HomeMy WebLinkAboutMP 139A; Rancho Carrillo Master Plan; Master Plan (MP) (2)Draft for discussion purposes
Submitted November 19, 1985
November, 1985
Prepared by:
Planning Department
City of Carlsbad
1200 Elm Avenue
Carlsbad, California 92008
Approved by:
Planning Commission
Resolution #1897
December 9, 1981
City Council
Ordinance 19611
January 5, 1982
. Amended:
City Council
Ordinance #9706
February 7, 1984
A. Intent 1-1
B. Purpose 1-1
C. General Provisions 1-2
D. Location 1-3
E. Legal Description 1-3
F. Existing Development 1-3
A. Prior to Approval of Tentative Tract
Map II-l
B. Prior to Issuance of Grading Permit 11-6
C. Prior to Issuance of Building Permits.... II-8
A. Overall Design Concepts III-l
B. Permitted Uses III-l
C. Zoning Regulations III-l
D. Development Review Process III-l
E. Development Standards III-3
F. General Notes and Conditions III-3
G. Homeowners' Associations III-4
H. Sound Attenuation III-5
I. Fire Suppression Standards III-5
J. Lighting Plan III-6
K. Individual Planning Area Standards III-6
A. Introduction IV-1
B. Open Space Categories IV-1
C. Dedication IV-2
D. Improvements IV-2
A. Sources of Public Facilities Funding V-l
B. Description of Public Facilities V-2
C. Phasing of Public Facilities V-8
A. Purpose VI-1
B. Sign Categories and Locations VI-1
C. Design Standards VI-3
Master Plan
Significant Grading
Sound Attenuation
Landscape Open Area Plan
Slope Analysis
Natural Features ,
Scenic Highways
Roadway Sections ,
Phasing ,
Sign Program
Appendix - Legal Description,
Planning Department Staff;
Mike Holtzmiller, Director
Michaelj.Hpwes, Associate, Planner
Adriarn'\anders, Assistant, Planner
(714f 438-5591
Information Supplied by;
The Planning Center
240 Newport Center Drive
Suite 215
Newport Beach, CA 92660
(714) 640-4911
Rick Engineering Company
3088 Pio Pico Drive
Suite 201
Carlsbad, CA 92008
(714) 729-4987
Brown Leary
11545 Sorrento Valley Road
Suite 314
San Diego, CA 92121
(619) 452-8544
Larry Seeman & Associates
500 Newport Center Drive
Suite 525
Newport Beach, CA 92660
(714) 640-6363
Partin-Bennett Financial Group, Inc,
2111 Palomar Airport Road
Suite 325
Carlsbad, CA 92008
(619) 438-4447
The Meister Company, Inc.
5100 Campus Drive
Newport Beach, CA 92660
(714) 833-9010
The Woodward Companies
5100 Campus Drive
Newport Beach, CA 92660
(714) 955-2902
Carrillo Rancho Partnership
600 "B" Street
Suite 2050
San Diego, CA 92101
(714) 231-2721
Cal Fed Enterprises
840 Newport Center Drive
Suite 210
Newport Beach, CA 92660
(714) 720-1938
Brehm Communities
2835 Camino del Rio South
Suite 220
San Diego, CA 92108-3882
(619) 293-7090
Scripps Memorial Hospitals
9888 Genesee Avenue
San Diego, CA 92037
This Master Plan constitutes a revision to the Rancho
Carrillo Master Plan first adopted by the City Council in
October 1972 (Ordinance #9332) and subsequently amended in
October 1973 (Ordinance #9365) and amended in February 1984
(Ordinance #9706) . This Master Plan is intended to comply
with the requirement for a Master Plan contained in the
Planned Community Zone Ordinance adopted in July, 1976
(Chapter 21.38) and, therefore, provides the basis for
further decisions by the City on future land use for the
Rancho Carrillo community.
The Rancho Carrillo community totals approximately 868.7
acres located entirely within the City of Carlsbad. Of the
868.7 acres, approximately 100 acres has already been
The intent of the Master Plan is to implement Chapter 21.38
of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The Master Plan identifies,
regulates, and defines the land uses and circulation network
that will be permitted on the property in accordance with
the General Plan and Chapter 21.38 of the Carlsbad Municipal
Code. It provides standards and criteria for the develop-
ment of the residential, hospital, commercial and open space
areas. Landscaping criteria, signs, circulation systems and
project phasing are all addressed within the context of the
Master Plan.
The following document is a Master Plan for a 869 acre
planned community known as Rancho Carrillo. This Master
Plan has several purposes:
1. To comply with the Planned Community Zone Ordinance
adopted in July of 1976 (Chapter 21.38) thereby pro-
viding the basis for further land use decisions for
property within Rancho Carrillo.
2. To provide for a planned community and open space devel-
opment that is sensitive to the valley floor, hillside
areas and the surrounding land uses.
' M>. MAX. UNITS 100
MN«ITY<du/«c> , I.*
DENSITY (du/u> 3.1
^3^^K..^A^»iOfc£fe**tStaVL'-;:.S.'»'» , v \ s> — I:, .',,1/H••
OEN8ITY(<ki/M>. 3.1
DENSITY (du/ie)
CARLSBAD A Planed Comnnty
Rancho Carrillo
Land Use Summary
Residential 469.1
Hospital 70.1
Commercial 10.0
Industrial 71.4
Open Space 126.2
Park 10.5
School 10.0
Existing Development 100.0
TOTAL 867.5
1. Development Standards
Specific development plans shall be evaluated in accord-
ance with municipal ordinances and policies in effect at
the time said plans are before the City Council for
approval. Where a conflict in development standards
occurs, the standards specified in this Master Plan
shall control. Approval and construction of a part of
the development pursuant to this Master Plan shall not
vest any rights in the balance of the Master Plan nor
create any vested rights to the approval of any subse-
quent developments.
2. Amendments to the Master Plan
Approval of this Master Plan indicates acceptance by the
City Council of a general framework for development of
the subject property. It is part of an ongoing planning
process and is subject to amendment in the future by the
City. Said amendments may be initiated by either the
City Council or the landowner.
3. Availability of Public Services
Approval of this plan does not constitute and guarantee
that individual developments within the Master Plan area
will be approved nor that the availability of public
facilities - and services will necessarily coincide with
the Developer's timetable for construction. Availabili-
ty of public services will be evaluated in the context
of subsequent individual approvals.
11/13/85 1-2
4. Dedications
All land and/or easements required by this Master Plan
for roadway and public utility purposes shall be granted
to the City of Carlsbad without cost to the City and
free of all lines and encumbrances.
5. Zoning
Pursuant to the powers of Chapter 21.38 of the Carlsbad
Municipal Code this Master Plan shall constitute the
zoning for all land within the Master Plan. No person
shall use or develop land located within the boundaries
defined by the Master Plan contrary to the provisions of
the Master Plan. All provisions of the Master Plan are
imposed as a condition of zoning.
The 868.7 acre Rancho Carrillo Community is located at the
extreme easterly boundary of the City of Carlsbad. The
property is bounded on the north by the Carlsbad Raceway, on
the east by the City of San Marcos and San Diego County, on
the south by the La Costa Community and on the west by an
unincorporated San Diego County "island".
The property legal description is found in Appendix A.
The 100 acre existing developed area within the Rancho
Carrillo community includes single family residential homes
and open space. This area is located within Planning Area X
and was developed in consistency with the provisions of
Specific Plan and Tentative Tract No. 73-29 approved by the
City of Carlsbad on November 2, 1974 and extended on October
6. 1976. This area of existing development zoned PC shall
be governed by these previously approved actions. If
desired amendments in this area can be accomplished by only
amending said actions, no amendments to this Master Plan
shall be necessary. If desired amendments in this area
require a general plan amendment, and the area is to remain
in the PC zone", this Master Plan shall also be amended to
incorporate the approved changes.
11/13/85 1-3
The following mitigation measures were formulated in
response to potential adverse environmental impacts identi-
fied in the Rancho Carrillo Environmental Impact Report (EIR
80-7). A completediscussionolenvironmentalimpacts and
mitigation measures, is found in the Rancho Carrillo EIR and
Response to Comments. EnvironmentalreviewoltheRancho
Carrillo Master Plan was limited to the impact of 2998
dwelling units. Any additional proposed residential devel-
opment shall be subject to further environmental review.
Supplemental traffic studies have been prepared (Weston
Pringle and Associates, September 5, 1985) to assess the
impacts associated with a 330 bed hospital and related
1. Geology
a. All recommendations and conclusions of the soils and
geologic reports on file with the City of Carlsbad
will be incorporated into the project design.
b. The identified slide areas and areas of potential
slides will be precisely delineated and analyzed
throughout the property. Based on this identifica-
tion and analysis, appropriate stabilization proce-
dures will be formulated and incorporated into proj-
ect design and grading plans.
c. Areas requiring fill will be more precisely deter-
mined in conjunction with the grading plan and more
detailed project design. This study will include
detailed estimates of the amount of fill required
and the percentage of settlement subsidence expected
after recompaction.
d. The existing moist soils and groundwater conditions
in the canyon areas will be more fully explored to
features to ensure fill slope stability and stable
ground conditions.
e. The depths and natures of the identified alluvium
and colluvium deposits will be precisely determined.
The deposits' suitability for development will also
be determined. If found to be unsuitable, appropri-
ate engineering procedures will be identified and
incorporated into the project design.
11/13/85 II-l
NEWPOflT BEACH CA 92660 <7M)64O-49'1
CARLSBAD A Planned Community SOO 1OOO
f. All onsite soils will be further analyzed to deter-
mine their potential constraints on development.
Based on this analysis, appropriate soils engineer-
ing procedures will be formulated.
g. Based on results of the studies relating to land-
slide characteristics, moisture conditions, soil
characteristics and fill requirements, appropriate
engineering procedures will be formulated for
stabilization of all cut slopes.
h. All grading operations will be in full conformance
with City of Carlsbad ordinances pertaining to
grading. The grading procedures will be reviewed by
the City for conformance with such ordinances and
the recommendations and conclusions of all geotech-
nical studies submitted.
2. Hydrology
a. The developer will incorporate a drainage control
system which will ensure that peak runoff rates from
the 10-year storm after development will not exceed
existing 10 year peak flow rates. Detention basins
will be designed to pass runoff safely from a 100-
year storm. The drainage control system will be
maintained by a Homeowners Association or
Maintenance District.
b. A detailed hydrological and drainage control analy-
sis will be conducted by the project applicant and
submitted to the City for review. The study shall
identify necessary onsite flood control measures.
The study shall also identify measures for assuring
that onsite runoff will not adversely affect offsite
areas. Changes in groundwater levels due to the
grading and the removal of onsite impoundments must
also be analyzed. The report will also examine
hydrological effects of diverting the stream onsite.
Results of this study will be incorporated into the
project design to the satisfaction of the City
3. Agriculture
a. The developer will provide an adequate buffer to
mitigate potential incompatibility between proposed
residences onsite and existing agricultural land
uses offsite. Appropriate buffers to be considered
include construction of a six foot block wall
dividing the two land uses, and if aerial spraying
occurs over the adjacent agriculture, an open space
buffer of 150 feet or placement of a roadway between
the two uses.
11/13/85 II-2
b. The developer shall offer short-term leases of agri-
culturally viable parcels as feasible until such
time as they are developed.
4. Land Use
a. The areas of residential and commercial/industrial
development which are directly adjacent to one
another will receive special design consideration.
The project applicant will submit a plan to be
approved by the City of Carlsbad which will include
special setbacks, landscape requirements and other
design features to provide for a more compatible
interface between the two uses.
b. Greenbelts and natural open space areas shall be
provided in accordance with Chapter IV, Open Space
of this Master Plan.
5. Traffic
a. Recommended intersection geometries are as follows
when unless specifically modified by the City
Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound
Palomar Airport Road &
El Camino Real 1 3 (1)* 2* 3 1* 1 3 1* 2* 3 (1)*
Palomar Airport Road &
Melrose Avenue 2* 3 (1)* 2* 3 1* 2 3 (1)* 2* 3 (1)*
Palomar Airport Road &
Scripps Way 102 000031* 2* 30
Melrose Avenue &
Scripps Road 2* 3 1* 1 3 (1)* 2* 2 1* 1 2 (1)*
(1) Free Right Turn Lane.
*Denotes increase in lanes over Carlsbad Circulation Plan road classi-
fication; needed by either AM peak hour, PM peak hour, or both.
11/13/85 II-3
b. The collector streets with daily volumes in excess
of 5,000 should have provisions for four lanes from
the arterial to the first local intersection.
c. A free right-turn and single left-turn lane should
be provided for southbound traffic on Melrose Avenue
at Carrillo Way/Scripps Way.
d. Intersection spacing along El Fuerte Street should
be modified to provide a minimum of 600 feet between
e. The Police and Fire Departments shall review the
circulation system to assure proper and safe emer-
gency access to the development.
f. No Planning Area or group of Planning Areas shall
consist of more than 500 units (or its equivalent
based upon vehicle trips) without a second access.
g. The use of alternate transportation modes will be
encouraged by the inclusion of bus facilities,
public bikeways and walkways in the site plan. •
h. At the time the industrial and commercial areas are
planned, the project applicant and the City of
Carlsbad will consider designating official transit
and ridesharing pickup stations. Stations should be
safe and comfortable, including shelters and
i. At the time industrial and commercial areas are more
specifically planned, the City of Carlsbad shall
consider requiring a percentage of parking spaces to
be reserved as "preferential parking" for multi-
occupancy vehicles.
j. The project applicant and/or the City of Carlsbad
will contact the CalTrans Commuter Computer to dis-
cuss the feasibility and effectiveness of construc-
tion of Park-and-Ride facilities within the Rancho
Carrillo community.
6. Noise
A detailed acoustic analysis and noise control pro-
gram must be completed and submitted to the City of
Carlsbad for review. This analysis and control pro-
gram must reflect any potential changes in estimated
future noise, exposure levels due to revised or new
information. It must provide a noise control pro-
gram utilizing such features as berms, setbacks,
11/13/85 II-4
noise barriers and/or housing design in order to
reduce the noise exposure levels to State and local
standards. Effects of natural and manufactured
topography must be considered in the analysis.
b. Only those uses which do not generate a sound level
in excess of 45 decibels at the boundaries of the
site will be permitted in the industrial area.
7. Public Services/Utilities
a. The City of Carlsbad and the Costa Real Municipal
Water District will review the Rancho Carrillo
Master Plan for Public Water System (Woodside/
Kubota,1974)todetermineitsapplicability to
revised consumption and fire flow figures of the new
Rancho Carrillo Master Plan. At that time, the City
will also require that the community's non-potable
water needs to be defined and that the Water Dis-
trict consider services based on these needs.
b. Fire flow demands will be reevaluated, if necessary,
since the distribution of dwelling units within any
one given residential area could drastically change
fire flow requirements and pipeline sizes.
8. Conservation
a. Development landscaping in public use and private
common areas will emphasize low water-consuming
plants such as native species and will utilize mulch
to maximize water retention. Efficient irrigation
system shall be employed such as drip irrigation,
soil moisture sensors and automatic systems to mini-
mize runoff and evaporation. Landscape plans indi-
cating plant species, size, general location and
conservation measures shall be required for all open
space areas. Plans shall be submitted concurrent
with tentative subdivision map for projects utiliz-
ing the Development Plan Review process provided
herein, and with building permit application for the
Standard review Process alternative. Landscape
plans shall be subject to the approval of the Plan-
ning Director and Director of Parks and Recreation.
b. The project developer shall include, to the fullest
extent possible, design features that reduce energy
consumption through conservation or the use of
alternative energy sources such as solar-assisted
heating systems and the inclusion of wiring, plumb-
ing and roof loading-bearing design for future
active solar collector systems.
11/13/85 II-5
c. The developer shall incorporate into project design,
to the extent possible, energy conservation features
such as solar water heating for swimming pools,
weatherization (double glazing, attic ventilation,
insulation), solarization, increased slopes of
south-facing roof and plumbing for retrofit of solar
d. Hospital energy conservation measures may include
steam reclamation, special construction techniques
and cogeneration.
e. The developer shall submit a written report address-
ing all conservation measures required by 8.b.,c and
d. above.
1. Natural Habitat
a. The project applicant has incorporated the existing
natural drainage channels into the planned drainage
control system for the project. In implementing
this system, existing riparian habitat will be pre-
served. Further, the riparian habitat will be
cleared of rubbish, ruderal species removed and
human disturbance discouraged. In cooperation with
the California Department of Fish and Game, the
project applicant will investigate and implement,
where feasible, an enhancement program for riparian
habitat. Any enhancement program should be reviewed
and approved by the City concurrent with approval of
the first residential tentative map.
b. The project applicant is required to apply for a
1603 permit from the California Department of Fish
and Game for all disturbance and alternation of on-
site streambeds and water impoundments. The project
applicants will be required to incorporate all per-
mit conditions formulated by Fish and Game into the
project design.
c. Landscaping around the retention basins to be used
for flood control purposes will be comprised of 100
percent native vegetation.
d. Grading in riparian areas will be limited to that
necessary for remedial grading, park and school
access, park and school facility improvement, drain-
age system installation and other approved utility
access and infrastructure systems. J
11/13/85 II-6
2. Archaeology
a. A qualified archaeologist shall attend pregrade
meetings with the grading contractor to determine
which phases of grading will require archaeological
monitoring. The archaeologist shall be authorized
to divert, direct or halt grading in a specific area
to allow expeditious salvage of any significant
artifacts uncovered as a result of grading.
b. A qualified archaeologist shall investigate Sites
CA-SDi-4306, 4687 and 4690 to determine their sig-
nificance and research potential. These sites will
be preserved if possible; if not, a qualified
archaeologist will test and excavate.
c. A qualified archaeologist shall conduct the surface
collection and analysis of shell scatters of
CA-SDi-4679, 4688 and 4689.
d. Sites CA-SDi-4684, 4685, 4686 and 4691 shall be
mapped with all shell scatter flakes, cores, tools,
scrapers and debitage collected by a qualified
e. A certified paleontologist shall perform a walkover
survey of the site in order to locate and define
areas of paleontological sensitivity. The paleon-
tologist will submit a written report to the Plan-
ning Department prior to issuance of the grading
permit. Any fossils located during the survey will
be collected prior to grading.
f. The paleontologist shall be present at all pregrade
meetings to determine the necessity for a paleon-
tological observer during various phases of grading.
This determination will be based on the findings of
the walkover survey and grading plans.
g. The observe shall be allowed to divert, direct or
halt grading in a specific area to allow for the
expeditious salvage of exposed fossil materials.
Fossils collected will be donated to a public non-
profit institution such as the San Diego Natural
History Museum, the Paleobiology Department of San
Diego State University or the Natural History Museum
of Los Angeles County.
h. The Carrillo Ranch site shall be preserved as part
of a 10.6 acre site City park. Prior to issuance of
grading permits, the developer shall provide ade-
quate measures to protect the historic ranch site
and riparian area from the potential adverse impacts
of land alteration operations.
11/13/85 II-7
3. Geology
a. A complete erosion control program to minimize the
potential for erosion during development will be
approved by the City of Carlsbad prior to issuance
of the grading permit. This erosion control program
will be enforced continuously during grading opera-
tions and between grading phases. This program will
include provisions for construction during non-rainy
periods, immediate planting of vegetation on all
exposed slopes, temporary sedimentation basins (if
necessary), and a watering and compaction program.
b. All parcels will be scrutinized during grading for
subsurface faulting by the City of Carlsbad con-
struction inspector. If such faulting is evidenced,
immediate analysis will be conducted to determine
the significance of the faulting and any measures
necessary to minimize hazards.
c. Dust suppression measures, such as regular watering,
grading in the spring when soil moisture is high and
early paving of roads, will be implemented to reduce
air pollutant during construction and grading.
a. All prospective purchasers of residential property
must be notified of airport operations (both exist-
ing and future) in writing by the seller prior to
the close of escrow. Additionally, all CC&R's for
the overall development and subsequent subdivisions
shall incorporate provisions noticing homeowners of
the potential airport noise impacts, and provide
assurances satisfactory to the City Attorney that
the City will not be liable for noise impacts.
b. The .City shall require avigation easements, or other
appropriate legal mechanisms, in consultation with
the Palomar Airport Manager and the project appli-
cants .
c. All developments that are or may be located within
the 65" CNEL impact area of the airport shall be
designed to attenuate the airport noise impacts.
2. Public Services
a. The future fire station proposed in the Fire Depart-
ment's Master Plan at the intersection of Bataquitos
and Buttercup as well as the Safety Center at
11/13/85 II-8
Faraday will be constructed to meet the fire protec-
tion needs of the development. The new existing
Fire Station in San Marcos on Rancho Santa Fe will
meet interim fire service needs with use of existing
cooperative service agreements.
b. The commercial and industrial areas of the Master
Plan will employ internal security systems including
security guards and an alarm system to deter
burglary and vandalism and reduce the demand on
police services. "Defensible space" concepts shall
be incorporated into project design to deter crime
and vandalism, as feasible.
3. Conservation
a. Public and private toilet facilities will be low-
flush toilets and low-flow faucets. Insulation will
be required for hot water lines in water recircula-
ting systems. Any public flush valve-operated water
closets will have a three-gallon flush and drinking
fountains will have self-closing valves.
11/13/85 II-9
The overall design concept for Rancho Carrillo shall be
based upon the unique topographic setting composed of a
large east to west valley surrounded by gentle slopes. This
setting will assist in fostering a self-contained community
oriented inward around the community core. The community
core will consist of the existing Leo Carrillo Ranch,
riparian area and school site. The Leo Carrillo Ranch has
been incorporated as a primary theme orientation of the
entire community. This has been accomplished through the
preservation of the ranch buildings and surrounding natural
features. The second theme of the community will be the
major hospital campus. Rancho Carrillo will provide for
housing of various sizes and characteristics throughout the
community. View areas will be maximized and hospital,
residential, commercial, school and industrial areas will be
linked with non vehicular circulation systems. Community
harmony will be based upon the uniform signing, landscaping
and edge treatments where variety will be found in indivi-
dual planning areas.
Permitted uses for all Planning Areas shall be as shown on
Table III-l.
Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is incorporated
herein by reference. The development and use regulations
specified for the zone listed under permitted uses in Table
III-l shall apply to development within the Planning Area
unless otherwise provided by this plan or in a planned
development permit processed under this plan, in which case
the development standards of the Planned Development
Ordinance shall apply.
1. Development in Planning Area A shall be subject to the
(Hospital Overlay) site development plan process of
Chapter 21.06 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code.
2. Development in Planning Areas B through H, J and K shall
be subject to the Planned Development Process as con-
tained in Chapter 21.45 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code.
11/13/85 III-l
The following Table III-l describes the type of development
to occur in each planning area. The table establishes the
applicable development process, the applicable development
type, the maximum dwelling units allowed, the gross acreage
and the open space acreage.
1. The Planning Director shall be authorized to approve
minor amendments to approve Development Plans providing
such amendments shall not increase the approved densi-
ties or boundaries of the Development Plan, or permit a
new use or group of uses not shown on the approved
Development Plan. Phasing revisions, rearrangement of
the uses within the Planning Area and modifications up
to but not exceeding ten percent of the approved yards,
coverage, heights, open space, landscaping, parking or
other development standards may also be approved by the
Planning Director.
2. Common recreational vehicle storage shall be provided
prior to occupancy of the 750th unit. The storage
facility is located in Planning Area K west of El
Fuerte. This area shall be maintained by the Rancho
Carrillo Homeowners Association. Until this lot is
developed, temporary recreational vehicle storage shall
be provided for each planning area pursuant to the stan-
dards of the Planned Development Ordinance.
3. There shall be permitted as part of a tentative subdivi-
sion map approval for any residential neighborhood, a
model home area containing up to six product types sub-
ject to the provisions of Section 21.60.030 of the
Carlsbad Municipal Code. The Planning Director may
approve more than six units subject to adequate agree-
ments guaranteeing the removal of said units if the
subdivision map does not record within the time period
allowed by law.
4. To ensure unified development control as required by
Section 21.38.030 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, indi-
vidual property owners have cooperated with one another
in order to accomplish the orderly development of the
property in accordance with this Master Plan. The
individual property owners have entered into an agree-
ment among themselves which provides for the financing,
right-of-way dedication and construction of the public
improvements required by the Master Plan. This agree-
ment has been approved by the City of Carlsbad on July
3, 1984.
11/13/85 III-3
R-l .
RD-M &
Residential &
Open Space
Residential &
Open Space
Residential &
Residential &
Open Space
Residential &
Open Space
Residential &
Open Space
Residential &
Open Space
Residential &
Open Space
Vehicle Storage &
Open Space
4.6 3.1 113
2.3 3.6 50
1.1 8.6 230
6.3 5.1 300
6.3 7.5 448
12.0 6.6 281
25.8 1.5 108
20.6 3.8 200
48.2 3.9 970
TOTAL 595.3 126.2 2700
5. Passive energy use reduction features shall be incor-
porated in the design of individual Planning Areas
wherever possible. Active energy use reduction features
shall be incorporated wherever possible.
6. If a comprehensive development plan is submitted which
includes two or more contiguous planning areas, the City
Council may approve a transfer of a portion of the den-
sity, not to exceed 10 percent, between the planning
areas without requiring a modification to this Master
Plan providing that the density within each planning
area will be in conformance with the General Plan.
7. All landscaping within the Master Plan shall comply with
the City of Carlsbad's Landscape Guidelines Manual.
1. The essential design characteristics of the Rancho
Carrillo community will be adhered to as set forth in
Chapter III of this Master Plan in and through the use
of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&R's)
established by the property owners. These CC&R's shall
provide regulations known as Architectural Committee
Rules and Guidelines which shall be administered by an
Architectural Committee. This Committee's responsibili-
ty shall only be in matters more restrictive than the
minimum standards allowed by this Master Plan and the
City, This Committee's approval shall be required on
all building plans prior to review by the City unless
the Planning Director determines there are extenuating
circumstances that would allow the City to accept the
plans without the Committee's prior approval. The City
shall not participate as a member of this Committee.
2. The CC&R's shall incorporate by reference this Master
Plan, and shall state expressly that the declarations
are subject to the provisions of this Master Plan and
that the City shall have the right to enforce the provi-
sions of this Master Plan through its normal enforcement
procedures if the City Council determines such enforce-
ment is necessary to protect the public welfare and may
assess homeowners for costs incurred therein.
3. CC&R's for the Master Plan and subsequent Planning Areas
shall be submitted to the Planning Director for his
approval as to consistency with the paragraphs 1. and
2., above. The CC&R's shall be submitted prior to
recordation of .the final subdivision map for actual
development for each Planning Area.
11/13/85 III-4
4. Planning Area A shall be excluded from these provisions.
1. Purpose
There shall be incorporated into the development of the
areas included in this Master Plan physical designs as
shown on the following Exhibits set forth on pages
111-16 and 17, and in II.A.6. which insofar as practical
attenuate the adverse impact noise has on residential
areas, schools, recreational areas and open spaces.
2. Physical Design Standards
a. Suitable mitigating measures shall be taken to mini-
mize the effects of noise generators such as prime,
major and secondary roadways on residential areas,
schools, parks and other recreational areas and open
space areas.
b. Where opportunities exist street, school and active
park and other recreational areas shall be designed
to achieve a depressed elevation separation from
adjacent areas requiring noise attenuation.
c. Where opportunities for depressed elevation design
do not exist, berms and/or noise attenuation walls
shall be used where space permits to provide noise
attenuation to adjacent areas.
d. Dense evergreen landscaping shall be considered for
supplementary noise attenuation purposes to all of
the above physical design standards.
e. The various noise attenuation installations, shown
on the following pages, will be incorporated into
the project where suitable and practical.
f. All noise attenuation installations shall conform to
City Traffic Standards for line-of-site distances at
street intersections and other public access points.
1. Where structures immediately abut native vegetation,
fire retardant roofs shall be provided as required by
the Fire Marshall. In addition, within 30 feet of these
structures, natural fire retardant plant material will
be provided as a replacement to native vegetation within
open space areas, as may be required by the Fire
11/13/85 III-5
2. Clearance of heavily vegetated open space areas contain-
ing concentrations of volatile fire fuels shall be
cleared for fire suppression purposes as required by the
Fire Marshall commensurate with appropriate protection
of sensitive environmental habitats. Where there is a
conflict Fire Marshall recommendations shall prevail.
In natural areas, selective replacement of vegetation
with high volatility will be permitted.
3. Adequate fire vehicle accessibility to the native areas
via streets or special access fire roads and easements
per the Fire Marshall's requirements shall be provided.
4. Whenever required by the Fire Marshall, slopes adjacent
to development shall be landscaped according to the
Interface Area - Fire Protection Exhibit on the follow-
ing pages.
All new street lights shall be of a type which conserves
energy and is approved by the Director of Utilities and
Maintenance. Maximum spacing of street lights shall be
utilized consistent with City standards and subject to the
approval of the City Engineer. The developer will agree to
annex to City street lighting district.
Planning Area A
Planning Area A is the site of a major hospital campus with
an acute care general hospital, medical office buildings,
residential care units, skilled nursing facilities, mental
health center, care and fitness centers, education center,
special treatment center and restaurant. Parking at grade
and parking decks will be provided for an ultimate total of
2905 spaces. A private collector road arcs through the
property from Scripps Way to Melrose Avenue. The hospital
campus structures will range from one story to five stories
depressed so that the maximum height above Palomar Airport
Road is 35 feet. The campus will have a unified sign pro-
gram with monument signs at the three major intersections;
Melrose/Palomar., Melrose/Scripps and Palomar/Scripps.
Structural setbacks from perimeter roadways range from 30
feet (Mental Health Center to Palomar Airport Road) to 146
feet (Skilled Nursing Facility to Melrose). The campus will
be built in phases with the first phase to feature a portion
of the general hospital and one medical office building with
necessary parking and landscaping.
11/13/85 III-6
Recommended standards:
1. Graded sites to be developed later should be landscaped
and hydroseeded with future facility signing.
2. Setbacks from Palomar Airport Road shall adhere to
Scenic Highway setback criteria (35 feet).
3. Consideration shall be given to a left turn entrance
from Melrose by the City Engineering Department.
4. Heights shall not exceed 35 feet above the centerline of
Palomar Airport Road at its highest elevation between
Melrose Avenue and Scripps Way.
Planning Area B
Planning Area B is designated for residential land uses with
the northerly portion in open space use. The open space
area is comprised of slope banks required by the construc-
tion of Melrose Avenue. Access is recommended to line up
with the collector entering Area D on Carrillo Way. Land
use studies coordinating this Planning Area with land uses
in Area A may occur at subsequent processing stages.
Planning Area C
Planning Area C is designated for residential land uses with
an open space slope edge to the south and east comprised of
a slope bank. Access will be from Scripps Way. Land use
studies coordinating this Planning Area with land uses in
Area A may occur at subsequent processing stages.
Planning Area D
Two land uses are proposed, commercial and residential. The
uses will be separated with a collector road to be precisely
located with the submittal of tentative maps. Access will
be via Carrillo Way and the collector road.
Planning Area E
Planning Area E features single family homes and multi-
family homes. /The area is served by a loop collector street
linking Areas F and H.
Recommended Standards:
1. Grading in riparian areas is limited as noted by the
standards in Planning Area K.
11/13/85 III-7
2. Landscape perimeter and provide future facility signing
on multi-family site if it is developed later than the
single family area.
3. Provide maintenance access to the riparian area where
Planning Area F
Single Family and multi-family sites are proposed with open
space slope banks along the northern boundary. Access is
via a collector road which will separate the single family
and multi-family uses.
Recommended Standards:
1. Grading in riparian areas is limited as noted by the
standards in Planning Area K.
2. Landscape perimeter and provide future facility signing
on multi-family site if it is developed later than the
single family area.
Planning Area G
Attached cottages are proposed with open space slope banks
on the northerly boundary. Access is provided via a collec-
tor road from Carrillo Way through Planning Area D.
Recommended Standards:
1. Grading in riparian areas is limited as noted by the
standards in Planning Area K.
Planning Area H
Single family lots are proposed to be surrounded by riparian
open spaces and natural hillside. Access is provided via a
collector road.
Recommended Standards:
1. Grading in riparian areas is limited as noted by the
standards in Planning Area K.
2. Provide maintenance access to the riparian area where
11/13/85 III-8
Planning Area I
Planning Area I is proposed for use as an elementary school.
Access can be provided through Area G or Area K. Fill dirt
will be required to alleviate the alluvial condition and
create a buildable location for school buildings and fields.
Should the school site not be used by the District, the
property will be used for residential land uses consistent
with the RM General Plan designation. This decision will be
made by the School District no later than two years after
approval of the subdivision map creating the legal school
Recommended Standards:
1. Grading in riparian areas is limited as noted by the
standards in Planning Area K.
2. Locate fields and structures to enable joint public use
with the City Park.
3. Provide pedestrian trails linking to riparian areas,
residential neighborhoods and City park facilities.
Planning Area J
Planning Area J features single family and multi-family
homes with open space to the north and south. Access is
provided via a collector road which will separate the single
family and multi-family neighborhoods.
Recommended Standards:
1. Graded sites (assumed to be multi-family sites) to be
developed later should be perimeter landscaped with
future facility signing.
2. Grading in riparian areas is limited as noted by the
standards in Planning Area K.
3. Provide maintenance access to the riparian area where
Planning Area K
Planning Area K features single family homes in two lots
sizes, multi-family, natural and slope bank open space and
recreational vehicle storage. Two internal collector roads
are proposed to link Melrose Avenue, Unicornio and El
Fuerte. Public access to the City park/historic center will
be through Planning Area K.
11/13/85 III-9
Design of a stair-stepped system of single loaded streets ^
and small cul-de-sacs with intervening slope banks is in
response to geologist recommendations to stabilize a major
landslide which threatens the riparian area, streambed and
City park. Geologist recommendations dictate cutting fill
at the top of the slide near the southerly property line,
development pads close to the natural slope with substantial
fill near the base of the slide at the valley edge. Instal-
lation of a buttress slope at the base of the slide rein-
forces it from movement. This design parameter results in
residential neighborhoods molded to the natural topographic
landforms with the additional benefit of good overviews.
The design also results in a requirement of significant
remedial grading of the entire planning area before the
initiation of construction phases.
Recommended Standards:
1. Coordinate with the City Department of Parks and Recrea- I
tion to provide needed access to the City park.
2. Graded multi-family sites to be developed later should
be perimeter landscaped with future facility signing.
3. Future single family area slope banks over 5 feet which
will be subject to mass grading in advance of develop-
ment shall be immediately hydroseeded with landscaping
consistent with recommendations of the project geolo-
4. In advance of or concurrent with the initiation of mass
grading operations, a public information notice,
approved as to form by the Planning Director shall be
placed in newspapers of local circulation announcing the
initiation of grading and explaining the remedial basis
for the grading operation.
5. Grading impact upon the riparian area shall be limited
to that necessary for:
—remedial grading and placement of buttress slopes
—access to park and school fields and facilities
—installation of drainage systems required by the
approved hydrology study
—other approved utility systems, infrastructure systems
or access roads.
6. Pedestrian linkage and maintenance access shall be pro-
vided to the riparian area.
11/13/85 111-10
Planning Areas L, M and N
Development should, in addition to the environmental mitiga- *
tion measures set forth in II. A. 4., emphasize careful design > /
of vehicular access points on Palomar Airport Road to maxi-
mize safety. Appropriate visual and noise screening and
buffering including landscaped berms or walls should be con-
sidered where grade separation does not insure adequate pro-
tection to adjacent residential areas. Commercial uses
shall be restricted to community serving commercial estab-
lishments including but not limited to food and merchandis-
ing stores, professional offices, restaurants and similar
activities. Other uses shall be restricted to distribution,
office, research, laboratory, indoor storage, and similar
activities of a light industrial character compatible with
the above described commercial uses and adjacent residential
areas. All uses shall comply with provisions of Section
21.34.010(1) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code.
11/13/85 III-ll
1 ' ™" ^^
**This Master Plan for Rancho Carrillo designates 126.2 acres {* "? nC
to be set aside as open space by the developer. These open n*1 c
space areas, as shown on the Landscape Open Area Plan pro- * V1
vides buffers between residential areas and the hospital,
roads and commercial and public areas as well as define
neighborhoods. A system of pedestrian trails will traverse
these open space corridors to connect the school, ranch site
and the community core with the housing and hospital areas.
These trails may connect to a broader city-wide circulation
All open space including, but not limited to, the open space
corridors shown on the Landscape Open Area Plan, shall be
improved in accordance with IV.C., below and dedicated in
accordance with IV.B., below pursuant to the Phasing
Schedule contained in Chapter IV of this Master Plan.
1. Riparian and Low Lying Area
There are two general areas separated by Melrose Avenue.
The two valleys east of Melrose are proposed for minimal
public access to enable an introduced habitat for the
Least Bell's Viero which is an endangered bird species
(State). West of Melrose, a school site, park site and
drainage facilities together with preserved riparian
vegetation will, be subject to moderate public access for
interpretative purposes. This area is the subject of
ongoing riparian area studies to determine appropriate
uses, public access and development edges. The com-
pleted studies will accompany tentative map submittals.
2. Major Slopes
Most planning areas shall provide for dedication of open
space easements for maintenance purposes at the time of
final map approval for that Planning Area. Maintenance
of the slopes shall be the responsibility of the home-
owners associations. Interim and permanent irrigation
systems and plantings shall comply with the City of
Carlsbad Landscape Guidelines Manual.
3. Other Open Space
Planning Areas H and J contain natural hillside areas
not proposed to be graded. Maintenance of these areas
will be the responsibility of the homeowners
11/13/85 IV-1
Approval of development of each Planning Area shall include
the dedication of an open space easement to the City of
Carlsbad over its respective open space area as shown on the
Landscape Open Area Plan. Approval of development of each
Planning Area containing a pedestrian trail as shown on the
Landscape Open Area Plan shall include an offer to dedicate
a public access easement covering that portion of the trail
located within that Planning Area. This offer to dedicate
shall provide that the pedestrian trail shall not be open
for public use unless and until the City accepts the offer
to dedicate and assumes liability and maintenance responsi-
bility for the pedestrian trail. Adjoining areas, including
but not limited slopes, shall not be included in this offer
to dedicate. If the City does not accept this offer to
dedicate by a recorded written instrument within five years
from the date of recordation of the final map for each
neighborhood, the offer to dedicate shall expire and the
owner shall have no further obligation to offer to dedicate
or dedicate a public access easement and the use and main-
tenance of the property shall be governed by the CC&R's.
The width and location of the open space corridors shall be
as shown on the Landscape Open Area Plan. A deviation of
ten percent (+10 percent) shall be allowed by the decision-
making body approving any Planning Area development proposal
when determining said width and location except that the
minimum width allowed shall be twenty five feet. Additional
open space areas may be required within each Planning Area.
1. Landscaping and Grading
All improvements shall be consistent with the City of
Carlsbad Landscape Guidelines Manual.
2. Bikeway Standards
All of the arterial streets within this Master Plan
shall provide on-street bikeways as required by the City
Engineer. The everyday use of the bikeways and other
trails as an alternative mode of transportation shall be
encouraged through the review of each subdivision.
Bicycle racks and related facilities shall be provided
in public use areas to encourage the use of this trans-
portation mode.
11/13/85 IV-2
Bikeways shall be improved in accordance with the stan-
dards established by the California Department of Trans-
portation unless otherwise approved by the City
Engineer. A typical cross-section of a bikeway is shown
on the Trails Exhibit. Construction of Bikeway improve-
ments is the responsibility of the developer.
3. Pedestrian Trail Standards
Pedestrian trails shall be provided within the open
space corridors as shown on the Landscape Open Area
The trails shall consist of compacted soil cement, suit-
ably compacted native material or decomposed granite
four feet in width. The trails shall have a constantly
curving alignment and shall follow the contours or
switch back where required to prevent grades exceeding
fifteen percent (15%). The trail which intersects with
Melrose Avenue will be a safe at grade crossing subject
to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.
Rest stops for relaxation and picnicking shall be
located at significant points along the trails, such as
a viewpoint. They shall consist of areas of approxi-
mately two hundred (200) square feet of suitably com-
pacted native material or soil cement pad with benches,
and, if required by the topography, small retaining
walls. Trees not requiring irrigation shall be incor-
porated where feasible to provide shade.
Construction of pedestrian trails shall provide good
drainage. A cross slope shall be maintained with a
minimum two percent (2%) grade, with berms and ditches
utilized to prevent washouts of cuts and fills. Neither
cut nor fill slopes shall exceed 2:1. Signs displaying
the symbol of a pedestrian shall be spaced approximately
every 1,000 feet. Trail entrance signs shall be posted
at trail entrances and street crossings. For any trail
crossing a roadway, a crossing sign warning motorists is
to be set 300 feet before the crossing.
4. Uses in General
All uses and improvements within the open space cor-
ridors shall be governed by the Open Space zone (0-S)
development standards. Streets may cross open space
areas where required to provide internal and external
Planning Area access. Urban development is expressly
prohibited from designated open space areas.
11/13/85 IV-3
5. Maintenance
Prior to issuance of building permits for development
within the Master Plan, there shall be established a
homeowners association(s) which shall include provision
for the maintenance of private open space including
pedestrian trails by the association(s). This associa-
tion^) shall be created through the CC&R process and be
subject to review and approval by the Planning Director.
6. Scenic Highways
Those Scenic Highways identified by the General Plan
(Palomar Airport Road) shall be as shown on the follow-
ing Exhibit. A minimum 35 feet building setback shall
be provided measured from behind the curb line. The
roadway shall be visually enhanced through the use of
varied plant materials, varied walls and landscape
themes. The setback should be clearly free of inhabit-
able structures, walls and private residential rear
yards. The setback should be improved by the developer
and maintained by appropriate homeowners association or
property owners.
11/13/85 IV-4
To insure the consistency of this Master Plan with the
Carlsbad General Plan, all public facilities necessary to
serve the Master Plan area shall be provided concurrent with
need. The developer's obligations to provide public facili-
ties shall be deemed satisfied as all public facilities
required by this Master Plan and the General Plan as imple-
mented by any duly adopted ordinance, resolution, or offi-
cially adopted policy in existence at the time of adoption
of this Master Plan, the City Council may modify (increase
or decrease) in the future the public facilities require-
ments by amendment of such ordinance, resolution for offi-
cially adopted policy or of this Master Plan if the City
Council finds such modification necessary to insure con-
tinued consistency of this Master Plan with the General
Plan. The requirements of this section are a condition of
this Master Plan approval and are necessary to enable the
City Council to find that the Rancho Carrillo community will
have public facilities according to the General Plan. No
development proposal shall be approved unless the require-
ments of this section are met.
The Master Plan developer, or future developer shall use and
develop the property in accordance with this plan, including
the provision of public facilities. To ensure unified
development control as required by Section 21.38,030 of the
Carlsbad Municipal Code, if more than one developer acquires
property in the Master Plan area then all developers shall
cooperate with one another in order to accomplish the order-
ly development of the property in accordance with this
Master Plan. All developers or future developers shall be
responsible for providing all the public facilities identi-
fied by this Master Plan. Prior to conveying any property,
other than individual houses, within the Master Plan area or
submitting any final subdivision or parcel map or equivalent
the developer shall either build or agree to build and
dedicate all public facilities or record an agreement of
declaration of restrictions and covenants for the property
obligating all subsequent developers to provide a public
facilities agreement required by this plan. The agreement
or declarations shall be submitted to the City for approval
before recording. Except where payment for land or facili-
ties is expressly established by this plan, the City shall
not be responsible for reimbursement for any public facili-
ties provided pursuant to this Master Plan unless the
facility is currently scheduled as a public facility fee
funded facility. This shall not affect the right of a
developer to obtain improvements by private agreement. Nor
11/13/85 V-l
shall this preclude as assessment district for roads and
utilities or preclude other financing mechanisms as approved
by the City Council.
1. Circulation
a. Street Improvement and Standards
i. The existing and proposed circulation system
within the Rancho Carrillo community shall
include the following arterials based upon the
Carlsbad General Plan and as shown on the
Master Plan. Special roadway sections to
accommodate unusual geometries recommended by
the traffic engineer may be required.
Prime Arterials
(126* ROW) Status
Palomar Airport Road Existing with a two
lane configuration.
Proposed to be
realigned and widened
to six (6) lanes and
medians installed.
Melrose Avenue Proposed
Major Arterial
(102' ROW) Status
Carrillo Way Proposed
Secondary Arterial
(84' ROW) Status
El Fuerte Street Proposed
Scripps Way Proposed S£6- v
ii. Additional collector and local streets shall
be provided to serve each Planning Area in
conjunction with the approval of individual
tentative subdivision maps.
iii. Precise alignments for arterials, collector
and local streets shall be subject to the
control of the City Engineer through the
approval of tentative subdivision maps.
11/13/85 V-2
CARLSBAD A Ramed Community
f rtft
I . !&' I/
4&! L id
1 1
CARLSBAD A Planned Community
iv. All streets within the development shall
comply with City standards or as required by
the City Engineer. There may be circum-
stances, such as single-loaded streets, that
warrant a possible reduction in street widths
subject to approval of the City Engineer.
v. On-street bikeways shall be provided on each
arterial as required by the City Engineer.
vi. Collector streets shown in the EIR to have
traffic volumes of 5,000 ADT or more shall
have right-of-way width of 84 feet and a curb-
to-curb width of 64 feet in those segments
where the higher volumes are carried.
b. Traffic Signalization
There are traffic signals warranted by the project
at the following intersections:
Palomar Airport Road/MeIrose Avenue
Palomar Airport Road/Scripps Way
Melrose Avenue/Carrillo Way/Scripps Way
Melrose Avenue/Collector
At the time of approval of each tentative subdivi-
sion map, conditions shall be established by the
City Engineer to insure provision of all needed
traffic signals.
c. Accommodation of Public Transit
The project shall provide bus stop facilities at
locations subject to the satisfaction of the North
County Transit District. Said facilities shall at a
minimum include a bench free from advertising and a
pole shall be designed in a manner so as to not
detract from the basic architectural theme of the
project and said design shall be subject to the
approval of the Planning Director and the North
County Transit District. Moreover, for large proj-
ects where intraproject bus service is feasible an
additional condition would read: Streets to be
utilized bus traffic shall be designed so as to
provide ready access to through streets and engi-
neered so as to accommodate heavy vehicle traffic.
Said street design shall provide a minimum 40 feet
roadway and be subject to the approval of the City
11/13/85 V-3
The project shall attempt to develop a Ride to Work
and Home Program for its employees with the North
County Transit District. Furthermore, the project
should attempt to limit the staggering of worker
shifts so as to facilitate the success of said pro-
2. Public Schools
a. School Districts
The Rancho Carrillo Community is served by two (2)
separate school districts: the Carlsbad Unified
School District, serving the north westerly area and
the San Marcos Unified School District, serving the
eastern and southern area.
b. Proposed School Facilities
i. Carlsbad Unified School District; Current
development within the Carlsbad Unified School
District complies with the City's Public
Facilities Policy by supplying a "Letter of
Availability" prior to discretionary approv-
als. It is anticipated that this procedure
will continue for this area. Also, one ele-
mentary school site has been identified in the
Master Plan to provide service to this area.
Secondary school needs of this area are cur-
rently being provided by the existing Carlsbad
High School in northern Carlsbad. No high
school site will be required for this District
within the Master Plan area. Prior to com-
mencement of efforts to implement the elemen-
tary school site, the Carlsbad Unified School
district should undertake necessary studies to
determine the actual need for and appropriate
location of these facilities. The study
should take into consideration an analysis of
proposed development in the service area, its
anticipated timing, the potential impacts of
the Palomar Airport flight pattern and student
generation ratios based upon projected housing
styles, costs and family characteristics.
Should the District subsequent determine such
reserved site is unnecessary, development of
that site shall be governed by Section III.
The District shall accept the site within two
years of approval of the first tentative map
of the site will no longer be reserved for
school purposes and the City may accept sub-
division maps for residential land uses.
11/13/85 V-4
ii. San Marcos Unified School District; Current
development within the San Marcos Unified
School District complies with the City's
Public Facility Policy by meeting the require-
ments of Chapter 21.55 of the Carlsbad
Municipal Code. It is anticipated that this
procedure will continue for this area. The
San Marcos District has expressed no interest
in a school site in this area due to its
location at the extreme edge of the service
3. Public Parks
a. Existing Park
There is one existing park which has been dedicated
to the City, Carrillo Ranch. The Ranch totals 10.5
acres and will be located south of future Carrillo
Way. The City Parks and Recreation Department is
currently considering future rehabilitation options
for the property.
b. Future Parks
No additional public park lands are set forth in
this Master Plan. Private recreation areas may be
included in individual Planning Areas in support of
or consistent with the Park and Recreation Element
of the Carlsbad General Plan and subject to applic-
able provisions of Chapter 20.44 of the Carlsbad
Municipal Code.
c. Fees
Park requirements for each Planning Area as may be
applicable shall be satisfied in accordance with
City Council Ordinance 9365, adopted October 18,
1973 and subsequently, through the payment of
in-lieu fees as provided by Chapter 20.44 of the
Carlsbad Municipal Code.
4. Other Public Facilities and Services (Funded by the Pub-
lic Facilities Fee)
a. Libraries
Library service is presently provided through the
existing library in downtown Carlsbad located in he
Carlsbad Civic Center Complex. There is also a
small bookmobile that services the south Carlsbad
11/13/85 V-5
area. The current policy of the City of Carlsbad
includes the retention of the existing central
library and a second library in the southeast area
of the City, near the intersection of Alga Road and
El Camino Real or in the La Costa Community Core
area. Therefore, a library facility will not be
required within the Rancho Carrillo community.
b. Fire
A fire station is presently located on Arenal Road,
just east of El Camino Real. Current Fire Depart-
ment policy proposes one additional station at
Buttercup and Bataquitos and a headquarters safety
center at Faraday.
c. Police
The City of Carlsbad Police Department presently
provides service to the south Carlsbad area from a
station located in the Civic Center Complex. Future
police service may be provided from a new central
facility, the Safety Center, proposed at Faraday.
5. Utilities
a. Flood Control
All storm drain requirements of Zone 1 of the San
Diego County Flood Control District and the City of
Carlsbad as determined by the City Engineer shall be
complied with in the development of each Planning
Area included within this Master Plan. Drainage
shall conform to the Master Drainage Plan as adopted
by the City Council. Use of three natural detention
basins is proposed. These improvements shall be
improved and maintained as required by the City
b. Water Service
There are existing water lines along old Palomar
Airport Road adjacent to the site. In 1974, the
Carlsbad Municipal Water District (now the Costa
real Municipal Water District) prepared a Master
Plan for a public water system for Rancho Carrillo.
This plan was prepared for Rancho Carrillo. This
plan was prepared based on the original Rancho
Carrillo Master Plan adopted by the City in 1972.
However, since the Master Plan contained herein
11/13/85 V-6
differs from the 1972 plan, the 1974 water system
plan will require review and possible revisions by
the Carlsbad Municipal Water District.
c. Wastewater Reclamation
Development within this Master Plan shall utilize
effluent or treated water for irrigation purposes
wherever feasible as it becomes available from a
sewage treatment facility or facilities.
d. Wastewater Service
Construction has recently been completed on the
Palomar Airport Wastewater Treatment Project, which
upsized existing sewer lines to serve Rancho
Carrillo and other projects in the region.
e. Gas and Electric Service
The San Diego Gas and Electric Company serves the
site. There is presently no underground electrical
system in the area, but overhead 12 kV and 69 kV
lines traverse the site. Most new lines will be
installed underground.
A 16-inch gas transmission main exists 13 feet under
old Palomar Airport Road. A three-inch local dis-
tribution line occurs at Poinsetta Avenue (Linda
Vista Drive).
f. Solid Waste
The McDougal Sanitation Corporation is currently
under contract with the City of Carlsbad to service
solid waste. Solid waste is transported to the
Palomar Transfer Station at El Camino Real and
Palomar Airport Road. Waste is then sorted and
separated for recycling; uncycled waste is taken to
either the Bonsall landfill on Gopher Canyon Road,
which has a projected lifespan of three years, or
the San Marcos landfill at Rancho Santa Fe and
Questhaven, with an estimated lifespan of 20 years.
Hazardous waste is processed at the Otay Mesa land-
fill. '
g. Cable TV
Cable TV services shall be provided, underground, to
Rancho Carrillo by the appropriate service company.
11/13/85 V-7
The purpose of this program shall be to promote a comprehen-
sive approach to the establishment of a high standard of
visual directional and identification signing within the
Rancho Carrillo community to serve both residents and
visitors, to promote community identity and avoid unneces-
sary visual clutter detracting from the community appear-
ance .
1. Hospital Campus Sign Program
As a special land use with differing needs with regard
to signing, the Hospital Campus shall be the subject of
a Special Sign Program to be submitted for approval with
site development plans.
2. Major Community Entry Signs
There shall be established a maximum of two (2) signs,
one located at the intersection of Melrose Avenue and
Scripps Way and one located at Melrose Avenue and the
southerly property boundary as shown on the Sign Program
Exhibit. These signs shall denote the major entry and
location of Rancho Carrillo.
3. Secondary Community Entry Signs
There shall be established a maximum of two (2) such
signs to be located at secondary entrances to Rancho
Carrillo from secondary entry points. These signs pro-
vide initial directional guidance to major planning
areas, activity centers and points of interest within
the community. These locations are as shown on the Sign
Program Exhibit.
4. Planning Area Directional and Identification Signs
a. There may be established a series of signs within
the Rancho Carrillo community which provide specific
direction to individual Planning Areas, parks and
other recreational areas, commercial service cen-
ters, public schools and other points of community
activity and interest. Such signs shall be consid-
ered for location at the intersections shown on the
Sign Program Exhibit.
The precise corner location shall be based upon pro-
vision of maximum public service commensurate with
traffic volumes, protection of the public safety and
minimization of the number of signs.
b. The timing of installation of the above signs shall
be coordinated with the completion of those areas or
sites for which direction or identification is to be
provided and further qualified by the extent of the
public to be served.
5. On-Site Identification Signs
a. On-site identification signs are permitted for non-
residential land uses which advertise only the fol-
lowing information regarding the lot on which the
sign is to be located: identification of the build-
ing located thereon; identification of the owner or
occupant thereof; identification of activities
thereon; identification or goods or services offered
thereon; or information regarding the sale, lease,
or rental thereof.
b. There shall be permitted on-site identification
signs as defined in a. above or recreation areas,
schools, bookmobile stops, public transit stops,
utility facilities, churches and similar public and
private facilities within any Planning Area as may
be consistent with this Master Plan.
c. All on-site identification signs permitted in a. and
b. above shall be submitted in the applicable devel-
opment to the City proposal.
d. All on-site identification signs shall be subject to
Chapter 21.41 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and c.
Design Standards, as set forth below, except as
modified as follows:
1. No roof-top signs shall be permitted.
2. No freestanding or pole mounted signs shall be
3. Monument signs shall be limited to six feet in
height. Monument signs indicating a single use
shall be limited to 48 square feet in size;
monument signs indicating additional uses shall
be limited to 64 square feet in size. Monument
signs located within 15 feet of a driveway or
side property line shall be set back a minimum
of 10 feet; monument signs not covered by these
restrictions may be located at the front prop-
erty line.
4. Wall-mounted or suspended signs shall be limited
in size to one square foot of sign area for each
foot of commercial/industrial frontage.
5. Illuminated signs are specifically prohibited.
Signs shall emphasize the use of natural materi-
als. Signs may incorporate indirect or spot
e. All signs not otherwise regulated by this Sign
Program shall be subject to provisions of Chapter
21.41 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code.
f. Not withstanding any of the provisions of this Sign
Program, nothing precludes the imposition through
the use of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions of
more restrictive limitations upon signs permitted in
any Planning Area.
1. The design of all signs shall be compatible with
examples shown in the Signing Exhibits.
2. Wherever possible identification signs shall be inte-
grally designed within the neighborhood, building or
other facilities it is to serve. Incorporation of signs
within walls erected for noise attenuation and privacy,
as part of building exteriors and entrances to parks and
other recreation areas is encouraged.
3. All signs, particularly monument signs within the public
right-of-way shall be at such locations and of such size
as may be required by the City Engineer to insure maxi-
mum traffic safety.
4. Temporary directional signs for sales programs shall be
governed by Chapter 21.41 of the Carlsbad Municipal
5. All individual and combined directional and identifica-
tion signs shall receive a sign permit approved by the
Planning Director.
CARLSBAD A Flamed Commuity Mft
Parcel "A1
All -that portion of Sections 18 and 19 Township 12 South,
Range 3 West, San Bernardino Meridian according to the
Official Plat thereof, in the City of Carlsbad, County of
San Diego, State of California, being more particularly
described as follows:
Being a point in the arc of a nontangent 3000.00 foot
radius curve concave Southerly, a radial line to said
curve bears North 14°54'28" West; thence Westerly along
said center! ine and along the arc of said curve thru a
central angle of 0°52'58" a distance of 46.22 feet;
thence South 74°12'34" West a distance of 454.40 feet to
the beginning of a tangent 6000.00 foot radius curve con-
cave Southeasterly; thence Southwesterly along the arc of
said curve thru a central angle of 5°39'05" a distance
of 591.81 feet; thence South 68°33'29" West a distance
of 1525.56 feet to the beginning of a tangent 1000.00 foot
radius curve concave Northerly; thence Westerly along the
arc of said curve thru a central angle of 43°43I09" a
distance of 763;04 feet; thence North 67°43'22" West a
distance of 1326.28 feet to the West line of said Lot 3;
thence leaving the center!ine of said Road Survey No. 757,
North 0°03'46" West along said West line a distance of
491.85 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING.
Parcel "B1
All that portion of Sections 18 and 19, Township 12 South,
Range 3 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, according
to the Official Plat thereof, in the City of Carlsbad,
County of San Diego, State of California, being more par-
ticularly described as follows:
Beginning at a 2 inch iron pipe with disc marked "RCE
9416" accepted as the Northwesterly corner of La Costa
Meadows Unit No. 3, according to said Map No. 7076; thence
North 0°52'06" East along the West line of said Section
19 a distance of 1337.52 feet and North 0°03'46" West a
distance of 1153.82 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING;
thence leaving the West line of said Section 19 North
54°40'00" East 2065.80 feet; thence North 8°51'23"
East 1907.40 feet; thence North 21°26'31" West 30.00
feet to the centerline of Road Survey No. 757, Palomar
Airport Road; thence North 68°33'29" East along said
centerline a distance of 723.02 feet; thence leaving said
centerline South 16°13'00" East a distance of 1640.18
feet to the East line of the East Half of the Southwest
Quarter of said Section 18; thence South 0°42'37" East
along said East line a distance of 291.42 feet to the
Northeast corner of the Northwest Quarter of said Section
19; thence South 0°20'46" West along the East line of
said Northwest Quarter a distance of 498.91 feet; thence
leaving said East line South 85°50'40" West 749.94 feet;
thence South 4°09'20" East 688.38 feet; thence South
85°50'40" West a distance of 92.05 feet to the beginning
of a 2000.00 foot radius curve concave Southerly; thence
Westerly along the arc of said curve thru a central angle
of 21000'00" a distance of 733.04 feet; thence South
64050'40" West a distance of 1165^58 feet to the begin-
ning of a tangent 2000.00 foot radius curve concave North-
erly; thence Westerly along the arc of said curve thru a
central angle of 16°29'25" a distance of 575.62 feet to
the above mentioned West line of said Section 19; thence
leaving said curve North 0°03'46" West along said West
line of Section 19, a distance of 587.94 feet to the TRUE
Being a portion of Fractional Section 24, Township 12
South, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, in
the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of Cali-
fornia, according to the Official Plat thereof said por-
tion being more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at the East Quarter corner of said Section 24 as
shown on Record of Survey 6416 on file in the Office of
the Recorder of said County; thence along the Easterly
line of said Sect-ion 24, North 00°03'46" West 1339.02
feet to the Southeast corner of Government Lot 1 of said
Parcel "B" (Continued)
Fractional Section; thence
along the Southerly line of
West 256.29 feet to a point
Rancho Agua Hedionda; thence
East 1341.36 feet
leaving said Easterly line
said Lot 1, North 89023'12"
in the Easterly boundary of
along said Rancho line South
to a point on the Southerly02038'00"
line of the Northeast Quarter of said Fractional Section
24; thence leaving said Rancho line along said Southerly
line South 89°28'04" East to the POINT OF BEGINNING.
All that portion of Sections 18 and 19 Township 12 South,
Range 3 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian according
to the Official Plat thereof, in the City of Carlsbad,
County of San Diego, State of California, being more par-
ticularly described as follows:
Beginning at a 2 inch iron pipe with disc marked "RCE
9416", accepted as the Northwesterly corner of LA COSTA
MEADOWS UNIT NO. 3 according to said Map No. 7076; thence
North 0°52'06" East along the West line of said Section
19 a distance of 1337.52 feet; thence North 0°03'46"
West a distance of 565.88 feet to a point in the arc of a
nontangent 2000.00 foot radius curve concave Northerly, a
radial line to said point bears South 8°39'55" East;
thence leaving said Westerly line of Section 19, Easterly
along the arc of said curve thru a central angle of
16°29'25" a distance of 575.62 feet; thence North
64°50'40" East 1165.58 feet to the beginning of a tan-
gent 2000.00 foot radius curve concave Southerly; thence
Easterly along the arc of said curve thru a central angle
of 21°00'00" a distance of 733.04 feet; thence North
85°50'40" East 92.05 feet; thence North 4Q09'20" West
688.38 feet; thence North 85050'40" East a distance of
749.94 feet to the East line of the Northwest Quarter of
said Section 19; thence North 0°20'46" East along said
East line a distance of 498.91 feet to the Southeast cor-
ner of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 18; thence
North 0°42'37" West along the East line of said South-
west Quarter a distance of 291.42 feet; thence leaving
said East line North 16°13'00" West a distance of
1640.18 feet to the centerline of Road Survey No. 757,
Palomar Airport Road; thence North 68°33'29" East along
said centerline a distance of 802.54 feet to the beginning
of a tangent 6000.00 foot radius curve concave Southerly;
thence Easterly along the arc of said curve thru a central
angle of 5039'Q5" a distance of 591.81 feet; thence
North 74°12'34" East a distance of 454.40 feet to the
beginning of a tangent 3000.00 foot radius curve concave
Southerly; thence Easterly along the arc of said curve
thru a central angle of 0°52'58" a distance of 46.22
feet to the East line of the West half of the Southeast
Quarter of said Section 18; thence South 0°39'40" West
along said East line a distance of 2492.52 feet to the
-Northeast corner of the West half of the Northeast Quarter
of said Section 19; thence South 0°08'36" West along the
East line of said West half of the Northeast Quarter a
distance of 2670.01 feet to a 2 inch iron pipe marked ACP
1927 accepted as the Southeast corner of the Westerly half
of the ^Northeast Quarter of Section 19; thence North
89°45'16" West along the South line of said West half of
C Parcel "C" (Continued)
the Northeast Quarter a distance of 1308.48 feet to the
North-South center!ine of Section 19; thence South
0°20'46" West along said North-South centerline a dis-
tance of 1336.03 feet to the Southeast corner of the
Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of said Section
19; thence North 89°46'50" West along the South line of
the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter to and
along the North boundary of said LA COSTA MEADOWS UNIT NO.
3, Map 7076, a distance of 3097.45 feet to the POINT OF
BEGINNING, excepting therefrom that portion granted to the
City of Carlsbad by deed recorded February 24, 1977,
File/Page 77-068081, Book 1977, Official Records.
The Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section
19, Township 12 South, Range 3 West, San Bernardino Base
and Meridian, in the County of San Diego, State of Cali-
fornia, according to United States Government Survey
Parcel "D"
All that portion of the Southeast Quarter of Section 24,
Township 12 South Range 4 West San Bernardino Base and
Meridian lying Northerly, Northwesterly and Northeasterly
of a line described as follows:
Beginning at the Southeast corner of said Southeast Quar-
ter of Section 24; thence North 89037'47" West along the
South line of said Southeast Quarter a distance of 2635.50
feet to the Southwest corner of said Southeast Quarter;
thence North 0°42'05" East along the West line of said
Southeast Quarter a distance of 2277.33 feet to the TRUE
'POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described line; thence
leaving said West line South 89°17'44" East a distance
of 480.00 feet to the beginning of a tangent 750.00 foot
radius curve, concave Southwesterly; thence Southeasterly
along the arc of said curve through a central angle of
57°17'44" a distance of 750.00 feet; thence South
S^OQO'OO" East a distance of 425.00 feet to the begin-
ning of a 'tangent 700.00 foot radius curve, concave North-
easterly; thence Southeasterly along the arc of said curve
through a central angle of 19°20'00" a distance of
236.20 feet; thence South 51°20'00" East a distance of
440.25 feet to the beginning of a tangent 150.00 foot
radius curve, concave Northerly; thence Easterly along the
arc of said curve through a central angle of 82°18'00" a
distance of 215.46 feet; thence North 46020'00" East a
distance of 82.83 feet to the beginning of a non-tangent
900.00 foot radius curve concave Northeasterly; thence
Southeasterly along the arc of said curve through a cen-
tral angle of 29°32'00" a distance, of 463.91 feet;
thence South 73°10'00" East a distance of 120.00 feet to
the beginning of a tangent 900.00 foot radius curve, con-
cave Northerly said curve1 being the prolongation of a
900.00 foot centerline radius of El Fuerte Drive as shown
on Map No. 7076, La Costa Meadows Unit No. 3; thence East-
erly along the arc of said 900.00 foot radius curve
through a central angle of 1°44'50" a distance of 27.45
feet to a point in the boundary of said Map No. 7076, said
boundary being also the East line of the aforementioned
Southeast Quarter of Section 24.
All that portion of the Southeast Quarter of Section 24,
Township 12 South Range 4 West San Bernardino Base and
Meridian lying Southerly, Southwesterly and Southeasterly
of a line described as follows:
Beginning at the Southeast corner of said Southeast Quar-
ter of Section 24; thence North 89°37'47" West along the
South line of said Southeast Quarter a distance of 2635.50
feet to the Southwest corner of said Southeast Quarter;
thence North 0°42'05" East along the West line of said
Southeast Quarter a distance of 2277.33 feet to the TRUE
POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described line; thence
leaving said West line South 89°17'44" East a distance
of 480.00 feet to the beginning of a tangent 750.00 foot
radius curve, concave Southwesterly; thence Southeasterly
along the arc of said curve through a central angle of
570i7'44» a distance of 750.00 feet; thence South
32°00'00" East a distance of 425.00 feet to the begin-
ning of a tangent 700.00 foot radius curve, concave North-
easterly; thence Southeasterly along the arc of said curve
through a central angle of 19°20'00" a distance of
236.20 feet; thence South 51°20'00" East a distance of
440.25 feet to the beginning of a tangent 150.00 foot
radius curve, concave Northerly; thence Easterly along the
arc of said curve through a central angle of 82°18'00" a
distance of 215.46 feetj thence North 46°20'00" East a
distance of 82.83 feet to the beginning of a non-tangent
900.00 foot radius curve concave Northeasterly; thence
Southeasterly along the arc of said curve through a 'cen-
tral angle of 29°32'00" a distance of 463.91 feet;
thence South 73°10'00" East a distance of 120.00 feet to
the beginning of a tangent 900.00 foot radius curve, con-
cave Northerly said curve being the prolongation of a
900.00 foot centerline radius of El Fuerte Drive as shown
on Map No. 7076, La Costa Meadows Unit No. 3, thence East-
erly along the arc of said 900.00 foot radius curve
through a central angle of 1°44'50" a distance of 27.45
feet to a point in the boundary of said Map No. 7076, said
boundary being also the East line of the aformentioned
Southeast Quarter of Section 24.
Parcel "F1
All that portion of Sections 18 and 19 Township 12 South,
Range 3 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, according
to the Official Plat thereof, in the City of Carlsbad,
County of San Diego, State of California, being more par-
ticularly described as follows:
Beginning at a 2 inch iron pipe with disc marked "RCE
9416", accepted as the Northwesterly corner of -LA COSTA
MEADOWS UNIT NO. 3, according to Map thereof No. 7076,
filed in the Office of the County Recorder of the County
of San Diego, State of California, thence North 0°52'06"
East along the Westerly line of said Section 19, a dis-
tance of 1337.52 feet; thence North 0°03'46" West a dis-
tance of 1153.82 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of
the herein described Parcel ; thence continuing North
0°03'46" West along said Westerly line a distance of
1524.23 feet to the Northwest corner of said Section 19;
thence continuing North 0°03'46" West along the Westerly
line of said Section 18 a distance of 2091.28 feet to an
intersection with center!ine of Road Survey 757, known as
Palomar Airport Road; thence leaving the Westerly line of
said Section 18 South 67°43'22" East along the center-
line of said Road Survey 757 a distance of 1326.28 feet to
the beginning of a 1000.00 foot radius curve concave
Northerly; thence Easterly along the arc of said curve
thru a central angle of 43°43'09" a distance of 763.04
feet; thence South 21°26'31" East along the prolongation
of a radial line to said curve a distance of 30.00 feet;
thence South 8°51'23" West 1907.40 feet thence south
54°40100" West a distance of 2065.80 feet to the TRUE
Excepting therefrom 10 acres more or less, shown as school
site on existing City Land Use Plan, of which the exact
location has not yet been determined.
Lot 1 of Fractional Section 24 and Lots 3 and 4 of Frac-
tional Section 13, Township 12 South, Range 4 West, San
Bernardino Base and Meridian according to the Official
Plat thereof, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San
Diego, State of California, being more particularly
described as follows:
Beginning at a 2 1/2 inch iron pipe with tag marked "LS
2789", per Record of Survey Map No. 6416 and accepted as
the Northeast corner of said Lot 3 of Fractional Section
13; thence South 00003*46" East along the East line of
said Fractional Section 13 a distance of 2583.13 feet to
the Southeast corner of said Fractional Section 13, being
the Northeast corner of said Fractional Section 24; thence
f~ Parcel "F" (Continued)
continuing South 00°03'46" East along the East line of
said Fractional Section 24 a distance of 1339.03 feet to
the Southeast corner of said Lot 1; thence North
89°23'12" West along the South line of said Lot 1 a dis-
tance of 256.29 feet to a point in the East line of Rancho
Agua Hedionda according to Map thereof No. 823 filed in
the Office of the County Recorder of said County and
State; thence North 02°38'00" West along said East line
a distance of 3933.94- feet to the Northwest corner of said
Lot 3 of Fractional Section 13; thence South 88°37'38"
East along the North line of said Lot 3 a distance of
432.85 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING.