HomeMy WebLinkAboutLCPA 98-01; De Jong Residential Project; Local Coastal Program Amendment (LCPA) (5)PAGE 82 09/27/1999 13: 23 7684388981 HENTHORN . SEP-27-1899 M@N 11:28 I13:COA714'1 COW ISSION TR%l=tiZl 9672 P:oZ t ,-
Tho ChyS catifled LCP Mello 1, Melb n, West six gsographk stln#nts as Ilbllaws: Apo HcQiondr, hgooarlsammls Fmperticr, bt BaCiQUltOS Rcdowlopmont. Putrusnt to Soctbne 3017U(n and
the Cwtd Codion mared end nppmred
and II 6egtnenrs in 1980 and 191, respectively
.. ;j
89/27/1999 13: 23 7684388981 HENTHORN
SEP-27-1999 MON. 11:29 ID:COA?% TEL-tPlSZl 3372
The Wear Batiquitos Lapod
EML Bntiquitae l..U8Wn/Hunt Rcdcvclopment Area LCP wa development pennits thcrc sir permit jurisdiction and has be segments oxcept Ague Hedioi
a defmed ceniflcndoa area UI
amendment request effects tkc
Further information on the m1 Area OPfice of tho Cod Ca
San Dkgo, CA 92108, (619) :
Mbd WA2-99C Page 2
rnmjd Pqmrtiea segmcnt WY certified in 1985. "be
bpenier segmcnt WM cediad in 1988, Thc Vihgcr srrified In 1988; the City han bemi lasuing cmral
thet time. OnOCtober21, 1997, thocity maumcd iaeuing cod dcvclapnwnt prnmits far ail of its . "he Agua Hedionda Lagoon LCP scgmcnt mmah as
an implarmtrtadaa plan 1s cerUfird "be subjam
Iclla II eogment of the LCP.
lttd may be obtrioad fnnn BW huder at tbe Sm Diego Nasion at 3 1 1 1 Cgmino Dsl Ria North, 3uW 200,
09/27/1999 13: 23 7664386981 HEN THORN
SEP-27-15-93 kON 11830 IDoCO@tVL CO
I 1
TFT-cilS521 9672 P:64
09/27/1999 13: 23 7684386981
Tha amandmoat chwgcs tha I
(De Jong) from Ukd Conu Open Space. Thc amcndnrcnt
under review by thc City co su space lots. The project site is I Rali Rad and PoInset?ia Lane
of the property is thc Palomar previously appmvcd Ocean B1 to the eait of the site.
The dovelopable podon of tlw
by previous agricultural opera!
ma in the mnktwf portion d
woodland and Is Wignatrsd aa
zoned Open Space 6ad would other changes 10 th6 imp~smsn
tho non-appcalabla am of tho
The project complier with fhe zbnc a slopes over 25% m& preserved. Appmhalcry .B the construction of circulatian lidtation as specified in the (r
Th6 project complies with *e the project has been conditlanr develop thn poprty with othc
The 33,4 UQN site contains twc
zoned Open Space, leaving I( LW deSi8n&S the sib IS w
dt8ignekd in tk Wif'hd La 33.4 am site. The pwtion of;
cillculati,ng drmsity. On tho rc praposed zoning. This is deter
qft,) by the numbor of dawlc that the proposed combi&on
would not allow any mom mil designation would allow.
TW19521 9672 PtBti
!P implomcntation plan by mzoning the 33.44~~~ pucd
i (L-C) to me-Fdly Reddenllal (R- 147,50014) .nd
I associated with a specifia prctject propofid cuffently tivide the infill sife hto 28 singls-family Ids md 2 open
catad at ths northeaat comer of the intefs8ction ofBlejck To the Muth of the project siea is Poinsettia he. North ak~ indusuial park, aad west aP Ute pmperty is h
ff roaidontiai pmjcct, A fiturn City park rite is adjacent
quirernenrs of the CoaW Resou~w Protection Overlay
;ontaMng coastd sage scrub md cbagarral are being cm of dual crltsrja slops is pmposed to be impacted for ,smont road, Poinsettia he, which is not subJecc rn Us
day zone.
qdromcmts of the Coutd Agrioultpn Overlay ana
I to pay the agdculrural oonvonrion mitlptlon foe to
than agricultural uses.
spen space lots camph& 22.68 acre8 which &I be
12 ncm pmpwcd as Rcsidsntid R-1-7500. Tbe Mfo II
allowing up to 4 residential units pet acrep As up to 134 rcsldentfal units would bc permitted on the e property tonod Open Space is not umd for purpoew of dendally-zoned portion, 62 unib arc possible under the
linsd by multiplying 5.8 ddw (43,560 q-ft. 17,500
f open space and nsidentiml zoning IS trcL*cprblc as it
on tbe entlre property tkm tk certified LUP land uae
abb WC66 (16672 atrcS). TbcrcfOR tbC COfndSSlOn fidS
09/27/1999 13: 23 7684388981
SEP-27-1999 kQN 11881 ID:COAr"?L CO
Q zom (Otw-Femily Rcsickn awociated structures. The W.
is a hotding m6 which only
The PUQW and intent of tbc
recreational uses which have ardcdy growth of the cornmu
ubeg as pasks, qka space, rec similar nature, Thc zone also development that, when' cam1
b) &iwProVislw
of zoning of tho idamifiad pa
detached homes MU moci&tt
dcvtlopmactt surndprb for sei
Additional development sm required (Le. twmiu) and ttU
rcquinmta pertain to the cc ngardlng roofpitchds aad ml
The open space zone pmvidoi rtcrention, bicycle paths, bor!
. mas and playgrouads, public tFIurspartatbn rigk-of-way, crops, horticultural cmpa, OYC
fallow lands). Permitted wuc dubhows, parking ma, be padas, changing rooms, pool required for the cooduct d ch
indude group 01 orgaaized ct facilities, recreatisnal carop~
swimming paole, tcnnia cwn cultural, eatcrtainmea and re and sde of aquaeulturo pmdu established for tbo oprr SPacl
thkty-flve feet in ha@ unlc, conditional use pmit
tsVi8W far LCP implcrgealo& ability to ciury out the PKMS subject LCP amcndmnk the
Program for the MeUo TI w Residentid Law Medium (R
up to 4 Wac, Thc pporcd
considtent with the asifred 1
c) Am~vof~
TO-19521 5672 P:ZS lI95IDN
II Zona) is to allow for single fdly dctmkd homer and
~rsd Cantml {L-C ) z& b cumntly applied to the site; it
lows ngriculturol U#Sr
pn space zone is to provide for open space and
en deomsd nectssmry fw the adnbs4cdly ottracllve and y. It is used in conjuuctim with publicly owned property adm area, civic ml~n and &r public facilities of a
8sipata high pt9ority msuuroo amas ai time of
led would mate a logical open spaec systcm for the
m. Tha aznemhcat pmvidos far the change
d from L-C to R-1. 'Tkc 8-1 zope allows single family
StntCfUmgbc set8 a 3s foot height limit, apd totabfiulm
Irkj, plaeamrrnt of building aud miatmum lot area. rhr for this me facludb pmhioas fbr the type of garage zsh Lasidewe has a pcrmanbnt foundrtian. Other position of exterior ddiag of d&Dcts, $pccitkrdbas mum width of residences.
89/27/1999 13: 23 7684388981
SEP-27-1-S M@N 11:aZ ID:CQA"-.L coy
A significant pmion of the pl
riparlan resources. Tho resow coastal resources should be pi
Policy 3-7 OF the certified Me
protected a~ open space ~d a e the above parcel's LCR mnin
refloct the fact that the parcel rcs0urcek
Thua, the Cownissioa finds t
resource protection polickes o
the proposed nzoning would Commiseion fmds that the aul with and adequaFe to carry ou
Section 210803 ofthc Callfo
govcrnmenr Erom the nquirer connection with Its ld coas
assigneff IO tbc C~clstal Coma progtam has teen found by tt! ELR pracsss. Thus, undcr CE responsibility to pnpm an E
Nevtfidcss, the Commisaioi
amendment submittal, to find
, provisions. The proposed De Incompatible with the surrow
~S~CQB, Thomforc, tho QI not rqsult in my sidfrcrurt a
In addition, individud projecl
coestd devclopont permi% 7 development standards which native habitat (coastal sage sc circulation. ,Any specific imf
bc asacssed through the envir cornplianca with CEQA wuul subject LCP amendment wou meaning of the California En
be made.
IISSlON Tff "-919621 9672 P:a7
C~lsBod LCPA 2-99c ,
PPg6 6
wrty h bein8 zoned Open Space id recopiriw of' existing
c protection policies of the certified LUPs provide that
~fsated through open space dedcuions. For example. o XI LUP provides that tipaxinn and wetland wsouras are indidon of development. Tha ameodment would changs
desigrlation M the appropriate Open Space &signation to s mtiicttd by M open space aasement to protect coastal
e pmpoeed implementation amendmmt coonsisbut with the
the certified Mdo TI land w plm. Ia surnrmry, since
npIament the LUP deignation cited above, the
ect dmsndm#lt to the imp1emtatarion plan h coasistent tkc polkks of the cerdifed LW.
iia Envimnmuntal Quality Act (Cl3QA) exempts local
tnt of prcpvlng UL environmental impwt ropwt (Em) in
d prom. Instead. the CBQA responnilitier art ission and the Codsslon's IXP review and app~oval Resources Ageacy to be funclionlllly tquivafent to the )A Section 21080A the ConunissiOa t dhv6d of the
t for each LCP.
09/27/1999 13: 23 7604380981
SEP-R-lEB MON 11162 ID:COla.-I CI
Sectlan 22. rawnsnm 12 south, mgc Bemardino Base and Mwidlsn, In the C
County of San blego, state d Ca~Hwnlc ofilar plat thereof.
I C. I - U. I
Attach dddltionrl plg.1 ifn
C “‘“I/
, .. ’
49 ‘