HomeMy WebLinkAboutMS 300; GLISSMAN-HARDWOOD PARK DR S-OF HILLSIDE; Engineering ApplicationIt· ~--r' • .. '. ••••• •• \ . . . -- CITY OF CARLSBAD A PPL I CAT·I ON FOR A PPROVAL OF A TENT/!, T I VE PARC t:L MA P fOR A MINOR SUBIDIVISION OF LAND.,.(INTO 4 OR LESS PARCt:LS) . AS PROVJDED FOR ·1 N c::HAPtER 20 •. 24 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPA.L CODE FIL~NG FEE: $175.00 HI NOR' SUBD I VI S ION NO. MS 3[::C) .(for· office -use)--: F LL I NG FEE RECE; I PT NO. /-.ooCJ~I/go?·· -ACCOUNT NO: 1-22 TO THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAO:' DATE Reo t:.. I !J7~ . , 'j G Request is hereby made for a:pproval of .Tentative· Parcel Map of Minor' Subdivision·No. Gonsisting of/.·9C:. gross acres, having 3 lots, being a proposed subdivisibn of land fo~ property 'described as .; (Exact L·ega] Descr i pt ion) . . . . . \ , '. -..... 1' . J a. Lo II, &9 . ~~ e;.14b'iMcfc. I dar' & . .l ZJ ~aef/,A1: £Of L% era. -1 ti'elk. t//J'J,... J .. ,' .. A1a.e &:4. Z-ISl.:. .-' .. • .J 1-1-.1 ~~-eA'4! -Z-i-"S9!..w Z-JI1'1 r;'c. #~",,?.s-,,-tr J . 113 .. fS.U :&G.r.: S--e"("Z-'IO;'!..€ ~~()~~8;;' /6~~ 5-~?a' ~o ~tu u.G. f:cR Ie 6. . . , . . ~/a4'n:s I . _ T gene ra 1 1 Y 1 oca ted . on the --r-:-:-~:--~--;-,' -76=-a._s:::;::I-:...-.,.:---.-:-_~. ____ -'--_______ _ , (North, South, Ea~t, West} s ide. of ark.. Or./v, '. beb<Jeen 4/6tt:lt:" .or. . ( Narlle of St reet) ~me of St reet) and' ,4,/q.¥lS 5t. . ( Name of St reet) 'ASSESSORS PARCEL NO. __ z,a,.~/1 ).c/o i ~7-l(j{)-o1r... .' Book ·Pa ge Pa rce 1 TYPE OF SUBD I V I S ION ~/elc." I-. '4 / . , Res i errt i a 1 ,Comme rc I a 1 , Industrial Are the existing or proposed parcels or lots ~n this minor subdivisiOn .subJectto o·ther discrctiontlry approval (for example, a ·variance or coo- d t t i ana l' use, perm1 t)? .' . Yes . . No . V' . - . //oac . . ' RECEIVED ..... ' . . PEC 0 8 '-976 CITY OF' CARLSBAD· Engineering Department ~ ••• • .. PRES.ENT ZONE , £I-/q. 00·0 . . . . ' 1 the undersign~d state tha."t. J~. . th~' -(I, We) ~ . (I ani, We are) . ~. of the property de?cribed herein and hereby (Owner, Owners). (Authorized Agent) . give ~. authorization to the fiUng of tl:lis proposed tract (My, Our,~ . map. .' ~~ aware of and have had an opportunity to read (I am, We a~ . . . Title 20 (Subdiv,ision Ordinanc;e)'of the Carlshad ~unicipEl1 Code. N~me ... ed'l1 ~ I't 'G?! SS)?1 ~ Typed o,!;{Printed .as~~d Deed Signature, C~ '711,~ Name (Typed or P'i-i nted as shown on Recorded D,eed ) S i -gna tu re ". Name " (Typed or Printed as shown on Recorded Dee.d) . Si,gnature Name I (Typed or Printed as. shown on Recorded Deed) S.i gnatu re Name and Addr'ess of Subdivfder;v .w rVMn>-/' d·1 ~tlf!Jiz' jiVe-·· Name, address an~ phone number of Engineer or Licensed Land Surveyor: No. 'L,,5'.3358 W,rit:im£ ... · g;'//'~5 s ). 2-9<:'.r /toos~vc/I-:" )'/'1 'Ce~/sta.:4/·C !l?oo-~ .' ..... ~ . '- ," . . . '" ~ ..'. l • '. ~... ._ , ' . " " , ! : '. I . " . ,,~ , . ,',' '~, ," , . . r-.....,.---------:-----:--------------------------- • SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE Fee$50.00 No. 8-562899 Subdivision: ParcE;!l Map Dated: May 13, 1977 as of 7:30 A.M. SAFECO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY a corporation GUARANTEES The Countyof 8an Diego and any City withiti which said subdivision is located in a sum not exceeding $1,000.00 that, according to those public records which, under the recording laws, impart constructive notice of matters affecting the title to the land included within the exterior boundary shown on the map of the ,above referenced subdivision, the only parties having any record title interest in said land whose signatures are necessary, under the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act, on the certificates consenting to the recordation of said map and offering for dedication any streets, roads, ave· nues and other easements offered for dedication by said map are as set forth in Schedule A. SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE eLTA Guarantee Form No. 14 P-35 (G.S.) Rev. 3-75 Secretary President An Authorized Signature •• SAFECO ',rITLE INSURANCE COMPANY No. Dated: SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE-SCHEDULE A S-562899 May 13, 1977 as of 7:30 A.M. SUbdivision: Parcel Map The map hereinbefore referred to is a subdivision of: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED The parties hereinbefor~ referred to are: EDNA M. GLISSMAN AND C.. R. PERKETT AND M. JEAN PERKETT, husband and wi~e, as Owners. TYtE:. J\~ I \ LL COMP: ~ • x PA 26 LOT "I" x PA 7 BLK "F" AMENDED DR:FBD , 5-23-77 S-562899 E-12698 EXHIBIT "A" Those portions of Lot "I" of Rancho Agua Hedionda, <;lccordirtg to Map thereof Nu., 823, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of SaJ:'!, Diego c.ounty, No- vember 16, 1896 AND of Lot 1 in Block "'F" of, Beliavista, according to Map thereof No. 2152,., filed in the Office of the County Re~order of San Diego County, March 7, 1929, all being in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State o,f California, and being described as a whole as follows: Beginning at the Northeasterly corner of Carlsbad Tract ~o. 74-6, according to Map thereof No. 8539 filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San D;tego County, April 14, 1977, being also the most Easterly eorner pf la,nd cLescribed in Parcell in cleed to A. H. Gussman" et aI., recorded November IZ, 1958 in Book 7344, Page 541 of Official Records; thence along the Northeaster.1y line - of said land North 45°50'54" West (Record -North 45°52'10" West), 260.64 ' feet to the niost Easterly cotner of land descr.ihed in deed to Everett N. Har- ,wood, Inc., recorded January 24, 1969 as File No. 14348; thence along the' boundary of said land of Harwood, Inc., as follows: South 46°07'00" West (Deed -South 46°07'50" West), 184.23 feet to the Northeasterly lineo,f said' Block "F'''; along said Northeast'er1y line South 24°59'50" East' (Record -South, 24°59"00" East), 23.77 f.eet; and South 65°31'50" West (RecP'rd -,South 65°32'40" West), 213.57 feet to the Southwesterly line of said Lot 1; thence along, said 'Southwesterly line South 24°28'10" East (Record -South 24°27'20" East), l5Q.00 feet to the Northwesterly boundary of said Carlsbad Tract No. 74-6; thence along saicl Northwesterly boundary as follows: North 65°31'50" East, 214.95 feet; and North 67°10'55" East, 267.28 feet to the Point of Beginning. Parcel Map Guaran~ee ,~:--, '. • DOUG HARWOOD SAF=ECO TITLE ,INSURANCE COMPAN'Y 614 South Sierra Solana Bea~h, Ca. 92075 AMENDED Pre,liminary', Subdivision· 'Report' " No.5-562899 Dated: August 5, 1977 'as of 7:30 A.M. .subdivision: Parcel Map For the benefit of the Counly of San Diego , any City within \\}Jieh the ,8uhdidt'ion is loeated,. the Stihdivider and, the Subdiv:ider.'s HegisteredCivii Engineer or J..j. ceilsed Land Sun:eyor. A pf(·liminary examination 'of tho~e pulllic records \I'hieh, under the re~oJ'ding laws, imp~rt constructive notke' of mallers affe'dinf! ,lite titl(~, to tlte lund iriduded within the' exterior hOlllidary ~ho\\'n Olt 1L map of tire 'above referenced suhdi\"i~ion received (Ill May 13, '1977' , hy SAVECO' Title Insurance Com· P\llly. herein ('alll'd tlte Corl1pany. di~cl()t'e~ that. at the (laLe hereof, the only parties li\lyinK any i'e('ord title inter· {'~t iu ~aid lund \\,11O;;e ;;il!l1Uture" are necet'sary, under the 'requ'irements of the Suhdidsion i\Iap Act, on the map of said suhdivision to he filed with the County Hecorder' of said County'a're set forth in Schedule A. This report is fllrnislwd as nn n{'('om~llodatio.l, f or the sole .l>llrpose of l'relimillnry planning and facilitatin~ the ('ompliam:<' with requiremellts necessary for 'the issu31l('e 'of a Suhdivision Guaran- tee. It is und('rstood that lIlt' Company's liability is soiely ;that. expressed in such Guaral1te~, and that ho iiabilitJ 8('1)(11'111<' from or other than the Company's. linbilit), under s~id Guarantee is as- sume~1 hy thi~ H('pO~'I" (,X('''pt thnt if·no· Guarantee is issued under this Order t~le am~unt paid for this Heport shall he tll(~ maximum liahility of the Company, PRELIMIHARY SUBDIVISIOIJ m:pORT P·286 (G. S,) "I ,I, " SAFE~TLE .IN , , CHMill3~rfH . I.) ........................................... : ............................................... . Title, o ffi ('er , ' i r • . ~ r , , ____ MM~~. ___ Q~~. __ ~. __ ~.~.tM.~._. __ ., __________________________ ~ ________________________________________________ ~~~ , " I , /' ',',' '''>{ ,'-': -! , ," .". , "\ '. ,',~ " S A Fie, -0, ,~ ,;1 '::J; :t, ~:, ''* '~:~~, U' ~A lil,;C: i C O:M, }f 4' N, t ,." • ",' : -I.',' ", ',t~DU~Y SU:Bt)]:v:r:~~oN:IUUio~T:"SCijEl)~~"A. ' .' ~. \ , • r". " \ ' : ' . '.', . .. '. " ": , \ , , ". " , ',' , .' .......... -, , .. ~ -, .... j .->~ ... , .' No., ' -S.,..?6~~99. , . :: Di,t'ed; ,', Aug\J,$t" .~. ,,1917 aiil'of ,7;3Q':4.tH,· subaiv~si'on~ Pa~c..l,'M~P , , .. . ,~ , ..... , " . " , ': ,', "',1,\'" ", ' J " ~', • ..' -" " ~ • • • • ~ • .' " • _. 1 ,., • ~' • The,~p h~reinbefo~a·ref.rre4 to is a proposed Bubd1Yi.1on of: • ,~.. • ' ... ...... L ~"", _. ' ... ~ • .'" , • ~. . , .- "'. , 'S~E: EJii:U~XT !'A.1t~ A:IUCwm ,; " , , '.J. " "., . .-, ,. ,,' _ .. ,,'''', . t •• ~ , . t-'" , '" ,', . ", "', ". ' •• ' oJ , , ~' .,.-', :' ... • • '~" 1 _f, • -.t. 1 "!", , -. ' ',' " " •• ~: 't- -." ", " i' ~ :, .... -, ... -" , • 'j S.~'· ,':iU.gh~i: Qf ~y 'fo'x: tel~phone :.~(;flo'r'" ~);e(!tri(: pole. ~udlin~., ~'D4' .. for :s~w.ar;'wAtt.ll'· aD.~lo,r :,gail)Dain~.rici pip.'liii.~'~, wi~:l:e~, ov.r:4tt4 " " , , , " ' , ':i~' <'. '" '. - , , , "-' , .... - ... _ ', .. J .". '.' t I " ;' 4," .. " ' ,~ :. :)' , ' .. " '>. • • .~' .' " ' .. '~ •• " , -. :/. • ~ >.-. ) ~ '; , '''\ > ~ ,; . ,> '. .' .' , , ,I • t •• ' , . .,.' .' ~ . ',:: " . , : .. :.' ~ .' • 't'\. ,'. -. ' ' .. '\ ". ;-, ~, ; ,"_:', ' :" ~'~: .'-~ '(I .. ' . ,.~ .. '~' ,'; .. " .... . ~:, .:,.... . .. " ", '.' . ~' -.. .'.. ... . .... ~ , ~'''''~~ ~'. I-""" .. ' .,' , ." " . , " ,"' ,. ,\ I". '.' .- -;.. , , . '" OI'el.", ,NQ.' 8-56.2899 : . . ,,,. two, ' -' .' "e" " ' ~ .' . ,.' .. &ero.-.... :t4p~Pt~" fo~p~ ... , of <:OIla~c,to'h. ~.~t:~iict~~, .repa:b:.t;ug a"44/o" 4~1.ai"'·Qt t ......... ' ·'~d.hQw,y.1t~ .\l~b"'" ·pol .. ", 1~ ·Qr )1,. _tagl hi.o 10"*;-4'" ~o ., ... t.re W1.~h tlt •.. "",, .' pr,op"t;y _lltU41 .. 'PoN~l.t .' 1'~1Cl :lU 4..a ", lIU,.l;UH .• ,,' DB.ClQlOIl' COIUlANY. .. ~J:p9t.tton. PCOt:c1~ Apt11. S,' 194' •• 1t~~. Na.. ,1,,7·03 in ' JoO~ 1484. Pas-1~7,~ , .' '. " "" ", .,... Toute tber.t.'-,Q .. aU~. ~ Nt •• t,'l •• ~ ~; .. ", 4_:J1 , " 6., CQY~I.~· ~nd:lt1o_ ,~ dat:d.~t~ ... (:O"uu.,a; ~ 4"· x.cord.., '" " ' Nov..uer U.,·1958 .. Doe __ -.: 10.' lU'lt,Jtt, Jook1344~ ,pa._ $41.' .~'" , ,Sa14 iMtt __ e {troYs;Q, dm~·. Vio~ tli.teof .baU'Jiot ;4.f,at, . raor :r«14er :1U.,a~14 dMt u.a' of .,. .rq ... , ft it .. of t"'-~ ••. :ttl ' 1004 !.ilh .... 101' vd'U~, " '. '. :'.' 1 j Au ...... t over ,alel ~ t~J: ':pol .. ,WU' ..... ·~qt.i 'urp"~.' ~ Con".,U tt> the SO l>tqo ' ...... l;la~tri.~ c.,~:. ~1 4~_ ""~4.cl hC'-.r 14. 1960 .. 1'$1. NQ. ~4~02'...· . . ' .', ~. 1'0"'., tlltt.,' acro ..... 14 ~ it .t .. ,..t;t(n..,."l,.,· ... ~tM4,. . . ... follow.,' . ; . , . , . . ' '.': . '. .' . , , W1thiil tllat; ;c;ertaiit ,12.0 fooe .":I.¥,~ Qf laud ~ 6.0 ,f •• t on' _ell '. . , .t4e of· the fol.l.o'ld.Al: A.'CJ!'1.'btMl c.ter, l.J..M.: '. " . . ki:lAn:1Ji1 at .. p01n~ -. th.f"thw."~l,. l~ O ... 14 t.oc 1, .' dUt.n~ Ih ... NottA 24-l1'2.0tt vtat',60.'1 "Nt 'frora' llh •• atJJiNlWrly .. COmulr ta.raof, th_C& frOta .. :(.d"'O~~· of.h&ilUliaa • .Ho.b 6J·.32140ft . " .. at 189 •. 9$ f •• t; lMat~ Io;th 1&·~)1\1l .. t -17'.'5 f .. t-to.a ~tat here$;n_t..t' . ,.' 'bOw .. 'f>1ut: nAff:; :t1leuc. N~h. ~4·".' ..... ·%1' .. 0 t •• t., JIm.'-o.t 1.... ' . to, th •. llo~thw"i.ly 1'11» of the, Qcrf ..... o.a Pl'O~.t,.. .' ':: , , . ~# :s ...... .,. ~t ... 'io b •. iut.1l4lti wtth1.'a: tba.LMtt;a111 4,0· .,.:' ':" . , loot; IJt1:1p 01' 1Im4,. beSq 2-~O t_t 'Oll M$ :,.111-. of t;ll-fol1ow.tliB ctues-..tbe4·-·~, " c.QUer If:1le: . ." . '. . , ",:l~:m •• t .u4· 'olU,tt .... ; . '1!~. 'lio .. th S'-'1," aUt 25 .. 0·. , ...... , ~ , , ~ .- " . . ~ -.. , . , ~' ' .. , ~.' ,'; -. .. \ , , , , .. . : .. .. "Doug Harwood 614Sout~ Ste~~a Solana Beach,., CA 92075 • • SAFECO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Preliminar,y Subdivision Report N S-562899 o. Datedl\pril 27, 1977 Subdivision: Parcel Map as of 7: 30 A,~1. For the benefit of the County of San Diego , any City RegisteredCiyil Engineer or Li-within which the subdivision is located, the Subdivider and the Subdivider's censed Land Surveyor. A preliminary examination of those public records which, under the recording .}!1WS, impart constructive notice of matters affecting the title to the land included within the exterior boundary shown on a map of the above referenced subdivision received on , by ~AFECO Title Insurance Com- pany, herein called the Company, discloses that, at the date hereof, the only parties having any record title inter- est in said land whose signatures are necessary, under the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act, on the map of said subdivision to be filed with the County Recorder of said County are set forth in Schedule A. This report is furnished as an accommodation, for the sole purpose of preliminary planning and facilitating the compliance with requirements necessary for the issuance of a Subdivision Guaran- tee. It is understood that the Company's liability is solely that eXP.ressed in such Guarantee, and that no liability separate from or other than the Company's liability under said Guarantee is as- sumed by this Report, except that if no Guarantee is issued under this Order the amount paid for this Report shall be the maximum liability of the Company. PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION REPORT P-286 (G. S,) rA~ co TITLE?1NSURANCE COMPANY ·'l/I." f I~"~ By .. ~.~~.. ..~ .. $~';~9/~.iJ.J. ... S.qh:uff.e.r.t ..................... . Title Officer _-""111""'"-------:r-----.,.--------------------.. ---• SAFEC,O TITLE .IN-SURANCE GOMPANl'· No.· Dated: PRE:r..IMINARY .SUBDIVISION REPORT .... SCREDUl.E·A S-562899 Subdivision: April 27, 1977 as of 7:30 A.M. ;par¢el Hap The map hereinbefore referred to is a proposed subdivision of: SEE EXHIBIT If A" ATTACR~ The parties hereinbefore referred to are: VESTING: EDNA M. GLISSMAN as to an undivided one-half interest and C. R. PERRETT AND M. JEAN PERKETT, husband and wife, as joint tenants as to an undivided one-half interest EXCEPTIONS: 1. County, City and special district taxes, a lien 'not yet payable, for the fiscal year 1977-78. 2. Bonds or assessments· levied by the City of Carlsbad if any, a report of which has been ordeted. 3. The recital contained in the Owner's Certificate on said Map, which agrees to allow the cross-arms of po1~s or other similar st~uctures placed along the r.ight of way of certain highways' on said :M~p to overhang· the abutting proper.tyio . 4. The recital contained in the Owner' s Certi~:l:cate on said Map, conveyiug and relinquishing complete jurisdiction and control oyer any and all pipes, poles or other structures: of work,. ttees and anything of whatever nature that may be upon, across or over the highway offered for dedication. . 5. Rights of way for telephone and/or electric poles and lines, and for sewer; w~ter and/or gas mains and pipe lines in, under, over ~nd Order No. S-562899 Page two e· across saidproJ?erty for purposes of construction, reconstr\1ction, repairing and lor alter~ng any of the same. Pr()v.ided, however, such poles, lines or p:1,pes shall be so located as to interfere with the property as little as possible, as reserved in deed by WILLIAM G. KERCKHOEF COMPANY, a. corporation, recorded April 3, 1943 as Document No. 18703 in Book 148'4. page 147. The rout'e thereof ac~oss $aid land is not set forth in said deed. 6. Covenants, conditions and restr:l.ctions as CQntained in deed. recorded November 12, 1958 as Document ~o. i883l9 in Book 7344, p.age 541. Said instrument provides that a violation thereof shall not defe~t nor~ender inval:i.d the lien of any mor.tgage or deed of tr,!!st made in , good faith and for value •. 7. An ea$ement over said land for poles, wires and incidental purposes,. as convey~d to the San Diego Gas and Electric Company, by deed .recorded December ·14,. 1960 as File No. 24'2029. The route thereof across said land is more particularly descr:l.bed as follows: Within that certain, 12.0 f.oot strip of land being 6~O feet on each .side of the .following descri1;>ed center line: Beginning at a point on the Southwesterly line of said Lot 1, distant thereon North 24°27' 20" West 60.·67 f'eet ,from the most Southerly corner thereof;' thence from said Point of Beginning, North 65°32'40'" East 189.95 feet; thence North 18°23' West 173.95' feet to a point hereinafter known as Point "A"; thence North 24 9 59' West 233.,0 feet, more or less, to the Northwesterly line of the above described property. ALSO: Necessary anchorage to be installed within that certai~ 4.0 foot strip of land bei:ng 2 •. 0' feet Qn each side of the followi:ng described center line: ~eginni:ng at said ;Point "A"; thence North 680.19' East 25.0 feet. '.I;.YP}~":. JH .J" COMP~: JH/ JS • • • x PA 7. DR:WC 11-19-76·, F-556396 E-10555 x PA 26 F-,556396 E-12375 S':'562899 'E-12495 ·EXHIBIT "A" . PARCEL 1: That portion of tot 1 in Block "F" of Be1.lavist.a, .it). the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of <;!aHfornia,' accord~ng 'to Map' ·the.reof ·No. 2152., filed .in the Office of the ~oun ty Recorder o.f San, Diego County, March 7; 1929, .' 'described ap fol,lows: Cormhe:ncing. at the most Northerly cor1).er of said Lot l;the.nce along the boun~ary of said Lot 1 as foilows: Sout'her1y along the arc 'of a 425.00 foot radtus.curve, concave Westerly, . through a central angle of" 08°49'44" a distance Qf 65.49 felit; tangen.t tq said 'curve, South 06°02'00" West, 293.15 ·feet to th~,beginning of a tangent 225.00 foot radius curve, concStve E'ast'i?rly; Soutpe:rly along the arc o'f s'aid curve through a ,cent1;"al angle of 30°29'30'" ·a distance 6f 119.73', feet; and . tang'ent to said curve, South ,24°27'20" East~ 113.5:8 feet tp the Southwesterly corner~ of the Land .cle.scfibedin deed to Everett N. Harwood, Inc. ~ re'corded January 24,' 1969' a,s: Fne No. 14348 arid' being the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continuing' along said boundary, South 24°27'20" East, 150.00 feet to a point distant thereon North 24°27'20" West, 59.67 teet from the. Southwes'terly corner 'of said Ifot 1; thence North 65°32"'40" East, 214·.9,5 feet to a 'point on the Northeq:ste:i:'ly line of . said Lo.t 1,. distant th~reon North '2'4°59'00" West, 59.67" feet from the Southeas.tedy 'corner of said Lot 1; 'thence along s'aid Northe.asterly·line·,'North 2:4°59'uO" West, 150.00 fe~t to a' iirre ·which bears: Nort1:~ 65°32'40" East, ,from t-he TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; . thence SQ11th' 65°"32'401f. Wes t, 213'.57 ·feet· ·to the TRUE pOnjT' OF BEGINNING. '. . PARC.EL 2:' That portion' of Lot "I", of R.ancho Agua ,Hedionda, in the Gity o.f C~rlspad, ,County o~ ,San Diego, Stat~ of California,accord;i.ng to Map thereof J:i(o. 82"3 filed in ~h~. Off:i,s:e,',of t;h;.'"Cop.nty R£?corder' o·~ ~an Diego County November 16, 1896, descr;i.bed as foll.ows: . Beginning at' the' mo'stEasterly corner of· Lot 4 in B10ck"F" of B·ellavis.ta according to Map' there0f No. 2152 filed .in the Office 'of th~ County Re~order of San Di,e,go Co~nty ~arch. 7 ~ f929.; thenc,e ~long the Northeast'e):'ly pro10nga- .tion of the Southeaste·rly line of s~id L,ot-4, .Nor.th 43°51'33" East, 3:64.00. feet to a point herein designatea. as Point "xl'I; thence<I;'lot.th 45°52'1.0" West, 1308.37 feet 1;:0 the most Northerly c.orner· of Lot 1 in said Blqck ".~" 'of 13e11avi~ta; thence Southerly along the East~rly houndary of said B):oc·k "F" to the Point o.f Beginning. EXGEPTING "4herefrom that portion lying Southeas.ter1y of a 1:1.11e d~scribed' as follows: Connnencing at the 'most Easterly' corner oI' said Lot '1 .in Block "F" o,f Bel1a- .vista,; .thenc·e alon:g ·the Northeasterly . line of sa~d Lot 1, North "2'4 °59' 00" 'West, 59.67 f.eet 'to the TRUE P()INT OF BEGINNING;, thence North67~'Q6' 00" East, 289.95 feet· to a line which bears North 45°52'10" .West .from said Point . ·"X". . .' ~ ~ Page 1 cif,2 • AMENPED DR:FBD 4-29-77 F-S56396 E-12375 S-S62899 E-12495 " •• •••• ., ALSO EXCEPT1NG th~refrom that po.rtion lying No.rtnwesterly. of.a lil;l.e· described as fo.llo.ws: . Co.mmencing at the mo.st· East~rly ~o.rner .o.f, said Lo.t·, 1 in'Blo.ck "F" of Be11a- vista; th_enc~ along the No.rth~as,ter1y.liIie o.f said Lo.t 1, Nqrth 2q,OS9':OO'" West, 233.44, fe~t to. an angle po.int inth~ So.utheaste~ly·qo.undary o.f land described in q.eed t~ Everett·N. :HarWo.od, Inc., reco.rded January 24, 1%9' , as. File No.'. 14348; thence alo.ng said So.utheasterly bo.undary ·No.rth46 °01,' SO" East, 183.85 feet to.'a line'which'bep:~s No.rth·4SoS2'10" West from said . Po.int "X" ~ , , " Page 2 o.f 2