HomeMy WebLinkAboutMS 325; LA COSTA MEADOWS UNIT 1 - LOT 170; Engineering Application" --'. ." i· .. · '. " ... - . ,-\, ... ~ ~:..." .. t • o ' e".' .. :, oj. • .. -·f rry 'OF CARLSBAD "" h<ok 0 " -:.. ,.. . '." ....... -:. ." . ~. . , A PPLI CAT ION FOR APPROVA-f:. OF A TENTAT I VE PARCEL MA P • 0 fOR A MI,NOR SUBIDIVISION OF LAND-(INTO' 4 OR LESS PARCELS) ~S PROVIDED FOR IN CHAPTER" 20 0 24 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE fiLING FEE: $175.00 '~/dJ~A," FILING FEE RECEIPT NO. ~, ~~ ACCOUNT NO. 1-22 ------..:~ MINOR SUBD IVIS ION NO. MS 'Sz,> '. (for office use) TO THE CITY ENG I NEER OF THE' CITY OF CARLSBAD: , • t . " . DA T E __ $_",* ___ z-_~_7,,-7_7_ ....... ,_*1...o' ' ___ .. • " I.. Request is hereby made for approval of Tentative Parcel Map of Minor Subdivision No. _~_---:;-consisting of ,'24 gross acres, having 1ots, b~,i~g ~ propo~~d subdivision of lahd for property described as (Exa~t Legal Description) . ' Being Lot 170 of La Costa Meadows Unit No. I, Map No. 6800, fi led in the Office of the , County Recorder', Gounty o~;:San Diego, state of CaoLiforr.lia. " generally located on the -TN~op~;t~h~~~~ __ ~ ____ ~~~ __ ~ ____ ~ ____ __ (North, South,Ea~t, West) between Luciernaga Place :' "',:, S ide of Luciernaga street • ',-D:'iaru.e of St reet) " and . (-Ga-raElfiEedJl; i Je (Name of Street), (Nam~ of Street) A$S ES S ORS PA R C E L NO. -=--_21--:5_--=:_2_7 _--.::;--3_5 --r-------"- , c.)ok Page Pa rce I TYPE OF SUBDIVISION Residential --T(~R-e-s~id~e-n~)t~ia~l~,~C~o-m-m-e-r-c~i-a'l-,~1~n~d-u-st~r~ia-l~)r--------- Are the existing or proposed parcels or lots in this minor subdivision subject to other discretionary approval (for example, a variance or con- ditional use permit)? Yes _ No. x .. _. o • • . , , " " ,." , .' '0 " .... : . ~ " ~. . ,,' -. . .' . ,. •.. ...l.-. ".. . PP.ES-ENT zom; • . . , . :6. :.::: :,: . .•. ... .. • -R-2 I ' the unde rs i gned s ta t e t ha t 1 am '. (I., We) , • . Authori·zed· Agent· of the property d~scribed . ( Owner, Ovmers) (Author i zed Agent) . (.I am ,~'e are) herein and hereby the give, my authorization to the. filing of this proposed tract . (My, Ou r) .map_ 1 am aware of and have had 'an opportunity to read . '( I am, ~I e a re ) Title 20 (Subdivision Ordinance) of the Carlsbad Mu~icipal~Code. Deed) Name~~~ __ ~ __ ~~~~~ ____ ~ _______ ~ ______ ~~~~r-" _______ ~ _________ ~ ___ Typed as shown on Recqrded Deed' Signature. __ ~ ___________________________________________ ~ __ ~ __________ ~ __ ~~ __ __ Name . ~~{~T~y-p-e-d~o---r-=P-r~i-n~t-e-d~a~s--s-h~o~'v~/-n--o-n~R~e-c-o-r-d~e-d~~D-e-e'd~)---------------~------- Signaturc ____ ~ _______________ ~ __ ~-----------------------~-------------------- Name· : ~·--~(~T~y-p-e-d~o-r~P~r-~in-t-e-d~a--s--s~h-ow--n--o-n~R-e-c-6-r-d~e-d~D~e-e-d~)--------------------~-- Signa~ure, __________ ~ _____________________________ ~~ __________________ ~~ __ .. Name and Address of Subdivfder: ,-. I I " " Frank H. Ayres & Son Const. Co, .20951 Brookhurst st., Drawer 'A', Hunti ngton Beach, CA 9'2l348 Name, address and phone number of Engineer or Lice~s~d Land Surveyor: No. 13782 John M. Leach for VTN San Diego 4845 Ronson Cou r't, San Diego, CA 921 1 1 . :. .... .. . :' . .' • .. ' • .. .' . " . " . ~~ . . . '. " . ,.;.: ..... ... :;..;: ..... .. ' . . ' ' .. .' . . . ..... , .' . .. .. , . , , , . . .' f .. ... .: . . • t .~, • , . . . . " . ' . • 'A' . , .' ., ' . . .. . ' r. .... LI . .". J A ! } e - , " \ I , 4 \ LA C()STA -,MEAD()WS stt St'tt1 ,",0." \ 1~'0 o .z:: ~.... . co ~~&., ":0 ~ 00 . -. '0 ~ t!::;.-~.,} o x 7a' E "/..c.: U~uE~~g • Cf> en u.J • 0 1Ji._ u 0 ~.-..... 2: "~ !i,E 0 ~ 0.. 0.0]>- :::l ~ 'tl'.~ ~ ~ V,) ii;-;; 3 --2 u (!) u L1J -C • co ~ :::€glc i= 00:;::;<: 2: C5 ffi9 ~­<:Cr-f r-r-f iQ-.t ~ >.U)O~ Cl>GJ"'-'(i CU)"'£ ::! g ru (1)1..:. c m::!>'3 0.. r:: <: .... ro.!: o (!) Q." c::gEa. .~ ~ 8 ~ en Q) Q' t- O Z t-... ... .:z: VI ... ... VI ~\?:­"',""-" \'-D .. ,0;. ~~ , , ';<- \ II"'''''' ",- //r!3 {<.1800· :Et·~ t I-a::;:; 1\" _ .0"'. ,,'~ <! ~ ",:;;,,,:00' q,' (,' -----.",~, • 9'!P . 'big" .. f-----'- ,,' , "" ',.~/ }J,GA t \ I. ,/ t .~--: .,,-. ~ ~ ,.'-;. ,'__ ,/.O,O~ /' . "C-_-';:;'5 ". y-~.~' //1/ //---~ ~ i ~ " ~ IP ..... 1,,1 \\'1 11 " a F,,....! Anlt>rlC'an ,;"/2 TIfft> Company of' San DH~!l.O - .. ,' IV" ST~t:I:T • 5 ... N>DII:OO C"'I.I"'O .. "" ... bACOS1i\ S"'I\I DIt.GO U c ... I.,"'O ..... , ... UNITN(11 L: 79.11' ~ ~~C\94 % <I) .... a.i~C) \'S! L1'd,"t/5bo' • L:/330-9I' '" ',- ,q,/470' r ;'},:.rosoo" L· 78.1/' 95 ~ ~: ~ ~ I ~ ;:!. Cl m: ~ ~:<:) '\ "1:1' ~Ii~ ,,~'~ 9& "l~~ ~,~~ t\. ,. tl,1\; ~~ ..1-?J:Z.4J;q:::..-------. ----i--___ ~~S,S9' --;:;:?;;-09·.3(.... . ----- ROAD 230 /116S'/S':58'c 94,37 E!5E! c~28 ,!YSS"'0930'e SEE SHEET NO. IS E'a& -; , \ MAP NO. 6800 SHEE~ 12 OF 17 SHEETS SEE· SHEET NO. II /55_49' '" ~ lr.i -" ~, 'I' ~ ~rf) 1:\1 "i ' . ., .--.. 10 '.:to _ "J 1.) III l.') l\, C) <\J ~ }.. lj) ~ Q) Forn, , !~9 (4/15) CL TA <;l!bdivlslon Guarantee Form No. 14 • "'. SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE SUBDIVISION: PARCEL HAP ORDER NO. 754443-15 LA COSTA MEA1)OWS UNIT NO. ,1 $ 50.00 FEE First American Title Insurance Company a corporation, GUARANTEES The County of San Die-go and any City within which said subdivision is 'located in a sum not exceeding $1000.00. That, according to those public records which, under the recordIng laws, impart constructive notice of matters affecting the title to the land included within the exterior boundary shown on the map of the above referenced' subdivision, the only parties having any record title interest in said 'land whose signatures are necessary, under the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act, on the Gertificates· consenting to the recordation of said map and offering for dedication any streets, roads, avenues and other easements offered for dedication by said'map are:, 1. FRANK H. AYRES & SON CONSTRUCTION COHPANY, a California Gorporation~ as Record Owner. The map hereinbefore referred to is a subdivision of,: Lot 170 of LA COSTA MEADOWS UNIT NO.1, in the City of Carlsbad, County ·of San Diego, State ofCa1iforrtia, according to Map thereof No. 6800, filed :in the GUice of the Coun ty Recorder of San Diego Coun ty; December 9, 1·970. Dated: December 27', 1977 First American Title Insurance Company BY PRESIDENT BY ~ ~·Q""'''''~:'A,"STANT SECRETAOY RON BEARSKIN