HomeMy WebLinkAboutLCPA 97-09; Kelly Ranch; Local Coastal Program Amendment (LCPA) (28)JUL-14-2000 FRI 08138 IDICOASTAL COMMISSION P102 TEL161962l 9672
Tue 8b
July 7,2000
To: Commissioners and Intmsted Persons
From: California Coastal Commission
SW Diego staff
Subject: Addendum to Tue ab, City of Carlsbad Agua Hcdionda and Me110 IT LCP
Amendment in-99D - Kelly Ranch, for the Comraission Meeting of July
Staff recommends the following changes be made to the above-referenced staff report
(language to be deleted is etffteketti turd language to be added is &lined or bold if previously Wed):
On Pagt 5, add the folIowitrg language which was inadvertently odttcd from the last
sentence at the end of the page:
Arcas that were prcviously designated for residential development are proposed for
rcsidcn-nt: however..pposed
recognition of the City of Carlsbad‘s dmft Habitat hhnapment Plan (”) which the
City and developed pursuant to the Natural Community Conservation manning Act (NCCP). In addition, the commercial use designation would be ellminatcd. , ..,,
bo& have ch angcd in
On Page 6, add the following and the numerical value which was omittad from the fourth
sentence in tho first full paragraph
Thc mount: of open spacc in the ptopoasd plan 1
-i6 acres compared to 75 acres of open space in the
currently approved master plan a *- cscrvc) jncludcs 49.67 acrcy (37.74 ac. cou scrub. 7.41 acrQs
sout- ow 4.52 ac, otbar) of -ve vegetah ‘on to remaiq
yndigturbcd. There is also 7.94 acres of cow sage sc-roposcd fer
nt reveize tation. and 239 acre s of southern
chaparral revegetation proDosedd
Add the following corrections and revisions to the identified Suggested Modifications:
Add the following to thc Agua Hcdionda LCP Land Use Plan aa an additional
Suggested Modification:
JUL-14-2000 FRI 08138 IDICOASTAL COMMISSION PI03 TEL1619621 9672
Ad&ndum Csrlsbad U!PA #2-99D Kelly Ranch
Wdscmi- t - Add new Saction 3.12 to mad:
be cmble wim
bbed own de ve-
plant s-pccicp that arc native or non - C valve and drom -q
interior afons V OW
to identi-nt a landsCW& Dlan that ~rovid&a for won of
ment femibb. Om- (n on-invosiyel vesretation shall be &ed wiu
Page 15, revise Suggested Modifioation #7 to read as follows:
7. Eater QmUy - Add Section 5.10 to red:
All now development, substantial rehabilitation, development or rclaced activity, shall
I>r: dtdgned and conducicd in compliance with all applicable local ordinances including
Chapter 15.12 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code Stormwatcr Managcmcnt and Discharge
Control Ordinance, the Standard Spocifications for Public Works Constructlon when
ptrfsrming public work, and applicable provisions of the NPDES Qeneral Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activity issued by the State Water
Resources Control Board (State Board Ordm No, 92-0S-DWQ), and any subsequent
amendments, and the San Dicgo NPDES Municipal Storm Water Permit issued to San
Diego County and Cities by tha California Regional Water Quality Control Board
(Regional Board Order No. 90-42) and any amendment, rcvisiou or fc-issuance thereof.
In addition the following shall apply:
i TEL I 619521 9672 P104
Addendum Ciulubad LxlPA #2-99D Kelly Ranch
a. rrurfaccs anwe to Jlow itv to percolation of rumQ ate -ac
vcv 0- storm an- at a slw rata
bodies; minimize tb~~~ water
b. Use DO~LIB materials for or near walkwavs and -av s wbcro fee
C, ta which will -e to reduce
&mrvious area 2 the use ol alternatlve e
& Bun0 ffmdri VCWIVS. streetcr and other Im~all be svstem of venetcotsd andl or nravel )-Iter de i elemenb
li be wed to 11 1 Oh pmove or mitigate cedhr biological
runoff from the -on=eroelve masnnell,
. The dr-1 alga to anvev
- e. Selected BMPar swl be e- a cardance fleeinn smciflcalions and puldance contained In the 7 Best M-t Pdcea Ha ndbook (BQ&&j& 1
25 a- SD~CCS. -tiblo to stom
8. Jllcbl&d m ovi
,-- CO heaw ‘culates from
-water laam the d cvclo~lte. on ‘or to s- bodv. Options to meet
or 0-
fiereof, Selected BMPs be dw to -= at &g volume of m each -em UD tq bg
wlneered and constructed in wce w-
JUL-I~-ZW~ FRI e1e13s ID~COASTAL COMMISSION TEL I 619621 9672 Pi05
Addendum Catlobad LCPA 112-991) Kelly Ranch
bo incomed into DD
Funoff con-d monito--re the discharae
of c& dc VdOD-Vd #IC suhs1yIBiQaEl;adlnE
bc rcauid ,.
On Page 9, correct the first paragraph of Suggested Modification # 88 follows:
9. 1 - The City shall prep= revised UP Land
Use Plan md Zoning map, to replace the approved Kelly Ranch Master Plan, for the Mello II LCP segment, The mviscd maps shall dclincatt the proposed Pldng Areas D
through 8 Land the residential land we designation and zoning assigned to each area zui
On Page 17, revise Suggested Modillcation #lo as follows:
10. Revised- - The City shall prepare a nviscd Lcp Kelly Ranch Opcn Space map for the entire Kelly Ranch which shall include Planning Area boundaries and
topography and shall delineate the following arcas, shown in concept on Exhibit 28, as
open space. The exact location of the open spm boundary shall be deter!nined utilizing
a recent topographic survey and aerial photography, to be prepared by the City for review
and written approval by the Bxecutive Director, prior to submittal to the City Council,
8. Planning has B and F in their entirety, as proposad;
b, Revise the open spaoc delineation in Planning Arua D to extecrd the southern limit of the proposed open space west to Cannon Road such that all of Planning
Area D nortktrn of the southern limit of the "hardline" is op space
-; however, this open apace delineation may be modified to rrccommodate daycara facilities and RV parking which meet the following criteria, subject to an approved coastal dcvclopment permit: a) In no case shall
the designated open apace corridor be less than 800 fwt including the deailtation basin on Planning Area E; b) No development shall encroach into
jurlsdictlonal wetlands mapped by the ACOE c) Thc facilities shall be located an the least environmentally sensltive portion of the site, and within non-native
JUL-14-2000 FRI 08140 IDtCOASTAL COMMISSION TELt619521 9672 Pt06
Addendum Carlsbad LCPA W99D Kelly Ranch
grassland andor disturbed agricultural area to the maximum extent possible; and, d) The ma utilized for tb uses shall be the &mum size necessary to satisfy the requirements of the City of Carlsbad Zohg Code.
c, Planning Areas €I and K, open space boundaries as proposed;
d. Revise the open space delineation in Planning Area I to include the proposed
access mads:
e. Revlsc the open space delineation in Planning Area J to include the proposed
acccs~ roads, proposed lots 72,73 and 74 and the north-facing slopcs adjacent
to those lots. Also, the aastcrn limit of the open space dclineatlon on the west-
facing slopcs of Planning Area J shall extend up to the ridgeline and include
the slopes greater than 25% grade as shown on tho Steep Slope Analysis-Kelly .. Ranch dated 8-2 1-97 tt 1s) ; and,
f. The open spw delineation on Planning &a I, shall include the northern and astern portion of the planning area including the east and north facing slopes
greater than 25% grad0 9
-as shown on the Slope Analysis - Area L subdtted 9-24-99,
fie Dia-astal Sax-wn - pp the
north of the a~wn in conce-
wk-ad the flat. astm ,
On Page 22, rovisc Suggested Modification #13 to mad rn follows:
13. i - Add the following as new subsdon Policy 3-5 (i):
All new development, substantial rehabilitation, redevelopment or ralatcd activity, shall be dtsigned md conducted in compliance with all applicable local ordinances including
Chapter 1512 of the Carlsbtrd Municipal Code Stormwater Management and Discharge Control Ordinance, the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction when performing public work, and applicablc provisions of the NPDES General Permit for
Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activity issued by the State Water
Resources Control Board (State Board Wcr No. 92-08-DWQ), and any subsequent
mndments. and the San Diego NPDEs Municipal Storm Water Pennit issued to San Diego County and Cities by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board
(Regional Board Order No. 90-42) and any amendment, revision or re-issuancu thorccrf.
In addition the following shdl apply:
Few dovclo~m and significant rc&v-y OWW [ .. .
@ site in the dcvclopcd co ndition. to the exte-
JUL-14-2800 FRI 08140 IDICOASTAL COMMISSION TELt619621 9672 PI87
Addendum Carlabad DA W-WD Kelly Ranch
c mu irements;phallboed to &v--Y rl
listed below;
Develo- f or. or which include !t with- rainage and uo-
ce swtcm. The D- be reviewed and ~ro ved by to the #tormw@r conveyan
$he consu-sdla e-r or onist to e-
a. them 2n smce to allow rnm pcx- noff into /or them it o
convey QL&XQJ& runoff from
B sto- releasc it at aslow mb . so a
h. yse porou~or or nearmavs and ~vcw&y.s where feasible;
c, orate -elemehtsl ww #ewe to duce d- impervioug feasible. features such csncret e wid drivewan and/or Davera for walk wam4it&#
fL ddvewavs. streets and other Imoewlous Burfaces directed thro- of v-vd Eeldd fllter ele
remove or mlti- thmm
wbke* me d rrinane sv stem shall also be dealmad to convev a nd dachame ~unoff hm
be dwlnned to 1)
site in a non-edw manner.
JUL-14-2008 FRI 08141 1D:COASTAL COMMISSION TEL : 619621 9672 Pa08
Addendum Cdeblld LCPA M-WD Kelly Ranch
a. educv to m se thc le Vel Q- .. .. aualitvd the l-wh 1 lic awwens sims
b, A landscape manaxemont.~s her-
On Page 23, add tho following to Suggeritcd Modification #14 (in bold):
14. Vm - Add the following.as new subsection Policy 34 (j 4') and develop a
Scenic Resource map indicating thc designated vista point(s) within Kelly Ranch:
be- jJ
and tbCegther either entlrelv Area L an
irons. and shall bc dthed isturbed h-cemt PI- provide views of thmific Oc; ita cnv
accessible to the Dubmne. - V-v be
t to WDrO - of Fish and G- .. .. val bv .P!rlwment provid-y be loouted eithar OQ 7-Y to &
JUL-14-2000 FRI 08141 IDICOASTAL COMMISSION TEL I 619521 9672 PI09
Addendum Carlabad LCPA U2-!ND Kelly Ranoh
a c- of coastal de va~vapproval at the subdl 'vi- 11 -
On Page 24, in Suggested Modifications #15 and 16, revlse the reference to Policy 3-5 to
sections (k) and (1) rcsp.
On Page 27, add the following to Suggested Modiflcdon W19:
19, y&&guy - Add the following as new Section 21.203.040 (B) 4) j):
All new development, substantial rehabilitation, redevelopment or related activity, shall
be designed and conducted in compliance with all applicable local ordinances including
Chapter 15.12 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code Stormwater Management end Discharge Control Ordinancu, the Standwd Spccifictitions for Public Works Construction when
performing public work, and applicabla provisions of the NPDES General Permit for
Storm Water DischargcA Associated with Construction ActMty iwud by the State Water Resourcss Control Board (State Board Order No. 9298-DWQ), gnd any subsequent
amendmcnts, and the San Diago NPDBS Municipal Stom Water Pcnnit issued to Sm Diego County and Cities by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board
(Regional Board Order No, 90-42) and any amendment, rovlsion or re-issuancc thereof.
llv Ra: In addition the following shall apply @ dtvolop-o Ke ..
New de nt of- velo~t redevelmmc *.
1nCOXpQ~elcmcntg _.- -nt -6s (BMPal which will cff&y&v pr event runoff cov runom
site in rhe de v-n. to the mat est extent fcasiblc, At m. th C
fol~awringgy&ic rca_uircmcnts shall be )
d below;
a. 4.
Develo~~ for. or wwclude
prepared by a H-eer. degieeed to mor
percentile 24.- vent. prior to co && stormwater conveyance system, Thep lan shell be reviewed and aDuroved by
conformance with thelr_recommendlrtlons( The D-
Man 10 ho- Include a dzs and p 1 luted runoff control plan
the vw
Off Dd@ dm to Wcludb the 85
soils e- aeolpptgt to -then ish
deration criteria. andm~wl arior t o issuance of a c OWN
a. 2d- PfCm sa= to allow mom
of ruaQPuBt0 the and lor de&~&a with
Addendum Carlabad LCPA M-WD Kelly Ranch
- d.
e. -
PI 10 TELt613621 9672
collected and direcMk r devlcee. where fea8ible. Selected shall be d aed to 1) trm 1 and 2)
remove or mitina te cmtamlnan ts through fnllltratlonor UD-T~~
pnoff from the huilclhs site in a n-ve dg ij nd dischar e
Selected11 be -red co- th e
medflcations and midancea Practic-
Devc1o-s for. or which include drina lots P- 5.000 sa& in size 3
orate B-ve at t. I a.
concern sue-. hm-8 from tonne leavu dcvcld sitae
-stem. or m-y,
~s rwuircmcnt include the w of venetative filter strim - or other med ia filte~
&vices. cwv swales or be
Beat the V wff nroduced fkom every storm event UD to
the85 uerm eered and constructed in accordrmce wimce and
BB=iQlCa tlo- the Callfarr
JUL-14-2000 FRI 08143 1D:MASTAL COMMISSION TEL1619621 9672
Addendum Csci~bad LCPA #2-99D Kelly Ranch
a. lic ducat3 level of
and D-
b. dsc-t r, Ian that includes 4
On Page 29, modify the first section of Suggested Modification # 21 as follows (in bold
and m):
)+ Add the following as new Section 21.203.040 (H):
shall be uw as a ve vcmd DE served ma cc bv incornor- the f-
a f!ul~dev~ that wovidev for view vc -irnuq -invaeivw be e .. $xtent feasible.
in the mr of residuntial subdbons only; ..
On Page 56, the following corrections rhould be made at thc end of the fimt paragraph
and beginning of the second paragraph:
A steep, naturally-veptated knoll is located south of the proposed access road within fhe
-Planning Area r! B which containe coaatal sage scrub. A-approx. .39 acre portion of this knoll icl proposed as open space, and thc remainder would be
impacted by the access road and development in Planning Area R 8, In the certified
mastcr plan approximately .95 acres of this knoll was retained in open space.
Proposed Planning Area G is adjacent to the east of Cannon Road and is immediately south of Planning Area D ead-6,
On Page 58, add the following numerical value to the second sentence of the sacond paragaph which was omitted:
PI 11
Expansion of the open space up to thc west-facing ridgeline and on the north-facing slopes to include approximatcly g2 ac. of additional open space whew the Core Area
development plan shows Lot8 72,73 and 74, would substantially reduce the impacts to
JUL-14-2000 FRI 08:43 IDICOASTAL COMMISSION TEL1619521 9672
Addendum Carlebd LCPA m99D Kelly Ranch
envhnmentally sensitive habitat area.
On Pages 59 and 60, the last paragraph on page 59 and the first two paragraphs on page
60 should be mvid to read au follows:
The Commission finds that the northern and eastern slopes on this Planning Area L are environmentally Rensitive habitat arcas containing coastal sage sctub or southern
maritime chaparral vegetation and are protoctcd by Scction 30240 of the Coaetd Act,
These slopes and vegetation provide valuable habitat for the gnatcatcher as well as other
sensitive species. In addition, these slopes arc &pi-wwwhicm
coiitiguous with the proposcd open space system and major habitat corridors. Therefore,
the Comdssion find8 that the environmentally sensithe habitat area andon
the eastern and northern portion of proposed Planning Am L should bc designated as open space tw part of this LCP amendment.
Additional and Revised Exhibits:
Add Revised Exhibit No. 16 to reflect minor changes to the open space on Planning Area L to reflect the vegetation mapping prepared for Area L by Planning Systems attached as
ncw Exhibit No. 2 I.
PI 12
Add New Exhibit No. 20 to show the difference betwwn Planning Area L open space in
thc 1985 Master Plan compared to the staff recommended open space for LCPA #2-99D.
JUL-14-2800 FRI 08144 IDtCOASTAL COMMISSION TEL : 619621 9672 PI 13
Open Space Recommendation
Area L
Area.Rocommended as Open Space --NO”%
The information <loplctsd on thio map la
subject to revision. No scale. Lacdens are approximate. For illusbathe purposes only. Source: Slope Analysis - Area L, 9-24-99
Revised Exhibit No. 16
Carlsbad LCPA 2-99D Cailfornla Coastal Commlsslon Twhnlcol Sorvlcer Unlt KLH 07-07-60
I la
I a
N p. lo 0)
Z 0. Y
L 8
d I- 6-J
0 0
t * " Q
Area L Open Space 'Comparison
1985 Plan
.. .. . ,. .. .. .:.. . .. .:i . . . .._
.- .. -. . .:. ..
-. - .. . .. .
.? .. .: '.
. ..
. ..
. -. ., :. . .. ..
' I .<:; .-. . .._. ._._ -- ..
Current Recommendation
Exhibit No. 20
Carlsbad LCPA 2-993)
TEL1619621 9672 PI 16
NO= This map lo a reabbd reproduction of the 40 scale Vegetatlon Mappin generated by Paciflc Southwest Blologlcal Sewfoe( SBS), on February 14, 2000, Hand wrlttori plan text and vegetation boundary llnes are by PSBS. Abbrevlated plant oommunlty aymbols and Area Calculations, by digital ptanlmoter, are by Plannlng
EXHIBIT 4 #991144
0 25 50 100 C#lsbadLCPA2.@@D Piannlng Area 7."
Piannlna System WOO0
CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA - Vegetatlon Mmlng by
lmpactr / Mltlgatlon PrOgrfim - Planning Area L a! Kelly Ranch
JUL-14-2080 FRI 08146 IDICOASTAL COMMISSION TEL1619621 9672 PI 16
3ub 3,2000
Ms. Sara Wan, Chairpcrsdn
California Coastal Commission
22350 Carbon Mtsa Rd.
Mh, CallEbrnia 90265
&AfEOF&&JpN IfbTHE WsoURc€S (gyg -
bEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME South Coset Region 4843 Wawridgr Avenue Sen Ohgo, Cellfomis 921 23 {SSS) 4674201 FAX (868) 4874239
Dear Chaipcrson Wan:
Carlsbad LCP Amendment t-WD, Kelly Rancb '
As you know, the Departmmt of Fish and Game hag worked extansh"cly with the U.S. Fish and Wdd& Service, the Resources Agency, local goveramentJ and private landowners, to
prepare conservation plans mdcr tho California Natural Commdty Conservation Planning
(NCCP) Act. We have worked diligently over the last several years with the City of Carlabad and
participating Carlsbad landownas to prepare their Habitat Management Plan (HMP), whbh
convlilutos an NCCP subarea plan within the Multiple Habitat Consewation Program (h4HCP) for
northwestcrn Sm Diego County.
The goal of NCCP is to establish an eoosystom CoIlSCfVllfiOn program with a regional
scope to oome sensitive and diverse biological resources. inoludimg endangered species, while
allowing reasonable development conshtent with the adopted NCCP and local land use polioies.
The conservation strategy addrcsscs protection of core habitat areas, Aulotional wild& corridors
and habitat linkages which will support the fill may of native vegetation and animal species over
The basic tcmts of cOflServation biology fon the fbundation of the NCCP approach to
ensuring biological divcaity, Tho preserve system should fbcw on protacting large blocks of
contiguwi habii to serve BS core reserves for WildW. The plan should avoid protecting
isolated, "postage stamp" SW habitat blocks as these have.greater edge effects iiom adjacent human uses and can actually result in higher momlity rates rcsdting in a net loss to pies. Small res- areas arc only efktive for speciality prcaenas fbr htphly endangered species that are
fbunci nowhere else, Core mwes should bc cbse together and connected through habitat
lirtkages that arc of sufficient sizc to provide liveable wildlife habii, not a narrow, tenuous
connection. Establishing preserves on a regional basis is much mre efbctivc than protecting -
perods on an individual, case-by-CW basis. A regional preserve system should contain a diverse representation of physical and environmental conditions, and should largely be ppmted brn
signiticant human dbtwbmcc.
The City of Carlsbad "MP and the wtive participation by Kelly Ranch mmpliQ how the
14 NCCP program is intended to work, It is a caoperativc ef&t among federal, state and local
i I
TEL I 619621 -72
Mb. Sara Wan
Page 2
gowwnts alou with pmperty owners to balancc sound resource pwmtion, protection and
enhanmd with development. Large projects, such as the Kelly Ranch and other coastal zone
projects, fit well with the region-wide MHCP, The Kelly Ranch plan BS agreed to by the City of
Carlsbad, the propedy owner, and the Wildlife agemias results in a fhr superior biological aonservation prom than the previously approved 1985 plan.
I July 3,2000
Prior to review by the Coastal Commission, thc particiithg groups have conducted
lengthy ncgotlations resuitii in a consansus-bascd resolution ofbiolopical and development
issues for a regional preserve system that fdly mccts the NCCP conservation standards We
raapectfblly urge the Commissbn to participte in and support the dWc10pM Ofrsgiod
preserve systems though thc NCCP process.
If you have any questions regarding these comments, plcm fhl fbe to contact Mr. Bill
Tippets, at (858) 467-4212 fbr more hfolmatbon
cc: Califbrnia Resources Agency
Mary Nichols
Department of Fish and Game Robert Hight Smramonto
Califonla Coastal Commission: Peter Douglas, San Francisco
Chuck Damm, San Dicgo
PI 17
Planning System
Tom Hageman