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MP 10-01A; Quarry Creek Master Plan; Master Plan (MP) (3)
^ city OF CARLSBAD LAND USE REVIEW APPLICATION P-1 Development Services Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-4610 www.carlsbadca.gov APPU0ATK»N8MfUBOFOR: (CHECKBOXES) Devoloomant Permits [ I Coastal Development Permit (*) [ [Minor I I Conditional Use Permit {*) ] [iWnor I jSctension I I Pay Care (Large) j Environmental Impact Assessment "~j Habitat Wlanagement Permit | |Mlnor I Hillside Development Permit (*) | [Minor Nonconforming Construction Permit Planned Dwrt^Wiwit Permit j [iKinor I jNtm-RwIdaniiir Planning Commission Determination Site Development Pian [ [Minor [ I Special Use Permit I I Tentative Parcel IVIap (ll/linor Subdivision) I I TentativeTract iUlap (Major Subdivision) [ j Variance [ | Minor (FOR DEPT. USE ONLY) Loalsltitlve Permits I [Benerai Pian Amendment I |l.oc«t Coastai Program Amendment (*) [ [iWaster Pian [Amendment I [specltic Plan | [Anwiwhnewt j jZone Change (*) [ [zone Code Amendment I Review Permit |~~jMmintetm«ve | jvilnor [ jl (FOR DEPT. USE ONLY) Major Review Permit l^ttmlrt^aBve |~|Minor | jlUjor l/IPtoC^IA- (*) = eilgible for 25% discount NOTE! A PROPOSED PROJECT REQUIRINS MULTIPLE APPLICATIONS MUST BE SUBMITTED PRIOR TO 3:30 P.M. A PROPOSED PROJECT REQUIRING ONLY ONE AmjOKim MUST BE SUBMITTED WWOft tO*MfM. ASSESSOR PARCEL NO(S).: PROJECTNAME: 167-040-11 and 167-040-21 QqaREg CREEK BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: MASTER PIAM AMEHDHEMT 10 MODIFY BODMDBRIES OF Piumtm flRKAS AMD TO REPPCE TOTKL AUiOHED DWIT3 FROM 656 TO 636 ONITS. BRIEF LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A PORTION OF RflMCHO aGOA HEDIOKDA. IW IHE COOMTY OF SMI PIEGO. ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF IW BOOK 1 PAGE 150 OF PfllEMTS. FILISD IH SAW PIEGO COOWTy. LOCATIOlNl 01^ PROJECT; SOUTH OF HAYMAR DR: BETWSFSr COIJ.EGE BLVD. AND EI. CAMINO RBAI. ON THE: SOUTH (NORTH. SOUTH. EAST, WEST) BETWEEN COIJ.EGE BLVD. (NAIVIE OF STREET) STREETADDRESS SIDE OF HAYMAR DR. (NAME OF STREET) AND EL CAMINO REAL (NAME OF STREET) P-1 Page 1 of 6 Revised 12/13 OWNERNAME (Prfnt): MAILING ADDRESS: CITY. STATE, ZIP: TELEPHONE: EMAIL ADDRESS: APPLICANT NAME (Print): MAILING ADDRESS: 2750 WOMBLE RD CITY. STATE, ZiP: TELEPHONE: SAN DIEGO, Cft 92106 (Bd.9) 794-1252 EMAIL ADDRESS: C^/y^ WdH^\'^M\ctM\( fl n •6Q.M\ I CERTIFY THAT I m THE LEGAL OWNER AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORIMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TQ^THE BEST OF MY I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OWNER AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. mm StONATUrS DATE APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE (Print) MAILING ADDRESS: 1530 FARADAY AVE. ftlOO CITY, STATE, ZIP: TELEPHONE: BMAIL ADDRESS: PAUL J. KLOKAS - PLAMHING SYSTEMS CARLSBAP, CA 92008 (760) 931-0780 1 CERTIFY THAT I AM THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE APPLIGWJT AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND C0R®6l,T0 THE BESIDF MY KNOWLEDGE. f / )CC^A/f^^^y^ i/v/«y OiRE '' DATE ' SIGN> IN THE PROCESS OF REVIEWING THIS APPLiCATiON IT IWAY BE NECESSARY FOR MEMBERS OF CITY STAFF. PLANNING COMMISSIONERS OR CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS TO INSPECT AND ENTER THE PROPERTY THAT iS THE SUBJECT OF THIS APPLICATION. I/WE CONSENT TO ENTRY FORTHIS PURPOSE. AND CONSENTS TO A NOTiCE OF RESTRICTION BEING FOR THE APPLICANT. NOTiCE OF RESTRICTIONS RUN VyflTH NOTiCE OF RESTRICTION: PROPERTY OWNER RECORDED ON THE TITLE TO HIS PROPERTY IF CONI THE LAND /^D BIND ANY SU(^£S$ORS IN INTEREj "7 FOR CITY USE ONLY RECEIVED JAN 2 1 201«t CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DIVISION DATE STAMP APPLICATION RECEIVED RECEIVED BY: P-1 Page 2 of 6 Revised 12/13 y^ DISCLOSURE Development Services €C STATEIWENT Planning Division '^CITVOF P1/il\ 1635 FaradayAvenue TAR! ^RAD (yeojeoweio v_.ni \l_.JU»rAL^ wwvij.carisbatlca.gov ^pplcaitfs statement or disclosure of certain ownerstiip interests on all applications which will require discretionary action on the part of the City Council or any appointed Board, Commission or Committee. The following information B/iUST be disclosed at the time of application submittal. Your project cannot be reviewed until this Inforniation is completed. Please print. Note: Person is defined as "Any individual, firm, co-partnership, joint venture, association, social club, fraternal organization, corpcration, estate, trust, receiver, syndicate, In this and any olher couniy, city and county, city munlcipaity, district or other political subdivision or any other group or cornbinalion acting asa unit.' Agents may sign this document; however, the legal name and entity of the applicant and property owner must be provided below. 1. APPLICANT (Not the applicant's agent) Provide the COIVIPLETE. LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having a financial interest in the application. Ifthe applicant Includes a corporation or partnership. Include the names, titles, addresses of all Individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (N/A) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a Publidv-owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Person Corp/Part euARRY CREEK INVESTORS LLC rm Title. Address Address 2750 WOMBLE RD. SAN DIEGO. CA 92186 2. OWNER (Not the owner's agent) Provide the COiWPLETE. LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having any ownership interest in the property Involved. Also, provide the nature of the legal ownership (i.e., partnership, tenants In common, non-profit, corporation, etc.). If the ownership includes a corporation or partnership, include the names, titles, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES. PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (N/A) IN THE SPACE BELOW, If a pubiiclv-owned corooration. include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Person Corpfl^art f|aM«>t kg^tr^fJ^^ /AV^OMjiJe^^ Zit. Address Addrass f.i.da^ frj Marvin Howell . Sm^%t'»)1), c4 ^m^-^of-l Assistant Secretary P-1(A) PagelolZ RevisedOT/IO 3. NON-PRORT ORGANIZATION OR TRUST If any person WWtifled pursuant to (1) or (2) above Is ijQQias&i^ „ _ list vffft names arKi addresses of ANY person serving as an ofRcar or <firector of Vie non- proMl organtoi^ or as trustee or beneficiary of the. Non Profit/Trust Non Profit/Trust, Title Titles /Address Address 4. Have you had more than $500 worth of business transacted wnth any member of City staff, Boards, Commissions, Committees and/or Counoil within the past twelve (12) months? I I Yes Q^o If yes, please Indicale person(s):. NOTE: Attach additional sheets if necessary. i certify that all the above Inf^niatlon Is true and correct to the best of my Icnowiedge. Signature of applow^dirte I of omerAiate' Signature i -.Jiarvin Howell .......^ , Assistant Secretary 40df^ M tP^^/tg'M— Print or type name of owner Print or type name of applicant Vly^L^ • Signature of owner/applicant's agent if applicable/date Print or lype name of owner/applicant's agent P-1(A) Page 2 of 2 Revised 07/10 Erdbst J. Dronenburg, Jrl COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ASSESSOR/RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK ASSESSOR'S OFFICE 1600 Pacific Highway, Suite 103 San Diego, CA 92I0I-2480 Tel. (619) 236-3771 * Fax (619) 557-4056 www.sdarcc.com RECORDER/COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE 1600 Pacific Highway, Suite 260 P.O. Box 121750 * San Diego, CA 92112-1750 Tel. (619)237-0502 * Fax (619)557-4155 Transaction #: 318351620140508 Deputy: CDUENAS Location: COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 08-May-2014 16:19 FEES: City of Carlsbad MAY 1 2 2014 Pianning Division 50.00 Qty of 1 Fish and Game Filing Fee for Ref# 2014 0375 50.00 TOTAL DUE PAYMENTS: 50.00 Check 50.00 TENDERED SERVICES AVAILABLE AT OFFICE LOCATIONS Tax Bill Address Changes Records and Certified Copies: Birth/ Marriage/ Death/ Real Estate Fictitious Business Names (DBAs) Marriage Licenses and Ceremonies Assessor Parcel Maps Property Ownership Property Records Property Values Document Recordings SERVICES AVAILABLE ON-LINE AT www.sdarcccom * Forms and Applications * Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) * Grantor/ Grantee Index * Fictitious Business Names Index (DBAs) * Property Sales On-Line Purchases Assessor Parcel Maps Property Characteristics Recorded Documents state of California—Natural Resources Agency CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENTOF FISH AND WILDLIFE 2014 ENVIRONMENTAL FILING FEE CASH RECEIPT EIPT City of Carlsb^ RECEIPT* 2014 0375 SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE. TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY JUN 1 0 2014 ATE CLEARING HOUSE #(llapplicable) 2012021039 LEADAGENCY CITY OF CALRSBAD PLANNING DIVISION Planning Division DATE 05/08/2014 COUNTY/STATEAGENCYOF FILING SAN DIEGO DOCUMENTNUMBER *20140073* PROJECTTITLE QUARRY CREEK MASTER PLAN MINOR AMENDMENT PROJECTAPPLICANT NAME QUARRY CREEK INVESTORS LLC PHONENUMBER 619-794-1252 PROJECTAPPLICANT ADDRESS 2750 WOMBLE ROAD CITV SAN DIEGO STATE CA ZIPCODE 92106 PROJECT APPLICANT (Check appropriate box): • Local PublicAgency • School District Q Other Special District • State Agency ^ Private Entity CHECK APPLICABLE FEES: (3 Environmental Impact Report (EIR) $3,029.75 $ $0.00 • Negative Deciaration (ND)(MND) $2,181.25 $ Q Application Fee Water Diversion fSfafe Water Resources Control Board Only) Q Projects Subject to Certified Regulatory Programs (CRP) 21 County Administrative Fee • Project tiiat is exempt from fees 4 0 0 7 3 • Notice of Exemption • CDFW No Effect Determination (Form Attaciied) • Ottier PAYMENT METHOD: • Cashi • Credit El Ciiecl< • Other CHK: 001148 $850.00 $ $1,030.25 $ $50.00 $ $50.00 TOTALRECEIVED $ $50.00 SIGNATURE X C. Duefias TTTLE Deputy REIVI: 04/09/2013 RCT: SD2013-0256 II ORIGINAL - PROJECT APPUCANT COPY-CDFW/ASB COPY-LEADAGENCY COPY - COUNTY CLERK FG753.5a (Rev 11/12) Notice of Determination From: CITYOFCARLSBAD Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760) 602-4600 0 0= 1 © Kmea J Dronenburg. Jr. Recorder Count) CleiV To: [E\ Oftice of Planning and Research PO Box 3044 Sacramento, CA 95812-3044 3 SD County Clerk Attn: James Scott 1600 Pacific Higtiway, Suite 260 PO Box 121750 San Diego, CA 92101 Project No: MP lO-Ol(A) Filing of Notice of Determination in compliance with Section 21108 or 21152 of the Public Resources Code. Quarry Creek Master Plan Minor Amendment Project Title 1400 7 3 By. MAY 08 ZOli C. Duenas 2012021039 City of Carlsbad, Van Lynch (760) 602-4613 State Clearinghouse No. Lead Agency, Contact Person Telephone Number The project is located in the northeast portion of Carlsbad, San Diego County, westerly of College Blvd, southerly of Haymar Road, and westerly of Marron Road (City of Oceanside). Project Location (include County) Name of Applicant: Quarry Creek Investors, LLC Applicant's Address: 2750 Womble Road. San DieRO CA 92106 Applicant's Telephone Number: (619) 794-1252 Project Description: The proposed modifications to the original Quarry Creek Master Plan include text and graphics changes that are a result of a settlement agreement. This is to advise that the City of Carlsbad has approved the above described project on May 1, 2014, and has made the following determination regarding the above described project. 1. The project will not have a significant effect on the environment. 2. Q An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA. I I A Negative Declaration was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA. ^ This project was reviewed previously and a(n) EIR was prepared pursuant to the provisions of CEQA. 3. Mitigation measures were not made a condition of the approval of the project. 4. A mitigation reporting or monitoring plan was not adopted for this project. 5. A statement of Overriding Considerations was not adopted for this project. 6. Findings were made pursuant to the provisions of CEQA. This is to certify that the final EIR with comments and responses and record of project approval is available to the General Public at THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. i/ajjabie to the Gen DON NEU, City Planner Date received for filing at OPR: MAY 0 8 2QH com JUN0g20H Date Revised 05/13 state of Califomia—The Resources Agency DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND WILDLIFE 2013 ENVIRONMENTAL FlUNG FEE CASH RECEIPT 1 SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE. TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY RECEIPT* SD2013 0256 2013 ENVIRONMENTAL FlUNG FEE CASH RECEIPT 1 SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE. TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY fcaUa) LEADAGENCY CITY OF CARLSBAD MAY m \ COUNTY/STATE AGENCY OF FILING SAN DIEGO PLANNING UEF 'sseiaaa'jThjuMBER •*20t30054*' COUNTY/STATE AGENCY OF FILING SAN DIEGO 'sseiaaa'jThjuMBER •*20t30054*' PROJECTTfTLE QUARRY CREEK MASTER PLAN PROJECTAPPLICANT NAME PHONENUMBER QUARRY CREEK INVESTORS LLC 619/794-1252 PROJECTAPPLICANTADDRESS CITY STATE ZIPCODE 2750 WOMBLE ROAD SAN DIEGO CA 92106 PROJECTAPPLICANT (Check appropriate box): • Local PublicAgency • School District • Other Special District • Slate Agency (3 Private Entity CHECK APPLICABLE FEES: Q Environmental impact Report $2,995.25 $ $2,995.25 • Negative Declaration $2,156.25 $ Q Application Fee Water Diversion CSfafe Water Resources Control Board Oniy) $850.00 $ Q Projects Subject to Certified Regulatory Program $1,018.50 $ Q County Administrative Fee $50.00 $ $50.00 • Projeci that is exempt from fees Q Notice of Exemption • DFG No Effect Detennination (Forni Attached) • Other PAYMENT METHOD: • Cash • Credit • Check • Other 23359 TOTALRECEIVED $3,045.25 SIGNATURE H. Ayuyao TTOE X Deputy ORIGINAL - PROJECT APPLICANT COPY-DFG/ASB COPY-LEAD AG ENCY COPY-COUNTYCLERK FG 753.6a (Rev. 7/08) • CITY OF CARLSBAD REVIEW AND COMMENT MEMO DATE: APRIL 24. 2014 PROJECT NO(S): PROJECT TITLE: APPLICANT: MP lO-Ol(A) REVIEW NO: 3 PROJECT NO(S): PROJECT TITLE: APPLICANT: QUARRY CREEK PROJECT NO(S): PROJECT TITLE: APPLICANT: PLANNING SYSTEMS/PAUL KLUKAS PROJECT NO(S): PROJECT TITLE: APPLICANT: TO: Land Development Engineering-Tecla Levy • Public Works (Storm Drain) - Clayton Dobbs • Police Department-J. Sasway • Public Works (Wastewater) - Don Wasko • Fire Department - Greg Ryan • Public Works (Water) - Eric Sanders • Building Division - Will Foss • Water/Sewer District • Parks & Recreation (Parks/Trails) - Liz Ketabian • Landscape Plancheck Consultant - PELA • Parks & Recreation (Trees & Medians) - Morgan • School District Rockdale • Public Works Department (Streets) - Nick Roque • North County Transit District - Planning Dept. • Public Works Department (Traffic) - John Kim • Sempra Energy - Land Management n Public Works Department (Design) - Patrick Vaughan • Caltrans (Send anything adjacent to 1-5) • SANDAG (Any huge/major development) 401 B. Street, Suite 800, San Diego CA 92101-4231 •ALWAYS SEND EXHIBITS FROM: PLANNING DIVISION/VAN LYNCH Please review and submit written comments and/or conditions to the TRACKING DESK in LDE at 1635 Faraday Avenue, bv 5/15/14. Ifyou have "No Comments," please so state. Ifyou determine that there are items that need to be submitted to deem the application "complete" for processing, please immediatelv contact the applicant and/or their representatives (via phone or e-mail) to let them know. Thankyou COMMENTS: PLANS ATTACHED Date Review & Comment 4/14 CITY OF CARLSBAD REVIEW AND COMMENT MEMO DATE: MARCH 31, 2014 PROJECT NO(S): MP 10-01(A) wmi^K^'y'- ";*^'^».* • » REVIEW NO: PROJECT TITLE: QUARRY CREEK MASTER PLAN APPLICANT: PLANNING SYSTEMS/PAUL KLUKAS TO: P Land Development Engineering-Tecla Levy • Public Works (Storm Drain) - Clayton Dobbs • Police Department - J. Sasway • Public Works (Wastewater) - Don Wasko • Fire Department - Greg Ryan • Public Works (Water) - Eric Sanders • Building Division - Will Foss • Water/Sewer District • Parks & Recreation (Parks/Trails) - Liz Ketabian • Landscape Plancheck Consultant - PELA • Parks & Recreation (Trees & Medians) - Morgan • School District Rockdale • Public Works Department (Streets) - Nick Roque • North County Transit District - Planning Dept. • Public Works Department (Traffic) - John Kim • Sempra Energy - Land Management • Public Works Department (Design) - Patrick Vaughan • Caltrans (Send anything adjacent to 1-5) • SANDAG (Any huge/major development) 401 B. Street, Suite 800, San Diego CA 92101-4231 *ALWAYS SEND EXHIBITS FROM: PLANNING DIVISION/VAN LYNCH Please review and submit written comments and/or conditions to the*PlANNING TRACKING DESK in the Planning Division at 1635 Faraday Avenue, bT^/2^^Tftwoo have "No^&?mments^^^ vou determine that there are items that neecTtobesuBmitted to deem the application "complete" for processing, please immediatelv contact the applicant and/or their representatives (via phone or e-mail) to let them know. Thank you COMMENTS: in 4^ Signature Date PLANS ATTACHED Review & Comment 02/14 V CARLSBAD <^imm> CITY OF Memorandum February 6, 2014 To: Van Lynch, Planner From: Tecla Levy, Associate Engineer Re: MP 10-OlA - Quarry Creek Master Plan Engineering Department staff has completed the 1st review of the Quarry Creek IVIaster Plan document. Below are our comments: 1. Figures 8,11,19, 20, 24, 26, 33, 39 shows that the previously looped Street "A" is replaced with two cul-de-sac streets. The proposed cul-de-sac streets are intended to serve Planning Area R-4 (allocated with 214 dwelling units) and Planning Area P-5, (community facility - trailhead). The proposed cul-de-sac streets, as shown, are not acceptable due to the following: a) The proposed cul-de-sac design with curb to curb width of 36-foot within a 56 feet wide right-of-way, as indicated on page VII-4, section 7.3.3 ofthe master plan, can only serve up to a maximum of 24 units per Engineering standard Volume 1, Chapter 3, section 3.C.I. (See also City Engineering Standard Volume 3, Chapter 1, GS-IB). b) Carlsbad fire Code prohibits more than 30 residences on cul-de-sac streets (see attached fire department comments). 2. Street "A" must be looped to adequately serve 214 units. On page 11-7 (first paragraph), page 11-19 (first paragraph under 2.5.5 Circulation), IV-19 (second paragraph), Street "A" is described as a looped street and do not mention the proposed cul-de-sacs. Ifthe intention is to ultimately connect the two cul-de-sac streets during the development of Planning Area R-4 to form a looped street A, it must be clearly indicated on the master plan document and shown as a looped street instead of two cul-de-sacs. Revise Figures 8,11,19, 20, 24, 26, 33, 39 and vesting tentative map to show a looped street "A" with a portion identified as "to be constructed with the development of planning area R-4". Provide additional clarification on the timing of the design and construction of the looped street A. 3. Locate the looped Street "A" so that the cul-de-sac that terminates at planning area P-5 (the trailhead) will only serve up to 24 dwelling units to meet engineering standard Volume 1, Chapter 3, section 3.C.I. Community & Economic Development 1635 Faraday Ave. I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-602-2710 I 760-602-8560 fax | www.carlsbadca.gov a^^r MP lO-OlA, Quarry Creek MasTer Plan ^ January 6, 2012 Page 2 4. The project is conditioned to build the looped water main and sewer main within the looped street A as shown in the approved tentative map. The design ofthe looped water main and sewer main must be coordinated with the design ofthe looped street A. The looped water main and sewer main are backbone utilities required to be built with the master final map. If the construction of the looped street A is deferred until the development of Planning Areas R-4, the developer must agree to redesign and relocate the said utilities (now shown traversing lot 4 and outside Street A) as necessary to comply with the condition of approval to construct the said utilities within the looped street A. (see also comments from the utilities' division). 5. Provide different street names for each proposed cul-de-sac at planning area 5. \V\o,: led t) 1'1 J J'i (~CARLSBAD FIL£ COPY Community & Economic Development www.carlsbadca.gov August 19, 2014 Stephanie Ponce California Department of Fish and Game 4949 Viewridge Avenue San Diego, CA 92123 Janet Stuckrath U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Suite 250 2177 Salk Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 RE: QUARRY CREEK MASTER PLAN-HMP EQUIVALENCY MP 10-0l(A) (FWS/CDFG -10B0707-12TA0202) Dear Stephanie and Janet, The applicant (Quarry Creek Investors llC) for development of the Quarry Creek Master Plan development is requesting a Habitat Management Plan (HMP) Equivalency Determination for the revisions to the project which have taken place since the concurrence on Determination of Equivalency for a Hardline Modification by the US Fish and Wildlife Service and the California Dept. of Fish & Wildlife (attached undated). These changes are the result of direction from the Carlsbad City Council in their approval of Master Plan MP 10-01 and Habitat Management Permit HMP 11-07, approved on April 16, 2013. This request is intended to provide consistency and protection of all applicable habitat areas, and is allowed pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 21.210.080(A)(1), as follows: 21.210.80 Habitat management plan amendment A} Minor Amendments 1. Equivalency Findings: Minor changes to the boundary of proposed hardline preserve areas or other HMP maps which do not reduce the acreage or quality of habitat are considered minor amendments to the HMP and can be approved by the city with equivalency findings. The city shall provide written notice of the equivalency findings to the wildlife agencies, and unless the agencies object within thirty days of notification, the change will be considered automatically approved. if objections are raised, the city will meet with the agencies to resolve the objection and written approval of the change from the agencies will be required. · ·· .. Planning Division ~~0--~~------~----------------------------------c · 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 T 760-602-4600 F 760-602-8559 ® Y~03 3Jl1 DISCUSSION The existing hardline alignment on the Quarry Creek property was adopted in conjunction with the 2012 master planning and development entitlement process for the Quarry Creek Master Plan project. This 2012 alignment is the third adopted HMP hardline for the property. The presently-proposed hardline alignment will be the fourth hard line alignment for the property. The attached Quarry Creek -Hardline Modification Equivalency Determination Map demonstrates alignment of the Existing Approved HMP Hard line (2012) and the presently-Proposed HMP Hardline. This Presently-Proposed hard line alignment reflects the limits of development approved by the City Council actions taken in April2013. The Map also shows the biological communities affected by the City Council actions. The biological information is taken from the Quarry Creek Master Plan Biological Technical Report; dated October 4, 2012, by Helix Environmental Planning, including the Memorandum dated November 16, 2012, and is the subject of the EIR analysis for the Quarry Creek Master Plan project. The proposed hard line modification will result in a net 9.41 acres of additional open space over that which was approved by the US Fish & Wildlife Service and the California Dept. of Fish & Game in conjunction with the .2012 hard line. This increase in hard line acreage will result in conservation of a net additional 0.74 acres of sensitive habitats and 8.67 acres of non-sensitive habitats. This biological information is summarized in the following table. Quarry Creek Proposed Hardline Modification-Biological Analysis Vegetation Type Existing Removed Added to Proposed Total Hardline from Adopted Hardline Difference (acres) Adopted Hard line Area (acres) Hardline Area (acres) Area (acres) (acres) Sensitive Coastal sage scrub 35.71 -0.22 1.14 36.63 +0.92 Coastal sage scrub -4.52 4.52 Reveg. Chaparral 4.94 -0.18 4.76 -0.18 Riparian 16.12 16.12 Marsh 0.44 0.44 Sub,Tbtal Sensitive 61.73 ... -0.40 1.14· 62.47 +0.74· Non-Sensitive Non-native grassland 10.14 6.97 17.11 +6.97 Eucalyptus woodland 0.04 0.04 Disturbed 10.37 1.70 12.07 +1.70 Developed 0.47 0.47 Sub-Total Non-Sensitive 21.02 8.67 29.69 +8.67 TOTAL 82.75 -0.40 9.81 92.16 +9.41 Based on the biological analysis conducted and summarized in the table above, the proposed hardline will result in greater conserved area (9.41 acres greater) and greater sensitive habitat quality (0.74 acres greater). •CARLSBAD FILE COPY Community & Economic Development www.carlsbadca.gov May 5, 2014 Don Mitchell Quarry Creek Investors LLC 2750 Womble Road San Diego, CA 92106 SUBJECT: MP lO-Ol(A) - QUARRY CREEK MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT The City Planner has completed a review of your application for a Minor Master Plan Amendment, (APN: 167-040-11 and 21) which is a modification to the Quarry Creek Master Plan. The proposed modifications include text and graphics changes that are a result of the settlement agreement and inciude: • Reducing the number of dwelling units from 656 to 636. • Revising the "panhandle" to reduce the size and amenities of the trailhead staging area (P-5). • Reflecting a two-story height limit for the first row of homes and the use of earth tone colors for the elevations and roofs on the northernmost portion of the panhandle parcel (Planning Area R-4). • Landscaping enhancement of the north facing slope of the panhandle parcel in order to provide additional screening of residential structures subject to the approval of the city Fire Department. The City has determined that the project is subject to the provisions of CEQA; however, the potential environmental effects of the project were adequately analyzed by the previously Certified EIR for the Quarry Creek Master Plan (EIR 11-02). No additional environmental review is required. After careful consideration of the circumstances surrounding this request, the City Planner has determined that the application qualifies for a Minor Master Plan Amendment with the approved permit and therefore, approves the Minor Master Plan Amendment. Prior to the issuance of any permits for the project, the applicant shall submit to the City Planner 10 (ten) comb bound copies, a digital copy and a camera-ready master copy ofthe QUARRY CREEK MASTER PLAN MP lO-Ol(A). CITY OF CARLSBAD a, 4. DON NEU, AlCP City Planner DNiVLfn Attachment c: Hanson Aggregates Pacific Southwest inc., PO Box 639069, San Diego, CA 92163-9069 Chris DeCerbo, Principal Planner Tecla Levy, Project Engineer File Copy Data Entry Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue. Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 T 760-602-4600 F 760-602-8559 ® «>CARLSBAD "LE COPY Community & Economic Development www.carisbadca.gov April 7, 2014 Don Mitchell Quarry Creek Investors LLC 2750 Womble Road San Diego, CA 92106 SUBJECT: 2nd REVIEW FOR MP lO-Ol(A) - QUARRY CREEK MASTER PLAN Dear Mr. Mitchell, The city has completed its review of the revised Quarry Creek Master Plan. There are a few additional corrections and clarifications that need to be made prior to the approval ofthe amendment. Please find attached (sent to Planning Systems c/o Paul Klukas) two redlined documents identifying the areas of revisions. Primarily they consist of the clarification regarding the new street names as a result of the changes made to the roadway circulation in the R-4 planning area. Also, the underlying C-F zoning identified in Table I (Page III-2) needs to be corrected from Open Space. This may cause some of the open space numbers in the plan to change. The City asks that you resubmit two complete sets of the revised development plans incorporating the comments attached for further review. The Citv will complete the review of vour resubmittal within 25 davs. In order to expedite the processing of your application, you are strongly encouraged to contact your Staff Planner, Van Lynch, at (760) 602-4613, to discuss or to schedule a meeting to discuss your application and to completely understand this letter. You may also contact each commenting department individually as follows: • Land Development Engineering Division: Tecla Levy, Associate Engineer, at (760) 602-2733. • Fire Prevention Division: Gregory Ryan, at (760) 602-4666. Sincerely, •1 ' CHRIS DeCERBO Principal Planner CD:VL:fn c: Hanson Aggregates Pacific Southwest inc, PO Box 639069, San Diego, CA 92163-9069 Don Neu, City Planner Tecla Levy, Project Engineer Chris DeCerbo, Principal Planner Michele IVlasterson, Senior IVIanagement Analyst Fiie Copy Data Entry Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 T 760-602-4600 F 760-602-8559 4*CARLSBAD "LE COPY Community & Economic Development www.carlsbadca.gov April 3, 2014 Don Mitchell Quarry Creek Investors LLC 2750 Womble Road San Diego, CA 92106 SUBJECT: MP lO-Ol(A) - QUARRY CREEK MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT - CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) APPUCABILITY/PROCESS DETERMINATION This is to advise you that after reviewing the application for the project amendment referenced above, the City has determined that the project is subject to the provisions of CEQA; however, the potential environmental effects of the project were adequately analyzed by the previously Certified EIR for the Quarry Creek Master Plan (EIR 11-02). No additional environmental review is required. 3 A Notice of Determination will be filed after approval of the project amendment with the San Diego County Clerk's Office which involves a filing fee. Please submit a check to the project planner In the amount of $50.00 made out to the San Diego County Clerk. The check should be submitted approximately one week prior to the City Planner decision date. For additional information related to this CEQA applicability/process determination, please contact the project planner. Van Lynch, at (760) 602-4613 or van.lvnch^carlsbadca.gov. Sincerely, DON NEU, AlCP City Planner DN:VL:fn Chris DeCerbo, Principal Planner Tecla Levy, Project Engineer File Copy Data Entry Planning Division 1635 FaradayAvenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 T 760-602-4600 F 760-602-8559 PLANNING SYSTEMS • LAND USE/COASTAL PLANNING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE • LA3900 POLICY AND PROCESSING ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATION March 27, 2014 Mr. Van Lynch CITY OF CARLSBAD Planning Division 1635 Faraday Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008 R£: MP 10-01 (A); QUARJIY CREEK MASTER PLAN SUBMITTAL #2 Dear Mr. Lynch: We are m receipt of your comment letter dated February 11, 2014. Attached please fmd two hard copies of a revised strike-out version of the Master Plan reflecting the changes identified in your letter. All strike-out changes are in relation to the approved City-Council version, so many [most] of the changes you have seen before. Your rediine copy is also attached. We look forward to your approval of the minor master plan amendment. Sincerely, Paul J. Klukas Du-ector ofPlanning cc: Brian Milich Don Mitchell RECEIVED mR 2 7 20W CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DIVISION 1530 FARADAY AVENUE • SUITE 100 • CARLSBAD, CA 92008 • (760) 931-0780 • FAX (760) 931-5744 • info@planningsystems.net <A 0 FILE COPY ViCARLSBAD Community & Economic Development www.carlsbadca.gov February 11, 2014 Don Mitchell Quarry Creek Investors LLC 2750 Womble Road San Diego, CA 92106 SUBJECT: 1st REVIEW FOR MP lO-Ol(A) - QUARRY CREEK MASTER PLAN Thank you for applying for Land Use Permits in the City of Carlsbad. The Planning Division has reviewed your Minor Master Plan Amendment, application no. MP lO-Ol(A), as to its completeness for processing. The application is complete, as submitted. Although the initial processing of your application may have already begun, the technical acceptance date is acknowledged by the date of this communication. The City may, in the course of processing the application, request that you clarify, amplify, correct, or otherwise supplement the basic information required for the application. In addition, you should also be aware that various design issues may exist. Please find attached a list of items that need to be addressed. These issues must be addressed before this application can be scheduled for a hearing. The Planning Division will begin processing your application as of the date of this communication. The City asks that you resubmit two complete sets of the revised development plans incorporating the comments attached for further review. The Citv will complete the review of vour resubmittal within 25 davs. In order to expedite the processing of your application, you are strongly encouraged to contact your Staff Planner, Van Lynch, at (760) 602-4613, to discuss or to schedule a meeting to discuss your application and to completely understand this letter. You may also contact each commenting department individually as follows: • Land Development Engineering Division: Tecla Levy, Associate Engineer, at (760) 602-2733. • Fire Prevention Division, Gregory Ryan, at (760) 602-4666. Sincerely, K r (1 CHRIS DeCERBO Principal Planner CD:VL:fn Attachments c: Hanson Aggregates Pacific Southwest inc, PO Box 639069, San Diego, CA 92163-9069 Don Neu, City Planner Tecla Levy, Project Engineer Chris DeCerbo, Principal Planner Michele Masterson, Senior Management Analyst Fiie Copy Data Entry Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 T 760-602-4600 F 760-602-8559 © UARRY CREEKMASTER PLAN _ mmm Page 2 ISSUES OF CONCERN Planning: 1. Please find attached a marked up copy ofthe amended Master Plan document. (To be picked up by Planning Systems). 2. In general, the Master Plan should not reflect that "the project site has been reduced to 636." These statements should be removed in favor of just changing the 656 to 636 as the total maximum number of units allowed. Also, each of the tables within the Master Plan shall be revised to reflect the newest numbers provided for each of the Planning Areas. Again, the statement in the tables on the reduction ofthe unit shall be eliminated. 3. With the elimination of the "loop road," there are a few sections that need to be revised so that the Master Plan reads correctly. Redlined comments have been provided where needed. Please see following Engineering and Fire prevention comments regarding the loop road. 4. Section 6.6.4, page VI-40, Trail and Open Space Fencing, is difficult to follow. The use of the yellow (view or post and rail) adjacent to a blue (trail or post and rail fence) appears to require multiple fences in close proximity. Also, there appears to be two types of trail fencing, one the more decorative stone pilaster with horizontal round tube steel and the wood post and rail fence. The plan does not specify which type of trail fence goes where. In areas with the blue and yellow close to each other, would a view fence be installed next to a post and rail type trail fence? In the area of R-4 where three fences are shown, we would have a metal view fence, then a post and rail fence, then a builder fence for a back yard. Where blue and yellow are near each other, the yellow fence could probably be deleted. Engineering: Engineering Department staff has completed the 1st review of the Quarry Creek Master Plan document. Below are our comments: 1. Figures 8,11,19, 20, 24, 26, 33, 39 shows that the previously looped Street "A" is replaced with two cul-de-sac streets. The proposed cul-de-sac streets are intended to serve Planning Area R-4 (allocated with 214 dwelling units) and Planning Area P-5, (community facility - trailhead). The proposed cul-de-sac streets, as shown, are not acceptable due to the following: a) The proposed cul-de-sac design with curb to curb width of 36-foot within a 56 feet wide right-of-way, as indicated on page VII-4, section 7.3.3 ofthe master plan, can only serve up to a maximum of 24 units per Engineering standard Volume 1, Chapter 3, section 3.C.I. (See also City Engineering Standard Volume 3, Chapter 1, GS-IB). b) Carlsbad Fire Code prohibits more than 30 residences on cul-de-sac streets (see attached fire department comments). MP lO-Ol(A) - QUARRY CREEK MASTER PLAN February 11, 2014 Page 3 2. Street "A" must be looped to adequately serve 214 units. On page 11-7 (first paragraph), page 11-19 (first paragraph under 2.5.5 Circulation), IV-19 (second paragraph). Street "A" is described as a looped street and do not mention the proposed cul-de-sacs. Ifthe intention is to ultimately connect the two cul-de-sac streets during the development of Planning Area R-4 to form a looped street A, it must be clearly indicated on the master plan document and shown as a looped street instead of two cul-de-sacs. Revise Figures 8,11,19, 20, 24, 26, 33, 39 and vesting tentative map to show a looped street "A" with a portion identified as "to be constructed with the development of planning area R-4". Provide additional clarification on the timing ofthe design and construction ofthe looped street A. 3. Locate the looped Street "A" so that the cul-de-sac that terminates at planning area P-5 (the trailhead) will only serve up to 24 dwelling units to meet engineering standard Volume 1, Chapter 3, section 3.C.I. 4. The project is conditioned to build the looped water main and sewer main within the looped street A as shown in the approved tentative map. The design ofthe looped water main and sewer main must be coordinated with the design ofthe looped street A. The looped water main and sewer main are backbone utilities required to be built with the master final map. If the construction of the looped street A is deferred until the development of Planning Areas R-4, the developer must agree to redesign and relocate the said utilities (now shown traversing lot 4 and outside Street A) as necessary to comply with the condition of approval to construct the said utilities within the looped street A. (see also comments from the utilities' division). 5. Provide different street names for each proposed cul-de-sac at planning area 5.