HomeMy WebLinkAboutMS 359; LA COSTA MEADOWS UNIT 2 - LOT 346; Engineering Application.• f '.... ". . . • f,rfY OF CARLSBAD a':: .. ' " ,:,: ','. .' .. --'-" .... . ' A PPL I CA T I ON FOR A P'PROVA-t.: OF A "r-ENTA T I V E PARt EL MA P . ' - fOR A MINOR SUBIDIVISION OF LAND-ClNTU4 OR LESS PARCELS) {\S PROV IDEO FOR IN CHA PTER-20.24 OF THE CARLSBAD M.UN I C I PAL CODE 'flLING F~E: $175.00 ' FILING FEE RECEIPT NO. Zl L 2-MINOR SUBD IVIS ION' NO. Ms3S-1' (for office use) . ACCOUNT NO. 1-22 ' DATE ,-/-2 -77 TO THE CITY ENG I NEER OF THE,- CITY OF CARLSBAD: " .' I., Request is hereby made 'for approval of Tentat ive Parcel Map 'of Minor Subdivision No. _-,--_--;-' consisting of ,.,31 gross acres, having L lots, being a proposed subdivision of land for property d~scribed as ~ (Exa~t Legal Description) . BejnQ Lot 346 of La Cost? Meadows Un,it No.2. Map No. 6905. fi led in the O{fice of the' County Reaorder, County of San Diego, State of CcH i 'forl'l i a. : generally located on the _.~s~ouwt~h~,~~~ __ ~~ __ ~~~ ______ ~ ____ ~ __ (North, South, East, West) :'::".:, side of Cebu Place, between Corintia Street (Nam~ of Street) . . (Name of Street) 'and . L\Jd;'iernaga street . (Name of Street), ASSESSORS PARCEL NO. ~2~15~' __ ~~3~2 __ ~'~,2=5 __ ~ ______ _ , c.)ok Pa ge Pa rce 1 TYPE OF SUBDIVISION ~Re~s~id~e~n~t~ia~I~, ~~~ ____ ~~~~~ __ ~~~ ______ ~ __ ( Res i de n t i a '1, C omm e r cia 1, I n d u 5 t ria I ) , Are the existing or proposed parcels or lots in this minor subdivision i subject to other discretionary approval (for example, a variance or con~ d I tiona 1 use pe rm it) ? Yes ____ No x 7~ /4~':~ ?F/' '3 --:-/-? p' . . " " . ,'"= ,> ... ~ .. . " .. ~ . , • " , , . • :. . . R-2 • . ',.,~:,,::' . , .. ... • P~£~ENT ZONE , 1 • ... J I i We) the undersigned state that I am . . (.I am, vie are) herein and hereby .' Authori.zed'Agent' of the property d~scribed , ( Owner, Owners) (Author i zed Agent) the give my authorization to the,filing of this proposed tract (l1y I Ou r) map. 1 am . "aware of and have had 'an opportunity to read . . 11 am, vie are) , .. Title 20 (Subdivision Ordinance) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Deed) Name, '~~(~T~y-p-e-d~o--r-=P-r~i-n-t-e-d~a-s--s~h~o-w--n--o-n~R~e-c-o-r-d~e-d~~D~e-e~d~)-------------------~--- Signature . .-.-____________________________________________________________ ~~---- 'Name (Typed or Printed as shown on Recorded Deed) S i gnatu re Name, : (Ty.ped or Printed as shown on Recorded Deed) Signature Name and Address of S~bdivrder: '. , " .' Frank H. Ayres & Son Const. Co • . 20951 Bf-ookhurst st" Drawer I A I, Hunti'ngton Beach, CA 9'2048 Name, address and phone number of Engineer or Lice~s~d Land SurveY9T:' No. 13782 . : ' .... o '. , . John M. Leach for VTN San Diego 4845 Ronson Court, San Otego, CA 92111, -." ,0' o : • : " • .. .' ; . ' " '0 0' ,.,;.:. •• 0 .. .. ' . . ' ," ....... :" . . . ~., . .'.' . : . , , o , o " ... -" . f , . . f 0 .. .. . . " 0, 0' " " , . , eo r. .... ", J 0.;'1 :;~{:t:~.: ... ~. '~." '. :,?::~~~':'".~~~.r.-~-...... ~""<,-.~~:.:--,",,,":"'.-;.,, __ .. _ •.•• _.~ __ ~ ..... ~~.~-"":'~''"<''':'''''''''''''''''''~~''''''''''--~''' " .t>' , __ . f,L_; .... ."._,..,...: .. ,', ,",., t . e e .. ~{f..,.:.;-.;;~. . ',',',. ..... --,~ "-"i i ... ,~ ..:~.. ~ ,..,.; f;";>'~}.;,.-:;:t,· .: .... , ~ . ... : 1 "., .. I \. " , .... '" ~t·1 .... ~.J. ,/' 6i1 \' . r t ! • . ~ 'I' .. ~~.~, ! ;-;: }! . ..:'.:~< '~" . " ,·1 \: :;.~ ~ ,:' ,,,. ", . ~ . i ~.,,: t).() 1 :1 III fft· , ... ~ , . ~(\t. :., . ,j , '. .. rj. ., , .. . .{ ,'il o' J . ~ : ! v, :-1 ,'.- "~ I : ~ 266. 6iJ .,' ......,. ), ~J .. , ~ ~ .. i:'i t~ ~ " " 295 \ ~ ~ '-$-~ , 4 ,-. , . fiRST AMERICAN Tim INSURANCE COMPANi I; , ~ , . , " 411 Ivy p,o, Box 808 r " ',' .' '. . . San Diego, Calif, 92112 .,// (:, G~~ Th;, ;, 00' , ,omy 0; 'he I."'''. but;, fUm;,hed fei L= ~ .. J. C. , R~ference j"UifJo"r~s Only, No IIdbility is assul,ned by : .", . '~-. " • '. thiS COrnpqflY CIS to" the accuracy of SUch oata or ; : -:"''''''''s.~ DI eGO COU~T!:'ASS~~S~~ ::::: ~~ .~ I ~H ~~ ,32 ,.;. _,C : _ '"';'.!~ ::::.: __ --'"_ < __ 'H< ': '" ~ ........ A~..,_ .• ,lo •• ~.~ ... :;.4:~_ .... ~ .................... ~._~~ " ,. "'lib l " t', , D,i~;r-. fl,i '/ , ~Jr .. MAP 699 5 \, LA COSTA MEADOWS UNIT NO.2 f' . ~ _~ __ -' .... _ .. ....!<.~ .-. •• _-.,." .. r ....... * .... :!<',::" ... > .. , -:, ".~ e":':' ................ ";' •• 4 345 215-32, ....... -.~--~ CHANGES /9 -/~7 " , ....~III III~ I~ ~ ~C) 1'\\ .. 3'62 0.5,3 AC. 0.1 ~/ ~23 2.15 BLK I~~I . 318 .® OLD -;; z. 4-~ 0.63 AC. LOTS 267-284,296-310. 318. 319. 346~361 NEW YR CUT 1-.31 7;7 <'f~: ,524"1' 7:3 3467 . EiP. 31lU .:3''\.7 " r I I ; ., I .j 1 i • 1 \ ' "1 I i :i I 'j j I i I i ! I " I l" . . 1 i J I t .f J • j '. t, Fa" 1 1 , 1 (4/75) CL TA SUbdivision Guarantee Form ~~. },4 ••.• t ~ .; " . SUBDIVISlor\l CUARANTEE SUBDIVISION: PARCEL NAP ORDER NO. 754484-15 LA COSTA I-lliADOWS UNIT NO. 2 FEE; $ 50. 00 First American Title Insurance Company a' c9rporation, GUARANTEES The County of San -Dieg.o and any' City within which said subdivision is located in a sum no.t exceeding $1000.00. That. accor.ding to those publio records which, under the recording laws, impart constructive notice of matters affecting -the title to the land included within the exterior boundary shown on the map of the above referenced subdivision. the only parties having any record title interest in said land whose signatures are necessary" under the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act, on'the certificates consenting to the recordation of said map and 6ffer.ing for dedication any streets, roads, avenues and other easements, offered for dedication by said map are: 1. FRANK H. AYRES & SON CONSTRUCTION CONPANY, a California corporation, as Record Owner. The map herein~fore referred to is a subdivision of: Lot _ 346_ of LA COSTA HEADOHS UNIT NO.2, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to Map thereof N.o. 6905, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, ,April, 21,. 1971. Dated: December 27; 1977 First American Title insurance Company BY PRESIDENT BY ~ ~~SS'STANT sec RET MY RON BEARSKIN