HomeMy WebLinkAboutMS 309; B R & O LOT 152 LA COSTA SOUTH #1; Engineering Applicationr" ' . I! _', 'l;" ~ ... c' . .. • . . •• ,~ CITY OF CARLSBAD e' '. , APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF.A TENTATJVE PARCEL MAP FOR A MINOR SUBIDIVISION OF.lAND-eINIO 4 OR LESS PARC,ElS} . AS PROV 10 ED FOR rN CHA PlER 20.24 Or. THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE FILII~G FEE: $175.'00 ,FILING FEERECE,IPT NO. MINOR SUBDIVISION NO. Ms o ACCOUNT NO: 1-22 ----- TO THE'CITY ENGINEER OF 'TH£ CITY OF CARLSBAD: ,( for off i ce ,use)--- , -/ -. OAT E : '. 3/31/77 L Request 'is hereby made for approval bf Tentative·Parcei t~ap .of.Minor 0" I .' .1:]1 Subdivision No . ...,--___ '-:;-consisting of gross acres, having "f lots,' being a proposed subdivi sion of land for· . property described as : 'j I iot,152 of La Costa-South Unit No.1, in the CountY,of S~n Diego, State of ---:;---,-- California, according to map 'thereof No. 6117: . Fired in the Of;e1ce of CO'l,lnty , . '~ecorder of San Diego County, June 3,1968 •. -----~----~~~------------------~,-----------~----~.,---- '. .MAY 11.1977 . .cn:'t 01;' CARLSBAD .- , .' -generally located' ,orr the North-, --(~N=o~r~t~h-,-=?-o-u~t~h-,-=E-a-s-t-,~W~e-s-t~)------~~-~---- between side of Sevil14.-Way '( Name of St ree't) and ~~~(7N~a-n1~e-'-o~f~S~t~r-e-e-t~)~~--~--- ._ ---r(-:-:N-a-m-e-' -o~f-S=' -t-rc-c--'t) ,A5SESSOl\S PARCEL NO. Book ·Page 'Parcel 216 190. . 46 TYPE OF SUBD 1 V I S ION Residenti~l-:-' €on90minium , , " .. lResidcntiol, Commel'cial, Inclustriol) Are .the existing or proposed parcels or lots in this minor subdivision subject to other discretion~ry approvnl (fbr example, a varioficc or con- dItional' use, permit)? '. Yes~ . No _.x,""-' _-__ _ .. " . t- .l ~' l ~ . ,. 'i , ' '. -~' '. 'e' . , " " " , . . , PRESENT ZONE -' I ' theunders igned state that : ,I am ' the (I,-We) , (I am, We are) ,Owner ' , , of the pr.operty described herein and hereby ',(Owner,,70wne.r?J.,(Auti:rorized Agent) , " give' rb.'y' authorization to the fil'ing of this proposed tract (Ny, Our)' map. I/am' aware of. and have had an' opportunity to read ( I am, 'vIe are)" , Title 20 (Subdivision OfdinanGe) of th~ Carlsba~ ~unicip~l Code. , .' .... Name :' Ozzie· Ch'itj,ian, a married man as his sole and se,parate pr.oper" ., (Typed ~Pri.nted .a~~~corded, Deed)' , Slgnatu~~y..,. ~~ . ~/-7~:p-:::.~!.::::-~£....'~---~,---"----,,'-------- Name 0ZZIE CHITJIAN" , (Typed or 'Printed as 'shown 01) Recorded D~eed) Signa_tur~~~ ___ ~ __ ~~ ____ ~ __________ ~~ _______ ~~ ____ ~_ Name " --("'Typed or Printed as shol,tJn on Recorded Deed) . ' ,S i gna tu re_--:-________________________ ---,~-------.;._~- Name " , (Typed or ~rinted as shown on Recorded Deed) Signature ______________ ---~----~~----_-----------~--~-- Name and Address of Subdivfder: 'Name, address and phone numb"er of Engi neer 'or Licensed, Land Surveyor: No. .. . . --'-' .' "" . . ..• :. ~ . . ," , :, ~.' , " " , " ", ., f. I :t . ;. SAFE CO TITLE INSURANCE CO}fPANY AMENDED r>RELIMINARY SUBDIVISION REPORT No.' S-595644 Dated: October 16, 1978 Subdivision: Parcel Map' as of 7:30 A.M. For the benefit of the County of, SClu Diego, any City within which the subdivision is located, the Subd'ivider and the Subdivider's Registered Civil Engineer or Licensed Land Surveyor. A preliminary examination of those public records which, under the recording laws, impart constructive notice of matters affecting ,the title to the land included with.in the exterior boundary shown on a map 'of the above referenced subdivision rece:i.ved on September 19, 1977 by SAFECO Title Insurance Company, here.in called the Company, disctos~s that, at the date hereof, the' only parties having any~ record title ,\ interest in said land whose signatures are nece$sary, under the requirements' of the Subdivision Map Act, on the map of said subdivision to be filed wi th the County Reco·rder of s·aid County are set forth in Schedule A. . This report is' furnished as an accommodation, f9r the sole purpose of preliminary planning and f<;lcilitating the compliance with requirements ,J necessary for the issuance of a Subdivision Guarantee.. It is under$tood that the Company's liability is solely that expressed in such Guarant.ee, and th~t no liability separate from or other than the Company's liability under said Guarantee is assumed by this Report, except that if; no Guarantee .is issued' under this Order the amount paid for this .Report shall be the maximum liability of .the Company. PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION REPORT P,..286 (G.S •. ) SAFECO TITLE INSURANCE COMP.NY ..... ~\~~~ BY~~~~I_GHA~RD~~A~.~PR~f:L~L~iI~PP~PP~-;V~t7~ e Officer ,. -- ~ .. ...".. .. ~"",~ .. S A, F E C 0 'T I T L E ! N SUR A N C ~ COM. P'A N Y PRELr:MINARY SUBDIVIS:rON REPORT-SCHEDULE A No. Dated: S-565644 October 16, i978 as of 7=30 A.M. Subdivis'ion: . Parcel M.;tp The' map hereinbe.fore 1;"eferr~d to is a proposed subdivisi.on of:. Lot No. 152 o£ La Costa South Unit. No.1, in the City of Carlsbad, County of, San -Diego, State of California, according to Map there'of No. 6117, filed, in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, . June 3, 1968. The parti('!s'he're-inbefor~ referred to are: VESTING: ROSS C. CERRA, an unmarried man, as to an undivided 1/2 interest and OZZIE CHITJIAN, a m~rr~ed man gS his. sole and separate property as to an- undivided 1/2 interest. EXCEPTlONS,: ." 1. General and special district taxes, a lien not yet payable', fo'r the fiscal year 1978-79. la. Deiinguent County and 'City taxes' for' the fiscal year 19.72 and subsequent delinquencies. An estimate has been ordered to determine the. amount neGessary to redeem~ 2. Covenants, conditions and r~str ict :ions' as contained in Declaration of Restrictions, recorded June 3; 1968 as File No. 92491 and re-recorded July 1, 1968 as File No. 1106-66 and in inst;r:ument declaring a modification thereof, rec'orded March 26, 1969 as File l'fo. 52717. Said instrument provides ·that a violation ther~of shall not defeat lior render invalid the lien of any mortgage or deed of trust made in good faith and for value. ',," " 8-565644 Page 2 ,e Said instrument does not include restric'tion upon the sale or occupancy of said land -on the basis of race, color or creed. Setback lines as set forth in said Declaratioll of Restrictions. • ., SAFECO TITLE INS'URANCE COMPANY Preli'minary' Subdivision Repo'rt No. S-565644 Dated: June 22, 1977 Subdivision: Parcel Mfl.p as of 7:30 A.M. For the benefit of the County of San Diego , ally'City within whieh the subdivision is locatcd, thc Subdivider and the Subdivider's Registered' Civil Engineer or U· eC,nsed L.und Surveyor. A 'preliminary exumination of Iho:;<' puhlic rc(,ords whkh, under thc rc('oi'din~ laws, impart ('ons[ructive not-iec of mallers affe('lill~ the title ,to Ihc land included \vithin the extel-i'oi· l~oulHlary :;hown on a map of the above referenced gubdi\'j"ioll rcc'civcd 011 , hy SAFECO Title Insurance Com: pan)", llcrein ('ulled thc Compuny. disc:losc::-that, at the d ale hereof, the only parLie:'; ha\'ing .any record, titlc inter" , est in ~aid land \\'110':'<' "i~naturcs are ncec,;«aTY, wldcr thc rcq,uirements of the Subdi~'ision ,1\1ap Act, 011 the map of said subdiyi"ion to he filed with the Coullty Hecorder of said County ares~t .forth in Schedule A. , This report is furnished as an u<.'commotlation, for tIre sole, IHIl'},H)S,e 'of preliminary ,planning and facilitHtin~ the ~'()mpliHn('e wilh re<Iuirements necessary for the issuance of ~, Suhdh'ision Guaran- ice. It is undt'rslood Ihal lilt' Company's Iiahility is solely that expressed in such Gliarantee, and tlUll no Ihlhilit)' i;t"IHu'alt' frolll 01' other than the Company's liahililY under s~lid Guarantee is as- sumed hy this RepOl·t, eX('ept that if no Guarantee is issued under thilii Orde'" the amount IHlid' for this Heport shall 1)(' the IIIaximuJll Ihlhility of the Company. PRELIMInARY SUBDIVrSJOII REPORT P·286 (G. S) SAFECO TITLE INSURANCE ·COMPANY ) . CHARLES SMITH/BILL SCHUFFERT .' I,)' ..................................... , ..................................................... . TiLle Officer I' l .. ~ f I, • • \ ' SAFE COT I T LEI N SU RAN C E COM PAN Y No. Dated: PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION BEFORT-SCHEDULE A S-565644 , Subdivision: June 22, 1977 as of 7:30 A.M. Parcel Map The p}ap hereinbefore referred to is a propO.sed subdivision of: Lot No. 152 of La Costa South Unit No.1, in the City of Carlsbad" County of San Diego, State of California, according to Map thereof No. 6117, filed in the Office of the County Rec6rdet of San Diego County, June 3, 1968. The parties hereinbefore ref~Ired to are: VESTING: ROSS C. CERRA, an unmarried man as to an undivided 1/2 interept; and OZZIE CHITJIAN, a married'man as his sole and separate property as to an ~ndivided 1/2 interest. EXCEPTIONS: 1. County, City and special district taxep, alien not yet payable, for the fiscal year 1977-78. lao Delinquent County and City taxes for t.he fiscal year ],972 and subsequent delinquencies. An estimate has been ordered to determine the amount necessary to redeem. 2~· Covenants, conditions and restrictions as contained in Declaration of Restrictions, recorded June 3, 1968 as File No. 92491 and re-recorded July 1, 1968 as File No. '110666 and in instrument declaring a modification thereof, recorded March 26, 1969 as File No. 52717. .' Said instrume~t provides that a violation thereof shall not defeat nor re~der invalid the lien of any mortgage or deed of trust made in good faith and for value. 1 ___ .... ~_,.. .......... ~ S-565644 Page 2 • • Said instrument does not include restriction upon the sale or occupancy of said land on the basis of race, color or creed, Setback lines as set forth in said Declaration of Restrictions. 3. A deed of trust dated December 1, 1968 to secure an indebtedness ot $15,300.00 and any other 'amounts payable. under the terms,' thereof recorq.ed· December 31, 1968 as File No. 228471. ' Trustor: ROBERT I. PETERS .AND LELA S.' PETERS, husband and w:i,fe, as j oint tenants Tr-qstee: TITLE INSURANCE' AND TRUST COMPANY, a California corporation Beneficiary: LA COSTA LAND COMPANY, an Illinois corporation The beneficial i~terest under said deed of. trust ~as assigned. of record by mesne assignments of record to The Trustees of Central Sta;tes, Southeast and Southwest Areas Pension Fund. 4. A deed of trust dated August 22, 1972 to secure an indebtedness of $9,181.99 and any other amounts payable under the terms, the~eof recorded September 21, 1972 as File No. 2520~1. Trustor: ROSS C. CERRA, an unmarried man, and OZZIE CHITJIAN, a Trustee: BeneficiarY: married man TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY, a California corporation ROBERT I. PETERS AND LELA s. PETERS, husband l:J,nq. wife . 5. The effect of an instrtllllent dated October 15, 1973 executed by R. C. Cerra Jr., an unmarried man to Ozzie Chitjian, a marr:i,ed man, purporting to quitclaim an undivided 1/2 interest, recorded September 21, 1972 as FileNo. 252039. This company is unable to determine if R. C. Cerra Jr. who executed said quitclaim deed is one and the same as above vestee Ross C. Cerra. . , pi ,,0 o::r-~\'l-~ SCAt..E. J\ 4 , • "This plat is for your aid in locating your land with reference to streets and other parcels. While this plat is believep to be correct, the Company assumes no liability for any loss occurring by reason of reliance the-reon." LA COSTA-SOUTH UNIT NO.1 SJ.l~&r :Z~/$~/f; /48 I'IlJ!!I"'18'.37"W '"50' 147 142 • 1'18!J°18'37"W N~I8'37"W /Gtt;.50' 125.00' 5 c: 146 ~ ... a 143 ~I ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ 125,00' N8'!)O/8'37"W j! ~ ... H~'·'8'.37"W-IGG50' ~ i ~ lh .8 144 145 :ii ; ~ f1 r • II.) Fee $50.00 No. Dated: S-565644 October 16, 1978 SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE Subdivision: Patce1 Map as of 7:30' A.M. 'SAFECO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY a corporation GUARANTEES . The Oounty of San Diego and any City within which said subdivision is located. in a sum not exceeding, $1,000.00 that, according to. those public . records which under th~ recording laws, impart constructive notice of matters affecting the title to the land included Within the exterio.r boundary shown on the map of th~ above referenced subdivision, the only parties having anY'record title interest in said land whose signatures are necessary, under the requirements of the Subdivision .Map Act, on the certificates consenting to the record'<;ltion of said map and offering for .. . dedication any streets, :r;oads, avenues and other easements offered for dedicati~:m .by said map are as set forth in Scheau1e A. BRUCE' M. JONES ." An Authorized Signature . SUBD I\1IS ION GUARANTEE CLTA Guarangee Form No.' 14 P--35 (G. S .• ) Rev •. 3-'j 5 w. H. LITTLE President --..-- S A F E COT I T LEI N SUR A N C E COM PAN Y No. Dated: SUBDlVISION GUARANTEE-SCHEDULE A S-565644 Subd.iviSion:. October 16, ~978 as of 7:30 A.M. Pa-rc:;el Map The map hereinbefore referred to ·is a sub.division of: . Lot No. 152 of La Costa South Unit No.1, in the City of Carlsbad; . County of S~n Diego, State of California, according to Map thereof No .• 6117, file.d in the Of:l;ice of the County ·Recorder of San Diego County,. June 3, 1968 • . The parties hereinbefore referred to are: OWNER: ROSS C. CERRA, an unmarried man, as to au undivided 1/2 ,interest and OZZIE CHITJIAN, a married man~ a'S' his sole and separate property, as to an ·undivi.ded 1,/2 interest.' .. ~ . ,"-.. ~-......... '-'.' .... ~ .... ~~..: ... -. ' .... • SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE Fee $50.00 No. Dated: S-565644 October 16, 1978 Sub d'iv is ion: Parcel Map as of 7:30 A.M. SAFECO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY a corporation GUARANTEES The County' of San Diego and any City within which said subdivision is located in a sum not exceeding $1,000.00 that, according to those public records which under the recording laws, impart constructive notice of matters affecting the title to the land included within the exterior boundary. shown on the map of the above refe,rencedsubdiyis.iou, the only parties having any record tit1~ :4tterest in said land whose signatures are necessary, under the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act, qn the certificates consenting to the recordation of said map and offering for dedication any streets-, roads, avenues and other easeIIlents offered fo.r dedication by ,said map are' as set forth in Schedule A •. BRUCE ~. .:rO~S Secretary ~- An Authorized Signature SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE CLTA Guarangee Form No. 14 P-35 (G.S.) Rev. 3-75 W. H. LITTLE • S A F E COT I T LEI N SUR A N C E COM PA N Y No. Dated: SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE-SCHEDULE A S-565644 Subdivision: OctQber 16, 1978 as of 7:30 A.M. Par.cel Map The map hereinbefore referred to is a subdivision of: Lot No. 152 of La Costa South Unit No. i, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to Map the~eof No. 6117, filed in the Offi~e of the County Recorder of San biego~Couilty, June 3, 1968. The parties hereinbefore referred to are: OWNER: RQSS C. CERRA, an unmarried man, as to an undivided 1/2 interest and OZZIE CH;ITJIAN, a married mqil, as his s01$ and separate property, as to an uild~vided 1/2 interest.