11.5) which would result in a reduction of units on this parcel from 356 to 215. The product type will then change from multi-family dwellings to single family dwellings with a subsequent reduction in building height (from a potential of 35’ to a maximum of 30’ or two stories). 2. Increased Density on Parcel A The reduction in density on Parcel B and the relocation of Planning Area 1 (see Item No. 3 below) will result in an increased density on Parcel A. The number of units on Parcel A would increase by 66 additional units within Planning Area 2. Residential general plan designations would remain the same; however, the applicants .would be permitted to build to the maximum density within the range rather than to the growth control point. This would allow an increased number of units to achieve one of the goals of Transit Oriented Developments-that of increased density near a transit station. Single family and two family dwellings (with a maximum building height of 30’ or two stories) are proposed in Planning Areas 2 and 4. 3. Relocated Commercial Site In response to Coastal Commission staff concerns, the applicants have relocated Planning Area 1 from the southeast corner of Parcel A to the southwest comer of Parcel C. During the project review process, Coastal staff indicated that they wanted to see a commercial “presence” along Carlsbad Boulevard. Although City staff supported the location of Planning Area 1 (commercial site) at the corner of Avenida Encinas and Poinsettia Lane, the project was conditioned to be redesigned should the Coastal Commission deny the proposal. Rather than take this risk, the applicant met with Coastal staff and agreed to modify the site design to include a commercial site EIR 96-0 l/GPA 95-06/LC* .i 96-03/ZC 95-06/SP 2 1 OLFMP 87-2%\,) - POINSETTIA PROPERTIES SPECIFIC PLAN NOVEMBER 19,1997 at the southern end of Parcel C, relocating the proposed intersection approximately 200-250’ to the north. City standards with regard to intersection spacing requirements are maintained. The proposed land uses remain the same. Although the applicants have expressed a desire to put a gas station at this location, staff indicated that the proposal could not be supported for the . following reasons: a. b. c. There are six existing or proposed gas stations within a two mile radius; There would be considerable traffic, light and noise impacts from a gas station located so closely to a residential neighborhood; A gas station would not be considered a visually aesthetic structure appropriate along a scenic corridor - Carlsbad Boulevard. Analysis Staff has reviewed the land use implications of the proposed revisions and has completed an Addendum to the Environmental Impact Report to evaluate the environmental impacts of the related changes. Land Use Imdications The revised project will be more compatible with nearby residential development than the previous project. Although principles of transit oriented development seek higher density near transit stations, the proposed reduction of 86 units will not severely weaken achievement of this goal in Carlsbad. The overall increase of 446 units (transfer permitted by City Council Policy 43) to the project area is still a significant step in achieving the goal of a live/work/ride development. In addition, the relocation of units to Parcel A further supports this concept by moving residents closer to the transit station and the mixed-use commercial site. The maximum building height of two stories on Parcel B and C will be more harmonious with the single story homes in the neighborhood. A lower building height will also reduce visual impacts for development to the east as well as for the traveling public on Carlsbad Boulevard. The relocation of the commercial site to Parcel C will ensure consistency with Coastal Commission policies to provide commercial services to tourists using the beach and traveling along Carlsbad Boulevard. The proposed site also provides the opportunity to serve as the first link for tourist-serving commercial development to the south. This land use decision is also consistent with City land use policies for the area while maintaining intersection spacing standards along Carlsbad Boulevard. On October 23, 1997, the proposed project was reviewed by the Housing Commission which unanimously approved the affordable housing components of the specific plan. These components remain the same, however, the affordable housing requirement has been reduced from 152 to 139 units to reflect the reduced project density (Tables 4 and 5). EIR 96-01/GPA 95-06/LC1 A 96-03/ZC 95-061SP 210LFMP 87-22(~) - POINSETTIA PROPERTIES SPECIFIC PLAN NOVEMBER 19,1997 PAGE 4 Due to the reduction in density, impacts to public services and facilities continue to be less than those created by existing land use designations and less than those created by the previous project (Tables 6 and 7). Environmental ImDacts Although implementation of the revised project reduces certain environmental impacts identified for the earlier project analyzed in the EIR, the conclusions of the EIR regarding overall impact and mitigation remain unchanged for the revised project. For traffic/circulation, air quality, noise visual aestheticdgrading, and public services and utilities, the revised project will have less impacts than the EIR project, while other impacts of the revised project are similar to the EIR project. Even though the revised project will create less traffic and air quality impacts at the project level, cumulative impacts remain significant and unavoidable. EIR project alternatives compare similarly to the revised project and long-term effects are comparable for the EIR project and revised project. A summarized comparison of environmental impacts for the EIR project and the revised project are provided in the Draft Addendum to Final EIR, Attachment 1 1. ATTACHMENTS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Revised Planning Commission Resolution No. 41 57 (EIR) Revised Planning Commission Resolution No. 4158 (GPA) Revised Planning Commission Resolution No. 41 59 (LCPA) Revised Planning Commission Resolution No. 41 6 1 (SP) Revised Planning Commission Resolution No. 41 62 (LFMP) Revised Staff Report Tables 1 - 7 Revised Background Data Sheet Revised Local Facilities Impact Assessment Form Revised Existing/Proposed General Plan Designation Revised ExistingProposed Zoning Designation Draft Addendum to Final EIR, dated November 13,1997 Revised Specific Plan, dated November 19,1997 Table 1 Development Type and Review Proras RM -- 4 - 8 ddac SFD TWD ' os Open Space 1 RMH - 8-15 ddac SFD TMPD POINSETTIA PROPERTIES SPECIFIC PLAN Nutc I tu numher uf uniu in a Planning Area may exceed the Growth Cuntrol Ywnt. provided. houever they are within he (iencral Plan dcnsit ran e (excc I Plannin Area 5 whrch may exceed Ihc densriy range) rhc tuul number o!dwefiiing unie within &e Poinxnii Properties Specific Plan may not exceed W 92J. LAND USE SUMMARY Acres Rerldentlal (Units) Nom-Resideatlal (Sq. Ft.) Poinsettia Properties ) Net Crowlh Polnsettl. Properties Specific Plan Gross (Net of erlstiag Management Specific Plan (I) slopes at Coati01 Point POhSCtth) -23.6 E+? 23.3 4-W 140 w iao (6.0 dulac) 1.4 1.4 0 Open Space rec area for PA 2 & 4 18.6 18.6 213 4% 178 ( I I .5 du/ac) Parcel A Parcel B Puce1 c ~ MF- affordable uniis PDlSDPr- I 5 I RH - 15-23 ddac 5.6 I 8 I RMH - 8-15 dulac Travel Recreation SDP CommcrciaVMixed UsJMF 1.H SFD PDlSDPmM Travel Recreation SDP MHSFD PDBDPnM 6.5 18.7 1.s us 160 - 6.5 (Assumes 50% of land as MF residential ) 18.7 3+ 1.1 I fM 16.0 (3) 61 (I9 dulac) (i9 /l.S dulac) O1 0 I XH 184 I50 (I I .5 ddacl Up to 8O.OOO s.f. retaiVcommncial building I Up to (113 coverage) 21.780 s.f. of building Sp8CC ~~ I Total Spcclflc Plan (lacludlog aRordable ooits) I (4) c;ees 921 I Up to t2WM 1Of,780 s.1. of I 91.9 I 91.6 I W919 I 1 1 1 I I 1 retalUrommercl~l service buildlag space (I) Units uc permitted IO bc lmsfemd to Pluming klc. 5 pmvided thu low uniu in thc spccilic plan docs not exceed W 923. (2) llnder Section 21 86 oso(g) of the DcnsiIy Bonus OrdinvKc and other provisions. lhcx uniu may be permined to exceed the General Plan density range (3) Up to 61 8pummnS. tandominiurns &or live worL uniu with residentid ure. (4) A imufnmm of 59 secondmy Units my be lermed In ?lnnnln# Arcu 2.4 7m1d 1. lXe run limibudon rhnll be daerdntdllrough the aflordahlc housing ogreemen1 which shall be ripcdprior lo npprovd oflheJ7ntJ7ndmap. All midentill unilr uc subject lo affordable housing rcquircments which uc calculated on che followins page based on I wquimcnt of 15% dordablc units (See conlinwlion of Exhibit 6 on following page) TABLE 2 DENSITY INCREASE SUMMARY PAS TOTAL UNITS NET CURRENT PROPOSED EXISTING PROPOSED EXISTING PROPOSED ACRES' GP GP GMCP GMCP MAX MAX GMCP TABLE 3 GENERAL PLAN LAND USE SUMMARY Net acres based on Specific Plan estimate: I I GMCPUNITS' I UNITS' 11.5MA I NA I 9 0 6.OMA 6.0 49 180 6.OMA NA 4 0 6.OMA 11.5 40 178 6.OMA 19.0 15 139 which are different from LFMP 22 estimates. 3 Assumes 50 percent mix between residential and nonresidential. Units were allocated under LFMP 22 for PAS 2-6 as one Parcel (Parcel A) at a maximum of 134 units. Units have been proportionately distributed to each PA for illustration purposes only. Proposed units exceed allowed units under growth management by 474 units (923 - 449 = 474). See discussion, below, Density Increase. Table 4 Affordable Housing Obligation The applicant is proposing to meet this requirement through the implementation of three affordable housing components as follows: Table 5 11 Planning I Method of Implementation I # of Units Area 5 6 2,4, 7 and 8 This site is designated apartments. units of which 9 must be rent-restricted affordable units. Up to 20% of the overall 139 affordable units may be provided as rent-restricted secondary units. The exact distribution of these units shall be determined prior to first final map for a maximum of 139 affordable 139 9 This mixed-use site may provide a maximum of 61 live-work TABLE 6 LFMP ZONE 22 SUMMARY TOTAL COMPLIANCE W/STANDARDS FACILITY IMPACTS 148 City Administration 3,209 sq. ft. Yes Library 1,712 sq. ft. Yes Waste Water Treatment 938 EDU Yes Parks 6.4ACRES Yes Drainage Batiquitos Lagoon & Canyon de Yes Las Encinas watersheds Circulation 12,779 ADT Yes Fire Station #4 Yes Open Space , 1.4 Acres Yes Schools CUSD; 462 students Yes Sewer Collection System 206,360 GPD Yes Water 252,690 GPD Yes TABLE 7 TRAFFIC GENERATION SUMMARY TOTAL ADT (Average Daily Trips) 2 1,600 12,779 ' A.M. PEAK HOUR 1,540 819 TOTAL ADT P.M. PEAK HOUR 1,690 1,222 TOTAL ADT DIFFERENCE 8,821 . -72 1 -468 -? ,- BACKGROUND DATA SHEET CASE NO: EIR 96-01/GPA 95-06LCPA 96-03/ZC 95-06BP 21 OLFMP 87-22(A) CASE NAME: APPLICANT: HSL/BP/Michan L.P. REQUEST AND LOCATION: Certification of Program EIR, apuroval of Specific Plan and related actions on Property located south of Lanikai Lane Mobilehome Park, west of Avenida Encinas, and east of Carlsbad Boulevard with 74.4 acres located north of Poinsettia Lane and 17.5 acres located south of Poinsettia Lan-e. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A Portion of Lots 2 and 3. the North 113 of Lot 4, Dortions of the East Half of Section 29 and a portion of the West Half of Section 28. Township 12 south, Range 4 west, San Bernardino Meridian. in the City of Carlsbad, Countv of San Diego. State of California APN: 2 14- 1 50- 17. 1 8, and 2 1 Acres: 9 1.9 Proposed No. of LotsAJnits: 923 Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan GENERAL, PLAN AND ZONING Land Use Designation: Density Allowed: 449 units Density Proposed: 923 units Existing Zone: RDM-Q, CT-Q/RDM-O Proposed Zone: RD-M. C-T. 0-S RM. RMH, TR/RH, RH. OS, TR Site North South East West Zoning See Above RMHP, PWO PC, RMHP C-2, RMHP, C-2-Q os - GP See Above RM/PI/O RM/RMwTR C/TR os Land Use Vacant except for the southeastern portion of Parcel A which is used for the storage of boxed palm trees Lanikai Lane Mobilehome Park and the NCTD rail station Single-family residencedmixed-uses and Lakeshore Gardens Mobilehome Park Commercial development, including motels, Kaiser Permanente offices, auto dealerships and Lakeshore Gardens Mobilehome Park Carlsbad Boulevard and the Carlsbad State Beach Campgrounds PUBLIC FACILITIES School District: Carlsbad Water District: Carlsbad Sewer District: Carlsbad Equivalent Dwelling Units (Sewer Capacity): Public Facilities Fee Agreement, dated: 938 EDU April 8, 1996 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 0 Negative Declaration, issued Certified Environmental Impact Report, dated 0 Other, CITY OF CARLSBAD GROWTH MANAGEMENT PROGRAM LOCAL FACILITIES IMPACTS ASSESSMENT FORM (To be Submitted with Development Application) PROJECT IDENTITY AND IMPACT ASSESSMENT: - Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan LOCAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ZONE: 22 GENERAL PLAN: RH, RMH. RM, TR/RH, RH. OS, TR DEVELOPER’S NAME: HSL/BP/Michan L.P. ADDRESS: 2892 Jefferson Street, Carlsbad CA 92008 FILE NAME AND NO: EIR 96-Ol/GPA 95-06LCPA 96-03/ZC 95-06/SP 210/LFMP 87-22(A) ZONING: RD-M. C-T, 0-S PHONE NO.: (760) 729-1677 ASSESSOR’S PARCEL NO.: 214-150-17.18,21 QUANTITY OF LAND USEDEVELOPMENT (AC., SQ. FT., DU): 91.9 acres A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. ~ ~~~ ~ City Administrative Facilities: Demand in Square Footage = 3.209 SQ. ft. Library: Demand in Square Footage = 1,712 sq. ft. Wastewater Treatment Capacity (Calculate with J. Sewer) 938 EDU Park: Demand in Acreage = 6.4 acres Drainage : Demand in CFS = Identify Drainage Basin = (Identify master plan facilities on site plan) Circulation: Demand in ADT = (Identify Trip Distribution on site plan) Fire: Open Space: Acreage Provided = Schools: (Demands to be determined by staff) Sewer: . Demands in EDU Served by Fire Station No. = Identify Sub Basin = (Identify trunk line(s) impacted on site plan) Water: Demand in GPD = da 12.779 4 1.4 462 938 EDU North Batiauitos Interceptor 252.690 The project is 474 units above the Growth Management Dwelling unit allowance. ATTACHMENT 9 PROPOSED GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATIONS RMH, - 8 . RESIDENTIAL- 151 MEDIUM DENSITY I OS I OPENSPACE TFWVEURECREATION COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL- MEDIUM-HIGH DENSITY RES1 DENTIAL- HIGH DENSITY 1 c -. EXISTING GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATIONS OFFICE 81 RELATED COMMERCIAL TRAVEURECREATION COMMERCIAL RES I DENTIAL- MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL- MEDIUM-HIGH DENSITY 2 - ATTACHMENT 10 PROPOSED ZONING DESIGNATIONS PARCEL A: C-T, RD- PARCEL B: RD-M RCELC: RD-M Fl OPENSPACE RES1 DENTIAL DENSITY- MULTIPLE ZONE COM M ERC IAL- TOURIST ZONE .M, OS 1 EXISTING ZONING DESIGNATIONS -M-Q QUALIFIED DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY ZONE RESIDENTIAL DENSITY- MULTIPLE ZONE COMMERCIAL- TOURIST ZONE 2